I’ve been in Mexico all week, so I’m out of the loop. I hear things have been a shitshow, but I have missed most all of it.

But I will take a moment to discuss the Rugby World Cup and what a pair of absolutely amazing quarterfinal matches we witnessed. It’s a shame either of the two losers had to bow out because those were Final-level contests and it’s a shame they were the first knockout rounds. OK, Houston has finally gotten their act together and will at least avoid a sweep. I expect Phoenix to do the same later today. I don’t know what else to discuss. Max will probably dominate this week at Austin, but I’ll be in Columbus watching the Buckeyes play Penn State. And that’s out for sports.

At least these people started a trip
Is Ja Rule involved in this? Because it sounds like Ja Rule is involved in this.
Let’s pray for a sane jury. Because this guy deserves a medal, not a prison sentence.
Good. Fuck ’em. These are the same bastards who would cancel somebody for someone online a faggot when they were a teenager. Pardon me if I laugh at them losing job prospects because they’re a bunch or retarded clowns who sign on to genocide decrees.

It’s about fucking time. Let’s see if it lasts.
What a sad state of affairs. Oh wait…I don;’t give a shit.
I wouldn’t want to be the actuary who signed off on their policy. Because if this dude wants them to be more aggressive than they’ve been, they’ll be a billion dollars in the hole within a couple years.
Jeez, that’s a mess. Which the city will undoubtedly make worse when the dust settles.
This is quality trolling. And I wholeheartedly approve.
Let’s rock! Well, after the intro anyway. Here’s one that gets going quicker. Enjoy them both.
And enjoy this lovely Thursday, dear friends!
Three years on a cruise ship? I’d rather be shot.
You don’t like buffet service food?
It would be a tale of a fateful trip, certainly.
Is Sloopy on the road and in another time zone?
Early, the links are.
Grammar, Yoda study did not!
OSV in the hizzouse!
I swear whoever made up Yoda-speak spoke Japanese.
The word order is quite similar.
Kurasawa films George Lucas liked.
Like Kerosawa, he made mad films.
I thought that was Stanley Kramer
Ok, I don’t make films……. (but if I did, they’d have a samurai).
Isn’t Japanese SOV not OSV?
I think Japanese is V, with S and O being determined by context and implication.
Usually SOV. But it’s much more flexible than English.
What’s important if you diverge from that is that you add particles (grammar markers) to each word and you can mix them up. Otherwise in conversation you can omit the particles too.
The usual convention is verb at the end, but in conversation that’s not a hard rule. Written it would be.
Sloopy had to sneak across the border… It puts you out of sorts.
I’ve been in Mexico all week
Life at Sea cruises is due to launch its three-year, round-the-world cruise next month, setting sail from Istanbul on November 1. But with just weeks to go, the company has not yet secured a ship for the voyage.
Let’s not get hung up on minor details.
I’m not a cruise line, but I’d find a ship before setting a start date.
Maybe they should reach out to the producers of Married with Children and see if the Sea Dodge is available.
I’m pretty sure the CoS wants to unload the Freewinds.
They’ve had a flood of cancellations, probably are looking for a bailout. I hear they will be issuing floating rate bonds.
I could get on board with that, hope their plans don’t get deep sixed.
The ebb and flow of the industry might just sink them.
It’s not worth it, their yield will be underwater.
something something sunk cost
From what I read – as long as there’s a reciprocating rate their investors consider it full steam ahead.
Swiss’ gaze will take the wind out of your sails.
Watyre Festival
Something like a Warty Festival, only with less rum, buggery and long pork?
Deck estimates are coming in. Premier guy is like $20K but he pitched I needed everything redone. I get that, that is his standard. I disagree as do the other quotes. Low quote was laughable and didn’t even take it serious…3K. Even if just the decking and railing, I don’t think that would even cover materials.
Two more quotes pending before we select who we go with.
“Materials? That’s a change request. Labor? That’s a change request. You want it actually done? That’s a bigger change request.”
Sign seen in an old cubicle:
Questions: $5.00
Answers: $10.00
Correct answers: $25.00
Wait, I could charge for that?
Damn, I could have been rich.
Answers to the question you really should be asking: $100
Agile deck repair. We got your requirements, now here’s two nails in a board. We’ll be back next PI and add another board.
Woah, woah, woah, Nails were not in the RFP.
You wanted the handrails sanded? I’m sorry, that’s a change request, please fill out this RFQ and we’ll put together some cost and time estimates for you.
The big money is in the paperwork and lawfare…
Paint? No, that’s not in the standing agreement.
You all joke, but this kind of stuff actually happens in construction. Agile or not.
Don’t forget the lawyer fees to fight the lien placed against your property.
Sounds like Boeing work plans.
Seems that contractors have several jobs going at the same time, if it rains go to an indoor job site, windy, avoid roof work, your job? Well, that’ll get started when all the materials are available.
I learned many years ago to put a bonus on early completion, a penalty on overdue times. Keeps everyone honest.
Interesting. The wife and I have started talking about getting our front porch fixed/replaced. It’s a really old house and the wood is starting to sag and pull away from the house a bit. We haven’t even bothered bringing someone out to quote yet because we don’t have near enough money to spare on that now, but it’s a looming project.
So for the time being you’ve decided to shore it up with the bones of your enemies?
I’m very happy the previous owner of the house I’m in now pulled out the back porch, and just left it a small patio (you can see the different colors in the siding from where the porch was). One of the early projects we got done was replacing the cheap wooden stairs that stepped down from the patio door with some stone ones.
Jussie doesn’t know what pain is.
He will disagree with you, because for some reason he didn’t get away with telling lies like everyone else is….
So….she’s supposed to see that the ship has a proper religious upbringing?
No swingers cruise!
I’m in a good mood. We’ll see how long it lasts. Early lynx help. Or Early lynx get the marmot or some such thing.
True story: at the Montreal Biodome, they have some lynx, which of course are shy creatures and hide from the tourists. Until the employees put out a cardboard box. Now the lynx sit there and the ticket-buyers can see them.
What is it about carboard boxes that make them irresistable to cats?
I’ll have some of whatever NA is having.
Kinda pricey, but brews up well in my coffee maker.
Try our new Arsenic and Cyanide flavors
Mrs. TOK never drank coffee until a few months ago. She bought that to try it out, not knowing the caffeine content. Turns out she loves the flavor and it agrees with her stomach.
Hah. Just picked up a bag at Costco.
Fascinating. I had no idea they had gotten into that kind of volume. They’re local to m.
Probably a test run for Costco. I’ve seen a lot of stuff show up for awhile and then disappear.
They started off being sold through an indie coffee shop on Broadway, then got into some sort of fight with them. Now AFAIK, you can only get it brewed at their place a few blocks south. It’s in all the grocery stores where I shop though.
Out of curiosity, what’s it priced at? I’ve never seen it cheaper than $19/lb, so I’m wondering if Costco managed it.
$21.99 for a 2 lb bag.
Excellent deal.
That dark chocolate rum ball coffee looks intriguing.
That weed company ultimately failed, and the executives have since fled the Bay Area — leaving behind dozens of lawsuits, $51.5 million in debt and a toxic legacy of polluting the area with diesel fumes.
“Toxic diesel fumes” are a by-product of deliveries, unless every vendor who ships to Oakland has a fleet of electric trucks.
I thought they coal-rolled their way out of town.
According to the story, it was a by-product of generators installed outside to “assist” their pot business. I’m wondering how the city didn’t get wind of that and shut it down. Because I don’t think you or I can run diesel generators outside our homes for two years straight without attracting some attention from the local pooh-bahs.
You Sir, are correct.
Depends on where in Oaktown they are. Out in the deep east, oh, yeah. No one is gonna say squat about a know pot business, unless it is to pull a robbery on it.
Nobody likes Mittens, and he only eats salmon on a bun smothered with ketchup:
It doesn’t say he likes it well done, but I think we can safely assume so. No word on how many scoops of ice cream he eats at a time.
As long as it’s more scoops than everyone else.
‘To erase this history should be considered criminal to the African American Community at large!”’
GFYS. IT ain’t your building and it ain’t history.
“Nobody’s erasing anything, you drama queen. You’re losing your below-market studio space. And stop tying to live off your father’s legacy and go do something yourself. “
If the community was truly anriracist, they’d take up a voluntary collection and buy the building.
whaddup doh’
/leaving georgia
Sitting at a desk, editing power points.
Sitting at a desk waiting for people to respond to emails.
Sitting at my desk at home, messing around with links and reading news before I start work for real in an hour (after skimming Slack and emails to make sure no dumpster fires arose overnight), wishing I was going back to Georgia since TresCool mentioned it.
Hey, homey! I sure hope this isn’t where you take Tres Jr. for your weekend breakfasts. 😟
So the school will be on the hook for the $$? Great idea. Now do four-year colleges.
The four-year colleges are smart enough to not promise lucrative careers for their women’s studies degree.
The engineering schools know they don’t have the lab equipment for anyone to study women for four years….
These days there are a no BA degrees that are worth the ROI it seems.
Also smart enough to present as “non-profit”.
Meh, I’m not the ACAB train. The pendulum has shifted so far in the other direction that cops are now walking off the job rather than being even “minimally aggressive” which gets them in trouble esp. if the races are wrong.
I’d generally agree with everything you said, but Chicago cops are known thugs. They didn’t pony up a quarter billion dollars in a decade to settle excessive force and false imprisonment suits (with only one officer terminated, btw) for nothing.
Some are, sure. I don’t know how many or what percentage or whatnot.
The fact is, cops all over the country are drawing back since The Floyd Incident. Quitting in large numbers too, and those jobs aren’t being filled.
Me neither, but I am absolutely on “the job of a cop preferentially selects for bastards” train.
I knew one personally (and before he became a cop) and he was a great guy. I suppose a sample size of one doesn’t scale well.
The only other defense I can offer is that when folks in high-crime areas are actually questioned about this, they want more cops – not fewer.
The way it seems to me, once you accept that they exist in whatever system you’re in (minarchist or very much not) is that you want them to be doing certain things, and not doing other things.
And they largely seem to have the lists utterly flipped.
Depends on who you ask and the neighborhood. There are several that would probably much prefer the old mob style protection. Yeah, you were paying, but you could at least ask for someone to be held accountable.
I have never heard of anyone missing the mob but I’ll take your word for it.
I knew some folks that grew up in Philly that preferred the Mob to the Philly cops.
To add on: These folks always said the Mob was honest. People that think they aren’t don’t pay attention to what the Mob says and what the Mob doesn’t say. These folks considered the Philly cops completely dishonest.
Who the fuck holds the mob accountable?
Other mobsters.
To be a bit serious, I have known a number of cops who were perfectly nice — to me.
But being nice to your friends isn’t exactly the sign of a good person, is it?
Listening to the stories they told of how they treated people who “deserved it” made me realize out of the dozens of LE I’ve known, I’ve never met one who wouldn’t abuse their power if they thought it was for a good cause.
It is easy to say one would not abuse power when they have it.
It is a rare person who can actually take themselves out of the moment and say “It is not my role to say who deserves it.”
So what you’ve discovered is that police are people too.
That’s always been my point, with the addition of:
Incentives, how do they work?
A job that lets you get away with abusing people attracts those who want to get away with abusing people. See also: youth ministers, school teachers, priests, scoutmasters, mortuary workers, etc.
We weren’t friends exactly – coworkers at a supermarket and saw him out at bars.
OTOH I knew another guy – also a coworker at the same supermarket – who became friends with us and he went to become an asshole jail warden.
Not to go all cop-sucker, but how many people in other professions have you seen or heard do the same thing? A lot. Just this week, a couple doctors have been fired in multiple cities for jew hating comments, do you think they would treat a Haredim well? Or how about every hospital worker who had a power trip about non-vaxed? DMV workers who regularly fuck with people just because they don’t like them? Mechanics who fuck over women who don’t know better about car repair? The list goes on and on.
People take advantage of power differentials, and justify it with some “they deserve it” nonsense. And all of them abuse their power as they tell themselves it is a good cause.
You’re not wrong. But a public part of the job of a cop is badge/baton/gun/qualified immunity. Maybe some garbage truck guys get into the business because they want to dump trash on people’s yards and get away with it. Some guys (I knew two) do go into the military because they actually want to see how they’ll perform in a kill or be killed situation. A lot of firefighters are adrenaline junkies and/or Big Damn Hero wannabees. There may be some people who become surgeons so they can have an oopsie when cutting into a person they don’t like, but I’d bet it’s smaller than the people who become a cop to clean up the streets by getting rid of the scum.
And, as I point out below, that qualified immunity is just going to get worse, as they need to attract people to make up for the fuck up of the last few years of hate.
Rinse, repeat.
Any system that drives out accountability will have entirely predictable results.
OK, Not Adah, after a bit of a think, the reason I am pushing back on this is comes down to this; I don’t deal with cops too much at this point, but I do deal with the medical establishment. And, as we all saw, they can shut down the whole country in their dickishness, and treat those whom they disagree with, the unvaxed for example, as Dalits in their eyes. And the other group, who I don’t deal with directly anymore, but have been around my entire life, are college professors*, who on a daily level spread their dickishness in ways that are detrimental to a whole host of people and to the country at large. And both those groups attract people who like petty, or greater power and love to flex their muscles with it, as we saw over the last few years via the med industry and COVID, and college professors and the spread of bad ideas.
Yes, policing can be attractive to someone who wants to “get rid of the scum” as you say, but that tendency runs just as deep in many other groups
*not all PhDs, but specifically profs.
Eh, I have known a lot of cops over the years, and it is just like anything else, 20% are a-holes, 20% are saints, and the rest are just people working a job. And this goes for city, state and fed.
But as usual the assholes ruin things for everyone.
But as an aside, one of the reasons things are so fucked, and are only going to get worse in this regard, is that the pressure to defund and other nonsense will result in loss of accountability, even higher salaries to recruit, and more militarized policing. All of which is what caused this whole mess in the first place.
But 100% are heroes, amirite?
Nah, that’s nurses.
“I wouldn’t want to be the actuary who signed off on their policy. Because if this dude wants them to be more aggressive than they’ve been, they’ll be a billion dollars in the hole within a couple years.”
Why would they have to care? There are tax payers to solve that issue.
Since the links were early, posting this a little early…
I played https://squaredle.com/xp 10/19:
*21/21 words
🎯 In the top 13% by accuracy
I played https://squaredle.com 10/19:
*45/45 words (+6 bonus words)
🎯 Perfect accuracy
🔥 Solve streak: 54
I played https://squaredle.com 10/19:
45/45 words (+8 bonus words)
🔥 Solve streak: 4
I played https://squaredle.com/xp 10/19:
*21/21 words (+2 bonus words)
📖 In the top 42% by bonus words
I played https://squaredle.com/xp 10/19:
21/21 words (+2 bonus words)
🎯 In the top 14% by accuracy
I played https://squaredle.com 10/19:
45/45 words (+10 bonus words)
📖 In the top 35% by bonus words
🔥 Solve streak: 25
I wonder what the solve streak is exactly. And what is the asterisk you guys have and I don’t.
Don’t know exactly on either count — but I can say that the solve streak apparently includes going back through the archive. I started late September, and I’ve now gone back and cleared all of September and am pushing back into August — and it popped up a “Completed 50 Squadrles” a few back — so that’s my 54. Has to include those.
Ah. You’re a paying customer, then? I was suspecting that is what the asterisk means.
I’m not.
Yeah, I figured it was worth some support.
Ah… no hints used.
Fuck that. I want the hints.
The adults are in charge….
“Where’s his mind at these days?”
I’ve said it before, but we have a massive lack of good leadership in the world right now and this vacant stare is Exhibit A.
The question is; are we in the Weimar part of the cycle, or have we moved up into the prelude to war?
Ready to go to war to preserve the Weimar?
It appears that the decision to go to war has been made and the monsters are trying to pick the best outrage vector to get popular support.
And we’re gonna fall for it again.
Apparently, it has something to with Jews again, as well.
Trashy will be in the DFW area this weekend. We are meeting up at Whiskey Cake in Plano, Friday after 5:00.
Address: 3601 Dallas Pkwy, Plano Tx, 75093
Menu: https://whiskeycake.com/menu/tx/plano-tx/
Herd those cats, Texas Glibs!
It’s painfully slow, but be sure to at least watch the end. I legit laughed out loud.
Screw you shopping cart…oh you want some too landscape rocks?
Do we have any guesses on the age of the, naturally a Cadillac, driver?
That’s over 80 and on too many pills.
Day drinker.
Yes. Definitely old. The young hip hop Cadillac drivers would have changed the factory rims at least.
My wife says she knows that guy but he drive an F150 and wouldn’t let the rocks bother him.
Seems kindof insurrection-y, going by leftist standards.
Organizers with shirts that say “Jews say cease fire now” chanting “cease fire” and “not in our name” here in the Capitol.
I await the decisive FBI response arresting them for parading/disrupting and official proceeding/etc.
It’s only insurrection when Republicans do it.
Ixnay on the ew-jay. The shirts are supposed to say “Zionists cease fire now!”
Grammar Nazi says what?
Derp. I reed gudly.
You didn’t fall for my troll trap, so kudos to you.
Grammar Nazi
“I have a Final Preposition for you”?
They did interrupt official business, no?
this guy deserves a medal, not a prison sentence.
We don’t live in sane times.
Google does this election rigging shit on a mass scale to conservatives ALL THE TIME, but I have not seen anyone of the fucks that want to punish this guy do anything about that.
I assume you’re confusing the Hillary-meme guy with this case of shooting a shoplifter? Because I don’t think Google is shooting conservatives literally (just figuratively).
Bringing a gun to a pokemon battle.
I think shooting a fleeing thief is a bit excessive, TBH.
There was a time when shooting someone in the back was frowned upon.
But I also frown at thieves.
It does keep them from running to someone else’s place and robbing them instead.
Yeah. This shooting, if it went down like the article said, was totally unjustified. The shooter is going to jail, and rightly so.
I’ve been in Mexico all week
By accident?
Well, you see, there are some drinks that are a bad idea in combination.
Someday he’ll write “Escape from Guadalajara” and let us know what happened.
I actually was in Guadalajara for a couple days. It’s lovely.
I’m in Mexico City now and will be headed home, by way of Monterrey, this afternoon/evening.
Gee, I just picked a city at random.
My dog was a street dog from Guadalajara.
Victoria’s Secret ditches prioritizing wokeness over ‘sexiness’ after sales drop
You mean to tell me that dyke lezzies and fat chicks don’t sell lingerie?
Or buy it, either.
When you thik flannel mumus, think Victoria’s Secret!
To be fair, that’s probably closer to Queen Victoria’s undergarments, especially after Albert passed.
I’m skinnier than Queen Victoria?
And taller!
They don’t buy any either….
This woke shit needs to kick these idiots in the pocketbook – hard – before it all is finally given up on.
They never give up. The next incarnation will be something even more destructive.
I’m thinking large beer companies are gonna be leery about woke marketing for a looooong time.
Pour encourager les autres works.
Don’t be so sure. MillerCoors had a woke ad that ran before the AB-InBev blow up, which specifically bitched about their earlier successful marketing campaigns.
Key word here is “before”. No Chief Marketing Officer at a major brewery would blithely green light an ad like that * now *, and hope to keep their job.
The issue for the marketing people is that beer drinking is back on a downswing (this is more prevalent in the craft industry, but does effect the big ones as well). The younger generations (one recent company meeting I listened to mentioned specifically under 40 as a demographic that they weren’t reaching) are going to other beverages, as beer is seen as that thing your weird uncle drinks. That’s why there’s the big push into NA beers, RTD cocktails, and seltzers (interesting to me fact was one of the modern processes for NA beer provides the alcohol to make hard seltzers).
So to keep themselves relevant, and keep themselves from shrinking, the beer industry needs to get the yutes over into drinking beer, which would mean advertising. Notice the number of articles that were decrying AB-InBev from backing away from the Dylan ad campaign instead of supporting it (which also cost them potential customers and several existing ones). I’m fully aware that I’m not the target audience for anything outside of niche advertising at this point.
Actor Jussie Smollett is headed to rehab after what his reps are calling an ‘extremely difficult past few years’ as the performer still attempts to appeal his conviction in Chicago.
They should have all been immediately deported.
The Biden administration and more than 4,000 migrants who were separated from their families at the U.S.-Mexico border by the Trump administration reached a legal settlement Monday that allows the families to live and work in the U.S. for three years while receiving housing, mental health and legal assistance to apply for asylum.
The settlement also prohibits the federal government from separating any migrant families crossing the border for eight years merely for violating U.S. immigration laws. Families could be separated only if the parents are considered a danger to their children or the public.
The deal, announced by the Justice Department, may end one of the darkest chapters in U.S. immigration policy, in which families crossing the U.S.-Mexico border illegally in 2017 and 2018 were systematically separated. Children younger than 18 were sent to the custody of the Department of Health and Human Services, while parents were prosecuted by U.S. attorneys in federal court.
*clutches pearls*
We owe these people nothing and they have no right to be here.
You are being too kind.
Until illegal entry becomes all risk and no reward, they will still come.
Shoot to kill. No aid, no shelter, no money. To be culturally inclusive, line up their skulls on Tzompantli along the border walls.
Fix your own countries, we’ve got enough problems.
Doesn’t even need to be that severe. Immediately load them onto a c-130, fly them back home. If home country won’t let the plane land, the next one comes with fighter escort.
If they don’t let the plane land, open the back and find out how steep the bird can climb.
/especially sour mood this morning.
Love how they only mention 2017 and 2018. Because they were also separated under Obama and Biden.
I just can’t wait to see how it goes when children are detained in the same facilities as adults.
Biden has a clear answer for that. He’s just not going to detain anybody. Problem solved.
Give the Palestinians passage to the EU.
Deport hard working asylum seekers illegally crossing the US border to Gaza.
I’d be fine with just deporting the Illegal Aliens with phony asylum claims back to where they came from. And then regaining control of the border.
These can run concurrantly.
They aren’t phony asylum claims – the asylum rules we have were written in an asylum.
Simple. We declare that the US is not a safe country, and as such cannot extend asylum to anyone.
I mean, it fits with whichever narrative you want to pick across the political spectrum.
Good morning, Sloop!
Jeez, that’s a mess. Which the city will undoubtedly make worse when the dust settles.
Lots of angst in that article.
Yes. That’s how business works.
Market signals. How the fuck do they work?
Let’s rock!
Like it’s 1976!
JFC. No wonder “horse paste” was maligned.
Pfizer Prices Covid Drug Paxlovid at $1,400 for a Five-Day Course
Remember when the left thought big pharma was putting profits over patients, and taking advantage of sick people? Good thing that’s no longer happening.
Sadly they will look at the price discrepancy and conclude that the U.S. govt should be the sole customer and it should dispense it free.
Justice is served.
A social media influencer was sentenced today to seven months in prison and fined $15,000 for his role in a conspiracy to interfere with potential voters’ right to vote in the 2016 presidential election. …
A federal jury in Brooklyn previously convicted Mackey at trial for conspiracy against rights.
I expect them to throw this vague horseshit at anyone they find politically unfavorable.
To be fair, they wouldn’t be able to prosecute any progs for this kind of brain dead “election interference”, because having people fill in fake ballots which then actually get counted is much harder to prove to be fraudulent.
They have, do, and will. Selective prosecution by scumbag politicized sack of shit prosecutors for the win.
What is that cover photo? Creepy as shit. Keep them coming.
I loved it too. I am betting on AI generated.
Count the fingers
It’s AI. I went down a very long rabbit hole of creating images until I got banned from Bing.
Apparently Microsoft has no sense of humor.
RIP, Paulie.
Interesting history.
He was also in the best movie ever made, Chinatown, and the second best movie ever made, Back to School.
Oh, and RIP-great actor.
For you:
“I’m worried about Lou, doctors said he might lose his trigger finger.”
Set an antisemite to catch an antisemite:
I wonder if idiots like this fool feel pissed they can’t use the usual leftist threats that are bandied to cower the opposition into silence when evil shit is being done to normalize their hatred….
‘I have found it increasingly difficult to know my place as a biracial brown woman’
Back in the day, at least she would have known her place. /s
This guy is a dipshit.
well, yeah.
He’s a far leftist who was good on vaccines and not all vaccines but specifically the covid vaccine and the MIC. Unlike the standard Dem politicians he does seem to earnestly care but his policies suck diddly uck for the most part.
Pretty funny that some new organization claims he would carve out more Trump voters than Biden. Never in a million years.
He hurt Trump’s polling when right leaners were unfamiliar with his policies. Once he becomes better known the righties will bail and the lefties will flock to him. The threat I see is him attracting the normally politically uninvolved and then bailing while giving Biden an endorsement.
It’s not exactly cutting a check for everyone who claims to be black, but definitely throwing money at things.
That’s not new, but what is is his newfound support of the second amendment.
I saw something on Twitter where it said he was in favor of an assault weapons ban. I tried to find it again but couldn’t, so I think it’s fake news. One of those “where they stand on the issues” sites says he thinks it’s now pointless to try to ban guns in any way.
Doesn’t mean he wouldn’t support it if it came up in Congress
I met someone at FreedomFest 2023 that worked for RFK, Jr and knows him well.
She says libertarians don’t have to worry about him on guns, it’s other things we need to worry about him on.
Probably climate stuff, and now reparations of course.
More limousine liberals bravely gentrifying idyllic locales to stick it to the dumbfuck rednecks that they never met who made their lives unbearable.
For some reason I don’t think they are moving to China.
White men are killed in proportionally greater numbers. Maybe I should quit my job, lead healing ceremonies, and figure out who I am too.
This is a proven lie.
*taps out*
What a load of horseshit.
I had the most pathetic fucking office party ever last night. If I had any balls O would quit on principle. But alas I do not.
Also I hate my coworkers who prefer an open bar with unlimited shit wine rather than a smaller quantity of good wine.
Fucking fuck, it was an awful spectacle.
Coworkers are like VD. No decent human should enjoy them.
No hotties getting sloppy drunk?
In semiconductor engineering? No.
What was the occasion?
the business unit my team was part of is being restructured and we are moved to another division and we celebrated the end of the oil division
So you didn’t hook up?
Russian election interference!
Interesting idea. Wouldn’t a bot owner just pay the $1 and continue to spray the site with crap?
Bot owners usually have hundreds if not thousands of bots… And they would need a different credit card for each bot… That gets expensive/tedious/combersome..
I see. Things I know little about.
Stonehenge’s Altar Stone is not Welsh, Aberystwyth University says
I thought it was forbidden to ask about ethnicity or national origin?
Only if the candidate sounds nonwhite.
It’s good to see someone stepping up after Paqui backed down from offering the One Chip Challenge. I may have to get a package of these for the eldest nephew.
The Duel® Featuring Pepper X, the World’s Newest Hottest Pepper.
It comes with a challenge coin too!
I know… and there’s the fancy edition in a mahogany box.
I think Pepper X used to work at the local gentlemen’s club.
What kind of a moron would pay $15 for two chips?
The Paqui one chip challenge was around $10 for one chip (and a coupon for a free bag of their chips). This one comes with a challenge coin too, and one of the hottest peppers in the wold was used to flavor it.
Might as well pay $15 to cut off a finger.
It would be just as enjoyable.
Peaceful protest
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) is requesting U.S. Capitol Police preserve all surveillance footage and photos, police reports and arrest records from all House office buildings Wednesday following a large protest on Capitol Hill that demanded a cease-fire in Israel and Gaza.
A large group of protestors began a demonstration inside the Cannon House Office Building on Wednesday, urging Congress to act on a cease-fire between Israel and Hamas, the Palestinian militant group that controls the Gaza Strip.
The protest, organized by Jewish groups Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP) and IfNotNow, involved numerous demonstrators chanting “cease-fire now,” and holding banners with the same message.
Posting a copy of a letter she sent to Capitol Police Chief John Thomas Manger, Greene wrote on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter, that she was “formally requesting” Capitol Police “preserve all video surveillance footage, photographic evidence, police reports, and arrest records from all House Office Buildings on October 18, 2023.”
“By launching an insurrection in the Capitol complex, these actors caused elevators to be shut down, staircases and hallways to be blocked, exits to be made inaccessible, and official legislative business to be obstructed, putting Members of Congress, their staffs and Capitol visits at risk,” Greene wrote in the letter.
The Georgia Republican called on the House Administration Committee to investigate the incident and review all footage and evidence from Capitol Police, writing that the “insurrectionists involved must be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.”
Greene railed against the protests in a series of posts on X, calling the protest “an insurrection of Capitol Hill.”
Hysterical overreaction to a perfectly legitimate assembly.
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) is requesting U.S. Capitol Police preserve all surveillance footage and photos, police reports and arrest records from all House office buildings Wednesday
Spoiler: they won’t.
Hysterical overreaction to a perfectly legitimate assembly.
Or maybe just seeking to hold the left to their own “insurrection” rules.
Three tired system:
Rules applied one way for the serfs to control them, rules applied another way (to the max) for the political enemies of the powerful to destroy them, and rules not applied at all for the powerful.
Yeah, she’s trolling. It’s kind of her thing.
I’m OK with this. I basically posted the same thing yesterday.
They seem nice.
Prostitutes? Those two? Not surprised. Substitute teachers? Those two? Someone other than them needs to be fired.
Prostitutes? Those two? Not surprised – I am. who would pay for that?
So you’re saying your local hos are better than Ezra?
I’m surprised. Who the hell would pay to be with either of them? Gah!
“Ezra Fry, 22, and their partner David Acevedo, 25”
Just stop it already.
Also with the GAH!
this is why we can’t have nice things.
Case some stupid idiots will pay money to fuck freaks like this?
But not much:
They are so poor they can’t afford drugs, nor .22LR for their revolver.
I’m sure you’ll enjoy the annual humiliation of Coach Franklin and tPSU by tOSU team on Saturday. It’s one of those rituals, like carving jack o lanterns, that never seems to change whether played in Columbus or Happy Valley.
Hey, he won once! And the score is on average a touchdown margin. Certainly one of the two is over-rated.
Yeah, the humiliation is always that close only counts in horseshoes.
Wet floor sign outside after rain
If that’s here in the States, I’m sure there’s an OSHA regulation mandating it or something.
Talked with Mrs. Prole — we’ll be at the Glibs meet up tomorrow at the Plano Whiskey Cake.
I’ll be the tall guy with a pony tail, with an apprehensive looking melanin-enriched wife warily looking around for the gun toting far-right insurrectionists who wrecked a perfectly good spouse. 🙄😃
wrecked a perfectly good spouse
I thought Glibs, per that insightful YouTuber yesterday, had never accomplished anything?
Recently, I have been trying to work out how well we can predict reoffending by offenders, especially violent offenders, as it’s an ingredient into deciding justice policy. I’m going to work through one paper which has really good data on recidivism here. (🧵)
The background for why this paper is so good is that it includes every individual born between 1958 and 1980 in Sweden – yes, all 2,393,765 of them.
Some of these people were convicted of only one violent crime. Some of them were convicted of eighty.
If you add these up, you find that under a third of the offenders (1% of society in total) commits, or at least is convicted for committing, 63% of all violent offences in Sweden
Even a ten strikes policy would reduce Swedish violent crime by a fifth. Twenty percent of Swedish violent crime is committed by people who have been CONVICTED of ten previous violent crimes.
Criminals commit crimes.
While I am not in favor of a 3 strikes policy (as it existed in some places in the US), but an escalating multiplication factor for repeat offenders seems like it would do the trick.
geometric progression
“Whadda ya mean my sentence is ‘divide by zero error’?”
Hamas leader of Gaza: “I want to take this opportunity to remember the racist murder of George Floyd … The same type of racism that killed George Floyd is being used by [Israel] against the Palestinians.”
They know their audience, no doubt-play to the venue you’re in.
Yeah, kind of hard to not know it when all the protests are thick with Marxists.
The guy knows his audience.
So he is admitting Hamas is a fentanyl hooked, drug overdoes, fucking evil dirtbag that was used by marxist to justify a terror campaign against people?
Ummm…. I’m not hearing a Land Acknowledgement there…
Catching up from ded-thred…
The grandson is the first on both sides of the family, so no, of course he won’t be spoiled.
Moj – the anti-wife was in reference to mine, who grandly announces when the dryer is finished: time for fold fest!
And I was just informed that they settled on the family names – my middle name and her father’s given name, so Andrew John.
We did not name our kids after any member of either family. They are unique unto themselves.
Congratulations on your grandson!
History lesson
Students can be at times ham-fisted, doctrinaire, blinkered and strident in their protest. In the 1960s, student radicals occasionally waved the Viet Cong flag to show solidarity with the people of Vietnam. Others flashed the Little Red Book of Mao Zedong, a Chinese leader whose policies led to millions of deaths. Such symbols became important touchstones for some students who were working to make sense of, and oppose, American imperialism, a political stance with few other outlets in the US (certainly the two-party system had little to offer them).
Such techniques also made students tempting targets at a time when US soldiers were dying in firefights with the Viet Cong, and when sympathy for the millions of Vietnamese killed or displaced by the war was hard to find. An image of a student with a Viet Cong flag allowed supporters of the war to argue that the entire antiwar movement was actually anti-American. As a bonus, the sight of such students made it easy to dismiss young people across the country, and leftism more broadly, as uninformed, unpatriotic and unworthy of support, without ever having to engage with the students’ critiques of American power.
But it has earned many students swift retribution, in the form of lost jobs, broad condemnation and the threat of industry blacklists. It has also been used to discredit the left more broadly. For some, that’s precisely the point. Christopher Rufo, a right-wing activist who has built a career on attacking universities (and for explaining in detail how he carries out his propaganda), laid out his plan on social media, arguing that, by connecting Hamas, Black Lives Matter, Democratic Socialists of America and academic discourse, the right can “attack, delegitimize and discredit” universities and the American left, turning them into “political untouchables.”
Such a maneuver requires most Americans to believe that students have outsized power, that they have the potential to orchestrate the nation’s politics and so must be shut down at any costs by those who disagree with these students’ political causes. That simply isn’t the case. You may hate these student activists’ words and actions, but they’re not the ones with the power here. We should be focused on the people who do have that power, and on how they’re using it.
Or perhaps most Americans just think the protestors are too dumb to be entrusted with any sort of position of responsibility.
Also I must say, I am enjoying them tasting their own medicine. This may be the only way to turn off the cancel taps and allow everyone to express their ideas freely.
Enjoy this NYT paywall piece where they try to run cover.
None of these proud heros was willing to go on record.
Professor Hemmer can crawl up her own asshole.
“You may hate these student activists’ words and actions, but they’re not the ones with the power here.”
Their professors are the ones with the power, and once their robots take up positions in newsrooms, schools, etc., they will have power too. There was a strain of thought that academic idiocy would stay confined to the campus because it would disintegrate when it left campus and came into contact with reality. Now the whole nation is a college campus.
I don’t think anyone needs Christopher Rufo to make those connections for us – has this person not seen images from any of the recent protests?
The march through the institutions… how does it fucking work again?!
They left out the word “will” to create a strawman argument.
Those students will have outsized power.
Sitting at the oral surgeon waiting for XY to get his wisdom teeth yanked. Tried to get this done last week but that is a long story and I’m still pissed at that place
I had them all pulled at once so I could avoid dealing with that bureaucratic shit back in the day.
I never had wisdom teeth. Both my mom and my brother did. Weird.
Same here.
From what I understand, evolution doesn’t select for no wisdom teeth because we don’t generally make mating decisions on “Do you have wisdom teeth?”
My jaw is long enough that my Wisdom teeth grew in and haven’t caused issues. I have opted to keep them.
Generally, and as far as I know, people get all 4 removed because they’re usually all impacted or gonna be.
Generally. I had ortho when young and a large enough space that they made sure mine can come in with no impacting. Now of course is ensuring you are cleaning them is the race. I’ll be getting mine out in a year or so
I’ve found that a smaller toothbrush works to get behind them and keep them clean. It may seem silly at first blush that I use a child-sized brush, but it works better than a full-sized brush at getting into the spaces that I need to reach.
What is wrong with his teeth?
Impacted wisdom teeth. Totally common.
Should have been this music link today
Florida, under its “stand your ground” law, lets someone use deadly force if there is a threat of death or great bodily harm to themselves or others, but it does not allow it simply to protect property. Manslaughter is a killing that is unplanned and in the heat of the moment.
I think the employee did nothing wrong, but the Law has other ideas.
The entity which reserves the arbitrary use of force on citizens wants to make sure you do not get to uppity in your use f force such that you then make them unnecessary.
Florida, under its “stand your ground” law, lets someone use deadly force if there is a threat of death or great bodily harm to themselves or others,
All states let you use deadly force if there is a threat of death or great bodily harm to themselves or others.
The question is whether or not you have a duty to retreat first. Stand your ground laws say you don’t have to retreat if you are legally entitled to be where ever you happen to be.
Fuck the media for taking potshots at stand your ground laws in the middle of a news story.
Thread on Covid vaccine mandates
COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate Origins: the TRUTH about Trump, Kushner & Vivek and the threat to medical freedom
The following thread details how @realDonaldTrump and @jaredkushner used @VivekGRamaswamy’s business as a back-door to tear away our medical freedom and claim innocence.
“Donald Trump’s Deep State”? Sure, pal. And the mandates coming under Biden were Trump’s fault? give me a break.
Trump fucked up by trusting Fauci and the CDC, and he really should have known better, but come on.
Read Atlas’ book. Atlas never says it, but it’s clear: Kushner had his own agenda which didn’t always agree with Trump.
And yes, Trump laid the groundwork for Biden to do what he did. Trump could have ended his state of emergency (referenced in the thread) at any time, and never did.
“You kind of feel like you’re responsible” for the harassment, said one of the Harvard students, whose family’s personal information was released. “That’s how silencing works, right?”
All that money for tuition at a prestigious university, but they never told you actions have consequences? You should demand a refund.
Cross pollination
More recently, it’s academic workers who have been joining the UAW by the thousands, helping the union maintain its numbers as its share of autoworkers has dwindled. The University of California system alone now has 48,000 UAW members, outnumbering workers from Stellantis (formerly Chrysler).
And even as the UAW’s latest strike actions against the Big 3 automakers are grabbing headlines, the union has been busy organizing from coast to coast. Graduate students at the University of Maine voted to unionize with the UAW earlier this month. Their counterparts at the University of Alaska are in the midst of their union vote.
“I believe we would be the first UAW local in the state of Alaska,” says Skye Kushner, a Ph.D. student in geoscience at the University of Alaska, Fairbanks. “We think it’s an exciting moment.”
The campus push is helping to infuse new energy into an old union.
“Which is also very cool, to get to follow in that legacy,” says Eliana Buenrostro, a Ph.D. student and teaching assistant in ethnic studies at UC Riverside who also serves as a unit chair for UAW Local 2865.
Buenrostro has seen the power in numbers.
She went on strike with UC grad student workers last fall, winning 46% raises over two years. Now, she’s proud that a portion of her union dues go into the UAW’s strike fund, estimated to be $825 million at the start of the autoworkers’ strike.
“It’s very impactful to know … that my labor and me being a member is contributing to workers being able to exercise their rights,” she says.
Maybe that’s where the hard core commie push came from.
So the A will stand for Academic instead of Auto?
The UUP ain’t gonna like that.
Rumble in the Quadrangle!
This will not end well for auto workers.
NR double header on justice served: Sidney Powell and college shithead.
Both entered guilty pleas.
“Poller, a student athlete at Keene State College in New Hampshire, admitted to leaving the message after he had been drinking and had become angry while watching videos on TikTok”
That TikTok stuff is major poison.
Ah, National Review…the comments on the Powell plea are full of poison like few places I’ve seen. May as well be Democratic Underground (exaggerating but not much).
Excellent thread on the Homeless Industrial Complex.
You’re not gonna believe this, but the activists and NGOs are money grubbing scumbags!
Thanks, I’ve bookmarked that dude’s substack. That homeless woman in Portland perfectly encapsulates exactly what is being done by the activists. It ends up in ridiculous situations, like this asshole who I get to see all the time as he is camped next to an office I’m at fairly frequently.
Good article in the Journal today (that isn’t paywalled) on the human (and especially progressive) tendency to rationalize violence against those who are obstacles to their schemes. I think the lefty support of Hamas this week is only beginning to get some blowback I think the fact that all those Twitter videos were widely disseminated before the rationalizations started flying out that many people had their eyes opened.
Isn’t the plot to almost all kung-fu films “dish out righteous beatdowns, but spare the life of the Big Bad until he “forces” the hero to kill him?”
Former media darling
On Tesla’s Q3 earnings call, CEO Elon Musk said people who work from home take advantage of the people who cannot work from home and are “detached from reality.” In the middle of talking about rising interest rates and their effect on the affordability of vehicles, Musk launched into a discussion about “Marie Antoinette” vibes of the person he describes asking why doesn’t everyone work from home.
“Like… what about all the people that have to come to the factory and and build the cars? What about all of the people that have to go to to the restaurant and make your food, and deliver your food? It’s like, what are you talking about…”
Musk carried on, saying “Why did I sleep in the factory so many times? Because it mattered,” referring to lowering the costs of a Tesla. He’d been asked how he thought about price elasticity in the current macroenvironment.
In a CNBC interview earlier this year, Musk called remote work “morally wrong” and argued it’s unfair to those who can’t have the option, like food delivery workers. “Get off the goddamn moral high horse with the work-from-home bullshit,” Musk said at the time. Last year, Musk said work from home was “no longer acceptable” at Tesla and issued requirements for 40-hour work weeks in office.
Not all wrong.
He’s not all wrong. But, he’s not all right either.
My job has nothing to do with the factory or the guys that delivery food.
My job is interacting with knowledge workers scattered all other the globe. We don’t even work the same hours.
There is nothing in my job that requires me to sit in at a desk in an office complex instead of at home.
Exact same. I’d be at an office desk from 6 AM to 5 PM, and still would come close to covering all the hours of people I talk to. It’s apples to oranges. Factory workers that make physical things need to go to a site. That may never change. Knowledge workers, totally different.
The only open issue is collaboration. There are times when you need a bunch of people in the same room for hours or days to complete a task. Teleconferencing doesn’t really cut it.
But those are the exceptions that justify well-planned events where everybody needs to show up.
He says while traipsing around the world on a whim.
Similar to Jamie Dimon I’d like to see him take the subway every day.