Very loudly not talking about his film career, apparently.
“Jason Aaron Joins Action Comics for ‘Superman Superstars’ Initiative”
“Activision CEO Bobby Kotick To Stay For Two More Months”
“It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia’s NIGHTMAN Is Official Marvel Canon”
Regardless of his film career, Ewan McGregor is a very adventurous motorcycle rider. If you can find it, I recommend his and Charlie Boorman’s shows “Long Way ‘Round” and Long Way Down”.
Well now I’m wondering if he and Keanu ever hung out (someone linked a while back a Leno episode where he goes to where Keanu has funded / provided the vision for a custom motorcycle shop…. Jay thought it was a nice bike, as I recall).
ARCH Motorcycles
On a recent episode of “Ride with Norman Reedus”, Keanu rode an ARCH.
/I’m a sucker for motorcycle travel TV shows.
Semi on topic – this made my day!
He Raced This 114-Year-Old Motorcycle Cross-Country and Won
The Worlds Slowest Indian.
I would bear that man’s children.
I have seen them, and they are spectacular.
I have both. As bike documentaries go, they’re solid.
So while McGregor may not have spoken of his most famous roles, he was at least able to share one of his most obscure performances, recounting an embarrassing childhood memory at age 14. His father, a drummer, tricked him into drumming in front of a New Year’s Eve party, despite not ever planning for a live performance. “Luckily, it was late at night, so everyone was absolutely plastered.”
So a bog-standard live music performance.
Not until he does battle with Day Man. Fighter of the Night Man. Champion of the sun.
If he doesn’t enter children’s’ rooms at night and try to rape them then it’s not the same character. Then again, considering the state of Marvel Comics nowadays that very well may be his MO.
Can’t say I care. DC over the last several years has made it clear I’m not their target audience (being straight, male and a fan of their work before Infinite Crisis / New 52), and frankly has seemed to try to crap on every property they own.
Some people may look back on late 19th Century America in disdain because women couldn’t vote.
Others refer to that era as “the good old days.”
The Gilded Age was the peak of Western civilization.
Like yoga pants, the 19th Amendment is a mixed blessing.
Instantly doubled the number of idiots voting
I get the point he’s shooting at here, but, well, he’s fucking wrong. Feeding your kids a bunch of bullshit about how they’re destined for glory is a good way to turn them into disaffected narcissists (i.e., Millennials). 99% of people are going to be run of the mill mediocrities. Exceptional people are, definitionally, the exception. I wish somebody had drilled into my head early on that being a “gifted” student and slightly above average intelligence didn’t make me anything special instead of blowing smoke up my ass.
From the baby shower episode of Sex and the City:
Party Guest: My son is a GOD and I tell him so daily.
Same reaction here to that passage.
Just don’t try to make all the kids left-handed.
That would be sinister.
How sinister.
Didn’t refresh before commenting? How gauche! 😉
GT, do you coworkers appreciate your quick wit?
*sorry: you’re quick wit
My boss does.
Usually.Sometimes.Well, you can certainly take it too far (like, well, everything). But there’s a sizable gap between “You can do better.” “You are a god among men, and all should bow down to you”.
I dimly recall a movie with Ewan McGregor and some blonde. I believe it was one of those “kidnap the rich girl and wait for Stockholm syndrome to set in” plots. I also dimly recall liking it. What was it called?
A Life Less Ordinary.
Virginia internet porn star and candidate for House of Delegates swatted.
Isn’t that her thing too?
More of a viewer request.
Swatting is attempted murder and should be prosecuted as such.
I suppose under the circumstances a “is that a gun in your pocket or are you just happy to see me” joke would be in poor taste, right?
When has poor taste ever stopped us?
When it tasted of coconut?
Jim Jordan wins nomination in House speaker election, defeating late challenger Austin Scott
I dont know if she was looking to pick a fight, or just be self-defensive.
But WOOD. Even on Saturday.
Jewish NYC Councilwoman Inna Vernikov arrested for carrying gun at pro-Palestinian rally
So you can carry a gun, just not to any place you might actually need to use it.
I’m assuming she did this on purpose either for the clicks or to gain standing in a lawsuit.
From my conversations with NY carry permit holders everybody knows this prohibition.
That would be neat.
The state knows this won’t stand. They’re probably busy working on the next unconstitutional end-run.
It is a perfect test case: licensed to carry, but is a. Jewish b. a city council member c. at a pro-Hamas rally d. on a public school. She has a reason to be there, a reason to fear for her life, and it is on city property. You almost couldn’t ask for more.
So much hard wood we are talking seasoned oak at this point.
I would’ve thought she’d be too skinny for you or did the tits tip the scales?
Look a those jugs….and the mom-pants.
And variety, after all…
Nice look, NYPD. Arrest the Jew.
Yeah, now they get to work 40 hours a week just like men, spend their entire 20s having consequence-free sex unemotional sex that leaves them unfulfilled and popping antidepressants throughout their 30s, until they start feeling their biological clock winding down, marry some equally pathetic malding progressive modern urbanite male, and dump 2 years worth of salary on fertility treatments, before rushing back to work a week after shitting out a little test tube experiment while a stranger they hire for 1/3 of their salary raises their fucked up little budding psychopath and future trans-baby fashion accessory for them. Because there is literally nothing more to life than consooooooooming.
::scratches head:: All of that is capitalism’s fault?
Not exclusively, although I doubt it could have happened without it.
‘’Without Capitalism’ is a null concept on the order of ‘Without Conservation of Momentum’…
“Assume a spherical Krugman….”
Depends on your definition, I suppose. Black markets are an inevitability even in the most economically repressive regimes, but I don’t think that’s what Reed has in mind when he uses the term “free markets (capitalism).”
Technology enables it all…a product of a free market. Without the free market women would still be barefoot with 8 kids by the age of 16, grey at 30 and dead at 35.
OMWC was born too late and in history.
Don’t hold back Pat, tell us how you really feel. (But that does sum it up pretty well).
Well that was interesting to read.
*Puts on historian’s hat*
Not my field of research, but two things historians argue about some innovations brought about by capitalism:
1) household technology in the early twentieth century contributed to making a sharper line between women’s work and men’s work – at least for the middle-class. When cleaning rugs and carpets required hauling them outside to beat the dust off them (yeah, yeah, phrasing), husbands & sons traditionally did the heavy lifting. Once you have vacuum cleaners, male labor is no longer required.
2) some historians would argue that the single most important development in liberating women was the birth control pill.
I would say the car was the most important development, but, hey, why not the pill.
Overall, the car probably more important. But I think (and it’s been a while since I read this), they were talking about something that had a profound effect on women with only marginal effect on men. AND, I think the context was global, not just the US.
That is one reason I made sure Trey gave Marina a car. (He doesn’t think of these things, but walking to the grocery store with a baby takes up a lot of time and energy that’s needed for other things.) Now, in Trey’s mind, all he’s doing is giving Marina tools to make her job easier and more efficient. As an employer, this is the way he thinks.
However, my babysitter when I was a baby (1970-1973ish) wasn’t allowed to drive, and she wasn’t the only woman in that neighborhood who couldn’t/weren’t allowed to drive. They were grandmotherish age.
I once mentioned the car as being more important than the pill to some liberals I knew once. Man, did they go ballistic over that idea. I mean, come on! Women being able to manage their own time/mobility/needs vs. having sex without consequences.
“a profound effect on women with only marginal effect on men”
That’s a cheap way out of an argument. Not on your part, but…
Further. Crank starting a car was not easy hence the fully electric car for wealthy women.
The electric starter probably was a big turning point,
So, ladies like the buzzer more than getting to crank one? No surprises there.
Mrs. Suthenboy says electric cars were a stupid idea. I asked her how she would crank a car if I were not around.
“That is easy. Sleep with the neighbor and get him to do it.”
*facepalm* I walked right into that.
See Lucy and Ethel in CT trying to start a riding lawnmower. Ethel, having previously referred to cranking Model T’s in her undetermined youth: “This is exactly the way we used to cr…”
*sorry, denied being so old as to have cranked
Rowr rowr. /sarc
Loretta Lynn even sang about it.
I’d agree – it constitutes the “consequence free sex” component of my original construction. Without it, it would be difficult if not impossible to pursue sexual promiscuity and a career simultaneously, as has become the western model.
I miss the 80s too, Pat.
Well, before that charm-bracelet gnome Fauci ruined bareback sex for everyone with the “heterosexual AIDS” scare.
Ooo, dental dams!
What does “liberating” mean?
Wife and I are going through IVF right now. Glad it exists.
Not offended, per se, but I probably would beat the fuck out of you if you used “shitting out a little test tube experiment” in my presence.
Thought it was worth mentioning.
Seems like a bit of an overreaction, but I understand. I wouldn’t generally deliver my sermon on middle aged women who pissed away their fecundity resorting to fertility treatments in order to have a vanity baby as a consumerist fashion accessory in a fertility clinic waiting room.
Winning friends and influencing people!
*hands Pat the keys to a backhoe*
Might dig yourself out faster.
Oh FFS people, it should be blindingly obvious I wasn’t suggesting Seguin’s wife is getting IVF in order to have a vanity baby. I’m saying that I’m not a big enough shit head to go lecture people in a fertility clinic waiting room with my thoughts on modern sexual mores and capitalist consumerism, so consider the venue here before lynching me.
Dude, nobody’s mad, but we are looking at you with one raised eyebrow and a bemused smirk.
“Why can’t I spout my rants full of sweeping generalizations without being challenged???”
You know, maybe responding with “I’d beat the fuck out of you [because of something you said]” might earn some side-eye too?
Some of us are looking at you like “damn right”. I know too many colleagues who fit that description, or are only partway along the sad journey, but I’ve shed too many tears over one that I really care about to be bemused.
That’s not even remotely what I said, and quite frankly I’m disappointed and surprised at the mischaracterization. It seemed as if Mo and Toxteth were suggesting I was being an asshole to Seguin deliberately and disparaging his wife. I was not. The point of this sentence:
was not to suggest anything about Seguin or his wife, it was to point out that I don’t make a practice of harassing people at a fertility clinic with my controversial viewpoints. Because this isn’t a fertility clinic waiting room, I’m more inclined to be free with an assholish opinion, and it isn’t intended personally against anyone.
FWIW, if I had one complaint about Glibs as compared to the bad old site, it’s that people don’t rip into each other as much and comity is overly valued. Please feel absolutely free to say what you think of me and my assholish opinions. I’m fine with being challenged, but not with having what I said mischaracterized.
Do you think “lynching” mischaracterized the responses to what you said?
Oh, we understood what you didn’t say, just fine. I didn’t think you were disparaging Seguin and his wife at all. I understand you wouldn’t say it in a waiting room at a fertililty clinic, which is full of people you hold in contempt.
After all, Seguin and his wife are “one of the GOOD ones.”
I have an apology and two observations to make.
PutridMeat is correct. I should never countenance violence just because someone said something I didn’t like, no matter how obnoxious. I was wrong to do that, and I owe you an apology for that, Pat.
What you did say was shit, however. You did not say “vanity baby.” You said “shit out a test tube experiment.” These are two different things. One is an indictment of the mother’s motivations and actions, which is fair game. The other is talking shit about a kid.
Two, I didn’t take your comment as a disparagement of me or my wife. We fucked up waiting until our mid-thirties to start. We have to live with that. Since after five years of trying we got nowhere, it’s pretty much assumed that any kid we have will be a “test tube experiment”. You see, you screwed with my much-longed for and hopefully future kids. That’s why I said my piece.
Now that you mention it, you’re absolutely right, I should have chosen my words more carefully. To be perfectly precise: Before beating the fuck out of me, consider that this venue might be more analogous to a street corner than an IVF clinic waiting room [the unexposited point being that I would exercise more discretion in an environment that warranted sensitivity, and my opinions about capitalist modernity and what it means for the modern Western woman are not addressed with specificity to your situation].
Yes, as I see, you are an adept mind reader.
Or, alternatively, perhaps a throwaway line in an off the cuff rant about the intersection of capitalism and women’s liberation in postmodern Western society wasn’t necessarily intended to describe every person who seeks out IVF treatments. You would apparently know better than I would.
Whatever. You’re itching for a tussle on speaker’s corner of Hyde Park.
I understand, and I also know you wouldn’t literally beat the fuck out of me over something said online. I hadn’t intended to besmirch the children of loving parents, regardless of their provenance, so I’m sorry it landed that way. My rant was obviously a generalization and exaggeration of the modern reproductive cycle; I hadn’t intended for it to be super serious. I do stand by the proposition that modernity sucks and the “liberation” capitalism has brought to women has in many ways been for the worse.
Not exactly. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t expect a little controversy, but tbh I also didn’t expect to end up being told I hold everyone who seeks out fertility treatments beneath contempt based on a rant about how modern capitalist consumerist society and its dysfunctional ideals often immiserates women by setting them up to forego having families until after their reproductive window has closed.
Fight! Fight! Fight!
That’s… not how depression works.
If not a majority, then a large plurality of people taking antidepressant medications wouldn’t actually meet the diagnostic criteria for major depressive disorder, which was kind of the point. Although as long as I’m being a cranky fuck and pissing people off, I think major depressive disorder, like the vast majority of psychological diagnoses with no medical cause, is about as valid as astrology.
Reactive? Post-traumatic? Endogenous?
Brains are obviously difficult to study, either live or dead.
Aye, and hence we end up with emotional responses as diagnostic criteria in the field of psychology, which is fraught with subjectivity and imprecision in a way that medical pathology is not.
I still wish to read your newsletter.
Didn’t MacGregor already play the great Scottish king?
“It’s shite being Scottish!
We’re the lowest of the low!
The scum of the fucking Earth!
The most wretched, miserable, servile, pathetic trash, that was shat into civilisation!
Some people hate the English, I don’t! They’re just wankers!
We, on the other hand, are colonised by wankers!
Can’t even find a decent culture to be colonised by!
We’re ruled by effete assholes!”
It’s a shite state of affairs, Toammy. 🥃
“Affordability” suddenly becomes a consideration?
Gov. Kathy Hochul’s administration Thursday rejected a request from companies for bigger payments to complete large-scale wind, solar and offshore wind projects — leaving the developments in doubt and threatening New York’s ability to meet its climate goals
The dismissal by the Public Service Commission sets off a scramble for developers to decide whether to cancel contracts with NYSERDA, sacrificing millions of dollars in security payments. It also places New York’s clean-energy ambitions in peril. The state’s landmark climate law requires 70 percent of electricity in 2030 to come from renewable resources.
The projects seeking higher payments — four offshore wind and 86 land-based renewable projects — represent 25 percent of the forecast electricity demand in 2030. The increases, if approved, would have totaled about $12 billion net present value, doubling the costs to ratepayers of the existing contracts as Hochul has warned about the stress that higher rates would have on residents.
Hochul said in a statement the decision by the PSC was necessary to maintain affordability and preserve the competitive process.
Perhaps there are other power sources which might have better affordability.
Yeah, but would they be as reliable?
Strip away about 2/3 of the regulatory impediments to building a nuke plant, and you just may be on to something.
Im not clear on if this is for fuel, or weapons-grade stuff.
Uranium enrichment now underway at facility in southern Ohio
Looks like a DOE facility for navy reactors and 3H production and similar.
The fantasy is ending rather sooner than I expected. The Dems know that if they double (actually, it will be more like triple or quadruple) everyone’s utility bills, they’re toast for a generation.
This administration seems to have no compunction about doing just that.
The thing is, they will probably end up taking over utilities like PG&E in California and then subsidize utility bills with taxpayer money. It will still hike the cost of energy, but it will be hidden.
It’s not sustainable, to use their favorite word. I mean, not without advancing the collapse a bit more than already will happen.
Bullshit. They’ve won the war and are cleaning up the last pockets of resistance.
Don’t harsh my buzz, dude.
You’d think, but gas prices in CA run almost double that as in TX, and CA Democrats have a 40-12 advantage in Congress.
Same deal in HI, and sky high utility prices also, and the Dems there have an even more overwhelming advantage.
Why would utility energy prices matter so much more in NY?
I dunno but when’s the last time you heard populist noises out of a California Democrat?
She’s not bright enough to be playing 4D chess with us.
God help me, I tried. I gave it a chance. The first 42 seconds I was pleasantly surprised, ready to be proven a prejudiced old fuddy duddy. And then the first verse began…
Playing in the background:
“I reached into my pocket, found three twenties and a ten”
That song was written a long time ago.
The Bee.
College Grad Sending Massive Payment To Plumber Starting To Think He Should Have Been A Plumber
Old joke.
Physician’s wife complains about a plumbing repair bill – “My husband is a doctor and he doesn’t make that much!”
Plumber replies “That is why I quit practicing medicine and became a plumber.”
If the physician was a urologist, he has the basics down.
Or a proctologist. He’s mastered that shit.
Maybe gynecologist, but doesn’t pass the smell test.
The new Battlefield looks really realistic.
Thanks, Pat!
I think that’s the one.
I know it is kind of your defining thing around here… but sometimes figuring out what you’re talking about is difficult. Like now. 😉
You mean he isn’t quoting Dojo Cat?
Sometimes you whack your head on the truth
Exxon Mobil has agreed to pay $59.5 billion for rival Pioneer Natural Resources in a deal that will secure the energy giant’s status as the fracking leader in the all-important Permian Basin—a region that stretches across West Texas and New Mexico and produces nearly 40% of all U.S. oil and 15% of all U.S. natural gas.
If the acquisition survives a federal antitrust review, it will be Exxon’s largest since it merged with Mobil in 1999. And some industry insiders argue the big move into West Texas shale is indicative of a changing outlook toward the green energy transition.
“It signifies that there’s a little bit more rationality coming into the energy transition. The fantasy world of having just renewables as electricity within 50 years or so is now clearly not going to happen,” Jay Hatfield, CEO of Infrastructure Capital Advisors, an investment firm that focuses on energy and infrastructure investments, told Fortune. “It’s a recognition that these forms of energy are not going away anytime soon.”
If Hatfield’s take is correct, Exxon’s new view on the energy transition would contrast with the green goals of most Western nations as they try to combat climate change. EU nations have called for a move away from fossil fuels, agreeing to the European Green Deal last year, which seeks to make the continent carbon neutral by 2050 and reduce emissions by 55% from 1990 levels by 2030. And in April 2021, President Biden set a target for the U.S. to have “carbon-pollution-free power” by 2035 and net-zero emissions by 2050.
The administration even created the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund for the Environmental Protection Agency through the Inflation Reduction Act last year, which is disbursing $27 billion in loans and grants to “catalyze investment in clean energy projects and tackle the climate crisis.”
“If Hatfiorld’s take is correct”
Stop it. You’re killing me.
If the sun rises in the east.
Environmentalists were quick to rebuke Exxon’s acquisition of Pioneer on Wednesday. “This deal shows that Exxon is doubling down on fossil fuels and has no intention of moving towards clean energy,” Jamie Henn, director of Fossil Free Media, told progressive nonprofit outlet Common Dreams. “Even after the hottest summer on record, Exxon is hell-bent on driving the thermostat even higher.”
Maybe Exxon should be developing laptop computers with a built in hand crank generators instead of working on reliable energy sources for the grid.
Maybe Jamie Henn should take a physics class or two.
C’mon, man, that would harsh his Common Dream.
So tiring. Those useless fuckers would have trouble filling a ballroom in Poughkeepsie yet they constantly get press coverage. Yea, I stole that phrase from TOS.
-Exxon is hell-bent on driving the thermostat even higher
Regardless of the veracity of the quote: Good, I like warm weather.
“…Jamie Henn, director of Fossil Free Media, told progressive nonprofit outlet Common Dreams.”
We’re over here reciting all the proper catechisms to each other, and reality still isn’t bending to our will!
You aren’t “reimagining” hard enough.
Imagine Chairman Mao… 🎵
Jim Jordan got the nomination. Now does he have the votes in the house? I think yes.
Much prefer him. Massie would be better though but no way the grifters would have him
The middle of the road Reps would elect a Dem before they’d vote for him.
They have done it before. The R’s threw an election in FL because the Trumpish type R candidate would not swear loyalty to John Boehner.
Original Orange Man!
Does it make any sense to buy stocks from a family member who’s intent on selling them? My sister inherited stocks from our uncle. I gather she won’t owe capital gains if she sells since she inherits them at the current price and will be selling immediately. I was preparing to buy them to avoid cashing them out, but now it doesn’t seem like it matters.
Do you want the stocks?
Eh, sure. I just want her to avoid taking a loss on them, but now I don’t think it matters.
Starting to get why normies shouldn’t do day trading, I don’t understand any of this shit.
I did daytrading for a while, but I was a Nervous Nelly, so I stopped.
“Buy and hold” was the conventional wisdom I remember. Don’t know if that still holds, and if so, for what.
How many? Which? Don’t answer here.
Any fee-only advisors near you?
If there are no tax consequences, why not just let her sell them? You can buy shares the normal way if you want.
That’s assuming her tax basis is the time she inherited them to the time she sells.
Y e a h I overestimated what capital gains means… always assumed you just paid a big chunk of your payout from selling stock, turns out that’s not it, at all.
It’s how rich people have no “income”.
I don’t even know how, or if you really can, buy stocks directly from someone. Unless she has paper certificates that she can sign over to you, and even then you’ll need to get them registered to you.
Regardless, it makes zero difference financially to her, unless you can somehow buy directly and pay her a non-market price of some kind.
According to NASA, it’s safe to view a solar eclipse through a welding mask, as long as it’s at least shade level #12. As it turns out, shade level #13 is a bit too dark for viewing an eclipse, so level #12 is really the only appropriate shade level.
News you can use.
I’m in Albuquerque, bitches, we’re right in the sweet spot for viewing that sweet, sweet eclipse.
Yep, the last one went right over my house. Not this time.
I will likely be viewing through rainclouds.
The last time a solar eclipse came around 10 or so years ago, someone wandered through my office handing out eclipse viewing glasses akin to the old 3D movie ones. I wouldn’t have welded with them. I can still see.
Isn’t there a pinholed card trick? Not that it was worth it last time.
Nice. I grabbed a set of eclipse glasses. DFW will have good viewing.
We have clouds. Many, many clouds.
It just cleared up wonderfully. I was getting concerned after four days of clouds.
If there are no tax consequences, why not just let her sell them? You can buy shares the normal way if you want.
Really. Are we talking about a dusty shoebox full of stock certificates from the attic?
Go buy physical gold Someplace. It’s a better investment.
+ 1 Sen. Melendez.
It’s at a recent high… But if you do, don’t tell anyone! ☝️
“became the first woman admitted to the state’s Bar Association as well as the state’s first female lawyer”
Well, that’s tautological? Redundant? Something like that. Back in the day, being a member of the bar association and being a lawyer were one and the same, most places.
I didn’t cook my burger long enough. Too rare (verging on still raw) in the middle. At least it had some temp. I managed to eat it.
Sounds ideal to me.
You’ll be fine.
“Buy and hold” was the conventional wisdom I remember. Don’t know if that still holds, and if so, for what.
That’s pretty much me. Some of them work out better than others.
* one of my uncles used to call it “buy and hope”.
Buy a low cost index fund. Markets are efficient (genuflects). All known information is built into the price, you have no special knowledge and over the long term you will not outperform the market.
Mostly efficient…
For a retail investor for sure.
Okay, here’s my pet theory for the next year: I think the Fed is basically in Biden’s pocket. I dismiss any notion that it’s politically neutral. I think they’ll go to the hilt protecting Democrats and harming Republicans, because it’s de facto a federal bureaucracy and therefore benefits from federal spending. So, my prediction: The Fed will lower interest rates early next year, to ease recession worries ahead of the election. Inflation will rise, but not enough and not quickly enough to affect Biden’s reelection. Am I crazy?
I’ll take that bet. I believe the Fed is not in Biden’s pocket, and rates will go up. Dinner, if we ever meet.
Agreed, but seriously, you don’t think they’ll always favor Dems? They’re the one institution not overrun by progressive ideologues?
So far, their actions indicate so. Or at least that there are some internal struggles taking place between progs and realists.
Keep in mind, I am the movie guy, not the finance guy. So you could get a decent meal out of me.
I was inclined to think the same thing, but I haven’t followed the Fed that closely in about a decade, and some people insist Powell is the new Volcker. I’ll believe it when I see it. Bear in mind the previous Fed chairwoman is now Biden’s treasury secretary. The institution itself is anything but apolitical.
Errrr, zig while others zag? /cw
Birkenstock just had an IPO.
Mojeaux, THERE’S the stock for you!
One word: nylons.
Yahh, thought of her while reading it. Stock up, maybe?
(on shoes, not necessarily stocks)
I don’t know if I put much stock in stocking up on Birkenstock stocks.
No. First I’ve heard of it but if a company that’s been around since 1780s needs an IPO NOW? They’re hurtin for cash.
@GT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fT4LqmyjexA
Materials costs require quick cash? I wonder what the price of leather has done in the last three years?
I was going to buy some Amazon stock say….20 years ago. Maybe longer. My father said “are you nuts? Some guy selling books from his garage? Give me your money and I’ll flush it for you.”
Thanks for the tip, Dad.
Back in the seventies, there was a dentist in my hometown that, apperently, needed to find something to dump money into for tax purposes, something to write off. His accountant (I knew his kids) mentioned a little movie being made, a sure loser. So, the accountant bought into it.
Turned out to be Star Wars.
I buy and hold in index fund for the majority of my holdings, hut I have had some individual stocks that I bought because it was clear they were going to be big winners in my mind. The good news is, some, but not all of those actually worked out.
Sounds ideal to me.
My brother will take a big thick burger and sear it for a few seconds on each side, so it’s basically cold and raw except for the surface. Nope.
Cannibal sandwich… from Alas, Babylon… Raw ground beef on sliced bread. Always kinda intrigued me.
Steak tartare … *dreamy*
I ordered that by mistake on a date once. My hindbrain knows what this crap is but I was distracted or something.
+1 🤢
Would not order again
You’ll be fine.
I know. I just would have preferred that burger to be a little closer to medium rare than to rare. Next time I’ll smoosh it more.
Use a potato nail?
Okay, here’s my pet theory for the next year: I think the Fed is basically in Biden’s pocket. I dismiss any notion that it’s politically neutral.
I agree with the nerfherder, that Powell is more concerned with the integrity of the dollar than keeping the financial Powers That Be happy.
Mrs and I at family’s house for some bbq, bourbon and fire. Love this place
Raw burger: My minor was bio. I had some serious hours in micro and invertebrate zoology. It changed my life. I cook animal tissue to crispy. The only thing I eat raw is oysters…it is a risk I willing take.
Me too. I took micro at Wright-State in the mid 1990’s. And Im still stupid enough to eat a rare burger in a restaurant, which BabyMama (daughter of a butcher) would roll her eyes at.
Its an assessment of (potential) hazard vs. risk. So far Im batting .1000
Keep flippin’ that coin with beef, I will keep flipping it with oyster…..
I do the same with oysters. Even in months with an R.
I was going to buy some Amazon stock say….20 years ago. Maybe longer. My father said “are you nuts? Some guy selling books from his garage? Give me your money and I’ll flush it for you.”
That’s okay. I was the guy who thought all his friends were stupid when they were buying Apple at fourteen bucks a share.
Whereas I was the chick who couldn’t get a Mt Gox account fast enough before bitcoin went from $18 to $1,000, then I gave up. Then Mt Gox went bye bye.
It’s going straight down there, swear on me mum’s grave. Straight away, no foolin.
An interesting analysis of the military aspects of the Palestinian attack from History Legends:
Birkenstock just had an IPO.
Yeah, about that…
I am not a financial professional and I offer no advice. Just saw that the other day.
However, the Indigo Girls are all in.
But you are getting closer to fine.
Netanyahu publishes supposed images of burnt babies that were created by AI:
What is known for certain about what Hamas did is evil enough. There is no need to exaggerate it.
Who knows? Fog of war. Could be real, could be AI.
Exactly. The once unquestionable evidence that photography and video/film offered is no longer reliable. You can no longer believe what you see any more than you can believe what you are told.
Having seen them I say that a body that charred would also be considerably desiccated and shrunken, something an AI would likely miss. The charred baby looks too plump to me, but I could be wrong.
AI has a long way to go. Lots of videos are narrated by AIs. I find it very annoying. They try so hard to make you believe it is a person talking but I can spot them. They use words in a way that is technically correct but not the way people would use them. I think many of the videos are compiled by AI as well. They go way over the top with emotional appeals. People do respond to emotional appeals but the AI doesn’t seem to understand the subtleties of how that works.
Agree w/all of the above.
Jackson Hinkle first called out the images for being fake after Ben Shapiro posted them.
It’s like smearing a convicted rapist by calling him a murderer. Why bother?
I don’t read Arabic, but if the sole source for the reporting is an analysis by AI or Not, I wouldn’t say it’s exactly dispositive. It misidentifies images all the time. Which isn’t to say I’d trust anything coming out of Israel either.
via Reuters:
Shares of Birkenstock (BIRK.N) dropped 6% on Thursday, deepening losses after the German luxury sandal seller stumbled the day before in its Wall Street debut.
In its first session on Wall Street on Wednesday, Birkenstock tumbled over 12% from the $46 price set in its initial public offer, raising $1.48 billion. It had aimed to price the IPO for as much as $49 a share.
Last trading at about $37.79 on Thursday, the stock has now dropped 18% from its IPO price.
IPOs are a good way to get clipped.
Depends on the ipo and market.
Here yes. Also absolutes are a bad way to look. Here look at the market. Other alternative would be a retail index. I have no idea how they did over the same period. I assume the CPI release fucked everybody there, but I don’t from memory recall the timing.
I may have done this kind of shit for a living in a past life…
Nephilium still has a life, apparently, so…
He seems quite the man about town.
Depends on the ipo and market.
I’m sure it’s a terrible analogy, but it seems like buying tickets for a big show on Ticketmaster. There are a lot of unseen hands in the cookie jar. And a lot of algorithms.
Some IPOs are free money and some are crap and everybody knows it. So the institutions take small portions of the crap for a shot at getting a good allocation of the good ones
Others are a crap shoot and better priced. Birk actually looked priced correctly as the issuer didn’t leave money on the table.
Who really gets fucked here is generally the issuers or the company. Because basically anybody who doesn’t play the game and go through the standard underwriting cartel gets fucked. On purpose by all the market participants.
And meanwhile Mr Robinhood brokerage customer thinks he is outsmarting the house at a Vegas casino. He friend just doubled his money at blackjack so he figures he can too.
And it obviously depends on the specifics.
My Pa was saying I should put out a “bid” (whatever the fuck the technical word is) to sell my GLD for $181 ($1.05 premium). I sat on it. I am just now learning the game’s mechanics – next comes the strategy. I bought my GLD at $173. My risk profile on this particular pot of cash is a bit higher. More medium to medium-conservative. I can afford to wait and figure out all the tradeoffs, etc. But I’ll be curious to see what it does come Monday morning.
Technically you are asking 181.
I may bid you 177 and maybe we settle at 179. So I would pay you 179 plus fees and you would get 179 minus fees.
See how Wall St makes money on both sides of the trade…
Oh I get that – it’s just I’m thinking maybe asking more like $183, which would have gotten me $0.63. So I’m now weighing the tradeoffs of asking more but making less in premiums. Since I’m just now absorbing this info, I wasn’t going to pull the trigger today. My Pa’s risk profile is way more conservative than mine, and he was advising me from his point of view. I need to learn how to do all these weights and measures on my own at some point.
Hearing what sounds like machine gun fire in the far distance on this Gaza webcam
(like a Browning or something)
+ headspace & timing
Heavy bombing currently
Death watch tonight. My 20 yo lab/border collie is on the verge of going off to doggie heaven. If any dog deserves it, she does. Best frisbee catcher ever. She had a long and good life. Hell, she lived better than the majority of humans ever get to. Still, very sad to see her go. I very much doubt she makes it to morning.
That’s a good run, but doesn’t make it any easier.
Sorry to read.
Our dogs live indoors. They go out for exercise and bathroom business then it is back inside. All of our furniture is covered. They are kept free of pathogens, parasites etc. sleep on warm beds and soft pillows, two squares per day. No stress, no abuse or neglect. Lots of petting and attention. The newest addition sleeps in the bed with the Mrs. every night. In short, we are complete slaves to them. Our reward is dogs that live forever. Sadly, we have been at it long enough that we have quite the pet cemetery. I am weary of grieving and burying them. I guess I am getting too old for this.
This one was all jet black save her feet and ankles were white. Now her entire face is grey, top of her head and all. I have the grave dug already and Mrs. Suthenboy is going to put a frisbee in with her.
Oh, I am so sorry.
Sorry, man
Good Lord- 20 years is impressive. God speed to her. Condolences to you and Mrs Suthern. Ive been through it a lot.
The Dozer isn’t going to be around much longer. His hips are going rapidly, and he made 13 years. Which for a 90 lb Boxer isnt bad.
He’s not in pain- still tries to play. Eats, drinks, p00ps. But when he walks it reminds me of MIchael J. Fox.
Sorry Suthen. Hate it for you.
My condolences. Losing a beloved dog is tough
Sorry to hear that. I have unashamedly wept at the deaths of all my pets.
I can’t help myself…
“Birkenstock just had an IPO.”
Initial Pussy Offering?
/exits stage left