Thanksgiving Cryptid Open Post

by | Nov 23, 2023 | Cryptids, Open Post | 258 comments







We are bringing the green bread to Thanksgiving dinner, Zed.



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Glib Staff

Glib Staff


  1. Brochettaward

    This First on the day of Firstivus.

    A Firstivus First.

    • Brochettaward

      There are no obnoxious songs about Firstivus gifts. No songs about 12 days of this or that bullshit. Firster holidays? We hit them hard and we hit them fast, Firsting and the goal is always the same. First until you collapse from exhaustion. First until your body cannot produce the Firstachlorians necessary to First any longer.

      I naturally win every holiday.

  2. kinnath

    I thank you all for keeping me amused and mostly sane.

    • Ghostpatzer

      I second the first part. Ship sailed on the second.

      • R.J.

        Sanity is a social construct. This is Known.

      • Ghostpatzer

        What would Szasz say about this?

      • Derpetologist

        +1 The Myth of Mental Illness

      • DEG

        What Sanity actually is.

      • Ted S.

        I thought the ship broke in two.

    • Ghostpatzer

      Spoons! That was amazing.

  3. R.J.

    Watching the Macy’s parade. There is a midget Harlem Globetrotter now.

    • Yusef drives a Kia

      How diverse,

      • R.J.

        I thought so. Do you think they toss him up to do dunks?

    • Brochettaward

      I thought Peter Dinklage drunkenly decreed that all midgets besides himself were to be hidden from view and it was now considered socially verboten to acknowledge their existence?

    • Ghostpatzer

      Basketball will no longer discriminate against the vertically challenged. /Dusts off jumper

    • rhywun

      What’s next, a white gentrifier Globetrotter?

      • Ownbestenemy

        Whoa! Too far

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        He’d play for the New Amsterdam Colonizers.

    • Nephilium

      Wasn’t there always one? Spud or the like?

      • Fourscore

        Spud was 5’8″ as I recall, could still dunk the ball.

        /Spud was not a white man

  4. Raven Nation

    Posted a query in the Firearms section of the Forum. Would be interested in thoughts.

    • Not Adahn

      I have literally never had an ammo problem with my CZ and I feed it the cheapest crap I can find in bulk.

      • Raven Nation


      • Not Adahn

        Real life: there was a one-time-only shipment of some Turkish(?) stuff (KJP I think?) to that was notorious for not running correctly. I fired all 1000 rounds of it without issue in my CZ.

        Also: if you like the P10C, it is going to be replaced with a newer generation model which means the ones now are cheaper than they were a couple of years ago.

    • Don escaped Texas


      when glibs dot com was new we had that same chat many times

      I love gunchat amongst libertarians: anything to shut Matt Welch up

      • Raven Nation

        Thanks Don. I vaguely remember those conversations but, at that time, wasn’t looking for those kind of toys.

      • juris imprudent

        Back a short while ago… “it’s from Austin, therefore a new Gospel”

        Had to drag that over so I could link this.

      • Not Adahn
    • Don escaped Texas

      A preeminent Catholic scholar of Islam and former advisor to Benedict XVI, Fr. Samir Khalid Samir, S.J., observed that Islam can be violent or non-violent according to the believer’s choice

      there’s enough verbiage for any major religion to rationalize any horror…to the satisfaction of someone with the needed priors; the war that killed the most Americans was fought by sides who in the main both invoked the same doG. I am led to believe that the Confederate motto was Deo Vindice.

      it’s a useless question; I’d rather relive the AC vs DC wars.

      • Derpetologist

        I always suspected you were one of those dirty Westinghousites!

        Hail circuit, full of current, the charge is with thee!

      • Don escaped Texas

        I got your Kirchhoff and your Thevenin and even can handle 3phase, but I remain a gearhead at heart

        anyone need any help with the steam tables, shout out

      • Tres Cool

        /looks at B&W Steam book on shelf…..

      • Ted S.

        I opened the refrigerator this morning, and there was a mouse sleeping in it. 🙁

        The mouse, startled, opened his eyes and said, “Is this a Westinghouse?”

      • Ownbestenemy

        The primary airport surveillance radar I work on was designed by Westinghouse

      • Brochettaward

        It’s disingenuous to claim that that the other religions are used to justify violence as much as Islam. It’s disingenuous to claim that there’s as much in Judaism and Christianity to justify violence.

      • Don escaped Texas

        I don’t think that word means what you think it means

      • Brochettaward

        The pox on all your houses attitude to religion is bullshit.

        Do you prefer that word better?

      • Yusef drives a Kia

        the problem is They believe it, you’re opinion is irrelevent to them,

      • R.J.

        Justify? Claim?

      • Mojeaux

        This is the way I look at it: There can be a Book of Mormon: The Musical without anyone getting upset, much less blowing shit up. In fact, my church put banners in NY saying, “You’ve seen the musical! Now read the book!”

        Kevin Smith can make Dogma with a smattering of Catholic protestors. (Also, quite a faith-affirming film, if I do say so.)

        You can’t do that with the Koran without a repeat of Charlie Hebdo. Smith was asked if he’d do a film like Dogma for Islam, and he said he’d considered it then decided not to for his family’s safety.

        The reason the left is all pro-Islam, or at least, not blasting thrm for their treatment of women and gays, is they don’t want to get killed. That’s the quiet part I said out loud.

      • juris imprudent

        I wouldn’t even be surprised if at least a few on the left have a grudging admiration for the intolerance for dissent in modern Islam. [sniff, sniff, I wish we had people that would slaughter the infidels of the right]

      • Suthenboy

        I always thought of them being Islam fanboys was their envy of an authoritarian system that incorporated every aspect of everyone’s lives, tolerating no dissent no matter how slight. Cut from the same cloth and all that.

      • Mojeaux

        There might be an element of envy, but fear (terror) is a fabulous motivator to spark ass-kissing or at least keeping people quiet.

        Islam is much like Disney in its ruthlessness in defending its trademarks/copyrights.

      • Raven Nation

        Sarah Silverman 10+ years ago: “‘I am afraid of angering Muslims, but not afraid of angering Jews and Christians, so I chose to depict the Judeo-Christian God instead.’”

        TBF, I think she has taken some shots at Islam more recently.

      • Suthenboy

        Mo – I dont recall the last time I felt fear. It was sometime in my late teens I think so that did not occur to me. I think you are right.

        Raven – Shorter Silverman: “I am a coward that takes cheap shots”
        I think that is akin to besting a fool. There is no honor in it.

      • Raven Nation

        Mo: thanks for your response about teaching on the last post.

      • Mojeaux


        I have no reason to think it’s changed in the last 30 years.

        However, I bet the inner city schools pay better (hazard pay).

      • Nephilium

        To back that up, Penn said that’s one of the reasons there was no Bullshit episode that touched on anything Muslim related.

      • juris imprudent

        The pre-Judaism of “am I my brother’s keeper”? The Judaism of “kill them all”, wrt the Canaanites? [Roughly contemporaneous with the events described in the Illiad – where both Greek and Trojan believed in the same gods.] The Catholic Church of the Holy Inquisition? Of the conversion of the New World, at sword’s point? The sectarian violence spawned by the Reformation? The morons on both sides of Northern Ireland’s troubles.

      • Brochettaward

        Both Christianity and Judaism have found ways to incorporate themselves into the modern world. Their followers are not out there committing atrocities in the name of their religion and if the worst thing you can peg on modern Christians is that they are intolerant of abortions and the state’s recognition of gay marriages, it is, as stated, disingenuous to claim there is some equality between the faiths in this regard.

        Islam cannot and will not ever conform to the West’s modern worldview.

      • Brochettaward

        But how about this, Juris. We’ll import a few thousand Muslims and make them your neighbors. We’ll see how close they are to Christians and Jews then.

      • rhywun

        I had thousands of Muslim neighbors in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn – the center of NYC’s Arab community, where I lived for the last 16 years.

        The worst thing I could say about them through most of that time is that they could have been more imaginative with the shops they opened after the departure of previous waves of ethnics. I had no use for the dozens of burka shops, jewelry stores, and hookah joints that kept replacing businesses I used to frequent. Oh, and their teenagers where rotten but I suppose that’s universal in NYC.

        OTOH I am glad I left mere weeks before 10/7. I have heard that the low-simmer pRoTeStS that Linda Sarsour would stir up every few weeks was turned up to eleventy. Do not want to be around that.

        Whatever vestiges of the “melting pot” that still exist in America are working their magic there, for the most part. There are of course many who hate that and want to destroy it.

      • Brochettaward

        Final point – individual Muslims who eschew aspects of their teachings can conform to the Western world. They exist.

        Muslims as a majority or even large minority will never conform in bulk and will attempt to force their worldview on others. And it is absolute fucking madness what is going on in Europe in allowing them in in such numbers.

      • Nephilium

        There is at least one Muslim who lives on my street who is fully assimilated. Earlier this year, he had an inflatable yard ornament out for a Muslim holiday.

        I loved it.

      • juris imprudent

        It isn’t about adaption – you specifically went with doctrine. My point stands that regardless of the doctrine, assholes will be assholes and do terrible shit all in the name of righteousness. The same kind of person who would do for Lenin or Trotsky what others do in the name of God.

      • Pat

        The Canaanite genocide in order to conquer the promised land is considered historical, if not mythical, and not a continuing imperative. Any violence ever conducted under the banner of Christianity, including self-defense, is in direct contradiction of Christ’s pacifist imperatives. People will commit heinous acts under the banner of any ideology, probably including pacifism itself. Whether the ideology itself encourages or supports that is a different question.

      • Brochettaward

        The violence is baked into Islam unlike any other religion.

      • Pat

        I agree. Although certain Islamic scholars insist the relevant scriptures have been maliciously misconstrued by outsiders, a) it’s easy to see how they could be interpreted as such, and b) in point of fact, there are heads of state in religious theocracies based on Islam actively carrying out those scriptures in accordance with the ostensible malicious misconstrual, so it’s something the scholars need to clean up in their own theology if they’re correct.

        Similarly, one could say that both liberal democracy and Marxist-Leninist communism support revolutionary political violence, but if we go to the words of the classical liberals and compare them to those of Marx and Lenin, there’s appreciable differences, in that Marxism-Leninism takes revolutionary political violence as a precondition for the establishment of a legitimate post-capitalist society, while classical liberalism justifies revolutionary political violence far more narrowly as a defense of rights within its dialectical framework.

      • Pat

        Or shorter: that Pinochet was bad doesn’t mean Castro wasn’t worse.

      • juris imprudent

        It is a scriptural reference and it is what God ordered.

      • juris imprudent

        The Jews that slaughtered the Canaanites didn’t have to atone for that.

      • Pat

        Correct, but even within their own theology that was granted to them as an exception to the normal rules of war and was time-barred. Even if they still had a temple and a religious theocracy today, that event couldn’t be used to justify a Jew killing a gentile, anymore than the United States authorizing the bombing of Dresden during WWII could be construed as continuing order.

      • juris imprudent

        Why? There is no scriptural bar to it. If God spoke to them again and said “do it”, would they all disobey God?

      • juris imprudent

        And yes, I acknowledge that if God spoke to one, or a few of them, there would probably be an endless debate amongst the factions within Judaism. But since that God is eternal, and they are his people, presuming he got the message across – who would disobey?

      • Pat

        There is no scriptural bar to it.

        There is, in two ways. Firstly, the genocide already happened, which was a fulfillment of the Noahic curse on Canaan, so there are no conditions that would justify returning to it – the order is completed, the contract is void. Secondly, until the restoration of the temple and the regathering of the diaspora, which is widely held not take place until the coming of the messiah, there wouldn’t be an authority capable of even issuing such an edict. Rabbinic Judaism is Judaism in exile.

        If God spoke to them again and said “do it”, would they all disobey God?

        The religious ones certainly wouldn’t, but the issue is that they would need a new order from God, in the same way that the United States would need a new declaration of war to begin a bombing campaign on Dresden. Their (most likely mythical) historical tales of conquest are not continuing imperatives. So it would be accurate to say, “At some point around 3,500 years ago the ancient Hebrews’ god authorized them to commit genocide,” but it would be a stretch to extrapolate from there to “Judaism supports genocidal violence against non-Jews” as a broader principle.

        As I said, there are certain Islamic scholars who insist the same is true for Islam, but they’ve got a tougher row to hoe than the Jews, in that the Jews haven’t been in a continual state of pursuing that ancient genocide for the last 1,500 years. So even if it were still a theological imperative, which I don’t believe is true, I would still say the Islam seems to be more inherently violent, in that the Jews at least gave up their genocidal ambitions.

      • Zwak says the real is not governable, but self-governing.

        The fact that you needed to go back so far with Judaism is, in itself, telling. Christianity is an easier case, as so many branches of it are proselytizing (see:
        Mormons EG) which has replaced the sword for many. But, yes, Northern Ireland and the Spanish civil war are two great examples from the last 100 years.

      • Lackadaisical

        Both the Spanish civil war and northern Ireland were fights over a lot more than just religion.

        In regards to the civil war, it was much more about stopping the the fanaticism of the Republicans in suppressing religion, stealing the church’s property and killing priests…

  5. The Late P Brooks


    Were you born in a barn?

  6. Ownbestenemy

    *deep breath” Thanksgiving with pretty much people I met 2 months ago. Figure a bottle of scotch brought would be good even if it’s the bourbon capitol of the world.

    Happy Thanksgiving. I am definitely thankful of this place and you ragtag group of undesirables. Even you slooper.

    • Ted S.

      Wait until you find out they’re Mormons. :p

    • Pat

      Meanwhile, in Texas, I will be pouring Woodford Reserve. The grass is always greener. Or perhaps bluer in Kentucky.

    • Ted S.

      Jello doesn’t belong in salad.

      • Suthenboy

        how about salad in jello?

      • Zwak says the real is not governable, but self-governing.

        Still Life in Aspic?

    • prolefeed

      Helping reheat stuff at inlaws house in Virginia. Unless potato salad counts, no salad in evidence.


    • Pat

      Mashed potatoes, rolls, olives, and potato salad if I’m not too lazy to make it (as I was this year). Stuffing is just good bread gone bad. I don’t mind sweet potatoes, but they don’t do enough for me to justify one more thing to prepare.

      I have it within my powers to make a delicious apple-cranberry compote, but in keeping with tradition, it’s Ocean Spray Jellied Cranberry Sauce straight from the can for Thanksgiving.

      • R C Dean

        “Ocean Spray Jellied Cranberry Sauce straight from the can”

        This is the way. No ridges, no thanks.

      • Mojeaux

        As usual, attached at the brain stem.

      • Zwak says the real is not governable, but self-governing.

        This is one of the biggest fights between Frau Zwak and ZWAK.

      • Nephilium

        For several years, there was a running gag gift of giving my niece a can of the Cranberry Sauce for Christmas every year.

      • pan fried wylie

        Ridged, For Her Pleasure.

  7. hayeksplosives

    The Force appears to be with Green Bay this morning.

    Amusing game.

    Happy Thanksgiving, Glibs!

  8. The Late P Brooks

    The Force appears to be with Green Bay this morning.

    Just turned it on. The ball jumped right into that guy’s hands.

    • hayeksplosives

      And then the forced fumble!

      Lions not looking 8-2 right now.

  9. Sean

    Fucking Boston Market was closed. O.o
    Thanksgiving and Xmas was their big thing, I thought.

    Luckily there was a Perkins right there that was open.

  10. hayeksplosives

    I am thankful to live in America, warts and all.

    I am thankful for you Glibbies.

    I am thankful that I did thanksgiving shopping online last night and took delivery of the goods a few minutes ago. I like that system.

    Grateful for clean running water, a roof over my head, and means of earning income.

    Virtual cheers to all!

  11. Suthenboy

    Hmmm. Forgive my ignorance, how do I access the forum section?

    • hayeksplosives

      Go to the menu (three lines under the Glibs logo).

      You’ll probably need to login again. Same as your regular Glibs login.

      • Suthenboy

        Thank you Ma’am.

      • Suthenboy

        This is why I bring Mrs. Suthenboy to the grocery with me. I looked right at it and did not see it.
        Again, thank you.

      • Raven Nation

        Also, once you log in to the Forum, it will take you back to the Forum front page and it looks like you have to log in again. You don’t, just click on Go to Forums.

      • Mojeaux

        You have to use Ted’S link.

    • Zwak says the real is not governable, but self-governing.

      There is a FORUM button at the top. Click on that, and it will ask for your user ID, which is the same as for the site.

  12. Suthenboy

    Two responses to topics

    A. EVs from last thread: No shit it is more expensive to change energy forms to do the same work you could easily do with original form. EVs are the dumbest idea since the square wheel. Anyone that spent time in a physics class not eating their own boogers knows this.
    B. Violent religions
    Ideas form culture. Culture gives birth to religion. If one of the fundamental idea a culture is based on is conquest then the culture will be violent and the religion will reinforce this. It is perfectly cromulent to contend that a religion is violent…especially if those committing violence and justifying it through their religion are plain to see. It is absurd to say otherwise.
    This does not mean all individuals subscribing to a religion subscribe to all of it’s ideas. Like all religions there will be many individuals that reject certain aspects of that religion.

    • Trigger Hippie

      ‘B. Violent religions
      Ideas form culture. Culture gives birth to religion. If one of the fundamental idea a culture is based on is conquest then the culture will be violent and the religion will reinforce this.’

      See: The popularity of the Cult of Terminus within the legions and political class and the Romans obsession with gaining and maintaining borders until the middle of second century.

  13. Aloysious


    • Sean

      Where’s my free guns?

  14. juris imprudent

    Wife is wildly pleased the Great Dane won group – since he looks like her horse and is only slightly smaller.

    • Yusef drives a Kia

      The Terrier looked like a pit bull, group winner!

  15. The Late P Brooks

    No shit it is more expensive to change energy forms to do the same work you could easily do with original form.

    Yes. The idea of using a gasoline engine (especially one powerful enough to propel the vehicle on its own) to run a generator to power electric motors to turn the wheels is completely absurd. Yes, it makes sense for diesel electric locomotives, but we don’t drive locomotives to the beer store.

    • Fourscore

      We could grow corn, make ethanol. Then we have choices with the ethanol, burn it or make a potable liquid.

      In my mind I have a lot of trouble understanding why corn should be used to make fuel as opposed to running it through a chicken, pig or cow. I know, I know, subsidies but could subsidize livestock feed and make that pork chop cheaper. Not suggesting subsidies but they’re already here.

      • rhywun

        Because meat is murder and the corn subsidies weren’t going anywhere so they had to find an alternate outlet for them.

      • juris imprudent

        At the outset, ethanol as an additive was sold as both high-tech and farmer-friendly – win win!!! Of course the only real winners out if it are the politicians that continue to pander. La plus ça change…

      • Gustave Lytton

        Reminds me of just about every medical insurance “cost savings” scheme for the past 40 years.

    • Suthenboy

      Electric motors have high horsepower at low RPMs. IC engines have high horsepower at high RPMs.
      It is sensible to have Trains and heavy equipment run on electric motors while light transportation vehicles that run at high speed run on gasoline. We presently have things right.
      The left is trying to break that under the guise of fixing it. That is the only reason to fix something that aint broke

  16. LCDR_Fish

    Not bad dinner but I can’t eat as much as I used to – even after the 5k.

    Brisket, turkey, ham, mashed potatoes, fried okra, carrots, sweet potatoes, fruit salad, beer (Belgian wit from growler). Saving rolls for leftover – more grazing this evening.

    • LCDR_Fish

      Annnnd…now I’ve got the ‘itis.

    • groat scotum

      can’t even blame the squirrels for that

      • Ted S.

        What are you drinking? 😀

    • Sean

      Everything ok dude?

  17. groat scotum

    I know I’m like six years late but Thanos sacrificing Gamora is shocking.

    • Ted S.

      I assume you’re talking some superhero movie nonsense?

      • groat scotum

        LAME AND GAY

    • groat scotum

      This whole thing is lame and gay, all this superhero shit is lame and gay but man, that was upsetting.

      • Pat

        Put on Planes, Trains and Automobiles instead.

      • Nephilium

        Best. Thanksgiving. Movie. Ever.

      • Ted S.

        I watched Burt Reynolds in The End last night.

        Fun premise, but I don’t think they did the right things with it. I think that’s partly because of the presence of Dom DeLuise, since he was in a similarly misfiring movie in Fatso.

      • Pat

        I remember enjoying The End, but to be fair, I last watched it probably around 20 years ago, and I have no pretension to good taste. My dad, being a fat man, really liked Fatso. I thought it was OK, but not memorable enough that I’ve ever thought of it again if it wasn’t brought up by someone else. Perhaps having the personal experience to relate to the characters is necessary.

    • juris imprudent

      Perhaps I am too blasé, but God-power AI still sounds more like a theoretical problem.

      • Suthenboy

        To me as well. Worth taking into account but I think it is one of those things that we will have to bumble through before we figure out what it all means, what is possible and what isn’t, etc.
        Predicting the end of the world seems a bit premature.
        “The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has limits.” – Einstein
        I suspect that intelligence of a God is an impossibility even for AI.

      • prolefeed

        That’s exactly the idea that an AI posing as a human would try to convince TMITE to propagate so it became policy. 😉

      • Suthenboy

        TMITE. Yeah TMITE, that’s the ticket. Whew, for a second there I thought you found me ouuuuu…..I mean yeah, we would get….I mean they would get TMITE to foil people.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Apparently it’s coming out about the OpenAI kerfuffle was all over a breakthrough there where an AI model actually performed math. Didn’t scrape the internet for the answer, but with all things no one would know if true unless we can see under the hood.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Oh should have RTFA

      • Pat

        It’s the same fundamental error Kurzweil made 25 years ago in The Age of Spiritual Machines when he predicted the singularity within his lifetime: presuming exponentially accelerating returns indefinitely. Quantum computing underpants gnomes are the current deus ex machina since Moore’s Law was dashed on the rocks of materials science. I’ll believe it when I see it. My newest job only exists because even simple conversational AI isn’t capable of consistently contextualizing language yet. They’ll probably get that solved in the next 10 years or so, and then we’re only probably about 100 more years from AGI.

  18. The Late P Brooks

    In my mind I have a lot of trouble understanding why corn should be used to make fuel as opposed to running it through a chicken, pig or cow.

    I was looking at this the other day; if you absolutely want ethanol for fuel, using sugar beets makes a lot more sense than corn. It takes a lot les water, for one thing.

    • Suthenboy

      Ask someone that works at an ethanol plant “Hey, why do you have a huge fuel oil tank there? Cant you just run the plant on ethanol?”
      Make sure you have popcorn ready.

  19. The Late P Brooks

    It is sensible to have Trains and heavy equipment run on electric motors while light transportation vehicles that run at high speed run on gasoline. We presently have things right.

    Trains run at a constant uninterrupted speed. Cars and trucks do not.

    • Zwak says the real is not governable, but self-governing.

      Trains need torque to get the whole line of cars moving. Once they are moving it is a lot less to deal with. Cars start and stop, and go up and down in speed. They need (or, at least, we want them to need) more horsepower.

  20. Mojeaux

    We are safely ensconced at the back corner of the Krusty Krab (aka Golden Corral).

  21. The Late P Brooks

    the Krusty Krab (aka Golden Corral).

    I wish there was one here. I used to go for lunch sometimes in Injanapolis.

    • Mojeaux

      We had one in my municipality (have to go 15 miles away), and we would take the kids for bfast on Sat or Sun. Bfast at KK is the bomb.

  22. DEG


    No Gift of the Gun?

    • Zwak says the real is not governable, but self-governing.

      Gift? I wish. I have spent more on firearms in the last year than in the rest of my life.

      • DEG

        I bid on a Westley Richards retailed Lee at a recent auction. I went at the low end of the estimated range because of the “patina” (i.e. rust). $4200 with buyer’s premium.

        I did get a Webley out of that auction. I plan to pay and take delivery next week.

        Related in a way: British Lancaster pistols.

      • Zwak says the real is not governable, but self-governing.

        Nice. My BSA Sporting is unmarked as to a retailer.

    • DEG

      Thanks Yusef!

    • hayeksplosives

      The Darmok ST:TNG one is perfect.

    • Fourscore

      Glad I’m old.

      Actually the ‘kill switch’ could find me impaired, even though I don’t drink. The fact that my responses may be slightly slower while driving could shut me down.

      I’d hate to be shut down when it’s -25 and I’m a mile from my destination. Walking isn’t the fun thing it used to be.

  23. The Late P Brooks

    Perhaps I am too blasé, but God-power AI still sounds more like a theoretical problem.

    I was just reading earlier about how Bill Gates says AI will feed us (Plant the wheat? Tend the wheat? Grind the wheat? et c) and do so many things for us we will only have to work three days a week, if we feel like it. Productivity will be through the roof. We’ll all be millionaires.

    I haz a doubt.

    • Urthona

      That guy is never wrong.

    • Ghostpatzer

      We’ll all be millionaires

      Hyperinflation, incoming.

    • one true athena

      Don’t forget step 1a: Kill four billion people

  24. Nephilium

    I have made it back from the family. I have learned that my traditional gift of tea advent calendars is appreciated, and the eldest teen is starting to get jealous and try to take some of the teas, but that I shouldn’t get him his own yet. My dad refuses to learn anything with technology (he took an html file, pasted it into word, and then saved it as html, which presents a lovely marked up page of the raw original html), and kept trying to make notepad into something more complicated than a text editor. I may tell him to use emacs next time.

    I have far too many desserts now in the house, and will have to work through them this weekend.

    I hope the rest of you wonderful bastards have a beautiful and happy day.

    • Ghostpatzer

      I may tell him to use emacs next time.

      You monster! Vim forever!

      • Ghostpatzer

        LOL. Butterflies also cause climate change as a by-product of the bit-flipping activity. Ban geeks butterflies, save Gaia.

    • Ted S.

      As I wrote on the Packer board I subscribe to, in a thread on the positives and negatives of today’s game:

      + Dad is healthy enough to enjoy a Thanksgiving dinner.

      – The turkey was done early so I spent the from the two minute warning on making all the fixings.

      – We moved eight months ago and I have no idea which box the gravy boat is in. 😀

      • Nephilium

        I’m a bit hurt that my dad has categorically dismissed going to any of the Browns games because he “doesn’t want to walk up that many steps”, even after I said that there’s an elevator to the seats I have.

        My brother in law is in for any potential play off games, and my youngest nephew would like to go to a real game next year, so I’ve got that going for me.

    • Fourscore

      I like your Dad, though I’ve never met him. We seem to have a lot in common.

      • Nephilium

        Me and him have our issues. But we’re both adults at this point, and stay away from the really hurtful points.

        He went Marines instead of Army, and from all that I have learned, was in Okinawa during his time in the Vietnam Policy Action doing radio repair. He likes the girlfriend, and the girlfriend likes him.

      • Fourscore

        My grownup son is way different than me. He lives in Austin. He’s a good kid with strange ideas, we mostly avoid politics. He likes libertarianism for himself but thinks others can’t be trusted with it.

      • Nephilium

        My dad is a classic Rush Limbaugh Republican. He’s aware I’m a libertarian, but he does argue in good faith (to the best of his ability). We all live within 30 miles of where we were born.

  25. The Late P Brooks

    I have been outside doing a job which ought to have been done weeks if not months ago. Either I’m playing chicken with mother nature or I am no longer able to perform simple basic tasks in anything resembling an orderly or timely manner.

    Also, it’s raining on top of last night’s snow. The roads will be fun when it all freezes. Luckily, I have nowhere to go.

    • Zwak says the real is not governable, but self-governing.

      What is the simple job?

      • hayeksplosives

        My money is on cleaning leaves out of the gutter.

      • Fourscore

        Yesterday I picked up the last garden hose outside. Everything is now stored inside. I’m ready for winter. Many of the locals have yards full of collectibles. I like everything inside, out of sight.

      • DEG

        I cleaned up some flower beds and cleaned up leaves. I had to wait until the snow melted enough to work outside.

        I’m done working on the yard and my flower beds.

      • DEG

        Well, actually… maybe not.

        If the ground doesn’t freeze between now and next weekend, and if next weekend’s weather is nice, I’ll move some plants.

  26. Mojeaux

    That was a very lovely outing. Husband, both kids, mom, aunt, and family friend. Kids got along fabulously and enjoyed their food. Success!

    • hayeksplosives

      Yay for happy family gatherings!!

      I will be at the brand new sports pub tonight for the Seahawks game. Should be a fun crowd.

      In preparation for tomorrow’s potluck Thanksgiving, I’m boiling mini-shells for pasta salad. An easy dish; mostly just chopping. Pasta, peas, sliced black olives, bell pepper, celery, finely chopped Swiss cheese, bacon pieces, and a creamy dressing. Maybe some chopped boiled eggs. Haven’t decided.

  27. R C Dean

    Why is it that “right-wing” “populist” politicians all have goofy hair styles? Trump, Miles, Wilders. I guess Milfolini is the exception, so . . . Just the guys?

    • one true athena

      That’s how Boris Johnson fooled people

  28. Ghostpatzer

    Home this year with wife and spawn. Roast Beast, mashed taters, baked sweet potato, corn, biscuits, gravy. My first attempt at preparing Thanksgiving dinner, it’s never too late to try something new. So far, no fatalities. Let’s see what happens after we eat.

    • Fourscore

      Just got an invite to the neighbors for a post Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow evening. They had their own family gathering today and now need some adults for the withdrawal symptoms.

      • Ghostpatzer

        Nice. Sitting around doing nothing, leisurely chatting with friends, is my idea of a good time nowadays.

  29. The Late P Brooks

    Haha- Cowboys are wearing throwback uniforms. The other team’s history has been erased.

    • Nephilium

      The Browns keep releasing “blackout” gear (all black in color with white highlights). I like the look of them, but there’s a problem when it comes to the football aspect of it. In the AFC North, the Browns are the ONLY team that does not use black as one of their colors.

  30. one true athena

    Im in Seattle to go out for Thanksgiving with the spawn. Then on Sunday I’ll cook for my mom and SIL fam with a makeup Thanksgivingback home.

    The weather could not be better today here. Sunny and blue skies so we can see Rainier from the hotel.

    Hope the day was great, all of you east of me!

  31. Zwak says the real is not governable, but self-governing.

    Home, and it is just the wife and I. Turkey is spatchcocked, sides are siding, beer is both a hazy IPA and a Turkish Coffee porter.

    Living the dream.

  32. Gender Traitor

    My kitchen just isn’t big enough or set up correctly for cooking Thanksgiving dinner for five people. We muddled through somehow. The worst thing that happened was that we stuck the cranberry sauce/salad in the fridge when sisters and BIL arrived but forgot to get it out at mealtime. Oh, well. There was plenty of other stuff.

    Is it very bad of me to say I’m thankful my family left early? 😕 (Not thankful for the reason – Oldest sister has back surgery very early tomorrow morning, and was getting uncomfortable from sitting up all afternoon.)

    P.S. Among many other things, I’m seriously thankful for this place and for the many wonderful folks I’ve been able to meet in “meatspace” as a result. 🙂

    • Tres Cool

      Ooh! And I brought you something from my last trip out I need to drop off.

      • Gender Traitor

        Wow! Thanks! Saturday OK? (TT’s napping on the sofa now.) And last call on that computer desk if you want it!

      • Tres Cool

        Oh Im not going anywhere tonight. After being with Tres Version 2.0 all day, and dinner with my Dad, Im 4 Tall Cans™ in.

  33. Derpetologist

    My parents are back in Tennessee, but my mom got ill and had to go to the hospital. She’s awake and alert, but no diagnosis yet. C’est la vie.

    • Gender Traitor

      Hope she’s OK ASAP!

      • Derpetologist

        Me too, unfortunately, the latest update is that she’s being admitted to the hospital. Her symptoms indicate kidney problems.

        Well that sucks. At least I can drive to them in less than a day.

      • hayeksplosives

        Wishing you all the best!

      • DEG

        Sorry. Best wishes.

      • R.J.

        Hospital is the right place to be. May she recover soon.

      • Mojeaux

        I’m sorry, Derpy. My aunt’s in the hospital too.

    • Ghostpatzer

      Oh no. Hope she is OK.

    • Derpetologist

      Thanks for the kinds words; both today and all the other times.

      I recently connected with a chemistry research director and gave him my pitch. My professional future is looking better. It seems many guys like me endure a stagnation period or two.

      • Zwak says the real is not governable, but self-governing.

        I hope all works out for the best.

  34. The Late P Brooks

    Simple job was putting heat tape and insulation on an exposed water line in the former pump house.

    • Yusef drives a Kia

      Good thing you did it though

  35. hayeksplosives

    Dolly Parton (halftime show performer) looks far better, and dare I say classier, than Madonna.

    I bet Dolly is more fun to hang out with too.

    • Tres Cool

      Yeah but Madonna took Rodman’s “Dallas king snake”

    • Ownbestenemy

      And she is by all means a good person. From what I read.

  36. R.J.

    Watching the Cowboys game. Dolly Parton looks incredible as a Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader. Amazing.

    • rhywun

      Deal with the devil? How the hell is she looking like that?

      • Nephilium

        Dolly? Lots of surgery.

        Still think well of her though.

      • hayeksplosives

        She freely admits to the surgery—she’s got some good jokes about it.

        Other things in her favor include that she wore tights and flesh-colored “tights” over her abdomen for the sparkles but also to keep the skin looking good in the unforgiving camera.

        But the main thing is that her costume didn’t show too much, highlighted her assets, and she didn’t jump around or crouch like a desperate slut.

      • Derpetologist

        Desperate Sluts sounds like a band name, or the sequel to Coyote Ugly.

      • Tres Cool

        Desperate Sluts sounds like my pr0nhub channel.

      • rhywun

        I couldn’t take my eyes off her midsection. Yeah, they’re working some magic around there.

        she didn’t jump around or crouch like a desperate slut

        And at a football game – that is a miracle in and of itself.

      • Tres Cool

        “she didn’t jump around or crouch like a desperate slut”

        At 77, I doubt she could if she wanted to.

      • Nephilium

        I struggle to remember the last half time show I watched.

      • rhywun

        I actually had it on mute, playing video games. Switched that off, looked over, and there she was. I did not know she was gonna be there, or doing Queen material.

      • rhywun

        Yeah, she’s pretty cool.

    • hayeksplosives

      77 years old. Sharp as a tack and still knows how to entertain.

      • Yusef drives a Kia

        I saw Ringo recently, sharp af,
        Next is the Stones for the sixth time.
        AARP Tour!

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        The Steel Wheelchair Tour?

    • Urthona

      Kinda funny how she had to hold herself up on the wall though. lol.

  37. DEG

    Mexican Sharpshooter, I’m drinking that Straffe Hendrik Heritage 2016.

    Fucking delicious.

  38. Sensei

    One of many reasons I don’t vote..

    This ballot placement, and the way in which Democratic county parties in New Jersey have conditioned primary voters to only select endorsed candidates, has a near-perfect record. According to an updated analysis from Julia Sass Rubin, an associate dean of the Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy at Rutgers University, incumbent state legislative candidates who receive the county line in contested primaries have won 205 out of 208 primaries in the past 20 years. In the 19 races where the incumbent was denied the county line in at least one county in which they were running, their record is 9 wins and 10 losses.

    Trading Hard Corruption for Soft Corruption

    • rhywun

      I would call that hard corruption myself.

      Soft corruption might be the practice in NY where the Dem is always listed before the GOP candidate in the general election.

      Perhaps to capture the illiterate vote.

      • Ted S.

        The law in NY is that the order of party lines is determined by how many votes for governor the party got at the last election.

      • rhywun

        Ha, I suspected something like that. OK that’s as fair as anything.

    • rhywun

      Anyway, I was on the fence with voting. I did declare I would never vote again several times in recent years.

      This year I changed my mind. The local commies have joined forces with that “slate” bullshit so I figured turnabout was fair play and I would vote against as many of them as I could. Which meant two people because the other two were unopposed. 🙄

      All the Dems are basically commies now so it feels good to vote against them even when it accomplishes nothing else.

      • Sensei

        Local elections are the only thing I’d consider relevant and would vote.

      • rhywun

        Oh hell, I’m even more motivated to vote against state and fed Dems. They have way more power and everyone knows how sinister they are.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      He is guilty of being an asshole but that shouldn’t be a crime. I do subscribe to making them live by and therefore get screwed by their own rules though, otherwise it’ll never stop.

    • creech

      First Amendment doesn’t apply in NYC?

      • Sensei

        There may be merit to some kind of harassment charge.

        No idea as I haven’t followed it that closely.

      • Ownbestenemy

        1st Amendment barely applies country wide.

  39. Derpetologist

    Behold the glory of contemporary journalism:

    Some people speculated about the effects of the former president’s diet: “A huge part of Trump’s mental instability is due to his drinking 12 to 15 diet cokes a day. Research what diet coke does to the brain.”

    Diet Coke is the gateway drug to MAGA.

    Others have tried to highlight Trump’s potential mental decline too, with many also pointing out that Biden’s ability to instantly recover from falls is actually incredibly impressive at 80 years old.

    Catlike reflexes, that Biden.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Falling up stairs takes talent.

      • Derpetologist

        Like Tom Cruise, he does his own stunts. So brave, much wow.

        And now for something completely different: a deep-voiced, lantern-jawed crossdresser whines about the imaginary crime of misgendering

    • Ownbestenemy

      I’m assuming that all articles outside of a few journalist must be unchained to the ministry before publishing with this type of writing.

  40. groat scotum

    This dumb movie may be the longest I didn’t care about something since my ex wife. And she divorced me, can you believe it. Do you believe people really wanted in on this thing? The movie, not my ex.

    • groat scotum

      oh my god, the weirdo cape guy gave Josh Brolin the green stone. Woooooooooow I don’t believe it.

      • R.J.

        Turn it off. Have a drink. See you in twenty minutes for a wholesome Thanksgiving film.

    • groat scotum

      I’m rooting for Thanos. He’s the only man with a vision. Or acting.

    • groat scotum

      Alright, onto End Game now. OH HEY IT’S UNECPETIONAL BOURNE. Sorry, Knockoff Legolas.

      • groat scotum

        Oh jeez that’s actually pretty rough.

    • R.J.

      I see your little muffler sticking out…

      • Gustave Lytton

        And notice the flapper is in the open position… what a coincidence that November days in Oregon are overcast and gloomy.

    • Ownbestenemy

      I am okay with that setup if the owners are up front…solar battery backup but if that fails we have the genny

  41. rhywun

    What else is on?

    • R.J.

      Well, in 30 minutes is a Thanksgiving film.
      Right now, America 3000 with STEVE SMITH and 80s bimbos is on.

    • Mojeaux

      I’m watching the Plaza Lighting Ceremony, then I’m going to hop on the zoom after a while and have some more dressing.

      • rhywun

        Neat! Why aren’t you there??

        I love that stuff. My town is having an ice sculpture, alcohol, and “silent disco” thing next weekend. It’s only a block away so I might check it out.

      • Mojeaux


      • rhywun

        Ah. We don’t have that.

        I’m still amused that I can travel 30 minutes and be in the country, whereas in NYC I travel 30 minutes and it looks exactly like where I started.

    • Sean

      Malcolm in the middle.

      • rhywun

        lol what channel?

      • Sean

        Fuse network.

      • rhywun

        I can’t find that. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    • hayeksplosives

      Seahawks vs 49rs starts in 30 minutes, if you’re not too footballed out.

      • rhywun

        Oof, that’s a rough one for this Easterner. At least I have a minor residual love/hate for SF from having lived there.