IFLA: The “Ewwww” Edition of the Horoscope for the Week of October 29

by | Oct 29, 2023 | IFLA | 312 comments

Well, it’s that time of year again, when scorpions start moving into your house to keep warm.

Beyond that, there’s not a whole lot in the skies on a macro level, but quite a bit of detail under the surface.  For example: that arrangement that was driving the world towards war is breaking up.  However, there’s nothing driving anybody towards peace and there are a LOT of indications of misrule, bad government, chaos and violence.  The week starts off with not one, but TWO conjunctions — The Moon and Jupiter retrograde in Taurus, which is the astrological equivalent of dropping some mentos into a bottle of coke and rolling it down the stairs.  Capped.  A glass bottle.  And then there’s Mercury and Mars in Scorpio which is just ugly.  If that first conjunction was messy, destructive incompetence, this one is a methhead with rabies and a shit-smeared machete.

I can only work with what the stars give me. Take it up with them.

The card indicate that this is going to be a surprisingly good week. When the Emperor and Empress are both drawn, it’s a sign of completeness/perfection, and The World also embodies signifies that state, as it’s the “conclusion, final state of evolution” card.

Scorpio: 2 of Wands reversed – This life, it bores me.

Sagittarius: 2 of Swords reversed – Well, I’m sure they deserved it for something.

Capricorn: The Empress – Fruitfulness, action, initiative, length of days; the unknown, clandestine; also difficulty, doubt, ignorance. 

Aquarius: 9 of Coins reversed – Roguery, deception, voided project, bad faith.

Pisces: The Emperor – Stability, power, protection, realization; a great person; aid, reason, conviction; also authority and will.

Aries: The World – Assured success, recompense, voyage, route, emigration, flight, change of place. 

Taurus: 5 of Coins reversed – Disorder, chaos, ruin, discord, profligacy.

Gemini: Ace of Coins reversed – Money does not cause any problems that more money won’t fix. Unfortunately you don’t have that latter amount of money.

Cancer: Knight of Wands reversed – You better take care if I find you’ve been creepin’ along my back stair.

Leo: The Fool reversed – It’s a wacky ride, enjoy it.

Virgo: Knight of Coins reversed – You know some days it’s just so hard to even get out of bed? Guess what you’ve got to look forward to?

Libra: Justice Reversed – Successful lawfare.

Another one for the “alt-rock or prog-rock” question.

About The Author

Not Adahn

Not Adahn

Despite all my rage, I am still just an impeccably dressed rat.


  1. PieInTheSky

    this was posted at the wrong hour. I wish you would stop doing that.

    • Chafed

      Sorry my vampire friend. Suns out, guns out.

      • PieInTheSky

        there aint no sun it’s night

      • milo

        Now that is funny.

  2. Sean

    “Cancer: Knight of Wands reversed – You better take care if I find you’ve been creepin’ along my back stair.”

    You’re not my type.

  3. Mojeaux

    Taurus: 5 of Coins reversed – Disorder, chaos, ruin, discord, profligacy.

    Great googly moogly!

    • Trigger Hippie

      I may have a hairline fracture in one of my left knuckles, so…off to an early start! Go Team Taurus!

      • Mojeaux

        Team Taurus hasn’t had many good-looking weeks this year.

  4. The Late P Brooks

    Sagittarius: 2 of Swords reversed – Well, I’m sure they deserved it for something.

    No one is innocent.

  5. Don escaped Texas

    Scorpio: 2 of Wands reversed – This life, it bores me.

    I’m out of here! – Matthew Perry

    • Don escaped Texas

      Gemini: Ace of Coins reversed – Money does not cause any problems that more money won’t fix. Unfortunately you don’t have that latter amount of money.

      Unfortunately, I had less than 4% – Mike Pence

    • Toxteth O'Grady

      He was “It’s a wacky ride, enjoy it.”

  6. robc

    Had to shovel driveway (only 4 in), so late with lazy weekend Grand Swiss updates.

    Standings thru 4: https://chess-results.com/tnr793016.aspx?lan=1&art=1&rd=4&flag=30

    Firth round pairings: https://chess-results.com/tnr793016.aspx?lan=1&art=2&rd=5&flag=30

    The IM who I mentioned on Friday is in 3rd place. He has 1 GM norm, barring a collapse, he will get his second in this tourney. He needs 3, and to get his rating to 2500, to become a Grandmaster.

    He is the cinderella story. Two wins and 2 draws so far.

    • PieInTheSky

      stop bragging about your snow. here we are still 25C and sunny

      • R.J.

        About 8C here in the Lone Star State. It has been raining for five days.

      • robc

        It helps living over 4900 ft.

        That is over 1.49E12 nm, to convert to European

      • robc

        Dangit, I blew the joke, should have converted to Angstroms.

      • Suthenboy

        I thought we were doing bananas these days? That would be about 9,247 bananas.

      • robc

        Is that American bananas or commie bananas?

      • Tres Cool

        African or European ?

      • dbleagle

        Semi OT. I harvested a bunch of apple bananas this week. Anybody want to take some of them off of my hands?

      • rhywun

        What difference, at this point, does it make.

  7. DEG

    Nice dog videos.

    It’s a wacky ride, enjoy it.

    This sounds like you’re trying to put lipstick on the pig of a sufficiently shitty week.

    • Toxteth O'Grady

      That husky’s sure out for Lily.

    • R.J.

      This past two weeks has been on a tear. One more week of travel and being social. Then I may need a padded cell.

  8. Chafed

    Good morning coffee lovers. Costco now carries Death Wish coffee. Anyone know if it is worth the premium price?

    • PieInTheSky

      i have no idea but branding wise it sounds shit

    • DEG

      It’s OK. I’m going through a bag of their dark roast. I have an unopened bag of their espresso roast.

      It’s good enough that I’ll get more in the future, but it’s not my favorite.

      My current favorite coffee is Porcupine Coffee’s Indonesian Java.

      • PieInTheSky

        dark roast – you people git no taste

      • R.J.

        I like my coffee beans burnt beyond recognition.

      • Ted S.

        The same way you like your women?

        Wait, that doesn’t work.

      • Chafed

        Thanks DEG. How would you say it compares to Peet’s Major Dickason?

      • DEG

        That’s a tough call.

        I’m not sure which of those two I’d put in the lead.

      • Chafed

        Thanks. That’s very helpful.

    • Not Adahn

      I am very fond of their dark roast, hate their medium. YMMV.

  9. Mojeaux

    I need a haircut. Washing my hair has become an Olympic event. If I didn’t look so awful, I’d just shave it off. But I need a better stylist than Great Clips because they don’t know how to cut curly hair so I can wear it like I’m semi put together instead of waist-length straw hair that makes me look like a wigged-out forest crone.

    • Tres Cool

      Hold up…..waist length red hair?

      I…I….STOP IT!

    • Ted S.

      If I didn’t look so awful, I’d just shave it off.

      You could look like this

      • Mojeaux

        Oh, no. No, I don’t look that good. I have already shaved my head once and while it FELT magnificent, it LOOKED just awful.

        However, I wore a lot of head scarves during that time. I was going for a gypsy look and always made sure to wear big-ass bangle earrings.

        Anyway, people were so NICE to me, everywhere I went. It took me a while to figure that one out.

      • Tres Cool

        I cant pull off the shaved head look either. People tend to ask if this is my 1st round of chemo.

      • juris imprudent

        Mine is kept so short that shaved isn’t far off. But it seems like more work so that’s not happening.

      • Beau Knott

        I started shaving mine when there was little enough left that it’s not a big pain. Ginger gone white, so mostly I can get by with doing it every other day. The razor was the equivalent of a year’s worth of “what are we supposed to do with this?” haircuts.
        I knew what I was in for, having shoved it back when I was in Minneapolis, around the turn of the millennium. There was still some color to it back then, but those days are long gone. ‘S okay, I hated having red hair from the get-go.

      • Zwak says the real is not governable, but self-governing.

        I miss my red hair. Now it is just turning white, what isn’t balding. I am not quite to the point of shaving, as JI says, more work. But I do still go to the barber. Mostly as he is a friend of mine by now, and those are starting to go by attrition.

      • rhywun

        more work

        Buzz cut with clippers, yo.

        Ten minutes and done.

      • juris imprudent

        Ten minutes and done.

        I think the wife takes a little longer, but I don’t mind.

      • Beau Knott

        It takes me longer to brush my teeth and use my WaterPic than it does to shave my head. Every other day, I don’t mind it at all. WAY better than dealing with a barber every quarter. YMMV

      • R C Dean

        Ten minutes? More like two or three.

        Err, we’re talking about hair styles, right?

      • milo

        Let it go. Who cares what they think?
        I am a fellow horseshoe head that decided enough was enough.
        Genetics made it so. I can’t do anything about it.
        Yes…it did bother me in my 20’s.
        Now, I let it grow out and then mercilessly prune it back.
        If you don’t like it…well that is your problem, isn’t it?
        Never been pretty.

      • Mojeaux

        Who are you talking to? I just see some good-natured light kvetching.

      • milo

        None in particular. My writing skills are not very good and I apologize for any offense.
        I was discussing something in my head, I guess.

      • rhywun

        I still have all my hair but it’s all gray and even thicker than it was when I was younger. The comfort of not having it outweighs any fashion sense I might achieve by growing it out.

      • rhywun

        Put on fifty pounds or so like I did since I started shaving my head.

        They won’t ask you that anymore.

      • Zwak says the real is not governable, but self-governing.

        The freshman 20# becomes the middle age 50#

      • milo

        I didn’t mention the booze because it is embarrassing to me.
        I drink because I like it. And there is no one depending on me. I’m retired. No family. No kids.
        I drink for all the reasons stated above.
        I hope you can quit it. It is not a good thing.
        You need to live a happy life until the end.

      • rhywun

        Yeah, I never had the freshman 20. I was skinny AF until my early 30s.


        No worries. You shouldn’t either. Do what works for you, within reason of course.

      • milo

        I topped out at 300 pounds years ago. 6 foot. Kinda big. Fat.
        Ran 5 miles a day until I was 30… and then got married. Gained it all over ten years or so. Not her fault.
        I know it was me.
        Lost it all several times, but it kept coming back…plus some.
        Weight loss is fighting against the one person you cannot defeat. You.
        You can stop taking heroin and not die. You quit eating…hello next world.
        I can honestly say that I have never went up against anything so difficult.

      • rhywun

        I figure for me, it’s the booze.

        Sometimes I ponder cutting down and then I wake up.

      • Ted S.

        You could put your hair up.


      • Mojeaux

        All I’d have to do to dread my hair is sleep with it down a couple of nights and not comb it.

        And I only wish I could have a cool white streak in my hair, but I’m told that the mix of what strawberry blonde I have left, and the white that the rest of the red has turned, my almost-platinum blonde is what many women pay good money to get, so … I couldn’t actually tell you what color my hair is.

    • creech

      Beyond a certain age, women with long hair start looking older than they are. Maybe go for a Helen Mirren or Martha Stewart look?

      • Mojeaux

        No, those are haircuts every older woman gets and it’s bullshit. I want shoulder-length curls, which I can have if I can get the right cut.

      • Mojeaux

        Honestly, I’d rather indulge my inner forest crone if it didn’t take a herculean effort to take care of it.

      • rhywun

        I can’t imagine having all that big hair – I would not be able to sleep from the insulation effect.

      • Mojeaux

        Clip it up on top and/or sleep with a silk or satin bonnet.

      • Mojeaux

        Multitasking is a myth. Just a way to half-ass/screw up several things at the same time.

  10. Tres Cool

    I can’t remember which of you assholes linked Warm Leatherette this morning, but it stuck in my head the entire time I was at the range with Version 2.0
    So as a rebuttal…..suck it.

    *kinda relevant to horoscopes

    **version 2.0 did really well with the Ruger 10/22. Dad is proud.

    • Beau Knott

      That would be me. You’re welcome 😉

      • R.J.

        I would think “Sex Dwarf” would be a better rebuttal.

      • Beau Knott

        That, I posted a few days ago. Preens 😉

  11. CPRM

    Taurus: 5 of Coins reversed – Disorder, chaos, ruin, discord, profligacy.

  12. PieInTheSky

    Inside A Fully-Renovated Scottish Farmhouse Secluded in The Outer Hebrides | Design Notes
    House & Garden


    the house looks nice but the talking seems pretentious

  13. Mojeaux

    Welp, it’s snowing.

    • PieInTheSky

      it is not

      • Mojeaux

        Dude, your latitude is more north than mine.

    • Ted S.

      It’s raining here.

    • DEG

      Rain here.

      I heard some talk of snow mid-week, but the current forecast does not have snow though it will be cold enough overnight during the mid-week.

    • Zwak says the real is not governable, but self-governing.

      Sunny and cold here. Well, 54* cold.

    • milo

      Seriously? I was enjoying the cooler weather here in Arkansas.
      Not sure I’m ready for snow yet.
      Like we have a choice.

  14. Tres Cool

    Years ago, I read a book of collected stories about Vietnam- “Nam” by Mark Baker. It was soldiers sharing their experiences. I thought it may be good for 16 year-old Tres V 2.0 to read.
    Amazon just dropped it off, and I started reading.

    Yeah, no. He can maybe have it in a couple of years.

    • juris imprudent

      About Face, the biography of COL David Hackworth is really, really good. Since he enlisted at about that age (having successfully lied), helps with relevance; and his account of the Army in the Cold War (ending with Viet Nam) is probably without equal.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Hackworth circa Iraq became unbearable.

      • juris imprudent

        Like this?

        Though he is a colonel by rank, Hackworth was counted among the so-called “television generals” the administration blasted after Baghdad fell, and many conservative admirers turned against him.

      • dbleagle

        “About Face” is a good read about infantry combat. Albeit enough time between the combat and the book for Hack to downplay some of the horror. All budding NCO and O should read it.

        Some older and shorter classics are “To Hell and Back” by Audie Murphy and “Those Devils In Baggy Pants” by David Fraley.

        Horse Face Dietrich from TDiBP (as enlisted) is in AF as a LTC and COL who Hackworth considers a stud.

      • juris imprudent

        Keegan’s The Face of Battle has a preface where he expresses humility for attempting to describe it when he never personally faced it. That kind of intellectual humility is rare.

        I recall reading Civil War history in high school and college and not comprehending how people like myself could be shaped into someone who would form and hold a skirmish line.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Before he soured, he was complaining that retired generals who were publicly critical were undermining the war effort. Coming from a guy who did similar while on active duty in country.

    • Ozymandias

      TC, I read that book when I was a sophomore in HS. I remember that some of the stories didn’t resonate because I didn’t quite “get” them, but overall it was a deeply impactful book. I just remember it made me quiet and thoughtful for several days (which is saying something for a 14 yo boy).

      Re: HACK
      A lot of guys were reading “Hack” in my TBS class at the time. A squadmate used to quote from it authoritatively, like it was the bible, when we were in the field. It became like a whole schtick in our squad:
      “Shane, whaddya think Hack would say about how we’re supposed to set up our defensive pos here on this hilltop?” (Looking around Virginia woods)
      “Well, Aaaah,” long authoritative sigh, then sniff and dip spit, “I’m gonna tell ya something, Lieutenant…” Shane would stare off into the distance and begin a rollicking Hackworthesque diatribe about Vietnam worthy of Walter Sobchak in TBL.
      I never read it, but I believe I’ve heard most of it quoted, discussed, and argued over for 26 weeks in Summer of 1991.

      I’m a fan of E.B. Sledge’s “With the Old Breed…” as the definitive war memoir, in all of its horror. No one has ever come forward to challenge or refute a word of it – written from notes he cribbed in his pocket bible during action on Guadalcanal and Okinawa (IIRC).
      Would also add in the requisite pitch for Smedley’s “War Is a Racket” which is freely available as a PDF, but the book also has some great additional autobiographical info that is very revealing and enlightening, IMO.

      • Tres Cool

        My kid is smart, but I want the stories of prostitutes and drug use to be cautionary, not inspiring.

      • dbleagle

        Sledge is outstanding.

        If your kid is a big reader and wants the interplay between the tactical point of the spear and the big picture view then “Enemy at the Gates”, the book and not the movie, on Stalingrad. Cornelius Ryan’s “The Longest Day” and “A Bridge Too Far”; or if he is up to 12 inches of the same style but on the Army in the PTO then John McManus’s three volumes are fantastic. I recently read them and his writing blew me away. The final chapter is sobering as it covers the multiple year effort to bring home our dead.

        Don’t forget the value of older TV. “The World at War” is probably the best. “Victory at Sea” is pretty damn good as well. The brutality is evident in the footage, plus all the first person accounts in WaW can never be made today. Gwyn Dyer’s series “War” is good and one episode, “Any Mothers Son Will Do” just covers the universality of basic training. The series was made at the height of the Cold War so will seem more akin than the ancient history of WWII.

      • Sensei

        I remember as a kid watching WaW with my dad.

        Seems a much simpler time. I’m sure as an adult I’d have a more nuanced view of Germany and Japan.

      • juris imprudent

        Ah yes, I remember our govt looking quite unkindly on that particular episode from Dyer. As I recall it aired on PBS with a propaganda label affixed to the intro.

      • creech

        “With the Old Breed at Peleliu and Okinawa”. Tom Hank’s “The Pacific” bookended his “Band of Brothers.”. Luck seems to trump raw courage in any combat situation.

      • milo

        “With the Old Breed” is one of the finest books about war ever written. I read it a few years ago.
        The sledgehammer is a hero of mine.
        My Grandfather was a member of Patton’s 3rd Army. He was the finest individual I have ever had the pleasure to know. He passed back in ’91 and I miss him every day since.
        I will read the “war is a racket” thing.
        I am so thankful for the work you are doing for the enlisted. Once you sign those papers…you are owned.
        If i had children in that age division now…I honestly would tell them to not sign up. If a draft is enacted…I would help them to evade it.
        E.B. Sledge cannot recognize this country as the one he fought for. And it is not.

      • Tres Cool

        Ive read that. Its good.

  15. The Late P Brooks

    I’m going to whip up some sausage and eggs and then see if I can make some more progress on my water winterization project before it gets REALLY cold at night.

    *finish putting the heat tape on the line and insulate it- I hope this works.

    The instructions have obviously been written by the lawyers, but I’d very much like to know just how hot this resistor wire gets when the thermostat kicks it on. For some reason, just plugging it in and forgetting about it makes me nervous, but checking/testing in place after I put the skirting back on will be nigh unto impossible.

  16. The Late P Brooks

    Years ago, I read a book of collected stories about Vietnam- “Nam” by Mark Baker. It was soldiers sharing their experiences. I thought it may be good for 16 year-old Tres V 2.0 to read.
    Amazon just dropped it off, and I started reading.

    Yeah, no. He can maybe have it in a couple of years.

    Another good (as I remember it) book about Viet Nam is “Dispatches” by Michael Herr. He was a reporter. No idea if it would be any more suitable.

    • Fourscore

      I read Dispatches many, many years ago. I read many, many after I retired from the army. Many were combat oriented but they were not of so much interest. I
      was more interested in the politics of how we got there.

      Just today I started watching dvds that I made from the pictures and slides that old buddies had sent me. A lot of scenery shot from helicopters of the local stuff. See old friends again that are gone now.

      • Fourscore

        Tuesday will be 47 years since I hung up my uniform for the last time.

      • Don escaped Texas

        Thursday was my dad’s 63d anniversary of “I got the fuck out of that nonsense”

      • Ted S.

        About 60 years for my dad, although he didn’t have a choice.

      • Don escaped Texas

        how we got there

        I loved the documentary Fog of War.

        Second only to my native Southern independence, my mother’s Boomer skepticisms about all things government after VietNam and Watergate put me over the top and into full libertarian mode before high school.

        But I don’t think anyone under 20 can understand the ass-deep-in-alligators problems that many adults find themselves in, that many administrations find themselves in. Skepticism has saved me from many a problem.

      • Fourscore

        I came from a different era, took me lots longer to make the connection. Reading the political stuff of the VN War after the fact, Nixon, LBJ was a good part of the catalyst and discovering I was not alone.

    • Zwak says the real is not governable, but self-governing.

      My dad was accepted to West Point in ’60, but when they had a physical done, he failed the vision part. Dodged a bullet there.

  17. The Other Kevin

    We really procrastinated this year but yesterday we spent the day winterizing the house and closing the pool. Feels good to get that all done.

    • Fourscore

      I have the wood boxes filled, running a fire every morning. Not much else to do, a few flakes in the air today. A repair man was supposed to pick up the garden tiller and get it ready for next spring but he’s probably working on snow blowers right now. Fortunately I had my snowblower fixed a year ago and I’m ready.

      Deer season starts next Sat, looks like it may be cool to sit in a stand but I’ll come in when I get cold. I’m not so good in the cold anymore.

  18. juris imprudent

    Paging TPTB, fresh content up for review.

    • rhywun

      It does have that “what are they not telling us” feel.

    • Suthenboy

      “…she and the clerk had a misunderstanding.

      The encounter escalated and Adams asked for her money back, the woman told the Daily News.”

      Yeah, there is a lot missing from that story. So much so that I am calling bullshit on it

  19. rhywun

    The World – Assured success, recompense, voyage, route, emigration, flight, change of place.

    The stars know I’m travelling tomorrow. Thanks, the stars!

  20. juris imprudent

    Feeling a little low on derp? This’ll fill ya right up!

    The Othering and Belonging Institute at the University of California, Berekeley recently released its Inclusiveness Index for 2023. That index, using six universal indicators, ranks the international community and states across the country on a scale of inclusivity — to examine “the degree of institutional inclusion and protections extended to vulnerable groups across salient social cleavages.”

    Yeah, I had to highlight that “institute” which sounds like it belongs in a Mel Brooks script.

    • juris imprudent

      And for fun, the anti-derp. Both links courtesy of RCP, which is why I like that site – you often get things paired like this.

      • rhywun

        Always liked McWhorter even when I disagree with much of his work in both linguistics and political commentary.

      • Chafed

        Glen Loury is a treasure. I love his podcast.

    • rhywun

      Is it just me or is this “institution” really just measuring adherence to radical leftist orthodoxy?

      Anyway, a nice spicy meal of stupid. I have great difficulty reading such trash as it makes me angry that people fall for that crap.

      • Zwak says the real is not governable, but self-governing.

        But they are Six Universal Indicators! Six! Universal!

      • juris imprudent

        soo eeeee! Sooooo EEEEEeeee!

    • J. Frank Parnell

      Wow, Rwanda is in first place for Gender, and among 34 countries tied for first for Race. I had no idea.

      • juris imprudent

        So which ones are the white people – Hutus or Tutsi?

    • milo

      Oh, please let them them sink into the obscurity they deserve.

  21. Raven Nation

    So now youtube is going to stop me from using adblocker, damnit.

      • Raven Nation

        This comes up when I go to play a video:

        ” Ad blockers violate YouTube’s Terms of Service

        It looks like you may be using an ad blocker. Video playback is blocked unless YouTube is allowlisted or the ad blocker is disabled.
        Ads allow YouTube to be used by billions worldwide.
        You can go ad-free with YouTube Premium, and creators can still get paid from your subscription.”

      • UnCivilServant

        So far I haven’t seen anything of the sprt, but I have a multilayered defense against ads, going so far as to block them in three different ways.

        There’s gotta be a better way to finance this crap than to be so annoying to the end user.

      • Raven Nation

        I only run Adblock Plus. And this youtube thing just started in the last week or two.

      • UnCivilServant

        I run NoScript (allowing only the bare minimum to get it to move), AdBlock Plus, and I block ad domains at the DNS level with PiHole.

        I want to find more ways to keep ads away from me.

      • Tres Cool

        I use AdBlock too and Im happy with it. So far on my “desk” PC, YouTube hasnt fussed with me.
        Seems like on my crappy “field” laptop, it’s given me that whine about AdBlock, but maybe because Im not always using a VPN on the Hewlett (fudge) Packard.

      • rhywun

        I went to AdGuard. Costs money but works outside the browser and works very well.

      • Sensei

        I use adguard on my phone and iPad, but it won’t kill YouTube ads.

        So far ublock works great on YouTube, but I expect the new Google Manifest on Chrome will kill it.

        If you are Android user ReVanced is the way go, but slightly sketchy.

      • rhywun

        AdGuard seems to work fine on my iPhone but admittedly I don’t watch videos on it.

      • Don escaped Texas

        I wonder ever so slightly how that stuff works. I’m running enough plug-ins or aps to keep me comfy.

        What’s to keep a plug-in from allowing an ad to load and run and display in a useless tab in some way so that the site gets the “yes it’s running” feedback while I really don’t hafta see it ?

      • UnCivilServant

        You’d still end up with a pause in that solution.

        It’s an arms race between very didcated people. So I don’t think I have enough of a grasp on the nuances to go into those weeds.

      • R.J.

        Interesting hearing all this. Pretty soon I may have to jump off Brave and onto Firefox. This advice helps.

      • milo

        I’ve noticed glitches on my iPad. Nothing on my Windows 10 laptop. As far as browsers go.
        I guess we are well past the point that browsers are platform agnostic.
        Speaking on a personal level…you insist that I watch your message about how evil people like me are…I will no longer do so and decide to not watch the media I might have wanted to watch in the first place. Good luck, getting me back. I have already cut off so many things that I can’t remember what they were.
        This will resolve with the market correcting it. Or more likely, the government will nationalize it. And mandate we watch it.

      • Mojeaux

        Firefox is a resource hog and also worse on privacy than Brave.

        I use UBlock Origin.

      • Ted S.

        UBlock Origin will piss Youtube off and give you the sort of messages KK got.

      • EvilSheldon

        The latest version of UBlock Origin doesn’t seem to trip YouTube’s ad-violaters, at least not as of this evening.

    • Zwak says the real is not governable, but self-governing.

      I will be perfectly honest, but I never understood the raw hatred of ads. So you listen to a spiel for a couple seconds, whoopie. That is how life works. It really is no different than a billboard on the freeway, when was the last time you looked at, or even thought about one of those?

      Plus, something has to pay for all that we have consumed over the last 20 years, and now the bill is coming due.

      • Tres Cool

        “Plus, something has to pay for all that we have consumed over the last 20 years, and now the bill is coming due.”

        Pr0nHub has no ads. Let that sink in.

      • Zwak says the real is not governable, but self-governing.

        Ahh, I think you are missing something.

      • R.J.

        I do support a large variety of sites and services with ads. Tubi, first and foremost obviously. But I cannot support shitstains like Youtube, or AP news. I will use adblockers on sites which hate me until those sites collapse, or I snuff it. I owe nothing to asshats.

      • milo

        They are actively killing that platform. What a coinkidink.

      • Sensei

        I think it’s the “battle” aspect.

        Plain unobtrusive ads are fine. Screaming pop ups, sounds, videos and the like to break through the clutter are the issue.

        The result is a never ending war. YouTube is expensive between storage and bandwidth. I get the need to monetize it and there is at least an option to pay to minimize ads. However you still have embedded ads from channels even there.

      • rhywun

        Billboards don’t suck up bandwidth, make a lot of sites perform like shit, or jump in your face.

        Blocking web ads is no different than looking away from or fast-forwarding over commercials.

      • EvilSheldon

        Advertising is annoying. I don’t put up with things that annoy me. It’s the secret to my youthful appearance and carefree mien.

      • milo

        I understand what you are saying. And I kind of agree.
        Well…blow it all up.
        Ads that cannot be skipped. As soon as you click a link, it dumps you into an ad about something that is completely opposite to what you clicked.
        Why not?

  22. The Late P Brooks

    I will be perfectly honest, but I never understood the raw hatred of ads.

    Yeah, I just mostly ignore them. Or go get anther beer. I certainly can’t be bothered to let myself get agitated about them.

    • Mojeaux

      I’m kind of like that, too, except that on “free” platforms, I am also the product, so I get a little pissy.

      That said, I start feeling guilty about using utilities/services without tossing a few bucks to the creator, so I do.

  23. The Late P Brooks

    It’s sunny and cold (30s). Not bad at all out in the sunshine, but wriggling around in the crawlspace sucked. Not done, but had enough fun for today. I think it’s supposed to warm up in the next few days.

  24. Zwak says the real is not governable, but self-governing.

    So, last Sunday of the month, and time for What Are You Reading!

    I just finished up Hammett’s Dain Curse. Not his strongest, but well worth it. And now I am splitting my time between Georges Simenon’s The Venice Train, a nice Gallic thriller by the author of the Maigret books, Grahame Greene’s The Ministry of Fear, a literate thriller set in blitz London, centering on the feeling that everyone is a enemy spy and out to kill you. And, to top it off, I am listening too Jean Larteguy’s The Centurions, a novel about French para’s in Indochina and Algiers, from a very pro-soldier point of view.

    • Zwak says the real is not governable, but self-governing.

      Quick change of plans, I had to run a couple errands this afternoon, and swung by one of my favorite used book sources, the Thrift Store! And I scored a nice hardcover of Melville’s Omoo and a Doris Lessing I haven’t read before called The Good Terrorist, which seems apropos for our current times.

  25. R C Dean

    “Check your shoes before putting them on.”

    Always, brother. Always.

    • dbleagle

      A fellow Boy Scout didn’t and got stung by a scorpion between the toes.

      Also, never let the testicles get close to the edges of an outdoor port-a-potty because of black widows.

      • rhywun

        Gah, nature sucks.

      • R.J.

        Fuck nature. This is why I got a Ryobi fogger. All those fuckers can die.

    • whiz

      IJ is one of the places I donate to.

      • Chafed

        Me too.

  26. The Late P Brooks

    Chiffs appear to be having an off day.

    • Mojeaux

      Mahomes has the flu.

    • Ted S.

      It could be worse: see the Packers.

    • rhywun

      I’m surprised that one wasn’t wider. I got Bungles and SF – nobody in my region gives a crap about that matchup.

      • dbleagle

        Each Wednesday the website 506sports.com puts out the NFL TV coverage map. It is interesting to see how the broadcasts are varied in size and place. Every game must be broadcast but apparently there is no minimum coverage clause in the various contracts.

        We get too many Maimi games because of Tua and before that it was Titans because of another Hawaii QB.

      • rhywun

        Yeah I go there after one of you lot mentioned it.

        Ha not surprising that HI’s criteria are a bit different than the rest of us.

        Here in the East the choices are mostly obvious. The ones out West are sometimes perplexing but what are gonna do when you’re five hundred miles from any team that might want to claim you as their market?

  27. LCDR_Fish

    UCS – saw this vid this week – seems like some good tips for resin printing even if it’s not the same model you use.

    Also…watching this vid, I’m definitely leaning more towards a traditional printer for terrain options.

    • UnCivilServant

      How did your painting go?

      I’ve not printed for a few weeks, since I have a lot of painting to catch up on. I want to find a way to imrpove the surface texture on the filament printer. I swear there has to be something I’m doing wrong, given what other people are getting from the same model.

      • LCDR_Fish

        Only a couple color checks so far – posted pics a while back….decided to go with some Vallejo Xpress Paints across the entire army as an initial setup – but waiting on a few to ship and some of the updated color listings to be released.

        Ninjon’s vid (first one) has a few tips for resin, but may not address your issues.

      • UnCivilServant

        Filament has nothing in common with resin

        I’ve gotten a good handle on the resin machine, the main downsides being the cleanup.

        With filament, I can’t seem to get a good surface finish on smooth surfaces, and struggle with supports clogging up the details they were meant to allow to exist. Seeing what people can get with the same printer, I’m looking for what I’m doing incorrectly.

      • UnCivilServant

        I missed your pics the first time around.

        Pic 4 Blue was defiantely a speedpaint/contrast, or an airbrush paint, the pooling is distinctive. You’ll get that when using it like a regular paint.

      • LCDR_Fish

        I noticed that, but I don’t think the paint itself was labeled that way initially. I may look at one of those cheap intro all-in-one airbrushes over the holidays, but I’m looking forward to using speedpaints on my marines first. Having a way to prime indoors once the weather turns would be handy (that and necron painting issues).

      • UnCivilServant

        Yeah, with airbrushes, you can learn all the basics with an inexpensive one, provided you do your research (as with any product). Having just bought an entry-level Iwata to go with the entry-level Master I started with, I can say there is a distinct difference in feel as you go up-market. (Though the typical caveat emptor warnings apply)

        It has definately made priming easier and less expensive. Likewise, covering large surfaces is unbeatable. I would have gone mad hand-painting some of the stuff I did recently. I love my airbrushes.

      • LCDR_Fish

        Poorhammer and Ninjon both recommended the budget one that includes a USB charged compressor – cheap Chinese shit or otherwise…given my investment so far, it feels like a reasonable starting place even if I upgrade soon after.

      • UnCivilServant

        Good thing is that the internal mechanisms are pretty much identical in layout and function, so everything you learn disassembling and deep-cleaning the cheap ones will carry forward.

        My only advice is to clean often and thoroughly to avoid clogs. Getting the nozzle off to remove them is a real pain.

        Other than that, it’s just practice. See what varying air pressure and paint viscocity gets you, and generally experiment.

  28. Mojeaux


    • rhywun

      Oh now we have it. Yikes!

    • rhywun

      Oh JFC thought and answered: they’re going to blame it on T-Swizzle’s absence.

      • Mojeaux

        My tweet:

        Let’s be real. The Chiefs have played like trash today. Do they ALL have the flu? Was there trauma this week? Infighting? Did someone get their feelings hurt? Taylor’s not there? 🙄 What? Give me an excuse. I’ll believe it.

  29. The Late P Brooks

    Repeatedly coughing up the ball is not a winning formula.

      • Chafed

        I really enjoy his podcast.

    • rhywun

      I give it a week before we’re seeing the same in Europe, maybe another month for the US.

      I mean, this is where we’re going. Whee.

    • Gender Traitor

      Interesting in a Chinese curse kind of way? 😳

      • rhywun

        Good grief. It’s just a whole mess of madness out there. I feel like I’m living in a bad eighties dystopia.

      • Sean

        That’s fun.

      • rhywun

        I didn’t know the Black Hebrews were anywhere outside NYC.

        Sorry, Chicago.

      • Sean

        Philly has them too.

      • Chafed

        Now I know what it will take to get me to root for the Black Hebrew Israelite.

  30. rhywun

    I finally played https://squaredle.com 10/29:
    63/63 words (+15 bonus words)
    🎯 In the top 28% by accuracy
    🔥 Solve streak: 42

    • Raven Nation

      I played https://squaredle.com 10/29:
      *63/63 words (+11 bonus words)
      🎯 In the top 22% by accuracy
      🔥 Solve streak: 9

      I can’t figure out the solve streak. I didn’t think I’d missed a game for a while but I guess I mist have.

      • rhywun

        No hints? Based.

        I get frustrated and use the hints. I don’t have a lot of patience something something story of my life.

  31. Tres Cool

    Football went off, Im on CBS, and 60 minutes is coming on with Kamala.

    I may take one for the team and watch how Bob Schieffer slobs on her knob for you lot.

    • Tres Cool

      Her eyes are so creepy…..

    • Gender Traitor

      Aw, hell to the no! I’m in the other room, and as soon as I heard that tickticktick I jumped up and switched it to NBC’s pregame show.

      • Tres Cool

        You’d think they could botox her turkey neck.
        And not 1 cackle….clearly she’s pilled-up with a handful of ativans. Hence the eyes.

        And its Lester Holt, not Bob. Of course they’ll have a darkie do the interview.


      • Don escaped Texas

        I’m laughing at the idea that some outside would read this and go through some racisim freakout.

        There’s zero racism at Glibs; that’s the best thing about it. But if you don’t know that you won’t read the irony and nuclear mocking that is part and parcel of the joke here.

        I have this problem in real life: people take me seriously and don’t know who I’m making fun of.

        Remember when HM would end such misunderstandings by recommending that someone adjust their sarcasm meter? good times

      • milo

        I totally agree. But that is their main weapon and they are not intelligent enough to rebut on another level.
        I have watched the Youtube vids showing how utterly ignorant young people are about anything past the Kardashians.
        It was depressing until I realized this was a truly small sample. The majority of younger people are not like these vapid NPC’s.
        Then I realized it was a sample gathered on an Ivy League campus.
        There needs to be a break between the Ivy League and competence. I think it is happening. My fear is that it will not happen quickly enough.
        These kids are profoundly ignorant about the world they live in. And yet, the system created by their ancestors will insure that they will be the leaders of the future.
        This needs to stop. Quickly.

      • rhywun

        TW: It’s not just the Ivy League.

      • milo

        Thank you for depressing the everloving #hit out of me.
        Just kidding. You are exactly right.

      • Zwak says the real is not governable, but self-governing.

        I was thinking just yesterday, that since they gave her gun control as something to focus on, they must think it has a snowballs chance in Phoenix of going anywhere.

      • Chafed

        Exactly right. She gets saddled with whatever stinks of failure.

    • R.J.

      No. I am watching “Godzilla vs. the Smog Monster.” I should post this.

      • Sean

        Sarah Connor Chronicles here. Star Trek is next up.

    • rhywun

      I saw the three previews were all lefty click bait and noped right out of that.

      Russia! Russia! Russia! does have a nice sentimental feel to it.

      • R.J.

        I found a fun German film called “Holy Shit!” I need to finish and appraise it.

  32. UnCivilServant

    Since I got approval for four weeks in August/September to drive to the west coast, I figure I should start ironing out ideas of where to visit when I am out there. The current draft route goes:

    Cleveland, OH – Dayton, OH – Cedar Rapids, IA – Grand Island, NE – Laramie, WY – Salt Lake City, UT – Reno, NV – Eureka, CA – Cape Blanco, OR – Eugene, OR – Bend, OR – Spokane, WA – Kellogg, ID – Bozeman, MT – Mammoth Hot Springs/Yellowstone, WY – Deadwood, SD – Mt Rushmore – Sioux Falls, SD – Emily, MN – Superior/Duluth, MN/WI – Cedar Rapids, IA – Indianapolis, IN – Cleveland, OH

    I have concrete plans for Emily, Cape Blanco, Bend, Yellowstone and Mt Rushmore. The tail end past Emily doesn’t have tourist time cooked in.

    I’m looking for suggestions for the other stops, since I’m not that familiar with the country that far west.

    • DEG

      Theodore Roosevelt National Park in western ND is a nice stop.

      • dbleagle

        Near both Missoula and Bozeman are nice hot springs to soak in. Also, Chico Hot Springs along the road from Livingston into Yellowstone has lodging and has (had?) an excellent restaurant. If the roads are open visit Grand Teton NP (just south of Yellowstone). In Yellowstone try to be at the Lamar Valley at dawn or dusk to listen to and watch wolves.

        The is (was?) a most excellent steak house along I-90 in the Idaho panhandle, Wolf Lodge. Missoula, Bozeman, Livingston all have (had?) several good micro-breweries.

        If you follow the Columbia River from I-5 to the coast there are some excellent small dining options and a GREAT microbrewery (River Mile 38 Brewery) which will can your choice of beers to go. Duffy’s has a great local atmosphere, a decent selection of local beers, and fresh oysters prepared in multiple ways. Ask if you want more info.

      • UnCivilServant

        I don’t know what roads are going to be open, September is nearing the end of the Summer Season for the national park.

        This Brewery?

      • UnCivilServant

        I just looked at where the River Mile 38 is, and it’s on the wrong side of Portland, I’m wary of the Portland-Seattle corridor.

      • dbleagle

        That’s the one. The road along the river is not blue country at all. Plus, it is full of Lewis and Clerk history. If you go down the WA side you can cross to Astoria on the last bridge before Tokyo and visit Ft Clatsop. Ft Clatsop is where they overwintered and included a slave and a woman voting as equals. It’s a small NHS.

        If you want to start heading east on the OR side, you can cross the river back to WA near the brewery on a WA State Ferry. For the entire trip you’ll stay far away from Portland.

      • Fourscore

        Good luck on the surgery, DBLeagle

      • Zwak says the real is not governable, but self-governing.

        Or, if you head out from Bend to the Idaho border, and cut north to Spokane, you will mis all of Portlands crazyness (which isn’t too bad at this point) and see a lot of cool history in towns like John Day, Ontario and such. Plus, DINOSAURS! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Day_Fossil_Beds_National_Monument

      • rhywun

        Don’t forget Theodore Roosevelt Inaugural National Historic Site in western NY.

      • hayeksplosives

        Herpetology zoo south of Rapid Ciry.

        SD Badlands. I could easily spend 2 days there (and have) but at least plan a drive and a couple of scenic views.

      • UnCivilServant

        The only Herpetology zoo that came up on a quick search was These guys. Are they the ones you’re thinking of?

      • hayeksplosives

        Yeah, that’s the place. They used to have a huge collection of venomous snakes from around the world.

        It’s been 16 years though…

      • Ted S.

        Wall Drug.

    • pistoffnick

      *fondly remembers driving down the western slope of the Rockies at age 18 in my girlfriend’s parent’s Oldsmobile station wagon with my girlfriend, a Swiss lady exchange student and a Portuguese exchange student in the car when the brakes started overheated*

    • mikey

      Museum of the Rockies in Bozeman. Dinosaurs!

      • mikey

        Lewis and Clark Caverns. Between Bozeman and Butte. Not far off I-90

    • Derpetologist

      What do you like more? Museums? National parks? Something else? For me, the main draw of the mountain west was all the dinosaur stuff.

      Devils Tower and Hell’s Half Acre do not disappoint.

      Carhenge in Alliance, NE is a nice, offbeat attraction.

      The USAF museum in Dayton is the best free museum in the world. It’s probably the biggest too.

      Multnomah Falls in Oregon is gorgeous.

      • UnCivilServant

        I’ve been to the USAF Museum twice now. (The first time got cut short by their closing time)

        I am more of a museum-goer than a park person, but I’m looking for notable things to visit that reflect the area. I had forgotten about the dinosaurs in the region as people have suggested, and certainly plan to see those. (History, Natural History, Zoology, Industry, Mining, Geology these are the sorts of things that catch my eye.)

      • Derpetologist

        The zoo in Omaha has a nice walkthrough jungle. A bunch of bats flew at me when I went in. So realistic it causes Vietnam vets to have flashbacks.


        The Strategic Air Command museum is on the way.

        There are some very tall radio/TV towers along your route.

      • mikey

        Industry? Mining? Butte. Don’t miss the Berkeley pit open mine. The old mins heads are still there and pretty interesting.

      • mikey


      • Gender Traitor

        Depending on your timing through Ohio on the way west, there’s an archeological site/native village reconstruction in Dayton that’s only open on weekends. I’m ashamed to say I’ve never visited it, as it wasn’t open to the public when I was growing up. It doesn’t get a lot of local publicity, but my boss was formerly on the board of the local Natural History society that runs both this and the better-known local nat history museum. I’ll ask him if the site might be an interesting place to visit.

      • UnCivilServant

        I’m afraid that it’s not a weekend. Working backwards from HH on the 15th, it’s a Tuesday/Wednesday

      • Gender Traitor

        Ah, well! There’s always the natural history museum itself, thought it’s not necessarily focused on things unique to the Dayton area. There’s also Carillon Historical Park, which IS geared toward Dayton history, especially about it’s rich heritage of invention.

      • dbleagle

        Cheyenne has a 4-8-8-4 Big Boy in a city park and the Union Pacific has a small museum in the train station.

    • Zwak says the real is not governable, but self-governing.

      An hour north of Eugene is Silver Falls, which is a beautiful, short hike to a waterfall that is pretty nice. https://stateparks.oregon.gov/index.cfm?do=park.profile&parkId=151

      It would kinda be in-between Bend and Eugene, depending on what part of the pass you took, and I live not too far away.

      • Zwak says the real is not governable, but self-governing.

        Oh, if you are in Nebraska, you have to go to the Corn Palace https://cornpalace.com/

    • mikey

      Minuteman Missile National Historic Site. SD on I-90.

  33. KK, Non-Man

    Assured success, recompense, voyage, route, emigration, flight, change of place.

    OMGWTFBBQ…I’m moving to NC for a month this coming Saturday

    • rhywun

      High-five! I’m traveling back to NYC tomorrow to close up shop. Only one overnight thank goodness.

    • Not Adahn


  34. rhywun

    Da Bears aren’t going to win this one, are they?

    *ponders what else is on*

      • rhywun

        Oh sweet – American Werewolf in London.

        See this is why I still cable. I love landing on random shit. TV is background noise for me, and this one is great.

    • The Gunslinger

      It’s early. Plenty of time for Bagent to settle in.

      • rhywun

        Ha I don’t follow Chicago at all. Nor know who that is.

        Just a general preference over any CA team.

      • R.J.

        Good. Save Dr Jeckyl. I think it may be the Thursday post, unless I can get my act together and finish “Holy Shit!”

  35. hayeksplosives

    Laundry halfway done, homemade chicken and dumplings done, kitchen clean, work presentation finished.

    Now I can focus on football.

  36. Chafed

    Has something happened to Bro? The Steelers lost and he hasn’t told us Mike Tomlinson sucks.

  37. Yusef drives a Kia

    I built this for a client and she loves it,
    But I realized I can make an 8×4 foot version and set it up on our high deck for extra awesomeness, ah well, next year

  38. EvilSheldon


    Knee is pretty much healed up, neck feels so much better since I let my PT stab me with a bunch of needles.

    Coffee and BJJ this morning, then two hours at the shooting range, then meeting up with a friend who unexpectedly let me take a spin in his new Porsche, then beer and wine and some pretty good wood-fired pizza.

    And even though I didn’t use my AK, I gotta say it was a good day…

    • hayeksplosives

      ❤️‍🩹 Happy continued healing!

      I’ll clink my mug of hot orange tea to your wine/beer glass.

  39. hayeksplosives

    The very local (to me in Northwestern WA) Flying Heritage and Combat Armor Museum has reopened at last!


    They were closed when I moved here, but subsequently purchased, refurbished, and now reopened under new ownership. A member of the Walmart family bought it, according to my Lyft driver who works at Boeing.

    As soon as I can be on my feet for hours on end, I’m going!

  40. Brochettaward

    It’s 11 o’clock. Do you know where your First’s are at?

    • milo

      Your Mama’s.
      Here we are.
      In the 7th grade.
      Let’s do it.

      • milo

        Count me out.

  41. Mojeaux

    So I’m doing my medical transcriptioning tonight to get my hours in, and I’m doing a gyn I’ve never done before. I’m 14 patients in, and she exhorts every one of them heavily to get their flu and covid vax. Only ONE out of 14 had it/intended to get the covid shot. All the others refused. A couple more were okay with the flu shot, but only a couple. I’m not done with this doc’s patient roster yet, but I’ll let you know.

      • KSuellington

        Most people are more than happy to forget the insanity of those Vid Panic years. As a result, most of the lessons that should have been learned have not been and those that played up or profited from stoking the Fear were not only not punished, but rewarded.

    • Festus

      Vax uptake is around 2-3% this year.

  42. Festus

    I’m homesteading alone once again. Judi is watching over the ranch whilst her eldest daughter celebrates her 40th birthday in Hawaii. Meanwhile the first-born ran away from the rehab center on welfare day. Ten days to get him in, two days to cut and run. All of the girls turned out fine, wealthy even. What fucked him up?

    • Mojeaux

      Mama’s boy?

      • Festus


      • Festus

        Took the groomer to court in 1998 but nothing happened. Turns out that its alright for a grown man to promise video games and candy to a pubescent boy so long as he never need attend school any longer. I walked into it way too late.

      • rhywun


        Awful. Sorry.

      • Mojeaux

        Groomed as in taught to be a wastrel or enabled in his wastrel ways?

      • Festus


      • Festus

        She was a great friend of the groomer and never saw the damage until too late.

      • Festus

        Now it’s just all about who dies first. Him or me.

      • Mojeaux

        That’s terrible, Festus, I’m sorry. Kid never really had a chance.

      • Festus

        Nope. I want to kill both the rapist and his Father. Where the fuck were you? Bob and I met at his youngest’s wedding and it was unpleasant.

      • slumbrew

        Ooof. So sorry, Festus.

      • Festus

        Katie wanted me to walk her down the aisle.

      • Festus

        I wish that I had seeing as I don’t walk well anymore. She is the favourite.

    • rhywun

      Show your face, coward.

  43. Beau Knott

    Good morning all!
    Today’s selections are heavier than my usual. Have some Russian Circles.



    Share and enjoy!

  44. UnCivilServant


    I was unsure of who to respond to, so I started a new comment.

    • Gender Traitor

      Good morning, U, Beau, and Sean!

      • UnCivilServant

        How goes it at this early hour?

      • Gender Traitor

        So far, so good. I’ve been up for about half an hour and have already had both cats on my lap (thankfully, not at the same time.) 🙄😺🐱‍👤

      • Gender Traitor

        How about you? (No cat, I know.)

      • UnCivilServant

        I’ve been up for about an hour, am eating breakfast, and connected to work.

        I have to pester people today, not looking forward to it.

      • Gender Traitor

        I have to continue plodding through the Zoom recording of the Board meeting and writing up the minutes. 😣

      • UnCivilServant

        How are the Purry lap-warmers?

      • Gender Traitor

        Very warm. LBC is almost always first up and deliriously happy to see me. He has to be forcibly removed or he’d stay all day. BSBDC*, fortunately, has a much shorter attention span and usually gets down on his own before too long.

        *Big Sweet But Dumb Cat

  45. Ghostpatzer

    Mornin’, reprobates!

    Taking Mrs. Patzer for pre-surgical clearance this morning, hip replacement in 21/2 weeks. She had a nasty fall Friday, fortunately no damage to the replacement hip. It’s actually a good thing, she now is backing off on some things. No more going into the office, my son and I will handle the cooking and cleaning until she is back in the saddle.

    • Gender Traitor

      Good morning, ‘patzie! Will think positive thoughts for Mrs. P. Hope the second surgery goes smoothly and she heals as quickly as possible! (Well…maybe not THAT fast. She may not be averse to a longer break from cooking and cleaning!😉)

      • Ghostpatzer

        Heh. She likes things to be done her way, I suspect she will tire of my feeble attempts rather quickly.

      • Ghostpatzer

        6-8 weeks most likely.

      • rhywun


      • R.J.

        All the best.

      • Not Adahn

        At least it wasn’t a failed reference

      • UnCivilServant

        Look, I do know basic math, I don’t know movies.