About The Author



Wife of sloopy, mother to three bright, curious, and highly active young girls. Perpetually exhausted.


  1. Common Tater

    Will they take a check?

    • R C Dean

      Fun fact: a check is just a promissory note, which is to say, more debt.

      • Nephilium

        So… you’re saying we don’t need to increase the debt limit, just float a couple of trillion dollar checks?

      • Suthenboy

        I thought we were minting trillion dollar coins. Is that off of the table now?

  2. Common Tater

    “Joe Biden placed a hold on the request until Israel provided a guarantee that none of the weapons would wind up in the hands of Israeli settlers in the West Bank.”


    • Aloysious

      Too bad old Joe didn’t put those kind of restrictions on the Taliban, after they resumed power in Afghanistan.

    • prolefeed

      The Bee summed it up best: “Biden Checks His Poll Numbers to See If Israel Has a Right to Defend Itself”

    • Suthenboy

      I have become somewhat numb to the evil, banal shit going on today but I have to say, that story makes my blood boil.
      Just when I thought gun grabbers could not be more evil they prove me wrong.

  3. Rufus the Monocled

    Man. The derp these days is epic.

    It’s crazy out there.

    • Suthenboy

      As I have said before…this all has the feel of the run-up to WWII to me.

      • Nephilium

        Feel more like WW1 to me. No one is sure why the hell everyone’s getting involved, but damn it, they all want to send troops on the ground.

      • Suthenboy

        Take your pick. I notice the tacit acceptance of the cancer of seething irrational hatred and over the top lunacy that has metastasized in society from top to bottom.

      • SDF-7

        That and people like Whitmer getting reelected after royally shafting their voters is why I can only think “I really, really don’t understand people.” these days. Especially this morning. Like 2022, I keep expecting some pushback… and it just never seems to happen. And that depresses the hell out of me that apparently most people want this crap.

      • Banjos

        Moving to a dark red part of a red state was one of the best decisions we ever made. We moved right before COVID and it ended up barely effecting us. very few people locally wore masks. The schools shut down for only the end of the 2020 school year. Everything was back to normal after that. Anyway, we now need to look for farm land to make our ultimate escape when the big one comes.

      • trshmnstr the terrible

        we now need to look for farm land to make our ultimate escape when the big one comes.

        4 months into that escape for us and it’s worth it if only for the lifestyle change. I’m sure things will accelerate once we get food going in the spring.

      • SDF-7

        My talents lie in programming, not farming — so I’m probably dead when/if the big one comes. Joy.

        We did intentionally go for “farming community” when we bought a house out here in California… so the COVID years weren’t as oppressive as they would have been if we were in Santa Clara County (San Jose area). Unfortunately, while I do want to try to get back to the other coast this year – ATL seems to be driving Georgia more and more blue. And already have the house there, close to parents who are peers of 4×20, so probably closer to “light pink area of a formerly red state going blue”.

        Longer term plans are probably to look towards Alabama or Tennessee. Sorry, Florida — I can’t take places below the gnat line. That won’t be until after my parents pass on, assuming I outlive them of course. But the madness does seem to be everywhere, so who knows….

  4. Sensei

    House censures Rashida Tlaib for condemning Israel after Hamas terrorist attacks

    And what else happens?

    • prolefeed

      She runs for reelection and wins?

      • Sensei

        Yup. It’s the Trump approach.

      • WTF

        The Democrats are good at electing people to office who hate America.

      • Drake

        Republicans are pretty good at it too.

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      It should be up to the voters in her district. She’s awful, but she has a right to say awful things.

  5. Winston

    U.S. Debt Interest Bill Soars Past $1 Trillion a Year

    ‘Member when libertarians thought the Democrats would be more fiscally responsible then the Republicans? I mean Bill Clinton behaved a way he thought politically expedient in 1995 so obviously Joe Biden’s handlers would behave the exact same way today for political expediency.

    OK sure Bill didn’t actually reduce the deficit and the main reason that Republicans spend so much is that they refuse to cut Democrat created programs but the End of History!

    • R C Dean

      “Member when libertarians thought the Democrats would be more fiscally responsible then the Republicans?”

      I actually have no memory of that whatsoever.

      • Sensei

        I thought this was cute yesterday.

        Why Democrats Should Care About the National Debt

        Ever-growing interest payments crowd out progressive programs and undermine confidence in government.

        Mr. Ritz is director of the Progressive Policy Institute’s Center for Funding America’s Future.

      • prolefeed

        I remember TOS saying “libertarians” ought to support Beto O’Rourke, before he said the silent part out loud about confiscating guns in Texas.

      • Winston

        The cosmotarians are always desperately searching for the libertarian democrat. Buttgag was supposed to be one too.

        As far as I can call the cosmo strategy is happy thoughts and yearning for the Bizarro FDR: a nice guy elite technocrat who will magically fix everything because he is so wise and smart and nice and will listen to their articles.

      • robc

        Polis supported HH, any claims to him being the libertarian democrat ended there.

      • Lackadaisical

        I thought honey harvest was a good thing.

      • Suthenboy

        Yeah, that is about the time they stepped out of the closet. Least surprising development of the year for me.
        When someone comes out they always announce with great fan-fare what everyone already knew. They get shoulder shrugs or sarcastic congratulations.

      • Suthenboy

        Nor do I. I do remember when I could no longer stomach TOS because of their stated intention to get in bed with dems (they were closet pinkos all along and I knew it) because they thought they could more easily effect change. Yep, I remember that. Congrats TOS. Congratufuckinglations.

      • prolefeed

        To be fair, TOS started out as actually libertarian and gradually got skin suited.

      • Suthenboy

        I am aware. However a weasel got to be a weasel is unimportant. It is only important that they are now a weasel.

      • Winston

        The whole alliance with the left is completely absurd. the Democrats gave zero incentive to reduce spending and regulation. And why would they turn against the woke left that supports them? The Democrats are the party of Free Shit and government employees.

      • Nephilium

        Well, Bill Mahr claims to be a libertarian, and he supports Democrats, so he represents all libertarians, right?

      • Winston

        If by “coke and whores is libertarian” then yes he is.

    • Drake

      While Clinton was President, the Cold War military was chopped in half. A bit of that savings went to deficit reduction, the rest was spent on other shit.

  6. Common Tater

    “Tlaib was not required to stand in the well of the House and be rebuked by the speaker, as is traditionally the case.”


    • Nephilium




    • Drake

      Gary Studds turned his back and ignored his rebuke for committing statutory rape on an underage male paige. Then got reelected.

      • Lackadaisical

        That makes me feel even worse about the direction of the country. Thanks!

  7. Suthenboy

    Just when I thought the Biden Admin could not be more repugnant they make a liar out of me.

    The domestic violence issue failed once years ago because guess which demographic has the highest rates of domestic violence and cannot continue their career if they are prohibited from having guns? C’mon….I bet you cant guess.

    If RC were wrong about voters we would not be seeing leftists winning elections. Apparently he is not wrong, most people are NPCs. Flat, unthinking, unable to learn, empty headed zeroes.

    It looks like Trump has a pretty good chance of winning the WH. That will make for some very interesting times.

    I am surprised more properties are not destroyed as owner’s property rights and whittled down to nil. You must pay taxes on it but have no say over its use. Fuck that. *lights match*

    So Talib is going to be sorry after she reads a strongly worded letter.

    Never gonna pass but it would be epic to see Buttplug’s salary vaporized.

    • prolefeed

      Soo … which demographic?

      • Raven Nation


      • slumbrew

        I’m going to guess “cops”

      • Ted S.


      • Toxteth O'Grady

        My first thought.

      • SDF-7

        “No, Scott… the other L-word.”


      • Suthenboy

        As for lesbians I dont think anyone keeps numbers on them, why bother when you can assumed they are 100%.

    • The Last American Hero

      Trump has zero chance. The 2020, 2022 and 2023 election results should have made this abundantly clear. Toss in the fortification efforts and the fact that suburban women love themselves some abortion, and he has zero chance. Loses. Bigly, like by 9 pm EST it’s all but over.

      • Zwak says the real is not governable, but self-governing.

        As long as the R’s keep going full retard on abortion and their base keeps blackpilling themselves, yes, they will keep losing.

  8. Common Tater

    “He shared six signs you might be a borderline alcoholic: drinking alcohol every day without realizing it; binge drinking often; only socializing if alcohol is involved; drinking frequently during the day; finding it irritating when others are not drinking; and consuming more than the recommended government guidelines.”


    I only do the last one.

    • prolefeed

      I like to conduct my life by following recommended government guidelines. 🙄

      • Suthenboy

        Heh, that jumped out at me also.

        Re: food pyramid
        I am told that between ozempic and AI the world will be a completely different place in a few years. Airlines are already noticing significant reductions in their fuel consumption because of the widespread use of ozempic.

    • Nephilium

      How do you not realize you’re drinking alcohol every day? A really bad kombucha habit?

      • SDF-7

        Someone is serving you weak screwdrivers and you think it is just your breakfast OJ?

      • Nephilium

        13. If he makes it too weak, order a double next time. He’ll get the message.

        The 86 Rules of Boozing

  9. Nephilium

    Well, the state of Ohio passed issue 2, now to see how the legislation decides to change it before it goes into effect. As this was not passed as an amendment, the state legislature can change the bill. The authors were aware of such possibilities, and have at least some portions going into effect in 30 days (such as home cultivation).

  10. robc

    Colorado election results update:

    Statewide, Prop HH, NO 60.2% — This is the bill that would have gutted TABOR. Right now, state revenue is limited to a baseline amount + inflation + population growth. So the real per capita revenue is static. Anything above that amount has to be returned. Amongst other changes, this would have changed the formula to above +1%. Which over next 10 years would have completely eliminated the refunds.

    Statewide, Prop II, YES 66.7% — Similar to above, but for a tobacco tax. The Yes vote allows the state to keep all of the tax that exceeded the limit set in the ballot measure that passed the tax.

    City, Prop 2F, NO 52.6% — Sales tax increase for the fire department

    City, Prop 2G, NO 52.0% — City wanted a 12 year (starting in 2025) period where they got to keep property tax in excess of the TABOR limit. NO will lower taxes about 18% over the next 12 years. The current 12 year exception is about to expire, stupid voters 12 years ago.

    City, Question 300, YES 65.6% — Eliminate city sales tax on groceries.

    City, Question 301, YES 69.8% — If the city wants to use the state “urban renewal” law, they have to get voter approval. This is in reaction to giving a developer a big tax break for “urban renewal” of farmland. The city didn’t technically break the law, but they bent the hell out of it.

    The middle two are still close and final votes havent been counted, but it looks like I am going to win on 5/6. Can’t complain about that, the tobacco one had no chance.

    • Lackadaisical

      Sounds like you’re living in the right place. Voting no to saving babies from fires? Cold hearted.

  11. Shpip

    A censure represents a strong rebuke of Tlaib but has no formal punishment.

    She choked up and accused her colleagues of trying to silence her in a defiant speech on the House floor on Tuesday afternoon.

    ‘My perspective is needed here now more than ever. I will not be silenced and I will not let you distort my words,’ she said in a passionate speech.

    That’s the problem, toots. Other people heard exactly what you said loud and clear. Maybe try shutting your piehole for a little while (I know… politician… woman… never happen, but still).

    • SDF-7

      “If America can’t have a voice calling for genocide of the Jewish people, what kind of country are we?!!”

      • Drake

        Maybe we shouldn’t meddle or fund either side of that conflict.

      • SDF-7

        Given Israel should be able to fund itself at this point, fine by me. I’ve made my position clear previously — knock out the Iranian funding of their proxies stirring things up by getting our oil and natgas production going again and drop the global crude price. Works for Russia as well if you’re worried about them.

        We shouldn’t be funding or meddling in a lot of crap, for that matter — and I don’t think you’re going to get a lot of argument on that around here.

      • Drake

        I’d agree if they had done anything in years to keep the peace. The way they’ve enforced martial law and allowed settlements just ensures future conflicts. Not taking sides – which is my point.

      • SDF-7

        Meh — I think we’re holding them to a standard no other nation has ever been held to. Various countries attack you and you take territory in your counter-offensives? That’s pretty much normal and in their case a needed buffer zone. As such, I can’t get too worked up about the settlements. Really, any ceasefire or treaty (I don’t remember if there ever was a formal one and don’t care enough to look it up) that ended the wars back in the beginning when their neighbors told the forefathers of the Palestinians to leave their homes while they destroyed Israel should have included “We keep what we took, you keep the people you displaced. Or we keep going into your capitals. End of line.”, but here we are.

      • Drake

        I seriously don’t care what happens there – as long as I don’t have to pay for it or deal with the ensuing refugees.

  12. Rebel Scum

    Somehow my formerly 55/45 Republican State Senate and House of Delegates districts are now 60/40 Democrat. Square that circle*.

    *Of course, the answer is obvious.

    • SDF-7

      Is this one of the Virginia districts mentioned in the overnight thread that seem to be giving 110% when it comes to turnout?

    • Zwak says the real is not governable, but self-governing.

      What shape is DC? ‘Cause that is the size of you problem.

      Youngkin was elected to solve a specific problem. Now that is done, it will revert to the mean.

    • dbleagle

      That is one hell of a small niche market.

  13. Trigger Hippie


    • Ownbestenemy

      *In Butthead voice* Testies, Testies, 1…2…3

  14. Rebel Scum

    U.S. Debt Interest Bill Soars Past $1 Trillion a Year

    I’m sure this is fine.

    • Ownbestenemy

      When it gets to be quarterly, then we will worry about it.

  15. SDF-7

    On the “at least one thing didn’t completely suck this morning” front… did mis-drag a word and blew accuracy, but the speed ranking was a nice consolation prize, I suppose.

    I played https://squaredle.com/xp 11/08:
    *23/23 words (+1 bonus word)
    🎯 Perfect accuracy

    I played https://squaredle.com 11/08:
    *31/31 words (+2 bonus words)
    ⏱️ In the top 4% by speed
    🔥 Solve streak: 87

    • Sean

      I played https://squaredle.com 11/08:
      *31/31 words (+5 bonus words)
      📖 In the top 27% by bonus words
      🔥 Solve streak: 3

      I played https://squaredle.com/xp 11/08:
      *23/23 words (+4 bonus words)
      📖 In the top 32% by bonus words

    • Raven Nation

      I played https://squaredle.com/xp 11/08:
      *23/23 words (+1 bonus word)
      🎯 Perfect accuracy

      I played https://squaredle.com 11/08:
      *31/31 words (+4 bonus words)
      🎯 In the top 18% by accuracy
      🔥 Solve streak: 19

    • rhywun

      I played https://squaredle.com/xp 11/08:
      *23/23 words (+3 bonus words)
      🎯 Perfect accuracy

      I played https://squaredle.com 11/08:
      *31/31 words (+1 bonus word)
      🎯 Perfect accuracy
      🔥 Solve streak: 69

    • Suthenboy

      Cleanest, fairest election in history. Say otherwise and we will throw y our conspiracy theorist ass in prison for insurrection.

    • robc

      As I said the other day…threats are measured by capabilities not intentions.

      Are current voting systems are a threat.

  16. Rebel Scum

    It’s being reported that Democratic Senator Chris Van Hollen of Maryland was one of the people pressuring the Biden administration behind the scenes to force Israel to agree to the restrictions. He insists that the official position of the White House is that the West Bank is “occupied territory,” and distributing weapons there would only “throw gas on the fire.”

    In a a way this is correct. It’s been occupied by Muslims for 100s of years since they conquered it.

    • The Last American Hero

      Only white people can be colonizers. And Jews, like Asians and White Hispanics are white when it serves the narrative.

  17. Rebel Scum

    Landlord torches New York home after tenants stop paying rent

    I understand the sentiment, but this move is going to burn him.

    • Dr. Fronkensteen

      He was certainly hot under the collar.

  18. Shpip

    Glanced at a calendar and realized that sixteen years ago today, a series of regrettable circumstances led to me spending my morning splayed out on an operating room table. I remember seeing the OR lights being positioned, feeling the sting of IV needles being placed, and experiencing dread and regret that I might make my wife a widow at thirty-six.

    I also recall being mildly surprised when I woke up that afternoon, even more so when I was told that my heart stopped and both lungs collapsed during the procedure, which gained the full attention of the trio of physicians who were working on me (turns out those defib-paddle things work, just like in the movies).

    All things considered, it’s been a pretty good last several years, especially when one looks at the alternative. (Raises glass) Here’s to new leases on life.

    • slumbrew

      Here’s to continuing on the right side of the dirt. *clink*

    • Fourscore

      Good to have you as a new friend, glad you made it.

  19. The Late P Brooks

    In the good old days that slumlord could have hired some neighborhood toughs to throw those deadbeats and all their junk out onto the sidewalk.

  20. Winston


    My point, therefore, is a simple one: this is the best time to be alive.

    I wonder if this will age as well as similar articles written in 1913 and 1928?

    Oh this is what I mean by happy thoughts. If we tell everybody that Everything is Fine then the Commues, the wokies, the watermelons, the populists and natcons will go away.

    • Urthona

      They are correct.

      However, the growth in some progress areas has interestingly flattened in the past 5 or so years. Like in unprecedented ways.

  21. PieInTheSky

    U.S. Debt Interest Bill Soars Past $1 Trillion a Year

    It’s just money. And every penny is well spent.

    Also can I have 10 million?

    • slumbrew

      That’s not even private jet money. Aim higher.

  22. PieInTheSky

    The mystery of the British government’s vanishing WhatsApps

    Disappearing messages become the norm in Whitehall after COVID-19 inquiry reveals chaos at the heart of government.


    As the nation awaits evidence sessions likely to reveal pandemic-era chaos at the heart of Downing Street, nerves in Whitehall are on edge. The inquiry has demanded the mass disclosure of messages from the encrypted app, despite an unsuccessful attempt to block their release by the government.

    Conservative former Chancellor George Osborne suggested late last week that messages revealed at the inquiry will contain “disgusting and misogynistic language.”

    Ah yes the real problem was the misogynistic language.

    • Urthona

      Silly me thinking the point of WhatsApp is the potential encryption.

      • PieInTheSky

        encryption makes it more difficult to jail people for sharing racist jokes

      • Drake

        I thought the point was ease of use for Chinese Intelligence?

    • Zwak says the real is not governable, but self-governing.

      Every day I hear the Wife remind people that anything written down is discoverable.


  23. Urthona

    I did not my duty yesterday voting “negative, ghostrider” on all Texas bonds.

    • R.J.

      Thank you. I was sick, still am. Did not get out to vote.

      • Urthona

        It’s ok. Your vote doesn’t really matter anyway.

      • Rebel Scum

        My “Who’s Line?” take: The results are made up and the votes don’t matter!

    • Grumbletarian

      As did I. Most of them passed anyway.

  24. The Late P Brooks

    Climate related

    Her life was completely upended in early November of 2018, amid one of the driest autumns on record in the Sierra Nevada, when the deadly Camp Fire swept into her hometown of Paradise, Calif., killing 85 people and destroying nearly 19,000 structures. The most expensive climate-related disaster in the world that year.


    The slow and expensive recovery that continues today in Paradise could be a lesson for survivors in Lahaina, not to mention scores of other recent wildland fire disasters on the mainland like Marshall Canyon, Colorado and near Las Vegas, New Mexico.

    Before the Camp Fire, which was ignited by downed powerlines in the National Forest lands northeast of town, about 26,000 people lived in Paradise. Now, it’s estimated that it’s roughly a third of its pre-fire population.

    Depending on who you ask, it’s a monumental feat considering 90% of the town was leveled, or it’s an example of how a recovery from a major disaster can be prolonged and painfully slow despite billions in federal and state aid.

    Paradise was affordable but that’s inevitably changing

    Paradise had been an island of relative affordability in expensive California. It also became dangerously overgrown with dense stands of pines and underbrush, in part due to loose zoning and prior forest management decisions.

    Despite billions in federal and state aid? More like because of, I’d guess. Once they get the planning and zoning issues taken care of it will be a thriving community. They just need to listen to the advocate community.

    • Urthona

      I could’ve sworn they’ve done this exact bit in the past.

      • R.J.

        It’s a popular piece that sticks around.

      • Urthona

        oh I missed this. heh.

      • Nephilium

        Not forever though. The Duck Tape Festival is no more.

      • SDF-7

        It wasn’t all it was quacked up to be.

      • SDF-7

        I think you just saw a taped repeat.

      • Urthona

        Somehow this tradition has stuck around.

      • Urthona

        never mind

      • PieInTheSky

        these tape ones look similar after a while…

  25. The Late P Brooks

    Terrifying snapshot

    An extraordinary run of global temperature records means that 2023 is now “virtually certain” to be the warmest year ever logged, according to the EU’s climate change service.

    The EU’s Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) on Wednesday said that this was the warmest October on record globally, noting an average surface temperature of 15.3 degrees Celsius (59.54 degrees Fahrenheit) over the period.

    That was 0.85 degrees Celsius above the 1991-2020 average for October and 1.7 degrees Celsius warmer than the preindustrial period of 1850-1900.

    The data, which is collated from the measurement of satellites, ships, aircraft and weather stations around the world, show the global mean temperature year-to-date is the highest on record. It leaves 2023 firmly on track to surpass the temperature average for 2016 — currently the warmest year ever recorded.

    We’ll be nothing but soot and ash another year or two. The planet has no mechanism of self-correction.

    • Rebel Scum

      What we need to do is cut trees down and bury them*.

      *I actually don’t know what Gates and co. think they are doing with that nonsense. I can only assume it is evil.

  26. Sensei

    After issuing the most recalls of any automotive manufacturer throughout 2022 and into the first half of 2023, Ford has been adamant that it intends to fix its well-publicized quality problem in the coming years. The automaker has a multi-pronged strategy to get there, but we recently saw one big step that it’s taking to improve quality when it temporarily shut down 2023 Ford Super Duty production at the Kentucky Truck Plant to allow 300 quality inspectors, suppliers, and engineers to fix faulty parts that workers discovered while assembling the refreshed pickup using cameras stationed all over the plant. However, as CEO Jim Farley revealed during the company’s Q3 earnings call with investors, that process was by no means a cheap one to pull off.


    Long term Ford family guy that bought his last Ford with a 2014 Explorer.


    • kinnath

      I haven’t bought a Ford since the 90s. I picked up a used Mustang and drove it for a year or so before it stopped running. The local dealer said it couldn’t be fixed. His response was “What can I say. It’s a Ford from the late 80s. It just got tired.”

      Never again.

      • The Last American Hero

        Wasn’t that during their “Quality is Job One!” era?

      • kinnath


      • Zwak says the real is not governable, but self-governing.

        Wait, an ’80s Mustang was the Fox body era. Those are great cars, second best Mustang, after the ’65-’66 glory years, and, having worked in a shop for a while, one of the easiest to fix! Both the 5.0 and the 2.3 are solid engines, simple electronics, and a fairly robust suspension.

        Says more about the dealer than the car.

    • pistoffnick

      2011 Ford F150 5.0
      The first engine conked out just 200 miles after the drivetrain warranty expired.
      The second engine smokes on first startup and gets crappy gas mileage.
      I have had the clutch packs in the rear differential replaced at least 4 times (it requires a special tool)

      No, my next truck will be a Tundra or a full sized Nissan. I’d like to buy American, but they have all burned me in one way or another. Fuck ’em.

      • Sensei

        The difference between my wife’s Acura MDX and that Explorer are amazing.

      • kinnath

        I have the Nissan Titan. The worst selling truck in America.

        I read lots of reviews before I bought it. They can be summarized as:

        Best is class reliability and safety (I was pretty much done reading at this point).

        Not best in class power or towing capability, but still quite good (I was definitely satisfier at this point).

        The exterior designs are boring and the infotainment system sucks, so go buy one of the big three.

        By the way, the seating is awesome and very comfortable for long trips but the infotainment system sucks, so go buy one of the big three.

        If all you want is a jobsite truck, it will do just fine but the infotainment system sucks, so go buy one of the big three.

        I can confirm at this point, the infotainment system truly does suck. Otherwise, it fully meets my needs

      • trshmnstr the terrible

        Those reviews have pretty much sold it to me. I’d prefer there not be an infotainment system in the first place, so a sucky one won’t bother me. Now to try to find a used one under $20k

      • kinnath

        My primary purpose in buying a full-size pickup was to haul a trailer long distances on vacation. So, points 1, 2, 4 sold me completely. The only question was where to find one at a reasonable price.

        The good news it that prices tend to be not so bad, because it’s the worst selling truck in America. 😉

  27. The Late P Brooks

    Ford has been adamant that it intends to fix its well-publicized quality problem in the coming years.

    I’m sure the new UAW contract includes strong quality related performance clauses. They wouldn’t sign off on a totally one way agreement.

  28. The Other Kevin

    Sounds like the GOP lost a lot last night. Good for them, if they had won someone might expect them to actually do something. Now they can get back to talking about how close they are to impeaching Biden. Any day now, just you wait.

    • KSuellington

      If you’d like a bit of sunshine,I think this definitely makes it more likely that Biden is the nominee for 24. He is utterly beatable, even with Trump heading the Elephant side and even with fortifications. Of course the Stupid Party could very well fuck it up, and if they keep trying to push more abortion restrictions in more places they very well are certain to lose. Trump has the upper hand in a Biden rematch, I don’t think that is the case in a Newsom match up. Greasy Gav almost certainly wins against T Dog.

      • Nephilium

        Hell, the Republican legislature here in Ohio is already talking about the changes they want to make to the recreational marijuana bill that passed. Some I agree with (getting rid of the “social equity” committee and the like), others I do not (THC percentage limits, limits on licenses, increased fees).

      • KSuellington

        Yeah, I saw that social equity bullshit attached and had to shake my head. Of course you can’t just allow some more freedom, it has to have social Justice bullshit attached.

      • The Last American Hero

        Biden will wipe the floor with Trump. Don’t kid yourself. Trump has a ceiling, the fortification efforts will be in full force, there will be no debates, and even if there were, suburban women will remember about how they were forced to be handmaids in 2017.

      • rhywun

        +1 pussy hat

        Also, abortion. The Dems are gonna run on abortion for the next hundred years and it will work for them.

      • Nephilium

        Makes me wonder if they’re going to lament pushing for the constitutional amendments in so many states. It takes it off the table (unless the Republicans start pushing for a repeal amendment in all of those states).

      • kinnath

        The president does not run against a challenger. The president runs against the economy.

        Biden will be crushed by the economy next year.

        The only way Biden wins is through flagrant vote manipulation in a dozen or more jurisdictions (which is totally possible at this point).

        The eventual Republican candidate is not actually relevant to the question.

      • The Other Kevin

        The thing that scares me the most is all this talk of “the end of democracy” if Trump wins. If you take that seriously (they do), then what WOULDN’T you do to stop Trump? Would you cheat at an election? Kill him? Kill people who vote for him? There is 0% chance the Dems will sit back and say “Oh well, we lost fair and square, we need to do better next time.”

      • Common Tater

        That’s also why it is impossible to believe no one cheated last time.

      • Drake

        That handmaid fantasy really gets them hot and bothered.

      • trshmnstr the terrible

        Killing babies is freedom. Not killing babies is slavery. It is known.

      • KSuellington

        I’m absolutely not in the black pill Glibs camp of “the Dems have rigged it to win all elections forever and ever” camp, nor in the pro Trump camp by any means. I voted for him last time and will vote for him again if it’s him versus Biden (or really any Dem nominee that would possibly have a chance). Maybe I am kidding myself, but I think he has more than a chance against Biden. It is way far out still, and this one has lots of moving parts, but if the election were held today he would smoke Biden. I think in a year the economic conditions will be much the same or slightly worse. Them getting their mug shot of him is going to come back to bite them in the end.

      • Zwak says the real is not governable, but self-governing.

        As I said above, as long as the R’s keep being idiots about abortion and blackpilling the base, they will lose. Stop both of those, and they can win. Trump is solid about the first issue, as he is the only one moderating their talk about it, and the second is up to the base to pull it’s head out of it’s ass.

    • Drake

      Nobody wants wants what the GOP is selling. A glance at their agenda shows no mention of the main concerns most people have right now. They are becoming irrelevant even in legit elections and cannot come close to overcoming the margin of fraud.

    • Urthona

      Eh. I found the hysteria unconvincing. They did about as expected.

  29. creech

    Dems keep winning in PA; no discernible swing away from the 2020 and 2022 results. Supreme Court remains 5-2 Dem so they can continue to muck with redistricting no matter that the commonwealth’s constitution says otherwise. Abortion, abortion, abortion, and scary Donald Trump seemed to be the theme that has turned PA from a purple to a blue state (while maybe still being a swing state in presidential races.) Even Sen. Slob’s endorsement helped a Philly candidate for council on a “third party” ticket.

    • Sean

      Mail in ballots are fucking bullshit.


      The numbers are crazy. I refuse to believe our elections are real any longer.

      • Rat on a train

        Expect more articles asking why people don’t trust institutions. They are the most trustworthy ever.

      • Fatty Bolger

        Here’s PA in 2020. First, look at the discrepancy in ballot return ratios:

        Party Returned Ballots Freq. Distribution Requested Ballots Return Rate
        Democrats 1,694,719 64.8 1,945,499 87.1
        Republicans 620,282 23.7 787,752 78.7
        Minor 19,873 0.8 25,496 77.9
        No Party Affiliation 280,171 10.7 337,321 83.1

        Age Returned Ballots Freq. Distribution Requested Ballots Return Rate
        18 to 24 202,508 7.7 261,640 77.4
        25 to 34 329,274 12.6 410,166 80.3
        35 to 44 312,939 12.0 379,936 82.4
        45 and 55 315,669 12.1 379,439 83.2
        56 and 65 488,714 18.7 570,090 85.7
        66 and up 965,845 36.9 1,094,296 88.3

        Now look at the breakdown of mail in ballot votes. Trump’s totals don’t even match total Republican ballots returned, while Biden’s is about equal to all Democrats plus all Independents.

        Votes: 3,425,190
        Election Day : 1407649
        Mail : 1982054
        Provisional : 35240

        TRUMP, DONALD J. (REP) 48.92%
        Votes: 3,356,286
        Election Day : 2728947
        Mail : 592314
        Provisional : 34438

        JORGENSEN, JO (LIB) 1.15%
        Votes: 78,831
        Election Day : 53270
        Mail : 24638
        Provisional : 909

    • Sensei

      You PA people are seriously messing with my preferred place to retire as my son now lives there.

    • creech

      It now appears that the second pinko “third party” candidate has won, making Philly politicians “Republican-Free” for the first time since 1856. The two “Working Family Candidates” are socialist progressives, endorsed by Fetterman, and one had pledged to abolish the police department. It should be interesting to see if they clash with the new “law and order” Democrat mayor. In any case, Philly is screwed and one expects the outflow of residents to continue. Unfortunately, the outflow helps re-enforce the blueness of the suburbs.

      • Rat on a train

        The voters want the policies but not the consequences. It’s the American way.

      • rhywun

        NYC got a new “law and order” mayor a couple years ago. Guess what? He was lying.

  30. The Late P Brooks

    Random question:

    What ever happened to all those promising carbon neutral algae based biofuels I used to hear about?

    Yeah, I know. That line of research does not advance the long term “ban internal combustion” agenda, so it’s been swept under the rug.

    • slumbrew

      I was thinking about that just the other day. Not that I bothered searching for info.

  31. Rebel Scum

    So there will be consequences, right?

    Senior VP of Customer Operations of Election Systems & Software the company responsible for PA Votes ‘Flipping’ Says: “It was a human error someone from our team PROGRAMMED the election.

    • dbleagle

      Yep. The Dems will win and everybody will be paid.

  32. The Late P Brooks

    <em.Extreme heat is fueled by the climate crisis, the chief driver of which is the burning of fossil fuels.

    Climate scientists said the findings are “like something out of a Hollywood movie” and attributed the rise in global temperatures to ever-increasing greenhouse gas emissions and a strengthening El Niño event.

    I thought that big bright yellow ball in the sky had something or other to do with how hot it gets. Haha, my mistake.

    • rhywun

      These people actually think what puny humans do matters. It’s so preposterous I don’t know whether to laugh or cry. I suppose it will be “cry” as I am walking into the poorhouse.

  33. PieInTheSky

    Warmer climate, spicier food. But which country is the spiciest?
    Scientists don’t understand why the correlation exists.


    Spiciest food: Ethiopian. Least spicy: Japanese food. In general, a warmer climate means spicier food. This chart shows interesting correspondences and exceptions.

    Japanese food is not spicy, but there are European cuisines which are not spicy so I doubt Japanese is quite the least spicy.

    • Drake

      First time I ate a meal at a restaurant in Sri Lanka geared for the natives, some of the Americans had tears running down their faces. We were all sweating profusely. A couple months later, some of us were just fine eating food that hot.

    • pistoffnick

      The spiciest dish I’ve ever had was Cashew chicken in Dongguan, China. I was still burping fire 2 days later.

      I’ve had great Ethiopian food that wasn’t even close to that level of spiciness (of course the cooks may have toned it down for the only whites in the restaurant).

      I know some Minnesodans who consider ketchup a little spicy.

      • Fourscore

        Yeah on the ketchup, avoid the Heinz Chili Sauce, that stuff is wicked mean, made for the South of the Border people. That’s why they want to come here.

    • Nephilium

      Obviously the spiciest food is American. We are the ones who have cultivated the last couple of hottest peppers in the world.

      • PieInTheSky

        you just grow em you can’t eat em

      • Nephilium

        I can think of quite a few of us here who would gladly prove you wrong.

      • Sean

        *raises hand*

      • PieInTheSky

        Look. I have bought your American hot sauce. Both Tabasco and Frank’s red hot. Not that spicy.

      • Nephilium

        Try one of the highly rated super-hot ones off of this list and get back to me.

      • PieInTheSky

        I will look in the local supermarket but doubt i will find them

      • Sean

        Do you not have Amazon in Romania?

      • R.J.

        Good question. Do you?

      • SDF-7

        Do not eat the free pistachio ice cream!

    • Common Tater

      “Scientists don’t understand why the correlation exists.”

      Then they are morons. Spicy food makes you sweat.

      • Nephilium

        The real reason is that spicy food hides the flavor of rot, and the capsicum has a mild anti-bacterial function as well. When you didn’t have refrigeration, you used what you could to make things edible.

      • Common Tater

        That too, but in cold climates they used not hot herbs and spices for that.

      • Drake

        Some of the spicy ingredients don’t grow well (or at all) in northern climates.

        In poorer countries, the spice often hides the lack of quality and quantity of the meat.

      • PieInTheSky

        In poorer countries, the spice often hides the lack of quality and quantity of the meat. – this concept gets repeated but every investigation showed it to be nonsense

      • Drake

        I personally investigated in Southern Asia. The idea of a good steak doesn’t exist. Don’t ever eat the pork (the butchers are Muslim and won’t touch it, so no idea what you are really eating).

        Had some decent fish a couple of times, otherwise it was stringy chicken that needed a lot of help or vegetables like jackfruit cooked up like meat.

  34. The Late P Brooks

    Shut up, he explained

    Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates has previously spoken about using Climeworks to “pay for direct air capture” and while the sector has high-profile backers, it faces challenges.

    Gates also touched upon the subject during a wide-ranging interview with the BBC aired earlier this year, when he was asked for his view on the charge that a climate change campaigner using a private jet to travel around the world was a hypocrite.

    “Well, I buy the gold standard of, funding Climeworks, to do direct air capture that far exceeds my family’s carbon footprint,” the Microsoft co-founder, who was being interviewed in Kenya, replied.

    “And I spend billions of dollars on … climate innovation. So, you know, should I stay at home and not come to Kenya and learn about farming and malaria?”

    The billionaire added that he was “comfortable with the idea that, not only am I not part of the problem by paying for the offsets, but also through the billions that my Breakthrough Energy Group is spending, that I’m part of the solution.

    I’m better than you.

    • rhywun

      Christ, what an asshole.

      The biggest hoax in world history rages on.

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      His family’s carbon footprint is much smaller now that he’s jettisoned the ball and chain.

  35. Rebel Scum

    Kulaks and wreckers.

    Democrat Rep. Jamaal Bowman says Republicans need to be held accountable for Biden’s disastrous economic policies

  36. KSuellington

    For Glib music fans, my favorite free and commercial free internet radio added several new stations, all of which are good and one is right in my wheelhouse. If you dig bossa nova and other chill Brazilian sounds, this station is awesome.


    • R.J.

      Oh, nice.

    • The Last American Hero

      I still can’t get enough Secret Azhant, only on Soma FM.

      • KSuellington

        That was the original station that drew me there and I still listen to it after 18 years. One of the new ones is a Tiki music station that I have been enjoying . And their number of electronic stations is always in high rotation in the Suell household and vehicles.

  37. The Late P Brooks

    The International Energy Agency, for instance, notes that capturing carbon dioxide from the air “is more energy intensive — and therefore more expensive — than capturing it from a point source.”

    “Carbon removal technologies such as DAC are not an alternative to cutting emissions or an excuse for delayed action, but they can be an important part of the suite of technology options used to achieve climate goals,” the Paris-based organization adds.

    You misspelled “sociopolitical”. The climate nonsense is merely the sheep’s clothing in which you dress your Davos inspired wolf.

    • Fourscore

      My kids drew the $ sign and a ? mark on my napkins.

  38. The Late P Brooks

    While carbon capture has its advocates, the technology is divisive and has been questioned by a range of organizations.

    In March 2023, for example, the environmental group Greenpeace expressed strong views on the subject in a political briefing published ahead of announcements from the U.K. government related to energy security.

    “Carbon capture is not zero carbon; is unlikely to see dramatic cost reductions or be scalable; and is often used for greenwashing by oil and gas companies so they can carry on polluting,” it said.

    “It doesn’t do what it says on the tin and certainly should not be prioritised as part of a green industrial strategy,” it added.

    The eco-fanatics couldn’t give a fuck less about effective strategies to maintain our energy-dependent world. Their specific intent is to destroy it. I don’t think they have seriously contemplated what that means.

    • Suthenboy

      When the shit hits the fan y ou put your deadliest forward. I dont remember the numbers but the majority of the killing has been done by southern white boys. I wonder why that is?
      (pay no mind to my handle)

  39. Sensei

    p>Hamas leaders admit hope for ‘permanent’ Israel war, don’t care about running Gaza

    NYP from interviews given in the NYT.  It's not news, but I want to see how the spin works.

    “I hope that the state of war with Israel will become permanent on all the borders and that the Arab world will stand with us,” Taher El-Nounou, a Hamas media adviser, said.

    The group’s goal “is not to run Gaza and to bring it water and electricity and such,” al-Hayya added.


    • Suthenboy

      We have known this for decades. They have deliberately scuttled the two state solution over and over. Free Palestine, my ass. They have no interest in that and never did. They have been autonomous now for years. This attack came out of the blue without any provocation because…well, that just the kinda guys they are.
      A culture of evil, depravity and murder. The Aztecs would blush if they could see this.
      Worst culture on earth, hands down. It should be stamped out.

      • Suthenboy

        Just now on TV, Senator Kennedy, Louisiana.
        Hamas must be wiped off of the face of the earth
        What Joe needs is a cup of soup and to be put to bed.

  40. Rebel Scum

    Who wants to tell him?

    All of the #MAGA keyboard warriors are showing their ignorance of the fact that the Covenant School shooter initially targeted a mall, before picking a more-vulnerable Christian school. Which doesn’t fit the narrative that this crowd desperately wants to push.

    • Suthenboy

      It is about competing narratives. Truth doesn’t enter into it.
      This is a battle so much easier to win if your evil mortal enemy is a will-o-the-wisp.

      “Imaginary dragons
      They never shut you down
      When all the others shoo you away
      They’re around
      It’s my private pleasure
      Midnight fantasy….”
      *sung to the tune of Atlanta Rhythm Section’s ‘Imaginary Lover’*

  41. Common Tater

    “It was removed so efficiently that I wasn’t allowed to see what the offensive content was. I was allowed to appeal the decision but without knowing what the content was, the appeal was useless. All they would tell me is that it was “medical misinformation.”

    That’s code for “You said you don’t like vaccines” or something. The strange part was it was a family court video. Several years ago I was doing weekly family court updates with all the most egregious family court horror stories going on across the country. The only one I could think of where I might have mentioned vaccines was the case of Rachel Bruno whose sons were taken from her after she was falsely accused of child abuse. Bruno’s older son, a toddler, was forcefully given twelve vaccinations at once by “child protective services” without consulting his pediatrician or getting parental consent.

    This is the only topic I could think of that may have related to vaccines or what YouTube deems “misleading medical information.” After the appeal was denied, I was offered the opportunity to take a reeducation class through YouTube in order to have the warning removed from my channel. A “warning” means the next time YouTube decides you’ve broken their newspeak regulations you get a “strike.” Three strikes and your channel is deleted. I decided to take the class…”


  42. Pope Jimbo

    What could go wrong?

    At 1 p.m., Gov. Walz was joined at the Capitol by Lt. Gov. Flanagan; Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) Commissioner Kevin McKinnon; Coffee House Press Interim Executive Director Linda Ewing; and Amy Abebe Tsegaye and Dereje Wudmatas, co-owners of Erta Ale Ethiopian.

    The $10 million investment aims to support and grow small businesses through low-interest loans eligible to nonprofit lenders to use for loans to small businesses, according to Gov. Walz.

    The govt gives nonprofits $10M to loan out as they see fit. I’m sure those nonprofits will include both left wing and right wing groups.

    I can’t believe that this slush fund is not only being created, but bragged on. You’d think they’d have the decency to do it on the down low.

    • Common Tater

      I can’t believe it’s only $10M.

      • Suthenboy

        That crossed my mind as well. Perhaps they will tout it as a screaming success and like all govt projects it will end up soaking us for exponentially more than originally advertised. At this stage it is just a trial balloon.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      NGOs are the preferred method for funding all kinds of crazy leftist shit. They should be smashed.

    • Suthenboy

      “The $10 million investment aims to support and grow small businesses through low-interest loans eligible to nonprofit lenders to use for loans to small businesses, according to Gov. Walz.”
      At least they have the decency to illustrate the anatomy of a scam for us.
      I remember some years back at TOS when the AGW scam was gaining legs I pointed out numerous times “It has the attributes and anatomy of a scam because….it is a scam.”
      I recently checked in on Bailey and was received to see that he has seen the light and has to stones to say so. I like that guy.

      • Suthenboy

        received ….relieved…same thing, right?
        I love spell check.