Suck it, Holtz!
Ohio State got a hell of a win at Notre Dame. Max cruised to a win at Suzuka. The Stillers got a win at Vegas. Liverpool got a nice win. The Wallabies are all but dead at the RWC. And even though the Springboks lost, I think I may have witnessed one of the best rugby matches in a generation. Oh, and the Astros are in freefall and are in a bad place with a week left in the regular season. And that’s it for sports.

“Heil Hi….”
“shhh, Justin. Don’t say the quiet part out loud.”
Canadian Nazis. I hate Canadian Nazis. Seriously, how the holy fuck did this happen? Do these people not know who fought against the Russians during WW2, or do they just not care anymore?
Man, I was hoping this would never end. Damn it.
The next Ukraine is right around the corner. I wish our “leaders” would hurry up and decide who is to blame so I can prepare myself for the endless revelations that their kids just so happen to work fort a bunch of companies there.
Christ, what an asshole. How the hell was this chain of events even possible?
This is fine. ::sips coffee:: I still don’t think he makes it till next year’s election. But I sure hope he does.

This is pretty cool. I wonder how the agency will make it about trans people or empowering women or something else that has nothing to do with their mission.
Does anybody know the details of this? I’m not seeing any details about the shooting aside from the skin color of the victim. I’m curious why both sides are digging their heels in so hard.
He’s suing the wrong people. But I suppose this will get him the attention he needs to get the school to recant their policy. Hell, I don’t know enough about it to form an opinion. But I’m already pretty sure I want to dislike everybody involved.
Here’s a freaking awesome song. Just awesome. And the video brings back memories. So does this one. Enjoy them both.
And enjoy this lovely Monday, dear friends.
“Man, I was hoping this would never end. Damn it.”
I can still hope something goes wrong, and this shit goes wrong again, can’t I?
Please, please, please!
“This is pretty cool. I wonder how the agency will make it about trans people or empowering women or something else that has nothing to do with their mission.”
Andromeda Strain, Andromeda Strain!
Hah! That was my first thought as well.
“He’s suing the wrong people. But I suppose this will get him the attention he needs to get the school to recant their policy. Hell, I don’t know enough about it to form an opinion. But I’m already pretty sure I want to dislike everybody involved.”
Agreed they should all lose. On a lighter note, I am laughing my ass off at idiots like this being surprised grifting entities grift. It’s a good sign that this shit always self immolates. That having been said, this guy is right and will be attacked for it..
Dreadlocks are not originally a black thing:
They’re a white thing.
They were Greek – it’s a LGBTQ+× thing.
See also, the Celtic Gauls,
OT: Teens doing teen things, I guess…
“This is fine. ::sips coffee:: I still don’t think he makes it till next year’s election. But I sure hope he does.”
The gatekeepers read his racist mind but found that he didn’t mean wrong despite definitely doing racism.
Biden is not going anywhere. He will live into his 90s and serve as president for another full term. Hell, Jimmy Carter is 98 and I bet he could get re-elected. These people have constant 24/7/365 medical monitoring. Black pill morning.
Given that Carter at this point would be deemed an improvement over Biden, don’t give them ideas, man.
Carter could then roll back the only good things he did for the country!
He did good things?
Home brewing was illegal until Jimmy Carter – America’s teetotaling 39th President – signed H.R. 1337 and essentially lifted 50 years of prohibition regulations on home brewing that made it possible for hobbyist to legally brew at home.
Why is home distilling still illegal?
Because Billy made beer, not whiskey.
Home brew
Legalized home brewing, deregulated airlines and trucking.
Banking deregulation as well.
If only he had gotten rid of the Bank Secrecy Act, a misnomer if there ever were one.
Cheers to your black pill, which is correct. He will rage, hold people ransom with whatever dirt he knows, and run for the white house. And probably win it by theft again.
“Canadian Nazis. I hate Canadian Nazis. Seriously, how the holy fuck did this happen? Do these people not know who fought against the Russians during WW2, or do they just not care anymore?”
I suspect that they know damned well what the history of WWII was, but the agenda is to keep marxism and its evils hidden from the serfs. Especially in the globalist age.
“History? That’s for those who can’t see the glorious future, Comrades!” (More likely, they’re just fucking incompetent idiots).
Sigh. So much for hoping Red Bull might actually have an issue and the rest of the teams could fight for the front. At least McLaren had a good day and avoided the bumper cars the rest of the field decided to engage in (honorary points to Perez for seemingly being determined to wipe out the back markers all by his lonesome for a while there…).
Man, I was hoping this would never end. I was hoping it would end with the whole lot of them fired and some fresh blood brought in by necessity so maybe the circle-jerk of liberal love me scripts would stop for a while. Damn it, indeed.
Morning, Glibs.
Sports – Bryson DeChambeau shot a 63 for another come-from-behind win in the LIV Chicago tournament. He shot a 58 last month in Greenbrier to win there.
Now he’s headed home to watch the Ryder cup on tv.
I was hoping the writers’ strike never ended too.
“I wonder how the agency will make it about trans people or empowering women or something else that has nothing to do with their mission.”
^This. It is going from climate change to false firsts of DIE. When, oh when, will we stop having lectures inserted in every new article?
The list of awesome Journey songs is extensive.
A regional band used to do a bit in their live sets touting their WWJD bracelets. So they could let you know that in the dark, they would ask themselves the difficult question: What Would Journey Do?
Regarding hair length: That policy has been in effect in Texas schools for over 60 years. I had to deal with it when I was in high school. Learning to look professional in high school is good for you. My sympathy is very limited. This is not due to race, every boy must comply.
The key is to find the right judge. They’ll rule against anything to spite the enemy.
I get that everyone wants total freedom starting in Junior High. I see that. At least in the 70s and 80s Texas schools made a serious effort to push employment-ready high school seniors out the door. Part of that was dress code, another part was a class on home economics that taught you how to handle yourself in the world of bills, bank accounts, etc… I don’t know how much of that is relevant anymore, but that dress code has been around longer than I have.
I have heard it claimed that dress codes and hair restrictions were employed to give students something harmless to rebel against so they weren’t inclined to break the ‘real’ rules more.
Not sure the veracity of that assertion, nor the effectiveness of such an approach.
The DOJ is finally kicking out some illegal immigrants!
I wonder what makes this family such a special case?
Oh that’s hilarious. Well done.
They didn’t walk through the Mexican border (okay, okay… they’re of the naughty Caucasian persuasion and not into government indoctrination of their kids… aka less likely to be Evil Party voters… so we can’t have people like them around!)
I’m wondering what the DOJ could do to be even more partisan, other than jailing people for simply registering Republican.
Don’t give them any ideas.
Lack of roofing skills?
LOL. I heard they have great thighs too and that’s why the black is the better ath-a-lete.
I’m shocked he didn’t mention blacks having an extra leg muscle.
I thought it was an extra bone in the foot?
Wait, maybe it’s the double-Achilles tendon.
Today’s treatment for your low blood pressure. That it happened is less maddening than the complete lack of consequences for any of these psychopathic shitheels.
They’ve known this from the beginning, but it was an impediment to pushing the vaccines.
So they denied it and let people die.
And JAMA acknowledged the potential for further investigation the day after the 2020 election.
This was after they decried HCQ as fishtank cleaner months earlier when Trump mentioned it.
And their tiny retraction was on page 16 of their monthly.
Fuck all of these people. They deserve the boats.
I’m pretty sure there’s more to this story than the narrative they have constructed for us.
Wat? That sounds implausible.
And we’re supposed to believe that white boys don’t often wear their hair “beyond their eyebrows and earlobes”? Or they just get away with it because white??
OK, RJ corrects me above.
We had nothing like that in my schools.
Catholic schools here routinely have a rule that men’s hair must not touch their collars.
Well, sheet, what do they do about the Sicilians? Do they have to shave their upper back and shoulders?
For the dog lovers
More evidence that if they can’t eat it or fuck it they will just shit on it.
stunning and brave
I’m afraid to ask what the ring on the left is supposed to signify.
It’s clearly a cockring.
Glory holes…
Because not wanting to fuck is a special snowflake gendersexuality.
Every April 15th I wish i was asekshual right before I need to mail that check to the IRS that has been fucking me in the ass all year long…
Meh, if you have heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, you can have asexual. I mean, it’s a legit orientation, unlike “genderqueer” and “trans” [where they leave off the “sexual” because it’s mean or whatnot, but it’s not an orientation anyway].
Speaking of trans, I follow an increasing number of terf/LGB(minus)TQ/pro-Rowling Twitter accounts and that segment is growing. The LGBs are finally starting to figure out that tomboys, lesbians, and gay boys should be left alone to deal with their sexuality without being told they’re actually the opposite sex.
Asexual is a sexuality in the same way as atheism is a religion. And it is vastly less persecuted than the latter.
The worm Ouroboros?
Louise Redknapp pulls out of Eternal reunion over LGBTQ row
I have no idea who that is.
Comrade Soya
Imagine identifying as a communist while simultaneously saying that a vast majority of workers in North America can’t achieve socialism…
because they commited the ‘crime’ of being born in a place where it’s bourgeoisie has benefited from colonialism.
commie fight!
Lucanamarca Maoist
Thread: Why Marxism-Leninism-Maoist is a objective advancement of Marxism and the only anti-revisionist ideology in the current era
This has been a common debate among the ICM so I feel it is time to make a thread detailing the advancements of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism
I have no interest in crawling up their buttholes along with them.
Commies are so tedious.
Goddamned. What a bunch of gibberish.
I am taking your word for it, because I too and tired of commie verbal diarrhea.
“Imagine identifying as a communist”
I’ve tried, but then I feel an almost irresistible urge to throw myself into a woodchipper.
Daily Ray of Sunshine
Goldens are the best.
Thanks, Holiness!
Journey is a fine choice for a Monday morning. I have a soft spot in my cold black heart for Feeling That Way.
Daily Quordle 609
https://squaredle.com 09/25:
22/22 words (+12 bonus words)
📖 In the top 1% by bonus words
Enjoying this one.
https://squaredle.com 09/25:
22/22 words (+4 bonus words)
🎯 In the top 28% by accuracy
Daily Quordle 609
fuck the upper right.
How English has changed over the last thousand years, through the 23rd Psalm. From 800 to 1989 AD.
Micro Bikini Try-On Haul: The latest trend in swimwear
For those who want a really blinged out USB hub these guys had some that were designed to look like mini cigarette vending machines, coke machines, and change machines. They also have completely playable mini cabinets.
It was very tempting to pick up some of their stuff at the Cleveland Gaming Classic.
but why.
Why not? I’d buy one if only they’d spelled “Kools” right.
My guess is they got hit with a trademark/copyright suit about that. The girlfriend was excited about the mini ski ball game they had, but it was just a prototype and was still having issues consistently recording the balls going through the holes (as the balls were light).
Trademark, surely.
What Neph said. (Refresh!)
*points to avatar*
Neat stuff. Dig the mini boom boxes.
They went to great details to make the stuff look and feel authentic. They even had little miniature replica quarters to put in the slots for the cabinets.
Did you know that virtue signaling has a cost? Our leaders don’t seem to think so…
Taxpayers Stuck Paying the Bills for Oligarchs’ Seized Yachts and Mansions
Assets taken from sanctioned Russian billionaires are costly to maintain as legal hurdles hold up sales; $28,000 a week to keep mold out of the Alfa Nero
Anyone with even the slightest bit of knowledge and common sense either knows this or could have inferred it.
Watch how this little dog separates a lion and a tiger in a disagreement
A veterinarian uses a skilled technique to remove a toy that was stuck in a German Shepherd’s oesophagus.
Was that a buttplug?
Kong treat holder.
Or a buttplug if you’re into that sort of thing.
Anything is a butt plug if you are daring enough…
Had an IT coworker about 15 years ag that became convinced all IT jobs would be outsourced to India and he would not be able to make a living unless he changed careers. So after a lot of research and agonizing, he went out to get himself a nursing degree. The stories we heard from him every Monday after he worked the ER for the weekend…
We ended up giving him the title “Hotdog Extractor” after one of the harrowing stories. It was a close one between “Beer Bottle”, “Kielbasa”, and “Powertool” extractor…
“I slipped in the shower, Doc, honest!”
“Why were you showering with a Gnome Statue?”
My garden hose was not sufficient to clean up the poo on the gnome from the last excursion?
It was a million to one shot doc. I mean woof…
D’ya like dags?
I figured the Canadian Nazi thing was because Trudeau had a really cool Nazi uniform he was dying to wear.
He almost certainly has some Boss in the closet.
One of the signs of good music is that it can be adapted to different styles:
True: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o7ojOWMwpNM
I get auction notices for business liquidations.
Let’s just say that the quantity and pace of them has picked up dramatically.
Any trends on the types of businesses?
Restaurants, gyms, and home furnishings seem to constitute the majority.
any good bargains to be had?
If you need major appliances and are willing to take a risk, yes.
I’ve been getting a lot of industrial (mostly machining) ones. But so what? The economy is GREAT!
I’m getting server errors so no link but the Telegraph reports the guy tried to ram his way out of a police block.
So much for “unarmed.”
With 15 minute cities, police will no longer be able to use the excuse of “he was driving at me” as a pretext for genociding BIPOCs.
/HRM’s Government
The Polish way of rebuilding
Let’s make Coventry medieval again
I’m in Warsaw …
Fifteen months after its Jewish ghetto rose up in a last ditch attempt to avoid annihilation, the people of the city carried out one final act of defiance against Nazi occupation in August 1944.
The Polish Army and resistance fought bravely – some 20,000 Germans were killed or wounded – but at huge cost. As many as 200,000 Poles, most civilians, were killed in the battle and over 80% of the city destroyed – worse destruction than Hiroshima or Nagasaki. And so the Nazis had carried out their plan to erase the Polish capital — yet this was something the Poles refused to accept, even after 1944
Today the Old Town is as beautiful as it ever was, and visitors from around the world come to walk its streets – witnesses to perhaps the most remarkable ever story of urban rebirth.
With the city a pile of rubble and corpses, the post-war communist authorities considered moving the capital elsewhere, and some suggested that the remains of Warsaw be left as a memorial to war, but the civic leaders insisted otherwise – the city would rise again
Re: the Hollywood “writer’s strike” – How hard is it to re-write old Shakespeare just swapping race/gender. Kid and Play did it back in the day.
Good catch, I wrote my PhD dissertation on the familial string that runs through Titus Andronicus and House Party II.
“The largest Toyota Pickup Truck land battle in history”
Jeez, just one loaded out attack helicopter and there wouldn’t be enough virgins in Heaven for all of those guys.
Release the
houndsHinds!Kamov werewolf or GTFO
That will help subsidize Toyota’s EV production. Toyoda says, “Hurray!”
So al-Qaeda are the good guys now?
who says there are good guys?
They are fighting Wagner…
Religious Fanatics versus Penal Legionnaires.
Not the match-up I had on my bingo card for the month.
Have all the other automakers sent their armies?
There were no EV charging stations in Mali, so they haven’t been able to reach the fight.
I blame Congress for not including more funding for charging stations in the Inflation Reduction Act.
Funny how AQ always shows up just when we need them.
It might go something like this.
EU bonds are under pressure this morning. It’s getting spicy.
‘Who Benefits?’ Inside the EU’s Fight over Scanning for Child Sex Content
An investigation uncovers a web of influence in the powerful coalition aligned behind the European Commission’s proposal to scan for child sexual abuse material online, a proposal leading experts say puts rights at risk and will introduce new vulnerabilities by undermining encryption.
The regulation would obligate digital platforms – from Facebook to Telegram, Signal to Snapchat, TikTok to clouds and online gaming websites – to detect and report any trace of child sexual abuse material, CSAM, on their systems and in their users’ private chats.
It would introduce a complex legal architecture reliant on AI tools for detecting images, videos and speech – so-called ‘client-side scanning’ – containing sexual abuse against minors and attempts to groom children.
Welcomed by some child welfare organisations, the regulation has nevertheless been met with alarm from privacy advocates and tech specialists who say it will unleash a massive new surveillance system and threaten the use of end-to-end encryption, currently the ultimate way to secure digital communications from prying eyes.
Reminds me of that movie Porky’s where the school superintendent made sure everyone knew how angry he was because he sat through the porn flick they took from the kids – twice – to make sure he caught all the smut…
You mean Porky’s II: The Next Day. Although it wasn’t set the following day and Porky never even made an appearance.
Look at you going all precise on me, Sloop..
I stand corrected.
Listen pervert, if you’re not doing anything wrong etc.
How hard is it to re-write old Shakespeare just swapping race/gender. Kid and Play did it back in the day.
It’s all Aesop’s “The Dog in the Manger”, these days.
I figured it was The Monkey and the Dolphin
Not The Marquis and the Dauphin?
I’d actually believe that the catalyst for the larger border crossing was an inability to access the government app.
What’s Behind the Latest Migrant Surge? For Many, Impatience With a Government App
CBP One is supposed to set up appointments for asylum screening, but demand means a monthslong wait
Who knew there would be so many economic migrants?
Invaders are always ‘economic migrants’.
🎶 It’s just another Mammary Monday… 🎶
Something went haywire with Archive…
Black people are hilarious
Running from BooBoo…
Remember your SSN will never be used as a national ID number.
The SEC Wants to Spy on Your Portfolio
The Consolidated Audit Trail will record your Social Security number and all your stock trades.
“You are required to present your SSN”
-followed by-
“No services will be rendered without your SSN”
The SEC Wants to Spy on Your Portfolio
It Just Means More.
Journolismists r dum, Erin go brah edition:
I lied. I wanna go home.
Just kidding. First day of work off to a normal start. Digging through the system and already see I need to pull out my nukes.
I assume that the orientation at CVG would have to include a screening of Rain Man .
”My Ancestors Rolling In They Graves’: White Woman Wins 2023 Miss Universe Zimbabwe Over ‘Melanated’ Candidates
white chicks ruin everything
Look on the bright side, I think she’s actually a woman.
The winner is white and a woman? That’s double plus ungood.
That’s the bad kind of inclusivity!
Good news for people who like good news.
Over and under on them basically passing a new law with some different wording doing the same shit, and just resetting the clock on another challenge? here in the People’s Republic of Connecticut where they have a similar law, the AG said there was nothing to worry about, because everybody loved this restriction on gun owner’s rights.
A hand in every pocket
As the Wall Street Journal reports, the new law from the IRS is requiring ticket sellers like Ticketmaster and Stubhub to fork over information if they made more than $600 reselling tickets this year. Ticketing websites previously had to send 1099-K forms to a user who made more than $20,000 through 200 or more transactions in a year. The updated law, which is a part of the American Rescue Plan Act, lowers that amount to $600 regardless of the number of sales, and sellers will only need to pay taxes on profit. This is the latest in the Biden administration’s attempts to reign in the Wild West of ticket sales—the White House previously hosted ticketing execs this summer for a dialogue on increasing transparency around hidden fees that customers are slapped with during checkout.
“Payment apps and online marketplaces are required to file a Form 1099-K if the gross payments to you for goods and services are over $600,” the IRS said in a fact sheet. “The $600 reporting threshold started with tax year 2023. There are no changes to what counts as income or how tax is calculated.”
The Journal reports that the average price for tickets to Swift’s The Eras Tour was a massive $1,095, citing figures from StubHub, which specializes in resale tickets. Similarly, the average prices for Beyonce’s and Harry Styles’ respective tours hit $380 and $400. Concerts are not the only offenders, however, as tickets to Inter Miami CF soccer matches ballooned to $250 from $30 after Lionel Messi joined Major League Soccer. StubHub also apparently told WSJ that there was an unusually high number of resellers this year, likely a result of the live event industry still rebounding after covid-19 lockdowns in 2020 and 2021.
Inflation reduction at work. This is all about the wild west of people trying to make a little scratch on the side.
Thankfully they’re only going after millionaires.
Millionaires have lawyers & accountants. Serfs don’t so you can easily rob them.
The Dao of being annoyed.
I was afraid of this. Push all the inconvenient voices to one platform, then pull the plug on them all at once.
it’s for the children
If you can’t beat ’em, ban ’em.
I could see that happening if Brand is convicted but I doubt it’ll happen just yet. They’re full of shit though, I guarandamntee you that there are scores of lunatics and outright convicted criminals among the YouTube creators-hell, Brand’s still there but he just can’t monetize his content.
That has been the idea for a while. Remember Parler? The elites figured closing that would be good enough. We are in round 2 right now.
Yeah…it’s economic Anfal. Concentrate, encircle, destroy.
The SEC Wants to Spy on Your Portfolio
How else will they track your unrealized gains?
Good morning, Sloop!
What the fuck is it with the Serbs? They already got their world war. Lighten the fuck up, boys.
Those songs definitely bring back some memories. I wonder how VQ holds up. Probably not well, but it sure had a terrific soundtrack!
Serbia is Russia aligned. That’s enough for them.
Look at the bright side. Serbia and Azerbaijan are practice runs for the purges and mass relocations which will be required here when the crackup happens.
“Do these people not know who fought against the Russians during WW2?”
We’ve always been at war with Eurasia and Russia.
Biden admin moves to give federal IDs to illegal immigrants
This is fine.
That was never the plan all along, you conspiracy theorist.
Just got done going through almost two weeks’ worth of emails and an extended discussion with my boss about what’s been going on while I was on vacation. Second best news: this month’s Board meeting was cancelled for lack of a quorum, so no minutes to write. Best news: (OK, a mixed blessing:) we’re probably not switching Professional Employer Orgs before our insurance benefits renewal date, so October and November might not be nightmares!
Glad it wasn’t catastrophe.
How did your Boss cope with your absense?
Well enough, as far as I can tell. His most immediate concern, though, was the abdominal pain he was having all weekend, which he’s afraid might be kidney stones or his gall bladder. (No appendix.) He left to try to work from home before going to the doctor this afternoon. 😟
The location and pressure sensitivity can tell you what caused it. Gall bladder will be right along the bottom of the rib cage with pressure sensitivity on the right side of the front at that region (ie where the liver and gall bladder are located) Kidney stones will be lower and not prone to pressure sensitivity. Gall Bladder is also often correlated to acid reflux. (2/2 people I know who had to have theirs out had serious reflux issues leading up to it)
Of course, it could also just be a pulled muscle.
It’s pressure sensitive – bumps on the road as he drove in were paining him – but I thought he indicated it was on his left side. He mentioned some nausea, so seems to be more than a pulled muscle.
At this point, my recommendation is consult a medical professional. That combination is bad news.
“I wonder how the agency will make it about trans people or empowering women or something else that has nothing to do with their mission.”
My daughter has been working on an astrobiology project at NASA where they have been looking at meteors that have fallen in Antarctica. Maybe she will be empowered by the asteroid research too.
Creeping fascism
Hillary Clinton warned Sunday that Russian President Vladimir Putin will try to interfere with the upcoming 2024 election.
“I fear that the Russians have proved themselves to be quite adept at interfering and if he has a chance, he’ll do it again,” the former secretary of state and 2016 Democratic presidential nominee said on MSNBC’s “Inside with Jen Psaki.”
Clinton said that U.S. does not talk about Russian interference in the nation’s elections enough, claiming that Putin has “a lot of apologists and enablers in our own country.”
She said some Americans do not see the “danger” of Putin, while cautioning that some even agree with him on certain issues, such as the invasion of Ukraine. Clinton warned that fascism and authoritarianism may be growing in the U.S. and urged voters to “reject” that kind of thinking.
“And part of the challenge is to continue to explain to the American public that you know, the kind of leader Putin is, this authoritarian dictator who literally kills his opposition, kills journalists, poisons people who disagree with him, invades other country, interferes with our election,” she said.
“That is part of the alternative we have to reject in this election,” she continued. “We have to reject authoritarianism. We have to reject a kind of creeping fascism almost, of people who are really ready to turn over their thinking, their votes to wannabe dictators, and we can’t allow that to proceed.”
Creeping? I’s say we’re at a full gallop.
Also- Putin Putin Putin!
Putin on the Ritz
kills his opposition, kills journalists, poisons people who disagree with him, invades other country, interferes with our election
Who are we talking about again?
That she can say all those things with a straight face is truly impressive. What a wretched human.
The intelligence community found that Russia’s interference in the 2020 election was intended to harm Clinton as the Democratic nominee and that it preferred the election of Republican Donald Trump. The Senate Intelligence Committee later reaffirmed those findings.
Clinton said the reason Putin worked so hard against her campaign was because “he didn’t think that he wanted me in the White House.”
You can’t be WRONG all the time, either.
*2020 election? That’s some quality journalisming.
I guess the imperial executive is only bad when Republicans want it
Assemblymember Cecilia Aguiar-Curry’s bill to require safety drivers on autonomous trucks was heavily backed by the Teamsters and received widespread support from lawmakers. It passed the Legislature with more than two-thirds approval in each house.
Newsom in his veto message called the bill unnecessary and said the regulation of autonomous vehicles should be left to the DMV.
The legislature should stick to toothless social signalling and let the administrative state make the rules.
*rules which will be slavishly adopted by half the states in typical monkey-see-monkey-do fashion.
EV Battery Factory Will Require So Much Energy It Needs A Coal Plant To Power It
It’s not easy being green.
But wait! There’s more!
“Lego ditches oil-free brick in sustainability setback”
Coal miners need good paying jobs too. Unions, John L. Lewis, coal miners’ daughters, what’s not to like
Heh. Stupidity thrives in darkness. The world needs a lot more articles like this.
A 15-pound lithium-ion battery holds about the same amount of energy as a pound of oil. To make that battery requires 7,000 pounds of rock and dirt to get the minerals that go into that battery. The average EV battery weighs around 1,000 pounds.
All of that mining and factory processing produces a lot more carbon dioxide emissions than a gas-powered car, so EVs have to be driven around 50,000 to 60,000 miles before there’s a net reduction in carbon dioxide emissions.
Pay no attention to the physicist behind that curtain.
You left off the part where those batteries will need to be replaced…
That continues to ignore the mountains of toxic waste that are also produced.
That problem will be solved when Coca Cola releases the new soda flavors! “Heavy Coke” will be a hit, solve the population problem, AND get rid of toxic waste!