Great player and great dude
The Bears finally won a game, as they mourn the loss of the great Dick Butkus. Liverpool won in the Europa League, as did West Ham while Brighton drew. F1 is in Qatar this weekend. And the baseball divisional series get underway tomorrow. Australia should be out of the RWC by the end of the weekend. And that’s it for sports.
They’re not being banned, groomer. CNN is the cesspool of activist bullshit. And all these people are doing are reading from he books these cretins want in elementary schools. Why would context matter when you’re reading a book that explains and describes giving blow jobs?
Oh fuuuuuuuuuuuuudge. Only I didn’t say fudge.

Pay your own debts!
Boo-fucking-hoo. There’s toms of people whose entire lives and livelihoods were destroyed by the government actions during and after the “pandemic.” You don’t see them getting this kind of sympathy. So in the words of basketball great Michael Jordan: Fuck Them Kids.
Ask and ye shall receive. Crazy people, amirite?
What a load of shit. Seriously.
This is the least of these peoples’ worries. Check out the shooting stats, WGN.

Normal for Oakland
LOL, don’t be such a drama queen. It’s probably just run of the mill vandalism that is more than a daily occurrence in your shithole city.
Damn, dude. This is kind of like the setup Epstein had. Except, you know, none of that ever got released and neither did his client list.
Here’s a catchy tune. I hope I haven’t played it recently. Here’s another. And nobody got a song they’d have expected from that band. But y’all got two good ones, so you’re welcome. Now go enjoy this Friday.
And enjoy this lovely, cool weekend, dear friends.
There’s toms of people
Probably some other names as well.
Strangely enough, no Dicks or Harrys were impacted.
With the rise of manscaping, I thought Harry Dicks were less common these days.
There is at least one.
Thank you for that. His interests and mine may have some overlap.
Another great from FoS.
More imports. She should be making necklaces from domestic supplies.
I’ll watch, I’m sure — but my expectations are low as Max leading the field by 40 seconds isn’t my cup of tea. Really hope the teams figure out how to compete with Red Bull next year… this year is another wash.
While the race winner has been a yawn-fest all season – the battle for 2-10 has been much more entertaining than recent seasons. 4 teams gutting it out, Ferrari and Aston looking good early, Maclaren improving as the season went on, and Mercedes being the model of consistency.
“Uh, boss, we’ve got a problem that could level the factory, kill employees and leave you out of business”
“Nah, it’ll be fine.”
Pretty modest fine for all that.
I hope the insurance refuses to pay out on the building, equipment, inventory, and lost revenue.
Indeed but I have questions. Employees reported they could smell gas prior to explosion. Are none of them capable of ordering an evacuation? No big red button of get the hell out of here? They were all waiting for the boss to tell them?
Or just leaving on their own?
I smell gas somewhere, I’m out, that’s my policy.
Yeah, I’ve done that too.
Ever since 9-11, when the “authorities” told people in the South Tower to chillax and stay put after the North tower had been hit, I’ve realized I have to listen to my instincts on when to bail out.
Was it you that posted about the guy who saved all his employees by making them evacuate after the first plane hit?
Guy went back up to get more people out and didn’t make it himself. True hero.
No, I didn’t post it, but I’m familiar with the story.
What a terrible day. And then a wonderful time of unity shortly thereafter, followed by the devaluation of the tragic loss by politicians who never let a crisis go to waste.
The fucking terrorists won.
If he had never been at WTC, he would have been a legend (and he was).
A good move but in even slightly ambiguous situations most people tend to defer to authority/rules and procedures (not sure smelling gas qualifies as ambiguous but still).
That’s a strange article. Everyone smelled gas, but nobody stated an emergency? Does that mean nobody cared enough to stand up and say “I smell gas?” There is more to this. I didn’t see anywhere that employees told management or floor supervisors they smelled gas.
implies that the workers told somebody. It does not say who was told, or at what level the warnings were ignored.
Then there are examples of the opposite. Following the Mineral Quake my office was forced to evacuate. There was clearly no risk to our building. After about 30 minutes they said we could go back in to retrieve personal items AT OUR OWN RISK. I wanted to continue working at my own risk but was denied.
The ones who died may not have even been near enough to the leak to smell it, so they may not have had the opportunity to decide that. Explosions are like that.
That said, I can’t tell from the article whether the owner was really negligent. As in: who told whom? when? how much time to react was there? etc. Factories can be big places with lots of smell and space between people, making communication and reaction difficult.
Or maybe they’re negligent as hell – just can’t tell.
I saw a show about an offshore oil rig fire, and the only people that survived were the ones that jumped off the side instead of mustering in the cafeteria and waiting to be rescued.
There are also situations where following procedures worked out better than going off on your own.
If I’m ever in that kind of scenario, I would follow my instincts and whatever happens, happens.
Well, they didn’t want to lose their jobs.
I read an article a long time ago about how groups of people behave in emergencies. There was a lengthy write up on a restaurant fire where dozens of people died. They all sat there waiting for someone else to be the first person to bail out even as smoked filled the dining area.
Group dynamics are a weird thing.
This is a COVID thing too.
I once went to a conference for Dam safety officials and at the start probably ~75% of people were masked up (this was not quite peak COVID, but pretty close after the peak of the insanity). It was enough of a thing that a speaker even commented on it without saying what we should do (‘we all trust you to make risk informed decisions’). By day 2 of the conference very few were still wearing diapers.
Those first 25% gave everyone else the green light to do what they actually wanted to.
Did they make dam jokes all the time? “Is this a God Dam?”
Oh to live in your world. At that point in time, I was one of 3 people in the metro area not wearing 2 masks.
Well, at the time I lived in NY, so it was a little eye-opening to me and I started not wearing masks regardless of store policies, etc. And nothing ever happened.
Eventually I moved to FL, so, you can still live in my world. I think they’ve kept the border open for refugees still.
‘Pretty modest fine for all that.’
Thats what makes me wonder if it really was an OSHA violation. Anyway, the owner needs to be sued out of oblivion.
A few years ago I smelled gas(oline) every time I went in the garage. I checked the gas cans several times but didn’t want to crank up the woodstove. Finally, after a some time and the smell didn’t dissipate I got down and looked under the truck. The gas tank had rusted through and was leaking.
$400 later and a new gas tank the smell disappeared. Damn MN winters and road salt!.
Yeah — that seems less an example of “the rise of narcissistic barbarism” and more “mentally ill people roaming the streets”. Hope she gets some help – because it looks like she needs it.
Every other story these days seems to come down to mental illness.
Time to re-open the asylums.
Chocolate factory fined for failing to evacuate before fatal natural gas explosion
Throw the book at them. Natural gas is a well-known byproduct of Chocolate factories.
So is chili.
Chili is a well known byproduct of Chocolate factories? I guess if you’re into strictly Mexican hot chocolate or something…. Otherwise — we shop very, very differently.
Spoken like someone who’s never had Cincinnati “chili”.
My biggest complaint is that it’s false advertizing. Had they sold it as a pasta sauce, I would not have so many issues with it.
Its best use has nothing to do with pasta.
It is only edible in coney form, in which case, it is excellent.
My understanding is that it is a Greek dish and the greek word is not unsimilar to chili, so it was the obvious translation.
I’m not going to try to get it into the animal intestines.
/deliberately ignoring the point.
Hell yes I’m going to keep my mouth closed. If it’s open you may put some of that shite in my mouth!
Have you even tried the cheese coney with the spicy cheese*?
*not always available, like the McRib, for some unknown reason
I have not. I’m pretty sure we’ve driven all the Skylines out of the Greater Cleveland area, so it’s not likely either. I do try one every 5-6 years to confirm that they’re still terrible.
Expressed myself badly. But Neph is right. If it was possible to accumulate enough of the byproduct of Cincinatti 5-Way you could heat your home for the winter.
*shudders at the idea*
So Trump supposedly told some Aussie how many nukes are in rotation at any given time on subs and how close we get to Russia without being detected….
Ne er showed him documents…just said it. How is that damaging? Politicians routinely spout off on the edges of our capabilities to sources all the time.
I’d also wager that whatever he actually said was exaggerated in typical fashion for him.
“We sail up the river and park the subs in Moscow just for fun, but only in july, on account of the ice the rest of the year. We have the best subs.”
Maybe he used it as an ice breaker?
We all know he’s a destroyer of democracy.
He’s a private citizen again. Him saying that is no different than you or me saying that. Unless these dickheads want to pretend there’s no longer a first amendment.
Pretty sure they don’t believe in any of the first ten Amendments.
You have the right to say what they want you to say and that’s it.
I’m not sure how it works with presidents, but holders of clearances can’t talk about what they saw/know just because they’re no longer employed by the MIC.
If true (big if) it makes Trump a raging asshole (shocker) regardless of the legality.
Cue revelations years later that all ex-prez spout classified things because FYTW.
They probably do, they just just do it on the DL after the $250k speech or it gets ignored by the FBI (like Clinton missile tech stuff).
Hell, Clinton revealed our nuclear response time in 2016.
Afterwards, all the factcheckers assured us it was common knowledge.
Yeah, but she had the election stolen from her, so its totes OK.
Remember it was an Aussie that was instrumental in pushing the Russiagate narrative. Something about Trump must just really piss them off.
Have you ever read the comments on social media from Aussie’s on anything related to America? They are a sensitive bunch.
I used to think they were all tough guys (‘this is a knife!’), turns out they’re all cunts.
They weren’t exactly the freedom-loving dregs of society when it was founded, nor during its formative years.
Lets take two alcohol-related uprisings in two different British-descended regions.
The Whisky Revolt was an uprising by farmers against taxation and in favor of keeping the market free. It did not succeed, and sort of petered out.
The Rum Rebellion was an uprising by the local garrisson against an attempt by Governor Bligh to de-monopolize the alcohol trade and curtail the abuses of the colonial garrisson against the locals. The uprising deposed Bligh and maintained control of New South Wales until the British sent a new governor. This allowed the Rum Regiment to keep using the prisoners as personal slaves and retain a stranglehold on the ‘free’ colonists since alcohol was the defacto currency for labor at the time.
Just to point out, since you mentioned it in the latter, that whiskey was being used as a medium of exchange too.
I hear that Trump doesn’t care for Wallabies and he’s also antisheepfucking. Of course they don’t like him.
A friend of mine was in Australia for work. They went out to dinner one night, and had Kangaroo steaks. She asked if there was a place that served Koala.
Apparently the room went dead silent.
So, she may not be allowed back into Australia.
Koalas are riddled with chlamydia. Also, they are apparently dumb.
Yes and yes. And that has nothing to do with the attitude towards them.
But, you have to admit that chlamydia would be a pretty name for a girl.
Sort of like Verruca?
Looking for that Marx brothers song… Paging TedS….
I had to tap out of that shit when the kids started chiming in about how “interesting” the graphic child porn is.
Teenagers looking for that little bit of rebellion is how I read it. Not really thinking… just “This upsets people… so I’m in to it… MAAAN!”
And CNN taking it seriously in order to push their sick narrative.
Why are they not arguing for unrestricted internet access in schools?
And why don’t those librarians want to have The Turner Diaries or Shaved Snizz on the shelves?
It is unclear if the woman was arrested, but New York State Police said the woman may have been suffering a “mental health issue”
Yes, that issue being “Progressivism”
Can’t be said enough times. Truly.
“Ghostpatzer on October 6, 2023 at 6:43 am
This reads like a script from a 1950’s farce. “Some like it hot”, 21st century style.
Anchal Katyalm, a software developer at Amazon, aired her grievances on LinkedIn: “It saddens me to see all those cis men attending #GHC23 and misrepresenting their gender.”
I wonder how xe knows they are cis men.”
I have a crazy idea, let’s not discriminate against people based on their sex/gender. Fuck that Cullen White guy, he should give his job up to a woman who ‘needs’ it.
My favorite part: ‘all those are limited resources to which you have no right’ but if I had different genitalia, I’d have a right to additional resources? Sick of this culture’s continued putting down of men with no consequences, all while women are getting better jobs and pay because of the matriarchy.
You know how I know those guys were faking their gender?
Because they were looking for coding jobs and not HR jobs.
” aired her grievances on LinkedIn”
Damn it people. Have some respects for the seasons, it’s too damn early to start with Festivus.
On a similar note: “The year after Black Lives Matter protests, the S&P 100 added more than 300,000 jobs — 94% went to people of color.”
“we’re going to hire/fire for racist reasons, also, for some weird reason productivity is down”*
*I feel the need to make it clear that by this I just mean that hiring or firing based on anything but competence will result in substandard results.
I knew it was bad, but that is shockingly bad.
“Second, whites should emulate the successful practices that other minorities undertook when they were the ones being excluded. In response to the clubby hiring practices of “white shoe” law firms, which were dominated by the old-stock Protestant upper-class in the middle of the 20th Century, Jewish and Catholic lawyers founded their own firms, particularly in New York and Chicago. These often specialized in lucrative areas such as bankruptcy considered déclassé by the old-line WASP firms.”
He’s right about this, start your own business.
You can’t recreate the “clubby” hiring of whites from back in the day – that shit will get shut down faster than you can say “racist!” The reverse is fine, of course.
Sex discrimination is illegal, sugar-tits.
This is trolling on a level not seen since that Canadian teacher with the ZZZ “breasts”.
This is perfect, and hopefully we’ll see a lot more of it.
Love how they immediately went to racial grievance mode.
Millions of college students and graduates — including Black women
Once you see it.
I played semi-competently given my talents https://squaredle.com 10/06:
*64/64 words (+10 bonus words)
🎯 In the top 18% by accuracy
🔥 Solve streak: 12
I’m expecting a +30 bonus words from you showoffs now if I got 10.
I played https://squaredle.com 10/06:
64/64 words (+17 bonus words)
📖 In the top 32% by bonus words
🔥 Solve streak: 5
I played https://squaredle.com/xp 10/06:
22/22 words (+1 bonus word)
🎯 Perfect accuracy
I got caught out again on words that to me should have a hyphen in them while playing https://squaredle.com 10/06:
64/64 words (+19 bonus words)
📖 In the top 23% by bonus words
🔥 Solve streak: 12
Daily Quordle 620
fuck the upper right
I’ve probably just done too many duotrigordles or something — it came to me with the letters eliminated from the other three.
Daily Quordle 620
It depends, can I use the solver I wrote?
You think in a group of glibs someone’s going to tell you what to do? 😉
Fine by me if you want — I’d appreciate it if you changed it to “My bot solver played…” but whatever, our fine locomotive rodent.
If you include obviously wrong and sarcastic responses… yes, yes he would.
RoaT – Is there any satisfaction in using the program after having solved the problem of creating it? Would it not then just devalue the other puzzle when it is no longer necessary to apply your own brainpower to the situation on either front?
I do get satisfaction in being able to write a program to solve. That is its own puzzle. I am now back to doing it manually which means I don’t get so many bonus words.
I was asking about after the program is done, when that aspect is solved, is there any satisfaction gained by using it rather than thinking through a puzzle?
No. Once I write the solver, that puzzle is soled. It’s back to solving manually or move on to another puzzle.
Reading the CNN article on curating libraries in public schools is wild. Serious dystopian vibes man.
“It’s not that he liked every single book that Moms for Liberty had targeted, he added. But the tactics were not OK, he said, wearing a T-shirt in the style of Moms for Liberty that read “Mike for Liberty” with the tagline, “Your parental rights do not stop mine.” On the back of the shirt was a photo of his daughters. “I’m the proud parent of two beautiful interracial queens,” he said.”
Yeah, this is a levelheaded individual.
“So… you’re an advocate for school choice is what you’re saying there, Mike?”
Put him out of my misery.
And his comments just get crazier from there.
Despite the dystopian overtones, the article ends on a positive note that the pro-porn people don’t have a hope in hell of overturning the new rules about removing obscene materials.
So what’s preventing the out and proud parent from buying these books for his home?
Nothing, or even going to the FREE county library and borrowing it… it MUST be in the schools or else America is burning books.
Perhaps he lives in a literature desert and thus federal funds are required to pay for his porn collection.
Please don’t give them any ideas.
Books are too expensive, nobody can afford them!*
*Actual argument I saw the other day.
Da fuq?
Even with inflation, I’m still able to find books between one and ten dollars. Sure they’re not groomer level porn books, but those I find are better for the brain anyway.
I don’t know if the Bette Davis movie Storm Center is available to stream, but it’s appropriate.
It wasn’t even that long ago when dad sharing child porn with his daughters would have landed him in jail instead of being praised at CNN.
“It’s probably just run of the mill vandalism“
Everybody in the story went straight (snerk) to “hate crime”, but I saw zero evidence that it was any such thing. I’m getting more and more sick of this shit.
Hate crime is the new Wilding.
Oh, it was Black students? I wasn’t concerned before, but we must protect our precious Black resources. Nobody cares about them whites, asians, and jews.
Just remember to shop at a certified black-owned business this weekend- keep your dollars black.
If the article wasn’t insufferable, we could acknowledge that these students had a shitty (shittier than usual) college experience and that once again the colleges provided nothing of value while still raking it in.
But then there is this:
Your French trip was ruined, but you didn’t suffer any losses on it. What does this have to do with the rest of your college that you agreed to pay?
Couldn’t she just go back to Haiti? Or slum it up in Quebec?
I know a lot of Haitian guys. They all speak English and French (I assume) perfectly fine.
She’s a fucking whining toddler.
Nobody cares about them whites, asians, and jews.
They are not the capital consideration.
If you didn’t hate Jacinda Horseface before, you will now.
I am shocked. 🙄
My employer is offering free on-site flu and Covid vaccines yesterday and today. I find it instructive to see which people go take the shot (all under 40, amps which do not (all over 45).
The 30-45 year olds are still a deep mystery…
In the work team chat, there are still people doing testing and isolating those who test positive in different rooms of the house. In the work team chat with no management/supervisors, there’s much more making fun of the HR “wellness seminars” they’re pushing for October. Just yesterday I turned down a seminar on maternal wellness (through all the stages!).
They are millenials – a scourge the boomers inflicted on society.
Under 40 years old.
Why did it charge to amps? Whatever.
It is just used to you talking ’bout electricity.
I used to think my generation was the dumbest (luckily Gen Z came out after us), but really it is just a reflection of the educational system around us. They’ve finally perfected the Prussian system and have good little cogs to put into the corporate machine.
“At some point maybe there needs to be a formal deprogramming of the cult members.”
Psychopathological mechanisms of dissent is no longer just for Soviets.
With millions of Trump voters that’s going to be hard. Maybe set up special camps for them.
How deplorable.
To be fair, Hillary only said half of Trump’s voters were “deplorables.”. I wonder what she considered the other half?
Biden turned it up from 5 to 11 with 2 speeches about Trump supporters being Nazis.
And this will be lapped up by the retarded Russia collusion crowd with the same relish a fat guy goes after biscuits and gravy.
Don’t worry, we have this blue checkmark to explain to us that it really is necessary because… TRUMP!!!
Lol, it did no such thing.
Click your heels three times and it still did no such thing.
That and it does not help the context anyway. She’s still a fascist cunte.
I agree. But I don’t know how you do that when leftists are so violent. You can’t express dissenting views to them, much less try to change their minds. Look at what happened to Vivek yesterday.
They’re emotional toddlers acting out in the only way they know, with a tantrum.
Everybody should be fearful of if and when the more reserved people make the decision to act out, because it most certainly won’t be in the fashion of crashing into bumpers.
dissenting views
Dissenting views are violence. ///TheLeft
Does anyone doubt for a second that they would happily line us up in front of a ditch and blow our brains out?
She is a fucking monster, but just another in a long line of them.
Epstein? I thought the old cameras in the bathroom trick was more of a Chuck Berry thing:
Have you tried turning it off and on again?
I’m somewhat surprised he didn’t hit anything other than the police van.
Did we talk about this yesterday? Or was it in Autopian?
Either way, the consensus was that this could be a Toyota moment with a bad floor mat preventing the accelerator from fully disengaging. With everything electronic and no mechanical way to disengage the motor from the wheel the guy was screwed.
I don’t recall a conversation, but I’m not around the noon-afternoon-evening discussions as much, so it might have been brought up.
The “Constant 30mph” implies it’s a faulty cruise control and brakes, since it maintained a fixed speed quite reliably. I’m thinking software bug.
Last night.
Where did sloopy get a Zoom screenshot of me????
I’m guessing Zoom?
Now that books are being banned and disappearing from school libraries, students and parents are showing up to school board meetings in Florida to argue for access to books that take on difficult subjects. But they are losing out to a new state law that makes it easier for opponents to get books off shelves.
Why do you want porn in elementary schools?
Them kids ain’t gonna groom themselves RS.
Because it’s not porn when it’s two dudes.
/This seems to be what they actually believe.
And it isn’t grooming when they instruct kids to not talk about it. Fucking insanity. Adults in positions of perceived authority to these kids and they are telling them what they do behind closed doors to not tell mommy and daddy/mommy/maybe mommy/daddy
“Seven workers will never return home because the R.M. Palmer Co. did not evacuate the facility after being told of a suspected gas leak,” OSHA Area Director Kevin T. Chambers, of the agency’s Harrisburg office, said in a written statement. “The company could have prevented this horrific tragedy by following required safety procedures.”
But how are the snozzberries?
Oompa loompa doopadee dah
If you evacuate your will go far
And you will escape the explosion too
Like the Oompa loompa doopadee do
I am having a hard time seeing someone warning their supervisor they smelled gas, and nothing was done.
Everybody knows that gas is extremely dangerous and the smell is instantly recognizable.
Something seems off.
Yes! My point exactly.
So you are saying that something doesn’t smell right.
Maybe, all I nose is there should have been a better reaction if the story is true.
We’re still talking politics, right?
I smelled gas numerous times in my last apartment and when I told the super he claimed not to smell anything. OTOH he literally did not speak a single word of English so maybe it was a communication breakdown.
Anyway, another reason I am happy to be out of there.
I’ve been around gasoline and other chemicals all my life, and I can’t smell gas when my wife can. Not saying your super wasn’t bullshitting, but people do have different capabilities.
I’ve done audits in a chocolate factory. I’m surprised you can smell anything other than the delicious smell of chocolate.
If you work there day in and day out, you probably grow nose-blind to the smell of choclate.
True. I worked in an Oscar Mayer factory for five years. Couldn’t smell the smoky meat atmosphere, but those I saw after work sure could on my clothing and hair.
I misread that as doing adults in a chocolate factory, and thought, “Kinky!”
Da Butkus
/superfans voice
Students whose college years were upended by Covid face their next hurdle: repaying loans
Try doing it while having a mortgage where the student loan payments are twice the mortgage payment. Get a job hippies. And don’t study bs in school that won’t pay for itself later.
Hear hear!
*Bangs fist on table
Today in “no shit” moments
The Culture War Is Coming for Your Car
Lots of meat to dig into there.
The author is close but gives the impression he doesn’t want to upset.
This on top of proclaiming that men are men and women are women.
Dude is the English branch of MAGA.
Forty years of nonsense that school boards can’t control what books go into school libraries. Where do the courts think these books come from? Just magically appear out of thin air on the shelves? No, they’re bought with school district money by school district employees on school district time. Only dip shitted “jurists” would think school boards couldn’t or shouldn’t control any aspect of that.
A woman accused Walmart of racism after lobbing food at a state trooper who then restrained her in a New York suburban outlet while she bellowed, “Drag me the f–k out.”
Dude is gonna need some assistance.
Nelson laugh!
‘This Is a False Advertisement’: X Ads Are Being Challenged by Reader Context
What a load of shit. Seriously.
She was really sticking her neck out on that one.
The CIA used an Australian diplomat to set up Trump campaign staff in a fake secret information scam.
Running the same playback after you got caught once is a bold move.
Ah, some 5-eyes shit. Interesting the the Ozzies are so willing to play ball, but then, they do love China.
Still beholden to the Commonwealth and MI-6.
It’s 51F outside, my windows are open, there’s a slight breeze, I have my autumn-scented candles going. What else? OH I KNOW!!!! CHRISTMAS MUSIC!!!!
No, it is two months and fifteen days too soon.
We need to at least get through Thanksgiving before Christmas music is acceptable.
I’m being generous with the Winter Solstice. My actual policy is Christmas Eve.
Actually just 7 weeks, but I’m not really going to play Christmas music because in the past I have totally burned myself out before December. It’s a struggle to keep from doing it though!
That is so wrong, I can’t even right now.
Be stoic, Ron. Be stoic.
[insert Nathan Filion befuddlement meme]
Heh. Halloween here, through November 1st. I found some great playlists for this year.
It really does feel great outside. I hope to go work outside soon.
Please be sure to include this cover: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=e6mDwFOq9MA
I’m assuming he’s already got this one.
And GT, I would assume a Corona Zombie would be a tweak on the traditional Zombie cocktail (perhaps done in a frozen style), with a little 7 ounce bottle of Corona sticking out of it.
With a teensy-weensy lime sticking out of the teensy-weensy Corona bottle?
I’m thinking more like the Mother Mary, or the frozen Coronarita.
For a brief moment, Little Kings had a lime flavor and tried to make Little King-a-ritas a thing.
These are good thoughts. I wanted a green drink, with floating jello chunks. Because I am gross. I could probably find some sugar cast crap that looks like a round coronavirus to put in there too.
More musicians should put out Halloween and Thanksgiving albums.
There is only one significant Thanksgiving media item:
“As God is my witness, I thought turkeys could fly.”
One of the greatest TV lines in all of history.
I still watch that occasionally and die laughing every time.
“The turkeys are hitting the ground like wet bags of cement!”
Planes, Trains, and Automobiles would like a word.
There was another, but the damn planned-demic (and probably a lawsuit) put it on life support, if it hasn’t killed it outright.
I miss Punkin Chunkin’. 😢
Christmas music is absolutely forbidden in our household until the day after Thanksgiving.
Thanksgiving is my wife’s favorite holiday and my wife has zero tolerance for people who skip over it for Christmas.
Okay, so this is my problem with Tday this year.
We’re having it at my house. I’m cooking. I have realized in the last couple of years that my mom’s recipes are just not stacking up the way they used to (and/or I’m just losing any pleasure in food altogether). Not bad, just bland. I can’t say it’s the way I do them because they aren’t stacking up when my mom cooks them, either. Maybe it’s age.
So, because Tryptophan Day is all about the food, I’m not looking forward to making meh food, and I’m looking to spice things up a bit. Same food, more flavor. I don’t even know how to do that. Like, SHOULD I put a tidge of garlic in my mashed potatoes? NO BECAUSE TURKEY GRAVY GROSS. So I don’t know what to do.
Alton Brown has an amazing spatchcocked turkey recipe.
Oh, yes, I spatchcock the bird. Also, “spatchcock” is the best word ever.
I put butter under the skin, then sprinkle sage, thyme, brown sugar, and black pepper over it. I’m toying with going with covering it in bacon this year.
Go for it.
My kids used to snicker when I was explaining how to bone a chicken. Hell I still snicker. And yes, spatchcock is a fantastic word.
I swear by bacon, you just have to take it off at the right time so the skin will crisp up.
Oh – thick sliced bacon too.
Expound, please? I’ve never done this.
DDG: “barding”
Okay, so I went to that recipe, which is a little confusing to me. This comment sums up why:
Yeah, I’m not thawing a bird 4 days in advance to break it and then taking up 4 days of precious refrigerator space with it.
It is a pain, but worth it.
We let our Townie (northern redneck) brother-in-law smoke the turkey.
Pro tip from non-cook: GOLDEN mushroom soup in the green bean casserole.
And please skip the lime Jello with the pineapple and shredded carrots. 😝
We don’t do green bean casserole. I’ve had it twice as an adult. Meh to bleh, both times.
I do boiled green beans with bacon.
Yeah no casserole. Ill par-boil them, blanch them and then quickly fry them up with bacon, so probably close to yours.
Meh/bleh because they probably used cream of mushroom soup.
Green bean casserole gives you an excuse to eat the rest of the can of French-fried onions as snack food.
I need an excuse?
For a short while, French’s made a CARAMELIZED version. OMG, it was fucking CANDY. Delicious.
Poor green beans… boiled?
Cook bacon and remove. Add sliced onions to bacon fat – when slightly translucent add green beans and saute for 3 or 4 minutes. Then add canned, diced tomatoes, cover and simmer til beans are tender. Garnish with diced up bacon.
Well, okay, I will try that method (sans tomatoes 🤢) on my own time, not Tday because that sounds like it takes time and I have better things to spend time on than sauteing green beans for 8 people.
Like, you know, rolls. And pie.
lime Jello with the pineapple and shredded carrots
Perhaps the first thing that Glibs could be unanimous about? Who am I kidding – UCS will no doubt stand up in favor of it.
Never had it, and it doesn’t sound particularly appetizing.
You forgot the cottage cheese.
I’ve actually only seen that a couple of times in my life, when I was a little girl. Can’t remember where.
Now that you’ve got me thinking about Thanksgiving, I’m wondering if I should try to celebrate this year.
First year I was living on my own, with my first decent paying job and my own apartment, I decided it would be cute if I cooked up a Thanksgiving for one around a cornish hen. So, I went through all the troubles of preparing a meal, roasting the bird, laying it out on my table. And it wasn’t cute. I felt overly sad and pathetic. It only accentuated how alone I was.
I haven’t celebrated since except one year when I managed to have guests over, and I don’t have holiday guests anymore.
The day after Thanksgiving, I do a faux Tday for leftovers. I get a small already-roasted turkey breast, box dressing, box spuds, jar gravy, everything practically instant, so I can have leftovers.
Wait, what?
Garlic in turkey gravy sounds gross to me.
Yes, don’t do that.
I do sherry, tarragon and turmeric.
My solution is to make a nice beef tenderloin instead of the stupid turkey.
If my son comes to visit I’ll make a reverse seared prime rib, but if it’s just us, I don’t rate apparently.
Although the turkey recipe I linked above is really good.
Halloween music first.
Then Thanksgiving music.
Then, maybe, Christmas music.
I realize Halloween music is probably Monster Mash on endless repeat, so nevermind.
Yeah, I was gonna say…
But then there’s this: https://youtu.be/lPkEpfwJX_Q?si=1i2q-6WBS2w7EVji
There’s plenty of psychobilly bands that work for Halloween, as examples:
Trick or Treat – The Nekromantix
Bride of the Monster – Kitty in a Casket
A ‘little’ more mainstream, you’ve got some Rob Zombie, White Zombie, and probably some others that are ‘creepy’ enough to qualify imo.
Boingo, the Nightmare soundtrack, practically anything Elfman.
Rob Zombie on shuffle
It’s probably just run of the mill vandalism
That or the alphabet people did a false flag.
This. I wonder what their insurance is like vs their financial situation.
Re-educated, even.
Hillary Clinton off the rails again.
Hillary says ‘Trump cult members need to be reprogrammed.’
I assume by “cult members” she means all Trump voters. Tell me you are a fascist cunte without telling me you are a fascist cunte.
Ah fuck. You beat me to it.
Finished breakfast for Mrs. Suthenboy: over-easy egg, cajun sausage, English muffin with butter and blackberry jelly.
Trying to catch up…..this may have been posted already
There is no mistaking what she has in mind. Why can so many people not see it?
That breakfast sounds so good. You really know how to eat well and I’ve always liked that about you.
Hollaback to the other day.
That works way better than I expected.
I had to remind myself that she’s from SoCal with her chola wardrobe and all.
Something something separation of powers.
“I’m going to be announcing very shortly a major speech I’m going to make on this issue and why it’s critically important for the United States and our allies that we keep our commitment” to Ukraine, Biden told reporters after giving unrelated remarks at the White House.
White House officials declined to say when Biden planned to give his speech. The president did not elaborate on the alternate method he was looking at to get additional military aid to Ukraine in its ongoing war with Russia.
“There is another means by which we may be able to find funding, but I’m not going to get into that right now,” he said.
But what does Ukraine have to with American citizens well-being? This has yet to be explained.
I am sure that is what his speech will try to do, fail to those who actually listen or read the transcript but will be heralded as the greatest speech in American history akin to FDR’s speech to Congress for WWII or Washington’s farewell address.
A speech by that old fool will convince not a single member of the public but will provide jellybacked legislators with cover to give more funding. You’ve got to support your President and the fool old USofA you know.
People who will like to hear the “why” of it too.
Remember those old animations of Nazi Germany with arrows going to every country in the world? Picture that with a Russian flag.
It’s like the old communist “red menace” theme – except they aren’t the commies this time.
That fucking treasonous asshole cannot be impeached and removed fast enough.
The car is becoming a cultural flashpoint because it is where climate-apocalypse proselytizing meets antielitist pragmatism.
Nobody’s coming for your freedom.
We beat you because we love you.
Look what you made us do.
Somehow Remy made a music video just for this conversation in the last hour or two.
Question – is the valve stem part of the, naturally government mandated, tire pressure monitoring system?
Either way it is both funny and a PITA for the owner.
Newsom should have appointed Hillary to Feinstein’s Senate seat.
Kamala to Senate. Hillary as speaker through fortification. Joe resigns for health reasons. President Hillary.
It looks like Newsom is actually on Team Harris now. His endorsement was one thing, but he chose a Harris ally for the Senate.
Things are afoot. Clinton is getting shoved aside again, hence why she’s been so vocal lately.
I wouldn’t be surprised if they yank Biden and elevate Harris now.
*clutches pearls*
“It’s the biggest story of the 2024 election, but it’s not being treated as that in the press,” Klaas said. “I think that’s a real failing, because it has become the banality of crazy incitement to violence, this sort of normalcy and routine of Trump saying things that could get people killed. You have him suggesting that you could execute America’s top general. On Friday night, you had him joking about Paul Pelosi [husband of former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi] being attacked and the crowd laughed when he referenced an 82-year-old man being hit over the head with a hammer.”
He continued: “He called to execute people who shoplift from stores, a very minor crime, one to take seriously, but certainly not one worthy of execution…He has demonized a variety of people in his various outlets, on Truth Social and in his various discussions in front of crowds, and this is related to a term called ‘stochastic terrorism’… what it basically means is when someone who is very powerful targets and demonizes individual groups in the public, at least a small number of their followers will take them as marching orders. And what is highly likely going into the 2024 election is that a small subset of Trump’s very well-armed and extremist base will try to kill people.“
So you are saying that the proggies are going to kill people.
They want it. They believe they wont be put against a wall eventually.
“‘stochastic terrorism’”
Oh, fuck off.
I watched a Tex Ritter movie from 1944 a few nights ago. An outlaw gang had taken over the town, and Tex was rallying the townspeople to throw off the yoke of criminal totalitarianism and thuggery. Maybe Joe can borrow some of that speech when he explains how we need to stop Putin from rustling the Ukrainians’ cattle and bring him to justice at the ol’ hangin’ tree.
Good morning, Sloop!
RIP DB. What an absolute stud.
Oh fuuuuuuuuuuuuudge.
I’m surprised they didn’t have gas detection sensors. The systems aren’t that expensive and I would think insurance companies would insist on it.
LOL, don’t be such a drama queen
I’ll bet it was the pirates.
Thanks for not playing the obvious from FoS. Good songs, but if I don’t hear them for another decade, it’s fine.
‘I’m surprised they didn’t have gas detection sensors. The systems aren’t that expensive and I would think insurance companies would insist on it.’
That alarm kept going off, so I unplugged it and took the batteries out.
Dick Butkus was the ex-Mr Splosives (Illinois native) favorite Bear & childhood hero.
When Butkus came up to Minnesota for a memorabilia signing, I bought tickets for the ex and the kids. Butkus was so kind to all the kids who asked him questions about his career. Really invested time in everyone’s stories, told several of his own.
He made a very positive impression on me. Glad my ex got to meet him and actually speak with him and not just get brushed aside.
RIP, Mr Butkus
You might dig this.
Football was so different when I was a kid.
I love that stuff. The pro game now does nothing for me.
The music was great.
And the form on those tackles. Modern defensive players could learn something; well modern as in 5 years ago, haven’t really watched a game in about that. But head up, wrap up with arms, keep driving with the legs. None of this throw your shoulder into him and hope he goes down or scramble to get 10 yards down the field into an open area so you could wiggle your ass for the camera. Seems defensive coordinators should take those reels as training films – “THIS is how you tackle you retards!”
I HATE the victory dances after every tackle. Just do your job.
“None of this throw your shoulder into him”
Works for safeties.
Not for this one it didn’t.
Either way it is both funny and a PITA for the owner.
Did the “vandal” put them on with green Loctite?
In some ancient NFL films reel, there was a clip of Butkus (some championship game, probably). The opposing team is inside the five, looking to score. Pass play in the flat; Butkus steps in front of the tight end and intercepts in the end zone. He immediately turns and offers the ball to the tight end. The tight end slaps it out of his hand so hard it goes into the stands.
Today: Taunting, unsportsmanlike conduct. Probably racism too.
I’ve done a few homebaked bread recipes (still well into the newb category) and recently tried the King Arthur recipe that comes on the bag of flour.
The bread is good and has lasted a week just sitting covered in the Dutch oven but more so, stupidly easy to make.
Dutch oven bread is fantastic
I usually just use this in the bread maker: 1 cup warm water, 2 tbs sugar, 2 tsp yeast (or a packet), 3 cups flour, 1/4 cup oil, 1 tsp salt.
Easy measurements, easy to remember, comes out great.
Not that I’m on the side of regulatory agencies or anything, but a $44,000 fine for ignoring a problem that led to 7 deaths is remarkably low. I’m sure the civil (and possibly criminal) suits to follow will be more substantial though.
There’s not necessarily any actual connection between the fine, the alleged actions/inactions that drew the fine, and the deaths. It could very well be a fine for some procedural/paperwork/system thing that would not have had any impact on the outcome.
As I mentioned upthread, you can’t tell a heckuva lot from that article. Company could have been truly negligent, or it’s entirely possible that everybody’s actions after the leak were actually right, as bad as that sounds to say. Reaction times, awareness, location, other factors, etc. Not everything is knowable and solveable in the moment.
Student: “What do you have to say to the trans students on this campus who feel actively victimized by your presence here?”
@RealCandaceO: “Life’s tough. Get a helmet, man.”
We really need to stamp out such notions.
Hahaha. Fantastic answer.
Candy ain’t for kids
“Seek help.”
Not even that. That just reinforces the idea they are victims.
They don’t need help (beyond a few good normie role models, anyway). They need to grow up and toughen up.
SCOOP: This is from the Air Force and Space Force training for Sexual Assault Prevention and Response.
God bless America. Or something.
The super-stupid is making its way out of the universities and into society now.
We’re in the process of becoming a shithole country ruled by shitheads. Trouble abrewin’ I fear.
Why, it’s almost like we’re being colonized by a new ruling class that is imposing a new dominant culture.
No, the incompatability of the self-selected institutionals with reality is becoming more obvious, and in the long run they’re either going to have to change or will be forced out, because you can’t deny reality indefinately.
Nobody said we would be under colonial rule forever. All their projects will fail, the only question is, how much damage will they inflict?
They claim that one of the characteristics of a perpetrator of sexual assault, is “adherence to traditional gender norms.”
So the military is basically useless at this point.
Depending on the definition of ‘traditional’, get some 13th Century Mongols in here and then they might have an argument.
I’m sure that’s based on 98% of the perps being non-trannies.
You know, just like the genpop.
The money was appropriated- we simply must spend it, otherwise chaos and anarchy
President Biden’s decision this week to move forward with border wall construction that Democrats have long denounced shocked allies and immigration advocates.
The stunning reversal came just days after administration officials participated in an immigration roundtable at the Capitol featuring Congressional Hispanic Caucus (CHC) members and immigration advocates.
The administration’s participation in the roundtable drew praise from CHC members; administration officials did not mention plans to restart border wall construction.
CHC leaders called the decision “disappointing” Thursday.
“While this border wall funding was signed into law by President Trump under Republican leadership, this decision is not in line with the current Administration’s commitments to end border wall construction. Republicans remain committed to building border walls that are ineffective, a poor use of taxpayer funds, and a strain on the local environment, endangering families and children who are fleeing from dangerous conditions and that seek legal asylum in the United States,” CHC Chairwoman Nanette Díaz Barragán (D-Calif.) said in a statement.
A notice posted on the Federal Register on Wednesday waived a series of environmental and historical protection laws to allow for wall construction in Starr County, Texas, using funds appropriated in 2019 for that purpose
Biden told reporters Thursday that his administration moved forward with the waivers and construction to comply with a legal obligation to use the appropriated funds.
“One question on the border wall: The border wall, money was appropriated for the border wall. I tried to get them to reappropriate, to redirect that money. They didn’t. They wouldn’t,” Biden told reporters in the Oval Office.
Too bad we can’t send the money to Ukraine. They could use it to build a wall to keep the Russians out.
Democrats controlled the House and Senate for the first two years of Biden’s term yet “I tried to get them to reappropriate, to redirect that money. They didn’t. They wouldn’t.” Such leadership!
Trying to remain relevant I see.
1. Walls don’t work
2. President Biden promised he wouldn’t build them
3. Now even harder for voters to distinguish between him & Trump on border/immigration
4. Wasted opportunity to use executive power to actually fix our asylum system instead of impotent political posturing
1. But they do, actually.
2. And? This is still a political stunt.
3. Not really.
4. These people are invading, not seeking asylum.
Why would you read anything coming from that useless asshole?
“even” harder
LOL. Until this desperate little stunt, the difference could not have been wider.
Why don’t you talk to your boss instead whining on Twitter, pussy.
Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas pushed back against criticism that the announcement represented either a policy shift or a contradiction for the administration.
“There is no new Administration policy with respect to border walls. From day one, this Administration has made clear that a border wall is not the answer. That remains our position and our position has never wavered. The language in the Federal Register notice is being taken out of context and it does not signify any change in policy whatsoever,” Mayorkas said in a statement published on X, formerly known as Twitter.
We will continue to encourage illegal border crossings, just in a different place.
Another example of how Biden is terrible at politics. The Dem mayors are angry, so he’s going to build a wall. Then the far left gets mad because walls are still racist, so Mayorkas backtracks. By being so completely rigid they’ve once again painted themselves into a corner, and they’re depending on a compliant press to run cover (“What Biden ACTUALLY meant was…”). But it doesn’t look like they’re doing that, which makes me think he’s on the way out.
But it is only Republicans who are beholden to their far out extremists. (according to Hillarity).
Shut up, Liz.
“If the Republicans decide that Jim Jordan should be the Speaker of the House…There would no longer be any possible way to argue that a group of elected Republicans could be counted on to defend the Constitution.”
Nothing says constitutional government like tax/print and spend to oblivion, constantly sticking our dick in foreign conflicts, endless expansion of federal power, facilitating and invasion of the states and generally fucking over the population.
But immigration and environmental advocates are livid.
“It’s disheartening to see President Biden stoop to this level, casting aside our nation’s bedrock environmental laws to build ineffective wildlife-killing border walls,” said Laiken Jordahl, Southwest conservation advocate at the Center for Biological Diversity. “Starr County is home to some of the most spectacular and biologically important habitat left in Texas, and now bulldozers are preparing to rip right through it. This is a horrific step backwards for the borderlands.”
Existential threat to life on earth.
Ignore the foot traffic from tens of thousands of border crossers every month.
“Starr County is home to some of the most spectacular and biologically important habitat left in Texas”
As a Texan, I can confidently say that is utter bullshit.
And if it is, what effect does he think tens of thousands of illegals tromping over it and throwing garbage everywhere has?
Silly RC, the Illegals are the life he’s trying to faciliate in that habitat.
Spectacular? Really? Got pics?
Hillary Clinton Shreds Donald Trump’s MAGA ‘Cult’ With ‘Formal Deprogramming’ Call
Clinton recalled “very strong partisans in both parties in the past” but said, “There wasn’t this little tail of extremism wagging the dog of the Republican Party as it is today.”
She added, “And sadly, so many of those extremists, those MAGA extremists, take their marching orders from Donald Trump, who has no credibility left by any measure.”
Trump’s robot army awaits orders.
Those people are victims of Trump’s pernicious mind control. They couldn’t possibly arrived at their political beliefs independently, and certainly not by observing the real world consequences of decades of Democratic policy “victories”. The strong partisans on the left are wise, thoughtful people who know what’s best for America.
They want us dead and it’s not just Trumpsters. The spin ion that quote is as distasteful as the quote itself. She didn’t shred shit.
On The Free Press there is an interview with Carville. He is equally as unhinged. He’s saying if Trump wins, the Constitution is done and the US is over. We’re to the point that both parties think if the other side wins, it’s the end of the country. We are virtually guaranteed there will be violence, and there are no adults in the room trying to settle things down.
This is true.
Donald Trump’s art of the steal.
I bet she was smugly satisfied with herself on this one. Never mind that it is a lie.
This case is before the court right now. What the fuck is she doing making posts on X.
Virtue Signalling.
Absolute immunity bitchez!!!
Yep. She will get her scalp. NY Supreme Court or USSC will smack it down but damage done.
Honk honk.
Wait she’s allowed to pit that out?
A straight up fucking lie.
Clever, clever. But what did he actually “steal”? Did he default on loans? No, he paid them back. Did he commit insurance fraud? No, and if he did inflate the value, he’d have paid for more insurance than he needed. Did he get out of taxes? Again, if he did inflate the value, he’d have paid MORE in taxes.
Once again, they’re going after him for what he COULD HAVE done but didn’t actually do.
Not even clever and anyone who buys that place being worth only that is a submoron.
They believe the number only because it is the cornerstone of their accusation, not because the number is believable.
Like the appraised value for tax purposes means jack as far as market value goes. You know what real valuation experts never look at? The county’s appraised value.
Speaking of which, I wonder what the appraised value on her home was, as compared to what “she told the mortgage company it was worth”, when she bought it.
Surprised that hasn’t come out yet
Worse than useless
As children, we’re told that college opens the world to you. Debt narrows that world. Though a college degree can still improve your prospects, your progress remains precarious if you can’t graduate without debt. America thus teaches debtors a lesson: Reach too high, and debt will be there to rein you back in. Taylor calls debt “an instrument of social control” and notes that the fear of student debt “pushes people into certain careers and limits their life choices,” a truth at odds with childhood stories. America is a land of opportunity, but only for a few as long as student debt persists.
The cancellation of federal student-loan debt won’t solve the college affordability crisis. For that we need free public-college tuition, as proposed by lawmakers such as Bernie Sanders. Cancellation, though, will still right a great wrong. It is wrong to punish the children of working-class and middle-class families for seeking an education. There is no moral benefit to student debt. Nor is it some natural occurrence — an act of God which falls upon the less fortunate. Student debt is the product of political choices. Lawmakers have allowed it to become so pervasive that different realities can be difficult to imagine. What would change if we treated education as a right? If we freed millions from debt? The racial wealth gap might narrow. Debtors might begin to question the interlocking injustices that trap so many Americans. If student debt is immoral, what of medical debt?
The answer could open the door to a new world. No wonder student-debt cancellation has so many enemies. Biden, though, should ignore the naysayers. He’s canceled $127 billion so far. It’s time to erase the rest of it.
If this is what college teaches people, it’s long past time to abolish college.
All those kids need is a Grandpa that cares.
Debt narrows that world.
Where the fuck does he think the money to cancel college loans is coming from? We don’t just have it sitting around.
XY is teaching himself how to make rolls in preparation for Tryptophan Day. We shall see how this goes.
Are we taking bets on what gets broken in the process? (Got the GOOD Pyrex mixing bowls and measuring cups more likely to survive?)
Dunno. Right now he’s stressing over the mixing of the bread. I wouldn’t let him use the stand mixer with the bread hook because I figure he needs to learn how to do it by hand.
Found a cool South American moth in my backyard. It has some range in the US, but not normally here.
A banded Sphinx. It was beautiful. Reminded me of an HR Giger creature up close. It was not afraid of me, it flew around my head and then hung out on a vine for me to take some good pictures.
Where the fuck does he think the money to cancel college loans is coming from? We don’t just have it sitting around.
That money just goes to money heaven. Those defaults have no effect in the real world.
How I cook green beans:
Put pan on medium high. Add fat (butter, olive oil, etc.). Add finely chopped oniony thing (shallots, red onion, etc.) Season salt and pepper. When wilted add green beans. Season salt and pepper. Stir until beans are slightly caramelized. Add liquid (water, wine, broth, etc.) Put on lid. Wait a few minutes.
I did this last night. Took less than ten minutes.
Nice. Try it with bacon fat.