Looks like a good time to me.
“Jaiden is back in school with his “Don’t Tread on Me” patch still on his backpack.”
I’m honestly not sure if I’ve shared this one with y’all or not but enjoy.
Looks like a good time to me.
“Jaiden is back in school with his “Don’t Tread on Me” patch still on his backpack.”
I’m honestly not sure if I’ve shared this one with y’all or not but enjoy.
I’m thinking “Fangs for the memories” myself.
Oh… Netflix… ok, I expect LGBTQ++ inserted (as a base class, let’s see what inheritance classes they do) and/or a Strong Female Character…
Uh-HUH… male lead… but with new character who is a “natural leader” and a magic user… Yeah… I’m suuuuure she’s not going to be the focus or anything.
Well LGBTQ2S+++ make up something like 60% of the population so of course they should be represented. And blacks make up the other 50%.
People don’t seem to be aware of that, we need to somehow promote that kind of awareness.
Half the Vikings and medieval English aristocracy were people of color according to current shows.
According to HGTV only gays, blacks and interracial couples look for new homes.
That’s because the straight whites are in gated communities or their ancestral estates, and don’t want to appear on a home tv show like some commoner.
I bet you didn’t like Country Bear Jamboree, either. Damn.
So in all fairness, the Betsy Ross is, in fact, flown by violent extremists.
Don’t worry. The application of the standards will be unequal.
Violent extremists also wear shoes. Occasionally eat tacos, drive cars or pickup trucks and all sorts of other things.
To vilify anyone flying a symbol of liberty and our hard won fight for it on an official govt list as a violent extremist is a gross, obvious 1st A violation.
The only advantage is that it lets us know our govt’s position on individual rights. Maybe we should start our own list.
“From Vanguard’s founding we have proudly supported our Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the ordered liberty that all Americans have enjoyed for almost 250 years,” the district said in a statement. “The Vanguard School recognizes the historical significance of the Gadsden flag and its place in history.”
I’m surprised a government school flunky knows that many big words.
Their lawyer wrote that lie for them.
The right to a municipal monopoly is one of our most cherished first amendment traditions.
Yup… “You can’t take away our special privileges we bribed lots of state politicians for over the years because … because.. FIRST AMENDMENT!” is a bold strategy, Cotton….
CoRPoRaTioNS aReN’T PeoPLe!
Neph, I was somehow reminded of this:
If they want their special status back perhaps they should be extended to all Florida citizens. Let’s see how many children can be lured into that ridiculous park of theirs when the state starts crumbling around them. When the rest of the citizenry starts complaining about it send them all letters and put up billboards saying “Dont blame us, thank Disney”
C’mon Ron, take the gloves off.
I seriously doubt he will. He’s too far into them.
A Mickey Mouse company in a Mickey Mouse state.
I’m not even sure how Disney can be party to a lawsuit about the state’s modification of a political subdivision’s powers and authority. It wasn’t Disney’s power and authority that the state limited, after all. The lawsuit is kind of an admission that Disney thinks it should own and control the special district, isn’t it?
Fuck you, that’s how.
The double standards regarding standing are astonishing.
In related news, last night’s (Sept. 7) English news from Israeli public broadcaster KAN finally put the issue of the judicial reform into sharper focus, but not in a way the KAN presenters probably intended.
The first interview was with a woman organizing a pro-reform rally where the host asked her something basically along the lines of whether she wanted to destroy the country to get the reforms through. There’s never ever any suggestion that the anti-reform people’s actions might be in any way responsible for destroying the country.
Then there was an interview with an environmental lawyer who was questioned about what would happen if the reasonability clause reform went through, and this guy said it was a good thing when the Supreme Court told the government it was unreasonable not to have a law regulating certain substances, so they were going to be forced to pass a law. If that’s what the people opposed to getting rid of the reasonability clause want, then no wonder Netanyahu and company want to get rid of it.
(The two interviews are in the first 20 minutes.)
As things seem to be easing into a more defined fight, the Hollywood Reporter detailed that Disney is now opting to drop a number of the claims in its lawsuit by focusing on the state’s violation of the company’s First Amendment rights.
Yes, the company has the right to strawman the Florida legislature’s enactments. And the Florida legislature has the power to take away Disney’s state-granted special tax and development district. Maybe the company will learn from this.
I’m surprised that the school never heard of Tinker vs Des Moines. We learned that in 8th grade history. I’m beginning to think that many of the so called experts are just not very experty.
After playing Guile in the Street Fighter movie, that’s a hell of a crossover.
We’d all be much more impressed if they get Raul Julia to play Shang Tsung.
He’d presumably need a few souls to get things moving….
Now that’s a fatality…
He’d definitely need the one to start off with.
Hurricane Robert E Lee is now a Cat 4.
Interesting take on “Dixie”. Sum ting must be done about those lacists!
I look forward to the right thinkers taking to the streets to confront him.
/sings along
“Canada. Canada. Canada. Go woke and itchy!”
Documents leaked by an FBI whistleblower in 2022 and published by Project Veritas show the FBI has also identified the Gadsden flag as a dangerous symbol
And yet multiple states, including Montana, offer a Gadsden Flag license plate. I guess that just makes it easier for the license plate trackers on the interstates to categorize the people they track.
Google Chrome pushes ahead with targeted ads based on your browser history
It’s a good thing there’s no down side to letting one advertising company become the defacto standards body for the entire fucking web with 90% market share for their browser engine…
Earlier this week I disabled all that crap on my work browser. One notable side effect is that Jira no longer connects to Pager Duty. Not that IGAF, but this would upset some of my colleagues – the ones who wouldn’t try to disable this in the first place (I work in advertising).
We have Jira inflicted upon us… but fortunately “What the hell is ‘Pager Duty'” is my response. 😉 And yes, I can DDG search for it… not asking you to.
Privacy = Sharing your data with advertisers
Yup… it doesn’t infuriate me at all that all the browsers are just reskins of their shit now. Nope… not at all.
I guess we’re lucky Google still keeps the lights on at Mozilla through their search partnership for the sole purpose of fending off antitrust lawsuits. It’s purely coincidental that the Mozilla CEO’s pay quadrupled during the same 5 year period that Firefox lost half its market share and fired 200 devs…
I’m bothered more that most of the companies are moving to web pages instead of applications. Thanks, I really wanted another layer that requires troubleshooting…
My ERP provider tried to and I told them I would drop the product if they did.
To be fair, since the vast majority of “native” applications nowadays are just web apps running in an Electron container, the difference is fairly negligible.
People are still foolish enough to use google?
Unfortunately, since this is embedded in the chromium browser core and Blink rendering engine, and is also being adopted by Mozilla as a new web standard, it doesn’t really matter which browser you use. You can disable it, of course, but eventually that’s going to break the functionality on a lot of websites, the same way that not accepting third party cookies does now.
“Much like the second season of Netflix’s original Castlevania series, Castlevania: Nocturne’s first season will be told in eight 25-minute episodes.”
That’s a lot of Nocturne emissons
It’s nearly the end of the work week, so I give you the Zoom link.
And now, for absolutely no reason…
We’re from the government- you can trust us
The shift in enforcement takes advantage of new artificial intelligence technology the agency described as “groundbreaking,” which can discover patterns of tax avoidance more easily than before.
“There is a sea change taking place at the IRS in every aspect of our operations,” Werfel said. “Anchored by a deep respect for taxpayer rights, the IRS is deploying new resources towards cutting-edge technology to improve our visibility on where the wealthy shield their income and focus staff attention on the areas of greatest abuse.”
The 1,600 millionaires targeted by the effort each owe more than $250,000 in back taxes each, and the companies, from a slew of different industries, have an average worth of $10 billion in assets, the agency said.
Sounds legit.
tax avoidance is legal
tax evasion is not
And exactly 0 out of the 1,600 are named Biden. The end.
All that money they collect won’t amount to a pimple on the pile of cash they shovel at Ukraine.
Fuck them hoes.
Tax avoidance. In other words, not paying taxes that you are not legally obligated to.
Oh, like all of those tax me harder advocates who won’t cut personal checks to the Gifts to US Treasury account?
And, like their thousands of new agents, this won’t be directed at the rich and powerful (despite the press release). It will be directed at the middle class.
When the balloon goes up and people start hunting feds who have abused our trust and confidence, it is going to be a target-rich environment.
Some experts are concerned Republicans will push for further cuts as the government approaches a potential shutdown at the end of September.
“I hope that my Republican colleagues on the House Appropriations Committee will work with Democrats to ensure the IRS has the resources they need to effectively carry out their responsibilities and serve the American taxpayers,” Rep. Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) told The Hill.
Fuck you, cut spending.
I’m not sure if that’s quite the PR bonanza you think it is, Steny. There’s a reason you melodramatic pricks do the firemen first maneuver. Nobody gives a fuck about whether the tax man takes a paid 2 week vacation while you perform kabuki theater over imaginary limits to your spending.
“… and serve the American taxpayers”
Fuck ’em. Shut it down. Leave it that way.
the IRS…serve the American taxpayers
Because that’s what they do.
Like, with subpoenas?
It’s Official: Cars Are the Worst Product Category We Have Ever Reviewed for Privacy
Privacy is beginning to fall out of the ass…
So our Federal government can enforce borders, just not the national border.
Yeah! Let me tell you how that’s gonna pan out…
Apparently they are going to use the honor system to keep people from going to another state. Kind of like when they promise to show up for an immigration hearing in a few years.
No, the government is going to fit them with ankle monitors to see if they leave the state. Those will be removed and placed in a pile, and the migrants busses to dc
🎵 All my exes…
They really want a civil war
I understand they want to stop the busses, but how do they enforce that? Use the military to blockade Texas? Maybe Biden really is in charge. This is the idea of someone with brain damage.
It’s twenty and thirty something idiot staffers, all competing for future status within the DNC while burning down the country.
Yes, it is pretty obvious that they do.
And…those staffers? They will end up being the kings of ashes and have no idea how they got there.
Seems like the federal government is, again, at war with the states.
I dont think they have a mask to pretend they are the good guys this time. People seem to be catching on.
“Administration officials cite the proposed plan as a way to curb the flow of illegal immigrants at the southern border”
How a “requirement” to stay in Texas will curb illegal immigration into the US, I have no idea.
Those ankle monitors will be off before the feds who brought them pull out of the parking lot.
Or maybe I should be asking, what southern border are they referring to? The Oklahoma border?
Of course, it’s grossly unconstitutional (yeah, I know).
Kroger agrees to pay $1.2B to settle opioid lawsuits
Filling legal prescriptions? That’s a paddlin’
That’s fucked up.
Compared to other pharmacy operators, they got off light.
Yet no doctor lost their license or has any drug maker faced jail time. Seems legit
Not jail time, but…
Successfully marketing your products is bad if they relieve suffering and get people high, doncha know.
No good deed.
Oh great. Now groceries at Kroger will cost a lot more.
Fuck those racist pseudo governments.
yeah fuck all those people. I can’t get my refill from CVS until the 13th – I had fucking spine surgery and they tried to tell me to take one pill every six hours at home (after allowing 3 pills every 4 in the hospital). And OTC Tylenol because that works super well. It’s especially frustrating when we all know full well that the illegal oxy market is just fine, and unaffected by any of this (except for the fentanyl added, I guess).
Dream world
It is clear to all, including Christie, that he has no chance to get the Republican nomination given Trump’s popularity with the Republican base. While many of us hoped that Trump would have to face Christie on the debate stage and be confronted with a sharp-tongued former prosecutor’s lashing for his acts of election fraud, it may well be that Christie never gets that chance. However, it is very clear that as long as Christie is in the race, he views his role as attempting to educate voters as to why it would be horrendous to entrust Trump with nation’s chief executive role again, especially given his willingness to suspend the U.S. Constitution.
Yes, I need an education from a corrupt former governor of New Jersey with a penchant for gluttony.
Yeah…WTF. That fat greasy RINO is lying his ass off like any good Dem would do.
especially given his willingness to suspend the U.S. Constitution.
What? Oh, projection as usual.
In other words, not paying taxes that you are not legally obligated to.
However, as I look into my crystal ball, I believe Christie will face his own moment of truth. Many of us who are obsessively focused on the risk of another Trump presidency believe that Trump cannot win that office in a rematch against the incumbent Joe Biden, not least because of the strong opposition of independent suburban women in the key swing states. He significantly underperformed with this vital constituency in 2020, and there is every reason to believe he would fare far worse this time around.
Yet, Trump does appear today as if he will be our next president. That is because, based on what we know today, there will be at least one strong independent ticket, maybe more, that will be on the ballot of most if not all states. That independent ticket, backed by the group No Labels, will consist of a moderate Republican and a centrist Democrat put forward as a “unity ticket.” There is little doubt in the minds of most astute political observers that the No Labels third party ticket will syphon far more votes from Biden than from Trump, and give Trump the Electoral College victory he needs by giving him a plurality victory in key swing states.
No Labels will offer Christie the chance to run on their ticket with Manchin, probably. This will ensure a Trump victory, and we’ll all die.
The End.
I wonder how much No Labels paid for the product placement.
Blah blah blah. I hear that Hillary has a 97% of winning the 2016 election….poll released just days before the election! She has it in the bag!
Wow, that is some crystal ball. Now give us the winning lottery numbers.
The Dems learned from that, Suthen.
What they learned is, they can’t trust the voters to do the right thing. More in sorrow than in anger, they have taken steps to ensure that elections come out correctly from now on.
“Trump cannot win that office”
They’re right about that. No matter how many more voters vote for him than the D, the ballots actually counted will break the way they did last time. Nothing has been fixed in any of the swing states, as far as I know. And it’s worse in AZ now than it was then.
This message brought to you by Dominion.
What are the odds you give Trump, 50-1, 80-1, 100-1.
Care to make a wager?
You know you might have a problem when…
Also no electricity or AC at Chez Sensei for the past two hours. Sigh…
Yep. Glad to hear the guy is sober, though.
And sorry about the power outage.
50% of my town. 4000 people.
Yikes. Hope it’s a quick turnaround.
*Previous thread*
You’re puppy doesn’t need to be human to be missed. I would argue that makes him more missed.
I lost my little boy almost a year ago. I miss him every day.
Humans have agency. Our pets do not.
Miss them as much as you need. They are goddamned worth it.
CA is steadfastly heading to 2a season.
BREAKING: California lawmakers send Gov. Gavin Newsom a proposed law that would require judges to consider a parents affirmation of their child’s identity in custody cases.
(AB 957)
Got out of the Assembly easily with final approval of technical changes.
I wish people would start referring to Newsom as ‘Comrade Newsom’.
What could possibly go wrong.
Day Three of being clean is going remarkably well. Had a pretty powerful moment last night .Lasted about three hours, just lying in bed. No euphemism nor other people involved.
Day Two of no meds is also underway. It’s gone better, but I’ve been cautious by not having left the house yet. Soon I’ll be able to get my pain meds refilled (it’s underway now and hope everything works out…).
I think mostly just rest. I have some some homework from my outpatient folk. I’m actually pretty keen on it. Task is to do something out of my zone. So I’ll do what I love, writing, but try to explain something in quasi-newspaper style, though with more floor. I think I’ll do a recap of the Miracle on Ice. It combines history and sport, and I think my goal is to write a page-ish essay that would describe it and its importance to an absolute layman.
Before I had an idea of doing the same with a Civil War battle or something. Ideas still percolating. Today is purposefully a day of relaxation.
I’m naturally adventurous in my life. Why would romance be an exception? I’m terrified of how much I love that psycho gal. Clear and open Red Flags will be established in the possible chance she has to move back to Indy in a month or so.
So many things. Who said life was supposed to be easy?
Try an “interview” with Gen. Sickles who had his leg shattered at Gettysburg. Maybe you can relate (though his had to be amputated?)
What is this rest? I would like to try it.
I am proud of you. Keep this streak going.
Don’t go lookin’ for trouble…
I have to agree here. Are you using this relationship as another crutch? Discard it! Finish clearing your mind.
I still don’t know where this nation of “Black” is and why its anthem* should be sang at our sporting events.
The Kansas City Chiefs Super Bowl title defense got off to an inauspicious start Thursday night after falling to the Detroit Lions 21-20. But an arguably bigger story before the contest has Americans across the country up in arms.
The National Football League (NFL) made the decision to play “Lift Every Voice and Sing,” which is considered the “Black National Anthem.” To add insult to injury, they decided to do so before the “Star Spangled Banner” as Fox News reported.
In the NFL’s eyes, pandering to woke radicals is more important than promoting simple racial harmony and patriotism. The league began this ridiculous tradition during the 2020 season following that summer’s BLM and Antifa riots after George Floyd was killed by a white police officer.
*I am against doing the US anthem before sporting events too.
The NFL can pander to the Marxists all they want – as you can see from the comments, it won’t help.
Dude can’t catch a break.
The Fulton County Grand Jury went insane –
Voting to indict Lindsey Graham, Michael Flynn, David Perdue, and Kelly Loeffler “with respect to the national effort to overturn the 2020 presidential election”
Perdue and Loeffler (and many others) would have faced RICO charges.
Why not? Isn’t the NFL mostly for black players? Today’s newsrag included a 32 page insert preview of the Phila. Eagles. I kid you not, the only faces in the insert are black, except for one of the white coach and one assistant.
Karoshi is imported to Ohio. Complaint alleges 100 to 120 hour workweeks.
Googled his name and he was the project lead for the last generation Civic interior.
What? Gung Ho wasn’t a documentary?
Very messed up if true. I’ve done 60 and 80 hour weeks. I would not do more. He could have complained of abuse to the state on that. That’s one thing government is good for.
I’ve been working around 60 per week just M-F for the past couple of months. It’s enough. 120/week would have me pulling a trigger. Once I took a nap to get rested enough to do it. Talk about walking zombie.
My bet is it includes work travel and early AM meetings in Japan.
Doing that on a regular basis will absolutely burn you out.
In stoic news, I finally got around today to pulling the futon out of garret storage and moving it into my bedroom not to use as a bed but to have something couch-like to sit on while I watch TV. The thing had to be taken apart into two pieces to fit into storage, and even that was a tight fit, so getting it out was fun.
To make matters worse, when I put the pieces back together, I installed them backwards, such that what’s supposed to be the back of the couch is now the seat. No wonder why I had a dickens of a time trying to get the pegs into the appropriate slots.
A stoic man realizes there are things he can change. A stoic man also realizes he can sit down and watch TV. Who is he trying to please?
You can’t please everyone, so you got to learn to please yourself
I like that song.
Huh. The end must be near.
Phrasing? Boom!
suh’ fam
what’s goody yo
/hey from a shitter in terminal B @ DFW airport