Music: Lofi Halloween Boo-nanza
Happy Halloween you reprobates! I am getting to show a nice, newer Nick Cage film tonight. I like this film for all these reasons:
- I like Nick Cage, he’s a nerdy man’s nerd.
- Nick did Ghost Rider 1 and 2. I will now see all his films. Like that new Renfield film where he plays Dracula.
- Nick doesn’t talk this entire film. He just broods.
- Nick murders a large amount of animatronic furries in this film with extreme prejudice.
This film came out a scant three years ago. I had it on a watch list for posting, and lo and behold, it appears! Chances are this is only out for Halloween, so try to watch it this week.
For those of you under the age of 30, this is based loosely on a game called 5 Nights at Freddy’s. “Based on” is a very loose term here, in that both concepts have animatronic creatures that come to life and menace people. The resemblance thins after that. For those of you over thirty, pretend you never read the three previous sentences. By now the movie for Five Nights and Freddy’s is out. It will not have Nicolas Cage, and hence will not be better than Willy’s Wonderland.
What else is out there for free in 2023? Tons! Tubi has been most diligent this year is recognizing what their founders love – Horror films. There was a large clean out of old content in September, which made way for a lot of good newer films and content. I am pleased. Some highlights, other than tonight’s film:
- The Last Witch Hunter: Vin Diesel. Witches.
- Van Helsing: Steampunk vampire film with Hugh Jackman.
- The entire Underworld Series: Classic vampire series. If you haven’t seen it, you should watch.
- The entire Saw Series: If you like it, the whole series is out there.
- Blackenstein: Brotha loves rippin’ out the GUTS! I love this film. It just never had the professional edge that Blackula did so it did not become as famous. This is the only pre-2000 film on this list. I did not have time to give this film its own post by Halloween. Maybe it’s a good Christmas film?
If you want to see most of these, you may have to hurry. Looks like a lot of them expire after Halloween.
Great R.J.! Now what horrible crap is out there to empty my house of party guests?
My cup runneth over this year. So many bad films I watched to get decent posts. The list of shame is below. Let the viewer beware!
- Werewolf Bitches from Outer Space: No. Had two reviews. One said only two words: “Absolutely dreadful.” Why didn’t I listen? Oh yeah, Lloyd Kaufman makes a cameo in this. It’s not enough. Look elsewhere for entertainment.
- Bikini Girls vs. Dinosaurs: I could feel my life draining away when I watched these pasty non-acting office worker girls run around. Not. One. Redeeming. Moment.
- Fertilize the Blaspheming Bombshell: All the time spent on this movie was coming up with the title. Beyond that, nobody cared about the production of this film.
- Night Feeder: A punk rock film about a violent killer. Man, it could have been great. I would watch this with all of you as long as you realize how awful it actually is. So bad it’s funny. The club scenes are what a 75 year old man thought a punk club would be like.
- Robotica Destructiva: 50% computer generated. Loooooong. One of two reviews on IMDB is by the director. The other is some guy pitching his script to said director. Not a good sign.
- Croaked: Frog Monster from Hell: The worst of the 1970s all in one place. It’s like having to spend two hours in the toy section at Salvation Army. Not nostalgic at all. Just gross and sad.
So watch! Or don’t! Halloween is in a few days, I hope you have a nice Halloween. Or if you are just staying at home, I hope you eat some decent candy. Next week, we get back to our regularly scheduled programming for a few weeks before the Christmas movies start. I do have some questions about the upcoming holidays:
- Does anyone want a Thanksgiving show? We got ThanksKilling, among other things.
- Every year, I screw up when to play the Hebrew Hammer. Please tell me which Thursday I need to play it to keep your reprobates happy.
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(h/t: The Hyperbole)
*hits play*
“Every year, I screw up when to play the Hebrew Hammer.”
Is that the only Chanukkah movie?
There is another.
I have yet to view it. It has a great trigger warning to start with.
And it may not be Chanukkah. Might just be a really offensive film. Which is perfect for this audience.
Does Adam Sandler mean nothing to you?
This is a good one. You and I may be the only Adam Sandler fans though.
His comedy movies aren’t funny. Uncut Gems is great.
His comedies aren’t funny and Uncut Gems was even worse.
Your elderberries smell like hamsters.
I fart in your general direction, and it’s more entertaining than any Sandler movie.
I liked both Hustle and 50 First Dates.
The rest, not so much.
I have a soft spot for Happy Gilmore.
Ridiculous Cage, am I right?
But, seriously, if you want to see a great vampire movie with him, I recommend Vampire’s Kiss
Yes, that is fantastic.
Ridiculous Cage is the best Cage. I was looking for that awesome footage of him acting out being the Ghost Rider, sans CGI. I was unable to find it. If anyone can find it, that would make this evening complete.
I wasn’t paying attention to time. I will dive in soon.
You’ll be ready to emit large volumes of fact-based narrative from Glibs After Dark.
No hips. Sad,
Elizabeth Holmes is looking good.
To any fellow watch freaks:
Cage is wearing what looks like a G-Shock. If it has markings they have been removed.
Welcome back! I thought you gave up on Thursdays.
2.5 year old is getting more and more demanding at night so my posting has become a bit more spotty.
I understand this.
Critical Drinker just put a review of this up. I have it on my list of movies to watch.
It’s free tonight. It leaves Tubi in 5 days.
Not tonight. Maybe tomorrow
Here it is.
Thank you for finding this R.J. It sounds like crazy, low budget fun.
Who the Hell would buy this?
Sam Bank man-Fried.
Emily Tosta is absolutely adorable.
That’s more like it.
I think after he’s done cleaning that bathroom, the Virgin Mary will be proud to say she took a shit there.
Damn dirty ape messes it up again.
I saw.
+1 R. Lee Ermy
I’m seldom around at 11. Just checked: thanks for many positive thoughts….good to know a few chuckles were had.
Hey R.J. Chanukah starts on Thursday night, December 7. I hope that helps.
OK! Sounds like perfect timing then. December 7th it is.
I am surprised nobody has reproduced the pinball machine yet. I might see it at the Texas Pinball Festival.
I started watching Renfield. It’s a little goofy, but so far so good.
It’s a good blend of goofy and fun. His Dracula is very Cagey.
So every guy in this movie except for Nicolas Cage’s character is either a piece of shit or ineffective.
Can’t say anymore without spoilers.
I just finished it.
So now you see it was eq
Argh. I give up. Computer is giving me no respect tonight.
I’m heading to bed.
Thanks RJ!
I poked around the Intertubes. The busty blonde actress has a boobpedia page.
Caylee Cowan.
Pretty sure those are from the factory, too. Not bolt-ons.
I made it safely out of Georgia (again) and am now safely ensconced in the (937). Well, until tomorrow.
From the previous post:
Mojeaux on October 26, 2023 at 3:05 pm
I think I’m going to go practice my bread-making skills.
Im shocked nobody made a joke about yeast infections. Or is it just me?
These showed up in my Etsy feed and I thought of you.
54 reasons Id be in my bunk.
And redhead too? Va-voom!
Glad you made it home, homey, however briefly.
I almost couldn’t get home from an errand to Eaton on account o’ the daggone SWAT team up the street.
‘Mojeaux on October 26, 2023 at 3:05 pm
I think I’m going to go practice my bread-making skills.’
Me too- almost time to flip my dough out.
I hope you all have a good evening, see you next Thursday!
Pet peeve: I engage a business for one, single event.
Carpet bombed with emails and the “Unsubscribe” functionality does not work, how convenient.
Report them as spam?
“Report” them where? For all I know it could be my ad-blocker fucking with the unsubscribe function goddamn I hate the internet sometimes.
TBH I don’t think they are spam (it’s a bus company I am using to travel next week, why would they spam me?).-
food for thought
Gaza was occupied by Egyptian forces of the United Arab Republic from 1949 to 1967. Egypt conquered Gaza during the 1948 Arab-Israeli War and destroyed its Jewish community. Egypt maintained control of Gaza even after signing an armistice agreement with Israel in 19492. Israel captured Gaza from Egypt during the 1967 Six-Day War, which Egypt initiated. Gaza was later assigned to the Palestinian Authority under the Oslo Accords of 1993. Israel withdrew from Gaza in 2005.
The Jordanian administration of the West Bank officially began on April 24, 1950, and ended with the decision to sever ties on July 31, 1988. The period started when Jordan occupied and subsequently annexed the portion of Mandatory Palestine during the 1948 Arab-Israeli War that became known as the West Bank, including East Jerusalem. The territory remained under Jordanian control until it was occupied by Israel during the 1967 Six Day War and eventually Jordan renounced its claim to the territory in 1988.
Following the Six-Day War in 1967, Israel occupied the West Bank (including East Jerusalem). Although the sides were technically at war, a policy known as “open bridges” meant that Jordan continued to pay salaries and pensions to civil servants and to provide services to endowments and educational affairs and in general to play an active role in West Bank affairs. In 1972, King Hussein conceived a plan to establish a united Arab federation which would include the West Bank and Jordan. This proposal never came to fruition.
So yeah. Gaza used to be part of Egypt and the West Bank used to be part of Jordan. The easiest way to solve the dispute would be a return to that rather than the establishment of a Palestinian state. But Hamas and the PLO refuse to accept.
That ship sailed
In the mind of the Arab states there is a very strong reason not to have anything to do with Palis in their own territories. The Palis just cause you trouble.
Gustave linked to Black September. What Derp didn’t include was that Israel offered the Gaza back to Egypt as part of their 1979 peace treaty. Egypt noped right out of that offer. They keep the border secured because they have enough internal security problems without letting Palis back.
Until Iraq invaded Kuwait in 1990 the largest population of workers (and a good portion of their army) in Kuwait were Palis who sent millions of dollars home each year. Yassar backed Iraq and when the Kuwaitis got back in their country they threw every Pali out and have henceforth refused to let them back in.
Israel let 18,000-20,000 Palis in each day to work in Israel with the total number of permits to be about double the daily flow. That won’t be happening again anytime soon. The IDF claims (take with a healthy pinch of salt) that among the dead terrorists there were “many hundreds” of the former guest workers.
I am absolutely prepared to believe that.
And they were discussing increasing the number of permits when the attack happened.
Egypt and Jordan don’t want to take on the Palestinians.
The only real solution is conquer the Palestinian territory and force them out. Salt the Earth approach.
I hear Europe is pretty welcoming to refugees…
I think they may be starting to appreciate what that has got them.
I love this movie so much. Thank you for featuring it (less than three)
welp, i have broken down, and am joining the ranks of iPhone users. you just can’t beat the quality, and I, at the ripe age of 52, am sick of putting up with cheap shit. Phones barely work at the best of times, and aren’t on my list of cool things to spend money on, but my carrier offered me an upgrade at about 1/4 the cost.
Fuck it, don’t mean nothin’.
You are officially a hipster doofus fuck.
I own the cheapest current model of iPhone (SE?) + a super cheap, hermit-class phone plan.
I would rather pay Apple for the phone than a carrier. I know the thing will last five or six years at least.
I do too. I have run this post for two and a half years on it. Most nights when I comments I am on it. touch keyboard is balls, but it always works.
We have always loved our Samsung Galaxies.
I have had a Razr and a Blackberry too.
Not sure if this will work. Youtube made me stop my ad-block.
Was supposed to be a stand alone comment. Eh, I don’t care anymore.
That’s the spirit!
What’s up! Long time no see
I had the same issue with youtube. It was so annoying when I was used to no adds ever.
Not sure what browser you use, but with Firefox I got the add-on called ublock origin. Now I don’t get ads anymore on youtube. For some reason if you use ublock origin together with adblock plus the ads disappear and youtube stops hassling me to turn off adblock plus.
A friend at work tipped me off to the Unihertz Titan line of phones. Has QWERTY keyboard!! I like the “rugged” one and just might buy it and put it on Mint mobile.
Tmobile is Seattle based, and Mint uses T-Mobile, so their coverage is excellent and plans are cheap.
Unihertz makes other models too of course, but the Titan Rugged is definitely my style. Having a purse means I don’t have to care about pocket size either (although they do make a slim version and a pocket version too).
That’s two big fat club thumbs up! 👍👍
Now if we can dumb down the phone, we’d be just about perfect.
I miss flip phones.
Halloween greetings everyone,
By request I’m doing the sign from “water water every hare” this year. LED and some shadow boxes should work. I already built the switching circuit all that’s left is cutting the lettering out. Will show you when finished.
Comme baack here raaabittt
Definitely have to show pics of the end product!
Good morning all!
Today, a little more Jethro Tull, including the original of one of OMWC’s selections last weekend.
Life’s a Long Song.
Perhaps my favorite Tull song, certainly in the top 5, the gentle and sweet Fire At Midnight.
Share and Enjoy!
Good morning, Beau, Sean, TARDy (long time no see!), and U!
When you said “gentle and sweet,” I guessed it was from this album. That’s the only Tull album I’ve ever had. In my mind, fits in nicely with the Steeleye Span/Fairport Convention auld British folk style, albeit with not so much of the sweet, soaring harmonies. Thanks!
Fire at Midnight is a good one.
Prolly my favorite Tull
There are so many great songs in their catalog, it’s really tough to pick a favorite.
Happy Friday to all! Well, except UCS (he don’t like Fridays) and our .gov lurkers (go chase your boy in Maine).
Good tune. Suits my mood.
Morning, Sean.
I gotta commute soon. Blarg.
It’s actually a bit surprising when they capture (alleged) criminals down there.
Store was out of my normal breakfast salad, so I’m stuck with their “Steakhouse” salad, which has beef, Feta, and roasted bell peppers. Basically it’s disappointment all around (especially after having had a home-cooked NY Strip for dinner last night, the beef just has no chance).
At least I have cheese curds.
As long as you have cheese curds, you can face anything! 🧀🦸♂️
Except… this isn’t Feta.
It’s Blue!
Darn sneaky blue cheese, sitting there all crumbly and pale, looking like something edible.
The curds? Or in the salad?
The Salad.
The curds were the same cheddar curds I usually get.
Thank goodness!
I kinda figured. I’ve never seen Feta or bleu cheese curds…but who knows what horrors are lurking so close to Halloween??
Bleu Cheese. Barf.
Someday I shall have to try cheese curds.
Yes… yes you do. Preferably on french fries and gravy.
Yeah, I hear you. I promised my wife fried rice (her comfort food as she is in the middle of a busy work period) and then realized we were out of farm bought ground pork. Well, I figured the meat counter at the good grocery store would have some, but it was just commercial, frozen stuff. No flavor.
And I was double disappoint, as I do not like cooking at all, so when I cannot finagle my way out of it, it should at least taste good,
Mornin’, reprobates!
Today’s covfefe is Haitian Blue (I know, sounds like… something else). Bought on a recommendation from the nice young man at Ocean City Coffee after he failed to sell me the $78/lb Jamaican Blue Mountain. Very nice.
… How can anyone be willing to pay $78/lb for coffee? Inflation hasn’t gotten that bad yet.
It’s Jamaican, mon.
I wouldn’t even pay $78 for a fifth of Jamaican Rum, let alone coffee.
I paid $40.
$40 for a bottle of rum? How can alkies afford their habit these days?
Hey, we’re talking Second Shelf here.
If you just need the ethanol, there’s still the middle and bottom shelves.
I haven’t checked in a while but boxed wine used to be the best cost/lb ethanol.
Horrible hang overs though. At least it tastes better than other typical wino drinks- like steel reserve.
We sell our dignity?
A real alkie doesn’t have any dignity left. Just sayin’. 😛
We sell our dignity?
New euphemism?
It sounds better than “goin’ downtown”.
I paid $21/lb for smoked brisket for Jugsy when I stopped at Buc-ee’s on my way home last night.
I dont really drink cofveve .
Good morning, ‘patzie! I believe this week’s coffee has been Monsooned Malabar.
Don’t ask – I don’t know. I muck it up with creamer and sweetener anyway.
That is good stuff. Every now and then Trader Joe’s has it.
Oh, I also muck up my covfefe with sugar and Half and Half, as God intended. Been taking it like that since Abuela started filling my bottles with Cafe Bustelo.
So she was trying to put hair on your chest? 😉
I think that’s what the Rogaine bodywash was for instead.
And it worked!
Since my company went Gen-Z, there are free covfefe machines everywhere and they buy whatever our B2B has available. Cafe Bustelo is one of the few I drink now. Meh, free is free.
Good Morning.
Yeah but he’s shrewd- he only bought 16 ounces.
I pay on average according to my calcs 35 dollars per pound so about half that, though Romania is poor so probability more all things considered.
I like my coffee black and bitter like my heart. The more like gas station / convenience store coffee, the better.
We’d get along just fine R.J. just fine..
suh’ fam
yo whats goody
Im off to visit a facilty in lovely (sarc) Belpre, OH then its
…since Im actually going to be home
Ghost of John Denver sings, “Town of Belpre, almost West Virginia-a-a-a….”
Good morning everyone.
I am off to the last RV trip of the season today. I would’ve preferred the fall weather we’ve had the past few weeks, but the kids will enjoy swimming in the lake since it will be over 80 degrees
Good to hear from you. Hope your trios have be adventurous!
I need some of that Jamacian coffee apparently.
Thanks for the welcome back.
The trips have indeed been memorable. Sometimes for the wrong reasons but that’s how it goes sometimes😝
Hope the cross country move is going ok
First trip was good. This one is packing the truck and then once again with the rest in December.
Already working, hardly had a chance to say good morning!
Local exhibit. I probably won’t go though.
That looks great. I would have to go to Philly though. That’s a long way.
My post is still active? What is this madness!
Apparently someone in Quality Control slipped up in assigning the Morning Links. I’m gonna demand my money back … oh, wait.
Madness? No.
One man’s madness is another’s glee
In the meantime, I give you this Open Links item from the Bee:
Top 10 Locations To Take A Girl On A First Date
Costco food court: $1.50 hotdogs, and if things go well, a walk through the store getting samples for dessert.
Cracker Barrel: You can show off your impressive skills at that golf tee game.
A hike through the woods to search for a really cool stick: What woman wouldn’t love this?!
Your Lego display room: Show her your collection. She won’t be able to resist you once she sees your 7,500-piece Millennium Falcon.
Waffle House: Be careful though, the waitress might call you “honey,” which could make your date jealous.
A live-action medieval role-playing game on a soccer field: Show her your homemade costume and your valiant strength at the same time.
Gamestop: Ask her to point out her favorite games. This will let you know if she’s the one.
Sizzler: Maybe a little fancy for a first date, but you want to impress her.
Laser Tag: Women love laser tag. Be sure to show no mercy and beat her decisively so she knows how capable you are.
Lord of the Rings Extended Editions marathon: If she falls asleep, you’ll know it was never meant to be.
There’s a longer list online that includes places where I took a first date and it turned out really well, such as a dive bar (two long-ish term relationships / f***-buddies started that way); or where I met Mrs. Prole (a Starbucks) and our second date (a long drive to the Texas Wine Trail, even though she belatedly told me partway toward Johnson City that she doesn’t drink at all).
I saw that! A great answer to that X post about where girls don’t want to go on a first date, which triggered just about everyone here.
My first date with my wife was a bar. AppleBee’s became a regular hangout, as we were poor but could afford mystery beer night.
As long as we are still here..
In nature, ostentatious displays are often a warning of toxicity and danger.
A Starbucks / coffee house is a great idea for a first date: quiet enough to talk, either of you can call it off at any time if you’re not feeling it, not gonna break the bank for you to pick up the check on a couple of dozen dates.
Prolefeed’s List O’ Online Dating Tips For Long Term Relationships:
It’s a numbers game. Go on a lot of dates. Perhaps 1% to 5% of people of the appropriate gender and age are gonna be a great fit for you. Mrs. Prole was somewhere between dates #50 thru #100.
Don’t waste time trying to date people who aren’t into you from the get go. Chase people who don’t need a lot of chasing.
Dump anyone who friend zones you (unless you want a platonic friend to hand with).
If they’re not interested in sex by the third date, they’ve likely friend zoned you.
Act like a telemarketer – Always Be Closing. Ask for the sale. Assume the sale.
If you think it ain’t happening, but you like them, ask them bluntly if they are into you that way. Then listen carefully to what they say.
Cut your losses. If it ain’t happening, move along. Plenty of dates in any decent sized metro area.
Hockey game. She likes hockey, I like hockey. Worked out. Movies are terrible first dates unless it’s f’buddy date.
My wife and I met serving as missionary teachers in a small town in Europe. Our first date was to be a hike in the mountains 2 hours way by bus. Unfortunately, for some reason a short bus was sent to our town that day and we weren’t able to board. We ended up having to hitch hike(which worked out she said hitchhiking was on her bucket list 😛)