Short Film: Portal to Hell with ROWDY RODDY PIPER. Betcha haven’t seen this one…
Tubi has not one, not two, but THREE versions of Lady Frankenstein available. The TV cut, sans ta-tas (boo!), the Spanish TV version to corrupt our friends south of the border, and the full-length English version which we are watching tonight.
So what is this about? The daughter of Baron Frankenstein resurrects his monster after the death of the good baron. The monster turns into a crazed horn-dog and terrorizes the countryside like STEVE SMITH. The end. Do you need more plot?
Our mad doctor tonight is Rosalba Neri, who starred in such epics as Frisky Catholics and Filthy Habit. I can’t even find a trailer for those. Definitely some blue reels from the back of a magazine.
This fine film has a parental warning on IMDB: I really should post these more often. They are hilarious. If I read this as a kid I would totally have pushed “play” on the VCR when nobody was around:
Lady Frankenstein undresses in front of a shirtless man sitting on her bed while another man watches hidden in the doorway. She reveals her breasts and butt. The shirtless man pulls her onto the bed and they start kissing. The hidden man sneaks over and smothers the first man to death with a pillow while Lady Frankenstein holds his wrists as he struggles…
Great stuff!
So watch! Or don’t! Everything is voluntary until a giant bald freak interrupts you during coitus! Next week is the really really big show, a Halloween Spectacular! Look for a lot of links. See you then!
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(h/t: The Hyperbole)
That should be a studio effect.
“Filmed in FIRST-RAN-AMO! When you hear the warning tones, put on your protective eyewear!”
Texas Glibs:
Trashy will be in the DFW area this weekend. We are meeting up at Whiskey Cake in Plano, Friday after 5:00.
Address: 3601 Dallas Pkwy, Plano Tx, 75093
Heck, Oklahoma Gllibs too. Who am I to limit this?
We got squinting Joe tonight. He’s having some trouble reading that teleprompter.
Sending an urgent request to Congress to send a shit ton of military aid everywhere except our own border.
Meanwhile these guys are literally talking about a war of conquest.
It’s no big deal. There are still checks left in the checkbook. Pay no attention to the balance.
The thing that amazes me is that our own people seem to be the ones that are enabling all these self-destructive policies.
Not just here. It’s happening in any former British colony. The core of Western Civ for the last three hundred years.
It’s almost like there is a parallel agenda that uses the systems we have, and eats away at it from the inside.
If that is true, those people that came up with the plan are geniuses.
No joke…geniuses.
And their progeny are unfortunately in charge now.
Yuri Bezmenov.
Thank you again, Suthen.
It may be confirming my biases, but it sure as hell makes sense.
Why do that to yourself? I got you a 70s blue movie for tonight!
You correct sir
The First Nudie Musical
lol I thought you meant Joseph Cotten.
Sans ta-ta’s? Villainy! Knavery!
Thanks, RJ, for choosing the correct version.
I enjoy it. Researching B movies is better than work.
Next week is a massive Halloween extravaganza! An almost new movie, and the best/worst of films for this Halloween, all with llnks!
Don’t forget to check out the short film. It’s Rowdy Roddy!
Oh, you know it. It tickles my inner Fetter-lump-smith-stein.
In the poster, the “giant bald freak” looks vaguely reminiscent of Elisha Cook Jr.
Also vaguely like Marlon Brando.
Let’s see what you think of the actual makeup!
So now Hamas=Putin Russia?
I had no idea Rowdy Roddy Piper was in anything other than They Live!
He was in a fair amount of films. That short is the last thing he did before he died. Other films with him in it came out after this short, but this was the last work he did.
Roddy Piper didn’t do anything of note past wrestling other than THEY LIVE.
That is a classic movie that must not be sullied.
Crap. I wish I had never saw your comment.
Santa Claus is not real??
Just watch the short. He kicks ass on Cthulu.
The Maniac?.
I’ll watch it.
Not saying I will enjoy it.
And even if I do. It does not invalidate my point.
So there.
To satisfy everyone’s curiosity, Roddy was an actor in 176 films, He even voiced a character named Don John in Adventure Time. He was even in Robot Chicken, as himself. His career acting started to really pick up in 2006. If you pull out all his Wrestlemania appearances, he was still in close to 80 films not related to wrestling.
Even before They Live he was in Hell Comes to Frogtown, which I have showed. He was very prolific until the year he died. SIX films came out after he passed, including The Green Fairy, where he played Oscar Wilde.
I sort of feel the same way. I thought he did one great movie, dropped the mic, and walked off.
I can’t look at Rowdy Roddy Piper the same with the rumors that he was raped. Or did sexual favors to a man to get ahead in the world.
Can’t find the interviews, and Roddy Piper is kind of an unreliable narrator at this point, but he’s hinted at it in the past. Older wrestlers/potentially Pat Patterson did things to him.
Good research.
You shut your Firster whore mouth. If it happened, he was drugged.
Pretty sure you weer just trolled by a master.
That boy cannot master his own schtick. I am unconvinced.
Who cares. They Live, people.
Damn skippy. A man of taste and refinement.
Does his work on “It’s Always Sunny…” not count for anything?
Never saw that show. It happened after my self-imposed embargo on TV.
I never said my position was logical.
I’m disappointed in your failure to note that detail.
(This is our secret communication inside the parenthesis. You are the beez kneez.)
The Maniac! Only two appearances on account of him croaking and all but that was a great character.
anvil floats in pool of mercury:
Tell me that monster doesn’t look like Fetterlump. I should have taken a screen cap and drawn a little beard on it.
I’ve got Gene Wilders voice in my head saying,”It’s pronounced Fottersteen. “
“It’s eyegor Sir”
“Wasn’t that lump on the other side a minute ago?”
You take the blond. I’ll take the one with the turban.
I’ll do it…sigh.
“What hump”??
Supah dupah!
Right? Now you all have his voice stuck in your head too.
Halloween post submitted.
Does Ron Jeremy fuck a pumpkin?
No. I didn’t think of including that. Maybe next year. Or for Christmas.
I do not want to unwrap that.
Aww adorbs
Who doesn’t?
Wait…rhetorical question.
Well, this is a little embarrassing. At least you didn’t ask about the monkeys.
Did it all begin here?
See you all in the morning. Next week, the really big Halloween show, with a virtually new film starring a guy whose name almost rhymes with Pickle-less Rage. I also post the List of Shame, consisting of the top most awful films I watched this year so far as I looked for good movies to post.
Thank you for the movies. I for one, appreciate it.
Rosalba Neri = wood
Had to look her up, What a beautiful woman.
How did you learn of her?
See the link of photos in the post.
Good morning all!
Today, Soft Cell!
Sex Dwarf
Say Hello, Wave Goodbye
Share and enjoy!
Happy Friday morning! Congrats on making it this far in the week.
Let’s kick it off with some great vocals.
Bonus track:
A little over produced, but what a great voice.
Fridays suck.
At least I get to take my latest diarama in to try to finally win a competition.
Good luck!
Thanks. 🤞
Good morning, Sean, U, Beau, and Stinky!
Reliable Co-worker is off today, so I have to cover some of his morning gotta-do’s. I’m especially glad to do so today, as it allows me to postpone writing up the Board meeting minutes.
In my cube, eating cheese curds, not looking at my email yet…
Besides, my workday doesn’t start for fifteen minutes.
Damn right! If you’re not going to be able to leave early, you shouldn’t start early!
$100,000,000,000? Yeah, fuck it…why not? Inflation’s not already a problem, amirite fellas? Just unbelievable…
As has been asked before here (and almost certainly elsewhere,) if they were deliberately trying to bring the economy crashing down, what would they do differently?
The debt has only increased $2.4T in a year. No reason for restraint.
Just need to mint a few trillion dollar coins, problem solved!
If we make them from the compressed brain stems of legislators who voted for more spending, then we’d have an incentive to stop. And since the material degrades, we’d have to keep taking them “out of circulation” and mint more to replace them.
Zeros don’t amount to much
Not when they’ve got great big targets painted on the side.
Good mornin’ to all of the above.
Coffee, heatin’ stove a-heatin’, Friday. Oh yeah, every day is Saturday around here.
best part of the day; I’ve been up since 4:30: it’s cool, the river smells awesome, everything is quiet
my spirit animal
let’s try that linky thing again
millionbilliontrillion here, amillionbilliontrillion there, pretty soon you’re talking about real money!Mornin’, reprobates!
Hot covfefe to warm me up on a rainy Friday after taking care of overnight process failure. At work, that is.
Family weekend upcoming. Baby sister will be paying us a visit tomorrow. Sunday I will be driving to PA to swap vehicles with the youngest Patzer. His 2008 Hyundai SUV (152,000 miles and going strong) is sporting a brand new set of tires.
It’s a long work Friday, then off to see some Texas Glibs.
Enjoy! Glib meet-ups rock!
Until you get stuck listening to me.
They are changing the rules at the BUG match to require drawing from a holder. Unfortunately, my EDC does not have a holster considered legal by the rules of the match, so I guess it’s time to buy another one…