Go Bokke!
What a wild sports weekend. And a great one. he World Series got underway and is now ties 1-1 with game 3 on tap tonight. Most of college football went to form, aside from Oklahoma choking. Michigan managed to go two days without more damning news about their football cheating. Although the school told the WSJ that they’ve rescinded Harbaugh’s big contract offer. South Africa won the Rugby World Cup in a nerve-wracking final. Max won in Mexico while Sergio might have lost his ride for next year with an idiotic first corner decision. And in the NFL, the Bengals are playing like contenders finally while the Kansas City Swifts lost. And that’s it for sports.

A metaphor
That’s some fine police work. But let ne guess: I should still give up my rights because the government closed the nut houses and the cops are too lazy to do their job?
This punishment seems a bit ridiculous. Also, it appears stupidity of college “leaders” is a global, not national, phenomenon.
Just bring in the bulldozers. The hostages are probably already dead and you’re negotiating with psychopaths.
Yeah. No shit.

I’m shocked! That this isn’t much more common.
Pretty clever. No, not the policy but the marketing. Any publicity is good publicity.
OK. And? Why is this illegal? And why are they suing the airline instead of the people they say are racists?
I’ll just post the story. I want to see the debate in the comments.
Here’s a gem. SO good. Same for this one. Can’t get enough of that band. Enjoy them.
And enjoy this bitterly cold (it’s in the 40s!!!) day, dear friends.
My sports weekend wasn’t so great.
What sport’s weekend?
Yard work and work work makes AlexinCT a dull boy.
The airline has money.
The LA Dodgers don’t?
I have to assume so, After all, they had to move to that shithole.
Airliner is probably the easier pathway to a settlement. United doesn’t want to be in the news anymore than it has to. Dodgers organization can care less.
They would just send the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence to clown slap the plaintiffs.
Aren’t those sisters running short a few beer cans from a case because a bunch of them recently got in trouble with the law?
Ambulance chasing 101: Sue the money people.
Which reminds me that I always have a double take when I hear marxists say that income inequality comes from the rich robbing the poor. How the fuck does that work? If I want to be really rich I need to rob all bank bathrooms and not the banks?
I guess no one read the article?
United picks which of their employees gets to work the Dodgers charter flights, not the Dodgers.
Read… the article?
What new spore of madness is this?
I bet the Dodgers have a lot of input.
okay but why shouldn’t they select attendants for charter flights based on attractiveness? the race thing is unbelievable, the hotness thing totally is. that’s just good business.
Have you been living under a rock for the last 25 years?
I wish. I still think we can turn the corner on this last 25 years thing.
Baseball teams are bastions of white purity, it is known.
Players would in no way be interested in young, hot, black stewardesses.
Eh, a lot of the players regardless of race probably have a preference for white women.
Especially those with big bottoms?
True, but their problem is really ‘50’ and not ‘black’.
If they looked like a 23 year old Tyra Banks, they would have been picked in a heartbeat.
(With apologies to all us over-50 Glibs)
I don’t care about that, I was just answering the question why these people were suing their employer and not the third party.
Yeah. No shit. – the world is in no condition for such distractions.
Also. links are too early.
Don’t be silly, 8am is their normal time.
the normal time is 15:00 not 14:00 like today
You probably changed the clock at the wrong time.
No, the last Sunday of October is always the right time.
Links are on time at 7:00 CST. We don’t go through the wretched clock change until November 5th.
Abolish DST!
I’m with the rodent on this one. I’d prefer no time changes, and that the standard time be, well, standard time, not daylight savings time.
Agreed. It’s stupid.
Wasn’t there serious talk a couple of years ago and a bill that went through congress to eliminate the time change or did I just dream that?
It gets often floated, but never seems to get voted on.
The Senate passed a permanent DST bill. It died in the House.
Yes. Supposedly this is the last time? I have not seen an update since this bill passed a year ago.
LMAO, politics is the whole source of this mess and you think politics is gonna solve it?
I don’t care which time we choose, just pick one and be done with it.
Or, hell, split the difference and move it a half hour to in-between the two times. Just pick one.
I would like to remove DST completely. I sort of oppose the permanent DST bills because it rewards lazy fuckers and screws us morning people out of our extra hour of sunshine in the morning.
Pisses me off when I am enjoying my daylight before work to go fishing in the spring and all of a sudden the hour disappears and I have to wait until later in May to have enough time to fish before work.
You know, Jimbo, you could just quit work and not ruin a whole fishing day
I am confused.
Daylight savings time. Hmmmm. Daylight….saved.
If we can do such things by passing laws why do we not regulate weather? Global warming – solved! Rain on our parades, picnics and baseball games – BAM! solved.
Those Gun Free Zone laws worked pretty well…
“Yeah. No shit.”
He committed impeachable offenses before he got elected.
I’m pretty sure the crimes he racked up have penalties far worse than that.
At least the Biden political dynasty is likely dead. Beau did an untimely death of natural causes, Hunter wasn’t disciplined enough to give even the appearance of basic decency, and I don’t think the womenfolk (other than Jill) are interested.
Dr. Jill is probably looking for a Secret Service agent who is into GILF.
Um, Beau died in Iraq, taking down at least 50 insurgents single-handedly before getting hit by friendly fire.
Sometimes all kids understand is a paddlin’.
Tell that to the spoiled fucks that decided to deny all of society this corrective method because they feel it was wrong their asses got tanned for being the shits they are…
Why wasn’t it the parent administering the paddlin’?
I pay my taxes and demand service!
Stop kink shaming that parent!
My son got paddled in high school, Texas, nearly 50 years ago. He said it was a beating but I sure don’t remember that. He apparently had gotten cross eyed with the paddle administrator. It must have been effective, he still remembers it. He also got suspended a couple times. Running bare assed down the hall 3 days before graduation somehow is considered errant behavior.
He was just misunderstood…
I always told my class mates that if you were going to be the class clown/act up like I did, you had to be ready to take the consequences and not bitch about it. I was surprised how many of them felt consequences were bad things, but it does explain why so many people like the politics of the left.
Lol – suspension was supposed to be a bad thing. My parents weren’t amused, but I enjoyed the time off.
Heh, I had 15 of those (13 for fighting with bullies that were picking on other kids), across about a dozen schools. My dad put me to work doing hard manual labor when I was out of school.
To harden you up in preparation for your next bout? Smart man, your dad.
Did he name you Sue?
He believed it would scare me straight. It did not. But it sure as hell convinced me I needed to get a skillset that would allow me to make good money without breaking my back…
Sounds like it worked, at least in some ways. That’s a good lesson to learn early.
I’m old enough to remember corporal punishment in school. As I recall, it was done in front of the whole class, not in some principal’s lair. Friends at Catholic high remember priests paddling the shit out of kids who, humiliated, actually changed their behavior. And I recall nuns cracked knuckles with rulers just about every day.
Of course, notes went home and the parents punished you again.
Yeah, I got no beef with corporal punishment in principle. And if the parents agree/consent, I don’t see what difference it makes who administers it.
I’ll even say this: I got not beef with corporal punishment in principle for adults, either. Short of actual maiming. Probably.
As with other functions, I don’t trust the state to administer this properly, fairly, or judiciously.
Here is a story I didn’t find out about until the last five years or so (when the principal in question died).
When I was a wee lad in elementary school I was just as much of an asshole as I am now, but was a lot less useful so I got swats all the time. I did not like them. So one time when they left me alone in the principal’s office to get the pre-paddling paperwork prepared, I made a break for it. I was pretty successful, made it almost a mile until a posse of bus drivers tracked me down and hauled me back.
The principal did not like this, and was a bit more motivated in his paddling than was usual. I was (obviously) present for all of this, but in the aftermath, after a trip to the pediatrician where lots of photos were taken, unbeknownst to me, there were lawsuits and charges against said principal and there was a secret “do not touch” order placed on the school district wrt me.
My parents though, were desperate to have me respect authority and knew that if would absolutely take advantage of the immunity from paddling, so they did not tell me about this for more than forty years.
I’d say anyone commenting here prolly isn’t much for respecting authoritah.
I don’t trust the state to administer this.
I concur. This shit was all kinds of verboten in my state even back in my day. And I am OK with that.
““Being a Karen goes both ways, and this restaurant is giving me Karen vibes. Passive aggressive menu, lack of consistent formatting or capitalizing, complicated pricing, etc.”
This person is giving me “asshole vibes”.
Yeah, them asshole vibes are fucking stronger than the gravitational waves from the collision of two black holes or neutron stars…
How the fuck is a menu passive aggressive?
They do not put the prices on the menu?
Also, it’s nice to see the media is still sourcing most of their material from random Reddit users etc.
So you saying shit like this, is the next story on restaurants?
My take is they need a longer deer hunting season.
A deer jumped into a window on one the stores I managed, broke the glass but didn’t get inside. Ran to the next store, jumped through the window, died inside.
I’ll just post the story. I want to see the debate in the comments.
yeah that should not be legal. I would not want public school employees disciplining children like that
At least it requires a parental figure to be present and another witness.
The pupil chose the punishment over in-school suspension (not really sure why unless she likes to be spanked). The mother agreed to 3-hits to be administered. Now, that isn’t to say its right or wrong. When I lived in Mississippi, we opted out of their corporal punishment. If anyone is going to give my kid a kick in the ass, its going to be me.
I loved in school suspension. It let me get caught up on work, some reading done, and the teachers running DNGF about what went on, so you could sneak out and smoke.
When I was a kid, and man was I trouble, if I went home and told my parents the teacher had hit me, I would first get a real good and deserved ass whooping, followed after by a question of what I did to deserve it. I don’t think teachers suddenly went all midieval and started whooping kids for no reason, but that parents that were problem kids like me now have excuses to punish the system that caused them pain.
I generally disapprove to violence to children. It is usually rare there is no other way to address issues.
You must never have seen a kid like me in my younger years then….
And from my interaction with kids today, I feel most need a real god ass whooping to bring them down to reality.
These tend t be the snowflake idiots that tell you words are violence. Nobody that has experienced violence would concur with that idiocy.
Public paddling is a deterrent for most kids. I had it done to me a few times. I finally learned to keep my antics off school property.
That’s where I am on the issue.
Paddling high school girls? Am I at the right website?
It’s mostly dudes in real life. You’ll have to make your suggestion to Q.
Feh. If my job consisted of being shit on by my customers and my employer, I’d leave just like thousands of them are doing in the real world.
I wouldn’t assume that the cops here didn’t do their jobs. You can’t arrest someone in this country because you think they might, in the future, commit a crime. Places where you can jail for that include Hong Kong, with the article about commies jailing kids for wrongthink.
Good point.
Hell… in CA? Chicago? I forget exactly where, they can’t even chase suspects anymore.
The sheriff’s departments mentioned are in purplish counties that do not include Portland ME. Hardly LA or Chicago.
“The American Academy of Pediatrics has urged states to abandon the practice”
Then I’m all for it.
Yeah, not the endorsement that it could be these days (maybe never was).
I certainly wouldn’t agree to other adults hitting my kid, but we allow all sorts of what might otherwise be rights violations by parents to children. I don’t think it should be a go-to punishment, but it is warranted on occasion.
The Jam were recently covered on NR’s Political Beats podcast.
I’m sure Maduro is heartbroken at losing such fine gentlemen.
/assuming he didn’t pay their way out
Odds are that he did encourage and finance this…
One of the main thinks his government needs to overcome the sanctions on them are criminal enterprises to help them make money (like the North Koreans do).
Shades of Jimmy Carter allowing Cuba to empty their jails of hard-core criminals and unleash them onto Miami.
Jimmy Fucking Carter. Every time I am reminded of him I can feel the top of my head begin heating up.
Jimmy Carter, the soon to be saint of the Democrat party, who restored traitor and slavemaster Jeff Davis’ citizenship.
“Just bring in the bulldozers. The hostages are probably already dead and you’re negotiating with psychopaths.”
As cold as it might sound, if you want to discourage the hostage taking practice, you never negotiate with evil fucks that do this: you just kill them as brutally and quietly as you can. Bad for the hostages and their loved ones, but the one way you make sure the practice does not keep happening.
OF course, the negotiations with Hamas violate the Iron Law – you get more of what you reward, etc. They are essentially negotiating over what rewards Hamas will get for kidnapping. The negations should be over what punishments Hamas will get (or not, their call) for not releasing hostages.
Nuclear hellfire.
The sad thing is that you are right that it might take the Carthage treatment to solve this problem.
Palestine delenda est (am I saying that right?) has always been the only and obvious solution but no one seems to be able to bring themselves to do it.
I’m gonna have to disagree with genocide of 2 million plus people because a small percentage of them committed murder. The Roman Peace thing isn’t exactly libertarian IMO.
I cant disagree with you in principle. Thus the dilemma.
It is more than a small percentage. It is the shittiest culture on the planet. They make the Aztecs look like pikers.
They are a murderous culture of seething hatred. The culture at large indoctrinates their children to murder.
What the hell can. you do with something like that?
Kill it with fire.
If you have a better idea I am all for it.
If two nations have already gone to war, then libertarianism has failed in that instance.
At that point, you are playing a different game, and you need to follow those rules.
Let’s say take the most extreme case and say for the sake of argument that every military aged male there is trying to kill Jews in this war. That’s, what, 30% of the populace? If 30% of the populace of the Austin metro area was armed and actively trying to kill Jews, would that justify glassing the metro area and taking out me and Mrs. Prole? Because that’s roughly the same population as the Gaza strip.
I’m gonna say that if the Israelis, who are dealing with quite a few people who literally want to murder every Jew, are showing some degree of restraint here, then that might be the optimal approach given nothing but bad choices. Some things you can’t fix, you just do what you can so you can live another day.
“Let’s say take the most extreme case and say for the sake of argument that every military aged male there is trying to kill Jews in this war. That’s, what, 30% of the populace? If 30% of the populace of the Austin metro area was armed and actively trying to kill Jews, would that justify glassing the metro area and taking out me and Mrs. Prole?”
If these people were going to kill me and mine if I didn’t? Fuck yes.
To AlexinCT: “If these people …”
Not sure what you mean by ‘these people’. Killing the ones trying to kill you? Absolutely. Some collateral damage while killing the ones trying to kill you, despite trying to avoid that where possible? That’s war. Deliberately killing everyone in a geographical area, including women and children and infants? I’m agin that.
God: “C’mon guys, you could not find one good one? Not even one? Awww…fuck it. This is beyond tiresome.”
*points finger, zaps the city turning every resident into a pillar of salt*
You’re leaving out the number of not really noncombatants that fully support Hamas, so add another 30% of the population at least.
Also, when your “war” includes suicide bombers, those women and children tend to be combatants, giving explosive hugs to actual noncombatants.
How many hostiles is enough to justify it? Must the hand be stayed should a single good man turn up?
Anyone know enough European history to enlighten us on how endless Christian on Christian wars were ended (yes, I know, Northern Ireland still partial exception)? Whatever happened with Christians needs to happen with Muslims who are sick of the endless stupid feuding over whose prophet or god is more worthy.
Unfortunately, the Christian on Christian wars saw the changes that allowed those to because of the reformation period. There is no ability to reform Islam because it is not just a religion, but a system of government that wraps religion, the legal system, and government all in one.
A lot more of this please. We should also end the practice of government grants/loans for college. Make the colleges give the loans and be partially financially responsible for the loans’ repayment, and in a year or two all problems with academia will vanish.
When the colleges are liable for the loan or part of the loan, they will be seriously mor careful whom they lend to. That in turn will immediately dissuade the practice of these corrupt institutions having massive bureaucracies of people making a fortune adding absolutely no value. It will also end any and all of the dumb ass studies programs that permeate these institutions these days. And more importantly, it will make college degrees worth something again because you will know the candidate had real qualifications. And I hope it wrecks the Ivy league schools. There is no entity other than government bureaucracies in dire need of being wrecked than that.
“all problems with academia will vanish.”
As will any number of colleges and universities that can’t afford to exist without massive subsidies in the form of loans.
“‘Watch out Jews, jihad is coming’: FBI investigate Cornell University messaging board after vile anti-Semitic threats are made against students”
Theses are the same leftists who call everyone nazis.
I bet that their will be calls from the WH to remind the FBI (and other such institutions) that the real danger are the parents that don’t want their kids indoctrinated, the people that go to churches where they espouse values contrary to marxism in government, and anyone with a MAGA hat.
Said it before, I’ll say it again. The projection in leftists is astounding.
Yeah, this bit is rich. Just how exactly did Islam come to be practiced in, say, Indonesia again?
BTW there is a “black dorm” there too, like on many campuses now.
I guess that is the good kind of apartheid.
Mostly peaceful conversion?
Ask India how that went.
Yeah, you really picked one of the few places where it was mostly peaceful. Most anywhere else? The sword.
To be fair, I just picked the farthest-flung place I could think of. The slaughter that occurred in some places is beyond belief.
in Indonesia I think it spread via trade routes, but by conquest in a lot of other places.
Meh, these are triggering my hoax/self-victimhood detector.
Could be.
Oh fuck off. If not false flag, it’s a tiny fringe movement of loser assholes that are driving this panicdoomterror. Enough already. Nut up, everyone.
I posted this in the overnight thread, but the Lynx crowd is different, so I figured I’d ask again.
Since I got the leave to drive out to the west coast, I figured I’d ask for suggestions on things to visit on the route. Currently, the draft plan is:
Cleveland, OH – Dayton, OH – Cedar Rapids, IA – Grand Island, NE – Laramie, WY – Salt Lake City, UT – Reno, NV – Eureka, CA – Cape Blanco, OR – Eugene, OR – Bend, OR – Spokane, WA – Kellogg, ID – Bozeman, MT – Mammoth Hot Springs/Yellowstone, WY – Deadwood, SD – Mt Rushmore – Sioux Falls, SD – Emily, MN – Superior/Duluth, MN/WI – Cedar Rapids, IA – Indianapolis, IN – Cleveland, OH
I have concrete plans for Emily, Cape Blanco, Bend, Yellowstone and Mt Rushmore. The tail end past Emily doesn’t have tourist time cooked in.
Any suggestions from people more familiar with those regions?
Whore houses in Nevada!
How long are you planning on staying at any of those places?
Most of them only get one non-driving/tourist day, because the route is so long. It gets a bit compressed from Cape Blanco to Bozeman, so stops will have to bit fit in around driving to the next stop. Kellogg isn’t an overnight stop, nor is Bend.
That’s a shame about Bend. It’s definitely a place worth spending a night in.
You’re going right through redwoods country (depending on which way you go from Reno to Eureka*), make a stop and enjoy a walk around one of the parks.
*if you go the weird way, up US 395 then across you can visit my brother.
I see eight “National Forests” along that general sweep between those two. Any particular recommendation?
(I’m afraid I don’t know your brother, so there’s not much reason to drop by his place)
Ah, you’re good going to Eureka and then up US101. Jedediah Smith State Park and the State and National Redwoods parks are both north of there.
And if you start up US 395 out of Reno cut west at Susanville on CA 36 and that will take you to Lassen National Park (last active volcano in lower 48 until Mt. Saint Helens).
Well, I hadn’t figured out what I was doing in Eureka yet, and that’s all of an hour from Redwood Parks, so I’ll add that in.
(Can’t miss the opportunity)
It is too bad you wont be in range for John Muir Woods, just north of SF on the 101. Truly impressive and beautiful.
Trinity Alps. It is what you drive through on the way from Redding to Eureka. One of the prettiest areas of California.
Redding would be about halfway between Reno and Eureka.
We look forward to seeing you on your way through.
I expect Iowa to be around August 28, and again around Sept 17, plus the Honey Harvest.
My wife and I will be at the Honey Harvest. We can also meet up in Aug or Sep however it best fits into your schedule.
Look me up when you are in Duloot.
I’ll also be at Honey Harvest.
I will second JI in regards to the Parks up in NorCal. Redwood State/National I believe requires some type of reservation in summer as it is very popular but it is fantastic. Prairie Creek Redwoods Park is also a good one right on your path. You may want to take 80 West from Reno towards the Bay Area and then cut up around Lake Berryessa and head towards the coast at Bodega Bay. Highway 1 north from Bodega Bay till it becomes the Lost Coast past the town of Mendocino is some of the most fantastic coastline in the world. Fort Bragg has a couple great breweries. Oh and in Reno stop at Louis Basque Corner for grub, I love that place. Or if you pass through nearby Gardenerville on the way to Reno stop at JT’s Basque Restaurant.
I will second the recommend for Louis Basque Corner. Best place in Reno, and I have been going there for 30+ years when I visit my brother.
Right on. Do you also have one Picon Punch to start it out? I love their cold complimentary red wine as well. An old friend of mine from elementary school moved there twenty years ago so I’m up in Reno at least once a year. Love that town, except for the seedy ass downtown casinos. Next time you are up there they put a nice restaurant into an old train depot that had good food. I think it’s also a brewery if I am not mistaken. Also do you hit Pam’s Glorified Eggs for breakfast? Great classic diner close to downtown.
Just don’t bring any caged birds to Bodega Bay.
And please, please, please don’t shoot a man in Reno just to watch him die.
It might be a bit out of the way on either your west- or eastbound legs, but I found Craters of the Moon National Monument to be absolutely fascinating when I visited.
Young me thought it was a boot in the arse to spelunk lava tubes that had ice in them — in July.
Shame – it appears to be in the center of the loop, most distant from my route from any direction.
I do not have specific recommendations, but I do highly recommend plotting your trip in Roadside America to find interesting places to stop. It has museums, oddities, etc..
Oregon Caves is a nice, and shorter side trip. You are going near Crater Lake, which is absolutely beautiful.
There is a short canyon hike at Smith Rock north of Bend that is nice.
You may also want to swing by the Painted Hills, but the Bend to Spokane is a long drive and you are adding a bit of a detour to do so.
Mostly fly over country, so there is nothing of cultural interest for you to do other than drive straight thru to the enlightened Coast.
Sounds like a Johnny Cash song.
For Dayton, OH: I see that you’ve already been to the AF Museum and GT already replied in the overnight thread. When are you expecting to be in town?
It’s an overnight stop August 27/28 on the current draft.
Looks like the Dayton Dragons (Cincinnati Reds minor league team) will have a home game the evening of Aug 27. Maybe we could get a group together for that.
The Packard Museum is open noon to 5pm Wed thru Sun, so you wouldn’t be able to go until noon on the 28th. But that delays your departure to your next stop.
Plan for more time at Yellowstone if possible. It’s really cool. Mount Rushmore is cool, but can definitely be done in a day.
Deadwood-Sioux Falls by way of Mt Rushmore is one day total, I expect to stop, take a few pictures, and drive on. That’s why there’s 6.5-7 driving hours on the same day.
“Disney delays release of $330M live-action Snow White reboot by a YEAR and dumps diverse dwarfs after star Rachel Zegler sparked fury with woke rant against 1937 original”
What a shitshow.
Cancel it and start firing people who made the decisions.
What? You mean make people live with the consequences!?!
Actually this is perfect. The only way these woke fucks and their woke fuckery stops is when they have to pay a cost. The left has been very successful because so far they have nearly always avoided consequences to bad choice/behavior. I hope the board of Disney gets dragged into court and each of these fuckers gets personally held financially liable for these fraudulent decisions that have cost their investors a ton of money.
You should always cast someone who hates the original material as the lead in your remake.
It’s only the movie that made Disney. Everyone will appreciate the parody version I’m sure.
5 will get you 10 she has never seen the original, and is just mouthing the platitudes of Wolk.
Perhaps she’s that ignorant. Someone ought to take that star into a room and tell her to quit publicly or privately shitting on her employer’s previous and profitable work, or they’ll recast and start from scratch, and possibly take legal action against her if her contract allows that.
They’re CGIing in actual dwarves instead of whatever those things were they stupidly replaced them with? Fucking hilarious.
CGI workers need lucre too, brah!
The filming was already done. So yes, putting CGI dwarves over pink-haired social justice actors.
And I am with Alex. This is the best case lawsuit by investors, ever.
A what will be straight to streaming gazillion dollar movie-way to go Disney. I wonder how long their past success will keep them afloat because it’s been one mess after another for them lately it seems.
Apparently the Jeremy dude is trolling Xe Mouse by making their own Snow White movie to compete against it directly:
I cannot express how much I hope it outperforms Disney’s.
Brett Cooper is cute, but the still shots of her as Snow White seem off.
Except “timeless values” is kind of what “MAGA” is.
My thoughts exactly.
But, in the eyes of the Wolk, MAGA is the evil: racist, sexist, badist.
I’m confused. Did you meant the Jeremy dude’s movie? “Their” seems to be referring to Disney. Although I typically refer to corporations with singular pronouns (“it”) not collective pronouns (“their”).
I never refer to an identified individual with collective pronouns.
/asshole mode OFF
Well, I doubt that Jeremy guy is any more involved with the actual production than he was in “his” razor company, but he’s still the face of it. Ditto Biden and the actions of the executive branch of FedGov. Synecdoche und vutnot.
Ron Jeremy is making a Snow White movie?
As a former rennie, those would be low-end renfair costumes. The kind that the guy running the axe-tossing booth might have.
Right? So hilarious.
It makes you wonder where the other $299,999,980 went.
I am wondering if selling a movie is like selling oil wells. Go door to door and sell it one percent of it at a time. Yep, if we hit oil you will have 1% ownership in a well! Trouble is wells are often over sold as much as 100% so the oil guys are all keeping their fingers crossed that it will end up being a dry hole. “Darn! We didn’t hit oil so we cant pay out 1% each to 200 people! Darn the luck!”
I wonder how much Disney oversold this abomination.
*I am pulling that out of my ass. I dont know how movie investors are wrangled up*
Those people listed as producers? What they produced is the money. If they’re listed as executive producers, they took an active role to make sure their money was spent effectively. They are the ones who take a hit if the movie tanks.
Max Bialystok says hello..
According to Mike Rowe’s podcast a couple weeks back, you aren’t far off the mark. Basically, when people invest it’s to see their name in the credits, go to a red carpet premier, maybe get a selfie with the stars at an afterparty. It isn’t about making money. When companies invest, they expect an ROI and a say in the creative content, which is where the suits fuck everything up.
“Put a chick in it and make it gay!”
–Kathleen Kennedy
“Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?” <——fairest.
Protagonist is named 'Snow White'.
In a number of cultures white skin is considered most attractive and not just in 'white' cultures. Some cultures have brides to be spend extended time in darkness or shade to enhance whiteness in their skin.
That is why the protagonist is named SNOW WHITE.
Like everything the left does with regards to language they upend meanings to the inverse. I am referring to the word 'woke' here. Woke seems to mean denial of reality.
Oops! We aren't supposed to discuss such things, are we?
It’s a somewhat racist title, but hey, 1937. Recasting with a black-ish Snow White and a beautiful wicked witch might be a reeeally tough rewrite.
Not like the little mermaid, the remake of which I quit watching partway through not because of the ethnicity of Ariel, but because it was a boring remake of a boring original.
Beyond what it says about the culture that the story originated from and their standards of beauty I dont really see the importance to the overall story. White is also equated to good, pure and virginity in our culture.
And down the rabbit hole we go…
Said the dwarf named Horny.
No. The title’s not even remotely racist.
My favorite bit might be the casting of the evil queen who is jealous of Snow White’s good looks.
Gal Godot.
Zegler is cute enough, but come on.
See: The Huntsman.
That is funny.
Ooof, yeah.
Charlize wouldn’t be losing any sleep worrying about Kristin Stewart’s “beauty”.
(Stewart is fine, just a different league)
So this wasn’t a surprise at all to some people.
Maine state authorities were notified multiple times about red flags and “veiled threats” made by Robert Card more than one month before he allegedly murdered 18 people and injured over a dozen others in the deadliest mass shooting in the Pine Tree State’s history. Two local law enforcement chiefs have admitted there was a “statewide awareness alert” as early as mid-September, which warned officers to keep an eye on Card after he, a former U.S. Army reservist, made a series of threats to his fellow soldiers and base. “We added extra patrols, we did that for about two weeks… The guy never showed up,” said Saco police chief Jack Clements, and so the extra patrols were abandoned. Joel Merry, Sagadahoc County Sheriff, explained he was not located during a wellness check and that he couldn’t recall whether anyone followed up, despite knowing of the threats and Card having been sent to a mental health facility for two weeks in July following concern over his increasingly erratic behavior and claims of “hearing voices and threats to shoot up” a military base.
I played https://squaredle.com 10/30:
*27/27 words (+1 bonus word)
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*22/22 words
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I completely blew chunks all over https://squaredle.com/xp 10/30:
22/22 words (+3 bonus words)
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I played https://squaredle.com 10/30:
*27/27 words (+1 bonus word)
🎯 Perfect accuracy
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I played https://squaredle.com/?puzzle=time:
206/206 words (+116 bonus words)
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Difficulty: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
I played https://squaredle.com/xp 10/30:
22/22 words (+4 bonus words)
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I played https://squaredle.com 10/30:
27/27 words (+2 bonus words)
🎯 In the top 22% by accuracy
🔥 Solve streak: 43
That’s some fine police work.
“He was known to law enforcement..”
We predicted the likelihood of replication success for >14,000 Psychology papers published in top-tier journals since 2000. We made the predictions from the text in the manuscript.
We found that predicted replication rates differ for subfields in Psychology. The pattern may be driven by whether a subfield is dominated by experimental work. Experimental work is genearlly less replicable than non-exp work; Experimental subfields are also less replicable.
We did NOT find evidence that highly cited papers are more replicable, NOR did we find that research from prestigious schools is more replicable.
We found that papers with higher media coverage tend to be slightly less replicable. It may be that popular media pursues surprising, counter-intuitive findings, which are more likely to fail to replicate.
My bet is that the number of replicable papers are so low that it would be dismissed as noise. Psychology is nothing but quackery.
Sadly, the replication issue extends far beyond the field of psychology.
Yes, medical is almost as bad.
And as far as I know, no one has replicated the weight of spinning objects differs depending on clockwise vs counterclockwise spin direction physics paper. And its at least 30 years old.
I think everyone is afraid to touch that. Afraid they will replicate it and be labeled a quack.
Does one spin produce antigravitons?
If she has a cute rear end it forces tents to be pitched…
What I remember. The phenomenon had been noted and crazies used it for explanations of things like UFOs and etc.
Two Japanese scientists actually put together a good experiment, even as far as running the experiment inside a faraday cage. In one direction there was no reduction in weight. In the other, the reduction was proportional to spin rate. Faster the spin, the less weight measured.
They refused to try to explain the result.
Their result was published in Phys Rev Letters in early 90s, IIRC.
Doing some quick searches, it looks like at least 7 studies failed to replicate the results.
Then another in 2007 that replicated it with an explanation based on conservation of energy.
If such a thing occurs I would guess it has something to do with the coriolis effect and relativity.
I dont have the physics chops to have a clear grasp of it. Someone smarter than I am should chime in.
Four former student leaders from the University of Hong Kong have been sentenced to two years in prison for inciting people to wound others through their praise of a man who stabbed a police officer before killing himself in 2021,
This behavior isn’t going to cut it.
Well, they couldn’t be let off with just a tongue lashing.
Talks to free some of the 239 hostages held by Hamas stalled Friday after the group demanded that Israel allow fuel deliveries to Gaza and Hamas declined to guarantee the release of a large number of foreign captives, a former U.S. official with knowledge of the negotiations said.
Hamas is supposedly still in control of a large amount of fuel.
House Speaker Mike Johnson says it’s ‘very likely’ Biden committed impeachable offenses
But there is no evidence beyond all of the evidence.
If the usual suspects in legacy media refuse to look for any evidence, and instead peddle a bunch of bullshit, then that is the truth, you peasant!
That’s why some people still believe that Trump likes piss hookers (as a germophobe) and is a KGB plant, and that Hillary Clinton, depsite admitting it in court, was not behind the Steele dossier that made that ludicrous claim.
When they shit like this, we should believe them.
Delusional crackpots?
Back to my question….what’s to be done about that? They fully intend to make good on their word and are completely intractable.
Negotiation and compromise are simply off of the table. Are we to become Bishnoi villagers? Principles are only worth having if their practical ends are desirable. There are no good choices here. Either way it will mean the end of one of the parties. We cannot allow that party to be the civilized world.
Some might say UNC was an exception, but GT’s games have gone loss,win,loss,win,loss,win,loss,win, so beating UNC was expected.
Rest of season: Lose to UVA, Beat Clemson, Lose to Syracuse, Beat uga, Lose to random MWC team in crappy bowl.
I will take it.
A French woman walks the streets of Paris France with her baguette and six bottles of wine, 1945.
So that’s why French bread is so unpalatable, it’s actually a walking stick.
But that makes a whole bunch of footlongs…
Reasonable breakfast.
From the stained apron I am guessing she is from the bakery and making a delivery.
There was some comments about YT ads last night. This morning I’m listening to an album of renaissance music and between the tracks, YT is dropping ads with dubstep, horror movie ads and the like.
It’s a bit out of place.
I really need to update my pihole setup to get rid of youtube ads again.
You can just use uBlock, AdBlocker, etc.
For sure, when I am watching on a browser. But pihole works for blocking ads on TV and mobile.
The point is that you can’t do that anymore.
Yes, polluting dubstep with “classical” music is a crime.
I’m so triggered right now. I can’t even.
“I can understand why every black person in the world would not trust a single white person.”
Abby Wambach and Yaba Blay suggest that the only “genuine” friendship between a white person and black person, is if the black person “gets more out of the relationship.”
Of course she would…
If you are really my friend you will let me fuck you over whenever I feel like t, however, doesn’t sound like a friendship anyone that was not a masochist was into.
Is that a pussy hat she’s wearing?
I believe they call the Cunte Caps now.
Then the only logical thing would be for white people to avoid being friends with black people.
No idea who Yaba is but Abby was always the “non-political lesbian soccer player” who let her talent do the talking. And from my hometown. Sad!
“I can understand why every racist black person in the world would not trust a single white person.”
Fixed that for them. I’m guessing their circle of friends doesn’t include many, if any, non-racist people. It’s a standing joke among Mrs. Prole’s side of the family that eventually, maybe, one of them will marry another black person. So far, about zero for twenty.
So you’re the people in the TV commercials!
They represent 87.3% of the represented demographic.
The ravings of lunatics is much like the tempest in a teapot, so…whatever.
NPR is apparently doing a series of hagiographies about the martyrs of Maine. I’m sure the reason they haven’t aired the equivalent about the 29 Americans killed by Hamas is that they’re spending more time giving them higher production values.
Their staff is probably busy ripping down Israeli hostage posters and there are only so many hours in the day.
How huge of a complete asshole does someone have to be to do that?
Most of them are college kids who gather in crowds and shout for genocide, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
An equal number were gunned down in Chicago this weekend at a Halloween party. Where is their memorial?
Me asf
the capitalists are shaking in their boots
Why is that marxist douche not wearing some cheap ass cotton jump suit and no shoes? His outfit, and those glasses, tell me this is likely some asshole with rich parents that never gave him the well deserved ass whooping he needed.
Nice outfit, standing on a nice deck, with nice plants. Fuck that guy. His organs will be in good shape for when he is voluntold to give his liver to Xi for the glorious organ transplant program.
Yeah, Mao was great-made Hitler look like an amateur. What a goddamn loser.
That that loony shitbird looks like that is the least surprising thing I will learn today.
Less lazy Grand Swiss updates.
I am sticking with the links, but now with commentary.
Standing thru round 5:
Round 6 pairings:
There are 3 playes tied with 4 points: American Hikaru Nakamura, Andrey Esipenko, and Arjun Erigaisi. Nakamura plays Esipenko today. Esipenko has the white pieces. They are 16 players just behind them with 3.5 points, including Americans Hans Niemann, Fabiano Caruana, Sam Shankland, and Samuel Sevian.
Also on 3.5 is the International Master Ramazan Zhalmakhanov, who is playing out of the world for his rating. If he can hold his average opponent rating above 2700 (and he plays 2760 rated Anish Giri today) he only needs 4 pts from 11 rounds to earn his second GM norm (3 needed for Grand Master title, plus a 2500 rating). He will probably need 4.5, and if the average rating slips to 2650, he would need 5 pts. Unless he collapses, he will be getting that norm. His October rating is 2447, but he has already earned over 25 pts in this tourney, so come December (this tournament ends in November so doesnt count until December ratings) he is going to be pushing that 2500. He needs a performance rating of 2600 to get the norm, he is currently at 2846 level.
The two players at bottom on 0.5 pts each are the two local reps of the Isle of Man (host of tourney). They play today.
I case anyone’s blood pressure is too low, we’re now at step 4 with green energy:
1. Subsidize stupid thing
2. Issue mandate for stupid thing
3. Nobody buys stupid thing
4. Bail out stupid thing companies
Sometimes it cycles back to an earlier step a few times before moving to the next.
Wash, rinse, repeat. This is you money being laundered.
Fuck. Your, I keep forgetting the last letter of words.
Daily Ray of Sunshine
The girls really flocked to that little guy in the Levis
I have a great deal of difficulty believing this story is true:
Sigh. That’s what I get for reading and thinking about the article before linking instead of refreshing madly to make sure fine chapeau rodents don’t beat me to the punch.
That number seems just way too high. I’m assuming there’s some shenanigans going on with the denominator (like percentage of deaths in canukistani hospitals that offer MAID or some such thing).
That leftist shit is always about large body counts…
Sober, thoughtful analysis
What does a middle-aged congressman, just midway through his third term and with no real landmark legislative victories to point to hope to accomplish by challenging an already uncertain road ahead by Biden — especially with the prospect that whoever wins the primary will have to face off against Trump, a candidate who represents a real existential threat to democracy and the rule of law?
The obligatory cancer warning. You can’t write about politics without it.
Trump is a threat to the corruptocracy’s status quo.
It’s an existential threat to democracy if people are allowed to vote for the person they want to.
Democracy is when you get to pick from the people the machine feels will do what the machine wants… Anyone else is not allowed.
I can only imagine the grifting possibilities in this new tax plan in Minneapolis.
I’m guessing that the hot new business to start in Minneapolis is in “energy auditing” and “weatherization”.
Ain’t it funny how these progressive ideas when implemented always result in drastic cost increases requiring more taxing? It is almost as if the goal is to reach a place where government controls all wealth and picks the winners and losers through that power….
What the hell would one call such a system?
I used to live near Lake Nokomis under the MSP flightpath. The airport commission spent a lot of money in my neighborhood to mitigate sound inside houses (new windows, insulation, acoustical tiles, etc.) My neighbor’s house was sealed up so tight after these “improvements” that the condensation from the ceilings would drip on them while they were eating dinner.
Wasn’t Weatherization one of the big Obama failures?
We obviously need to start locking people up “just in case” based on random tips.
Especially people that the corruptocracy thinks are being problematic…
Jesus, Mary and Joseph… almost 5 percent off all deaths in Canada in 2022 were their MAiD program. Over/Under on the camps if the apple-eating gentleman doesn’t get in there and kick Baby Castro out?
Of course to be fair — they’re probably doing it for the same reason I think the government was fine with spreading COVID in nursing homes. Cut Medicare costs, reduce the Social Security imbalance between workers and payouts. Canada is just more open about it.
Offing all those old folks saves their system money on the back end while they get to pat themselves on the back for being “humanitarian.” The Brits withdraw food and water when things get bad for people on the hospital. When the bottom line is meeting a government budget instead of helping people things like this will happen.
There is a grim irony to this being about the most successful government program we’ve ever seen.
Successful according to the incentives of the government actors is quite a different thing than successful to those being acted upon.
I still have to drop the ballot off, but I voted in CO yesterday.
6 questions on ballot, NO on two state wide ones to keep more money that is supposed to go back to taxpayers. No on two city ones that ditto. Yes on two city ones that take power away from the city council, that they opposed strongly, which is an endorsement for me.
The first was to remove city sales tax from grocery items. Its already tax free from state sales tax, just extends it to the city tax. The second requires a vote when the city starts futzing around with “urban renewal” projects. This was due to a tax deal they gave a developer under “urban renewal” guidelines despite it being farm land that was being “renewed”. After reading thru it, I think they technical followed the law, but they bent the hell out of it and shattered the spirit of the law to pieces. So anyway, there is a ballot measure that would require any city passed urban renewal projects also have to be approved by the voters.
Why do you hate progress, huh robc?
Mike Pence has a resume most White House hopefuls would dream of. A congressman. A governor of a big Midwestern state. A one-time vice president.
In normal times, someone with such credentials would be well-positioned to win their party’s presidential nomination. But these are not normal times and Pence’s decision to end his campaign more than two months before the first contest in the Republican primary underscores the extent to which the party has been subsumed by former President Donald Trump and his lies about the 2020 election that he lost to Democrat Joe Biden.
“From the very beginning, I think his supporters knew that the challenge was going to be some of the hardcore Trump supporters were never going to forgive him for upholding the Constitution on Jan 6,” said Art Pope, a GOP donor from North Carolina who supported Pence’s campaign. “On the other hand, there were a group of Americans who were never going to forgive him for being in the Trump administration to begin with.”
“He just could not overcome that,” Pope said.
Pence tried to thread what often seemed like an impossibly fine needle. He ran on the record of what he fondly referred to as the Trump-Pence administration while also criticizing his former boss. He accused Trump of abandoning conservative principles on issues such as abortion and of putting himself above the Constitution to stay in power. During his campaign launch event, Pence addressed Jan. 6 head-on, defending his actions and saying Trump disqualified himself during that period.
“Anyone that puts themselves over the Constitution should never be president of the United States, and anyone who asks someone else to put them over the Constitution should never be president of the United States again,” Pence said.
But he chucked his lofty principles to hitch a ride on the pussy-grabber’s coattails. Do these people think nobody remembers that?
I am so glad these losers are getting chucked down the memory hole. He can fuck off with Kerry and all the others. Irrelevant, useless prattlers who defended nothing, did nothing, conserved nothing.
He was well within his rights to challenge to a very tight election. He was just to big a pussy to do it. Nothing unconstitutional about it.
And Trump abandoned principles on abortion? What a joke. Trump was the one president who got conservative judges in (legally) and actually returned abortion rights to the states. What did Pence do? Oh right. Not a thing.
Checks for similar language from Abrams and Clinton…hmm nope.
One is denial, other is a lie.
But it is a good lie. A lie to protect democracy from the fucking peasants that will not just accept their place and whatever captured candidate the machine tells them is allowed to be in charge.
So, what is Dan Quayle doing these days? I mean, ex-VP, ex-senator, ex-representative, he should be a shoe in for president, no?
Oh, wait. He sucked as much as Pence did.
“Trump blew up Mike Pence on January 6th. Trump demonized Pence on that day, and he never recovered. But it’s more than that,” said longtime pollster and focus group moderator Frank Luntz. “The GOP of 2023 is not the same party that nominated Pence in 2016. The same people who gave him standing ovations in 2016 turned their back on him now.”
Has Pence ever offered a word of support for aany of the January 6 protestors, or questioned the fanaticism of the prosecutions?
The writer is dreaming. Pence was a nothing, no name rando that Trump added to make other republicans happy. Pence would have continued to labor in obscurity if Trump hadn’t pulled him in.
Pence was there to reassure the evangelical socons that the orange man wasn’t so bad. Nothing else.
This. He was a beard. Period.
Pence was probably a neo-Nazi, according to mainstream media, back in 2016. Now, of course, he is of the moderate good guy GOP wing in mold of McCain and Romney.
Any GOP candidate vying for the top job will ALWAYS be Hitler to these fucks, because their most valuable weapon amongst their voting block is fear. That’s just one more reason to consider progressivism an evil cult.
“Ex-communist security forces, mobsters and state-run militias from Venezuela have crossed southern border of US”
But you repeat yourself.
Not to victim blame, but, is it abuse of the asylum system if the system was asking for it?
Apropos of nothing…
The other night, I was fixing myself something to eat, and I cracked open a can of tuna. “WTF? Why does this tuna smell so weird?” Once I convinced myself it hadn’t gone rotten in the can, I looked at the label. Off to the side, in small print, was this: “Garlic and Tuscan seasoning infused olive oil.” Bleah.
Now, in addition to hunting through the stacks of tuna cans looking for fish packed in oil instead of water, I apparently have to beware of poisonous crap like this. Great.
You do not like Eyetalian goo?
Sounds like an improvement.
Wait, wait, you Want the awful oil-packed Tuna?
Right? I always get water.
Though now I am second guessing myself. Is there some reason for the oil – like does it make the fish mix easier or something?
Tuna in oil is less dry and tastes better. It’s what I use for everything except regular American tuna salad. If I’m mixing it with mayo then I use tuna in water.
Do you drink oil straight from the bottle? Because the only thing that greasy snot tastes like is oil.
For me, canned tuna in water tends to pick up a tinny flavor that tuna in oil doesn’t pick up.
For tuna in the foil pouches, packed in water is fine.
Also, the Starkist canned Albacore Tuna in water is quite good despite being packed in water.
Fun fact- it may say “packed in water” but its really vegetable broth.
I thought when I saw that you used the word “packed” this was going to end up being something nasty..
My bad.
water is better
I get the lunch packs (tear open). Plain Extra Virgin Olive Oil is pretty good, but the EVOO plus sun dried tomatoes is a lot better. Salmon in olive oil is also pretty good.
For me canned meats are additives to various dishes. I always get the water so that they are more useful in more different dishes.
There is no Keanu in that link.
I sat through the interview last night (I was drunk).
My instincts tell me that she was well pilled-up on either Xanax or Ativan to stifle the cackles.
Her eyes agree with me.
You should not over drink on a Sunday. Monday is a work day after all.
“and parents can opt their student out of corporal punishment by providing written notice to the district.”
Opt-out seems to be the wrong way around on this. That said, sounds like everyone involved had a choice of how things would go, so… What’s the problem?
What sort of credulous dimwit believes anybody who actively involves her/himself in politics has principles?
Same kind of dimwit who runs for LP presidential nomination and spouts “When I’m elected, I will……..”
Was it Kerry or Gore who was told to do that?
Verdict first, trial afterward
Kirschner suggested that things are “about to go from bad to worse” for Donald Trump when he and his three children testify in the civil trial, with Engoron having already ruled that the former president committed fraud while filing financial statements that overvalued several of his properties and assets.
“Do you really think there’s a chance that Don Jr, and Eric and Ivanka can get through their sworn testimony without lying, without perjuring themselves?” Kirschner asked during his online show.
“After all, they’re going to be testifying about their business practices, their father’s business practices, after Judge Engoron has already granted partial summary judgment. In other words, the judge has already found that there was massive business fraud committed by Donald Trump and others at The Trump Organization.
Makes you proud to be an American, don’t it.
Saying Ivanka would be bad on the stand is ignoring how competent she is. Will the media be “surprised”that a woman does great on the stand?
Wrong type of woman
From her ankles?
No need to call the witness. I summarily rule the testimony supports the judgement I want to impose.
They have to do something, the man is a threat to rule of law for God’s sake.
“Do you really think Don Jr, Eric and Ivanka are going to be able to withstand the rigors of examination and cross-examination? They are hostile witnesses, they will be cross-examined by New York Attorney General Letitia James’ team.”
It’s a goddam shame she can’t use thumbscrews or red hot pokers.
The same Tish James who campaigned on “getting Trump” and who just happened to land a prejudicial judge? That New York Attorney General?
Saying Ivanka would be bad on the stand is ignoring how competent she is. Will the media be “surprised”that a woman does great on the stand?
She’ll crack like a cheap floozy on Perry Mason.
“Yes. YES. It’s all true. I killed him, and I’m glad. I killed him because he said he was going to go back to his wife.”
I think that is what they really expect!
Hamas and Hezbollah are social movements that are progressive and are part of the Global Left,”
claims Judith Butler, an American philosopher and gender studies scholar whose work has influenced the fields of third-wave feminism and queer theory.
I do agree that Hamas and progs are not that different.
Collectivist, violent, and want to impose dystopia.
See women as second class citizens.
But Hamas can identify a woman.
Well, the protests are full of commies calling for genocide so… it checks out.
Wrong type of woman
If Ivanka had gone to work for a reputable nonprofit like Emily’s List, she’d be a hero to them. But she sold her soul for filthy lucre.
Though now I am second guessing myself. Is there some reason for the oil – like does it make the fish mix easier or something?
Yes, and it’s not so dry and mealy.
It’s greasy and snotty and alltogether disgusting when packed in oil. You can’t use it for making food because you can’t get the oil out and it ruins whatever you try to put it in.
All right. I’m going to give it another try. It’s been decades & I’ve been wrong about these things before.
/cf. decades of margarine and turkey bacon
MIght be worth shelling out for one of the good imported Italian ones to compare to one of the mass-market ones.
America’s Test Kitchen did a taste test:
Co-winner 1: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000VR8ZBS
Co-winner 2: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07QR286TL
Possibly easier to find – the StarKist Selects in EVOO made the ‘recommended’ list
Good lord! 9 bucks for a tin of tuna!? Over 2 bucks an ounce??
One bite of turkey bacon should have convinced you on that one.
There is no such thing as turkey bacon. It is a ridiculous myth.
Can Tuna should be dry and mealy, you gulp it fast for the protein not expecting it to taste good.
Sounds like something you tell the girlfriend or she tells you…
also hot sauce helps.
Why do you hate yourself?
The same Tish James who campaigned on “getting Trump” and who just happened to land a prejudicial judge? That New York Attorney General?
“Honest? Honest as the day is long.”
WRT Snow White- Bloom County did it in the 80s.
…may have to zoom in
Pitch Black.
They made that movie already.
Coal Black and de Sebben Dwarfs
I’m going to give it another try.
Quality tuna, packed in olive oil is best.
StarKist Solid White Albacore Tuna in Water . . . .
This is what I usually buy.
Depends on what your goal is.
If you are eating tuna to get a balanced low-calorie diet, I suspect the water is going to do you better.
It was in the rotation when I dropped 30 lbs in a month because the wife was not feeling it after one of the babies. Can of tuna, sweet salad cubes, spicy mustard and a few saltines. Swapped into my usual single grilled chicken breast with steamed broccoli.
Got back to wedding weight in 30 days. Kept it off for two years.
(She never even noticed. Oh well. Such is married life)
I don’t want any of it.
what is wrong with fresh tuna just slightly grilled?
Put it on the shelf for a few weeks and see if you want to eat it then.
Canned tuna is about shelf stable storage, not being the absolute best tuna possible. We are arguing the best within the context of the canned variety.
Halloween costumes for Programmers:
Those are bad puns even by my standards.
Oof. The only one that even gives a run at it is the Apache server.
One weird tic I have noticed in the coverage of the Biden impeachment noise… they always say “Republicans claim Biden benefitted from his son’s businesses overseas”
I do see some Republicans phrase it that way, but this isn’t the allegation at all. The allegation is that he has been taking bribes via his family members. An allegation that is well documented and well supported by participants in the money laundering portion of the scheme.
So why does anyone participate in this whitewashing? Nobody “alledges” that he benefitted from a business deal. That is silly. The word is “bribery”.
I get why the press wants to use neutered language that makes it sound like nothing is wrong… but why do any Republicans participate in that? Why not use “bribery” in every sentence describing it, so that it can’t be edited out?
We can split the atom, land on the moon, design molecules, and connect every person on the planet.
But it will cost $8bn to lay one mile of railroad track in SF.
Starship can’t launch because of a few bird nests.
Once upon a time, bureaucracy let us scale. Now, it is an organizational grift on the productive efforts of a small number of people.
Talent and productivity are Pareto-distributed in every organization. A minority of people do the majority of important work.
Our ability to execute and build a promising future has been bogged down by endless make-work committees, consultancies, NGOs, non-profits, departments and feel good impact assessments that do little more than virtue-signal and play zero-sum games with other peoples money.
Our potential doom will not be born of a lack of ambition, courage, talent, or willingness to execute on a bold vision of the future.
It will be because we inject our social institutions with so much friction, protocol, and fear – that we erode our civil liberties, rights, and freedoms in the name of safety.
The Starship delay is infuriating. Everyone involved knows that the “environmental impact” is less than a suburban shopping mall…. but they are spending millions on this theater.
For those not following, one of the more ludicrous concerns is that the water deluge system for launches might harm sensitive costal habitat. You know, because it releases fresh water.
Into a coastal marsh formed by the Rio Grand, and in a region prone to frequent heavy rainstorms.
But sure, a decent parking lot runoff level of water a half dozen times a year affecting maybe 10-20 acres at most… that is an existential threat.
The mind boggles.
“The Starship delay is infuriating. Everyone involved knows that the “environmental impact” is less than a suburban shopping mall…. but they are spending millions on this theater.”
When you no longer manufacture anything of value, your economy – GDP – depends on wasteful jobs like this bureaucratic shit.
There is also the very real probability that the left outrage over “free speech Elon” plays a role.
There is real tension within the government between “the military and NASA desperately need SpaceX” and “screw Twitter boy for fighting the censorship and propaganda machine”.
Most of the time the “environmental review” is a tool for NIMBYs rather than anything to do with the environment.
In this case, “NIMBY” is Jeff Bezos. Possibly ULA as well.
The series of “grass roots organization” lawsuits that have been brought have Bezos written all over them. They each received early attention in the WaPo. The WaPo is also known for periodic hit pieces on Musk and his companies.
The mind does not boggle. No one gives a flea’s turd about birds, lizards, plants or any other wildlife. Call it what it is: a hit on Musk.
He is as hated as Trump and for the same reason. He is not of the collective.
No one is fooled by this any more than they are fooled by the lawfare against Trump. It is all for show. Were it not for that those guys would just be shot.
I see where Mike Johnson is suddenly discovered to be one of the primary architects of the Jan. 6 apocalypse.
In the UK there was a 44000 page environmental report for a new nuclear power-plant and it was still challenged successfully by NIMBYs as not enough
Did anyone do an environmental impact statement on the publication of a 44,000 page environmental impact statement??
Wasn’t Weatherization one of the big Obama failures?
I’m pretty sure it was a Jimmy Carter talking point, before that.
October 30, 1806: The Prussians held the city of Stettin with over 5,000 troops, but they surrendered the city to just 800 French soldiers. The French General, Lassalle, sent word to Stettin demanding their surrender, claiming he commanded an army of 30,000 men, and the Prussians believed him.
The Fourth Coalition had just severely lost several battles to Napoleonic French forces and were reeling. Stettin was actually the third Prussian force that Lassalle had tricked into surrendering in a matter of three days, totaling almost 20,000 Prussian soldiers.
In the aftermath, French General Lannes wrote to Napoleon and said, “The Prussian army is in such a state of panic that the mere appearance of a Frenchman is enough to make it lay down its arms.”
Yayoi Kusama doesn’t need a race reckoning
Who expects the grande dame of installation art to be woke?
Yayoi Kusama creates demons too, although they don’t look like the fictional Pickman’s. Her pet horrors are all the more frightening for their ordinariness. She is afraid of sex, and men, and war, and food. Most of all, she’s afraid of disappearing into the endless white noise of the universe — or, in her parlance, of “Obliteration”. The polka dots she’s been famous for since the Sixties obscure the physical boundaries of whatever form they’re applied to, human or otherwise.
While her work flirts with the concept of suicide — the ultimate obliteration of the self, by the self — Kusama’s career has been astonishingly long-lived: today, she is a 94-year-old grande dame of the art world. This year saw the publication of a retrospective essay collection, Yayoi Kusama: 1945 to Now, as well as the opening of yet another solo show at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, the first two months of tickets for which have already sold out. Kusama has not yet been obliterated.
She might, however, be cancelled.
The allegations of racism centre largely on the autobiography, which came out in 2002, and details Kusama’s fraught relationship with her family, her struggle to be taken seriously as an artist in her native Japan, and the mental health issues that eventually resulted in her voluntary residence at the Tokyo hospital where she has lived since the Seventies. The most damning line from the book, though it does not actually appear in the English version of Infinity Net, is one in which Kusama describes the real estate values of her NYC neighbourhood tanking due to “black people shooting each other out front, and homeless people sleeping there”.
What is it with the Japs and Octopus porn?
Swift and terrible
A 13-year-old was shot and killed following an attempted carjacking in Penn Quarter.
D.C. police say they were called to the 600 block of D Street in Northwest around 10 p.m. on Saturday night for reports of a shooting.
Vernard Toney Jr., of Southeast, D.C. was found suffering from gunshot wounds. He was taken to a local hospital, where he died from his injuries.
D.C. police found during an initial investigation that a federal security officer who was off duty was sitting in his car when two juveniles approached him and demanded he exit the vehicle, according to a news release.
Police say one of the suspects was reportedly holding his hand in his front waistband pocket as if he had a handgun. As the security officer was getting out of the car, he used a hand gun to shoot one of the suspects. The other suspect fled the area.
According to police, the security guard legally owned the firearm and is cooperating with the investigation.
At this time, the security guard is not facing any criminal charges.
This is why self defense must be made illegal.
*how would this story play out if the driver had been a “private citizen”?
whatever side of the issue one may be there is a major problem if 13 year olds carjack.
Yes it is a major problem. The problem is that poor, inner city culture has morals and mores that contradict in almost every way those of the majority of Americans.
Most furriners when visiting this country want to see New York City, DC, Los Angeles and Disney World. Those places are shit and I wouldn’t set foot there if I was threatened at gun point. That is not America.
Wife recently had to serve jury duty. During voir dire the judge asked the potential jurors if any of them had any criminal records or extensive interaction with the criminal justice system. Nope, not a single one of them did. Did they have any relatives that had criminal records or extensive interaction with the criminal justice system? Nope, not one of them.
Wife came home that day and said “I love living here in Podunk more than I thought I did.”
Flyover country. That is America.
That is not America.
It has become America, unfortunately. A large majority of people live in Metropolitan areas, and ever since Obama, the incentives have been actively set up to push the ills of the city out into the suburbs in an attempt to establish solid blue voting blocs in the swing districts.
Back in TX, we saw many of the urban behaviors (sketchy people loitering around gas stations, schools, and apartment complexes, anti-social driving behavior, petty theft and B&Es, graffiti and petty vandalism, etc) encroaching on us nearly 40 miles out from the city center. Granted, it was much attenuated compared to the city center and we were on the cheap side of the suburb, but they’re the kinds of indicators that would have triggered a conversation of “this neighborhood is starting to go downhill” in decades past. Now that decline is happening in the outer suburbs and is largely unable to be addressed due to wokeness.
Here in SoFla we had some 13 year old kid stab his mother with a steak knife.
Prosecutors just announced they are prosecuting the kid as an adult.
This is pretty heinous…. but pretending that a middle school kid is an adult is hideous as well. I have middle school kids. They are in no way adults… and mine are super-smart, very mature and quite responsible. They are still nowhere close to adults in their ability to make choices.
I worry about a society that wants to throw a 13 year old kid in jail for life.
Do you want to adopt him?
The kid who stabbed his mother to death with the baby sleeping next to her?
Sorry, I’m not worried about him going to jail for life.
I worry about a society that wants to throw a 13 year old kid in jail for life.
What’s the alternative? Have him spend all of his teens, twenties, and thirties in prison and then release him when he’s forty-something into the world as a convicted felon and hope for the best? That doesn’t seem any more humane.
That’s near both the FBI and DC police headquarters.
first step to peace in the Middle East would be Israel and Hamas putting out a joint statement stating that Shaun King is very weird.
Did we ever get an explanation for his claims?
What were his claims? I forgot….black dude pretending to be white? The other way about?
I figure he will come out any day now as a tranny. Race trans is so passe now. We have moved on to using a meat cleaver on your junk to get real attention.