Beach Volleyball Detectives Part 1
Beach Volleyball Detectives Part 2
I need a break from thinking and planning. Besides it was way too early in the month to show Thankskilling. So please enjoy tonight’s double feature of Beach Volleyball Detectives. This film is absolutely awesome, and nothing more than what it says it is. Girls in bikinis play beach volleyball and solve crimes. What else could this Thursday night sausagefest need?
So watch! Or Don’t! Everything is voluntary! God bless America and beach volleyball! Next week will be something else random from my queue of films! As usual, if you want to talk about something else, please go right ahead. No limits on free speech here.
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(h/t: The Hyperbole)
I’d buy that for a dollar.
*Leaves to go watch Robocop*
Hey! You don’t know what you are missing.
1. Japanese girls in bikinis, for hours
2. Japanese girls identifying is Indian terrorists
3. Japanese girls in chains wearing maid outfits
4. The history of Jazz*
*I threw that it to fool OMWC into watching some uplifting social commentary featuring Japanese girls in bikinis.
I’ve never been into the submissive Asian girl thing. Strange for a Glib, I know.
I figured the whole “first” shtick is because deep down inside you really want to be submissive.
I have no idea where that stereotype comes from. I’ve known a few guys in relationships with Asian women, and they were, without exception, harsh taskmistresses.
Checks HoneyDoList on refrig
Yep, got my schedule for the rest of the week and week end
You gotta watch out for the ones that wear shorts and heels. It’s a sign that they will be the alpha-woman.
I’ve dated several Asian women, and submissive wasn’t on the menu. Now, crazy or sex crazed or just really really really wanting to get married – or in the last relationship, all three – that characterized most of them. YMMV.
Tiger wives?
I keep thinking of Dead or Alive Beach Volleyball
Similar, but live action and with a compelling plot.
Remember the nude mods that got sued out of existence? It was such an innocent and wholesome time…
Sorry, I don’t.
I do. It was a thing. You can still do the nude mod on Dead or Alive if you use an emulator.
It spins you right ’round?
Yeah, I have no idea what the hell else they’re talking about.
It was a video game, published by Tecmo in the early 00’s. Example game trailer:
Very popular with the pimples and braces set.
Would that go round, like a record baby? Right round, round, round.
Cool pun, bro!
There is also a Dead or Alive movie. I don’t remember if it has volleyball, but it has Eric Roberts and Jamie Presley, so you know it’s quality cinema.
I wonder if it on Tubi?
Not a beach volleyball version. There is a live action and an anime version.
This was a live action martial arts tournament. Never seen the anime.
Yes, the live action martial arts movie is there. I have not seen the anime either.
It’s a fun movie.
It looks like there are a bunch of movies titled “Dead or Alive” 1921, 1944, 1996, 1999, and “DOA: Dead or Alive” 2006.
Apparently, it does have volleyball.
This must be seen then! Adding to the list.
Picked up the DVD years ago in Singapore. A little disappointed – all fast cuts on the fights – a massive contrast to most of the stuff coming out of HK and Thailand the same time – maybe some nice eye candy though. I could revisit.
I think I’m turning Japanese.
Can’t guarantee I’ll watch the whole thing, but it’ll be on in the background for as long as it takes to trim and freeze my weekly chicken haul. Already I am appreciating the excellent example of taxidermy.
This may be tailor made for a man who needs to see Japanese women in bikinis.
Those euphemisms …
Vivek absolutely knocked it out of the park. Too bad nobody was watching.
“Do you want a leader from a different generation who is going to put this country first, or do you want Dick Cheney in three-inch heels? In which case, we’ve got two of them on stage tonight.” (Vivek looks over at Nikki Haley and DeSantis)
I saw that earlier today. It was a “sick burn” as the kids say.
The consensus I’m seeing is that he was an asshole. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Right, so assume the opposite.
I mean, come on.
All the incredible young men who needlessly died over there and that douche canoe is the one that survives…
His whole opening statement was fire. You gotta love the guy for that.
What was Trump?
Trump comes across as a mensch.
This guy, as so many have mentioned, comes across as a used car salesman.
“News69”. LOL
I was fortunate enough to work briefly with the Sedaris bunch. Drew is a real trooper.
This is ‘Hard ticket to Hawaii’ remake, isn’t it?
Funny you should mention, I am playing his “Malibu Express” next week. There is some superficial resemblance, but overall this film is twice as long, and involves terrorists trying to blow up the world, rather than diamond smugglers. Definitely this film and Sedaris productions share some DNA, so I paired them up for November/ Boobvember whatever this is.
Girls in bikinis, international crime intrigue, lots of guns, very fake soft porn…how can you go wrong?
You just can’t. Quite honestly work is burning me out and I couldn’t plan anything better this month. So enjoy a month of mindless action movies with girls in skimpy outfits! Yay!
KK will no doubt lampoon me on the Zoom at 8:00.
You done good.
Wait, is that the one with Erik Estrada?
“China is too polluted for athletes.”
The tile in that bath looks like the same tile from the No Love Deep Web cover.
There are sooooo many references in this film. I would not be surprised.
KK is hosting a Zoom at 8:00, where we can all show up and discuss the finer plot points of this excellent film.
Lots of work. Work work work. Enough work that I’m worried my boss might think I’m overwhelmed, might try to saddle me with helpers. I don’t want helpers. I don’t want people fucking up my drawings. I hate the weird aesthetic choices other techs make. I hate that I’m as wedded as I am to my own weird aesthetic choices. Drawing leaders too long? Lazy. Organize your drawing. Drawing them too short? Comical and childish. Unserious. How do I know when the leader is precisely the right length? When I’m happy with it.
Mostly I don’t want to manage other techs. I’m happy being the junior tech on our team. But the lead tech is permanently WFH, so I get pressganged as the guy on the ground. I’m already a very scattered worker. I jump between tasks constantly. I keep a queue in the back of my mind of things that need doing, and tasks get dropped in and moved around. If I have to juggle tasks between other people as well as myself, I lose it all. And then they start drawing the leaders wrong, and I lose my mind.
Sounds like the syndrome that plagues me when someone else draws the circuit diagram.
Does it mean the same thing electrically? Yes. Is it ugly? Yes. Then I’d rather do it myself, but I have to learn to let go.
It’s dreadful in a sense because I’m downstream of the actual producers, and maybe I’m overthinking it, but the engineers produce the workproduct that I put on paper, and all I get out of it is the satisfaction of kinda liking drawings that ultimately I hate because I’ve been staring at them for weeks and also they’re never up to my own satisfaction. I like them inasmuch as I’ve had input and I hate them because they’re cursed, thoroughly misconstrued things, the engineers had their mitts on them and sometimes other techs get in and sully the beautiful regularity I envisioned…
Of course, the real hurt is that nobody aside from the city permit office gives a shit about these drawings. I’m a passthrough between the engineers and the ultimate source of authority, the steel detailers. We present something authoritative from engineering. The actual work, the procurement and fabrication, gets done downstream of us. You think those guys care about presentation? Their bit get fed into the CNC machines. So we get little of the marketable requirements that the architects enjoy and none of the actual gritty detailing that the steel guys do, we just copy and paste work between jobs. But it has to be done to a certain spec. It’s not pointless, but it’s a complete waste of time.
Tell my boss
I don’t want people fucking up my drawings
Indeed. Good luck.
All I know to tell you is that destroying the worlds of millennials by offhandedly scribbling out an unambiguous schematic or P&ID or structural isometric in ink perfectly balanced on the page with gorgeous lettering and curvaceous leaders with crisp arrowheads that is better than anything they can turn it into as they flail about trying to capture my substance all day clicking and pointing and transcribing it into their little CAD aps gives me a chub
the real problem is perspective: those who have not studied, who have not taught themselves to see, who have not improved after years of rejecting their own early but imperfect efforts, who do not sympathize with how others perceive and learn, who have taken no note of excellence, who have seen mediocrity rewarded, who have not learned to parse the scalars of depth or angle or motion into living bloodred vectors of the mind and cobalt streaks on paper….well, those folk are truly tied and fucked unless some tower of hot wire can render their pile of notions into a volume of ones and naughts spinnable on screen
to document excellence is a skill; to master the latest technology is desirable and necessary to advancement; but thinking ends in the machine: it does not begin there
the client, the colleague needs to understand now while he is ready: whip, flair, dot and jot and 20 seconds later they see! the missing perspective is provided! the gap is closed
“let me go back to my laptop and I’ll email you a model sometime next week” makes me wonder do they really even know what they’re talking about
** caps pen and walks away whistling and winding my watch; is that a speck on my wingtip? **
nice sticker on your macbook, Austin
** turns corner, spits on shoe, wipes speck off on back of other trouser leg, reaffixes watch to wrist **
Hear hear!
These effects have to be Weta. Nobody else has this kind of technology.
WETA? Is that the Zuckerborg’s watersports chat group?
I thought it was a PBS station.
If you are going to have a TnA karate volleyball movie, you gotta hire actresses that are either insanely hot or incredibly athletic. We got neither. They are like the cutest girls in the director’s literature class at college.
The ass shown in the trailer RJ posted earlier was like a 6.
One had a pretty nice rack if you aren’t Q-bigger-is-always-better type.
They’re gorgeous. Even with their British teeth. And horrible knives in the eardrums language.
“They are like the cutest girls in the director’s literature class at college.”
Also, Jap chics are not really for the thic crowd.
The girls are fine.
Best motorcycle chase ever.
That is insane. I might have driven like that once or twice in my young and stupid era but that would have been on the dirt, never on the street. I kept waiting for them to be clobbered by traffic.
That kid was lucky. Him and his girlfriend were nearly paint smears a couple times. Been a long time since I was that stupid.
I kind of wanted to see them punished for being so fucking stupid.
Oh, well.
Ride or die!
Funny how things intersect during the day.
Grosspatzer mentions Bacardi, this suddenly appears in my eBay feed.
That’s just batty.
Every culture has a prophecy about the one who would come, He Who Firsts.
Are you He Who Lasts?
You wouldn’t know a chupacabra from a sasquatch, would you?
I’m not up on my Sugarfree ;;sadface;;
Well, what would YOU rather be, a sixty second man, or a sixty minute man?
I will take the later, as he Lasts!
It feels like they ripped off Baywatch Nights.
Where my last bitches at?
What’s with all the extra traffic during rush hour. Sees line of black SUVs with flashing blue lights. Oh yeah corrupt President dementia is in town tonight.
it’s so annoying. Obama was worse for me, seemed like he was always here to collect bags of cash from dumb Hollywood rich people and messing up the freeways near the airport. One of his visits did let me show AF1 to the kiddo though – they park it on the far western edge of LAX but if you know the roads you can get pretty close.
I was twenty minutes late for an eye doctor appt last year cuz of Biden’s fricking motorcade. And the most annoying part was if I’d left 5 minutes later, I would’ve been fine.
Obama came so often it became a running joke on KFI.
Think I’ve got all the initial colors I need/want for my speedpainting marines – will give that a shot starting tomorrow. No real big plans for the weekend though – maybe snag some free drinks/food at a few local places on Saturday…then Sunday brunch in fred-vegas, run some errands and catch a theatrical screening of the original Ghost in the Shell. (may be playing in other markets too).
All right, I’ll try to spot the updates, I do want to see how it turns out.
The painting, I mean. I hope they haven’t re-edited Ghost in the Shell.
Good morning all!
Let’s finish off the week with some Morphine
You Speak My Language.
Test-tube Baby / Shoot ‘m Down.
Share and enjoy!
I only take morphine when the pain is a seven or more.
Yay, it’s Friday!
I’m celebrating with some early 90s perfection.
Since I’m on vacation, I’m not going to give my normal friday grumpiness.
I’ve even gotten 2,221 words on the page since I set out Wednesday.
I’m already up to 2,701 words and no one else has said “Good Morning”?
Good morning! Been cleaning house, about to sit down to work. Big Zoom last night.
hope it’s an easy day.
Thanks. I have only 4 hours of meetings to host, then I might just write for a while myself.
I’m happy to be finally getting words on the page after a long drought.
Now that is an interesting behavior.
At home, I keep having this issue where a direct link to a comment will load to the top of the page.
On the road, a link to a comment loads to the comment, but hitting ‘reply’ takes me to a text box at the bottom of the page instead of the usual opening of a box by the comment I’m replying to.
The difference appears to be that at home, I allow javascript from . I just turned it on for that site now and I’m getting the at home behavior of the reply button working but the direct links not.
Sounds like Brooks writes code for WP.
Mornin’, reprobates. You too, UCS, and congrats on the writing progress.
Howzit going?
“Day off”. I will thank a veteran today.
Beau and Sean are killing it this morning with great 90’s wake up music.
Here’s mine.
Well harumph, it seems the weekly movie selection has descended in to quasi soft pornography territory. Ladies and gentlemen, this is not the highbrow entertainment I’ve enjoyed so much at glibertariansdotcom.
Have you watched some of the older entries?
this is not the highbrow entertainment I’ve enjoyed so much at glibertariansdotcom.
Right! Q has the patent on highbrow entertainment, we need more of that!
Just for a few weeks. I am burned out, just picking stuff from my backlog. Soon will be Thanksgiving, where I will play Thankskilling, then after then is Hebrew Hammer, and more wholesome year-end movies.
Hebrew Hammer! The flick we need in these troubled times.
I am playing it on December 7th, trying to get the timing right this time.
Just watch it in black and white, then it becomes art.