Saturday evening high and tight links

by | Jan 20, 2024 | Daily Links, Harambe, Hygiene, KHAAAAAANNN!!! | 146 comments

Peak flat top?

So a discussion took place, and somehow got into the flat top hair cut, and who did it best. Guile up there got a vote or two.

“He and I used to make fun of older Officers/NCOs that were rocking a flat top.

We had a scale based on a number of factors:
– Skull shape
– Flatness
– Crispiness of the fade
– Level of commitment to the flat top in spite of clearly going bald.”


We have found a use for Polly Shore.




“Hey guys! I know how to bury the story!”



If your war boner lasts longer than four years…


Not exactly a flat top, but damn.


I mean no, there is no actual disease, but we need the world to stay afraid.


Okay, pretty lame week for news. Time to go watch Division playoffs.

Keep it high and tight, Glibbies.


About The Author



Survey says I’m a Paleolibertarian bitches. That means I eat “L”ibertarians for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Soave tastes a little fruity. Wait a minute, that doesn’t sound quite right…


  1. Don escaped Texas

    drill instructors hazz a sad

    Jack Webb

    Frank Sutton

    Vol note: Butch Jones makes everything look stupid

    • Spudalicious

      Two excellent candidates.

    • R.J.

      Frankenstein has the ultimate flat top.

  2. Homple

    “WHO director calls for world pandemic treaty to prepare for Disease X”

    …in case that WWIII thing doesn’t work out.

    • Lackadaisical

      The only potentially useful treaty would be one banning modifying virii and germs, with strict penalties for not adhering to the ban.

    • J. Frank Parnell

      formerly known as Disease Twitter.

      • Gender Traitor


    • R C Dean

      He can suck my cock, except I’m not willing to put it in his diseased cakehole.

      • rhywun

        Tedros Ghebreyesus’s Diseased Cakehole was the name of one of my less successful side projects.

      • slumbrew

        Still, those EPs go for big bucks among vinyl collectors.

  3. Ted S.

    This was in the links of that AP story about the Colorado newspaper.

    • R.J.


    • rhywun


      • Don escaped Texas

        some are concerned about what the 187-year-old publication could become

        again with projected ownership of something that ain’t theirs: it’s a business…buy their product or don’t…short of that, INOYGDB

      • juris imprudent

        They won’t carry the water for the corruptocracy of the city’s Democrat-see!!!

  4. Mojeaux

    Ravens QB having a hard time staying on his feet.

    • Mojeaux

      I take that back.

    • Don escaped Texas

      Houston boys

      • The Hyperbole

        He mentions that a few times.

      • The Hyperbole

        This may be 7 Hefes and 1.5 old fashioneds talking but that may be the greatest thing ever.

    • Lackadaisical
  5. R.J.

    The flat top is a classic. I used to rock it. Now I just have Eraserhead hair.

    • Mojeaux

      Wore my hair down the other day, which I never do, and got compliments galore. I’m rethinking my self-hatred.

      • hayeksplosives

        Yeah, let that self hatred crap go.

        Put it on a carefully hand-crafted natural wood reed mat, to give you plenty of time to invest a comforting repetitive task.

        Then place the self hatred on the mat and push it gently off shore and into the water.

        Once it’s moved away from you, pick up your grenade launcher and unleash hell on that parasitic piece of shit. Kill it with fire and RPGs.

      • Don escaped Texas


      • Aloysious


      • Mojeaux

        It’s almost down to my waist. I need to start braiding it in true boho/kitchen witch/hippydippy/forest crone manner instead of a bun.

        Still getting used to being a blonde instead of a ginger. Strawberry + white = blonde

      • Name's BEAM. *James* BEAM.

        If you lived closer, I’d be begging you to let me photograph you in my studio. Your hubster could even come along as an escort. Er, in the, uhm . . . non-“economic” sense of “escort.”  ;-)

      • Mojeaux

        Aw, that’s nice. Thanks! 😃

      • Don escaped Texas

        does she go, eh? wink wink?

      • Yusef drives a Kia

        I am that guy

      • Name's BEAM. *James* BEAM.

        I’ve always liked you.

        Can you give my wife lessons on the proper use of destructive implements of destruction? She could use ’em.

      • DEG

        Role playing games?


  6. rhywun

    The war-boner link just gives me a blank page 🙁

      • The Hyperbole

        Still blank for me, could be due to me using chrome (shruggy punctuation thing).

    • R.J.

      It works. Goes to an Express UK article about WWIII.

    • The Hyperbole

      Same, I even went to the sites main page and clicked through their link and got the blank page.

      • R.J.


      • Spudalicious

        Someone’s on a limey list.

    • Sensei

      Ad blocker in safari on my iPad. Works on chrome with the same device.

  7. Fourscore

    Way, way back in time , ’40s, the flat top or crew cut was called a Heinie, as were the German soldiers. As we played war one did not want to be a Heinie or a kraut or a Nip but alas, someone had to be. As I was the youngest kid in the family that was most often me.

    Going to the barbershop a kid asked for a Heinie, the barber knew the style. I had a crew cut for many years in the army and finally let it grow just a tad longer. White sidewalls came with the territory. There was (maybe still is) a pomade called Crew Cut.

    • Don escaped Texas


      these guys don’t know shit from Shinola

    • Gender Traitor

      I’d have taken you for a Dapper Dan man.

      • Don escaped Texas

        I remember Brylcreem and Vitalis

        but have no idea who made the tube of schmaltz we could afford for me back during Nixon

      • Fourscore

        Ask Suthen about Dixie Peach

      • Fourscore

        Now I get a summer or winter style, summer is short and cool, winter is short so my cap will fit.

      • rhywun


      • R.J.

        That’s Gay, dude.

      • Name's BEAM. *James* BEAM.

        “We’re in a tight spot!”

        It’s always a tight spot with Dapper Dan.

    • rhywun

      Shouldn’t Heinies be the Dutch?

    • Gustave Lytton

      I got a high and tight for years til my wife told me I wasn’t in the army anymore and I needed to let it out a little more. Recently got a high fade with whitewalls and she actually liked it better. And I’m happy to finally not look like a damn dirty hippy.

  8. The Late P Brooks

    A local buyer taking over a struggling newspaper in the 21st century is normally cause for some celebration. But The Baltimore Sun’s newly announced owner has a very specific political background, and some are concerned about what the 187-year-old publication could become.

    The illiterate boob who wrote that story apparently never heard of H L Mencken.

    • juris imprudent

      Poor thing would have an aneurysm if actually exposed to Mencken’s writing.

      • R.J.

        Go on..

  9. DEG

    Fox has a paywall now?

    • Fourscore


    • Spudalicious

      You can defeat it with reader view.

    • Ted S.

      I thought it was just a register wall.

  10. Sean

    “Ghebreyesus told the World Economic Forum that he hoped countries would reach a pandemic agreement by May to address this ‘common enemy'”

    I should order some more green tip.

    • Don escaped Texas

      your neighbors think that’s good thinking

      wanna go halfsies on a place in Alaska?

      • Name's BEAM. *James* BEAM.

        I’m more of a northern Alberta guy myself. Got fam there, including a cuz that runs a 200-kilometre long trap line for the furs.

        (As an aside, if I’d had a fireplace rug made out of Lynx fur back in my twenties, I’d have a whole nation of children by now.)

      • Don escaped Texas

        gimme northern Alabama: it is gorgeous turf

        but in the commie apocalypse there’ won’t be no AC, and I can’t sleep sweaty, but I can always burn something if it’s cold, so I’ll be betting on my North Sea DNA

    • Lackadaisical


      God bless you.

  11. Don escaped Texas

    beef bourguignon coming out da oven, bitches

    SEC sorority chicks: handier than you might think

    I pull my weight: all the knife work because
    * that and dishes are my fair share
    * I don’t want anyone else touching my knife
    * I can’t stand to watch anyone else handle a knife

    • Name's BEAM. *James* BEAM.

      Nuthin’ like a good Beef Bourgie.

    • juris imprudent

      Gnocci, portobello mushrooms, asparagus and diced pancetta was dinner tonight. I haven’t done a bourguignon in too long now.

      • Don escaped Texas

        best gnocci

        looks like they moved out of the broken down digs: shame, I prefer the dive ambiance

    • pistoffnick

      We are making beef tips tomorrow:

      2-3 lbs. chuck roast, cut into 1.5″ cubes
      Salt, pepper, garlic powder to your liking (I am a salt fiend!)
      1 packet brown gravy mix
      1 packet beefy onion soup mix
      1 can cream of mushroom soup
      1 can of water/ beef broth

      Mix to combine in a covered Dutch oven
      Bake for 3 hours at 300 deg F
      Don’t fucking peek until 3 hours!
      Don’t fucking peek until 3 hours!
      After 3 hours, enjoy the beefiest stew you have ever had.

      • Ted S.

        Just the tips?

      • pistoffnick

        Just the tip(s)!

    • Suthenboy

      Don, are you sure you aren’t me?

      • Don escaped Texas

        you’re from Marksville?

      • Ted S.

        Did you take the last train there?

    • Lackadaisical

      Beef tenderloin, with roasted carrots and onions and steak fries. Not bad for a single dad.

  12. Aloysious

    Used to, years ago, work for a guy named Raymond, who insisted that everybody call him Bruce who sported the flat top. He was one dumb motherfucker.

    • Don escaped Texas

      Raymond the Bruce?

  13. Don escaped Texas

    Winter Ale sucks

  14. Evan from Evansville

    Folk be watchin’ football and I as well. I don’t know what to say here. Lots of things going well, despite being unpleasant realities to live with. (ESL teacher for 12 years. Now– Glorified Babysitter. Admin conflict with progress at Outpatient. Important stepping stones are challenging for a reason. Just life. No sarc, I ain’t shook.)

    My hopeful lovely roommate (or more….?) in MN would be a fantastic peer anchor. She is desirous as well, as I can offer something her adoptive parents/siblings don’t. (Her environment is remarkably toxic). My parents have offered her a round-trip ticket from MSP. She’s receptive. So am I. I know better than to push.)

    Ev is a silly goose. I am a good human to everyone but myself. (Which has frequently made me bad for others.) Sorry for venting. Y’all keep me sane. I keep trying to get her to come here… She wants to go further into paralegal. Coming back to the US after a decade+ away is difficult. New obstacles and adventures are always exciting (in their own way).

    • rhywun


      • rhywun

        Er… that was a reply to “I try not to think about what I’d do if I didn’t have this place to check in on” below.

  15. Don escaped Texas

    Y’all keep me sane.

    I try not to think about what I’d do if I didn’t have this place to check in on

    • Evan from Evansville

      It would be devastating. Other than (hopefully new) Lady, whom I don’t get to speak to every day, this is the only sanity I find.

      Hard to describe the ethereal release y’all bring. (I won’t (really) try.)

  16. Animal

    I can’t belive you didn’t include this.

    • DEG

      I like it.

    • Lackadaisical

      Pretty accurate.

      John somehow gets so close to getting things right occasionally, and then, I assume, is paid not to finish the thought out.

      • rhywun

        The lower-left quadrant is especially accurate.

    • The Bearded Hobbit

      I haven’t got the slightest clue as to who any of those people are.

      • Ted S.

        Looks smart, is smart: Thomas Sowell
        Looks smart, is dumb: Jon Stewart
        Looks dumb, is dumb: Sean Hannity

        I’m not certain who the fourth is.

      • Don escaped Texas

        Norm McDonald

      • Don escaped Texas
      • DEG

        Norm MacDonald

      • The Bearded Hobbit

        Thanks. I’m bad with faces and I pay very little attention to the news.

      • Annoyed Nomad

        Turd Ferguson

      • Rat on a train

        “What is the love ballad of Turd Ferguson?”

  17. Gustave Lytton

    Do not get your flattop from a shitty PX barber that gives it a slope…

    • Fourscore

      Had that by a drunk PX barber in Orleans, France. Was not happy

  18. Gustave Lytton

    Watching Golgo13

    “Color: Yellow”


    • Sensei

      I’m watching “Pon No Michi”.

      It’s like back in the day – no major online service picked it up so there are three competing fansubs. Sadly it looks like my least favorite of the three is going to win and continue the subs. The dialect is hysterical – it’s Kyushu-ben. According to my friend it’s considered very cute sounding for women.

    • Ted S.

      They just meow until you give them what they want.

    • DEG

      I like it.

  19. Tres Cool

    You left out Chet (Bill Paxton) in Weird Science.

    • The Hyperbole

      And Biff from BTTF

  20. Don escaped Texas
  21. Yusef drives a Kia

    Y’all be strange,

  22. Brochettaward


    • Aloysious

      That’s the first I’ve ever heard of it.

    • rhywun


  23. J. Frank Parnell

    Stealing newspapers? Oh my. What’s next, assaulting the town crier?

  24. J. Frank Parnell
  25. J. Frank Parnell

    The Sinclair-owned Fox station in Baltimore frequently airs coverage blaming the city’s Democratic mayor, Brandon Scott, for gun violence and failing schools.

    Wow, how terrible. The mayor should have the station shut down for spreading such dangerous misinformation.

    • rhywun

      To be fair, both of those things are beyond the control of any mayor. And an honest review would raise questions that nobody wants raised.

  26. rhywun

    Wow. Green Bay really didn’t want to win this game.

    • dbleagle

      You can’t win in the playoffs with three trips to the Red Zone and come up with two FG.

  27. UnCivilServant

    Another Ai Article, and I haven’t finished my basic overview!

    Dammit, That’s four, and I’m at least going to have to do one more.

    • UnCivilServant

      I almost got number five, but I’m nodding off.

      I’ll come back to it after some sleep.

  28. Beau Knott

    Mornin’ all!

    • Lackadaisical


      My son finally decided to sleep in, so my brain decided I should wake up extra early. Whee

      • Gender Traitor

        Good morning, Beau and Lack!

        My head reminded me that my weekend chai lattes don’t deliver as much caffeine as the coffee I drink during the work week, so here I am. That’s OK, though – my Sunday morning choral music show started at 5:00 a.m. (SiriusXM: Please bring back the “Restart Show” function in your streaming setup. Thanx!)

      • rhywun

        In a couple decades you’re getting up extra early whether you need it or not.

    • Suthenboy

      Good morning Beau and all

  29. Lackadaisical

    Nervous about the Bills game. Don’t think we’ll ever get past the Chiefs at this rate.

  30. Not Adahn

    Good morning!

    I have found a chew stick thingy that Lily takes longer than 15 minutes to go through — it’s a double layer collagen stick. Cheaper and longer lasting than antlers.