“Jensen Huang was everywhere this year, and he’s using his leverage to make Nvidia the next Intel.”
“Jujutsu Kaisen confirmed for season 3” (I admit this is barely news even to me)
“My New Year’s Gaming Resolution: Spend More Time Gaming On Consoles”
“It’s a unique position to be in, but how did Jensen Huang get here?”
Apparently Slavoj Žižek expropriated Eben Moss-Bachrach’s suit.
Explained so well even a caveman can understand it.
That’s why I don’t understand the protesters, regardless of their ideology. Why aren’t they working or in school? Somehow they eat without producing anything.
Clean up on link 5! Link 5 (repeats link 2)
Be thankful you got anything.
Oh, I am, I am! But a double dose of that fraud Zizek is a bit much
Maybe I liked that link twice as much as any of the others. Did you think of that?
No. You only think of yourself.
RE: Juujutsu Kaisen
In an industry known for abusing independent contractors what do you do as a fan? The animators gave blood, sweat and tears to produce it. So should you not watch it to punish MAPPA?
That said I’m going to finish Season 2 and likely be done with it. It was 24 episodes of never ending fights and just about zero character development.
whaddup doh
Insurrectious usurpation
The statute “effectively creates a separate state immigration scheme by imposing criminal penalties for violations of federal provisions on unlawful entry and reentry into the United States … and by authorizing state judges to order the removal of noncitizens from the United States,” wrote Brian Boynton, a top official in the Justice Department’s civil division.
The letter was first reported by the Houston Chronicle and the San Antonio Express-News.
The state law makes “illegal entry from a foreign nation” into Texas a crime and allows the state to charge migrants with a misdemeanor punishable by up to six months in jail or a $2,000 fine. It is set to go into effect March 5.
The Justice Department argued that the law violates the Constitution, which gives the federal government — rather than states — responsibility for controlling international borders. It also wrote that the Texas law “undermines the United States’ foreign relations.”
How dare they?
I have also seen several articles in which the authors do an outraged bait and switch, in which they imply local cops will be accosting anyone with brown skin anywhere in the state of Texas, no matter how far from the border, demanding to see their papers.
Does the law actually allow Texas to deport people? The DOJ toady says it does, but I don’t see that in the description of the law.
Does the law actually affect the federal government’s control of international borders? How? I wonder, for example, if CA has any laws that affect products that cross international borders, but are in the US lawfully (or even unlawfully). If so, why does the federal government tolerate that?
Oh, that’s cute.
But I thought states could enforce federal laws now, like for insurrection.
Good point! And no due process needed, just a Secretary of State.
Holy hell..
What a great place.
The poutine stuff looks worth the drive from here.
It’s top notch. The chef fronted us his small batch gumbo….like we were in Louisianna man
I was in Baton Rouge not too long ago. I make a decent étouffée but it tastes so much better when someone knows what they’re doing does the cooking.
For Idaho, I had a quite fine chicken gumbo today.
We found a breakfast sausage here in Oregon that was actually spicy. Spicy enough that other Oregonians stopped buying it.
Quite the treat.
That looks good.
Really good and good bartender/geneal manager. Watched her give a lady some biscuits who looked troubled.
They’d even serve your likes…city slicker
Texas has until Jan. 3 to confirm that it will not enforce the new law; otherwise the U.S. “will pursue all appropriate legal remedies to ensure that Texas does not interfere with the functions of the federal government,” the letter said.
How can they possibly have standing to file suit against a law which has not taken effect and has not harmed them or anyone else?
I crack myself up.
Texas declares that Biden isn’t eligible to be president under the 14A, then they don’t have to obey anything from the DoJ or any other part of the executive branch!
I am faced with the difficult decision of who’s going to enact my labor? The labor in question is who’s making my lunch/dinner? Cuz it ain’t gonna be me today.
Since the cat is all thumbs (or no thumbs?) I suppose I’ll resort to the wonders of commerce to sort it out.
It’s already made and resting comfortably in the refrig, most likely. Only have to liberate it.
Sounds like the cat is your role model, what with demanding to be fed and all.
Want me to dash you something?
Grub hub is your friend
My latest ebook conversion project. They told me there would be math. I charged accordingly.
Fresh from the Duh-Doi Dept:
NY pot regulators boast $150M in legal cannabis sales as illegal marijuana stores rob state of millions in taxes
I mean, who knew there were people that could sell the same product cheaper (and likely faster) ?
Curmudgeon on:
I preferred when potheads were more or less underground to today where they’re everywhere. And there isn’t even legal sales where I live yet.
NYC is obnoxious.
The Oregon cow town on the Idaho border does $90-100 million in sales a year.
Manistee was doing 3 million a week last time I was there
Those regulators sound like communists. Why not throw them out of the nearest helicopter? Would that be bad?
My guess is the state doesn’t count reservation sales, given that no sales taxes are collected. That’s a significant chunk.
Inflation-proof? Recession-proof?
I guess “$20 same as in town” still holds true!
WALKING DREAD Rotting crack ‘zombies’, record murders & sex sold for $20 in squalid tents – the city that turned a blind eye to drugs
I don’t see Kotex being successful in any effort to clean the streets of thieving junkie bums. There are just too many “activists” on their side.
It will take removing money from the whole shebang. And we aren’t there yet.
These ultra-rich corporations are owned by individuals. How did Bill Gates become so rich? He monopolized our commons. If we want to communicate, we have to go through his products.
I haven’t used Microsoft products for day-to-day use in years. I know the FEE author is quoting a moron, so it is not the FEE author, but I’m still going to tap out of the article here.
My PC has been Linux Mint since 2016.
Forced to use MS at work.
I got my breadboard kit working with the RaspberryPi. So far, I’ve done a sound test and decided to go into their structured lessons. Lesson 1 – make an LED blink.
Annoyingly, it’s all in software, the hardware is one resister and one LED.
This might have been the wrong starter kit to learn circuit logic. We’ll see in future projects.
What are you trying to build?
Don’t open any packages from him.
The ultimate goal is to make something (I’m thinking clock/thermometer combo) with a nixie tube output. I want to do it by understanding how it works and not simply soldering together someone else’s kit.
Since I’m starting at effectively nothing, I have a lot to learn.
What I have learned so far – it is impossible to read the color bands on resisters and I can’t figure out which way the current is supposed to flow – or are resisters bidirectional?
Now that I think about it, there’s no reason for directionality in a resister. Else there’s no reason for a diode.
These tutorials skip the information I want to know.
At least I have the rest of the internet to look up python operators.
Er…resistors are bidirectional. Most the US follows voltage unless you’re Navy then you follow current
Excuse me, resistors have a whole rainbow of directions now. Ask for their pronouns, pig!
Resistors are bidirectional, diodes are unidirectional.
If you don’t know which way current flows or how to read resistor color codes then you are a very long way away from the project you describe.
I would suggest Grob.
I used the Second Edition back in high school and Version 7 when I taught at the University.
er, 7th Edition.
I don’t have the colors memorized. the real problem is that the bars are too small for my eyes to tell what color they’re supposed to be.
Why not a simple light array so you can learn? Then build up to clock then onto weather station
I am currently coding a single RGB LED.
I am not leaping to the end goal
Right now, it’s python that’s giving me issues.
After fixing the code, I found a hardware issue with my jumper wires not being in far enough and one in the wrong spot…
To clarify – When I said “Ultimate goal” I meant “What I want to do with the knowledge”
At the moment I’m running through the starter tutorials for the breadboard kit I bought – Because I know I don’t know anywhere near enough to do the ultimate goal.
I moved on to an LED bar (ten LEDs in a frame) and the tutorial says the lights should light up in turn when the code is run, but I’m getting them turning off in turn… I think I have the module in backwards.
Nope, turning it around made nothing work (duh, it’s a Diode
So… why does the delivered code have the inverse effect?
Because their code is wrong.
From the blinking LED tutorial:
From this module:
Whoever wrote the tutorial code got the high-low pin values backwards for which turned the LED On.
Oh, fer fuck’s sake, even their own comments state the correct value and the code is wrong:
Well…depends on the component and design. Some require a low to activate depending on the circuitry.
For instance: An alarm light might be lit when it is an active low because it is receiving the output of a NAND gate.
I first ran with their delivered (inverted) code to make sure I had the wiring in correctly. I wasn’t expecting it to be bugged.
But you are correct. For this example it should be
while True:
GPIO.output(led_pin, GPIO.HIGH) # Turn on the LED
time.sleep(1) # Wait for one second
GPIO.output(led_pin, GPIO.LOW) # Turn off the LED
time.sleep(1) # Wait for one second
I wasn’t going to assume I knew what the component ran on, but the lights didn’t lie.
No, the first sample was working, The LEDs here light on low.
I am sure you know resources but at least it is a RaspPi community. My goal next year is to develop a Christmas light ‘show’
Sounds like an interesting project.
Let us know how it goes. I hope it works.
I wrote a code to turn the LED bar into a binary counter and when I tested it all the lights went on and stayed on. I was worried my logic was messed up – but I simply needed a delay. It was cycling so fast that the changes were not visible.
Now it’s counting up as intended.
You just scratched the surface, wait til multiplexing lights shows to sound, that’s tedious
See above. It is my goal.
Ready to take my dose of Fuckitol. See y’all later on this evening
So glad I’m out of the school years, because DAYAMN. I’ve seen a lot of Gen Z asking Millennials how the fuck they’re raising their kids. Young teachers are like, “WTF is THIS bullshit?”
This business will get out of control. It will get out of control and we’ll be lucky to live through it.
It’s been out of control for a while. Another symptom of the leftist psychosis.
It should be prosecuted as attempted murder.
10 year minimum.
The problem is catching them. The ones that have three brain cells to rub together can make heavily spoofed calls.
I was about to say that. I hardly ever hear of one being caught.
OK, TPTB. I’ve been thinking about our discussion of driving fast earlier today, which is really, or at least can be, about how you deal with risky behavior consistent with individual liberty. I think it’s enough to hang a post off of.
Yanno, I think our site is teetering on losing critical mass. Commenters/contributors have been drifting away, and too few new ones are showing up. And the content well is, if not running dry, getting shallow. I can’t do anything about the former, but I can do something about the latter.
Part of our newbie problem is that they can’t be approved to comment because of website issues.
So, what’s needed in order to sort that?
Agreed. What must be done? It was an act of congress to add the last two I found.
In my opinion, what must happen is to back up the database and rebuild from the ground up, then restore the database, but that costs a lot of money and time of someone who is well versed in such things. I believe Slumbrew has offered, but the offer may not have gotten to the right ears.
Indeed I did and the offer stands.
Swissy has my personal info and was passing it on.
To be clear, I’m not a WordPress pro, just a highly experienced Linux engineer.
(I also need to figure out a non-PayPal way to send money to defray expenses).
My handle at protonmail works, too, if anyone needs me.
I aint no full-stack engineer but I can type.
SP had the keys to the kingdom and, well …
I thought WebDOM had them now?
I don’t believe she has those particular ones.
A few weeks ago I interviewed with a large property management firm with nearly seven hundred doors under their care with no expectations of actually being hired. Especially after they subjected me to a personality profile. Soon after the in person interview I smoked a bowl of Clementine and had a healthy, fiber aided dump(Thanks, Quaker Oats!), then the personality test was suddenly sprung upon me with little warning. Caught off guard an frankly embedded with zero fucks to give, I answered truthfully….
“Characteristics of an Individualist
Natural Strengths
Drives change
Common Drivers
Opportunities to work with facts
Freedom from changing priorities
Caution Areas
Can be unorthodox in their approach
May appear stubborn or opinionated
Doesn’t like too much structure or direction
Difficulty with authority'”
For some insane reason the offered me a job that pays more than twenty thousand more a year than the current bullshit I’m putting up with…
I love you all and Happy Fucking New Year’s.
So…you DID take the job, right? When do you start?
I sign the paperwork Tuesday.
Mazel tov!
Thanks, man.
Good to hear.
Ummm…..if property management is your bag, and you like tax-credit and section 8, even better if you have your CAS/COM certification…..
Jugsy can hook you up.
I’m out for the evening. In case Sloopy is lurking: I get it. Missouri is facing a lot of backups because your best players are either entering the draft or the transfer portal. That being said: MIZ…
“Personality test” sounds like some DEI bullshit but they offered you a job so I dunno now.
Heyo! Congrats!
Congrats. I was a handiman for a while, many moons ago. Not bad work.
Excellent news! You’re owed some after the last few years. I’m very happy for you, and hope this exceeds your best expectations.
Most excellent TH!
woot woot!
When you decide to get into Nuclear Fusion, give me a jingle.
Congrats. And wait a few weeks before subjecting your new colleagues to Glib political views!
Nah.. Break ‘em in early. Hit ‘em on day one.
That is massively good news, TH. I’m happy for you.
It took me too long to find “serenity now”