I dedicated time to write about this so I feel like I should say something here. I do think it was a dick move for PBD to give the Florida man a really nice pair of boots, but he could’ve killed the narrative by putting them on.
Amazingly, they managed to railroaded the guy over his choice of footwear. We live in a clown world.
Hurricane Otis really messed up Acapulco. When it crossed into the Pacific it was a tropical storm, so nobody paid any attention to it. It’ll pass right? It turned into a Cat 5 in a matter of hours and they are still without power.

The other big thing of course is the Argentine runoff. While Milei did get an endorsement from the third wheel in the general election, the polls are showing Argentines are indeed the retards I make them out to be. Granted the same polls showed Milei might win without the runoff. So ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
That said, a few odd things on social media came up last weekend as Milei began to make Pat Buchannan sound reasonable. Thanks a lot for the polonium coffee, CIA. The coup de gras was issued when humanity’s ultimate authority on nearly everything endorsed Massa.
They are also going through something of a fuel shortage in Argentina so maybe Massa will promise to get fuel from his socialist brethren in Venezuela.
In the newest incident to demonstrate I am getting old: Alice Cooper somehow showed up on XM Octane. Enjoy the tune.
Already eating more resees’s pieces than I should have
I almost never eat candy.
I did go to the liquor depot today, and they didn’t have any good pumpkin ale. Sad!
You need some peanut butter whiskey and chocolate bitters then.
good pumpkin ale
Cause it doesn’t exist . . . . .
In any universe
I’ve had plenty of good pumpkin ales.
No, you actually haven’t. And you’re now on a list.
Potato fight!
Yup, it’s not really any different from a winter ale, except that pumpkin ales are actually superior.
I live out in the boonies now, I don’t expect any trick or treaters.
When I lived in Wichita and Dubuque, we used to get hundreds of trick or treaters. In Dubuque, we gave up counting at 600. I had already run to the store for more candy twice!
I got a rock. 🪨
Everybody wants a rock
Sometimes you can’t afford the good stuff.
“Hurricane Otis really messed up Acapulco.”
He’ll sleep it off.
They’ll rename it Otisburg now.
Poor Otis dead and gone
Pat Buchannan is a decent author.
I like Pat Buchanan. Also, Taylor Swift’s fans, and Taylor Swift as well, are retards.
I don’t think I’ve heard any of her songs, but she seems to have very good business sense.
You have. In a grocery store, bank lobby, TV, internet ad, somewhere. It’s like trying to avoid oxygen.
Baby, you’re a firework– 🎵
J/K. TS, Lady Gaga, Rihanna, Beyonce… I can’t name or sing any. I can ID Adele at least.
“Look what you made me do…” (to the tune of I’m Too Sexy by Right Said Fred); “… Why can’t you seeeeeeeeeee, you belong with meeeeeeeeeee”
“Just dance, gonna be OK…”; “Can’t read my, can’t read my, no he can’t read my poker face…”
“You can stand under my umbrella-ella-ella eh-eh-eh”
“Looking so crazy, your love’s got me looking, got me looking so crazy in love”; “All the single ladies…”
You’ve definitely heard at least 2 of those, your brain is just more merciful to you than mine is to me.
I can actually name a Beyonce song cuz “Freakum Dress” is a funny novelty song.
Can’t say the same for any of the others.
OK, well, not knowing it was her.
Good business sense, poor relationship sense.
Poor relations are her business.
Economy Minister Sergio Massa, one of the two remaining presidential candidates, blamed oil companies for a lack of supply in the South American country and threatened to prohibit their exports if the situation failed to normalize immediately. His challenger, right-wing populist Javier Milei, blamed the leftist policies of the current government for the shortage.
So Massa will win the runoff.
Halloween on Capitol Hill.
Blames oil companies for a lack of supplies – a lack caused by the government selling gas at below market prices – then threatens oil companies in a way that gives them an even stronger incentive to produce less oil.
Also known as “bad luck”.
So Milei is a “right-wing populist,” but no need to hang a label on Massa. Just a normal dude.
‘left wing retard’?
Left Wing Jew Hater.
Make them all own the moment.
““We feel the need to talk about the next Argentine election and the future of the country. As Taylor said: we feel the need the be in the right side of history. #SwiftiesAgainstLLA,” said the group from its account “Swifties Contra LLA” on the social network X (formerly Twitter).”
Yup… pretty much sums up my thoughts. I don’t trust T-swizzle to know jack over shit about politics in this country, much less Argentina. Definitely had a higher opinion of her before she started opining on things outside of her direct experience.
Makes a few billion and all of a sudden she thinks she’s Elon Musk.
She’s basically Elon after a vaginoplasty and a full frontal lobotomy.
I don’t see Tay-Tay saying anything about the Argentine election. Just some of her dopey fans.
Yes, but 14 yo girls are widely known for their political acumen.
Sure, but people are beating up on her for something she didn’t actually do.
Since she’s going to be in Argentina soon, she’’l get her chance to deserve a beating, but not yet.
Long lines formed at gas stations throughout Argentina on Monday as surging demand outstripped supply
The local price of gas at the pump is tightly controlled by the government and is lower than what companies can receive in the international market.
They just need to lower the price more.
“Thanks a lot for the polonium coffee, CIA.”
Damn they Ross Perot’d the guy.
They no longer have the bandwidth or credibility to pull another a Kennedy.
To be fair, if you think elections in this country are sloppy…
Live footage of Desantis campaign headquarters today
If he really isn’t 5’11”, he’s toast.
LOL fantastic.
Well it is the end of Dwarfism Awareness Month.
I’d think that would be in February though.
Hey if the gays can get two months, so can the dwarves.
It came to my attention some years back that there was no collective noun for little people.
However, my suggestion “a shortage of dwarves” was rejected out of hand. Something about “confusing” and “deeply offensive.”
I thought it was only a wee bit offensive myself.
Sounds like they really cut you off at the knees.
What you did there was observed.
It seems Argentina can’t just shake off it’s lefties.
It’s a love story.
I knew you were trouble…
If there’s bad blood, at least we know who’ll be the anti-hero. And they can just remember – no body, no crime.
Bad Blood? I see what you did there.
The only good thing about bad blood is letting it slide.
Just don’t cry for them.
Or the kids of Springfield: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y7H47dXF7F4
They are Italians.
“Trump will be JAILED for ‘violating’ the gag order in the January 6 election case, his former lawyer Ty Cobb says”
Ty Cobb?
Ted Williams unavailable for comment.
Only because Joltin Joe has left and gone away
Trump let Cobb go because he jumped into the jury box and beat the hell out of a handicapped guy.
Soldiers Unpaid: National Guard Hasn’t Paid Out Thousands of Enlistment Bonuses
Maybe we should pay out Zelensky’s bonuses the same way.
They keep trying to invoke Biden as FDR… why not a little Bonus Army for atmosphere in DC?
Well, nonpayment is a breach of contract, so I’d say they are free to withdraw their enlistment.
“Non-binary And Just Like That star Sara Ramirez says trans boyfriend was attacked and ‘menaced’ with an UMBRELLA at NYC gay bar after ‘queer-affirming’ comedy event”
This is MAGA country!!
Well, the mental image of someone being “menaced with an umbrella” *is* pretty funny.
The people of Gotham are well aware of the dangers of umbrellas.
Waugh! Waugh waugh waugh waugh….!
Alternate take… even the turtles were surprised….
Don’t mess with a guy with an umbrella in a bar.
The first of those movies was so much fun (even though I disliked the effects they went with at the end of the movie). The sequel was serviceable but no where near as good. The origin story… woof… that was BAD (and is getting a sequel for some reason).
Ooof, yeah, The King’s Man was just terrible.
Tell that to Georgi Markov.
Can someone translate that into English?
People hate weirdos.
Two drunk dudes in a bar got into a shoving match was what I read.
*ding* *ding* *ding*
BTW, I just want to post “Susan” every time I see your avatar.
“Now you’re just doing it on purpose.”
This story has “what are they leaving out” written all over it.
I’ve been to that bar a number of times and the story this person is spinning didn’t happen.
Reading that is like a bad LSD trip. WTF does any of that mean?
It’s so cute that supporting the never-ending fascist swamp is now “resistance!”
What a world.
“Black activist ditches his progressive, defund the police beliefs after being arrested for defending himself against homeless knifeman in his Oakland garden with his legally-owned gun – and says he’s now ‘anti-woke left’
At around 10pm on October 30 2021, Scott discovered two men were trying to steal the water heater from his garden. He went down to confront them, taking his gun for protection, and found they had set up a tent and laid out drugs on his picnic table.
He told them to put down the water heater and one of them pulled a knife. Scott showed them his pistol and again told them to put down the water heater.
At this point one of the men fled, but the other flagged down a police car and told them Scott had pulled a gun on him. Police arrested Scott on charges of brandishing a weapon and carrying a concealed firearm.
The charges have all since been dropped.”
“A liberal that’s been mugged”
I almost have to admire the chutzpah of setting up a tent in someone’s backyard, preparing drugs, trying to steal the water heater and then going to the cops when the homeowner confronts them.
How does one “brandish” on his own property?
(I know the answer)
Or carry a concealed firearm on his own property?
One thing I do know is that every good garden needs a water heater.
After two years of “process”.
I would have gone with “put down the water heater, and take all your shit, unless you want me to throw it away.”
Where’s the Hemisphere Emergency Action Team when Acapulco needs them most?
OMG, the Thursday post is finally submitted. What a week.
Why aren’t we all dead? I just learned on Fox News that the government claimed enough fentanyl to kill 260 million Americans had been intercepted at the southern border but much more gets through undetected. Don’t any “reporters” have the cojones to challenge such hogwash?
They come out with that like once a month. I have had the same question.
Next you’ll be saying that the cops convulsing and foaming at the mouth from fentanyl overdoses due to incidental skin contact during routine body searches in all those viral videos are hypochondriacs or angling for some paid desk duty.
Fine, its Florida. She was probably exposed to something else the week prior and built up a resistance. Remember when everyone joked about bath salts?
That’s precisely the case I had in mind. Admittedly I am not a pharmacologist, but I have yet to see any plausible explanation of that route of administration having such an effect from incidental contact. Since the shit was in a rolled up dollar bill, I’m guessing both the buyer and seller came into similar incidental contact with it during the consummation of their transaction. If the drug worked that way, half the people slinging and using it would be dead on their first try. “She was treated for overdose” and “she actually experienced an overdose” are not necessarily synonymous either. They gave her naloxone. If she wasn’t actually experiencing an overdose, it has no ill effects, so there’s no reason not to administer it. If she was simply having a panic attack or psychosomatic reaction, it could have worked just as effectively as a placebo as it would in the event of an actual overdose. The bath salts thing was similarly mythological, and before that it was PCP. The cops always have some super-duper drug in the propaganda pipeline that supposedly either bestows superhuman cop killing zombie strength or is so fatal it kills you if you walk within 30 feet of it. And yet every day they’re arresting people who are supposedly chronic, daily users…
I’ve already died twice, once from net neutrality and once from the last government shutdown.
Don’t forget climate change and COVID. But on the bright side, you get to vote 4 times in Chicago now…
And it’s super convenient, they just send the ballots to my house in Indiana.
Trump’s tax cuts for the rich did me in.
Not getting the Covid vaccine got me.
I died from the Y2K bug as well
Those were painful.
Only twice? Dude, you are lucky. I have died and lived through the end of the world so many times I have lost count.
I already died from Y2K. Anything interesting happen since then?
A couple of polar vortices and some murder hornets.
Cops generally count the total weight of the seized drugs to be 100% pure even when that obviously isn’t. So 100 pounds of fentanyl pills in packaging gets counted as being 100 pounds of 100% pure fentanyl, which would indeed be enough to kill thousands of people.
There was a case in Texas where a guy was making pot brownies, and because the total weight of the brownies was over the limit for trafficking, he got charged with a felony punishable by 5 years to life in prison.
According to Round Rock, Texas police, officers found 1.5 pounds of brownies, along with a pound of marijuana, digital scales, $1,675 in cash and dozens of baggies with marijuana and hash oil at Jacob Lavoro’s apartment last month. Police were responding to a complaint about marijuana use.
“a complaint about marijuana use”
“Dude wouldn’t share! Not cool, man.”
Drugs are a hell of a drug.
Not long ago some dude walked into the Winn Parish Sheriff’s office in the middle of the night ranting and demanding something be done about some other dude that ripped him off in a drug deal.
In an ideal world that wouldn’t be an absurdity.
Basic math? The amount of fentanyl seized divided by the amount required to kill a human. Remove context and you have a headline.
The coup de gras was issued when humanity’s ultimate authority on nearly everything endorsed Massa.
I was expecting the Pope.
I always hate the fat coup.
I went to the bank. I was feeling dizzy. I sucked on an orange Dum-Dum.
Make of that what you will.
Trump visiting?
Adding hypoglycaemia to your list of issues?
Bidenomics strikes again.
Never change NYT.
I almost have to admire the chutzpah of setting up a tent in someone’s backyard, preparing drugs, trying to steal the water heater and then going to the cops when the homeowner confronts them.
Fucking incentives- how do they work?
My Halloween costume is ready. I duct taped an onion to my belt. True to Abraham Simpson’s never-ending anecdote, it is a yellow onion. The cashier wondered why I was only buying a single onion and 2 bags of candy, so I explained the reference. I added that this must be the 3 weirdest items she’d ever seen anyone buy. On the contrary, said she, once a customer bought 3 home marijuana test kits. I guess that person’s plan was to keep the test that gave the desired result. The cashier said that the best way to cheat a marijuana test is to put a few drops of iodine in a glass of water and drink it. Iodine occurs naturally in the human body and a slight excess will render a marijuana test inconclusive.
Just another day in Florida. I like it here.
Mrs. TOK used to be a cashier in college. Her weirdest was a rather sheepish young couple buying a cream pie, fake nails, and condoms.
This is what self-checkout is for.
Once the Mrs and I bought AA and C batteries along with a bottle of lube.
The check out girl turned red as a beet and had shaky hands. She never said a word but kept giving me doe-eyed glances and a smirky little smile.
If the Mrs had not been with me I would have found it irresistible to shrug my shoulders and quip in a flat voice “She likes to fuck a lot, whatareya gonna do?”
Now that I think about it “It’s not what you think” would have been better.
“The battery compartment door on the TV remote is stuck…”
That may not even be a euphemism.
Or just waggle your eyebrows and say, “if the house is a-rockin’, don’t come knockin’”.
My favorite was doing some work around the house. I needed a hacksaw, big heavy duty garbage bags, and some duct tape. The clerk looked at me funny, so I told them I swear I’m not a serial killer.
Wasn’t sure if they believed me, so you can guess the rest of that story….
“I am not a serial killer….it’s just this one time, I swear. Mothers-in-law, you understand.”
Hell, I got a “dilute negative” earlier this month on an employment piss test and all I did was drink a 27 oz. bottle of water a couple hours before I arrived at the lab. Consequently I had to make a 2nd 80 mile round trip to the nearest city and do it again. To be clear, that wasn’t deliberate. No worries about beating a drug screen since I can no longer access my beloved night time tincture. Relatedly, I slept 4 hours last night…
Parents Left Out of Biden’s New Student Loan Plan
Rather than wait for Biden I took care of 3 grand daughters loans that I hadn’t even signed on. I waited until they graduated so they wouldn’t expect anything. It was a nice surprise that allowed all of them to start life even. They had worked and saved to get themselves through school.
Obviously you are one of those selfish right-wingers we hear about who would rather take care of their family than have their assets confiscated to send to Ukrainians or Merchants of Grift or Women Studies majors or addicts shitting in the streets of Portland.
Jury Finds Realtors Conspired to Keep Commissions High
The National Association of Realtors and big residential brokerages were found liable for about $1.8 billion in damages
This, starting at about 58 minutes in, gets hard to watch. Video of the Oct 7 attacks by Hamas in Israel, showing some of the atrocities they committed from Hamas cameras as well as CCTV.
I think, as disturbing as this stuff is, is important to understand the utter brutality of what happened.
Thanks for posting, but I’m not watching.
The left will just continue to brush it off. They really are not fazed by this stuff at all.
Which is why I will never give up my guns. Never. No discussion or debate, the answer is no.
They would do it here to us tomorrow if they thought they could get away with it. The fact that the citizenry is largely armed is the only thing keeping them from it.
No thanks. Seen all of that shit before. It is always the same. I already know what happened. You know what you dont get from video like that?
The fucking smell.
My Tavor instructor is in Israel now. He’s in the reserves. A special forces sniper, and he’s getting grunt duty. The military, amirite?
What he posted was a video showing that the weapons they are giving the reserves are trashed. Those idiots didn’t just disarm their citizens, they let their armories go to shit. He’s a goddam sniper, and they gave him some shorty rifle, looks like a 12 inch barrel, maybe?
I seriously hope the Israelis go to the old Swiss model after this – all reserves have to keep an issue weapon (or two) and ammo at home, maintain it, and practice with it.
It’s insane that their gun laws were that strict, given the existential threat they faced.
It’s a tragedy that it will have taken something like 10/7 to rectify that. It’ll be a farce if they don’t.
Makes you wonder, doesn’t it?
Besides being in an HOA, Halloween is the next worst thing about living in a subdivision. Will we have 10 trick-or-treaters? Or 100? Lights go off at 8:30 teenage ne’er-do-wells!
We’re in a cul-de-sac across a busy street, so we’re good for between 0 and 2 trick-or-treaters.
Gotta buy some candy I don’t need in the house, just in case.
That’s not a lot of extra orphans. I usually get at least ten and keep a few. I always need change sorters.
I’m shocked I tell you. The 6pm news managed to make it through to the end tonight without even one warning about checking your kid’s candy for razor blades, drugs, or Republican candidate pamphlets.
Republican candidate pamphlets
Don’t give me ideas. My wife will beat me in my sleep.
Tally so far… One. Lazy ass spoiled kids. Harumph!
Hand out some Chick tracts. You’ll either be super religious or an ironic hipster.
No children here. Downtown college town FTW.
Still a little too light in NW WA. Maybe in an hour…
OMG proud momma brag:
The kiddo just told me that he’s been accepted for an internship at Boeing for next summer in propulsion engineering. He’s very excited since this is pretty much why he picked Washington in the first place. I am a tiny bit less excited because he won’t be back home for the summer (sob!) but still, My baby is growing up! *wipes tear*
You are a lucky lady and your young man learned a lot of the right things growing up.
Congrats to both of you.
That’s excellent!
Right on! He’ll be right in my neck of the woods.
Boeing is doing cool things with propulsion, not all of which are meant for this planet.
This is dark, cynical, and
borderlineoffensive, but it’s also topical, and I know I’m going to hell for laughing at it.Anyone want to join me in this handbasket? It’s really comfy, and I have snacks.
Yikes. The screaming that would commence around here over that…
Yes. Even my wife liked it.
Timely and perfect.
Oh, bravo.
Can I have the window seat?
Was this daily ray of sunshine already posted?
Heard about but not seen yet. Nice.
I’d like that dude to get punched in his smug face. Stupid NAP.
“Move the fuck on! Shut the fuck up!” That guy was perfect.
Will Massa’s victory be evidence of the libertarian moment?
Speaking of Halloween costumes, I identified the subject of an infamous photo:
Oh Lord. Please don’t post that again.
I read “identified with…
Because of course. And she or they is or are a socialist – I am shocked.
Well… it’s mostly Latino and working-class. Some commie shit wearing a dress and a bulge isn’t their idea of an ideal candidate. She or they might win from sheer inertia, though. See: AOC. This is how the commies take over the party, I suppose.
Can you imagine the cynicism that this brings on to the evil pathological fucks that cooked this shit up?
People actually fell for the biggest, dumbest lie ever told. Holy shit.
There are so many biggest, dumbest lies ever told swirling around these days it’s hard to pick just one.
Maybe he was auditioning fo the new Bud Light ad campaign…
I find these sorts of statements amusing. I am pretty sire there was plenty of evidence that Chile was in trouble before Boric. And if “free institutions” can’t handle a hike in public transit fares then it doesn’t strike me as particularly sustainable.
So much for the “the kids will change when they hit the real world”, The End of History and The Libertarian Moment.
Well, I see I hit a new low on comments for one of my posts – 47!
*goes to box, feels shame*
*not really*
Sorry, swamped with actual work.
I just read it and enjoyed it greatly!
TIL that pistoffnick works with deadhead.
I’ve been behind a couple postings for the last 2-3 days, I just got caught up with this one. The VN security people carried Model 97s with short barrels.
I answered the door of my apartment late one night with a Rem 1100 with a round chambered and bolt open, a week after my apt had been ransacked. A pretend drunk guy looking for his “friend” at about midnight.
Consider this the post I would have made if I hadn’t been too late. Thanks, RC,
It’s a fine balance between on and off topic comments.
I’m fresh out of snark so I didn’t post. I really like the boomstick posts.
Indeed. Keep them coming. I won’t always be running 7 hours of non-stop meetings.
I don’t have much to say on gun posts since it’s one of the topics I don’t know much about.
Worjkgot very busy. I did want to comment. I personally was looking at the bullpup Kel Tec shotguns just recently.
Do. Not. I’ve heard nothing but “unreliable” about them. And I’m a bullpup guy.
Get an 1310.
Actually had to work in the afternoon *gasp*
You’ve got me trying to figure out who I can convince to go with me on a trip to AZ.
I’m looking forward to a nice evening of absolutely nothing. The kids have already done all their Halloween fun over the past few days, nobody is going to walk down our driveway to get candy, and it’s too cold to go outside and plant trees. I may light the fireplace and read a book in peace, saying a small prayer for the poor bastards who ended up in our last house.
Fantastic. The daughter is handing out candy here. I may knock out another Glib post. I will be watching movies and relaxing as much as possible. So done with this Halloween. Party after party.
In the spirit of the holiday…
So I passed thru the main student ghetto this afternoon and saw a large sign, planted in a sort of pocket park on its own, reading “FREE PALESTINE” and underneath in smaller but clear text “FROM HAMAS”. It was completely unmolested and did not seem to be attracting any attention. I wonder if the message simply went over their heads. If I didn’t have to go back to work I’d be curious to pass by tomorrow and see if it is still there.
Or you could surreptitiously take a giant dump on the grass in front of it when it is dark.
“Free Palestine From Hamas” is a sentiment I can get behind, though. Save the midnight dumps for those that deserve it.
Ah, NM, I realize you’re suggesting a field-expedient deterrent against having it ripped down…
That’s quality, outside the (litter) box thinking.
I dunno how I missed that. I am damned tired I guess.
Now that you put it like that, yeah. Plant a few turd deterrents.
Oh, and for the DeSantis thing – cowboy boots are not “hidden heels” (whatever the fuck those are).
They are standard boot heels. The TDS crowd really are schizophrenic, seeing all sorts of things that very plainly do not exist.
Lifts. Some of the pics look convincing… who knows.
I still say if it comes out that he’s using lifts, he’s done.
Speaking of using your children for signaling.
Blinken dresses son as Zelensky for White House Halloween party
I 100% thought that was the Bee.
Holy fuck this administration needs to end. I don’t know how much more I can take.
Now see….parody is dead. Before clicking I was thinking ‘This has to be The Bee, right?’.
Almost 8 and no trick or treaters. Guess I’ll feed the stray cat a can of sardines.
Make sure it is in water…unless runny cat shit on the lawn is your thing.
It ate the oil-packed ones last time, but this time, it’s water packed. Also, I don’t care about my lawn. The property owner has a mowing crew.
Nothing is more satisfying that cutting the grass with a mower with wheels gummed up with cat or dog shit.
“Ahhhh, the smell of fresh cut…..wait, that’s not grass”
I have four dogs that do their doggie business on 3/4 of an acre. We had little to no rain this summer. You can imagine.
Only 10 minutes to go and we’ve only had 7 kids here. Last year there were dozens. Of course the wind chill is 10 degrees F.
About 100 Halloween kids, and then it got dark … too much candy left over.
and then it got dark
I’ve been here too long – I was expecting a dark turn.
No kids here. Never have. Or at our previous place, so that makes 15 years. Out on the edge of town, 3 acre lots, no kids live in the neighborhood.
When we lived in Dallas, we’d get a pretty good showing. I enjoyed it until the surly teenagers showed up, then the lights went off.
There’s a nice neighborhood around the block so all the kids go there. It’s kind of depressing. Oh well, cheap candy tomorrow.