A fine recreation of Ford, really
“Ava DuVernay’s Origin is a fascinating drama, but it should have been a documentary”
“Meet the Disney Imagineer Behind the VR Breakthough That Is the ‘HoloTile'”
“Indiana Jones Game’s Version Of Harrison Ford Is Extremely Hot”
I really don’t want to hear much of anything beyond the response to “How do you plead” from the Great Beagle Torturer.
Stop quizzing him and prosecute his lying ass already.
And then fire up the woodchipper.
“Sentence first, then trial.”
In this case, I’d be tempted. Maybe, since it’s getting hard to find execution drugs, we can try out some new methods… death by sand flea comes to mind.
So essentially the boats. Works for me.
I think we’re all on the same page. It would be one thing if they had one ounce of humility and said “Based on what we observe, this is what we recommend. But that may change as we go.” Just that would have been enough. But no, they had to go full authoritarian, “I am the science”, shut down everyone with a different opinion, and arrest people for breaking their made-up rules. I have zero sympathy for any of them.
Not to mention the cult they created with people insisting on mandatory vaccinations, jail for the un-vaxed (or worse).
I’d settle for prosecution for the obvious end run they did around Gain-of-Function research limitations followed by lying about it and instituting social media censorship on a wide scale (making it easier to “steer the national conversation” across the board) to cover their asses.
But there’s so much to loathe that little bastard for….
A little humility would have gone a long way, but I don’t think they have it in them. A couple times I’ve mentioned a Johns Hopkins pandemic simulation that I read, and it’s very revealing about the assumptions built in to their milieu. They are very much top-down thinkers, which I don’t think lends itself to humility.
I got the impression they had “war gamed” a pandemic for years and this was finally their chance to put it all in play and be the big heroes. You could see how positively giddy some of them were when they got in front of the cameras.
I have long thought that wars are only started in the modern era because these fucks in power want to see if their latest and greatest weapons and tactics will actually work. It’s just one big murderous beta test.
/Madeline Albright
You know who doesn’t want humility, who wants confident authority – the masses. You can’t tell them, well this is the best we know, because they’ll throw you out in favor of the big fat egotistical liar who tells them that he knows and he is in charge. If you aren’t any better than the rest of us – you aren’t a leader.
Everything y’all said in this little section is true. The more you think about it the more egregious it is. What they did is one of the greatest crimes in our nation’s history. They did more damage to our nation than anything else, including wars. Yet, nothing will happen to them. There should be firing squads yet they will live out their normal lives.
whaddup doh’
Yeah — that picture does look like he’s in the desert again… and that leather jacket can’t be helping.
Oh… that’s not what you meant? Well, not really my area of expertise…..
Allow me.
Blade Runner or GTFO.
He’s too dopey in Star Wars and the Indiana Jones franchise never really did anything for me; I haven’t seen one in decades so I can hardly judge the hotness factor.
Here you go.
lol “No I do not consent for my likeness to be used etc. etc.”
Music slightly NSFW
/sees all the articles asking about Indiana Jones games and why they weren’t made before
/realizes no one under the age of 30 has probably every played any of the in house LucasArts games
/is mainly surprised they aren’t force feeding us one with his idiot granddaughter or whatever that stupidity was in the last movie….
I miss the Dark Forces series of games (and the later Jedi ones). I recall there being two different versions of the same game available, with one being more action based, and the other being more traditional adventure game.
I wouldn’t mind if they remastered KOTR 1 and 2 if they swore on the graves of their ancestors not to touch one line of the story (barring putting back material cut due to production deadlines in 2).
Never played Dark Forces all that much — I was more in the X-Wing / Tie Fighter line up (until Alliance, which I bought but could never get into). I picked it up from GOG (I think) and it actually runs… but man… younger me had much better reflexes, I think — because I can barely fly it anymore.
There already is a remake of KOTR being worked on (although apparently has been having… issues).
I disliked the X-Wing/Tie Fighter games since it required succeeding at every mission. I floved the Wing Commander series since you could fail missions, and there were branching story paths.
Yeah, I knew about that — but I thought it was shelved last year. I’ll believe it when I see it — and when folks find out if they rewrote the story for Modern Audiences.
I didn’t mind the mission replay requirements — that was the challenge at the time. (I think there were a couple little minor forks story-wise based on bonus objectives… but it has been decades at this point, so I may be wrong).
/realizes no one under the age of 30 has probably every played any of the in house LucasArts games
They’re missing out.
When are we gonna string that son of a bitch up?
A disproportionate number of members of a culture that encourages and fosters criminality are in prison. Imagine that.
That’s all I got….I dont do video games.
I played Pong once in a bar, circa 1975. Beer didn’t seem to improve my skills but my opponent suffered the same problem so we stayed more or less equal.
One of my favorite episodes.
“Thanks for the lid, Art.”
That one and “phone cops”.
Hello, nurse!!
““Ava DuVernay’s Origin is a fascinating drama, but it should have been a documentary”
I bailed at “First African American woman to….”
Done with that shit.
As head of a gov’t agency, does Fauci possess some sort of immunity (not from the vax- if he ever took it) ?
Sovereign, Qualified, etc ?
Just been revoked
Also just been revoked – bye, bye Sports Illustrated.
Went woke and found out. No more fat tranny swimsuit issues.
Huh. We were getting free copies sent to my office for no apparent reason, but the most recent one was from May. Maybe this is why we stopped getting it. Now the only free magazine we’re getting is Essence. 🙄
So you’re essential workers?
We get Essence too. So strange.
I prefer JET
Admiral What’s His Name hardest hit…
I cant imagine what they were thinking. One would have to live in one hell of a bubble of woke insanity to think that was a good idea.
I listen to Dan Lebatard sometimes from Miami and he was talking recently about SI getting outed for using AI to write some of their stories. How the mighty have fallen. Maybe ESPN will be next?
Keith Olbermann and the other talent at ESPN are not artificial – that’s pure natural stupidity baby!
What is it with these tumblers? Jugsy has a couple of them.
Is it just the new “must have” accessory ?
Study Finds Over 3 Million Millennial Women Die Of Dehydration Every Day Because They Don’t Have A Stanley Tumbler
Yeah, it’s a big fad. The other day my daughter asked me if I’d ever heard of the “Stanley cup”, and I said, sure, why, and she started telling me a very confusing story about it before I realized she obviously wasn’t talking about the hockey trophy. I guess it’s one of those things everybody has to have, even thought it’s practically identical to the hundreds of other brand cups just like it.
Maybe the pet rocks that kept away the Beanie Baby tigers can be repurposed. 😉
Since all the Tamogatchis (however you spelled that) are dead….
I watched the Beanie Baby documentary, which Im told, while based on facts, mostly true.
Wasnt a bad way to kill 90 minutes.
I have a Stanley cup, but not because of all the fad stuff. It’s the first cup that I found that checked all of the boxes I wanted (low price, spill proof, no stupid plastic flappy thing to retain the lid, no gummy bite valve that will start leaking in a few months, enough volume that I don’t have to refill every 5 minutes, carry handle) .
It’s also not one of the ones all the ladies fawn over. My wife has a couple of them and I can’t understand why they’re popular. They’re objectively inferior to many other cups on the market.
Yeah- Jugsy keeps trying to sell me on one. Design-wise, its everything I dont need to haul up a smokestack.
Heavy and bulky isnt what you want for a 100’+ climb, I dont care how many days it keeps shit cold.
No joke. I use the Contigo Autoseal cups because they don’t leak and are easy to use. It’s only going to have coffee in it for a couple hours, tops.
I have a contigo from ca. 2008 thats still going strong. The problems with it are that it keeps things too hot for my normal use case (it’s still undrinkably hot an hour later) and it isn’t entirely clear where the “fill to” line is, resulting in hot coffee bubbling out on occasion.
As a result, I have a few yetis that I got for free that I use for coffee when staying at home, and a couple of contigos of a different design for when I’m on the road.
@tres – I have one of these in 36oz. I paid roughly $25 on Woot. Lid clips into the handle when you open it. So far I’ve been happy with it.
There is a viral video where one survives a car fire.
Start the weekend on an uplifting note:
This Is the Real America
That probably would have been a better idea — but nooooo… I decided to start reading Schlichter’s The Attack — and the description of blocking an interstate then having terrorists just wandering down the lanes killing everyone they can in their cars is too plausible for me to be in a good mood now. So I’m snarking instead.
That probably wouldn’t work well here. In Grant Parish one just assumes everyone is armed because….everyone is armed.
That is one of the things that got me about the Hamas attack on Israel. The victims were unarmed. I vaguely remember that was one encounter where the victims were armed and they managed to hold out and even kill some of the fucks that were attacking them.
If I had the money I would buy a million AR’s, an extra mag and 100 rounds each and pass them out to any Israelite that wanted one. The first Govt fuck that tells me I cant do that gun control yada yada would get his ass kicked.
Yup — I had to assume it was probably in an urban area / overpass (because people would start damned well driving down the median or getting enough room to start running over the gunmen otherwise) and a disarmed or at least “automotive carry strongly discouraged” area of the country.
I wonder how far they would get in Arizona before a gunfight broke out. I’m guessing, not far. And, to the video Fatty posted above, I don’t think it would be long at all before they were under fire from multiple opponents, as people further down the line heard the gunfire and figured out something was up.
Don’t forget – Israel, in an act of bonecrushing stupidity, disarmed their population. Including, I believe, off-duty IDF members and reservists. Without that, Hamas wouldn’t have done nearly the damage.
True — and don’t forget, there are large chunks of our country which have tried to do the same, and even in areas where folks have guns – carrying them to the mall or the grocery store is more rare.
The premise of the book is a October 7th ramped up to the extreme — planning and funding by Iran, foot soldiers from wherever they can get them — all funneled as “asylum seekers” through the border, kept in small cells with no real knowledge and little training beyond “We’ll give y’all AKs, go kill and rape and cause as much havoc as you can”. They aren’t expected to live very long — just to overwhelm the usual domestic authorities and stream it on the net to show America is weak. (And that’s Day One… Two and Three shift targets to keep things off balance).
With enough martyr wannabes and the effectively open border? Yeah, it would be an ugly, ugly mess I believe
Clancy posited something similar in Teeth of the Tiger.
The terrorists who attacked an Arizona mall were taken out by deputies and locals.
Excellent. And true. I grew up and still live in that world.
Two guys and myself helped a young couple out of a ditch about three months ago. None of us had ever met before.
I have a tow chain and jumper cables in my truck all the time. Haven’t had to use them for a long time but OTOH I don’t get out much.
Thanks Fatty, that’s the America I remember and still recognize in Deplorable Country.
That picture of Foochy makes me want to garotte him.
That guy is as crazy as a shithouse rat.
My grandfather had one of those black Stanley lunch boxes with the thermos in the lid. My grandmother packed his lunch in it every day.
That was the high school graduation gift I got from my parents. Maybe a hint.
“I don’t expect anyone else here to enjoy this, but enjoy.”
Story of my life.
“… and yet, she married me!”
Indeed she did. Silly lady.
Not something you want to say out loud when you’ve finally sweet-talked that sweet young thing in a compromising position.
+ youthful exuberance
Maybe a hint.
Did it have the “help wanted” ads from the newspaper inside?
Accepting ideas for a new Zoom avatar for this weekend. Must be STEVE SMITH-themed
Would this be of any use to you? Maybe if you zoom (Heh! See what I did there?) in and crop it for a close-up? Courtesy of Tres Cool, who kindly gave me the actual patch.
Ha! That gave me an idea…
Saw that when I was in PDX and immediately thought of you.
Worth every penny.
Screenshot this.
Bigfoot 2024 Presidential Election Shirt, Vote For Bigfoot T-Shirt https://a.co/d/f3IBone
Here’s the disco sasquatch I used once. It’s a GIF.
Just for you
Characters are kaijuu and Bigfoot in katakana.
I will say this – AI is quite good at side boob
Sasquatch side boob?
No – Sasquatch’s wife
How about Steve Smith in a speedo ?
Very Warty-esque
It isn’t side boob. It is a digital fiction.
+ youthful exuberance
Add a liberal dollop of enthusiastic consent, jiggle vigorously.
Ghost planes
A small airplane that crashed into the ocean off the California coast on Sunday was constructed piece by piece over nearly a decade, one of tens of thousands of home-built aircraft that are part of a high-flying hobby taking off across the country.
Federal investigators said they believe four people were aboard the single-engine Cozy Mark IV when it went down in the evening just south of San Francisco. No survivors were found and only one body had been recovered from the waters near Half Moon Bay and identified as of Thursday.
There have been no official indications of what went wrong, but a witness reported hearing an engine losing power and cutting out.
Thane Ostroth, a retired dentist who began building the aircraft in 1999 and flying it in 2008, said he sold the plane last year to a young, experienced and enthusiastic pilot from Australia for around $100,000, which is about what he estimated went into the project over the decades.
Nobody but Boeing should be allowed to build airplanes.
Surprised it wasn’t a Mooney.
Has Biden admitted to shooting it down?
They really are pushing the it crashed because it was home built aren’t they?
They dust that story off every time an experimental aircraft has an issue.
Good news is John Denver is now too old a story to mention.
Individuals can’t build things. Only collectives can.
Damn. Not the usual kind of Cessna making an emergency highway landing.
Based on where it ended up, I’d guess engine failure on takeoff and they didn’t have enough altitude to make it back around to land. That’s right where they’d be going downwind.
To circle back to the earlier article, one of the Aldis we used to go to is right there.
You’ve got an Aldi in the middle of the highway? :-p
I’m telling you it’s the Biden administration.
They have their collective fingers on the trigger because they can ill afford another Chinese Spy Ballooon(tm) incident.
‘dem’s my people
Is there a state in the east that doesn’t have a Loudoun County or Lake or whatever?
New York
NJ appears not to have as well.
Best we can do is a Township in Seneca Couty.
I think it was named after Loudon Wainwright
/not really- thats all Amish up there.
These admissions are damning, and hopefully, they mark the beginning of a much larger mea culpa from Fauci and his longtime superior, Dr. Francis Collins, the previous director of the National Institutes of Health.
Mea Culpa from Fauci? HAH!
He’s sorry he couldn’t get more people fired or jailed for resisting his edicts.
Good point. I should have thought of that.
Thanks to his heterosexual AIDS-scare in the 80s, that little sawed-off cocksucker cost me a lot of unprotected, bareback, sex.
Ill put a bullet between his eyes for that reason alone.
I’ve made the same complaint, but I’m not sure how successful I would have been even if I was born a decade earlier.
“You know how much condoms cost when I was in High School?”
“No sir I dont”
“Me either. Nobody used them.”
*paraphrased from Half Baked
First the ankles, then the kneecaps. Then the wrists, then the elbows. Hand him his phone and tell him to call 911, you won’t interfere. Between the eyes if he can dial, and before they answer.
The only Stanley cup is the one that screws onto the top of your thermos. Preferably without that stupid griffin logo.
Interesting little 30 sec clip anout Mike Tyson catching Brad Pitt banging Robin Givens, Tyson’s wife at the time:
If true Pitt’s lucky he’s still a prettyboy.
Everybody has a plan until they’re punched in the nuts.
I’ve put my dick in a lot of risky places. But in the stench-trench of an unstable Heavyweight Boxer’s wife likely wont ever be one of them.
Nikki Haley Settles Down On The Couch With Some Popcorn To Watch Biden Bomb Yemen
“Babe, you’re so cute when Yemen gets bombed,” said Michael. They then made out to the sounds of live commentary by CNN reporter Erin Burnett.“
With her husband? Are you sure about that?
FOD happens more frequently than you know.
But i don’t think its the engine that makes the plane so special.
This doc has been beaten into my head a few times.
Some are bases are really strict, other less so.
Additional supporting documentation for (how stupid people are) the cult that Fauci created.
On the other hand, maybe a lot of doctors hoping for grant money see the risk to their phoney jobs.
Dr. Peter Hotez calls for scientists to be protected under hate crime laws
Scientists who didn’t buy into the covid panic, on the other hand, it’s just peachy keen to hate them.
Ya know, Id be in my bunk for that.
We were even in negotiations to have Lizzo as a special celebrity cover model for the swimsuit issue this year.
Cool link, bro!
Saw an article earlier on Baldwin finally getting indicted, and it said something like “when the gun fired”. No, when Alec Baldwin fired the gun.
That music was… quite something.