Sunday Morning Raiding of Tomb Links

by | Oct 22, 2023 | Daily Links | 117 comments

New York City has been fun, mostly because of the small doses. Walked through a weekend farmer’s market in the hipster part of Brooklyn, had some meals at the outdoor tables sported by nearly every restaurant as the reaction to the covid panic. While it’s nice to dine outside, the panhandlers have recognized a bonanza and you can’t get through more than three bites before having to argue with one. And really argue- those assholes are more persistent than trash-heap seagulls.

Birthdays today include several auspicious ones, including a guy who was always first in his class; my true personal hero; a guy who, if I said “Ferenc,” you’d have no idea; not the one who did that great movie with Robert deNiro and Jerry Lewis; everyone’s favorite travel agent; a guy that Warhol could only wish he could be; a mountain of a (((man))); a quack and fraud of the first water, who did us the service of showing how gullible people are; Riven’s deepest sexual fantasy; and the star of two of my all-time favorite TV shows.

Let’s go on to Links.


How’s that anthropogenic global warming coming along?


Look, I am unabashedly pro-Israel and pro-Zionist. But JFC, the US needs to stay the fuck out of this.


The Brits are shocked, shocked to find out that they sheltered and subsidized genocidal Jew-haters. Upcoming BBC report will show how this was Israel’s fault. The Guardian will report that in-depth.

Progressivism bites another one.


In other news, water is wet.


If you’ve ever tried driving through the parking lot of an Asian grocery, this story will make complete sense.


Sigh, it’s always a bit of a downer to see my childhood heroes age out. But y’know, despite the weakness in the voice, this is still solid and a fucking excellent song.

About The Author

Old Man With Candy

Old Man With Candy

Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me. Wait, wrong book, I'll find something else.


  1. SDF-7

    Morning, OMWC… dangnabbit if your ongoing romance isn’t making me think I should replay the Tomb Raider reboot game series, even with the stupid launcher and Epic multiplayer libraries they shoehorned in later (there was controversy at the time because there was some phoning home / web tracking stuff built into the Epic stuff, so I put them on my personal mental blacklist).

    Hope y’all are enjoying yourselves in NYC… off to read your links..

  2. SDF-7

    a guy who was always first in his class

    Ok… this one definitely merits a “How do you know these people?!?!” 😉

    Re: outdoor dining and panhandling:

    1) At least it is no longer BLM season where they were walking around demanding people genuflect to them. That was a fun time of fostering racial divisions. (eyeroll)

    2) Panhandling is doubtless one of the (many) reasons I dislike cities and am so uncomfortable in them. For ones pestering you in outdoor dining, my usual method of “ignore and walk with purpose” would be insufficient… unless you and Tomb Raider are adept at eating while walking swiftly around those little tables, I suppose…

    • robodruid

      It does seem that the amount of people, locations that begging has increased lately.

    • rhywun

      walking around demanding people genuflect to them

      Jeebus I forgot about that. Gives me hope that we can recover some more sanity. Until I watch English soccer yesterday and they’re still kneeling to BLM.

    • rhywun

      pestering you in outdoor dining

      This is where the staff need to nut up and tell the buzzards to piss off. Why that isn’t happening… well, I can come up with a few reasons – none of them good.

      Perhaps the biggest reason is that many of them are violent criminals and you never know if that’s the one you’re encountering today. These types aren’t the sad sacks the media like to portray – they choose the lifestyle.

    • hayeksplosives

      People use plastic and phone based payments so much nowadays; would a lie like “I don’t carry cash” make them move on?

      • Old Man With Candy

        That’s the line I’ve tried. They get more persistent. I wouldn’t be surprised to encounter a beggar with Square.

        The line I currently use (which works because I dress pretty shabbily) is, “Do I look like someone with money?”

      • Fourscore

        If they ask for bills give ‘m your tab.

  3. SDF-7

    How’s that anthropogenic global warming coming along?

    The climate cultists, those who use it for power and their media lapdogs rely on Short Attention Span theater to take no accountability for their promises or predictions (or predilections for that matter).

    Haven’t followed the link to read the English version (certainly don’t know Norwegian), but this also sounds interesting on that topic.

  4. WTF

    ‘Calculated misery’: Here’s why airlines want you to be uncomfortable’
    I suppose they also take into account people like me who now avoid flying to avoid this crap.

    • SDF-7

      From the sidebar of that story — someone didn’t realize you’re supposed to just send people in to walk out with carts of merchandise and resell it in California.

      Alternate take… wow… kind of wondering just what the hell was with the accounting at that store that it took that long to notice… have to think she was in charge of the books to get away with that.

      • Fourscore

        Pretty good haul for a year’s worth of work. Ex government employee?

      • juris imprudent

        That effort shows a degree of ambition incompatible with govt employment.

    • Gender Traitor

      Whenever the day after my sister & BIL’s anniversary is/was this month will be/was the 40th anniversary of my last commercial flight.

      OK, I’ll try to stop bragging about that now.

  5. SDF-7

    The Brits are shocked, shocked to find out that they sheltered and subsidized genocidal Jew-haters.

    Beyond the home grown ones the colleges seem determined to push out — I’ll be stunned if we aren’t giving the high life to quite a few ourselves.

  6. PieInTheSky

    How’s that anthropogenic global warming coming along?

    It is going fanfuckingtastic. 29 fucking degrees and sunny in late fucking October. And not a drop of rain. I was out at 10 at night in a tshirt and was not cold at all.

    • SDF-7

      I was out at 10 at night in a tshirt and was not cold at all.

      The undead are typically tolerant of temperature changes and all….

    • Lackadaisical

      Yeah, way too hot. This morning is the coolest it will be for a while, trying to feel cold before it goes away…

  7. SDF-7

    If you’ve ever tried driving through the parking lot of an Asian grocery, this story will make complete sense.

    Yeah, my sympathies for China trying to expand their Greater East Asia Co-prosperity Sphere is pretty minimal.

  8. PieInTheSky

    Look, I am unabashedly pro-Israel and pro-Zionist. But JFC, the US needs to stay the fuck out of this.

    divest and sanction OMWC!

      • Fourscore

        It’s getting tougher to determine the pecking order of hatred.

      • Old Man With Candy

        I’m at the top.

        BTW, thanks much for the photo. Tomb Raider asked, “Who ARE all these people?” I gave a vague explanation.

      • Chafed

        Well said Fourscore.

      • rhywun

        They just learned more in those 30 seconds, than in the current semester from whichever professor is pushing their propaganda on them.

      • Chafed

        Do you really believe they learned anything?

    • SDF-7

      Given the love and support the Islamic community shows towards their LGBT+ citizens in their countries, I’m sure we are all just flabbergasted that this would occur.


  9. rhywun

    perpetual exile

    This needs to make a comeback.

    • SDF-7

      You somehow have “stack” messing up that link.

      • Lackadaisical

        That’s the dumbest thing I’ve heard today… Still a long way to go.

      • SDF-7

        Ok… now that I’ve read it… seriously? The privilege of starving as a potato peasant because your English lords are uncaring partiers back in London?

        The privilege of “no dogs or Irish” when your relatives immigrated to the States?

        The privilege of being stuck in a century or so of civil war?

        “Sod off, you bloody idiots” should have been the reaction to that draft. This whole fucking “You are the majority in the country because no one immigrated here due to it being a shithole prior, therefore you are privileged” is such stupid neo-Marxist, attempting to divide people bullshit. Ack pphbbbt!

    • Chafed

      The Communists are gone. Why is the bus system so miserable?

  10. SDF-7

    I was expecting….

    • SDF-7

      I was not expecting a Romanian cover of Holding Out for a Hero, admittedly.

      • SDF-7

        Dear Lord… I tapped out in the middle of the bus saga. Hey kid — seems like a good opportunity for you to start a private bus company that actually can take reservations (especially if you can apparently really use small vans). I assume you’d need some capital investment — but Kickstarter / Patreon / whatnot seems workable for people with any internet presence (because apparently those who watch the videos a lot don’t mind throwing a few bucks.. and worldwide you can get enough of them).

        So step up and fix the problem instead of bitching about it, good sir.

      • PieInTheSky

        people who would pay kickstarter have a car and drive.

      • SDF-7

        I was thinking about fans of his videos in other countries and all.

    • Ted S.

      So you’ve finally given birth?

      Better than Brochettaward.

      • SDF-7

        Dammit… I Brooks’d that, didn’t I? If it wasn’t obvious — it was meant as a reply to Pie’s “Things I Hate About Living in Romania”, dangnabbit.

  11. SDF-7

    Crappy day — but possibly because I shouldn’t have tried it right after getting up.

    I played 10/22:
    *21/21 words
    🎯 In the top 26% by accuracy

    I played 10/22:
    66/66 words (+5 bonus words)
    🎯 In the top 5% by accuracy
    🔥 Solve streak: 60

    • Sean

      I played 10/22:
      66/66 words (+16 bonus words)
      📖 In the top 29% by bonus words
      🔥 Solve streak: 2

      I played 10/22:
      21/21 words (+2 bonus words)
      📖 In the top 34% by bonus words

    • rhywun

      I played 10/22:
      21/21 words
      🎯 Perfect accuracy

      I am in the middle of 10/22, where the hell are the words?
      28/66 words (+2 bonus words)
      Play streak: 35

  12. rhywun

    But JFC, the US needs to stay the fuck out of __________.

    Let’s play Mad Libs!

    • SDF-7

      … the United Nations.

      … Europe.

      …. land wars in Asian.

      … arguments against Sicilians when death is on the line.

      … my fucking wallet.

    • Beau Knott

      My all time favorite, from (I think) National Lampoon:
      US out of North America!

  13. rhywun

    The Brits are shocked, shocked to find out that they sheltered and subsidized genocidal Jew-haters.

    And some of you think WFH can’t work.

  14. DEG

    With 16 years more data under our belts, we see a very different outcome. The 2023 sea ice minimum on 18/19 September was indistinguishable from that of 2007 when all the hysterical screaming began. ZERO net change in 17 years. The linear trend since 2007 is indistinguishable from zero ( around -0.17% per year ). Sadly, virtually no one seems to be aware of this GOOD NEWS because there is a stony silence from the media who steadfastly avoid mentioning it and climatologists who prefer to divert the discussion elsewhere : ice maximum, Antarctic sea ice, calving glaciers …. anything but canaries !!

    “Doommongers are often wrong” is like saying “water is wet”.

    Old Guy Music is good.

    • Dr. Fronkensteen

      See all our policies worked. Do you wish to buy my tiger repelling rock. It also works against global warming.

    • Ted S.

      Florida is even wangier than normal.

      • SDF-7

        Bit shriveled, though… “Look, that ocean is COLD!”

    • SDF-7

      Because Americans know what South American looks like and realize there’s nothing hanging off of Brazil like that?

      I mean — unless your answer is “Atlantis”, I can’t even imagine what else people would be thinking… I’d hope it would be 100% of Americans. And Europeans. And Asians.

      • SDF-7

        And looking at it more… when did the Great Lakes move to the Mexican border? What the hell generated this map, Civ II with a randomizer?

      • Dr. Fronkensteen

        They’re taking our jobs and our lakes. Although L.A. would find a way to steal all that water back.

      • Not Adahn

        Don’t forget TX being in Canada now.

  15. KK, Non-Man

    You sound like you’ve already been inured to lefty Utopia. “Oh it’s not so bad! There are nice areas where the needles and feces get cleaned up once a week!”

    • SDF-7

      But it was all right, everything was all right, the struggle was finished. He had won the victory over himself. OMWC loved Big City.

  16. KK, Non-Man

    Speaking of progressive hellholes. I have one leftist friend in PDX (that’s Portland OR if you need me to be inefficient about it) that insists the city is totally cool and the media is lying. I have another leftist friend that recently visited Portland for work and says the city is dangerous and sad and is already dead.

    • prolefeed

      Asked my sister who lives in PDX about the riots and other mostly peaceful protests, and she said, “Oh, there’s a little bit of stuff going on downtown. It’s nice here in my neighborhood.”

      Got much the same response from my sister in law in the Twin Cities when parts of downtown was on fire: “That’s Minneapolis. Here in St. Paul has been fine.”

  17. The Late P Brooks

    I’m reading all Israel war headlines in the voice of that WWII newsreel footage narrator.

  18. The Late P Brooks

    And really argue- those assholes are more persistent than trash-heap seagulls.

    The urge to pepper spray them would be overpowering.

  19. The Late P Brooks

    Loyalty oath

    Rep. Mike Flood (R-Neb.) is urging his caucus to vote together as chaos over the House Speakership continues, launching a unity pledge for lawmakers to commit to a single candidate.

    The House has been without a Speaker for nearly three weeks after nominees, Majority Leader Steve Scalise (R-La.) and Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), failed to secure enough support to win election to replace former Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.), after he was ousted from the top spot earlier this month.

    Flood’s simple, two-paragraph pledge states that the signing member promises to vote for the eventual GOP-designated nominee, no matter who it is.

    “The Unity Pledge is a new effort to help our conference put our differences aside and come together,” Flood said on X, formerly Twitter. “I’m urging all my colleagues to join this pledge so we can move forward with electing a Speaker and get on with the people’s business.”

    That’s how you gain the confidence of your constituents.

    • prolefeed

      “I’ll call all y’all when a libertarian-leaning candidate like Massie gets nominated. Do you promise to blindly unite behind that candidate, no matter who they are?”

      • juris imprudent

        Hahaha, yeah, like the two wings of the GOP hate bird are going to settle on the taint of the party to be supreme leader.

      • Chafed

        You have a way with words.

  20. The Late P Brooks

    Mystifying anti-establishment fury

    Afoul-mouthed, far-right populist who has been described as a cross between Boris Johnson and the killer doll Chucky is in pole position to become president of South America’s second-largest economy as Argentina chooses its next leader on Sunday against a backdrop of anti-establishment fury and economic disarray.

    Election-eve polls suggest Javier Milei, a charismatic and wild-haired political outsider who found fame pontificating on television chat shows about monetary policy and sex, could sneak a first-round win, although a November runoff is likely.

    At his final campaign event in Buenos Aires on Wednesday, the 53-year-old “anarcho-capitalist” addressed a packed 15,000-capacity stadium from a stage adorned with a banner proclaiming him “The Only Solution” to Argentina’s economic malaise.


    In suburban Buenos Aires, Milei’s Peronist rival, the finance minister Sergio Massa, asked factory workers for support despite the slump his government has overseen, with 40% of Argentina’s 47 million citizens living in poverty amid triple-digit inflation. “It makes me really angry when I hear those who want to govern Argentina say we are a shitty country,” Massa said of his rightwing opponent’s apocalyptic portrayals of the South American nation. “We’re a wonderful country.”

    The third main contender, the conservative former security minister Patricia Bullrich, denounced Milei’s “bad and dangerous” ideas, which include abolishing the central bank, loosening gun laws and even legalizing the sale of human organs. Bullrich urged parents to discourage their children from supporting Milei, whom many disillusioned young Argentinians consider “a saviour or messiah”.

    Terrifying, indeed.

    I’d be pissed if somebody compared me to Boris Johnson.

    • Don escaped Texas


      right: wouldn’t want to upset that 40% poverty rate with anything that might stimulate freedom and growth


      Where do they get this stuff? I’m no expert on Milei, but being charismatic doesn’t make you a populist: social programs do.

      I also can’t think of any way in which the far-right can be anarcho-capitalist: either you want to tell someone how to live or you don’t.

      • juris imprudent

        If you don’t tell people how to live their lives the proper way (in deference to leftist/credentialist orthodoxy), then you are the enemy of all that is good.

      • prolefeed

        “We got twenty approved words to describe those Nazi fascist far-right anarchistic totalitarian dictatorial racist despotic autocratic tyrannical small government conspiracy theorist libertarians. They all mean the same thing — icky people who disagree with us doubleplusgoodthinkers.”

    • DrOtto

      You know who else was charismatic?

      • creech

        Ayn Rand?

      • Tres Cool

        John Stamos ?

      • Suthenboy

        Steven Wright?

  21. The Late P Brooks

    Experts say a Milei victory would likely precipitate a period of severe turbulence. “The major risk is governability, which is a polite way of saying social and political chaos,” said Benjamin Gedan, the director of the Wilson Center’s Latin America Program.

    “The Argentine population is heavily mobilized and very politically engaged … If [Milei] truly tries to implement a kind of a brutal and abrupt austerity program, that would provoke Argentines to defend their economic health and ability to maintain a reasonable quality of life. So you could just see a really chaotic scenario,” Gedan added. “This is a G20 economy, about to roll the dice and embrace some really radical policy ideas.”

    Trust the experts. Stick with the proven losers.

    • prolefeed

      The “economic health” of triple digit inflation and 40% living in poverty?

      This is how bad it has to get for a libertarian to get elected, apparently.

      • juris imprudent

        Just prepping the ground for the eventual coup that will remove him.

      • Don escaped Texas

        you should be deeply concerned about how often I’m thinking the same thing

    • Dr. Fronkensteen

      How many socialistic societies attempted over how many centuries and people still don’t get the idea that socialism doesn’t work. SMDH

      Although there will be some disruption of the economy trying to untangle the Gordian knot of government largesse.

      • juris imprudent

        THE THEORY IS RIGHT, IT’S THE PEOPLE THAT KEEP FUCKING IT UP!!! /true believers everywhere

  22. DrOtto

    In Austin, they come into the restaurants now to panhandle. It really livens up the meal to have a morbidly obese woman, with tits practically spilling out of her undergarments, which is all she was wearing, smelling of shit come to your table and beg for money.

    • DrOtto

      And I’ve said it before but I’ll say it again – America is the greatest country because we have the fattest “starving” people in the world.

    • Sean

      That’s wild. Does Texas not have trespassing laws?

      • DrOtto

        Downtown Austin and she was black. The Austin police are absolutely not enforcing anything against homeless trespassing. We had tent cities for a bit, but they reinstated the public camping ban, but that is selectively enforced as well. Instead of tent cities, you have slightly lower profile tent towns. I’ve lived in this region for 17 years and I’ve seen more public masterbation and defecation than anyone should put up with.

      • DEG

        I was going to say… Austin.

        As someone here once said, Austin is surrounded by Texas.

        Here in southern NH, in Nashua, the homeless people started doing the same thing at downtown restaurants not long after indoor dining started up during the Lil Rona Panic. Nashua is run by Progressive Democrats, but a) it is in NH where government is actually rather centralized despite “local control” being a buzzword, b) the state governor picks the city police chief (only city like that in NH as I understand it), and c) the downtown restaurants have a lot of pull with the city government. Pretty quickly the Nashua city police started regular foot patrols where they’d stop in at restaurants to check in to see if homeless people had dropped in to harass patrons. The homeless person practice of coming into restaurants to hassle customers eating indoors stopped pretty quickly.

      • Don escaped Texas

        Austin is surrounded by Texas

        yes: but most states are some version of this; I insist Texas is not remotely (pardon the pun) as different as it wish it were

        no: either DAL, SAT, HOU, and ELP aren’t “Texas” or Austin isn’t unique, just the worst of the cesspools; I’m overstating this in that SAT and HOU have huge, successful working class communities, but they don’t vote in numbers to undo the national trends

        Texas is utterly normal in that it pits the useless urban leftist leaches versus rural/suburban normies

      • DEG

        I had looked into moving to Texas. I like the Hill Country, and Austin has work for me, so I was looking for outside of Austin.

        As an example of what I knew about Texas not being what it is cracked up to be, I knew Texas’ gun laws weren’t all that great. I remember trying to explain to people what they actually were back then, and people looked at me dumbfounded. Texas has constitutional carry now, so things are better than they were.

    • KSuellington

      That’s happened to me exactly once in many many times of eating out in SF. And it was in a cheap Vietnamese pho joint. The dude got ushered out within 30 seconds of waking in and approaching tables.

  23. The Late P Brooks

    I also can’t think of any way in which the far-right can be anarcho-capitalist: either you want to tell someone how to live or you don’t.

    Welcome to the Humpty Dumpty School of Political Journalism.

  24. The Late P Brooks

    You know who else was charismatic?

    Frank Sinatra?

  25. DEG

    Mmm…. Irish coffee

    • R.J.


      Goes back to black gas station coffee

      • DEG

        At my house.

        Teeling’s (I think their single malt), this coffee, and some heavy cream.

        Later, if the rain doesn’t restart, I’ll mow the lawn.

  26. The Late P Brooks

    We are anxiously waiting for the final list of dead and maimed

    Michigan State apologized Saturday night after a pregame trivia segment on the Spartan Stadium video board included Adolf Hitler.

    The segment apparently asked fans to name where Hitler was born. After a picture of the video board started making the rounds on social media, Michigan State issued a statement in the second half of its blowout loss to Michigan and said a “third-party source” was to blame for including the German dictator as part of the pregame content.

    “MSU is aware that inappropriate content by a third-party source was displayed on the sideboard prior to the start of tonight’s football game,” Michigan State associate athletic director Matt Larson said in a statement. “We are deeply sorry for the content that was displayed, as this is not representative of our institutional values. MSU will not be using the third-party source going forward and will implement stronger screening and approval procedures for all video board content in the future.”

    Deeply deeply sorry, we are. The last thing you could possibly expect to see at an institution of higher learning is a picture of an important historical figure.

    They should really have put the picture up with the query, “Who is this man? Do you know?”

  27. Chafed

    I can’t believe Wikipedia omitted Deep Cover from Jeff Goldblum’s work. That is an awesome, overlooked, and underappreciated movie.

    • DrOtto

      Not a Goldblum superfan, but yes, he was excellent in that and it was a good movie. Also, it had a hell of a theme song. It was the first time I heard Snoop Dogg.

      • R.J.

        I liked him in Earth Girls are Easy.

      • Chafed

        I’m not gaga over him. Both he and Lawrence Fishburne turned in fantastic performances. The movie is well written, acted, and directed. I can only assume revealing the futility of the drug war doesn’t make you any friends.

  28. kinnath

    So what is he playing in the music video? The body looks too small for even a parlor guitar. It looks closer to a baritone ukulele.

    • Chafed

      That is not a well woman.

    • Fourscore

      Compared to all the other horned, pierced people he/she/them, we’uns may be onto something.

  29. KK, Non-Man

    Apparently they make a lactose-free version of every kind of dairy product except half & half (and other high fat creams). The oat creamer I found is fine in hot coffee, but it ain’t gonna cut it in my iced coffee.

    • kinnath

      Brilliant ad.

  30. The Late P Brooks


    A homeowner is mulling the next step after a company mistakenly demolished a home she owned in south-west Atlanta.

    Susan Hodgson said in an interview on Saturday with the Associated Press that she found a pile of rubble in place of what used to be her longtime family property when she returned from vacation last month.

    “I am furious,” Hodgson said. “I keep waking up thinking, ‘Is this all a joke or something?’ I’m just in shock.”

    She said a neighbor called her while she was away and asked if someone had been hired to tear down the vacant house.

    “I said ‘no’ and she said, ‘Well, there’s someone over here who just demolished the whole house and tore it all down,’” Hodgson recalled.

    I kind of wish somebody would come demolish my house “by accident”.

    • Chafed

      That’s nuts.