And we still haven’t found SugarFree.
Tonio is down for the count, so the Spudmeister has stepped in to spin a tale. Or post some links, or something.
Everybody knows to avoid windows if you have heart problems.
Dude’s just working his side hustle.What’s the problem?
Just put a pillow case over it’s head.
“If a person lingers too long, LoDoMus Prime or Dave will start a countdown: “Five, four, three, two, one.” Then the robots call their human security backup.”
Wait for it! He wants to be a gym teacher.
Okay, that’s good for today. Peace out, Glibbies!
Those robots remind me of the Daleks.
“Then the robots call their human security backup.”
How long until this changes to “deploy a taser” or worse?
“If a person lingers too long, LoDoMus Prime or Dave will start a countdown: “Five, four, three, two, one.” Then the robots call their human security backup.”
They should have been named KAREN-1 and KAREN-2.
Robots that just violently shriek at their targets.
Shut it down. We won’t top that derp this week.
Meh. No different from every nutty broad (and person) going after a psychology degree.
“I can learn to fix myself!”
Yep, it’s all about doing mesearch. There’s nothing better for depression than spending four years on a mostly useless degree.
Gym teachers need a degree?
Gotta learn to use the slide projector somewhere.
“In recent days, we learned of specific conduct by Dr. Gow that has subjected the university to significant reputational harm. His actions were abhorrent,” UW president Jay Rothman said in a statement.
If it had been tranny sex, he’d be untouchable.
…”has subjected the university to significant reputational harm”…
Ask a liberal arts degreed kid with 40K student loan debt what caused the most harm.
We can’t have that.
Eventually they’ll find them up on cinder blocks and stripped to the frame.
Wait until they learn that they’re really Daleks.
…guess I shoulda read the 1st comment
UW system regent president Karen Walsh accused Gow, 63, of showing a “reckless disregard for the role he was entrusted with.”
“We are alarmed, and disgusted, by his actions, which were wholly and undeniably inconsistent with his role as chancellor,” Walsh added.
Okay, Karen.
“As a tenured faculty member who has served as chancellor since 2007, Gow will be placed on paid administrative leave as he transitions into his faculty role.”
The important thing is, he won’t miss a paycheck and still has a job cashing government checks for life.
I thought being fat was a prerequisite to being a gym teacher in the first place.
1980s Kelly LeBrock would disagree.
Or Kim Cattrall (Lassie) in Porky’s.
Now you’ve got me all worked up. I’m going to go stick my dick through a wall.
‘Nikki Haley on Thursday acknowledged the Civil War was “about slavery,” after facing swift criticism for making no mention of it when asked about the cause of the conflict at a town hall.
“Of course the Civil War was about slavery. We know that. That’s the easy part of it,”’
Too blind to see the obviously loaded question by an obvious plant…elect this woman!
I am kinda mystified by the whole thing. Of course it’s a plant, but, why? Haley ain’t gonna win the primaries, those are all sewn up by Trump. So, why would you waste time on this shit? Do you thing she is gonna come in as VP, and that this will sink her? VP is gonna be someone from a blue state anyway, so this won’t matter. Do they think all the BS with Trump legally is gonna keep him out? I think even the left is resigned to him being on the ballot, and this wont fortify anything.
So, why? Just too count coup? Big nothing burger to me.
“What was the cause of the United States Civil War?” the man asked Haley.
The bombardment of Fort Sumter. Next question.
Northern aggression.
1) Michigan secedes from Union
2) everything goes right along as before
Nikki was just courting the mint julep and debutant ball crowd, but realized it is a small demographic.
They fought over whether states could secede.
Be a shame if some of our deep state operators were defenestrated regularly.
just vote for the right guy and he’ll Drain The Swamp!!!1!!
I promise!!!1!!!!
“I think the cause of the Civil War was basically how government was going to run, the freedoms and what people could and couldn’t do,” Haley said.
“I think it always comes down to the role of government and what the rights of the people are,” Haley added. “And I will always stand by the fact that I think government was intended to secure the rights and freedoms of the people. It was never meant to be all things to all people. Government doesn’t need to tell you how to live your life. They don’t need to tell you what you can and can’t do. They don’t need to be a part of your life.”
Just what a stooge of the Kochtopus would say.
Jeebus. Give her a curveball question, and you trigger the bullet point bot. What an empty vessel.
I got a camera hooked up to the print controller Pi and pointed at the build plate.
Running a test print to watch it from the other room and see if I need to adjust it’s position.
It’s working!
Still not sure if I want to adjust the camera angle.
Perhaps contact former Chancellor Joe Gow for some pointers ?
I have no idea what you’re referencing.
I did manage to get a decent focus despite the crappy focus adjustment on the camera.
Were you RPI or RIT?
He has brought shame to the school and should be expelled. All the staff and faculty who abetted the fraud should be executed.
I mean, it’s not even a sports school, just lose with class.
It’s a great excuse to tell the fundraisers to fuck off when they ask for donation next time.
Still don’t get why more women aren’t calling out this BS. It doesn’t end otherwise.
It’s RIT, there aren’t any.
To take their “We’re so diverse, Yay!” photograph of my Computer Foresnics class, they had to import the diverse people because the class was all nerdy dudes.
Shocking vandalism
A set of 1,400-year-old Buddha statues in southwest China were damaged by villagers who painted them with bright colors to “redeem a wish to the god,” officials said.
Located in rural Nanjiang County in the province of Sichuan, the Shifeihe Buddha statues were carved in the late Northern Wei era (386-534) during the Northern and Southern Dynasties and have great academic value in the field of Buddhist culture and arts research, according to Chinese experts.
They are the only statues in Sichuan to be carved on the surface of natural stone, researchers from the Bazhong City Cultural Relics Bureau and other organizations said.
Though the incident took place last month, a video about it posted last week has been trending on WeChat, a popular Chinese social media platform.
“Why are there no measures to preserve such ancient artifacts in advance? It also gives people the opportunity to paint,” one comment read.
What if this is a traditional celebratory act of respect and gratitude?
Fucking zookeepers.
Or what if they were originally painted (hopefully better than this 🤨) and the paint faded away?
Never stick it in….nevermind.
Man forgives wife for cutting off his penis and flushing it down toilet
*I may have found the problem: “Police and the husband did not comment on the allegation he had cheated on his wife with her 15-year-old niece.”
In every problem lies an opportunity. Do they sell Bud Light in Brazil?
Speaking of primitive ritual sacrifice
Thursday’s demolition – taking place during winter break – was expected to last several days, the University of Idaho said in a news release this month. But it could be finished within a day, university spokesperson Jodi Walker told CNN.
“It is the grim reminder of the heinous act that took place there,” University of Idaho President Scott Green said in a news release. “While we appreciate the emotional connection some family members of the victims may have to this house, it is time for its removal and to allow the collective healing of our community to continue.”
Level it, before it kills again.
It’s just silly…scrub it out, change the locks, and let someone else rent it. We’ve become such wusses.
It’s absurd. Whatever happened to moving on? Perhaps Kent State should have burned the entire campus to the ground after the shootings.
Build tract homes at Antietam and Gettysburg.
Nikki Haley: Ha! Apu got it on the first try, alternatively Simpson’s already did it:
“Just say slavery…Slavery it is sir.”
They really have covered all the bases.
Treasury Drops a Hydrogen Bomb
The Gap Band – You Dropped A Bomb On Me
From when The Onion was funny:
Clinton Threatens To Drop Da Bomb On Iraq
If only we had cool names like that.
“Preparations for the military strike, dubbed Operation Supergroovalisticprosifunkstication Storm, are already underway.”
I remember those days.
Joe will manipulate the levers of the economy into Utopia any day now!
First, they got Sugar Free. Now Tonio.
A song for our lost Glibs posters:
I am still here. Sorry. Tonight’s movie is “America 3000.”
Great song.
The British are coming! The British are coming!
Dave Barry is back to remind us of the year known as 2023.
Da Bastaaarrd.
Republicans regain control of the House of Representatives and immediately demonstrate their qualifications to govern the nation by taking five days and 15 ballots to elect a speaker, which is like a Formula One driver spending the first 20 minutes of a race changing his oil
running for office and holding office require very different skill sets
Thanks. Bookmarked.
Haley acknowledges Civil War ‘about slavery’ after facing backlash
The wurst thing about this presidential season, is that warmongering money grubbing war machine dick sucking bitch showed back up. Speaking of warmongering war machine dick sucking bitches……Micheal Malice interviewed Meagan McCain and asks: ‘is the view just a psyop to get the 19th amendment repealed?”………LMAO…….Apparently they are friends. I have had some asshole friends too, so whatever, but that shit is funny.
For male periods.
Naturally Hochul signed this.
What broke brained justification is there for this? Are they saying that tampons are used by men, and men can’t be feminine, so this is addressing some kind of whackadoodle discrimination against men? I thought the whole point was that anyone who identifies as a woman may need tampons, whether they were assigned male or female at birth. Are they saying that not who identifies as a woman can be feminine, because some of them were assigned male at birth? Seems pretty anti-trans to me. Or are they saying nobody who identifies as a woman can be feminine? Seems anti-woman to me.
I wonder what’s next? Prohibiting identifying shoes as “men’s” and “women’s”?