Street Trash had some of the best VHS cover art ever. This is just one example.
Featured Short: Three Stooges in Income Tax Sappy. Our heroes evade taxes, and fight with IRS agents. You won’t see this on Saturday Morning TV very much.
Ah, Street Trash. The film that launched a thousand angry protests. In the words of protesters it was so vile, so disgusting, it should never be at Block Buster! Was it really that terrible? Tonight, you can be the judge of that! I can say that the street people in this film were extra filthy and horrible looking. Authenticity counts. The makeup is pretty impressive for an ultra-low budget film. The melting effects are done cleverly, given the budget. And it also has….. A penis degloving! Yes, this movie has it all. Our basic plot is this: Liquor store guy finds old bottles of liquor behind a wall, sells them for a dollar, and melting/hilarity ensues! Everyone in this film is sleazy, so pick your favorite. Heroes are for Marvel films.
I am going to shamelessly steal from Wikipedia here:
Roy Frumkes, who wrote the screenplay, stated in a National Board of Review profile “I wrote it to democratically offend every group on the planet, and as a result the youth market embraced it as a renegade work, and it played midnight shows.”
It was not the first movie embraced by alternative movie goers by any means. But it was an important one. Also, it was not forgotten. In 2024, there is a remake brewing. Frumkes also wrote that one. I… have thoughts about remakes. In general they suck. It’s especially suspicious to remake it in 2024. That usually means “skin suit the original movie and insert a message.” The new 2024 film plot summary, from IMDB, is “A group of homeless misfits must fight for survival when they discover a plot to exterminate every homeless person in the city.” Oh boy. It’s not out yet, but it sounds like it is well on its way to the same place as The Hebrew Hammer sequel. Lightning doesn’t strike twice, Frumkes! Don’t do it!
This is all I have time to say this week. So watch! Enjoy this moment of 1980’s depravity! Or don’t! Everything is voluntary! The parade of classics continues next week, with City of the Living Dead! A Fulci classic!
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(h/t: The Hyperbole)
Penis degloving.
Words that I did not know I was going to be reading.
That was a big thing a year ago. One of us did medical transcription at a number of them.
*sweats uncomfortably*
Paging Mojeaux. Mojeaux, to the white courtesy phone.
You might be the first person in human history to say that.
Look, when you are stuck typing clinic visits for elderlies with hypertension and hyperlipidemia all the time, you will rejoice every time you get something different to type. Penis deglovings are the epitome of different.
Some years ago, I typed a dude who set a whole mess of fireworks off in his lap. That’s where it started.
I did not mean it as a criticism 🙂
Great movie, I was able to get a bootleg VHS tape of this movie, back in 1992 or so. It was impossible to get those movies from the video store, I feed for many years the bootleg market. Tulpas never die.
Can you say that again, poor favor?
Great movie, I was able to get a bootleg VHS tape of this movie, back in 1992 or so. It was impossible to get those movies from the video store, I feed for many years the bootleg market. Tulpas never die.
So nice he said it twice.
So great he got two copies.
Mine as well!
They may never die, but sometimes they are redundant.
I’m my shaking hand fault.
I… have thoughts about remakes. In general they suck.
Ricardo Cortez was the ultimate Sam Spade.
There is always an exception to the rule.
The Man Who Knew Too Much
Many people argue that the second (Judy Garland) version of A Star Is Born is better than the original.
Both directed by Hitchcock? I just saw the 1934 (?) version.
The Lady Gaga version is better than the Barbara Streisand one.
You don’t like The Oreos?
Yeah. He re-did it with Jimmy Stewart and Doris Day.
You can get that one from archive org.
I’m about to get shit for double posting.
I think you were looking for this.
If you want to get shit on, we won’t kink shame you.
Spaniard, not German.
If Sean has your address, you just might.
I could do with some of his peppers. I had roasted peppers in soy / garlic sauce tonight. Delicious.
*hits play*
Yeah, I know, I’m 15 minutes late. Shit happens.
I like the Stooges.
I was working late. GlibFlick slipped my mind.
I’m going to watch the short and go to bed. I’ll watch the movie tomorrow.
Thanks RJ!
Raw Power!
Welcome. You enjoy!
So The Spaniard is RJ’s friend like the Snuffleupagus?
Shh! Nobody knows this.
Three minutes in a there’s tiddies. Nice.
And bush. Which went extinct do to excessive trapping.
Not the muppets
That’s a mighty fine cigar box rig. I was looking at building a three-string one.
On my list of things to do.
IIRC, GT said Tom Terrific has made a couple.
Impressive car crash effect.
It was. The first melting was pretty good, too
This is a fun film. Fun fact, when we get to the penis juggling, the director had three different severed penis sizes, he couldn’t decide which one would show up better on film. I like a dedicated director.
Or Sasha Grey.
I started work on “The Worst Sexy Costumes of 2023.”
Rules: Has to be a costume in production, with a link. I had a fun hour and a half on the Yandy site this evening. Men or women’s costumes are eligible.
“Baby, I ain’t sure you don’t have a cock.”
“I want you all the way up in my womb, OK?”
Gee that doesn’t sound preachy at all. 🙄
You think it will be shot in San Francisco, or Portland?
Everyone should be shot in Portland.
Is the plot called “Winter”?
It was the winter of their discontent.
If they’re homeless, I’d expect it to be the winter of their discount tent.
Other than the cute Asian girl and the little brother, I think I hate every single person in this movie.
As I mentioned, there are no heroes. This is not a Marvel movie. Just all horrible, like a Russian short story.
Next week, a Lucio Fucli film, and after that, The Raven (1963) with Boris, Vincent and Peter. That should make TedS pleased. The classics keep coming.
Viper. Viper is the hero.
New Peter Gabriel:
Holy uncanny valley Batman.
That was a trip. Thanks, RJ!
You are welcome. Hope to see you next week for all kinds of Italian zombie madness.
Dago of the Dead
Oh, bravo.
Well done!
WTF are the Packers coaches wearing?
Loser pants, apparently.
So, I wasn’t aware of the nonsense going on in Arizona. Katie Hobbs is having issues getting some of her nominees to run the various state agencies approved by the Arizona senate. She decided the solution to this was to withdraw all nominees and to name them as deputy directors instead where they can basically just run the agencies regardless. Very Democratic thing to do. Of course blames this on the extreme partisan behavior of the senate.
It’s progjection all the way down the line.
That sounds like a great to democracy.
Or a threat.
I don’t know how you are defining democracy, pal, but all right thinking people know democracy is whatever is done by Democrats. It’s right there in the name!
I hope AZ Republicans are still glad the nominated Kari Lake in the last election.
Yay. It’s raining. Again. ☔
Mornin Glibs!
Let’s get a little off beat this morning. 🎶🎶
Hank Williams sings Straight Outta Compton:
An AI mashup apparently-pretty good.
“There, I ruined it.”
Good morning all!
Wrapping up Glass week, we have:
Songs For Liquid Days – 6, Forgetting
Music: Philip Glass: Lyrics: Laurie Anderson
Sung by: Linda Ronstadt, backed by The Riches
The chorus refrain is especially nice:
Bravery. Kindness. Clarity.
Honesty. Compassion. Generosity.
Bravery. Honesty. Dignity.
Clarity. Kindness. Compassion.
Einstein on the Beach, Knee Play 5 finale, Two Lovers
Interleaving the production video and a video of a public rehearsal of the Knee Plays.
I love this more than I can say.
Good morning, Beau, Sean, Stinky, and U!
That’s my Roches, all right! Thank you for these, Beau! Fascinating!
I’m very glad you’ve enjoyed them!
Bonus, the first Glass I ever heard. Confirmed me in the cult immediately.
Einstein on the Beach, Knee Play 1
11 months of home confinement. Fucking bullshit.
Razorfist rant on the Arizona governor…looks like she just up and disappeared for a few days for no given reason among other things:
I forgot to buy cheese!
Ack! This is an emergency! 😨
You a Kraft Singles guy or are you more into Velveeta?
Normally, I get cheese curds when I get breakfast. I’ve remarked recently that the three staples of my current diet are beef, chicken, and cheese.
I haven’t had either of the varieties of cheese or plastic you’ve mentioned in years.
Cheese is also a staple here. Cheddar, aged gouda, gruyere, and comte for the most part. I am not a fan of soft cheeses.
“Cheese is milk’s leap to immortality.” – some edition of The Joy of Cooking
Mornin’, reprobates!
Morning lynx are up. Sloopy’s clock must be fried.
Good morning, ‘patzie!
Hey! I get to look at the lynx BEFORE I have to hit the road for work!