I spent my weekend building multiple grandstands for my son’s little league. A bit frustrating given they were meant for a field my son will not be playing on, but hey…I did something good. The fun part was how many nuts and bolts I had to hand tighten my fingers were sore at the end of the day. Then the following morning I went to deadlift as I typically do on Sundays, and dropped the bar on 355. A weight I normally have no problem maintaining a grip.
There really are two kinds of strength.
Man, are those third-wave feminists going to be pissed when Mexico beats the US to having a female presidente. Yes the US press is pushing their acceptance of Sheinbaum.
Mexico now has the largest exports to US, bumping China from the #1 spot.
The Europeans seem to think Milei is a threat. Here’s most of the story sans paywall. Nevertheless, here he is yelling at Argentine media.
Spain posthumously removes a military award Franco gave to Pinochet in 1975. Fitting given both men are responsible for ensuring communists failed to get into power in their respective countries.

¡Viva España!
Pinochet however was in the news yesterday for the 50th anniversary of the coup that removed Salvador Allende, the marxist Chile elected in 1970. The thing is, by 1973 anyone with half a brain knew Marxists were homicidal maniacs with no problem exterminating anyone that disagreed with their idiotic ideology. (i.e. Cuba, Cambodia, China, Korea, Soviet Union) Preventing such monsters from gaining anything resembling authority is admirable at least from a utilitarian standpoint.
I’m eagerly waiting for the news of some Pennsytuckian mob hunting this guy down. Apparently they put a $25,000 bounty on his head.
P.S. from what I am seeing among the higher ups in the AZLP….this is not a joke. They actually intend to file the paperwork.
Here’s a tune. Enjoy your martes!
So literal grandstanding?
I would have thought he’d own some tools.
The economy is really down when people have to tighten everything with their hands.
Technically, a leafblower is a tool.
We had tools. Its just to get the aluminum planks lined up, you had to arrange a set of plates to secure them to the stanchions. Everything had to be assembled first, then you could secure it down to the properly.
Like Ikea.
355 is still pretty impressive though. Do you do the alternate hand thing?
Yes. My max is 420.
a description of Mexi
actual footage
actual actual footage
I’m just assuming this is a reference to the reefer.
I just worked my way back up to 250 (5 reps with non-dreadful form). I expect to be up to 300 by the end of the year (same deal, 5 reps decent form). No idea what my one rep max would be – never really tried to find out.
I don’t have any trouble with grip (yet). I tried the alternate hand thing, and it was just freakin’ weird. Couldn’t do much of anything with it.
Romney just got on board with Biden’s impeachment.
It’s officially over for Joe. Mitt is a reliable indicator of what the Uniparty wants.
The only questions now are what comes after.
Or rather “What fresh Hell do they have in store for us next?”
President Kamalama-Ding-Dong.
Being sober and a politician at the same time sounds scary.
I’ll believe it’s over for Joe when I see it.
About the same time they finally get Trump, I’m guessing.
So, did he say he supported the House making a futile gesture, or did he say he was in favor of actual removal from office?
Also helping boost Mexico’s share of US imports are American car companies that have increasingly shifted production to Mexico over the past decade. Ford, General Motors, Chrysler, Kia Motors, Volkswagen, Nissan, and Mercedes-Benz are just a few car companies that have a manufacturing presence in Mexico.
“How much higher can we get those numbers?” — UAW, probably
Huh. Kia, VW, Mercedes, and Nissan are all American car companies now. I guess as American as FCA.
Well, Canada and half the countries in Europe have had a female president or whatever.
I believe Emperor Zoolander identifies as a Unicorn.
The issue here is that the only “serious” candidate so far has been Cankles, herownself. We are not a parlamentary system, so a person doesn’t get selected out of the legislature, they have to run for that specific office. And, so far, that number has been quite small.
A female leader would inspire many
Not those with reason and accountability.
Thanks Jack.
Good Lord, but that “inspiring” “role model” crap based on your skin color, hobbies, or what’s between your legs makes me retch.
$25k, hmmm….
Nah, I don’t wanna get shot by an overzealous LEO.
Isn’t he in Philly now? I figure some little kid will shoot him in the back at a convenience store.
Supposedly still in Chester county.
A still rather rural part of Chester County. Plenty of places to hide.
Not Adahn, it’s about 40 or so miles from Philly.
Eh, it’s all flyover country.
Somewhere, over the hudson…
the largest exports to US,
Beat me to it. You wouldn’t have to assign all that much value to each of the 2MM illegals “exported” from Mexico to the US to really pad those numbers.
“Spain posthumously removes a military award Franco gave to Pinochet in 1975. Fitting given both men are responsible for ensuring communists failed to get into power in their respective countries.”
See if I were President, I’d send Spain a “Statue of Liberty” of Otoya Yamaguchi.
Javier is hilarious. And the butthurt amongst the Euro weenies is glorious.
Pinochet and Franco were pretty damn popular with the people being raped and robbed by the commies. Not nice guys, maybe, but hard to argue with their suceess.
Excellent Pinochet meme, btw.
Yup. On one hand they did what dictators do. On the other hand they specifically did it to communists. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
When commies start taking over, your choices become very grim. Look at the USA in 2023 as an example.
Yeah, “easygoing libertarian” ain’t on the menu any more. You get your choice between totalitarian lunatic or authoritarian asshole.
Choose wisely.
The other day, some were pointing out how few were killed compared to commie regimes. Even garden variety autocrats like Idi Amin killed 100k+.
Mao says, hold my beer
Love that song. Don’t Look Back always makes me a little sad, considering how Brad Delp ended his own life.
Yeah, that was a sad one.
I think you would have to fight their handlers in court over the conservatorship if you’re trying to establish conservatorship over Biden and McConnell. They should also add Fienstein and Fetterman. You would also need to give cognitive tests to everyone else in Congress and the Supreme Court while you’re at it and see who else needs to be added to the list.
I think you would have to fight their handlers in court over the conservatorship
Merely fighting for control in court would support the argument that the targets are not competent.
Obama’s crew probably already quietly got themselves appointed as conservators.
This would at least make that public.
For it too be legal, there would be records. this would out them.
“Upwards of 500″ officers are securing the latest perimeter bound by Pennsylvania Route 23 to the north, Route 100 to the East, Fairview and Nantmeal roads to the south, and Iron Bridge and County Park Roads to the west,” Bivens said.
How many more perimeters will there be?
We won’t know that until we know parameters of perimeters.
Depends on how long it takes them to do a hard target search of every gas station, residence, warehouse, farmhouse, henhouse, outhouse and doghouse in that area.
At least there are no monster dams in the area to be searched.
There will be a plethora of perimeters.
Two pi R?
Well, it’s Phylly, so all they really need is an Occular Patdown..
Jesus. Philly.
Romney just got on board with Biden’s impeachment.
Wow. When you’ve lost the most reasonable man in the Senate, there must really be a lot of blood in the water.
Not necessarily. He could just be trying to set himself up as someone who’s evenhanded with both parties. That way he can vote against his party again by voting against Biden’s conviction.
Isn’t anything the LP does a joke?
I’d bet any comedy routines at their conventions aren’t.
The stripteases are pretty bad.
Everyone is yelling “Put it on! Put it on!”
I love you guys.
What can you do? Asshole jumps up and starts stripping and it becomes a joke forever. Have security grab him and hustle him off and True Libertarians will bash gestapo tactics against a delegate using his point of personal privilege.
“Point and laugh”? I imagine most men (me certainly included) wouldn’t care for that reaction on stripping down.
Shoulda sprayed him off of the stage with a firehose or reached out from the side with a long hook and dragged him off.
You can be sure if the L party ever gains any serious support or consideration some ass clown will take a piss all over it.
“….this is not a joke.”
We know this won’t go anywhere, but the howling will be epic. Also, very innovative using normal civil process, rather than 22nd Amendment, for Biden.
I predict they will be denied standing, as that’s how the courts dispose of cases they don’t want to touch.
But what if the Uniparty wants him gone so we can beat Mexico by inaugurating Kamala?
rather than 22nd Amendment, for Biden
Biden was planning on running for a third term?
25th. My bad.
The announcement came a day after the 50th anniversary of the U.S.-backed coup led by Pinochet that installed a brutal military dictatorship in Chile. Pinochet, who died in 2006, was never put on trial for crimes against humanity committed during his 17-year rule.
Bold of them to assume that communists are human.
Or rather “What fresh Hell do they have in store for us next?”
“Ladies and gentlemen, President Harris.”
*What difference, at this point, et c…
Gun grabbers are relentless and they think they are clever.
I propose gun reform considerations should start with muzzle energy. This would affect ammunition, not the guns themselves, since bullets come in varying weights for the same gun.
By federal law, we should restrict rifle rounds with muzzle energy greater than 1,100 foot-pounds, and handgun rounds with muzzle energy greater than 500 foot-pounds. That would restrict the popular 5.56 mm ammunition that many AR-style rifles use, but it would not restrict rounds that are perfectly good for target practice and varmint hunting like the .222 Remington, the M1 carbine, and the .22 long rifle. Some of the heaviest rounds for popular handgun calibers would be restricted, but capable personal protection pistols like the .40 Smith & Wesson, .380 and .38 Special would not.
Setting these thresholds will disadvantage large animal hunters and some serious target shooters, especially those who compete at long range. Those activities require more muzzle energy. But since that energy makes the tools of those hobbies dangerous to humans too, those shooters should face extra cost and scrutiny when purchasing ammunition.
And the graphic is farcical.
It’s an assault bullet. The projectile includes the cartridge. It might include the primer and gun powder too. It’s magical.
That’s the stupidest thing I’ll read all day.
“No, asshole. Now fuck off.”
Still fighting the last war, trying to drive a wedge between the Fudds and the Timmies. ‘Thinks they are clever,’ is truly an apt description.
Hunters of every North American quadruped larger than a javelina just said “Dafuq?”
This makes a lot of sense if you think the founders thought target shooting and hunting were so important they made them second in the Bill of Rights.
.222Rem is over 1000ft/lb and there’s no such caliber as M1 Carbine. Liars lie.
.222 Rem (the Triple Duece) is functionally equivalent to a 5.56mm. Trying to parse why one is OK, while the other isn’t is a fools game.
Looks like M1 carbine ammo clocks in at just under 1,000 ft/lbs. Jeebus. I would not want to go to war with that. I know, I know, you can kill a man with a .22, but I wouldn’t like the odds of plinking away at somebody with an underpowered weapon while they are shooting back with a man’s weapon.
Yeah, it’s pretty lightweight. That was the complaint back in WWII, I believe.
Round is .30 Carbine.
Gun Jesus did a video on the M1 Carbine. It was intended for support people not on the front line. The choice was between a simple carbine that was easy to use and had reasonable range or hand guns.
I’d certainly take the carbine instead of the 1911, but both would be better.
Well, he is an ordained minister and well versed in many things some of us may not be. He is a believer, presumably, of mysteries beyond my comprehension.
He knows what I need for personal protection.
Wait…isn’t the M1 an akshual assault rifle?
No; it’s a money supply.
I akshully have an M1 Finance account
Link to archived version of The Economist article, to bypass paywall.
The fuck? I checked Archive and they didn’t give me a link.
I stripped the “?” and everything afterwards from the link before submitting it to the archive.
“New York getting ready for the reintroduction of mask mandates.”
“You recording me?”
Microwave Pop Corn was a bad dude…
I think I can safely say “authoritarian” has lost all semblance of meaning.
Along with “democracy”
I love the fact that people are losing patience with these fuckwits.
That’s gotta hurt, though.
I hope it does.
Me too. Fuck that guy. Hope he tries to glue his dick down next time.
Oh FFS – that’s Formula E.
The electric go-karts aren’t acceptable to these clowns?
I doubt these idiots are smart enough to tell the difference — or (more likely) they’re really all about the attention more than the actual cause.
Fun isn’t acceptable. They are Puritans.
“That’s gotta hurt, though.”
Good. The more the better. I hope the guy end up with an infirmity.
I appreciate the hands-on response.
Clap, Please!
Love the crowd cheering.
The next president will surely have to go cap in hand to the imf, and this is the kind of delicate, diplomatic task for which Mr Milei plainly lacks the right temperament.
You can’t get off the plantation, boy.
“Jets’ Aaron Rodgers is OUT FOR THE YEAR: MRI confirms the $75million quarterback, 39, ruptured his Achilles tendon just four plays into the season”
“Taylor Swift is ‘hanging out’ with football player Travis Kelce… after he tried and failed to give single star his phone number two months ago”
*lights Mojo signal*
I assume he loves Starbucks.
Good work if you can get it.
Wait until she writes a song about him after the inevitable breakup.
I’m kinda shocked. His taste runs to quite a bit more melanin.
Put a fork in KC. Between not having any wide receivers that can catch, no run game, and a 34 yo TE chasing pop stars, not even Mahomes can work with all that.
Brochettaward said the other day that they have little talent without Kelce, which made me mad and then I thought about it and he was right as per usual.
Kadarius Toney’s new nickname around town is KaDROPius Toney.
And I’d’a fired Chris Jones when he didn’t show up for training camp after a week. “I’m just asking for a raise.” In ZERO worlds do you get to not work while you’re asking for a raise. I don’t begrudge him the money. I begrudge his no-call, no-show approach to keeping his job.
I think Toney will get fixed most tic.
He put the finishing touches on last year’s Super Bowl.
Good work if you can get it.
See, he didn’t take the vaccine. Told ya so, Aaron!
Sombrero and Rifle Tuesday!
“Gates had attempted to profit by shorting Tesla stock – predicting the company would go down in value. It was a move that cost him $1.5billion in the end. ”
That’s it?? I’ve seen bigger bounties than that for escaped murderers.
Its still early
They got up $175k for Eric Frein.
Immigrants are cheaper. Or something.
It is hard to get an American to go on a murderous rampage and elude police for weeks these days. That and cutting your lawn.
The Brazilian Fugitive movie will be a hit.
Wait, he used to give lawns a brazillian?
Love the pants.
He’s a small one.
Is that dead or alive?
“A medicine used by millions of Americans for a stuffy nose does not work, a Food and Drug Administration panel ruled today…
Phenylephrine is everywhere, so much so that nearly every nasal decongestant on pharmacy shelves contains it.
Drugs that contain it generated almost $1.8 billion in sales last year, according to data presented Monday by FDA officials.
A unanimous vote by the 16-member Nonprescription Drug Advisory panel could issue a major blow to the industry.”
They should unschedule cocaine.
So…. That is the shit people had to start taking after one of the Bushes (can’t remember which one, all those white RINOs look alike) banned the good stuff.
As far as I can tell, it works.
I just ordered 5 300-pill bottles from Amazon. That should tide me over until some new thing replaces Phenylephrine.
Those sons of bitches.
They are The Science!
Unless they found it is harmful, why would anything need to be pulled?
Pseudoephedrine works. Phenylephrine doesn’t. Don’t buy anything that has phenylephrine in it. All it will do is raise your blood pressure and heart rate while doing nothing at all for your congestion.
What’s in Flonase? That’s the only shit that really works for me.
That’s a corticosteroid. Definitely works.
Aww, I wanted to tell him it was a Placebo and see what happened.
Like I would care. If I can breathe, I’m happy.
Pseudoephedrine is vasoconstrictor. Flonase is a nasal steroid.
You can try Nasacort and its generics as well. They work the same way and I find equal efficacy for seasonal allergies. Advantage to Nasacort is much less stink. I buy whichever one is cheaper.
Normal Benadryl is diphenhydramine not PE.
Yeah, I don’t know why they muddied the waters by mentioning Benadryl, an antihistamine.
Because reporters suck at their jobs.
I think there’s a version that mixes it in and would be affected.
FFS, I could have told them that 20 years ago. Shit never worked, it’s a complete waste of money.
But we stopped all those DIY meth cooks! Look how hard it is to find meth now!!11
“His accusers – whom DailyMail.com is identifying only as Jane Does 1 through 3 – are all former Scientologists and are also suing the actor and the Church of Scientology in civil court, claiming that they’ve been harassed and intimidated since reporting him to police. A status hearing on that civil case is scheduled for September 26”
Oh there it is.
I still don’t get why the criminal trial was in federal court, and how it didn’t exceed a statute of limitations. It’s like the Kavenaugh and Trump bullshit. How can anyone prove anything one way or another from 20 years ago?
Xenu comin!
Same thing as the lawsuit from the weird socialite reporter who claimed Trump took a night off from supermodels to feel her up decades ago without witnesses.
You’re reading DM for info about Masterson when Tony Ortega exists?
It’s not really the same as those cases, at least one of the rapes was reported to police back in 2004. But the scientologists did what they do, and got a bunch of people to sign witness statements to get it quashed. I’ve read that the case file even disappeared later on from the archives. Again, not that surprising when scientologists are involved in an area where there are a lot of them. The girl who reported it was disowned by her scientologist family, and the others who reported rapes to the scientologist leadership were also pressured to keep it all in-house, and let the church “fix” him.
That’s still 19 years ago.
Lovely lip syncing. That one guy’s not even trying.
This is the best for false lip sincing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-gfIgA-PYyQ
Awesome! And playing the wrong parts, too.
Well done, Stranglers.
It reminds me of when the ‘Mats were told to make videos.
Another even better one.
This will definitely make Russians install a globohomo ruler in the Kremlin.
Russians can no longer bring with them smartphones, laptops, toothpaste and toilet paper if they travel to the European Union.
Toilet paper?
A high school friend brought back a roll of toilet paper from his Russian foreign exchange family. There were actual wood chips in it!
My experience with East German commie toilet paper left scars that haunt me to this day.
The ex-East German tp I used back in 2003 looked like a cheap bathroom paper towel. So I rate this comment as mostly true.
In Russia ass wipes you.
Tragedy strikes
President Joe Biden’s war on poverty is unraveling fast.
Just two years after orchestrating the largest expansion of the U.S. safety net in a half-century, Biden’s $2 trillion bet that big-government policies could vastly improve life for the poorest Americans is coming to a close.
The historic injection of pandemic-era aid was, by many measures, a clear success. And it may never happen again.
New data released Tuesday by the Census Bureau found that the poverty rate spiked to 12.4 percent in 2022, from 7.8 percent in the prior year, as an array of enhanced federal benefits meant to help families afford food, housing and other basic needs expired one after another. The poverty rate for children alone also hit 12.4 percent, more than doubling from 5.2 percent in 2021.
The numbers represent a sharp reversal from a year earlier and an erasure of the gains made during the pandemic, when the passage of Biden’s American Rescue Plan drove the share of people in poverty to the lowest level on record, outpacing a broader economic recovery that was still in its shaky initial stages.
That milestone punctuated an early Biden presidency that, at one point, evoked comparisons to Franklin Roosevelt and Lyndon Johnson in the size of its societal ambitions. But White House aspirations of permanently enlarging the social safety net were instead overtaken by fears of rising inflation and political blowback. It has since mostly abandoned those goals, embracing a scaled-down “Bidenomics” agenda centered on easing costs and slashing government debt.
Helicopter money doesn’t last forever? That was totally unforeseen.
“The White House has indeed steered the U.S. economy out of the depths of the pandemic, generating millions of jobs while taming inflation and averting a recession to this point.”
Yah ok.
“Mmm-mmm. You know, it’s amazing. You are 100% wrong. I mean, nothing you’ve said has been right.”
Pay no attention to the broken supply chains and the one occupation after the next with dramatic worker shortages behind the curtain. That are in no way a result of spraying those trillions of dollars in every direction. And how many billions were stolen this time around, Joe?
In case anyone is interested, here is a pic of the dino bone I dug up 2 years ago:
Never encountered dinos, but I was part of a team that extracted a mastodon tibia from the Withlacoochee River back in 2020. It took six of us divers almost ten hours to free the bone from the riverbed and get it to shore. Afterwards, we celebrated with beer and barbecue.
It was quite the shindig.
The scuba element makes your experience better than mine. I took a scuba class and got certified my last semester in college.
The unofficial anthem of scuba people:
an actual sealab
Also, just noticed your pun. Shindig, because you dug up a shin bone. Nice!
“It’s terrible to let these programs expire, because every one of them was helping people who needed help,” said Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.). “This isn’t politics. This is the underlying moral question about what government is for.”
We can just keep pulling money out of the magic hat forever with no trace of adverse consequences.
Obviously, the purpose of government is to print money and hand it to people who have a demonstrated inability to handle money. We’re all better off that way.
They should make us all hold hands while crossing the street.
These are spicy links.
“Spain recinds award given to Pinochet”, but this is from the same government that digs up corpses and desecrates the dead like their commie forefathers.
TLDR: kudos to the most based Mexican this side of the Rio Grande
“The rise reported today in child poverty is no accident — it is the result of a deliberate policy choice congressional Republicans made to block help for families with children while advancing massive tax cuts for the wealthiest and largest corporations,” he said in a statement.
Biden also vowed to continue fighting to restore the monthly payments, which were directly responsible for lifting roughly 3 million children out of poverty in 2021. But Democratic attempts to bring back the program in some form have stalled so far, failing to win enough support from Republicans who remain skeptical of providing additional federal aid.
Maybe I’m crazy, but I thought those payments were being made because people were being prevented from working at the time.
If those children were orphans they could find steady employment
“The Pony Soldier Espresso is hiring” -Puddin’ head Bidn.
Of course not because your team ordered up a “report” that states exactly what you wanted it to state.
Why does it feel like Friday?
Also relevant
And note that neither song is “We Built This City”.
It’s complete
Also Tuesday
Also Monday (for Mojeaux, of course.)
Also Sunday
Been back in DC for 3 hours. Definitely don’t miss it.
I’m sorry to hear that.
Hope your stay is brief and painless.
Godspeed, good lady. Godspeed.
Packers fans vs Bears fans.
Do Youtube “shorts” not tell you how long they are or have a slider to move to a certain point in the video?
Nope, made just to consume. You can’t even choose what you watch next. It is watched because it is there, and you must consume.
Unclench boys. It’s funny.
A Russian woman gives a tour of her apartment complex, complete with elevator barely large enough for an adult and a baby stroller.
Clearly Russia is secretly building NATO-annihilating space lasers which are powered by the blood of homosexuals.
Looks like most apartments all over the Eastern Bloc. I’ve lived in some of them. In fact, hers looks pretty good compared to stuff I saw in the 90s. The elevator appeared to have interior doors, meaning you don’t have to watch your kids’ hands when the elevator is moving. Heck, the fact that the elevator was even working is an improvement. The kitchen and bath looked updated relatively speaking. And the floor was new.
Yes, it’s pretty typical. The apartment looked even better than usual inside.
Yeah, that floor is nicer than mine.
But LOL @ that elevator. It’s a curious architecture – she said 4 apartments on each floor; I guess that’s why the elevator is so small. And there must be another one each fifty feet or so.
My building has one (larger) elevator but there are 11 apartments on each of six floors which wouldn’t be so bad except the damn thing is the slowest elevator in existence. When I was more agile a few years ago I never took it down; only up. I still take the stairs down when I’m feeling my oats.
I just noticed she has a two dozen eggs sitting on top of the fridge.
In Europe eggs are usually not refrigerated.
Trump dumb? OK, watch this:
I look forward to the 2nd coming of the great orange hope.
Before this set of links closes, I wanted to follow up on the dumb ass who glued his hand to the road. Behold, and laugh.