Don’t worry I will provide you with a link so you may review the rules at your leisure.
This is my review of Great Notion Single Stack Stout:
In light of HR squabbles at the Daily Wire, and the big dick energy coming out of Oklahoma(!) this week. Perhaps we should focus on some of the, shall we say lessor known philosophical aspects of Pahniuk’s manifesto:
“I felt like putting a bullet between the eyes of every Panda that wouldn’t screw to save its species. I wanted to open the dump valves on oil tankers and smother all the French beaches I’d never see. I wanted to breathe smoke.”
I bet you didn’t know you can format on WordPress. Play around with it next time.

Look at my butthole.
Two weeks ago, the corporate press was aghast at the thought the [goddamn] pandas at the National Zoo would not be returning due to the ChiComs not renewing the lease. I would like to take a moment to stress the word lease. These [goddamn] pandas are not gifts, and have not been a gift since the Reagan administration. They are lent to the individual zoo in a specific country that China deems important enough to them at the exact moment for 10 years. As the Al Jazeera link points outs, Edinburgh has pandas but London does not.
So the fact the ChiComs appeared to be slighting the National Zoo by not sending another pair of [goddamn] pandas is an underhanded way of telling us America must do something to save face.
Wait…never mind. Chairman Xi announced they will send more [goddamn] pandas as a sign of friendship:
“We are ready to continue our cooperation with the United States on panda conservation, and do our best to meet the wishes of the Californians so as to deepen the friendly ties between our two peoples,” Xi said Wednesday during a dinner speech with business leaders.
Either clone the [goddamn] things or send them to nature’s graveyard with the assistance of a .300 magnum to their [goddamn] skulls, just like the [goddamn] manatees. This is so tiresome.
But that’s okay’ we have a STEVE SMITH approved beer! This one is a bit heavy on the maple syrup. While I typically do not like sweet, at the time I drank it I splurged on a bottle of bourbon barrel aged maple syrup for my waffles. It is an absolutely travesty they don’t make enough of the stuff to meet demand when Crown Royal Maple is available year round. Granted, the Canadians probably aren’t putting real maple syrup in the whiskey which might explain why the ChiComs have not renewed their panda lease. The beer though is a lighter version of what they call Double Stack, and I am interested in trying should I find it. This isn’t bad, but I might have been on a bit of a maple kick when I had it. So this score is with that caveat in mind. Great Notion Single Stack Stout: 3.5/5 7.9% ABV
Why the hate for the manatees? Those floating blobs are adorable.
China can keep their pandas. Make a gift or don’t. This lease nonsense is stupid.
Their ugly, they’re lazy, they tear apart swamp side property by being lazy. But if you do the sensible thing and stab at it from your fanboat, the environazis will raise hell.
“They’re ugly, they’re lazy, they tear apart swamp side property by being lazy.”
So, Florida mammal?
Kill them. Kill them all.
Protect the manatees!
Beer….maple sy rup….
Hmmm let me put some mustard on your ice cream. How about some extra pineapple for your pizza?
Just because two things are good does not mean they are good together.
This is more like syrup in your coffee.
I can see it working (in moderation) in a stout or porter. Maple and booze can work together really well.
/looks over at the Red Maple
Yes. Yes it can.
This stuff is the drink of the gods:
Eh, I’ll take the unaged moonshine.
Why don’t we have a clutch of baby pandas in a top secret panda cloning laboratory? We’ll corner the market and make China’s panda stockpile worthless.
I dont give.a fuck about pandas. I dont give a fuck about the rest of the world. I wish the sacks-o-shit we have in power would quit sticking our dicks in every shithole around the world.
I have been deliberately avoiding the news. What is the point? The party in power is actively trying to destroy our civilization and aiding our sworn enemies as part of their effort. I cant do anything about it.
I wish a great big giant FUCK YOU to everyone who helped put the dems in power. Now that I think of that a great big giant FUCK YOU to everyone that put the R’s in office as well.
Ladies and gentlemen, the Glib manifesto.
Sounds like a good beer to me,
/will search
Look, Pandas are trying to go extinct.
They have a digestive system with a short intestine better tuned for digesting meat, but spend their day eating low-nutrient bamboo.
They refuse to procreate.
They sit around and wait for death.
Let them die.
Almost every species has a “extinction by” date. The Panda just seems to be reaching theirs.
I was trying to come up with a coelacanth pun, but nothing fossilized.
woah: that’s deep
COELOCANTH – BY Shriekback
I will see that and raise you one Hrab
Guys you guys you guys…
…UCS get it.
I went with my oldest on his class trip to swim with the manatees last year. What a dumb fucking animal.
Most of the ones in the US are in FL… Coincidence?
Dragging over from the ded-thred… trashy ya didn’t comment on my comparison to Scientologists, so I’ll reiterate it.
Who has/had the better grip on reality – Marxists or Scientologists? Or are they equally deluded?
Serious question: has Scientology ever killed non-believers at scale?
Would that be physically, or just a mental state?
Physical. Lets keep the bar low.
Killing people is easy – we’ve done that from long before any stupid ideology of the 19th or 20th centuries. Industrialization didn’t even make it all that more efficient, considering the body count racked up by the Mongols.
Sure, but Scientology hasn’t pulled a Holodomor, at least not yet. My vote for most deluded is Marxists.
For some reason that reads to me to be begging the question enough to invoke Wilson replying that it is the Libertarians only he knows of that we’re somehow responsible for.
The dispute is were the Soviets really good at effecting behavior? I say no because they never understood human behavior to begin with – Gramsci being the most notable exception. If they couldn’t create the New Soviet Man, what is the basis for saying their disinformation ops were so good? Honestly, they barely rank below Republicans for being shit at running govt.
Pounding money down a rathole
The Biden administration announced Friday it’s proposing extending a tax credit to boost offshore wind energy projects, according to Politico.
The tax credit proposal is intended to defray rising interest rates and high steel prices that have made offshore wind energy projects more expensive, Politico reported. The Treasury Department clarified that undersea cables that connect wind farms to the power grid are eligible for tax credits due to the Inflation Reduction Act, according to E&E News. (RELATED: Kevin O’Leary Reveals Why Clean Energy Stocks Are Tanking)
The Treasury Department’s proposal would make the projects eligible for a 6% base credit, and companies could get additional credits for meeting other criteria, including paying “prevailing wages,” locating the projects in certain communities and using domestic materials, E&E News reported.
Orsted, a Danish offshore wind energy company, announced it would terminate two wind farms being built off the coast of New Jersey on Oct. 31 after mounting financial difficulties.
“Macroeconomic factors have changed dramatically over a short period of time, with high inflation, rising interest rates, and supply chain bottlenecks impacting our long-term capital investments,” Orsted Americas CEO David Hardy said about the decision to halt the projects. “As a result, we have no choice but to cease development of Ocean Wind 1 and Ocean Wind 2.”
Yes, let’s prop up these economically nonviable projects to show the world how much we love the planet.
Big raspberry to Murphy here.
The taxpayers literally can’t afford to not do this.
Macroeconomics my ass. Fundamentally nonviable is more like it. Somebody finally did the math on the outyears is my guess.
Yesterday’s BBC article about how the Brits are raising rates 50% to help cover the cost of installing/operating wind generation.
(RELATED: Kevin O’Leary Reveals Why Clean Energy Stocks Are Tanking)
“You rubes aren’t buying them.”
Progs: Cats are an invasive species and kill billions of birds a year!!!!
Also progs: We need wind and solar to save the planet! What dead birds?!?!
Obvious solution — turbines of buttered cats.
Just build some more nuclear fission plants. They are a great solution for anywhere that’s not hugely seismically active.
I wish… that modular nuclear attempt just died recently because their price shot up (I’m not sure if it was regulatory overhead increases, just inflation or what… but whatever it was it apparently pushed them beyond what their intended market would bear).
Someday when we get serious, hopefully.
It is only taxpayer money (someday… eventually… maybe… if we don’t just default) anyway. What do his advisors care?
I’m sure there’s legislation that authorizes him to do that, right?
Pistols for Pandas
“juris imprudent on November 18, 2023 at 10:18 am
An intellectual ghetto eh?”
It was so pure until the Jew showed up.
I think I know where this is going. Anyone want to give omwc asylum?
I would, but I don’t even have an attic.
I have one, but it gets as hot as an oven.
*insert Michael Scott grimace gif here*
So you’re wearin’ next to nothin’ while your whole shack shimmies?
Oh, with that joke, I bet you think your a gas at parties…
I for one did not see this becoming a pun thread.
As with fly fishing it is all about the haul & cast.
Anybody want to donate?
They are really going after him hard. Is it really all because he spoke out on illegal immigration, or did he step on some other land mine of the left?
He seems an unlikely target of such ire.
I honestly don’t know.
He’s a typical prog, and even being a former cop not especially law and order. The only thing he has really bucked has been the unchecked immigration once it impacted him.
He’s almost as useless as deBlasio was. This says a lot.
You can say that again. It was his whole schtick and it was complete bullshit.
I don’t think he’s bucking the unchecked immigration at all. He’s making significant budget cuts in order to keep the free ride going, when he could instead turn off the faucet and tell the courts to come at me, bro.
By buck, I meant actually pushback at DC. And only for money.
It means he’s desperate.
And the bill keeps growing.
Makes me wonder what they’re hiding.
I am starting to think that L&O was his raison d’etre, he was forced off that mole hill, and by even trying to buck on it in prog circles he has earned the rath of Merrick.
Yeah, something’s off. We might never find out what.
Wow, he really pissed them off. I thought it was going to stop at his campaign manager.
The Chinese only lease out the pandas because they don’t want us to steal their intellectual property.
They’re feeling stronger as a country and don’t have to go panda-ring any more.
Do you want cheap imitation pamdas? I mean, they come with back doors.
I’m not pretending away sorrow, I’m attempting to reciprocate trust.
I think. I hope she’s as pained as I am.
It’s been years since I’ve been involved with anyone, and to have this level of intimacy is unusual.
I kinda just want her to hurt.
I think maybe it’s appropriate that I’ve been uninvolved all these years.
Did I miss something from a previous comment section?
No, my ex messaged me out of nowhere about a death, I was dearly hoping it was her lover, turns out it was her pet.
Imagine being this horrible and inhospitable over some woman’s pet.
I feel terrible.
For the pet, whatever it was.
Not her?
I’m not going to do it, but I want… so badly want to link her “It’s just a cat” by Norm Macdonald.
I love this woman, even if she rejected me, so I’m not going to do it, but god damn it I’m sorely tempted.
It turns out it’s some kind of defective cat?
Fuck your dumb pet Mols, how does someone get over the death of Norm Macdonald??
Shows up on my digital dorstep to mourn her goddamn cat, wants a fucking funereal attitude on my Saturday morning expecting I’ve got nothing else to do. You expect me to go and get MY shinebox, you bitch?
I don’t understand why a reasonable person would intrude on someone else’s space like that unless they wanted to make the other person miserable.
Did she have an expectation that you would welcome her name in your inbox?
Alright alright I get it.
Animal reminding us that it wouldn’t be the Carter Years 2.0 without them attempting their version of the going over 55 buzzer.
Yeah, I don’t think there is anything that could kill the D’s off with normies more than that.
So, let’s wait for the ramp up.
Or for the “fact-checkers” telling us this is fake news.
Big Daddy Gummint here to save the day. 🙄
You can pry my 160-mph capable Sonata out of my cold, dead hands.
Just cuz the speedo goes to 160, doesn’t mean it’ll get there.
Well, at least it does 100 mph comfortably for hours. Thank you, South Dakota for a 90-mph speed limit.
I may ask this in a later thread….
I need help.
Has anyone had a successful resolution with an involuntary commitment of a loved one? How long?
Depending on your insurance (or not), they may not keep them very long. Our son was in three times, and they wouldn’t keep him longer than 5-7 days, not even long enough to get his meds straightened out. His (toxic, co-dependent) friend was in a private place for 9 months, but didn’t seem to do any good.
Email me if you wish, although I don’t have much more information than I do here. moriah at moriahjovan dot com
For the soccer fans:
Gibraltar gets a red card in the 18th minute against France. How many goals can France score in the remaining 72 minutes?
2? :p
Trick question. It’s France. They’ll surrender.
Isn’t there a name for giving something to someone and taking it back?
Duhhhh, rescinding?
Being a Warren-giver?
“If someone yells STOP or goes limp, taps out, the fight is over.”
…Benny “The Kid” Paret.