Monday Morning Links

by | Dec 18, 2023 | Daily Links | 186 comments

Rude uniform choice

Yesterday was a fairly eventful, yet mostly predictable day in the NFL. But the Cowboys sure shit the bed.  Tonight’s game could be interesting.I really don’t have much else, aside from Man City choking, Liverpool being stymied by a ManUre team that seemed uninterested in actually playing to score, and Arsenal hopping back to the top of the table before their clash at Anfield this coming weekend. So I’ll move on to…the links!

That’ll teach em! I can’t wait for those affected get their share of that money.  Oh wait…it’s going to the group who get to both investigate, adjudicate, and levy a fine for which no trial was used to determine guilt. Did they screw up? Yes. But the process by which this fine was levied is completely ridiculous.

How nice of them. They’re close to becoming civilized human beings. But I’m afraid their whole “commie” thing will keep them from ever achieving that status.

Load them up as fast as you can.

More! More! More! Keep giving them more of what they claim to support. It’s working so far.

I’m shocked! Just kidding. This is maybe the least surprising thing ever.

What the hell is wrong with people? I hope this dude gets what’s coming to him.

Oh no…anyway. Seriously, who do they think actually buys this shit anymore?

Good luck. Maybe it’ll clean all the human excrement from the sidewalks.

This is terrible. What did they do, make them dress up as the ice cream man and stand on the sideline of a football game gyrating like some kind of freak? Oh wait, those dudes sign up for that ritual humiliation.

The season is upon us! That’s a fun one. And here’s a rare one I bet some of you haven’t heard before. Enjoy them both.

And enjoy this lovely Monday, dear friends.

About The Author




  1. SDF-7

    But the process by which this fine was levied is completely ridiculous.

    Wasn’t there / isn’t there a case coming before the Supremes regarding such “regulators establish their own courts” crap? I have to confess I’ve never understood why the Judicial branch let that grow to the point it has — Legislative delegating so they get to pass “Dept. of Good Stuff ™” and not do anything that might hurt reelection is one thing — but effectively replacing the courts is another.

    Anyway, Morning Sloopy — coworkers coming into my former workplace town so they’ve requested a group lunch. Which means I get to spend 2 hours each way commuting today instead of doing actual work (which, after last week and the weekend is actually a pleasing break).

    So… California being California — we finally are getting some rain. Given California drivers, thoughts and prayers I don’t have to deal with too many idiots would be appreciated. 😉

    • juris imprudent

      Yep, and if administrative judges aren’t allowed full and free reign (without any constitutional anchor), then it is the end of government – the complete and bitter end. /apologists for the administrative state

      • Rat on a train

        The courts can’t be trusted to give the necessary verdict.

      • AlexinCT

        Only the chosen experts can, right?

      • creech

        They can in some jurisdictions. Case in point – Southwest inconvenienced thousands and is hit with less a penalty than Rudy was for insulting two election counting clerks.

      • juris imprudent

        Rudy could’ve tried to prove the truth of his statements – he didn’t even try, just defaulted on that.

      • AlexinCT

        The court telling him that unless he gave them what they wanted (so they could then blackmail other people) that they would not allow him to present any evidence that favored his case, had nothing to do with it, right?

      • juris imprudent

        Nope, the court didn’t reject anything – he just didn’t even try.

      • Zwak says the real is not governable, but self-governing.

        Stop. I can only get so erect.

      • Ted S.

        I’m sorry you can’t get very erect.

      • SDF-7

        Sounds like the one, yeah. Thanks.

  2. SDF-7

    Oh no…anyway. Seriously, who do they think actually buys this shit anymore?

    I hear whatever the Spanish Influenza mutated into is really widespread!

    (eyeroll) Viruses doing what viruses do. News at 11.

    • cyto

      I watched “it’s a Wonderful Life” with the kids the other night.

      Mr. Gower, the druggist, gets hammered at work because of a telegram he receives. It says his son has died from Influenza, the pandemic of 1918. This movie was onlysome 20-odd years after that event, so millions dying would have been a fresh memory.

      Despite all the lockdowns, it is already clear that 2020 and COVID will not be remembered as the same sort of tragedy.

      • juris imprudent

        It should be remembered as a travesty, not a tragedy.

  3. SDF-7

    Good luck. Maybe it’ll clean all the human excrement from the sidewalks.

    Well crap (no, not that crap!) Guess I didn’t have to mention I’ll be driving in rain today then. 😉

    And maybe if the city would spend some time checking the drainage during the other 11 months of the year it wouldn’t be a concern? (And because Tis The Season — hows all those water retention projects we’ve been passing bonds for and mandating for at least 20 years there, Sacramento — you assholes? I know, I know… can’t store water because that might actually encourage growth and industry… and all you want it to recreate Colonial Mexico for all your “progressive” talk…)

  4. Not Adahn

    I had a job on the TAMU campus. Between the status-coding footwear and belts, there is no way possible a Corpsman didn’t have a masochistic streak. Extra-bonus points for froshies having to wear dance taps on their combat boots, and the coathanger and bottlecap spurs for the TT game.

    I was there for the Bonfire collapse. Attending a game there is even more terrifying after that, because you know that the stadium doesn’t have the shear strength to stand up to the swaying caused by the synchronized sawing off of Varsity’s horns.

    • juris imprudent

      My son went to a small undergrad school, and was excited about doing his grad work at A&M. He ended up never going to a football game (one of the things he supposedly missed out on as an undergrad).

      • Fourscore

        I momentarily thought about A & M but the commute was too long. Settled for a local liberal arts school.

    • Cowboy

      I was in corps of cadets at TAMU. I never saw nor heard of anything like what was alleged. Those people took it way too far. Of course. I was in an Army outfit that focused on Engineering…maybe those Navy guys were a little different.

      I think I still have my fish spurs somewhere.

  5. TARDis

    Maybe it’ll clean all the human excrement from the sidewalks.

    Yes, wash away and drown the libtards. Oh, you meant the feces. Ok that too then.

    • Fourscore

      Wash, rinse, repeat.

      Recycle that water.

      Maybe the homeless will hop a bus to TX, learn a new language, get back on the bus and head north

    • bacon-magic

      Maynard was spot on with Aenima.

  6. juris imprudent

    Wait a minute, maybe I can like this guy.

    Presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy suggested Sunday that CNN commentator Van Jones should “just shut the f–k up” in response to Jones labeling the brash Republican a “demagogue” earlier this month.

    • Fourscore

      Like we need another demagogue running

      • AlexinCT

        How long must this idiocy go on where team blue accuses their political enemies with serious talking points or political support of being evil/Hitleresque or worse/demagogues and then after they are defeated call them great statemen, before team blue idiots realize this shit is nothing more than shrill assholery where people that are stupid/evil scare you from competition that run circles around them, huh?

      • The Other Kevin

        I hope that’s how it goes. I’m more worried it will get people riled up and they’ll do something stupid (aka violent).

      • AlexinCT

        You can bet your ass that the deep state will kick the riot machine into full gear to level 11 if they can’t fortify the 2024 election or keep Trump from that office.

      • AlexinCT

        Your a racist for pointing out wat we are doing, and hurting our game!

      • cyto

        The dude spent an entire career being a racist demagogue. He had one brief moment of clarity when Trump did the criminal justice reform bill.

        You could see him having the scales removed from his eyes live on TV. Everything he has said since that moment has been a hollow lie. (He used to believe his racist bullshit. Now he is just cynically playing the character for a paycheck)

      • rhywun

        here’s Van Jones in 2021

        Chef’s-kiss perfect.

        What a scumbag.

        And I love the deceptive click-bait headline.

    • Lackadaisical

      He has a mutual hate for all the right people. Kind of like Trump.

    • Brawndo

      There’s been a lot to like about him if you’ve listened to his interviews. He’s too hawkish on China for my taste, but he’s as close to a Ron Paul R as we’ve seen since, well, Ron Paul (even more so than Rand imo)

      • The Other Kevin

        He’s knowledgeable and he’s a good speaker. I don’t care if he wins, he’s changing the conversation and saying things in front of a big audience that you never hear. I appreciate that.

      • AlexinCT

        The best part is that they keep giving him that audience hoping to take him down, and he runs circles around these idiots and gest the information ou t to people that otherwise living in team blue bubble would not even know this was going on.

    • The Other Kevin

      I still laugh at how the Dems kept complaining about how the country is run by too many old, white men, but then we got Biden, the oldest and whitest of them all.

      • Zwak says the real is not governable, but self-governing.

        Listen here, chump change! Smokin’ Joe is the greaterist fighter of pool chains and rust barrel razors! He is so old that he is young again, like Warren Baby in that politics movie, Bull Durham.

        No pony boy messes with J-J-Joe Blowin’ in the wind!

  7. Certified Public Asshat

    Liverpool being stymied by a ManUre team that seemed uninterested in actually playing to score

    Will Liverpool (under Klopp) ever stop bitching when teams don’t play the exact same style they do? Maybe United were trying not to lose 7-0 again.

    And here’s the thing, it worked! My spicy take is it should have been United winning 2-0 because they created the two best chances of the game, which isn’t really that hard to do when the other team plays so open.

    I resent Liverpool so much for making me defend Man U.

  8. Not Adahn

    I finished Netflix’s Bodies over the weekend. I liked it. I didn’t think the ending was bad, with the exception of Iris existing at the wrong point in history. Oddly enough, since the entire premise was a Bootstrap Paradox, that didn’t bother me, but the whole “biology does not work that way” part did. And of course the easiest way of stopping the problem in the first place would have been to blow up the time machine, but maybe that would have been considered in Bad Taste considering the hero of the story.

    • Lackadaisical

      I watched it a few weeks ago, it was good enough. Enjoyable.

    • kinnath

      I thought the show was excellent, however, I found the ending to be a cheat. From what I have ready, this is a single season only show.

    • Zwak says the real is not governable, but self-governing.

      There were Three Problems with Bodies…

  9. Lackadaisical

    “Epstein, who hanged himself in his Manhattan jail cell on Aug. 10, 2019, while awaiting trial on federal sex trafficking charges”

    Epstein didn’t kill himself.

    • PieInTheSky

      he was hanged not hung.

    • whiz

      I like how they use “alledgedly” many times in the article, but not with “hanged himself.”

      • whiz

        And apparently I can’t spell in the morning.

      • AlexinCT

        Can’t have you have the wrong opinion… That is also why there is no evidence that will ever make them say Biden is a crook until they get the orders to do so.

      • AlexinCT
    • cyto

      I noticed that too. No “allegedly”, no scare quotes….

      If you listen to Bill Barr on the topic, it is clear that he doesn’t believe it for one second.

  10. Lackadaisical

    “Within moments police found kidnapper David Paul Ruffier, 66, dead from self-inflicted gunshot wounds in his home nearby ”

    I appreciate it when criminals don’t make us waste the time of courts and police.

    • ron73440

      Having your doorbell rang in the middle of the night by a bloody woman would be quite jarring.

      Glad they were willing to let her in, there have been cases where the person was left outside while the homeowner called 911.

      • Lackadaisical

        I thought it was 10am or did I misread that?

      • ron73440

        I missed that, I saw “still asleep” and assumed.

      • Lackadaisical

        Yeah, I was left wondering what type of people are still sleeping at 10am, but whatever.

      • Mojeaux, font of all evil

        *raises hand*

        I work till midnight and I have insomnia. Can’t get good sleep until about 3-4a. XY works until 1a and I pick him up (he’s saving for a car).

  11. Lackadaisical

    Rain in Florida, and now San Fran? Sounds like global warming.

    • SDF-7

      You know that in California — it now gets cold for 2 months out of the year and we have a chance at these rains. Climate change for our normal arid state!

      Next thing you know — there will be snow in Donner Pass or something!

    • TARDis

      It’s nice and chilly in the NC mountains. The wind is a bit stout. We could use some dang snow though. Maybe we’ll get some today.

      • Lackadaisical

        That’s a beautiful area, but I don’t miss going through snowy mountain passes. Some serious pucker factor pulling a trailer through there.

      • TARDis

        The roads seem pretty clear. They look wet, but they aren’t slick. We’ll still probably take the free shuttle to the ski area though.

      • Zwak says the real is not governable, but self-governing.

        I pulled a trailer behind a ’09 Beatle in a blizzard over Donner pass. Not very much fun.

      • Drake

        Forecast says snow above 3500 feet. Upstate SC is nice today, then gets cold.

      • cyto

        We have the windows open and the AC off. 64 degrees at the moment, with a high of 75 here in sunny south Florida.

        Gonna get some sun…..

  12. SDF-7

    For an “easy” day, blew accuracy — two hours ago so I don’t remember exactly what I tried that I thought should be in the list. C’est la vie.

    I played 12/18:
    *21/21 words (+2 bonus words)
    🎯 Perfect accuracy

    I played 12/18:
    *28/28 words (+1 bonus word)
    🎯 In the top 10% by accuracy
    🔥 Solve streak: 148

    • Sean

      I played 12/18:
      *21/21 words (+4 bonus words)
      📖 In the top 6% by bonus words

      I played 12/18:
      *28/28 words (+10 bonus words)
      📖 In the top 7% by bonus words
      🔥 Solve streak: 85

  13. PieInTheSky

    Oh no…anyway. Seriously, who do they think actually buys this shit anymore? – I have a bit of a sore throat tbh

    • Lackadaisical

      Same here, but then my son sneaks drinks out of my glasses and backwashes, so I blame him. X.X

  14. prolefeed

    To the “journalist” from The Guardian, who characterized Milei changing the official exchange rate for their currency from about 350 pesos per dollar to about 800 pesos per dollar, as “currency devaluation”:


    A bit longer: currency devaluation occurred when the previous government ran the money printing presses at top speed. The new guy changing the official exchange rate to reflect what the debased currency is currently worth – that’s called “being in touch with reality”.

    New term – “prior-ency”.

    • AlexinCT

      When you have an existential enemy you know will make you look bad, you have to blame said enemy for all bad shit, and especially the bad shit you did..

  15. ron73440

    Anyone watching season 2 of Reacher?

    I liked the first season really well, and this one seems decent, but there have been a few “why would they do that?” and lucky coincidence moments thsat I don’t remember from the 1st season.

    Not bad enough to quit watching, but he is not as smart this go round.

    • TARDis

      It is a bit different. We’re still enjoying it though.

    • kinnath

      I watched the first three episodes. I enjoyed it.

      It has a completely different vibe than the first season. But I knew that was coming.

      • prolefeed

        They producers are doing a remarkable job of following Lee Child’s books. No second guessing his plots.

      • cyto

        I need to read the series.

        This story belies believability with the body count and no threat of arrest or prosecution. But I engaged my willing suspension of disbelief and am enjoying the ride.

    • AlexinCT

      Is the whole thing out already? Cause I do not want to have to wait for episodes if I decide to invest time into watching it.

      • whiz

        The first three episodes dropped Friday, but the final one won’t release until Jan.19.

      • WTF

        The first three episodes are out, you have to wait for the rest.

    • cyto

      I am enjoying it… But it is definitely a different animal.

      I liked the lone wolf of the movies and the first series. This one is more of an action thriller so far.

    • creech

      What I saw was around 11am Sunday several miles away near Joe’s home. Probably was an accident caused by Joe’s motorcade but not involving Joe’s motorcade. An internet search reveals about a half dozen accidents over the years involving Biden motorcades.
      The way the Emperor’s Entourage makes its way around the country, it isn’t at all surprising that every president causes accidents in his wake.

  16. PieInTheSky

    London is healing.

    This depressing postwar block in Kensington was torn down and replaced with a neo-Georgian terrace – similar to what stood there before it fell victim to an aerial bombing.

    The postwar brutalism was once designated a Grade II listed building in 2007, on the basis of its “simple but forceful expression of the Modernist principles of form and function”. Fortunately, this was quickly revoked citing a ‘procedural error’.

    What we have now is a beautiful, white stucco fronted townhouse, complete with porticoes and balconies like its neighbours – restoring life back to the otherwise intact square.

    I am not sure how I feel about stucco , it can seem kitsch

    • Certified Public Asshat

      You look at the before and after and think “looks nice, but stucco, bleh”?

      • PieInTheSky

        neah it looks better it was a general thought not necessarily to this building

      • robc

        Yeah, clearly an improvement, but not as good as it could have been.

      • Ted S.

        Look at the stucco on 1970s game show sets like Match Game.

    • R.J.

      It looks much better.

    • Zwak says the real is not governable, but self-governing.

      It looks way better.

  17. Evan from Evansville

    Today will be challenging. Leaving for outpatient in 15, then 4.5 hours of glorified babysitting at a local elem school. Trick: Don’t take it too seriously, ev. It’s a good-lookin’ way for affluent parents to buy more time to work or otherwise NOT be parenting for good chunks of time each weekday.

    Fairly easy, but emotionally/psychologically difficult. Yesterday I pretty much shut the door on a family trip to FL. Parents are driving two nephews w my bro and SiL is flying the younger boy. They intend on the drive down being done in three days. Two back. In our lovely airbnb, I pretty much will be relegated to the couch for sleep. When two-replaced hipped ev said that didn’t sound great, esp after coming off a broken femur two months ago, he recommended the floor.

    I want to be w the boys so much, esp the youngest. He’s, personality-wise, Mini-Me. Other fam members have commented on it as well. It’s my chance to be there for their youth and my parents’ healthy aging (70 and 74). Only so much time w them and I’ve long never wanted to have kids, serious gf’s as well. (They still don’t have any kids.)

    Screams Red Flags. A vacation full of epileptic warning signs. No space, privacy, and five days of driving in an echo-y space, where my 50/50 hearing acts up and I feel more lost.

    Ev. Stop typing. Get to Group. Welp. At least I got to type it out. I wonder if I’ll bring it up. I doubt it. Teary but didn’t cry when making decision about it. Not happy ’bout it.

    Yep. Off I go. Kick ass today, y’all. Time for me as well.

  18. juris imprudent

    As if the recruiting crisis wasn’t bad enough.

    Now disgruntled rank and file officers have found an outlet on TikTok to advise those considering signing up to think again, according to videos viewed by

    Among the major criticisms, the young soldiers complain about having to remain below a certain weight, harsh treatment from their superiors and having to perform menial tasks instead of engaging enemies on the battlefield.


    • prolefeed

      Hunh. Soldiers telling you exactly what to expect if you join up? Crisis!!!1!

      • Pope Jimbo

        I remember referring to ourselves as Buffer Techs when I spent almost a year getting trained to repair navigational aid equipment because we spent so much time waxing and buffing floors.

      • Fourscore

        Things we learned at OCS

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        Could have been worse. You could have been Fluffer Techs.

      • juris imprudent

        I guess they were promised gourmet meals, loads of leisure time and only the gentlest of suggestions about doing their jobs?

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        Judy Benjamin: I think they sent me to the wrong place.
        Capt. Doreen Lewis: Uh-huh.
        Judy Benjamin: See, I did join the army, but I joined a *different* army. I joined the one with the condos and the private rooms.

      • juris imprudent

        And the point is, that was funny. This isn’t.

    • Brawndo

      I’m kinda glad for the “recruiting crisis” tbh. Though these reasons are pretty weak

      • juris imprudent

        It’s not the reasons – it’s they are complaining about military life being, well, military life? This is not embrace-the-suck.

    • Trigger Hippie

      What did these dipshit kids think they were signing up for, exactly? You believed your recruiter and thought all day was going to be a live action version of Call of Duty? Well, that’s your own damn fault.

      • Urthona

        What actually surprised me most is they were put off by not seeing combat.

        I would’ve been stoked.

    • Shpip

      E-3s complaining about life in the Army has a long history.

    • The Hyperbole

      Did you know that orca are the only animal other than man that will kill for revenge?

      • Pope Jimbo

        That’s nothing to crow about

    • slumbrew

      Clever girl.

  19. The Late P Brooks

    Among the major criticisms, the young soldiers complain about having to remain below a certain weight, harsh treatment from their superiors and having to perform menial tasks instead of engaging enemies on the battlefield.

    How are you going to defend democracy and save the world from totalitarianism if you can’t even put a decent coat of paint on a rock?

  20. The Other Kevin

    My SIL was affected by that Southwest screw up. They refunded her flight and gave her a big voucher. She was pretty happy with that. But there weren’t any government agencies involved so I guess that means it was unacceptable.

    • juris imprudent

      No governmental beak-wetting – damn right that’s not acceptable.

    • AlexinCT

      What? No Coyote goes over the cliff chasing the roadrunner moment? Lame.

    • Brawndo

      “1000 pounds of thrust”


      • creech

        You talking about that video from the Senate hearing room?

    • The Other Kevin

      One day that guy’s going to die doing that, and God bless him for it. Go out with a bang.

  21. rhywun

    Keep giving them more of what they claim to support. It’s working so far.

    But the article makes it obvious that it’s the Republican’s fault. I mean, it says so right in the article.

  22. The Other Kevin

    Good morning everyone. Thought I’d share a nut punch with you. My aforementioned SIL just got a letter announcing her $28k in student loans were forgiven. They also cut her a check for $3k in payments she recently made. She’s an NP and making more than I am. I took out zero loans and I helped the Mrs. pay off her $45k in loans early in our marriage. 🙁

    • slumbrew

      *urge to kill rising*

      Welcome to Chumptown, fellas. Population: us.

      • AlexinCT

        It’s vote buying of the scummiest kind…

        Despicable, and it doesn’t address the real problem: the education loan racket needs to be reformed or killed.

      • Fourscore

        I just finished paying off the oldest G’daughter’s loan, if she gets a rebate I’m guessing she’ll be able to have a nice vacation. I don’t really care.

        All three g’daughters are debt free, college loan wise. I did what I thought was right.

      • Mojeaux, font of all evil

        It’s what I’ve been saying for years.

        The rational actor is going to take free money. The rest of us just keep working to fund them.

      • AlexinCT

        If we refuse to let them take our money and screw us over, the crooks even have the legal right to lock our asses up… That is the most insulting part of this shit.

      • Mojeaux, font of all evil

        They can’t jail everybody if we all dropped out and started taking the free money. Even if they did, we’d get 3 squares, clothes, a roof, and medical care.

      • slumbrew

        the Cloward-Piven strategy

        It is the strategy of forcing political change leading to societal collapse through orchestrated crises. The “Cloward-Piven Strategy” seeks to hasten the fall of capitalism by overloading the government bureaucracy with a flood of impossible demands, amassing massive unpayable national debt, and other methods such as unfettered immigration thus pushing society into crisis and economic collapse by overwhelming the system.

        Good thing they weren’t able to accomplish any of that.

      • Mojeaux, font of all evil


        So, in the end, we keep working because the possibility of reward is greater than the risk of failure and in spite of the takings. When that flips, nobody will work or they’ll be forced into work camps.

        But Americans, you know … There’s just something about us that causes us to think we’re just “temporarily embarrassed millionaires.”

    • Urthona

      I think I’m maddest they can do this without anyone voting on anything or making any legal rulings. There’s no way to stop this apparently.

  23. The Late P Brooks

    Make America Germanic Again

    Donald Trump’s rhetoric dropped to a spine-tingling new low this weekend with less than a month before the Iowa caucuses.

    The GOP primary front-runner said migrants are “poisoning the blood” of the US and quoted Russian President Vladimir Putin about the “rottenness” of American democracy.

    Whipping up thousands of supporters at a New Hampshire hockey rink on Saturday, the former president again drew comparisons to the language of Nazi Germany with the comments about migrants from mostly Africa, Asia and South America “poisoning the blood of our country.”

    And then they lit their tiki torches and goose-stepped downtown to smash all the windows and lynch the Jews and negroes.

    • juris imprudent

      Never mind how the Nazis borrowed freely from American progressivism.

    • B.P.

      I got an earful about this yesterday.

    • slumbrew

      Awww, thanks. I needed that.

  24. The Late P Brooks

    lost cause

    A monument to Confederate soldiers is scheduled to be removed from Arlington National Cemetery by the end of the week.

    The removal comes in response to legislation passed by Congress, and amidst efforts in recent years to take down symbols honoring slaveholders and Confederate leaders.

    In 2021, Congress passed a law requiring the Department of Defense to look at removing “names, symbols, displays, monuments, or paraphernalia” commemorating the Confederacy.

    Arlington’s Confederate Memorial offers a “mythologized vision of the Confederacy, including highly sanitized depictions of slavery,” according to a report prepared by a commission set up in response to that legislation. The report notes that an inscription promotes the “Lost Cause” myth, “which romanticized the pre-Civil War South and denied the horrors of slavery.”

    Are there confederate soldiers buried there? Dig them up and dump them in the sea.

    • Drake

      Also know as The Reconciliation Memorial. And yes, I believe the plan includes desecrating the graves of many Confederate soldiers.

      • Not Adahn

        Already happened in Madison, WI.

    • creech

      Rumors are there are plans afoot to remove Confederate monuments from actual battlefields too. Positioning markers and historical signage may remain but things such as the Virginia and North Carolina monuments at Gettysburg are likely to be removed. Word is that both Confederate and Union re-enactors will put their bodies in front of any demolition crews that attempt same. The movement to remove any reference to any slave-holder or Indian fighter has just begun.

      • Pope Jimbo

        Gurkhas hardest hit?

    • Pope Jimbo

      Well you don’t have to dig them up, but you better remove any monuments for sure.

      Michael Telzrow, director of the Wisconsin Veterans Museum, said they accepted the monument for a specific reason.

      “Based on its connection to Civil War history and, more importantly, the role in which some Wisconsin Union veterans played in raising money for the memorial, we accepted its acquisition,” said Telzrow.

      Telzrow said two Wisconsinites who fought with the Union’s Iron Brigade, Frank W. Oakley and Hugh Louis, assisted in fundraising and participated in the cenotaph’s unveiling.

      The monument, then, is an artifact of reconciliation — a period in the late nineteenth century when white residents from the north and south diminished slavery to romanticize the war and come together.

      I guess the Union was a bunch of pussies for stopping the fighting before exterminating all the white Southeners. From the Mississippi to the Atlantic the South shall be free!

    • grrizzly

      Nazi German soldiers’ graves are treated better in Russia.
      Translated by Google:

      In December 1991, a delegation from the Volksbund found the area of the former field cemetery of the 1st Air Force Field Division “Wehrmacht”. The cemetery grounds and parts of the central monument were still visible, but the approximately 680 German soldiers’ graves were leveled. The Volksbund’s reburial service examined the grave sites there for the first time in June 1992. In November 1992, the People’s Association received permission from the Novgorod Regional Commission to restore the cemetery and expand it to a size of three hectares. The new construction of the circular paths of the original complex and the installation of symbolic cross groups in the individual segments of the burial site are part of the work carried out, as is the construction of a high cross in a central location. At the foot of the High Cross, the inscriptions on three granite steles immortalize the names of 500 soldiers. The remains of 8,041 war dead were transferred from the local cemeteries of the Novgorod region to the new burial blocks. The names of the identified dead and those whose grave location is unknown are recorded on 19 steles next to embedding blocks ten, eleven and twelve. Over 11,400 dead soldiers have been buried in the collective cemetery and further burials from the Novgorod region will follow. The inauguration of the war cemetery took place on September 21, 1996.

  25. Shpip

    Florida Wisconsin woman disregards MRI safety protocols, gets bit in the ass.

    There’s a “triggered” gag in there somewhere, but I’m not into dad jokes.

    • robc

      Based on my recent MRI, having a gun with you is a bad idea, I might have considered using it on myself to end the damn thing. They really need a visual timer.

      • Tres Cool

        I almost immediately fall asleep in those.

  26. robc

    Van Dick was a whiny bitch about the ManU game.

    If you have 30 shots and can’t score, thats on you.

    His comment that they were better in every aspect of the game is just false, they clearly werent better at goal scoring. And its kind of a key element of the game.

    • Pope Jimbo

      If you have 30 shots and can’t score, thats on you.

      What does their vax status have to do with this?

      • juris imprudent

        The effort ends up half-hearted?

  27. PieInTheSky

    This wooden automaton simulates a whale swimming in the ocean by spinning a crank mechanism. Made by artist Sylvain Gautier, it showcases the impressive work of craft engineering and art all in one.

  28. Pope Jimbo

    Too hungover on Sunday to check, but did I get some praise for officially being the Ugliest Glib?

    • The Other Kevin

      You won? Congrats! I was looking for that all weekend.

      • Fourscore

        There you go again, playing dress up. Congrats anyway, now maybe more Lady Glibs will start showing up at HH

      • Pope Jimbo

        I wore a Turkey Hat that when I pursed my lips looked like it had an asshole (I know, I know, there was an asshole there).

        Sloper could have won if he just admitted his sweater had a llama on it.

  29. The Late P Brooks

    Rational adaptation is bad, children

    Hundreds of thousands of neighborhoods in the United States are seeing population decline as a result of flooding, new research suggests. Those neighborhoods are often located in areas that are growing in population overall, including parts of Florida, Texas and the region around Washington, D.C.

    The results underscore how flood risk – which is growing due to climate change – is already affecting where Americans live.

    “People are being more selective about where they live,” says Jeremy Porter, one of the authors of the study and a researcher at the First Street Foundation, a research and advocacy organization that publishes analyses about climate hazards including flooding. The study was published in the journal Nature Communications.


    And, while flood risk appears to play a role in where people choose to live, social factors including race and class are also hugely important, says Kevin Loughran, a sociologist at Temple University who studies relocation from flood zones.

    “Flood risk, or environmental risk in general, is not the only criteria they’re using to make these decisions,” says Loughran.

    Geniuses. Nothing terrifies progressives like the sight of people behaving rationally, independent of government directives.

    • R.J.

      It certainly isn’t because developers kept building in flood plains for years.

      • juris imprudent

        Or that federal insurance covers the cost of the inevitable.

    • PieInTheSky

      just get a houseboat and don’t worry bout no floods

    • Pope Jimbo

      Yet the Obamas spent millions on a mansion on the sea. What does he know that we don’t?

      • juris imprudent

        The sea will rise twice as much on the adjoining properties but leave his untouched?

      • Pope Jimbo

        Or maybe seeing the impoverished situation that the Obamas find themselves in when their mansion is flooded, the taxpayers will bail them out?

    • Lackadaisical

      Yeah, this is exactly what I expect to happen, and I’m fine with it.

  30. The Late P Brooks

    The new study offers a new level of national insight into how flood risk might be affecting local trends in population, he says. But the details are still fuzzy, and further research is underway by social scientists and others to study exactly how people who live in areas threatened by climate hazards decide whether, and where, to move.

    One of life’s great mysteries. Only a vast army of government funded academic sociologists could crack this case.

    • Pope Jimbo

      Finally, no more drinking beer out of bottles for me!

      • robc

        Babies drink from bottles.

    • Pope Jimbo

      Please, I’m so sick of the constant coverage of our new flag (and state seal). I am past caring about how much tax payer money is being wasted on this effort and just want it to be over with. Besides the symbolism is clear.

      The three colors on the right signify important aspects to Minnesotan history and culture: the white stripe symbolizes snow; the green stripe represents the beauty of our nature and also the important role agriculture has played in our history; and the light blue stripe represents the significance of water to our state, each as the land of 10,000 lakes, the birth state of the Mississippi River, and the origins of Minnesota’s name –which came from the Dakota language– and translates to “a place of sky-tinted water.” Overall, I wanted the design to be very simple while also symbolizing the various important aspects of our history, cultures, and people.

      • PieInTheSky

        fun with flags

    • creech

      I favor a black flag with a gold dollar sign.

      • kinnath

        A porcupine humping a pile of money

  31. PieInTheSky

    LEAKED 🚨🚨: The American Academy of Pediatrics (@AmerAcadPeds
    ) is instructing its members to avoid using work emails when communicating about “AAP matters,” especially “sensitive topics,” due to concerns about “subpoenas” and “FOIA requests.”

    • kinnath

      Sent via discoverable media sources no doubt.

  32. The Late P Brooks

    Muh ESG score!

    Tesla’s showdown with trade unions across the Nordic region is threatening to spill over to the financial markets after a group of pension funds and asset managers sent a letter to Elon Musk urging him to change course.

    Nordic institutional investors managing a total of $1 trillion in assets said they are “deeply concerned” about Tesla’s attitude to worker rights in Sweden and demanded the carmaker accept collective bargaining agreements for its staff, according to a letter sent Thursday and seen by Bloomberg News. Signatories to the letter include Denmark’s Velliv Pension & Livsforsikring A/S and AkademikerPension.

    The group of at least 15 investors called out Tesla’s sustainability credentials over its challenge to the so-called “Nordic Model” by not letting mechanics at seven of its Swedish repair shops sign up to an agreement that covers basic rights such as minimum pay and gender equality. They also pointed out how the same model has benefited Tesla in building up “a significant market share” in the region, which trumps even Germany when it comes to deliveries of cars.


    In the investor letter, the group asked for a meeting with Tesla’s board in early 2024 to discuss the matter. “We as Nordic investors acknowledge the decade old tradition of collective bargaining, and therefore urge Tesla to reconsider your current approach to unions,” they wrote.

    Not shown: actual Swedish Tesla employees.

    • Shpip

      “We as Nordic investors acknowledge the decade old tradition of collective bargaining, and therefore urge Tesla to reconsider your current approach to unions,” they wrote.

      You’re free to put your funds into whatever companies better reflect your values, then… ROI be damned.

  33. The Late P Brooks

    And now a word from the peanut gallery

    Most Swedes support an ongoing mechanics strike at Tesla’s workshops in the Nordic country over the right to collective bargaining, an opinion poll by Novus showed.

    The U.S. car maker is facing a backlash from unions and pension funds across the Nordic region over its refusal to accept the demand from trade union IF Metall, whose members at Tesla workshops have been on strike since October.

    “A clear majority – or 58% of Swedes – believe the union is right to take the fight with Tesla,” said daily Svenska Dagbladet, which commissioned the poll. “Only 20% of those who answered believe the union’s industrial action is wrong.”


    A clear majority of Swedes polled by Novus said their confidence in Tesla had faded during the conflict, SvD reported.

    “The support for the Swedish model is very strong,” Novus CEO Torbjorn Sjostrom told the daily.

    The Swedish labour market model means employers and unions negotiate working conditions and salaries with very little involvement of the government.

    Maybe I’m crazy, but why should I care about the opinions of persons not directly involved?

  34. The Late P Brooks

    Meanwhile, over at the Ministry of Truth

    The decision to launch formal infringement proceedings against the company, owned by the US billionaire Elon Musk, comes weeks after X was asked to provide evidence of compliance with new laws designed to eliminate hate speech, racism and fake news from platforms in the EU.

    Under the Digital Services Act, which came into force in August, a company can be fined 6% of its global income or be banned from operating across the EU if it is found to have breached the law.

    Thierry Breton, the EU commissioner in charge of enforcing the DSA, confirmed the investigation in a post on Musk’s platform.

    “Today we open formal infringement proceedings against @X,” he wrote, saying the move was on the grounds of “suspected breach of obligations to counter illegal content and disinformation; suspected breach of transparency obligations and suspected deceptive design of user interface”.

    No unapproved content will be permitted. But don’t call it censorship.

  35. The Late P Brooks

    Asked what would happen if X withdrew services from the EU, officials insisted the legal action would still apply.

    Why pretend?

  36. Common Tater

    “A former “Rookie Teacher of the Year” at a Florida middle school who was accused of having sex with a 14-year-old student several times in her car has pleaded guilty to carrying on the depraved relationship.

    Brittiny Lopez-Murray, 33, entered the plea Wednesday to multiple charges, including lewd and lascivious battery, lewd and lascivious molestation of a child and electronic transmission harmful to minors, NBC Miami reported.”

    There is one of these stories everyday.

    • Mojeaux, font of all evil

      I can’t even figure out what is attractive about teenage boys to a grown-ass woman.

      • slumbrew


      • Common Tater

        Me neither. I can see how teenage girls would be attractive to grown ass men, but stories about male teachers having sex with their students are rare in comparison.

      • Mojeaux, font of all evil

        Yeah, I always loved the May-December romance trope (teenage reading prefs never changed), but older dude-ingenue was my jam. Even if I were totally fuckable, I wouldn’t turn into a cougar.

      • Shpip

        As Patrick O’Brien once put it, “Have you ever known a schoolmaster fit to associate with grown men?” That, and being a South Florida 3, meant that she was going to have to seek attention from wherever she could get it.