Grand slam!
The Astros won in spectacular fashion last night. Sadly, they’re not gaining any ground on the Rangers, who are playing all the bums in the AL right now. But there’s still time. Barstool and Penn have gone their separate ways so now Barstool can go back to shitposting and ESPN can get in on the sports book game. And the EPL is opening up their season in a couple days and I think it will be a good one. And that’s it for sports.
Yawn. YAAAAAAAWWWWWWNNNNNNN. Whatever you’re trying to sell, people ain’t buying it. Besides, it’s not even election season yet.
Doesn’t this guy know what state he’s in? He’s acting like laws and public safety matter. And that’s just not how it’s done in the golden state.
“The Deadliest Catch: Florida style.” I wonder if all of it made its way to the station.

It’s a mystery!
Yeah, no shit. Of course we’re likely to never know who it officially is, but I think we all know who it was. But laws are for little people, so nothing will be done.
Is the crash coming? This doesn’t bode well.

On second thought…
Uhhh, save it? It’s fucking destroying it, you idiots.
This shouldn’t be surprising. It is MAGA Country, after all.
Why am I just now hearing about this? The misuses of authority, both in what happened and in the investigation, are hilarious.
How convenient. This seems to happen to her every time a corruption investigation gets going. She needs to face the hearings or resign.
Here’s an underrated band. Such lovely melodies. And here’s another beauty. Enjoy them both.
And enjoy this lovely Wednesday, dear friends.
Go fuck yourself.
…tweaks that enable them to bind more tightly to cells…
“Tweaks” – I’m sure completely natural and not engineered at all.
Right?! Are they just rubbing our nose in it at this point?
$170k to wear brown uniforms? Fuck.
I’m skeptical. Drivers, both OTR and local package, were only making close to $145k if picking up extra work and as a total all in including benefits not take home.
Even so, 170k, including the benefits is crazy good for the skills involved.
I done messed up going to college geeze.
Minimum wage should be $80/hour.
Minimum wage can never be greater than $0
There’s a new coronavirus variant
Coronavirus is a family of viruses. There is always a new one and always will be because they mutate constantly. It still amazes me that this fearmongering bullshit works. Everyone seems to have lost their layman’s understanding of cold and flu in 2020.
It only “works” on the bastards who live in perpetual fear and/or want to use it as a means to an end. And that “end” is controlling elections and how people live their lives.
I’m still seeing people wearing paper masks in public. 🙁
So am I. They’re generally below the nose, or filthy enough that they’re going to cause more issues than they prevent. Make me wonder if these people just keep wearing the same pair of underwear every day.
“My pants aren’t covered in shit and piss yet, so this pair is still good!”
Ironically since moving to Deutschland I have yet to see a single person in a mask. Not one.
They’re letting you know they are stupid and irrational.
There are lots of people in my neighborhood with east Asian roots. They all wore masks during the winter in the Before Times—now they all wear masks year-round.
I see the most masks in the university town nearby, and Portland.
And the money that flows with these “emergencies”.
A bag of cocaine found in the West Wing last month reportedly may have belonged to someone in the “Biden family orbit” — and the president allegedly knows who it is.
Everyone knows it’s Hunter.
I thought the scoop said it was not Hunter. My money is on Finn
If you were or had to associate w/ the Bidens wouldn’t you be coked/drunked/doped/etc. up?
I think I know what happened.
That’s more along the Florida story.
Not saying other people aren’t using, but only one of them has a history of leaving incriminating evidence laying around.
Whoever it was, they were fiendishly clever — they managed to remove all prints and microtraces of DNA from the baggie!
And also hack the records of who had the key to that locker.
And also erased all of the video surveillance!
So you’re saying the coke belongs to the master hacker 4chan? Makes sense.
Moody’s cuts credit ratings of ten US banks and warns six more could face a similar fate – but firm insists ‘US banking system is NOT broken’
So you are saying that the US banking system is broken.
*Withdraws money from bank and stuffs it in mattress*
Once Jim Cramer weighs in, we will know the situation is the exact opposite of what he says.
His silence is making me nervous.
Day 10 in a row of work. All in effort to knowledge dump.
This morning was adaptation day, cable pulling and facility wiring and administrative stuff.
Then off to Kentucky…hopefully…if Spirit can pull their shit together.
if Spirit can pull their shit together
You will not make it to Kentucky.
It’s gonna be different this time…. reaches for hot stove…
Please tell me that’s a mis-print. The article is pay-blocked.
I have to imaging this is the salary and benefits total (salary, insurance, 401K match). If not I need to consider a change in careers.
I can’t even walk and I’d consider it.
Can’t see either but it’s all benefits included..so probably 100k salary?
Same shit when we’d get our benefit readouts in the military….E-5 your equivalent in private sector is 105K/year but monetary was more like 50K
And many/most drivers are working OT every day.
Luxury accommodations. The finest chili mac. Instructor-led gym classes. World travel. Civilians would pay top dollar.
You see, the difference is I am not required to follow orders and am allowed to just walk away.
/Civilian Privilege.
“This is pretty sweet. Free clothing. Look at this stuff. Chicks in New York paying top dollar for this garbage.”
-John Winger (E-1)
Winger sucks, dude.
I don’t think I’ve ever crunched my “benefit” numbers, but I am pretty damn sure it doesn’t come close to $70,000 a year. WTF?
Yahoo is saying $50k in benefits. Still a lot and I don’t know how they get there. Employers do eat a lot in health insurance costs that you never see because if you did, you might not want health insurance through your employer.
Wonder if they are also including employer portion of payroll taxes.
Ah good catch. I had an old employer do that to me, received a standard raise but on the statement they provided they included payroll taxes to make it look more generous.
That’s still what their cost of employment is, and you do get a benefit from it (theoretically, assuming SocSec is still around when you retire in more or less its current form).
Anyway… it’s nuts.
I do not understand how a UPS driver gets to be in the top, what, 5%?
From knowing some people who made that climb, it requires several years of absolute shit work of loading trucks as a regular (not seasonal) employee to even be considered for the driver role. Of course, that’s due to the union…
LOL silly me, I just assumed they loaded their own trucks.
It’s been decades since I was in a union – I forgot how they operate.
I unloaded the brown trucks for a while back in the day. So, the deliveries get loaded overnight/early morning, the driver makes pick ups during they day while they are out delivering and do load that themselves (some routes occasionally got a helper). I unloaded whatever they brought in from like 4-8pm. And, yeah, what Neph said, you had to work for years in the warehouse to get a driving gig. Almost all the warehouse gigs (at least at that time, assume it’s still the same) were part time.
ALWAYS, which is total bullshit.
It depends on if they’re talking the cost to the company (things like FICA and SS tax matching), or if they’re talking benefits to the employee (401k match, vacation, health care). The employer paid health care costs are usually fairly hefty (as evidenced by the COBRA applications I received the past several times I shifted positions). If they’re talking about the employee benefits, they’re also probably including all the garbage “benefits” that are rarely used (insurance discounts, 3% off Dell, 5% off some gym, etc).
Last time I did COBRA it was like $600 a month. Which means the company was eating less than $500 a month – not all that much.
Just started digging through mine. 2018 was over $600/month, most recent job change (back in March) I believe was over $800/month for COBRA. I’m also on the single plan, instead of the family plan. I would guess that the calculations used for the article are based on a family of 4.
From the article (my adblock and noscript allowed it to load without a paywall):
Yahoo, but readable.
So at the end of the deal they’ll be making 104k/yr to drive a truck. Plus some pretty nice benefits (guessing a large past of the additional 70k is pension and healthcare)
My bit was better.
Holy sh*t Trump just bodied Chris Christie
“No Christie’s eating right now”
“Sir please don’t call him a Fat Pig — that’s very disrespectful”
And Christie reposted it !
Looks like we’re headed straight for a return to vigilante justice and feuding paramilitaries.
Except the authorities will only punish one side.
Where was the judge in all this?
Counting their bribe money.
Jury verdict is what I read.
A judge should still control the lawyer. Anything even close to threatening a jury is way beyond the pale in a courtroom.
The judge even admitted that the jurors were afraid of being doxxed and then went ahead with the deliberations.
Quick question: in cases like this, can a jury not be placed behind a two-way mirror for their own safety? Or is that a violation of someone’s rights?
Violates Antifa’s right to intimidate them.
Seems to me the jury cannot be impartial if it is subject to intimidation, which I thought was a crime.
Maxine Walters smiles in Minnesota.
Conservatives should be armed at all times now and shoot for center of mass.
Ask Daniel Perry how well that works.
Like I said, only one side gets punished by the authorities.
So you might as well shoot.
I’m sure you’d get convicted but in the current three tiered justice system a conservative can expect nothing better at this point.
Strangers on a Train.
2 to center mass and 1 to the cabeza.
African style, I see.
Resistance in this country has never been peaceful
More proof that the left gets to do whatever they want and if the right gets a bit rowdy it’s ZOMG TERRORISM.
I believe the Post Millennial writer covering the trial had her car trashed outside the courthouse and was openly threatened by people in the courtroom as well, with no consequences for their actions.
We’re entering dangerous times in those cities. My advice is for all sane people to leave them immediately.
I am guessing the judge is scared shitless, also.
…I got nuthin’.
“Burrows also told jurrors that she “will remember each one of their faces.”
That would get her sanctioned and reported to the bar if it happened in my court. It would also result in me dismissing the jury and ruling from the bench. Guess which way I’d rule.
Yeah, I don’t get how she wasn’t immediately sanctioned by the judge for that. The lawyer said that she’s quitting after this, and that this would be her last case, but she should be disbarred regardless.
“…will remember each one of their faces.”
That works both ways, sister. Bless your heart.
The wife made the comment that we are entering sectarian warfare right now, and used Portland as an example. At first I was thinking that this is nothing like Northern Ireland, but the more I think about it, the more I think she is correct. Right now the conservatives are acting like the UDF (protestants) while the Facists are taking the place of the IRA. Not in a specifically political way, but rather the points on the timeline. The Prots were deeply disorganized and really didn’t come around (for certain values of coming around) until a few years into the Troubles. And I am afraid that is what is going to happen, at which point it is going to get REAL ugly.
Well, the left is certainly trying desperately to *make* this happen. They want it. They need it…. they control the levers of power. Pushback from the right against leftist violence gives them cover for violations of rights on a massive scale. They have been claiming the need to do so for years, but have fallen just shy of having enough political cover. Any *actual* violence from the right would absolutely alter that balance. With cover from the media propaganda machine, they certainly would be able to push things beyond the point of no return before the centrists back out.
No pay wall:
“After contract negotiations this summer, full-time drivers for UPS saw their salaries boosted from $145,000 to $170,000 annually including benefits, according to data shared by the shipping company on a recent call. ”
Still not too shabby.
I love how they celebrate people making $145k getting a big raise as a win for the middle class and then say people who say they are struggling on $100k should stop complaining.
Apparently engineering was the wrong line of work for me.
See also: software development.
And yeah, despite Joe’s inflation, $145,000 a year is still already “upper middle class”.
We are in the stage of a big project where half the people are “Hair on Fire” and half the people are “Remain Calm”. In another week everyone’s hair will be on fire.
Thinking I could work for UPS and have nice calm days seems really, really enticing now.
Yeah. They pay better than I get now too. And lots more exercise.
You have to work your way up. As I understand it, their drivers start in the warehouse and on the loading dock.
I don’t know how long it takes, but my wife has a friend who is hoping to get a driver job soon… she has been at UPS for 2 years.
Say it takes 3 years to get to the driver job. 3 years of paid apprenticeship to get to a journeyman job at a solid 6 figure wage seems really appealing. Certainly easier to get and easier money that jobs that pay less….. nursing, entry level lawyer, etc.
But that level of pay surely means this job description is not long for this world. It is already an automation target, and if they are trying to eliminate minimum wage jobs at McDonald’s using robotic burger flippers, surely they will go after these 6 figure jobs with robotic deliverymen.
see unions work
How does UPS compete against the non-union delivery drivers?
better internal processes, better software, more qualified staff
Barrier to entry. UPS and FedEx and the USPS are the only nation-wide, any address delivery firms, AFAIK. To compete, you have to go all in, with a national network to all corners. DHL competes, but only for corporate, city-to-city type stuff.
I suppose Amazon is perfectly positioned to offer a competing service. They go to every address, I think. And they surely aren’t paying their drivers anything approaching this contract.
It’s just a problem of messaging.
CNN’s Jake Tapper: “I feel like I’ve been noting this for three years — President Biden is out there heralding such and such, and the American people disapprove overwhelmingly! Three years in, we’re still having this conversation!”
The right-wing media cabal is preventing the people from learning how amazing Uncle Joe’s economy is.
Those fascist fuckers need to stop looking at their grocery bills and fuel costs and start believing in the bounty bestowed by Uncle Joe!!
I hope they keep it up. “You people are too stupid to realize how good you have it” is a great way to get votes.
They’ll just have to “fortify” a little harder.
Fortification Junction what’s your function?
cooking up votes and stopping all recounts?
They just haven’t found the right propaganda trigger. I suspect arresting a bunch of GOP politicians and then their donors will do the trick.
I suspect that this snarky response is more prescient than snarky.
Golden Brown reminds me strongly of The Holliies, tracks like Bus Stop, not Long Cool Woman.
Love today’s 🎵
Big favorites.
Yeah, the Stranglers have always been at the top of the list, ever since I first heard Peaches.
When state officials sue state officials, do they disappear up each other’s asses?
On a serious note the losers here are taxpayers. This could be a new grift.
On second thought…
I have a package for her.
Your actual constitutional rights remain only 0.01% away, thanks to baby-killing fanatics.
Ohioans defeat Issue 1!
Buckeye voters today sent a powerful message by rejecting a brazen effort by extremists in the state legislature to undermine citizen-initiated amendments.
Already there’s rumblings that Issue 1 will be back on the ballot “soon”.
Any state constitutional amendment should require more than a simple majority. Direct democracy is the mob.
“Consent of the governed” my ass.
Feature, not bug.
Some people like mob rule as long as they think they can control the mob.
Mrs Prole and I were talking to my mother in law yesterday while driving. She lives in Ohio, and of course voted against the notion that more than 50.0001% of the voters ought to agree before changing fundamental rights. My mild objections about how this could go wrong fell on deaf ears.
One is left to wonder if this was “discovered” to put a dent in Newsom’s perfectly coiffed hair.
We know this because we’re responsible for it.
You could say the same about every US military intervention.
I’ll put money on it that the US will fund and arm al Qaeda to stage attacks in Niger now.
Just like they did in Yemen.
Niger sounds just as stable as the Ukraine after the coup we arranged.
So Wagner is like Victoria Nuland.
Wait, I though Wagner was the good guy, after that “coup” in Russia?
Al Queda are the good guys now? Because they are attacking the guys who don’t want to be a French colony?
Texas woman injured after hawk drops snake on her
A Texas woman was attacked by a hawk and a snake at the same time after the bird – which eats snakes – accidentally dropped the wriggling serpent on her.
Peggy Jones, 64, was mowing her lawn last month when a passing hawk dropped a snake on her before swooping down to angrily try to reclaim its meal.
The snake wrapped itself around her arm and began striking her face as the bird sunk its talons deep into her flesh.
Texas is soft. A Florida would have bitten the hawks head off.
That’s quite unlucky.
That’s some The Tower level shit right there.
Also known as “Tuesday” in Australia.
How does the BBC get that story?
“The Deadliest Catch: Florida style.” I wonder if all of it made its way to the station.
I assume the 70 pounds that were reported all made it.
Cop 1: I can’t believe we found 70 pounds of cocaine
Cop 2: yeah, 50 pounds is a lot.
Cop three at ours conference: officers discovered a record breaking 10 pounds of cocaine today
At evidence locker: here are those 5 pounds of cocaine
Couldn’t find the sketch…
Evidence officer: Here is your receipt for 1 pound of cocaine.
The entire federal apparatus is one huge grift.
Collecting the money and not really caring for 80,000 kids sounds easier.
At least Bender Rodriquez actually started caring for his charges.
Only federal?
Lana Del Rey: a great American poet
She began her career as a conventional, if self-aware, pop star. Her recent records are the work of a singer-songwriter laureate.
has anyone listened and can confirm?
The UPS contract discussion made me look at the recently ratified contract from my union.
Apparently, we are trying to bankrupt the state. Aside from the highest set of raises I’ve ever seen (three years of 3%), the restructuring of nonpensionable payments and added one-time payments multiplied across the membership is brutally expensive. I’ve never previously been eligable for any of those nonpensionable payments, now I would be.
I’m guessing there will be some tax hikes coming up to deal with the ongoing budget shortfalls from chasing the productive classes out of the state.
They may as well try to pass an exit tax like CA did. That might be the only way they can increase revenues without getting too much pushback from the people who can’t, or don’t want to, escape.
I’m waiting for at least one city/state to float the idea of government employees not paying taxes, and having it be pitched as a cost saving move. “If these city/state worker’s didn’t have to pay local taxes, that would save us money as they would just get the %x% percent in their checks, and we wouldn’t have to process it.”
And would stimulate the economy with a multiplier effect.
/Not a Nobel Prize Winner
Megan Rapinoe Gets New Job With Galactic Empire Training Stormtroopers To Shoot
“…would upend the lives of many homeless people.” Hahahahahaha. They’re lives are so on track now. Enforcing camping bans will throw them in turmoil.
I’m so sick of these articles that treat homelessness like the problem, and not simply a symptom. Affordable housing is not the answer to severe addiction and mental illness. Putting a bum in a house isn’t going to magically transform him into a responsible and productive citizen.
It’s the usual 0th order thinking.
Observation: People with a college degree earn more.
Conclusion: Heavily incentivize and subsidize college.
Observation: Homeowners are more financially stable.
Conclusion: Heavily incentivize and subsidize college.
And on and on… Sometimes people seem incapable of correctly identifying cause and effect and in fact often seem to invert them at a rate higher than random chance. I’m sure there’s some evolutionary explanation of how human beings behave and that it doesn’t scale well to large modern societies. And it doesn’t hurt that the ‘conclusion’ phase often involves lots of opportunity for grift and amassing power.
People tend to see causation on this issue to be whatever specifically benefits them financially while spinning their own gain as the humane solution. In the end it works out to be neither a solution nor humane.
Want to bet $1?
The report also found that a growing number of 401(k) participants are initiating withdrawals from their plans. The number of participants taking hardship distributions increased 36% year-over-year, following increases in Q11 this year. In addition, the percent of participants borrowing from their workplace plan in Q2 also increased (2.5%, up from 1.9% in Q1).
‘following increases in Q11 this year. ‘
It’s been a long year.
I’m assuming that’s a footnote that didn’t survive the cut and paste. But yeah – it has been a long quarter.
10 slow living hobbies that lean into a calmer rhythm
The best slow living hobbies are ones that are done intentionally
They missed drinking wine while staring at the ceiling
Is that really a Hobby? I thought it was more of a lifestyle.
All of those other hobbies are lifestyle too. All the things are lifestyle!
Nope, that would render the word meaningless.
Where is that avatar from? I’ve seen it elsewhere.
You know who else liked to paint?
My guns identify as air horns.
Amid a surge in crime in Oakland, California, police have advised residents to use air horns to alert neighbors to intruders and add security bars to their doors and windows.
A .357 makes an excellent air horn.
Nothing says California style like making your house look like a jail.
Oakland, Johannesburg, whichever.
It makes it feel more like Central America to the immigrants. It’s a welcoming action.
So, build walls around your house with Broken Glass imbedded in the top?
Daily Ray of Sunshine
Every father has had those moments but some kids take longer to grow up. Teenagers and teenage is hell.
I’m still waiting for my Corvette, my Dad didn’t give me one, I’m waiting on my kids to surprise me.
Hope it’s an automatic though, I like being shiftless
IOW you intend to let the Dems to continue doing whatever they please with no repercussions.
“I said two years ago, when we had not one but two impeachments, that once we go down this path it incentivizes the other side to do the same thing,” McConnell said.
“Impeachment ought to be rare,” he added. “This is not good for the country.”
That horse left the barn years ago. This whole “We should follow decorum and hope the Dems follow our example” is a loser.
That right there is why the Dems feel safe doing whatever the fuck they want because they know the GOPe will never have the stones to respond in kind.
Fucking pathetic losers.
And when they rarely do (see: No filibusters for SCOTUS nominees anymore) the left is comically aghast and appalled.
In McConnell’s case it has nothing to do having stones. He supports the regime as it is.
Yup, it’s Globetrotters and Generals.
It’s like watching Biff knock on George McFly’s head, and George saying “Now, Biff…”
if openly taking bribes is not impeachment-worthy, and *asking* about someone taking bribes *is* impeachment-worthy…. just exactly where are we?
Impeachment ought to be rare
Disagree…I can come up with a reason to impreach every President, with the possible exception of William Henry Harrison.
Look harder, Ham Sandwich.
Kids these days are lame. I got my kid a laptop for college yesterday and she hasn’t even opened the box. I’d have had that thing booted up in the car.
Take it back. “Since you’re not using it”
I think I was in my 30’s before I had a “new” computer. And I’ve been doing software stuff since I was 25 or so.
I remember how excited I was to go through the whole setup process. It was a Sony Vaio.
I have passed on the knowledge and joy of going through BIOS settings and then Windows settings with Teen#1. He now has secured (as much as one can in Windows) all his friends computers.
Ok she’s next to me trying it out right now. I’m jealous. My work computer is an HP, this is a newer HP 2 in 1 laptop and it’s sweet.
I had a new computer once. Then the daughter came along. Now it’s used PCs for me.
Thats how my wife is. I get a package in the mail, and, even in my 50s, I am tearing that open. She will let it sit for a few days, “Oh, I know what is in there.”
I just do not get it.
The girlfriend doesn’t even track packages. So I’ll randomly find boxes/packages on doors to my house and have to ask how long it was there.
I have a Temu (craft supplies) order coming today. It’s like fucking Christmas Eve in my office, watching for the mailman to come around at … 3p. Just in case he’s early.
When we got married, I got a new computer delivered while I was at work. It was my husband’s day off. When I got home, it was all set up and running and he was so proud he could do something for me. I have very rarely been that pissed at him.
It sounds like he meant well.
He did, but he was also itching to get his hands on it. He pretty much learned not to mess with my computers/computer-adjacent problems unless I specifically asked for help. He assumed I was not as tech savvy as I really am.
Go easy. He probably just wanted to play with the new toys (and help his honey).
I’ll give you the bog-standard advice. Guys are dumb. Like, a lot dumber than you think.
There. That’s it.
How does that apply? Well, you have a layered interpretation that ends with “he assumed I was not as tech savvy as I really am”, implying a level of disrespect conveyed by his actions.
Yeah… guys arent’ that smart.
No, really. We are way, way more linear than that.
rather than “Hey, my wife can’t properly set this up, let me do it for her”, it is far more likely that he went “Ooooh! Shiny new toy! I bet she’ll be so happy if I have it all set up and ready when she gets back!”.
Thinking forward and backward is asking a lot for a dude. Thinking forward and backward and sussing out an implied disrespect? Yeah… .i mean… possible? But really? Dudes ain’t that smart.
Arrest everyone that ever advised Bad Orange Man.
“Well, I think that the odds of seeing this superseding indictment in the January 6th case against Donald Trump are low. And, that’s because it’s clear that the prosecution wants that to go to trial, and they want a trial date, and they want it to be before the election rr even before the Republican nomination. But, what we could see is to your point, the co-conspirators, I think it’s highly likely that some, if not all, will be indicted. In fact, in a separate case.”
Satire a Casualty as Arab Nations Clamp Down on Free Speech
These guys are good.
It has published sardonic stories about a joint Saudi-Turkish “counter-journalism agreement,” a British-French team of crocodiles patrolling the English Channel looking for migrant boats, and an Israeli offer to help the Syrian government bomb Syrian cities.
But it was AlHudood’s coverage earlier this summer of a royal wedding that seemed to be the final straw in Jordan. It published a series of stories pillorying Jordan’s royal family for spending so much on the wedding when millions in the country struggle with poverty.
There was a time when one could draw a distinction between this and the US media landscape.
According to this:
Their “Simon” is made by letting some apple juice sit around until wild yeast established itself, then bottling. I was expecting it to be tart to the point of unpleasantness, like a lambic, but it’s really good.
So now I am wondering “how the fuck does anyone make BAD cider if this exists?” The obvious answer is that whatever yeasts live around that particular cidery are more suitable than in other places. I am really looking forward to the “First Edition,” which is a ridiculously complicated multi-step, multi-fruit, multi-yeast process.
There is a reason regular production dropped the randomness of wild yeast for cultivated strains once we isolated the yeasties.
What I find interesting is that some yeasts seem to eat sugars, but don’t eat the flavor compounds. The Simon definitely tastes of apples. But the yeasts that Argus (in Austin) uses completely changes the flavor of the final product to the point where if you didn’t know it was cider you’d think it was wine.
When I was about 12, we bought two 1 gallon jugs of apple cider at an apple festival in the Appalachian mountains near Gatlinburg. They were repurposed milk jugs with a hole melted in the top with a small nail. One was bubbling out of that hole all the way home. They had sat out for who knows how long at the festival, and then sat in a hot car for hours after we bought it.
After a couple of hours on the way home, I got thirsty and poured some in a cup. It was fizzy. The little bubbles tingled. I had a few cups. Delicious! And I got my first buzz. Still the best alcohol high I ever experienced.
As Shakespear said in Richard II “Be there no yeast that has no touch of pity.” “But I am no yeast, and therefor have none.”
Tart, indeed.
There’s a lot to be said about the local biome when it comes to spontaneous fermentation. There are people out there harvesting wild yeast from near fruit trees/plants and then testing them to see if there’s any viable strains. Same as the people who are trying to harvest remnants from ancient pottery and the like.
Some yeast history that I am sure Neph knows, but I think might be interesting to some others of you, but I am responding to Neph because it leads into a question for him…
So, lager yeast is a hybrid yeast between ale yeast and another yeast. For a long time it was unknown where the other yeast was from. It was discovered about 20ish years ago in South America, apparently it hitched a ride on some spanish galleons to europe from which it travelled to Germany where it finally created the hybrid, which started being used in the early 1800s.
The question…do you know if anyone has managed to make any interesting beers from the SA yeast alone? I was wondering if you are aware of any attempts. Surely someone has done it.
None that pop to mind immediately. I know that most of South/Central American brewing tradition was brought over by the Germans, but I recall reading some stories in the before times about locally owned breweries going back to traditions popping up through South/Central America which would be my first guess for who would go that route. The other issue is that over 200 years, that original yeast would have mutated quite a bit (one of the reasons I dislike the “brewed with 2000 year old yeast” on historical ales).
So, no Chicha?
Dogfish Head made a chicha. They had employees chewing grain all day long while working at their desks.
AFAIK, there is no brewing tradition with that SA yeast. It was found in sugar balls growing on trees. It wasn’t used in chicha, for example.
We’re so cool that a black transgender city council person is about to get voted out of office for not being progressive enough.
She seems to really believe that “her” superficial characteristics should make any criticism off-limits.
What a sick society we have become.
Takes two to tango: It wasn’t just because I, a white journalist, was asking a blunt question
The journalo is just as bad when it comes to factoring in superficial characteristics.
“…fighting for equality…” always looks like someone trying to put out a grease fire with water.
Democratic Party dogma is just evidence based policy.
Republicans show again because they’re not a party, they are a dime store front for a terrorist organization at this point called MAGA, you basically see that the Republicans over and over and over again snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. …
I wish more people would turn out in general elections and get rid of the legislatures that do this, but this is another example of an organization that’s no longer a party and operates more like a cult and a religious cult than an actual representation of policy preferences of the people.
The Progjection is strong.
Impartial purveyor of justice.
Not only did Chutkan decide against scheduling the hearing for when Trump’s attorneys could both be there, she did so after asking them when they were available. Why bother asking, then?
If the Biden administration is looking to at least even just pretend that Trump is getting a fair trial, they are doing a pretty poor job. Legal analysts from across the political spectrum have raised concerns that Trump cannot get a fair trial in the District of Columbia, or with this judge, and it would seem that that’s the narrative the DOJ is looking to promote.
Drumpf should feel lucky that he is even allowed legal council.
Look at how many charges they’ve brought against him. Do they do that to innocent people? Of course not.
No mention that none of them have held water.
But Trump is the bad guy…
I wish more people would turn out in general elections and get rid of the legislatures that do this, but this is another example of an organization that’s no longer a party and operates more like a cult and a religious cult than an actual representation of policy preferences of the people.
But what if the voters vote for the wrong cult?
‘I Didn’t Kill My Wife!’ — An Oral History of ‘The Fugitive’
There was no finished script or even an ending and a key cast member became fatally ill during the production. Three decades after the release of the landmark Hollywood thriller, the cast and crew look back at the film’s chaotic creation and reflect on the legacy of the instant classic that almost fell apart
When Gene Siskel and Roger Ebert sat down at the end of 1993 to pick their 10 favorite movies of the year, they largely selected prestige, Oscar-bait films like The Piano, The Age of Innocence, The Joy Luck Club, and Schindler’s List. They skipped nearly all of the big multiplex hits of the year, including Jurassic Park, Sleepless in Seattle, and Mrs. Doubtfire, making an exception only for The Fugitive. It’s an honor they didn’t give to Die Hard in 1988, The Terminator in 1984, Aliens in 1986, or many other great action movies of the VHS era.
Film Critics are Movie Snobs, more at 11.
UPS drivers make 170K per year? You gotta be fucking kidding me, I mean holy shit!
From the yahoo link:
Prior to the new deal, the company said drivers earned about $95,000 in pay annually on average or about $42 an hour, and another $50,000 in benefits.
Show me the man, I’ll invent the crime.
In a closed-door interview on Monday with Bernard Kerik, investigators asked multiple questions about the Save America PAC’s enormous fundraising haul in the weeks between Election Day and the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol, according to Kerik’s lawyer, Tim Parlatore, who was present for the interview and shared details with POLITICO.
“It’s a laser focus from Election Day to Jan. 6,” Parlatore said.
The special counsel has long been thought to be scrutinizing whether Trump or his PAC violated federal laws by raising money off claims of voter fraud they knew were false. Last week’s indictment of Trump, on charges that he conspired to overturn the results of the 2020 election, did not include any allegations of financial crime.
So, fundraising off of bullshit is now a crime?
That 170k isn’t all cash compensation, but they still do okay.
That’s still way more than I make all-in. Way more. And I am a white collar professional. Clearly I need to get in on some grift.
Wow. Political fundraising off of “false” claims is now a federal felony? They’ll have to build a whole new courthouse, and prison, just for that.
Joe Biden will be arrested for continually claiming that Trump called the Nazis in Charlottesville “good people”?
Biden’s pronouncements are Truth by definition you heathen.
Now this is some solid irony.
it’s like 10,000 accelerators when all you need is a brake.
No, you are a right-wing domestic terrorist that needs to be sent to camp.
Poll watcher from 2020 Michigan.
It’s completely normal that in 20h time period the counted duplicate ballots were casted ONLY for one candidate, which happened to be Biden.
It’s completely normal for poll workers to change challenged ballots to a straight Democrat ticket by filling up the ballots by themselves.
It’s completely normal to add votes from the same batch multiple times.
It’s completely normal to have poll center boarded up and not allowing GOP poll watches back in.
If you say that all looks like an election fraud you are conspiracy theorist.
We need to put a stop to First Ladies doing anything other than vacuuming the White House.
The initiative got $200M from the FCC. I’m sure that will be mostly eaten up just covering the costs of these meetings and setting up the internal organization for this effort.
Because obviously, the best approach to security is to put all your data into the cloud.
Because obviously, the best approach to security is to put all your data
into the cloudon to someone else’s computer.No matter how much you spend on school security, you are doomed to fail. Not when you have employees who will send $500K to a different back account when a random email asks them to.
Those emails come through all the damn time.
How much of an effing moron do you have to be to follow through?
So they are basically admitting that their employees are such utter morons that they have to be kept under constant supervision.
“Sharon, I see you typing on your keyboard. What are you doing?”
Wait, wait…I found the most retarded covid take imaginable.
Civilization should come with a warning.
Religious fanatics come in many forms.
He compares himself to a SOIAF character. But of course he does.
I doubt covid is the only thing he controls about her. This seems like a win for her.
Best reply
Matt Walsh
Thank you for sharing your story. So many members of my family aren’t taking COVID seriously. My wife won’t wear a mask so I abandoned her on a desert island in the Pacific. The kids don’t understand because they are also COVID deniers.
Didn’t “woke” originate as a self-descriptor by the sjw set? As in, “awakened” to the cruel oppression and indelible racism of American culture?
Yes. The first time I heard it was a viral video of some kid crying and reading a poem about “I am woke”. It was all white guilt, and it was just the beginning.
Yes. More specifically the racial justice faction. But then the White Devils stole it, like they stole everything else.
It’s unfair how all of the terms the left/progressive/liberal/woke/socialists/communists/etc select (or steal) for themselves always get used against them. It shows how insidious and evil the other guys are.
Retarded warmonger hot takes.
Presuming those weapons systems will actually be a game changer that wins Ukraine the war maybe but they won’t and that guy knows that of course.
The only way to avoid escalation is to escalate. This is known.
War is Peace! Freedom is slavery!
Parse this sentence.
You know if they would have asked this crazy person to do a pregnancy test before the operation they would have screamed bloody murder about not having their life choices respected.
Now every dude is going to have to piss on a stick before they can get a vasectomy just to appease the trans mob.
” Brand Biden and the troubling transfers: Newly released bank records show how $20M poured into crack addict Hunter’s shell company from corrupt oligarchs in Russia, Kazakhstan, & Ukraine while Joe was VP”
Nothing to see here.
Yet Biden will still somehow get 82 million votes in the next election.
We have to concentrate on Bad Orange Man, who is bad and orange and a danger to Democracy.
There could be an actual gun, with smoke coming out of the barrel, and they’d still say “There’s no smoking gun”.
There was an actual non-smoking gun.
And in “News to Nobody” category
History lesson
That AP Psychology has even been caught in the crosshairs of the “Don’t Say Gay” law may surprise many Florida parents. When the controversial legislation, officially titled the Parental Rights in Education Act, was first proposed in 2022, it only pertained to classroom instruction for students in kindergarten through third grade.
That narrow designation helped inoculate the bill against much of the criticism directed at it. What normal person would think discussions of sexuality were appropriate for second graders, the bill’s defenders liked to dramatically ask. “It’s basically saying for our younger students, do you really want them being taught about sex?” Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis contended, a rationale that struck some Americans, no matter their politics, as reasonable.
Yet critics recognized that Florida’s restrictive legislation wasn’t really intended for only its youngest students. Instead, as some educators and LGBTQ activists contended, it was the opening wedge of a broader assault on LGBTQ rights and public education in the state.
In April, that plan became clearer when the Florida State Board of Education expanded its ban on instruction about sexual orientation and gender identity through the 12th grade. The bill sold to Florida voters as a sensible measure to ensure kindergartners wouldn’t hear about sex in the classroom would now prevent high school seniors from being able to learn about the psychobiological basis of human sexuality — and possibly also from earning college credit for such coursework.
Those darn Republicans, always expanding the scope of government power.
Kids need to stop wasting time with that math shit and learn to eat ass properly
““Don’t Say Gay” law”
So. Fucking. Tiring.
The swimsuits were certainly thinn
NAGA, please.
“In terms of changing the name Redskins, the Native American community was never asked how they felt about it,” [NAGA’s President of Global Impact Campaigns, Healy] Baumgardner said. “Once again, we are met by closed doors and no open dialogue with the Commanders leadership or the executives.”
In its three-page letter, NAGA cites lawsuits, polls and general sentiment supporting their argument that Native Americans do not find “Redskin” to be a derogatory term. To close its message, the organization punctuated its meeting invitation by threatening to push for a boycott if their requests continued to go unheard.
Should we need to encourage a national boycott similar to what happened with Anheuser Busch which is now down $27 billion (note, not one brick thrown, not one highway blocked, not one bridge burned) – WE WILL DO JUST THAT,” the letter reads.
You will think what white, leftist Karens want you to think and you will like it.
Most thinking people understand that naming sports teams after American Indians is not an insult but rather an homage to their warrior culture.
/sheds a single tear looking at Jacobs Field
As far as I understand it the term Redskin originated among Native Americans as a catchall/self identifier to distinguish themselves from whites and wasn’t perceived as a derogatory word until fairly recently and even then only by a few native activists and clueless white progressives.
native activists
AIM = Assholes In Moccasins
Was told that by an Ojibwe classmate back in the ’80s.
As I’ve mentioned, when Miami U of OH’s teams were “Redskins,” the U had good relations with the Miami tribe. Some lucky guy was always named “Chief Miami” and learned authentic tribal dances from the Miamis, then performed them in authentic costume at games.
Now they’re the Redhawks. Just another damn bird mascot. 😒
No no no Indians were totally against the name Redskins, I saw a panel of gen-u-ine Indians on Jon Stewart who looked very upset about it.
I am so disappointed in the ignorance of public school teachers. She really should know that only wypipo can be racists.
Daily Quordle 562
#waffle565 4/5
🔥 streak: 179
🏆 #wafflemaster
Daily Quordle 562
#waffle565 4/5
🔥 streak: 181
🏆 #wafflemaster
Uncle Tony, of the eponymous garage, shares a few thoughts on EVs
It’s so cute when he says, “Let the people choose.”
It’s his life.
He’s attempting to run away from his political problems, but he’s not so little.
“In terms of changing the name Redskins, the Native American community was never asked how they felt about it,” [NAGA’s President of Global Impact Campaigns, Healy] Baumgardner said. “Once again, we are met by closed doors and no open dialogue with the Commanders leadership or the executives.”
Who cares what they think about being erased from the culture?
Land-O-Lakes approves of this message.
The decision to change the logo by keeping the land and removing the Indian truly was priceless.
That’s the spirit!..
(Whatever happened to “Leonardo”, anyway?)
That’s a better deal than my credit card company offers me.
How long before the IRS climbs up their ass and makes them “prove” that they reported all their revenue?
Inland Revenue, so not a domestic problem. (Where is Limey, anyway?)
There is a very good restaurant in Ft Collins that is cash only. They claim (I assume truthfully) that they donate the saved credit card fees to charity.
Cue circus calliope
A court-ordered muzzle could be imminent for Trump, after the current GOP front-runner appeared to declare that he’s “coming after” those he views as responsible for his myriad legal challenges. Prosecutors brought the comments to a judge’s attention last week, calling for Trump to be ordered to keep any evidence prosecutors turn over to his defense team away from public view.
But Trump said Tuesday that he didn’t care, calling the charges against him “bullshit” and accusing President Joe Biden of “weaponizing” the Justice Department to take out a political rival.
“They don’t want me to speak about a rigged election. They don’t want me to speak about it. Whereas I have freedom of speech, First Amendment,” Trump said. Biden, Trump claimed, is “forcing me nevertheless to spend time and money away from the campaign trial in order to fight bogus, made-up accusations and charges.”
“I’m sorry I won’t be able to go to Iowa today, I won’t be able to go to New Hampshire today because I’m sitting in a courtroom on bullshit,” Trump said to the crowd, eliciting cheers and chants of “bullshit.”
Bread and circus world.
Are you not entertained?
Eh, I’m more into strippers than gladiators.
Will the Republicans join in the fun and try to remove him from ballots as soon as the Dems get him into a cell?
*checks star charts*
There are some questioning how this would prevent Trump from winning, and here’s the answer. By tying up his resources with these trials, and now imposing a gag order, they’re hoping to torpedo his campaign. Ironic, though, because Biden won while hiding in a basement and avoiding saying anything.
Yeah, I think there is literally nothing they can do to stop him short of execution for treason.
And having the press carry water for him nonstop while supported by all legacy media and universities not named Hillsdale.
Trump should start wearing all black with a mask and claim he’s part of antifa. That way the judge couldn’t rule against any intimidation tactics he might engage in.
Summon the choir- I would preach to them
President Joe Biden is traveling west this week on a mission to ramp up excitement for an agenda that – so far – is yielding little political upside.
The four-day swing, focused on the economy and climate, is part of a broader effort by the White House to better translate Biden’s accomplishments to a populace that remains mostly sour on his record and to spark passion among Democrats, some of whom remain apprehensive about a second Biden term.
Motivating key constituencies – including young voters animated by climate issues – will prove critical for Biden as the 2024 election ramps up. Enthusiasm for Biden among Democrats remains soft, according to polls, even as the party lines up behind his reelection bid.
Stupid plebs, how can they not see the awesome beneficent majesty of the philosopher king Biden?
“Enthusiasm for Biden among Democrats remains soft”
You can spin it this way, but there is no damn way anyone who identifies as a Democrat is going to vote for Trump. His handlers don’t give a shit about votes, they will just fortify the election. This hard turn to the green has always been part of the agenda.
Saw the Barbie movie with Mrs Prole last night – I was surprised how much I enjoyed it. Funny and witty and smart.
All the reviews I’ve seen make it sound awful.
Audience Score: 84% (Verified Ratings)
Critical Drinker and his cohort said it was blatantly anti-men with zero redeeming qualities.
My interpretation is that it is a well crafted movie that you love or hate depending upon whether or not you agree with the message. Sort of like Birth of a Nation. Brilliant movie with a terrible message.
*applies software patch to prolefeed’s brain*
Download the latest talking points already.
XX was despairing. I posted here that she was despairing. @Pat said something profound and I screenshot it and sent it to XX. She got her happy ass to a late-night showing of Barbie immediately, and felt much better. I haven’t seen it yet (I intend to wait until it’s streaming), but it put a spring in my kid’s step, so I’m good. Thank you, @Pat!
Ray of Sunshine – Idiots In Cars version
Despite the frustration from some climate activists, the president’s focus this week is on selling what he has done to usher in historic climate investments.
Speaking in an interview with The Weather Channel taped Tuesday, Biden sought to underscore what steps he’s taken to curb emissions and boost clean energy. But, in a telling signal of the pressure he’s under to do more, Biden also falsely claimed he has already declared a national emergency on the climate crisis.
“I’ve already done that,” Biden said when asked whether he intends to declare a climate emergency. “We’ve conserved more land, we’ve rejoined the Paris Climate Accords, we’ve passed the $368 billion climate control facility. We’re moving. It is the existential threat to humanity.”
While Biden has taken a series of significant legislative and executive steps to combat climate change, he has stopped short of declaring a national emergency, which would unlock sweeping new federal authorities and funds to combat the climate crisis. Climate activists have called on Biden since the earliest days of his presidency to declare a national emergency.
Speaking of existential threats, have you talked to your goons at the State Department lately?
If I were a betting man, I’d put money on declaring a state of emergency for the “climate crisis” to be the next conspiracy theory that comes true.
You already had your training with the convid lockdowns. Speaking of that, if they can’t scare people with the climate bs they will just declare another pandemic. One wonders what bug they will release this time.
From grifters holding out their hands?
The American people have already had a taste of what this hoax is doing to their wallets and I think it’s safe to say they are not applying any pressure to “do more”.
JFC you mean this grift gets even worse than it already is?!
We are so fucking doomed.
“Family arrives at holiday Airbnb to find almost every surface covered with ‘insane’ rules: ‘Is this a museum?’
Most of the rules warned renters against touching fragile property – including a supposedly 10,000-year-old room divider that would ‘break’ if looked at the wrong way.”
Eight thousand years ago, that one guy with a lathe was very popular.
That is not a 10,000 year old object.
In Arizona on Tuesday, Biden designated nearly a million acres near the Grand Canyon as a national monument, protecting them from uranium mining. He’s also touting the manufacturing and jobs gains made under the Inflation Reduction Act, which included a historic $370 billion toward combatting climate change.
Speaking as he made the designation, Biden acknowledged there is “more work ahead” to combat climate change, including wildfires, droughts, and extreme heat. He pointed to what he called “unprecedented” actions toward climate and conservation, including the Inflation Reduction Act and its savings on energy, job creation, and other provisions.
“These are investments in our planet, our people, and America itself,” Biden said of the Inflation Reduction Act, warning that “some MAGA extremists in Congress are trying to undo it all” but that he “won’t let that happen.”
As we all know, a ban on uranium mining is the surest shortest path to unlimited clean energy. As for those MAGA extremists, we are doing everything we can to criminalize political dissent.
MAGA extremists must still be trending in their focus groups.
“A Texas elementary school teacher has been fired after she shared a slew of ‘racist’ posts on social media – including one saying she ‘enjoys being racist’ and another complaining about her sister dating a white man.
The teacher, named as Danielle Allen, 29, lost her job after the Mesquite Independent School District says it became aware of ‘alarming, racist’ remarks she shared on X, formerly known as Twitter.
‘As of this morning, the employee is no longer a part of the Mesquite ISD organization and is not eligible for rehire,’ the school authority said Tuesday.
The school system slammed her for the ‘highly offensive’ posts, which also saw her brag about believing her job was ‘safe’ because she didn’t ‘directly wish harm on ALL white people.’
The educator also allegedly self-described as a ‘Black Supremacist’ on her X profile, however the account has since been removed or deleted.”
She seems nice.
No, she thought her job would be safe because she’s a black woman.
Mesquite TX is outskirts of DFW and very conservative and Spanish. I can’t believe she lasted that long. What a lovely person. At least she publicly identified herself so she could be removed.
Another COVID death.
Dianne Feinstein went to the hospital after a ‘minor fall’ at home, spokesperson says
I’m sure it’s “minor”, but somehow she will be in for a week.
I kinda feel bad for these people. They are horribly corrupt, and have been feeding at the trough of graft for most of their lives… but the level of corruption in our country is so great right now that the hangers-on can wheel this old lady out and use her to keep getting their beaks wet – and not even bother pretending that they are doing anything else.
I weep for her, and for our country. Our president clearly has zero power in the current government…. he basically says as much all the time: “they won’t let me say..” “They told me to say….”
The decline has been astonishing. It isn’t that long ago that Bush was lampooned as being a puppet because people thought his Veep, Dick Cheney, was the true power in the administration.
Now? We have a declining dementia patient as President, and astonishingly nobody would even remotely suggest that his veep is the power behind the throne. Chick talks like a 5th grade C student giving a book report. “The president is a person who leads. The leader of our country is called the president. The president is Joe Biden. Joe Biden leads the country because Joe Biden is the president….”
Someone handed Dan Quayle a card with potato spelled with the arcane (but correct) alternate spelling “potatoe”, and he never recovered. Yet people pretend that this special needs student is a “strong female leader”.
It all is so far beyond what is even plausible, I have a hard time coming up with any justification for it. It almost seems more rational to claim that it isn’t real and is proof that we are living in a simulation.
Even as Biden presides over the largest investment in combating climate change in US history, few Americans say in polls they know much about the law that contains the funding, the Inflation Reduction Act. The Washington Post-UMD poll found 71% of Americans have heard “little” or “nothing at all” about the legislation one year after its enactment.
They should have called it the Pollution Reduction Act. Or maybe the Joe Biden is the Savior of the World Act
“few Americans say in polls they know much about the law that contains the funding”
I’d call that a big win for the Dems, because the more people know where all that money is going, the less they’ll think favorably of it.
They shoveled out about $8 trillion in “bonus spending” and not even any of the congress critters have a clue as to where the money is going. Not reading the legislation was kind of a badge of honor.
Who will lead our next generation of imbeciles?
As David Hogg underwent his own political evolution, he witnessed a generation of young people find their political voice.
“For every year of Trump’s presidency, I think there was a new chapter of a social movement that was born,” the 23-year-old gun control activist told NPR, “whether it was the Women’s March, March for Our Lives, the environmental movement, or the movement for Black Lives.”
Now, as the organizers that cut their teeth on those movements become eligible to run for office, Hogg wants to support their campaigns. He is launching Leaders We Deserve, a hybrid political action committee backing candidates under 35 years old running for federal office and under 30 years old running for state office.
The group — which plans to primarily focus on state-level races and a smaller number of congressional matchups — will target open, Democratic-held seats in the upcoming 2024 primary season.
Out of the road, MAGA extremists! A new era of peace and harmony and prosperity is coming.
Hopefully this goes over as well as his pillow company.
Hogg: We’re looking for candidates that represent our generation, not just demographically, but also ideologically. The belief that we need to ensure that we stop school shootings and protect kids and not the special interests of the NRA, for example, that we need to protect our planet and not the profits of the oil and gas industry. And we’re looking especially for – basically, the cream of the crop of young people from the recent social movements that came up during Trump’s presidency. To look for them now that they’re starting to graduate college or the first class of those activists are starting to graduate college or becoming eligible to run for office and trying to pick them and say, you know, we would like to help you run for office, we’ll supply you with all of the resources that you need and help basically coach you and hold your hand to get there, which is kind of the gap that’s in the space right now, for at least young people at the state legislative level.
No shit, Shirley? You want a new generation of lockstep anti-capitalist progressive reformers who will tear down the institutions and culture which made this the best most successful and powerful nation on earth?
[insert expostulation of surprise]
candidates that represent our generation
I.e. ignorant morons.
“Biden Admin Has Sent $2.35 Billion to Taliban Since Disastrous Afghanistan Withdraw”
Well of course they have……
Why does the propaganda machine participate in this? How can they live with themselves, covering this sort of thing up? I get it… $2 billion isn’t as much money as it used to be… but you would think that at least a couple of NYT reporters would try to expose something like this.
candidates that represent our generation
Not actually representative of the generation’s a broad spectrum of political or economic theory, mind you. That would be bad.
Chess World Cup Rnd 4 update. Rnd 4 continues tomorrow with possible tiebreakers on Friday.
Vincent Keymer (2690) upsets Magnus Carlsen (2835). Magnus will have to win tomorrow to force tiebreaker.
*Hikaru Nakamura (2787) draws with Praggnanandhaa (2690)
*Fabiano Caruana (2782) draws with *Ray Robson (2689)
Ian Nepomniachtchi (2779) draws with Nihal Sarin (2688)
Alexey Sarana (2685) defeats *Wesley So (2769)
Leinier Dominguez Perez (2739) draws with Radoslaw Wojtaszek (2676)
Winners advance to rnd of 16. * means American.
Keymer is a young German, one of the best junior players. He is 19. He was pressuring Magnus the whole game and then Magnus blundered, and it gave Keymer the edge to force a victory.