How now, Swiss Brown Cow?
Going to start a short break tomorrow – BGG.CON here I come! Only thing that looks worrisome is the Cryptids may be in attendance. By in attendance, mean… So, this means a rather minimalist set of links and a distinct lack of wit or content.
- Why is it I keep seeing France behave in an admirable manner, during all this?
- *sigh*
- NYS looks at VA and said “hold my beer and watch this”.
- Heh, heh. Nothing objectionable here.
Comments are yours.
So far, this week has been pretty lousy.
And it has only just begun…
Also appropriate
I don’t like Mondays
It has been a walloping since Saturday. Like every weekend the past few months. I think it may finally be letting up. I hope for a better week for you.
“The complaint, which was first reported by the Daily Mail, also claims families of the residents were not even made aware that their relatives contracted the virus until after they died.”
“It also reported that COVID-positive patients were not moved out of rooms they shared with residents who were believed to be virus-free.
“They left them in the room with the ones that were not [positive] because their thought was, ‘Well, they’re all going to get it anyway,’” one employee said at the time.”
See below. I’m only surprised they didn’t take the known infected around the wards in wheelchairs “for the fresh air” at this point.
But I’m sure those people were included in the numbers scrolling across the bottom of your TV screen.
You have a good time. If I knew you were coming, I’d have baked a cake!
Cheese cake?
I’ve always tended to be supportive of the junior ranks, but in this case, they are following illegal orders.
Maybe the French actually remember their European history and won’t let their culture slip away? Unlike the Brits.
I know we give them sass on this side of the Atlantic after the Revolution and all… but barring losing the Franco-Prussian war and the initial phase of WWII, the French weren’t anyone to mess with. There may still be embers of that fire. Here’s hoping (since I for one prefer Western Civilization and don’t really want to see it collapse… so countries starting to fight back against the immigration conquistas and DIE self-suicide is preferable to me).
Also the French don’t have free speech and have simply outlawed protesting for the side.
*other side
Unless you are Muslim – then have at it.
Yeah I don’t think the French will really respect the law anyway. when have they ever? haha
On the flip side, Macron told Israel to quit killing civilians.
There’s nothing wrong with pressing the Israeli side to try to avoid civilian casualties-that’s not anti Israeli or even anti Zionist.
Also common sense. If they do anything that looks like ethnic cleansing and/or a territory grab, relations with the rest of the Middle East will not recover for decades.
Remember when ‘Worse than Hitler’ was ridiculed for saying “If Russia want to go play in the sandbox they can just knock themselves out. There is nothing for us in those shithole countries.”?
I remember.
“________ STANDS WITH _________” might be the most repugnant theme I keep seeing coming out of the left.
Go fuck yourselves – just because I live in ________ doesn’t mean diddlysquat when it comes to _________.
Ironic given the French taught the Germans how to be antisemitic. But good that they aren’t just quietly accepting dhimmi-tude.
The Germans take a lot of blame for things that many many others have done, sometimes worse than the Germans.
Little is said about the treatment of Jews in Russia, or of the numbers of people in general sent to gulags and buried in mass graves. Maoist China gets barely an honorable mention. Somewhere there is a documentary on the cultural revolution in China with footage of people in a corral being dragged out one at a time, shot in the head and then dragged away very callously and efficiently before their corpses beheaded. Near that site was a pyramid of severed heads nearly 20 feet high stacked very neatly. What of that?
What happened to the Germans post-WWII rarely gets any mention at all. Very few people know about the savage revenge visited on them by other Europeans. Somehow the Leftist monsters in the rest of the world didn’t rate that kind of treatment.
I vaguely remember seeing a photo of a young German woman lying in a ditch with her skirt up over her waist, legs spread eagle. She had been raped and brutalized to death and left in a ditch with a bayonet in her vagina. Somehow no one remembers that.
I find a bit of optimism in the French pushing back on this. Maybe now that they have so many savages there they can see the lay of a land a bit better. Maybe they are taking this tack because, like you say, they know what they are talking about. I dont care which it is as long as they are on the right side of this horror show.
I’m sure the news this week will continue to get worse.
I’m sure you’re right.
Mondays always seem to get me down
You’re just hanging around with nothing to do but frown?
As I said before, this all has the feel of the run-up to the World Wars to me.
I am just waiting for someone to step off of an airplane and declare “Peace in our time!”
Biden? Obumbles? Clinton? The list of candidates is so long…
Right after salting the earth of the IC in my “List of things to do if I am somehow in charge of the US — ha ha ha like that would happen” would be to sunset all “Authorized uses of military force” and get us back to the Executive having to get a declaration of war before doing anything serious. (I know, I know… ha ha — like they really paid attention to that all that much… Central America queues up the list of “incursions” and “police actions” justified under the Monroe Doctrine — or just not justified… still, it seems one whole hell of a lot worse since we moved to AUMFs that the Executive spins to move anywhere, anytime in any amount of force…)
AUMF’s are nothing more than Congress exercising its war declaration powers. They can call it whatever they want.
Sorry — when the current “Attach someone in Indonesia because Congress authorized military action against Iraq and we spin it as somehow terror related”, I call bullshit and want them gone. Explicit declarations of war or nothing.
Just like regulations these days “Congress: We should do this Good Thing(tm). We establish the Board of Doing A Good Thing.
Board of Doing a Good Thing: Here’s 5x10e09 regulations we claim advances a good thing….”
Make them do their jobs and only their jobs and be accountable.
Note I already admitted this is Fantasy Land. Don’t have to tell me.
Obviously I agree that it’s BS, but I’m not sure why you think calling it a “declaration of war” instead of “AUMF” would be any different. The text would read the same, the actions would be the same. Blame Congress for not amending or repealing the AUMF when it became outdated.
Purest optimism that a declaration of war against a country would be bounded, I suppose. And that a full on war would actually have victory conditions unlike a “War on Terror”. So I guess I’m still not cynical enough at times.
Vetoed. You really want it? Override my veto.
Abolish the Combatant Commands under Goldwater-Nichols; recall our Imperial pro-consuls (i.e. FOGOs on foreign soil).
this, yes, 100X
Headlines say SCOTUS has adopted a code of ethics in response to Congressional Democrats’ badgering.
“I will not lie, cheat or steal, or tolerate those who do”?
Sounds like a smart move. We fixed the problem ourselves, now bugger off.
Yeah — my (again cynical) side thinks that they may be reading the tea leaves of the election and are trying to stave off some court packing, similar to the “Switch in time that saved nine”. The article I read on it earlier today said that it was more “getting it in one place” and not really new guidelines… but that could be crap.
“I will not leak documents.”
“I will not be a tyrannical fuck who locks up the entire populace on the flimsiest of rationales, and in direct contradiction to the Constitution.”
I’m more than cynical enough to still think that China and some in the US looked upon a virus that had increased lethality on those past their earning years and in their socialized medicine consumption days as a huge benefit — and that the “let’s keep everyone in the nursing homes” was no accident.
It doesn’t take a cynic to see that.
OTOH, nursing homes are not a spa. It’s a one way trip.
“Defensively bombing” a sovereign nation we are not at war with 6,000 miles from mainland U.S.
“Had to be done…”
They were coming right at us.
We had to destroy this country to save it.
Better the works should be destroyed or go unseen by human eye. That will surely recompense the long-dead former Jewish owners of the pieces.
Just Stop Oil will destroy them for you.
Texas airport crash sees plane overshoot runway and crash into CAR driving down busy road
The person in the Hyundai is one lucky individual. I'm imagining the phone call to Insurance Claims Department.
How could this day get any worse?
“The other driver ran away?”
“Your life flew before your eyes?”
“Sorry — you purchased our deluxe policy, not the Plane one….”
A good pun, right out of the gate.
That’s the Spirit!
That one might fly over a lot of people’s heads.
If you wait long enough?
I’m hoping that TSA secured the scene of the accident. And only allowed firefighters to fight the fire with 3oz bottles of water.
All day on CNBC are ads from one of the multiple plaintiff class action firms for fire fighting foam exposure.
The laundry list of symptoms could be caused by just about anything.
You watch CNBC all day long?
At work, yes. I believe I should be eligible for Work Comp.
The hard-left France Unbowed (LFI) party boycotted the event which the far-right National Rally (RN) attended.
LFI leader Jean-Luc Melenchon rejected the march as a meeting of “friends of unconditional support for the massacre” of Palestinians in Gaza.
I’m strangely unbothered by this. Just more leftist scare tactics that describe conservative utopias.
Better the works should be destroyed or go unseen by human eye.
They have been infected by Nazism, and cannot be allowed to come in contact with the innocent.
‘Unprepared’ hiker rescued from Colorado mountain in snowstorm wearing ‘only a cotton hoodie’
Making the guy in Canada rescued a few days while using Google Maps despite multiple physical danger and no trail signs seem like a genius.
For goodness sakes at least put on some pants when you go hiking.
Can we monetize Mexican Sharpshooter?
She’s not even hot.
C’mon not everyone can look as good as Mexican Sharpshooter does in his hotpants.
Are you trying to profit off of brown bodies?
I was liking Emma until she got to this part: “I love supporting small companies. Lady Justice Brewing [in Colorado] was one of the first breweries to reach out and send us beer, before we hit 10K [followers]. I love that they’re queer and female-owned.” Ooh, queer and female owned. Do they use their vaginal yeast to make their beer?
My friend is ignorant and doesn’t know what BGG stands for (and the website doesn’t seem inclined to answer that).
I figure it is Board Game somthing?
At the bottom — so I assume it is boardgamegeek.CON instead of .com and they’re being cute.
Either that or Swiss is fighting toasters for BattleGroup Galactica (more than one battlestar survived the ambush?)….
It’s BoardGameGeek Con, a convention run by the popular (to gamers) site BoardGameGeek.com.
As a geek, I’m offended to be lumped in with board game players. Learn to play cards like a normal person.
WAR is a card game, kids love it and then they grow up.
Canasta parties, pinochle anyone? Got a cribbage board?
Big Gay Glock?
Today in hyperbolic histrionics…
The mentally ill are free to entertain their delusions, but don’t expect the taxpayers to play along with them.
Given that they seem to expect everyone else to celebrate them, not just play along… we’ll see how it goes. I’m sure there’s a judge they can court shop to get it blocked quickly enough.
Pulleeeaze! How can I care about your hyperbolic histrionics when a Man was hired to cover Taylor Swift!!!!
Tell me again that modern feminism isn’t primarily driven by a hatred of men.
That does make you wonder how it is that Jezebel went broke.
Maybe he identifies as a Swiftie?
Absolutely. I guess the saving grace is that he is gay. So at least he has a couple intersectional points to his name.
Any more stupid ass questions?
I thought Jezebel went out of business?
Ah, great minds…
“Swift’s cultural importance has been overlooked”
Also grown men.
So no female reporters covering Trump vs Biden, right?
Are we still talking about the SF cleanup?
Tax payers seem to be going along with all the crazy people, both sides of the fence
This just in, state bureaucrats are the worst. State bureaucrats at occupational licensing agencies are the worst of the worst.
*looks at driving report from state A showing a suspended license because state B didn’t communicate with state A when they seized my driver license from state A*
It’s how they let you know you never should have left.
Their mistake is YOUR problem.
State required submission of a new photo for my electrical license renewal. New card has same old picture on it.
Not that kind of bipartisanship
The House is set to vote Tuesday on a plan newly-elected Speaker Mike Johnson has pitched to avert a looming government shutdown — yet enough of his Republican hard-liners have now said they’ll oppose the funding measure that he’ll have to rely on Democratic votes to pass it.
Johnson told his GOP conference over the weekend that he is moving forward with a two-step government plan that he has described as a “laddered CR” or continuing resolution that would keep the government funded at 2023 levels.
Now it looks as if Johnson will have to look across the aisle to pass his plan since six Republicans have publicly said they won’t vote for it. Reps. Bob Good of Virginia, Warren Davidson of Ohio, Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia, Chip Roy of Texas, George Santos of New York and Scott Perry of Pennsylvania have all indicated they will not support Johnson’s plan on the floor.
Nancy Pelosi never would have allowed that to happen. We’ll see if Jeffries has them all on a leash.
Why does the GOP have such a hard time going back to the old way of passing numerous budget bills? Why the feckless CR’s?
I’m sure they can’t use the reconciliation process or some stupid “shortcut actually following the rules” legislative bullshit if they don’t use the CRs.
We’ll see if Jeffries has them all on a leash.
Bwahahahahaha, he’ll be reduced to tears and a drunken stupor inside of a week.
“In a post on X Sunday, Ramaswamy said that if he were elected the next commander-in-chief of the United States, he would “instantly fire 50% of federal bureaucrats.”
“Here’s how: if your [Social Security number] ends in an odd number, you’re fired,” he wrote.
“That downsizes government by half. Absolutely *nothing* will break as a result,” Ramaswamy claimed.
The 38-year-old biotech entrepreneur argued that the plan would not violate civil service rules “because mass layoffs are exempt” and would prevent government employees from claiming their firings were politically motivated.”
So crazy it might work?
The beauty of the plan is that govt bureaucrats are vindictive and petty enough that you’d for sure get 100% of the votes of govt drones who’s SSN ends in an even number. Add that to 100% of private sector workers and you have quite the voting bloc.
He’s assuming the distribution of SSNs in the bureaucrats is exactly even. Minus one point.
He’s also assuming the important people who actually do the fucking work and keep their head down won’t be the ones let go rather than at least doing a cursory “What…. precisely… would you say you do here?” pass. Minus two points.
He’s also assuming the courts won’t find a way to say it is politically motivated anyway. Minus 10000 points.
Stop the cutesy tricks crap. Lay out a real budget, how you’re actually going to work with Congress, how you’re going to work in the election to get long enough coattails that you get a Congress you can work with, etc. The actual governance not TikTok trend bullshit.
Getting rid of Feds who actually work would be a feature, not a bug. Sure there might be a few jobs that turned out to be important, but I’d rather have the slothful running the EPA and IRS than any eager beavers.
The actual governance not TikTok trend bullshit.
“The system is so irredeemably broken that it doesn’t really matter which one of us you elect, at least from a governance perspective. However, as the appointer of the bureaucratic leadership, the presidency is all powerful. I promise to appoint people who will get in the way of the operation of all these malignant bureaucracies. ”
/if only
“Additionally, the Congressional Budget Office has said nearly 60% of federal civilian workers are employed by the Departments of Defense, Veterans Affairs and Homeland Security — all agencies that Ramaswamy has not vowed to cut.”
Nothing left to cut!!
He’s not dumb enough to think that DoD doesn’t need this purge, but he knows Republican voters are. Ungh, ungh, DEFENSE!!!
Keep your government hands off my Medicare!
It’s probable that the % of useful bureaucrats are equally likely to have an odd or even SSN. So another problem is that the proportion of useful fedgov workers would remain the same.
I like across-the-board budget cuts better, but that is a pipe dream in the current political climate.
Few countries have ever avoided or escaped the expanding government and inflation death spiral.
He wouldn’t actually have the ability to do that and is full of shit anyway but it does get me to nod.
I’d go with 90%. Maybe all ssns that don’t end with a 3.
I wonder how well this will work out for them?
I’m still trying to deal with the fact that the Minneapolis City Council lurched even further left. Even black transsexuals’ were deemed too conservative and lost their seats.
They seemed to have hit an Archie Bunker collage of females in St Paul
“In the coming years, they hope to focus on issues that include rent stabilization, equitable development and housing, community wealth-building and climate resilience, among other things.”
Somehow missed Education and Crime but they did get the important stuff.
/Former St Paul resident (and former Mpls resident)
So, doubling down on everything that is wrong.
I am more and more in favor of repealing the 19th all the time.
Last week, Jeffries threw cold water on the idea of laddered CR, but has made it clear the government shutdown must be averted.
“We must keep the government open and stop the extremists from hurting America’s economy,” Jeffries posted to X on Friday.
Not spending money which doesn’t exist is the worst sort of extremism.
Why does the GOP have such a hard time going back to the old way of passing numerous budget bills? Why the feckless CR’s?
Being called an ultra MAGA extremist hurts, man.
Recently, the statue of Bob Lee that stood in Charlottesville, Virginia for nearly a century (came down during the Summer of St. Floyd) was melted down.
Now it’s become a meme.
Allowing the honoring of the Confederate dead and heroes was part of the deal to peacefully re-unite after the war.
Those who knew the dead, and their grandchildren are dead. I’m against the iconoclasts but if the citizens of Charlottesville want the statue down it’s their business.
A male reporter can’t cover Taylor Swift properly, even if he’s gay.
He’s never going to be invited to the really important slumber party pillow fights.
I’m flying to a tournament this week. I’ll be sure to remember those millions of people just walking over our border as the TSA guy puts his hand down my pants.
Just lie back and think of asylum.
They’re keeping the country safe, one fondle at a time.
“A 440-pound Italian man convicted of viciously knifing his girlfriend to death during an argument over breadcrumbs in bed has been freed from prison after serving only a year due to a court ruling that the high-calorie diet served in the facility could kill him.
Dimitri Fricano, 35, from Biella, Italy, brutally slaughtered 25-year-old Erika Preti while the pair were vacationing in Sardinia in 2017, stabbing the woman 57 times after she chided him for leaving too many crumbs in their hotel room bed.
Fricano tipped the scales at 260 pounds in 2019 when he was sentenced to 30 years on a murder conviction – but because of delays caused by COVID, he did not begin serving his term until April 2022.
Over the past year, the inmate’s weight had ballooned to more than 440 pounds, leading the Turin Surveillance Court to release Fricano from prison on medical grounds.”
Does this jumpsuit make me look fat?
Gives a dark edge to the old “I wouldn’t kick [him/her] out of bed for eating crackers” line.
Mama Mia! He’s a fat fuck but he doesn’t look that big.
Since Shellenberger and censorship was mentioned in the AM links, I figured I’d post his congressional testimony here. It was the top result on Bing.
On a related note, last night, I checked to see how many one-party states there are in the world. It’s about 110 out of 194 according to Freedom in the World. I added the number of countries that are not free democracies to the ones that are not rated as free.
One-party states are not inevitable, but they are a common result. Also, countries can change to being multiparty democracies, though that is rare. One-party states are not always bad places to live as the example of Japan proves. Hungary became a one-party state in 2006 after the left-wing party admitted to cheating in an election. Mexico is sort of a middle-of-the-road one-party state as far as quality of life goes.
Is the US a de facto one-party state? It’s hard to say. Given how contentious the last few elections have been, it seems most Americans do believe there are two distinct parties.
Two party Kabuki theater, sure.
I was going to say, the illusion is important in the same way you need kayfabe in pro wrestling.
I learned a new word. Thank you.
The heel turns are more believable in wrestling.
“Nearly 17,000 people have signed an online petition decrying a ‘non-binary and transgender extravaganza’ at the upcoming Thanksgiving Day Parade, over two gender non-conforming performers in the line-up.
A petition organized by One Million Moms, part of the conservative American Family Association, says the event will expose ‘tens of millions of viewers at home to the liberal LGBTQ agenda.'”
Meh. Anyone with a TV has already been exposed a hundred times over.
What does gender non-conforming mean?
I actually don’t give a shit if they aren’t half naked and embarrassingly sexual .
I would think that getting their message out would have the opposite effect that they are looking for.
Oh, how I laughed.
Employees and supervisors at the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) are at the center of a brewing media firestorm after The Wall Street Journal released an in-depth report on the agency’s “party culture.”
“A male Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. supervisor in San Francisco invited employees to a strip club,” The Wall Street Journal revealed in a recent story headlined, “Strip Clubs, Lewd Photos and a Boozy Hotel: The Toxic Atmosphere at Bank Regulator FDIC.”
“A supervisor in Denver had sex with his employee, told other employees about it and pressed her to drink whiskey during work,” the report continued. “Senior bank examiners texted female employees photos of their penises. The agency tolerated a heavy drinking culture.”
Key to the FDIC’s wild drinking culture was an “11-story hotel outside Washington, where out-of-town employees stay when attending training,” per the Journal. The hotel “was a party hub, where people have vomited in the elevator and urinated off the roof after nights of heavy drinking.”
The report continued: “The FDIC spent more than $100 million in the 1980s to build a training complex in Arlington, Va., that included a hotel for agency staff with more than 350 rooms, an outdoor pool and a rooftop patio. The FDIC said the hotel and training complex save the agency money.”
The heavy drinking culture of the FDIC was featured on social media, including in an Instagram account that posted in 2021: “If you haven’t puked off the roof, were you ever really a FIS?” according to the report.
We can’t have unregulated banking. At a minimum, we need some flunkies who spend their free time getting plastered and pissing off of rooftops.
Who doesn’t like to watch a naked woman swing around on a pole?
Tests are oppression, man
Students should get to choose their high school courses and then decide how they’ll prove they’ve mastered the material, a commission told the Board of Regents Monday.
The Blue Ribbon Commission spent a year developing recommendations for new high school graduation requirements, which were unveiled Monday.
Commission members said they “fell in love” with the idea of letting students pick classes from broad categories, such as STEM (science, technology, engineering and math), rather than be required to start high school with algebra and Living Environment.
They also want students to be able to show proficiency through many ways, not just exams.
The Regents exams are “valid and reliable,” commission member Lorna Lewis told the Board of Regents. But commission members felt “the Regents exams and standardized tests in general are just no longer sufficient assessments,” she said. Lewis is the superintendent of the Malverne Union Free School District on Long Island.
A bongo solo, followed by an interpretive dance will reveal the student’s true mastery of life skills.
There will always be a need for teachers and social workers, exams, tests and proficiency will not be included or required.
Exams are so white.
What if we put the exams on colored paper?
CPT – colored paper tests.
I’d say Junior/Senior year sure if students can show proficiency in basics. Nevada sort of did this and expanded on electives so to speak. However if you cannot do basic things then it’s basic things you must do until they just graduate you without a diploma.
News flash across my screen…too fast to click on before it disappeared: photos emerge of mysterious cocaine in White House.
It’s mysterious. No one can figure out why it is there or where it came from. It’s a mystery. We shall never know.
Not the Bee had it. Apparently the footage was not authorized to be released.
I don’t know why they don’t just blame the J6ers. They did everything else, it seems.
Swiss Link:
The cog train in the Swiss Alps.
It runs like (cookoo) clockwork?
There were a few comments in the AM thread about public education and exams for teachers. Here’s what experienced during a brief stint as a high school math teacher in Florida:
-I had to take the Florida Teacher Certification Exam for math grades 6 to 12. It was easy, but later in interviews, teachers and principals were surprised that I passed it on the first try with no preparation. I registered for the test on a Tuesday and took it on Thursday. The test covered arithmetic, algebra, geometry, trigonometry, statistics, probability, and calculus. There 60 four-option multiple choice questions with about 50 being math and the rest being psychology/pedagogy. I don’t know my exact score as it’s graded on the basis of pass/fail. Considering I have a degree in chemical engineering, I’d have to be a real fool to flunk a test like that.
-When I got hired by the first school that made me an offer, the teacher I was set to take over for told me that the students should be more tired than me at the end of the day. She was a real fan of busy work, which I discontinued when I took over. For example, I had six classes, and one was a financial literacy class. These poor students had spent the entire year filling out worksheets based on PowerPoint slides, cutting out portions of the worksheets, and gluing them in notebooks. They had spent more time using glue sticks and scissors than calculators.
-In one of my geometry classes, as I was explaining a problem, I said that once you get to the arithmetic, the rest is easy. A student in the back yelled out “what’s arithmetic?”. The youngest students in that class were in 10th grade. Geometry was taught in 9th grade when I was in junior high back in 1999.
-In my statistics class, I gave a test which my predecessor had written and made the answer key for. The high grade was 6 out of 12, and there were some very smart students in that class. I made an executive decision to give everyone a 70%. My predecessor’s degree was in economics, and she admitted to not being very good at math.
-The assistant principal, who looked remarkably like PC Principal from South Park, chided me once for wearing jeans on a Monday. Meanwhile, the students were allowed to wear all kinds of wacky outfits for the last 30 days of the school year.
-I like teaching and do it well. After the 5.5 years I spent in the Army, teaching math in the Peace Corps for 2 years was the longest I kept the same job. I don’t feel like moving again or having a long commute, so I’ve been applying to nearby teaching jobs and have had half a dozen interviews. When they get desperate enough, they’ll come crawling back. I’m the only game in town.
Otherwise, 2023 has been the most intellectually productive year of my life. I’ve written a lot and had some great ideas.
I should add that I enjoyed introducing my students to the first Feigenbaum constant, which he himself urged be taught in high school.
Another migrant, a young woman named Rossi Alejandra, says she also considered this. As she too waits in line, she reminisces about her life in Venezuela, where she was a first-year medical student. She says police and government harassment made everyday life impossible. “It’s a dictatorship, plain and simple,” she says.
She left for Mexico, where she lived in shelters while she waited for months to get an appointment with U.S. Customs and Border Protection. “There were moments when I became desperate. A month passed. Two months. And I started thinking. … Should I try and just cross the border?”
But she says she knew people who tried that, only to get deported and banned from reentry to the U.S. for five years. She says, for her, being deported back to Venezuela would have meant putting her life at risk. She decided it wasn’t worth it.
Charge such folks a fee for a yellow card (my idea of a temporary green card). They can upgrade to a green card later. Problem solved.
Problem is if you get multiple yellow cards you have to sit out a game
As Thomas Sowell said, there are no solutions, only trade-offs.
I don’t expect any major changes to the immigration system. It would be great if it was less of a waste of time and money. It can take up to 28 years for the relative of a US citizen to get citizenship or a green card.
The link for the chart is dead at the Before Place. Funny, they’re the ones who made the chart.
I like how you responded seriously to me.
They come because they want a better life and because we let them in. Most are decent people, but with any large population there will be some bad dudes. But they also depress wages at the lower end and they increase demand for things like housing and schools, which hurt the people who are already here, and that should be the politicians’ priority, but obviously it isn’t.
Legal immigration should be easier. When my wife came we had to apply in a country different from the one she lived in, because the embassy in her country didn’t handle immigration. She couldn’t go to the nearest embassy to where she lived and where she had worked, because FYTW. She had to have medical exams, we had to prove that we had assets so that she wouldn’t go on welfare. Now the illegal immigrants just come over and go directly on support while legal immigrant have to wait in line. Given the current setup, I’d probably come illegally too if I were in their shoes.
Psst….how many are on welfare? Or aren’t paying taxes?
I’m fine with an immigration system where there is no welfare and if you don’t have a sponsor or can’t support yourself, you are shit out of luck. That isn’t what we have.
How many are, out of curiosity?
Same. Make legal immigration much easier and illegal impossible.
The current system meets the needs of a LOT of people. It’s no accident that NY officials are seeking to ramp up work permits for people who are not here legally.
Two things we know about immigration at the southern border: 1) the number of illegal immigrants in the country is 11-12 million, just as it has been since 2005, despite a bare minimum of 250k an an upper limit of 2 million illegal entries per year every year since then. 2) the vast majority of illegal immigrants are physicians, computer scientists, astrophysicists and engineers who had to crawl through 2,000 miles of broken glass and the bloody entrails of their loved ones just for the hopeful, prayerful chance at reaching the US border.
“…the vast majority of illegal immigrants are physicians, computer scientists, astrophysicists and engineers …”
I am skeptical.
Check your sarcasmometer.
*tap tap*
Oh. I guess I need sleep
“Migrants are showing up at the U.S. southern border in historic numbers. Here’s why”
Because they supported communist govt’s in their home countries? Just spitballing here.
They come from collectivist cultures. Those cultures are completely incompatible with the individualist ideas our system is based on.
Have all of the empathy you want. Have all of the good intentions you want. Dismiss the ‘fix your own house’ arguments with a hand-waive all you want.
This is not going to turn out well for us or for them. Where will they flee after we become indistinguishable from the places they came from? Where will we flee?
We already see lots of our own citizens fleeing the outcomes of collectivist cultures in our own cities. We see the poisonous effects of that in previously individualist minded areas of this country.
Not my problem, sorry.
Many recent reports of local (SD Co.) migrations:
“ FCC commissioner blasts Biden’s ‘digital equity’ plan as ‘unlawful power grab’”
Net neutrality reborn and they’re (the FCC Commission) voting on it Wednesday.
They. Never. Give. Up. On. This. Shit.
Evil never sleeps brother. Their tenacity is something to behold.
…a framework to “facilitate equal access to broadband internet access service by preventing digital discrimination of access to that service based on income level, race, ethnicity, color, religion and national origin.”
They want total control over who is and who is not allowed to speak, what they are allowed to say and what is forbidden to say. They want access to feed their propaganda to every ear on the planet.
We had a deal. Government by consent. Government within agreed upon bounds. They have strayed so far out of bounds, broken the deal so many times so egregiously that I dont understand how anyone can consider this a legitimate government any longer.
The willingness of authoritarians to rule us seems to exceed the desire to leave us alone.