1. a gaming, lifting, shooting, intoxicated, ravenous, and happily-taken nerd.
2. often aims to misbehave.
3. and though she be but little, she is fierce.*
And rumor has it that she (and her husband) are also delightful dinner companions. You didn't hear it from me, though.
on September 22, 2023 at 3:03 pm
I don’t have Monday off, but it should be quiet since the majority of my (((colleagues))) do.
The Late P Brooks
on September 22, 2023 at 3:05 pm
Boston University has launched an inquiry into the management culture of the University’s Center for Antiracist Research, as well as its management of grant funds, after a round of layoffs at the center prompted complaints about Ibram X. Kendi’s leadership there.
Several faculty members have complained publicly, with concerns about management under Kendi, the center’s founding director. Kendi came to BU in 2020 after emerging as a leading voice on antiracism following the killings of Black men and women at the hands of police in the wake of the murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis. To ensure its long-term impact and sustainability, Kendi made the decision to restructure the center to create a residential fellowship program for antiracist intellectuals, creators, and students. He announced the layoffs as part of the restructuring (19 staff people were laid off, leaving a staff at the center of 15 to 17 people moving forward).
“We recognize the importance of Dr. Kendi’s work and the significant impact it has had on antiracist thinking and policy,” a statement from the University says. “Boston University and Dr. Kendi believe strongly in the Center’s mission, and while he takes strong exception to the allegations made in recent complaints and media reports, we look forward to working with him as we conduct our assessment.”
BU had begun examining grant management practices at the Center and will now also look at “the Center’s management culture and the faculty and staff’s experience with it,” the statement says.
Kendi, BU’s Andrew W. Mellon Professor in the Humanities and a College of Arts & Sciences professor of history, was recruited to BU from American University amid a national reckoning around racism, and he became widely known for his bestselling book How to Be an Antiracist (One World, 2019). “This is the calling of my life,” Kendi said when he was hired at BU.
Give that tar baby a good shake and a kick.
JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)
on September 22, 2023 at 3:10 pm
Antiracist intellectuals, jumbo shrimp, et cetera, et cetera.
“We acknowledge that Kendi is a Racist Grifter, and regret ever giving him any money.”
Try that on for size.
on September 22, 2023 at 3:38 pm
Center for Antiracist Research.
Bullshit grift for inventing bullshit narratives.
I will say it again…Coroner ruled that George Floyd was a dead man walking before the cops got there. Three or so days after announcing his findings he, without explanation, changed his findings to ‘the cops murdered him’.
Uh huh, ya dont say. It is such a mystery how that happened.
perhaps what’s left of Mr. Kendi’s staff should just focus on trying to cancel each other
Dummy forgot the most important part of grifting – don’t get caught.
KK, Non-Man
on September 22, 2023 at 5:42 pm
was recruited to BU from American University
On the one hand, my Alma mater dumped him on BU, on the other hand, he worked at my Alma mater. Yikes.
University of Maryland recruiting Gary Williams from AU was a much better deal, I think.
on September 22, 2023 at 3:06 pm
The Webb Space Telescope has made its latest significant discovery: the observation of carbon dioxide coming from a part of Europa
I thought CO2 was bad, this can’t be good for life.
on September 22, 2023 at 3:09 pm
Now you know why we should attempt no landings there.
on September 22, 2023 at 3:13 pm
Europan warming!
on September 22, 2023 at 3:43 pm
The premise for many sci-fi plots is aliens invading earth to steal our resources. I remember vaguely one of them was about aliens stealing our water.
I see. Rather than towing a comet or Europa or similar block of ice back home they have to come here and fuck with us. Why would they do that? If they have the technology to come here and haul stuff away why not haul away the easy to get stuff that is out in the universe in great abundance. Take your pick…metals, minerals, water, methane etc….it is all there for the taking if you have the means to do so.
on September 22, 2023 at 3:45 pm
The whole point of being more advanced is so you can bully lesser advanced peoples.
on September 22, 2023 at 3:49 pm
Prohibitively expensive narcissism? We always blow them up in the end. They never learn.
Alien invaders would be looking for something more in the vein of:
A: They find the planet a nice place to live and don’t want to first torch the ecosystem.
B: They want the organisms living there in general and cloning them “just isn’t the same”
C: They want to convert the locals to their beliefs by the sword “for our own good”.
D: They want to pick a fight and may specifically restrict themselves to make it more entertaining.
E: The whole invasion is just a show for the viewers back home.
on September 22, 2023 at 3:51 pm
Footfall used a religious reason to explain the invasion force, and why the invaders weren’t as tech savvy as the humans.
on September 22, 2023 at 6:49 pm
F: The indigs are food. Simple. They just may be hungry.
Toxteth O'Grady
on September 22, 2023 at 7:00 pm
+1 cookbook
The Last American Hero
on September 22, 2023 at 5:10 pm
All I know is I would sell all your asses out to the lizard people if they paired me up with the blond from the v reboot.
on September 22, 2023 at 3:07 pm
“After some teasing and online speculation, Lego has officially revealed its next collaboration with Nintendo.”
And they even got Poison Ivy to help out from the looks of it….
on September 22, 2023 at 3:08 pm
“It’s a privilege to create a new game set in Middle-earth, especially one that’s so different from what fans have played previously.”
Old Toby Farm Simulator ahoy!
The Late P Brooks
on September 22, 2023 at 3:08 pm
The complaints we received after I became interim president and the recent layoffs have involved project and center management, meaning, was the Center sufficiently productive in terms of the research grants it received, and did the Center’s management afford its people the appropriate support and respect for their contributions? It’s important for us to look at this from all sides, and we will engage with Dr. Kendi and those who expressed their concerns. We have prejudged nothing, and we are looking for an honest accounting and understanding. We are in the process of convening an internal group that will examine grants management and productivity, and we will be asking an external consultant to review the organizational climate and respond to concerns that have been raised with management and culture.
Tiptoe all you want. You’re fucked, pal.
R C Dean
on September 22, 2023 at 5:11 pm
“was the Center sufficiently productive in terms of the research grants it received”
Modern academia, where productivity is measured in research grants received, not quality research or teaching produced.
The Other Kevin
on September 22, 2023 at 3:11 pm
I thought it was Uranus that periodically emitted plumes of gas.
on September 22, 2023 at 3:12 pm
Methane, not CO2.
on September 22, 2023 at 3:14 pm
I thought it was you? Wasn’t me.
on September 22, 2023 at 3:46 pm
*Turns and gives dog a narrow gaze. Dog averts his eyes*
Thank goodness Clarke was too classy for that ending… “All these worlds are yours, except Uranus. Attempt no penetrations there.”
Of course, that’d get him cancelled today.
on September 22, 2023 at 3:26 pm
I went by Uranus the other day. Pull my finger and I’ll show you what it was like.
Zwak says the real is not governable, but self-governing.
on September 22, 2023 at 5:13 pm
In Space, No One Can Hear You Fart.
The Late P Brooks
on September 22, 2023 at 3:14 pm
“The economic data have been surreally good,” the New York Times columnist recently said in an interview with Christiane Amanpour. “Even optimists are just stunned by how quickly and painlessly inflation has come down.”
How much is a hamburger in Cloud Cuckoo Land?
on September 22, 2023 at 3:16 pm
$80 apparently (once you throw in the whiskey, anyway).
on September 22, 2023 at 3:46 pm
It is true that Johnny Walker Black has experienced serious price inflation over the past year or two. Poor bastard. He will have to pick up a Jim Beam habit.
Beau Knott
on September 22, 2023 at 3:49 pm
Systemic racism!!!!
on September 22, 2023 at 3:17 pm
A mere pause and the runner catches his breath between sprints.
It ain’t fucking over yet.
JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)
on September 22, 2023 at 3:14 pm
Thank goodness inflation has been conquered. Pork is now nearly the same price as beef and my chocolate ration has been increased from 25g to 15g.
The Other Kevin
on September 22, 2023 at 3:19 pm
Never mind that everything’s more expensive and your pay hasn’t gone up. You should be super excited about some theoretical numbers.
on September 22, 2023 at 3:49 pm
Pork is now nearly the same price as beef used to be
Bone-in Pork Chops were $2.99/lb at the butchers today… on sale 😞
on September 22, 2023 at 5:54 pm
Costco had some nice looking pork loin for sale that netted out to about $2.30 per pound, but I had no immediate use for 10 pounds of the stuff. Freezer already full.
JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)
on September 22, 2023 at 5:27 pm
California implemented an animal welfare law which has driven up the price of pork by a lot. Still not gonna eat the crickets though.
The Late P Brooks
on September 22, 2023 at 3:19 pm
Krugman eventually issued a public mea culpa in the New York Times: ”I was wrong about inflation.” Unfortunately, he has since relapsed into denial, arguing that inflation isn’t that bad if one excludes “food, energy, shelter, and used cars” and that Team Transitory was right all along.
Prices don’t matter as long as you don’t buy anything.
The Other Kevin
on September 22, 2023 at 3:20 pm
Inflation numbers are great if you only include knitting supplies and lawn furniture.
on September 22, 2023 at 3:23 pm
I believe my wife will disagree with the knitting supplies.
He’s not affected because all he buys are dildos from China.
on September 22, 2023 at 3:46 pm
on September 22, 2023 at 3:57 pm
Makes sense. After all, few people need to spend money on food, shelter, energy, and used cars.
on September 22, 2023 at 5:05 pm
“food, energy, shelter, and used cars”
Nothing important then.
on September 22, 2023 at 3:38 pm
The weekend is here, and it’s a busy one. On top of the Browns game Sunday, there’s the 85th anniversary of Superman (and events going on around town), a local club (that I spent many, many, many, nights in during my 20’s) is having their anniversary (with bands such as Helmet playing), the Cleveland Gaming Classic, the Cleveland Gaming Classic, Oktoberfests, HalloWeekends starting up at Cedar Point, the DEVOtional, and the random fests and the like a city will have in fall.
So… excuse my absence, but I still will provide your Zoom link.
on September 22, 2023 at 3:47 pm
Have fun! You will be missed. I could be half dead from gardening but I will be there.
on September 22, 2023 at 3:53 pm
The Cleveland Gaming Classic is bringing in the BATTLETECH PODS! I loved those things when they were at a local Dave and Busters, and they’ll be on free play the whole weekend.
How would anyone get enough time to be effective? Those things keep disappearing! And there’s a bunch of other people whining about their turn.
on September 22, 2023 at 4:06 pm
Tonight is early access, and only for those who bought the three day pass. I’ve already refreshed myself on the controls (such as turning on the more advanced piloting modes which enable torso twists and jump jets).
They don’t want to really overwhelm the new players. There’s three piloting levels:
BAS: No torso twist, the foot pedals do nothing. The joystick controls the aiming and turning.
MID: Torso twist. The foot pedals twist the torso, the joystick controls the aiming and turning.
ADV: Torso twist. The foot pedals turn the mech, the joystick controls the aiming and the twist.
Any level over than BAS also unlocks Zoom, jump jets, weapon groupings, coolant flushes, and changing what’s on the MFD (Multi Function Displays).
Mid is just backwards from how I always figured a control schema for mechs would work. It’s more intuitive to have the feet control the feet (overall facing) and the hands control the arms, including causing twist as your aim point moves past the swing of the arms (or you can intentionally twist first if you wanted). But having the feet control the twist and the hands the overall facing just doesn’t track in my head.
Everything listed in the bottom just seems like standard features. Why turn them off and handicap the beginners?
Krugman is an intelligent sociopath. Reich is a fucking moron.
Both of them belong on the gallows.
The Other Kevin
on September 22, 2023 at 3:46 pm
Yes, mendacious. He’s not stupid, he’s a professional propaganda writer.
on September 22, 2023 at 3:52 pm
I used to respond to people who said Clinton was a “good liar” – a good liar is someone who can fool you as to if they’re lying or not. Clinton was a ballsy liar, in that you knew damn well he was lying, but he did it anyways. I think the same can be said of Krugnuts. Anyone who thinks he isn’t lying, is delusional.
on September 22, 2023 at 3:55 pm
I need to go back and read the section on the Clintons in Lever Action by L. Neil Smith.
on September 22, 2023 at 4:04 pm
Psychopaths exist.
Semi-Spartan Dad
on September 22, 2023 at 3:54 pm
I’ve run into some dishwasher troubles.
The drip tray has started filling during the cycle, hitting the float alarm, and shutting the dishwasher down (code F8E4 on Maytag). The water is not coming from the inlet connection. There are two grey rubbers tubes coming down on each side of the drip tray and stopping about an inch above. It looks like water is coming out of the right one at some point during the cycle. It’s not a slight drip but enough to immediately fill the drip tray about halfway through the cycle.
Any idea on to fix this (besides adjusting the thermostat or doing the needful)? Or what these grey tubes are called above the drip tray? I’ve confirmed the water inlet connection is tight (no water at all around the connection) and reset the code. Latest try has been cleaning the gaskets on the edges in case this is from an improper seal.
on September 22, 2023 at 3:57 pm
Before worrying about the rubber tubes, have you checked to make sure your water exhaust to the disposal is cleared? Sometimes a quick vacuum of that line with a shop vac can solve all kinds of issues.
on September 22, 2023 at 4:08 pm
That was my first thought as well – it sounds like it’s not draining properly
Fatty Bolger
on September 22, 2023 at 4:10 pm
Yeah, this has always been the issue for me, when it wasn’t something seriously wrong with the washer.
Semi-Spartan Dad
on September 22, 2023 at 4:11 pm
I have not, but figured there would be standing water in the dishwasher if there was a draining issue. That’s a good idea and will give vacuuming the line a try. Thanks.
JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)
on September 22, 2023 at 4:09 pm
This may sound like “Is your computer plugged in?”, but have you cleaned your filter?
Semi-Spartan Dad
on September 22, 2023 at 4:14 pm
Thanks. Actually just cleaned the filter yesterday.
on September 22, 2023 at 5:38 pm
Insure that your sink drain is not plugged and dishwasher drain hose is elevated above the connection to the sink drain. OTOH if water in not standing in the machine disregard my advice.
Rumble will not cancel him. The thing that makes me nervous is that they’re pushing all the “inconvenient” voices to a few platforms such as X and Rumble, and I’m waiting for the day they just shut those down and silence everyone at once.
JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)
on September 22, 2023 at 4:07 pm
The Parler Playbook.
on September 22, 2023 at 4:09 pm
This whole documentary about a small town in Russia is worth watching. WW2 casts a long shadow there. The link below skips to the most interesting part:
I always thought of Russians as a very stoic people. It was a bit of a shock at how many tears are shed in this documentary.
Around the 39-minute mark, they show all the teens in the town signing up for a paramilitary youth group and getting uniforms.
on September 22, 2023 at 5:29 pm
on September 22, 2023 at 4:15 pm
This is why Krugman said he can’t understand why polls show an overwhelming majority , or 71%, describe the economy as “not so good or poor.”
“There’s a really profound and peculiar disconnect going on,” Krugman said.
“Who are you going to believe, me or your own lying eyes? It’s not like you rubes can get accurate information from your grocery bill or what you pay at the pump.”
Mencken about sums it up. Krug is just a complete and total regime apologist. Actually pretty sad what he has become.
In more interesting news, I can’t wait to see the Japanese GP this weekend. I may even try to stay up tonite and watch live qualy although these days midnite is a stretch for me. Would love to see Sainz or LeClerc pull off a P1.
on September 22, 2023 at 4:57 pm
Qualy is 2 AM for me, so I’ll be watching it delayed, along with the race itself.
I’ve been sick as a dog & _really_ need to get back on the rowing machine, so watching the race will be my motivation.
on September 22, 2023 at 5:11 pm
Right on. Suzuka is one of my favs hope it’ll be a fun race.
Good luck getting back in the swing of it. Being sick sucks.
That having been said, why couldn’t he release a written statement, which would be so much quicker to read? The tweet linked above was to an embedded video. 🙁
on September 22, 2023 at 6:17 pm
His followers don’t read any more than I watch videos of the people I follow.
on September 22, 2023 at 6:21 pm
If I click a link and a video comes up, I immediately backtrack.
So how did it come about that Swimply rentals are regulated as “public” pools? Technically, they’re not. It’s through agency guidance, which is a rule that isn’t a rule — what regulation expert Clyde Wayne Crews Jr. calls “regulatory dark matter”:
“Regulatory dark matter” refers to the thousands of executive branch and independent agency actions including guidance documents, proclamations, memoranda, bulletins, circulars, letters and more that are subject to little scrutiny or democratic accountability but carry practical, binding regulatory effects.
It doesn’t take The Feds to make laws out of thin air. It appears that states can perform the same magic.
They’ll do anything they can to make people poorer and more miserable
on September 22, 2023 at 7:02 pm
Oh yes. I remember the fracas in Texas over some dickhead making dune buggies illegal. Retroactively. WTF? This is Texas, not Portland.
I don’t have Monday off, but it should be quiet since the majority of my (((colleagues))) do.
A delicate situation
Boston University has launched an inquiry into the management culture of the University’s Center for Antiracist Research, as well as its management of grant funds, after a round of layoffs at the center prompted complaints about Ibram X. Kendi’s leadership there.
Several faculty members have complained publicly, with concerns about management under Kendi, the center’s founding director. Kendi came to BU in 2020 after emerging as a leading voice on antiracism following the killings of Black men and women at the hands of police in the wake of the murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis. To ensure its long-term impact and sustainability, Kendi made the decision to restructure the center to create a residential fellowship program for antiracist intellectuals, creators, and students. He announced the layoffs as part of the restructuring (19 staff people were laid off, leaving a staff at the center of 15 to 17 people moving forward).
“We recognize the importance of Dr. Kendi’s work and the significant impact it has had on antiracist thinking and policy,” a statement from the University says. “Boston University and Dr. Kendi believe strongly in the Center’s mission, and while he takes strong exception to the allegations made in recent complaints and media reports, we look forward to working with him as we conduct our assessment.”
BU had begun examining grant management practices at the Center and will now also look at “the Center’s management culture and the faculty and staff’s experience with it,” the statement says.
Kendi, BU’s Andrew W. Mellon Professor in the Humanities and a College of Arts & Sciences professor of history, was recruited to BU from American University amid a national reckoning around racism, and he became widely known for his bestselling book How to Be an Antiracist (One World, 2019). “This is the calling of my life,” Kendi said when he was hired at BU.
Give that tar baby a good shake and a kick.
Antiracist intellectuals, jumbo shrimp, et cetera, et cetera.
“We acknowledge that Kendi is a Racist Grifter, and regret ever giving him any money.”
Try that on for size.
Center for Antiracist Research.
Bullshit grift for inventing bullshit narratives.
I will say it again…Coroner ruled that George Floyd was a dead man walking before the cops got there. Three or so days after announcing his findings he, without explanation, changed his findings to ‘the cops murdered him’.
Uh huh, ya dont say. It is such a mystery how that happened.
(I tried to get a gift link.)
I gotchu
Dummy forgot the most important part of grifting – don’t get caught.
On the one hand, my Alma mater dumped him on BU, on the other hand, he worked at my Alma mater. Yikes.
University of Maryland recruiting Gary Williams from AU was a much better deal, I think.
The Webb Space Telescope has made its latest significant discovery: the observation of carbon dioxide coming from a part of Europa
I thought CO2 was bad, this can’t be good for life.
Now you know why we should attempt no landings there.
Europan warming!
The premise for many sci-fi plots is aliens invading earth to steal our resources. I remember vaguely one of them was about aliens stealing our water.
I see. Rather than towing a comet or Europa or similar block of ice back home they have to come here and fuck with us. Why would they do that? If they have the technology to come here and haul stuff away why not haul away the easy to get stuff that is out in the universe in great abundance. Take your pick…metals, minerals, water, methane etc….it is all there for the taking if you have the means to do so.
The whole point of being more advanced is so you can bully lesser advanced peoples.
Prohibitively expensive narcissism? We always blow them up in the end. They never learn.
Alien invaders would be looking for something more in the vein of:
A: They find the planet a nice place to live and don’t want to first torch the ecosystem.
B: They want the organisms living there in general and cloning them “just isn’t the same”
C: They want to convert the locals to their beliefs by the sword “for our own good”.
D: They want to pick a fight and may specifically restrict themselves to make it more entertaining.
E: The whole invasion is just a show for the viewers back home.
Footfall used a religious reason to explain the invasion force, and why the invaders weren’t as tech savvy as the humans.
F: The indigs are food. Simple. They just may be hungry.
+1 cookbook
All I know is I would sell all your asses out to the lizard people if they paired me up with the blond from the v reboot.
And they even got Poison Ivy to help out from the looks of it….
Old Toby Farm Simulator ahoy!
The complaints we received after I became interim president and the recent layoffs have involved project and center management, meaning, was the Center sufficiently productive in terms of the research grants it received, and did the Center’s management afford its people the appropriate support and respect for their contributions? It’s important for us to look at this from all sides, and we will engage with Dr. Kendi and those who expressed their concerns. We have prejudged nothing, and we are looking for an honest accounting and understanding. We are in the process of convening an internal group that will examine grants management and productivity, and we will be asking an external consultant to review the organizational climate and respond to concerns that have been raised with management and culture.
Tiptoe all you want. You’re fucked, pal.
“was the Center sufficiently productive in terms of the research grants it received”
Modern academia, where productivity is measured in research grants received, not quality research or teaching produced.
I thought it was Uranus that periodically emitted plumes of gas.
Methane, not CO2.
I thought it was you? Wasn’t me.
*Turns and gives dog a narrow gaze. Dog averts his eyes*
Relevant to video games AND flatulence.
Also relevant
Also relevant.
Thank goodness Clarke was too classy for that ending… “All these worlds are yours, except Uranus. Attempt no penetrations there.”
Of course, that’d get him cancelled today.
I went by Uranus the other day. Pull my finger and I’ll show you what it was like.
In Space, No One Can Hear You Fart.
“The economic data have been surreally good,” the New York Times columnist recently said in an interview with Christiane Amanpour. “Even optimists are just stunned by how quickly and painlessly inflation has come down.”
How much is a hamburger in Cloud Cuckoo Land?
$80 apparently (once you throw in the whiskey, anyway).
It is true that Johnny Walker Black has experienced serious price inflation over the past year or two. Poor bastard. He will have to pick up a Jim Beam habit.
Systemic racism!!!!
A mere pause and the runner catches his breath between sprints.
It ain’t fucking over yet.
Thank goodness inflation has been conquered. Pork is now nearly the same price as beef and my chocolate ration has been increased from 25g to 15g.
Never mind that everything’s more expensive and your pay hasn’t gone up. You should be super excited about some theoretical numbers.
Bone-in Pork Chops were $2.99/lb at the butchers today… on sale 😞
Costco had some nice looking pork loin for sale that netted out to about $2.30 per pound, but I had no immediate use for 10 pounds of the stuff. Freezer already full.
California implemented an animal welfare law which has driven up the price of pork by a lot. Still not gonna eat the crickets though.
Krugman eventually issued a public mea culpa in the New York Times: ”I was wrong about inflation.” Unfortunately, he has since relapsed into denial, arguing that inflation isn’t that bad if one excludes “food, energy, shelter, and used cars” and that Team Transitory was right all along.
Prices don’t matter as long as you don’t buy anything.
Inflation numbers are great if you only include knitting supplies and lawn furniture.
I believe my wife will disagree with the knitting supplies.
You have a knitter too?
Making my hobbies seem cheap.
My hobbies are
cheapaffordable*!*for certain values of income.
He’s not affected because all he buys are dildos from China.
Makes sense. After all, few people need to spend money on food, shelter, energy, and used cars.
“food, energy, shelter, and used cars”
Nothing important then.
The weekend is here, and it’s a busy one. On top of the Browns game Sunday, there’s the 85th anniversary of Superman (and events going on around town), a local club (that I spent many, many, many, nights in during my 20’s) is having their anniversary (with bands such as Helmet playing), the Cleveland Gaming Classic, the Cleveland Gaming Classic, Oktoberfests, HalloWeekends starting up at Cedar Point, the DEVOtional, and the random fests and the like a city will have in fall.
So… excuse my absence, but I still will provide your Zoom link.
Have fun! You will be missed. I could be half dead from gardening but I will be there.
The Cleveland Gaming Classic is bringing in the BATTLETECH PODS! I loved those things when they were at a local Dave and Busters, and they’ll be on free play the whole weekend.
As an idea as to the complexity, here’s the training manual.
How would anyone get enough time to be effective? Those things keep disappearing! And there’s a bunch of other people whining about their turn.
Tonight is early access, and only for those who bought the three day pass. I’ve already refreshed myself on the controls (such as turning on the more advanced piloting modes which enable torso twists and jump jets).
They lock the torso by default?!
They don’t want to really overwhelm the new players. There’s three piloting levels:
BAS: No torso twist, the foot pedals do nothing. The joystick controls the aiming and turning.
MID: Torso twist. The foot pedals twist the torso, the joystick controls the aiming and turning.
ADV: Torso twist. The foot pedals turn the mech, the joystick controls the aiming and the twist.
Any level over than BAS also unlocks Zoom, jump jets, weapon groupings, coolant flushes, and changing what’s on the MFD (Multi Function Displays).
Mid is just backwards from how I always figured a control schema for mechs would work. It’s more intuitive to have the feet control the feet (overall facing) and the hands control the arms, including causing twist as your aim point moves past the swing of the arms (or you can intentionally twist first if you wanted). But having the feet control the twist and the hands the overall facing just doesn’t track in my head.
Everything listed in the bottom just seems like standard features. Why turn them off and handicap the beginners?
That reminds me, I should probably finish writing “Mechbay Murder”.
It’s stuck at the start of a fight scene.
It’s stunning how mendacious Krugman is.
I just can’t get over it. He’s such an ass.
For me, it’s a toss-up between Krugman and Reich. Reich is insufferable.
Krugman is an intelligent sociopath. Reich is a fucking moron.
Both of them belong on the gallows.
Yes, mendacious. He’s not stupid, he’s a professional propaganda writer.
I used to respond to people who said Clinton was a “good liar” – a good liar is someone who can fool you as to if they’re lying or not. Clinton was a ballsy liar, in that you knew damn well he was lying, but he did it anyways. I think the same can be said of Krugnuts. Anyone who thinks he isn’t lying, is delusional.
I need to go back and read the section on the Clintons in Lever Action by L. Neil Smith.
Psychopaths exist.
I’ve run into some dishwasher troubles.
The drip tray has started filling during the cycle, hitting the float alarm, and shutting the dishwasher down (code F8E4 on Maytag). The water is not coming from the inlet connection. There are two grey rubbers tubes coming down on each side of the drip tray and stopping about an inch above. It looks like water is coming out of the right one at some point during the cycle. It’s not a slight drip but enough to immediately fill the drip tray about halfway through the cycle.
Any idea on to fix this (besides adjusting the thermostat or doing the needful)? Or what these grey tubes are called above the drip tray? I’ve confirmed the water inlet connection is tight (no water at all around the connection) and reset the code. Latest try has been cleaning the gaskets on the edges in case this is from an improper seal.
Before worrying about the rubber tubes, have you checked to make sure your water exhaust to the disposal is cleared? Sometimes a quick vacuum of that line with a shop vac can solve all kinds of issues.
That was my first thought as well – it sounds like it’s not draining properly
Yeah, this has always been the issue for me, when it wasn’t something seriously wrong with the washer.
I have not, but figured there would be standing water in the dishwasher if there was a draining issue. That’s a good idea and will give vacuuming the line a try. Thanks.
This may sound like “Is your computer plugged in?”, but have you cleaned your filter?
Thanks. Actually just cleaned the filter yesterday.
Insure that your sink drain is not plugged and dishwasher drain hose is elevated above the connection to the sink drain. OTOH if water in not standing in the machine disregard my advice.
@rustyrockets just posted a statement: https://twitter.com/rustyrockets/status/1705325563936747847
Rumble will not cancel him. The thing that makes me nervous is that they’re pushing all the “inconvenient” voices to a few platforms such as X and Rumble, and I’m waiting for the day they just shut those down and silence everyone at once.
The Parler Playbook.
This whole documentary about a small town in Russia is worth watching. WW2 casts a long shadow there. The link below skips to the most interesting part:
I always thought of Russians as a very stoic people. It was a bit of a shock at how many tears are shed in this documentary.
Around the 39-minute mark, they show all the teens in the town signing up for a paramilitary youth group and getting uniforms.
This is why Krugman said he can’t understand why polls show an overwhelming majority , or 71%, describe the economy as “not so good or poor.”
“There’s a really profound and peculiar disconnect going on,” Krugman said.
“Who are you going to believe, me or your own lying eyes? It’s not like you rubes can get accurate information from your grocery bill or what you pay at the pump.”
OK, David Brooks.
It takes a lot of education and work to be that blind to the realities staring you in the face.
“It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it”
And worldview.
Mencken about sums it up. Krug is just a complete and total regime apologist. Actually pretty sad what he has become.
In more interesting news, I can’t wait to see the Japanese GP this weekend. I may even try to stay up tonite and watch live qualy although these days midnite is a stretch for me. Would love to see Sainz or LeClerc pull off a P1.
Qualy is 2 AM for me, so I’ll be watching it delayed, along with the race itself.
I’ve been sick as a dog & _really_ need to get back on the rowing machine, so watching the race will be my motivation.
Right on. Suzuka is one of my favs hope it’ll be a fun race.
Good luck getting back in the swing of it. Being sick sucks.
He may be blind because it doesn’t affect him.
He may not be blind but think that the icky people deserve it.
Maybe he’s blind cause he started watching pr0nhub.
I promised myself Id stop when I only needed glasses…
*looks at bank balance*
Yeah, my eyes ain’t lying asshole.
Do you losers have a PhD in economics? Do you people have a Nobel Prize in same? No? Then fuck off!
Just kidding, y’all are alright.
I’ve trying to avoid getting a PhD in civil unrest.
I know you are all like crackheads fiending for my next First, but even I can only metabolize so many Firsts.
Good thing I’m around to cover for your lazy ass.
Russell Brand makes a statement and will be back on Rumble on Monday.
Cool link, bro!
That having been said, why couldn’t he release a written statement, which would be so much quicker to read? The tweet linked above was to an embedded video. 🙁
His followers don’t read any more than I watch videos of the people I follow.
If I click a link and a video comes up, I immediately backtrack.
Worked for me …
Dark Matter and the Swimming Pool App
It doesn’t take The Feds to make laws out of thin air. It appears that states can perform the same magic.
They’ll do anything they can to make people poorer and more miserable
Oh yes. I remember the fracas in Texas over some dickhead making dune buggies illegal. Retroactively. WTF? This is Texas, not Portland.