This is why I went.
So, the Hound of Hell was ensconced in a kennel while I wandered around a Maker’s Faire, where Tomb Raider was doing her Morris dancing thing. It’s a bit like a Ren Faire, but even nerdier, and nearly everything that people are wearing screams, “Contraceptive.” And it’s too cold out for the young women to dress all slutty, so there’s not even that for entertainment. Star Wars-themed stuff EVERYWHERE other than the spots with Harry Potter merch. But hey, nice dinner afterward, several bottles of wine, and I was reminded of why I keep coming back for more.
Also, life as we know it begins at birth, and we sometimes commemorate these days. And the 19th of November is no exception, where we commemorate the births of a guy who would wince any time someone would mention the French dessert, gateau; the grandfather of modern religious grift; the Fast Eddie of chess; a guy who, if he’d been any deeper in the closet, he’d have been in Narnia; a trombonist whose sound could get you laid; a deep thinker about business whose deep thoughts were actually pretty shallow; a woman who really should have had HR do a better job of vetting her employees; a guy who heard voices that no-one else could; a guy who always made you think- unfortunately, the thought was, “Why is this guy famous, rich, and respected?”; a guy who fucked Jane Fonda, then the rest of us; the reason pool tables in New Bedford smell like tuna; and the guy who inspired me to write Jewsday out of pure contempt.
And we shall link, oh yes we shall.
Same guy who falsely accused a professor friend of mine of being a spy and pulling millions of dollars of grant money (putting in perspective my belief that no non-defense funding of science should come from the Federal government). GDAF, Ronnie.
There’s a reason you got destroyed in the last election.
Biden inevitably runs back to his base.
Playboy ain’t what it used to be.
I thought from the headline that it would be our friend Chris Beck (from whom I got the magnificent Kaiser). It wasn’t, and not nearly as interesting as his story.
When Old Man was young, it was a major treat when Ira Sullivan would come through town. Here’s why.
I’d just like to add to the birthdays the most important guy I know, who’s up in the 4x range — and who I’m glad to still have with us. I don’t call home enough – but I treasure every day I still have the opportunity (there’s that Catholic guilt, I know….).
You are Fourscore’s son?
To paraphrase — I’m the son of a 4×20, not the 4×20 (not the definite article, you might say)…
We got too many Johnsons in DC.
Why, we even have a Richard Johnson.
I suppose if the next Speaker is Cunte Va-jay-jay it would be too on the nose.
Oregon congressional rep?
King County Washington.
And too many speak authentic political gibberish.
$500/hr ?
Looks like that’s what they charge downtown.
So, still $20 for me.
I know part of it is “Who else but a power hungry narcissist would run?” but man… the quality of political candidates seems to be shit across the board these days.
And the article didn’t make it clear… is Sinema not running again? Or is it just assumed she can’t win as an Independent so it is between the stunted chicken wings of the Uniparty? I know if I lived in AZ (especially given those clowns) I’d at least respect her for the modicum of integrity and standing up to the Central Party over the last few years, so I’d be surprised if she couldn’t pull enough non-loon Rs (better than losing at least) and Blue Dog style Ds to stay in office… Then again, I always underestimate the hate for the heretic Not of The Body folks get when people buck authority and try to actually represent their electorate and all…
Sinema’s not running? Aw, looks like there’ll be one less cute plumper in DC. plus she actually seems to be somewhat sane.
I thought she is running as Independent-but-hanging-with-the-Dems?
She’s running. Apparently her fundraising is lagging.
Doesn’t really matter: Maricopa will make sure the Dem wins.
Left stunted chicken wing it probably is, then.
Probably most sane people don’t feel like having every shitty thing they might have done thrown back in their face.
Sinema is running as an independent. It’s a three way race.
Gallegos can only wish it would be a threesome.
“Don’t fart loudly.”
That was written for you, wasn’t it? :-p
Twice now – once from one of Spud’s links last night and now from your last one – I’ve gotten a warning from Malwarebytes about the DNYUZ site. However, if I leave, then click the link again, I get no warning. Just sayin’. 🤷♀️
Malicious ad trying things maybe? And you don’t get the same ad on reload?
Yup. Just clicked Old Man’s last link again, and the page loaded without a peep.
whaddup doh’
yo whats goody yo
“Don’t fart loudly.”
I totally cut one in 1st class yesterday on my flight home, as I was walking back to my seat in steerage.
Your own little contribution to the Revolution? Laissez-les manger des flatulences.!
How dare you foul the breathing space of your betters.
“Crop-dusting”, we used to call that.
Still viable these days, AFAIK.
Oh noes – threats of a little turn-over in Congress!
As Far Back as 2011!!! OMFG, it is the end of the world!
Something something video has been released something something.
“Turner later changed his major to economics, but before receiving a degree, he was expelled for having a female student in his dormitory room.”
OK, he gets points for that.
And I think he gets points for his ranches/properties, which he has kept open to the public (on a paying basis) and from what I have seen, managed pretty well.
He should get some credit for making a fortune on CNN, no one else ever will.
What he created is remarkable. What’s become of it is another story.
Might as well call it the crisis-sphere.
I am not certain about sea levels rising noticeably in our lifetimes but I know the bullshit levels are up dramatically.
There must be ponies!
So much this.
OFFS that pic.
A while back I was looking at contemporary photos taken from the same vantage as some historical photos. Several of them were of sea shores.
The water levels were indistinguishable.
Got stuck on the last 9 words or so — had to turn on the “show initial letters” hint to see the 10 letter one. Obvious in hind sight, but I sure didn’t see it.
I played https://squaredle.com/xp 11/19:
*20/20 words
🎯 In the top 22% by accuracy
I played https://squaredle.com 11/19:
65/65 words (+9 bonus words)
🎯 In the top 6% by accuracy
🔥 Solve streak: 112
I played https://squaredle.com 11/19:
65/65 words (+20 bonus words)
🎯 In the top 14% by accuracy
🔥 Solve streak: 2
I played https://squaredle.com 11/19:
65/65 words (+14 bonus words)
📖 In the top 44% by bonus words
🔥 Solve streak: 2
I played https://squaredle.com/xp 11/19:
*20/20 words
🎯 Perfect accuracy
I had to do the same.
I played https://squaredle.com/xp 11/19:
*20/20 words (+1 bonus word)
📖 In the top 4% by bonus words
I played https://squaredle.com 11/19:
65/65 words (+10 bonus words)
🎯 In the top 30% by accuracy
🔥 Solve streak: 80
no non-defense funding of science should come from the Federal government
Preach it, brother, but: good fucking luck.
In Pie news, I have purchased a new gas grill. I really cheaped out on the last one, this one was 5x more expensive, hope it is better. the last one was trashed and I think it had some bad fumes on the last few things I cooked.
Now I started thinking. When I got my cast iron pan a while back, I seasoned it before use. Should I season the cast iron grill grate? What I did today is rinsed it with water and when dry got it hot and took a piece of pork fat and greased it well, after which I let it burn for 15 minutes. I am thinking of doing this a few more times.
inside the grill based on the thermometer it gets to 400 F in 3 minutes and 600 F in about 8. Max temp seems 625 F. But I am thinking when doing steak I should heat it a little more 10-12 minutes for the cast iron to get really hot.
Grills I’ve bought in the past always had instructions of the sort: “Set the burners on high, wait 15 or so minutes for the grills to get hot. Soak a paper towl in vegetable oil (or your pork fat should work), rub down the grills, cook.” Worked fine. So I suspect your pork fat trick is fine, honestly.
in my family it is standard to grease the grill with pig fat before cooking I was thinking of doing it a few times without cooking
Yeah, I let mine preheat for about 15 minutes.
How liberals and conservatives used to find common ground. Read the whole thing.
Haven’t read it yet — but my guess is: “Making fun of libertarians”? 😉
That’s a fantastic speech.
Weiss nocked it out of the park with that speech. And, as we are seeing the fruits of that ideology now, it is coming up against the hard wall of reality, and it has only survived as long as it has due to the capture of the top 10% of universities and how they control so much of the western world.
Some fads are easier to leave than others
Empty people get lost easily and often.
Now do it in the Middle East.
There are more lost souls wandering around than I realized.
baby jesus, germany, 15th century
Born old and already giving the world the finger. That got a chuckle out of me.
That looks like Gert Fröbe as a baby.
I thought it was baby Donald Trump.
“I have been emphatic with Israel’s leaders that extremist violence against Palestinians in the West Bank must stop and that those committing the violence must be held accountable,” Biden wrote. “The United States is prepared to take our own steps, including issuing visa bans against extremists attacking civilians in the West Bank.”
Israeli Nazis?
A bloody miracle, we finally have something in common, he and I. Neither one of us has a clue what he is talking about.
A two state solution, where people can live side by side peacefully with mutual respect? We should try that here.
I suspect we are going to give it a go before too long.
Re JI’s link above: This feels more and more like the cultural and moral climate preceding WWII to me.
This is the most 2023 Headline ever. Nothing can beat it.
Biden closed with condemning the rising antisemitism and Islamophobia since the conflict between Israel and Hamas began.
“We can’t stand by when hate rears its head,” he said. “We must, without equivocation, denounce antisemitism, Islamophobia, and other forms of hate and bias. We must renounce violence and vitriol and see each other not as enemies but as fellow Americans.”
We are awash in hate. It’s everywhere. Amorphous and pernicious, aimed at black people, jews, arabs and queers. I blame white people. White men from flyover country especially. Who else could it be?
When comes the declaration of a War on Hate?
But hate is already illegal.
Someone posted a link recently to Thomas Sowell’s answer when asked “What could the Jews do to get people to like them?”
His answer: “Fail.”
Replace Jews with White Men and answer is the same. I am using White Men here in the sense that the proggies do – those who adhere to the culture of the enlightened west.
I just laugh at how whole swaths of formerly unacceptable ethnicities are now all swept up into what used to be WASP; and that Hispanic is a kind of Schrödinger’s ethnic ID.
It’s now quaint that neither the Irish nor Italians were considered white.
Or Eastern Europeans.
What Israel needs to do now is to announce that when the military battle [is] over, immediately, Israel is prepared to embark on negotiations with the Palestinian Authority for a two-state solution.
Because it will totally work this time.
The Palestinians have no interest in a state of their own. Also, it would not be a ‘solution’.
Nothing would change except the Pali’s would not be getting water or electricity.
And rewarding violence is always a good idea.
in my family it is standard to grease the grill with pig fat
That sounds like anti-semitism.
What Israel needs to do now is to announce that when the military battle [is] over, immediately, Israel is prepared to embark on negotiations with the Palestinian Authority for a two-state solution.
And we’ll be right beside them, checkbook in hand.
The mightiest castles ever built – a thread 🧵
1. Château de Pierrefonds, Oise, France 🇫🇷
A joint United Nations humanitarian assessment team, led by the WHO, gained the first outside access to Al-Shifa hospital Saturday and saw first hand the dire circumstances of the facility, the groups said. The team was only able to see the hospital for one hour.
In that time, they found that several patients have died in the previous two to three days due to medical services shutting down in the facility, according to the WHO. And now there are just 25 health workers for the 291 remaining patients, including 32 premature babies in “extremely critical condition.”
The hospital reported they lost power after running out of fuel to run their generators earlier this week, causing the death of some patients.
U.N. representatives described the formerly advanced and best equipped referral hospital in Gaza now as a “death zone.”
That’s pretty much to be expected when the “militant” wing of your government uses the civilian population as sandbags.
I want both sides to die, and take the fucking UN with them.
I am not sure what I am supposed to take away from that.
So fuckin’ what? They wanted a war, they got one. This is what happens in war.
Also, what is this ‘free Palestine’ shit? The ones in Israel have full rights and benefits, can hold any office and live anywhere they please.
Without the Jews they would descend into hell faster than any other backward cultures have when western ‘colonizers’ freed them. There is no more stark contrast between good and evil, civilization and barbarism than what we see in Israel.
People called Roman, they go the house!
Not sure the premature babies actually wanted a war.
This is what happens in war.
Sadly many who do not want war are caught up in it. Much of the apparent support for the warring factions is coerced.
This is not the world I would have created but then no one asked me so we are stuck with this one.
One side started this fight unprovoked. They dont get to complain now about the way they are treated. They dont get to hold up dead babies that they themselves caused the death of and get sympathy. That rings pretty damned hollow.
Hateful extremist rhetoric
Sen. Bernie Sanders on Saturday called for U.S. aid to Israel to be conditioned on a change in the “military and political positions” of its government.
“While Israel has the right to go after Hamas, Netanyahu’s right-wing extremist government does not have the right to wage almost total warfare against the Palestinian people,” the Vermont senator said in a statement.
Sanders also said continued aid should be contingent on a commitment to peace talks for a two-state solution and the end of the Israeli blockade or occupation of Gaza.
Under Sanders’ proposal, the U.S. would withhold further aid “unless there is a fundamental change in their military and political positions.”
Bernie hates jews.
He knows how to read the room. It’s not like he has any actual principles.
Would that old half-wit commie go away already?
Every time I think of him I swear I smell a musty old attic.
Rivers of hate
The University of Wisconsin-Madison condemned a neo-Nazi march that took place in the state’s capital city Saturday.
According to the university, a white supremacist group carrying flags emblazoned with swastikas and “other Nazi symbols” marched from the State Street Mall to the state Capitol around noon.
The Madison Police Department said there were around 20 people marching with the group and that no weapons had been displayed during the march.
The university said it is providing support and resources to students and staff affected by the march Saturday.
“The presence of this hateful group in Madison is utterly repugnant,” Chancellor Jennifer Mnookin, said. “I am horrified to see these symbols here in Madison. Hatred and antisemitism are completely counter to the university’s values, and the safety and well-being of our community must be our highest priorities.”
It’s a mass casualty event. Bring in the portable morgues.
Astounding that there doesn’t seem to be a single picture or video of said march. But I’m sure we can trust the media, and the police.
I saw photos yesterday. It’s what you would expect. About 20 young white men from outside the area who went to Madison to parade. They are hateful assholes. Same old same old.
Proggies are nothing if not oblivious of themselves.
That story is curiously bereft of any photos or video of this event.
Still, if there’s anyplace that could be considered a hotbed of white supremacy, that’d be Madison, WI.
(I had a derpy prog coworker who moved to Madison because Cambridge, MA was too right-wing for him).
I met my first real live libertatians in Madison. Actually hired 3 of them. Not to parade though.
What?! You’re saying we could have put that information somewhere when companies came to interview? Maybe I would have received more than one job offer coming out of college.
What’s this coming out of my sound system? CHRISTMAS MUSIC?!?!?
No, I couldn’t wait 4 more days.
Right there with ya, Mo.
My new next door neighbors have two pink flamingos outside their site…
Is that the new pineapple, or the old one? I’m not keeping up I know.
Flamingo is actually good on pizza.
I think I’d love them.
Jingle bells, shotgun shells…
Astounding that there doesn’t seem to be a single picture or video of said march. But I’m sure we can trust the media, and the police.
The image of those storm troopers with their Nazi flags and hate regalia broke all the cameras.
The enemy of my enemy is still my enemy
Since the war between Israel and Hamas broke out last month, Muslim and Arab American voters in key swing states have suggested they will never back President Joe Biden again, while the president’s support among younger voters appears to be taking a hit. There has even been a movement to leave the top of the ballot blank in 2024 as a protest against the president, whom they see as being too uncritical in his backing of the Israeli government as casualties mount in Gaza.
In turn, Republicans see an opportunity to take advantage of new divisions among elected Democrats, left-wing activists and core Democratic constituencies — but not by making direct appeals to voters who want to see Biden soften his stance.
That’s “because they’re so far-left on this issue,” one national GOP strategist told NBC News. “And Republicans, I just don’t even see how you could possibly maintain your pro-Israel stance while appealing to them. We could do as much as we could to throw some gas on the flames. But if their issue with Biden is they think he’s too close, I don’t see how Republicans can circle all the way around.”
Smart as a whip, that boy.
If ever there was a place for surreptitious behind the lines Xwixxer shit-stirring, this is it. “Joe Biden doesn’t care about you. He’s just using you. Don’t be a sucker.”
“Republicans see an opportunity ”
Another opportunity to miss an opportunity. Republicans live for this shit.
It’s only good until you use it
A nonprofit founder known for holding massive toy drives in Los Angeles claims his concealed carry permit got taken away after getting in a shootout with would-be robbers at his own home.
Earlier in the month, Vince Ricci made headlines after he used his own gun to fend of apparent would-be robbers at his Mid City home. Ricci is seen on camera, which was taken November 4, walking up to his house, drink in hand and taking his keys out of his pocket.
Two armed suspects jumped the fence of his home and one of them rushed Ricci from behind.
“When I turned around, the first thing I feared for my family and for my daughter,” Ricci told FOX 11’s Marla Tellez in a Nov. 14 interview.
Ricci, who was at his own home, fought back by opening fire at the suspects. Both suspects fired back before taking off from the scene.
Now, a report from FOX News claims Ricci’s concealed carry permit has been revoked.
Cops say not revoked; I wonder if they “temporarily” revoked/confiscated it.
We can’t have these vigilante peasants defending themselves.
Fuck California.
the giant steaming lie straight out of the gate
A video capturing a Capitol rioter fist-bumping police is raising questions across social media about the events that transpired on January 6, 2021.
Hundreds of Donald Trump supporters stormed the Capitol building on January 6 in a bid to stop the 2020 presidential election result from being certified after Trump baselessly said that it had been stolen from him via widespread voter fraud. In the ensuing violence, several people including Capitol Police members died, while over 100 Capitol Police officers were injured.
On Friday, House Speaker Mike Johnson, a Louisiana Republican, announced that his office would be releasing the complete archive of Capitol riot security footage, roughly 44,000 hours in total, after releasing an initial batch of footage totaling 90 hours. He had previously promised to release the footage during his run for the office of speaker.
A number of short clips from the footage were shared to X, formerly Twitter, with one video in particular raising questions about the events of that day as the video shows a Capitol rioter in handcuffs being escorted, but is soon released and is seen fist-bumping police.
This guy really knows his shit. will be certain to believe everything he says.
Fist bump = professional courtesy?
However, despite the arising questions of the video and the subsequent events of that day, the Republican Accountability Project (RAP), which describes itself as a group of pro-democracy conservatives, wrote on X on Friday that the footage was being used selectively.
RAP shared a video montage of Trump supporters attacking officers, mixed with the then-president’s speech, and wrote, “Mike Johnson, like Kevin McCarthy and Tucker Carlson before him, is trying to use selective video to whitewash January 6. But we remember what happened: Donald Trump sent a violent mob to the Capitol in an attempt to undermine our democracy.”
Meanwhile, the bipartisan House select committee that was in charge of investigating the riot published a 845-page report last December that held Trump personally responsible for the insurrection and recommended he face criminal charges.
That’s not the selective editing you’re looking for.
Riot? Insurrection? I dont know why ‘Kabuki Theater’ is so hard to spell.