“And you can see the links over here…”
“Julian Assange Must Be Freed”
“Another attempt to make life in the big city a little safer.”
“MLB The Show update accidentally makes players look like bobbleheads”
“And you can see the links over here…”
“Julian Assange Must Be Freed”
“Another attempt to make life in the big city a little safer.”
“MLB The Show update accidentally makes players look like bobbleheads”
Non metallic.
Shank some Mofos!
I was just thinking about those.
Just looking for a link *almost* cost me money. I got away with just adding one to my Amazon shopping list. 🙂
Meh. I might get one. I’m going to a lot of baseball games this year.
This is the one I was eyeballing.
I can have it by Easter…..fuckin’ Amazon makes it tough to say no sometimes.
Why you bring Lou Gossett Jr into this? At least we still have Lou Reed.
Any of these that you buy off of Amazon, you need to test them with your own metal detector. There are counterfeits and knock-offs floating around out there that have embedded metal components. You do *NOT* want to find this out when you’re trying to sneak something into someplace for real…
“I thought this was a free country!”
Thank you everyone for keeping the comments for the last article on topic and respectful. Ron didn’t have to write that article but I appreciate that he did.
I’ll second this.
A glib in need is a glib indeed.
We can sometimes behave.
I missed this. I’m so sorry, Ron.
He said he won’t be back until later, so you can still add a comment.
Thanks for pointing that out, TOK.
Very busy at work and missed it too,
So sorry, Ron.
Agreed. Deepest condolences, Ron.
Word. I’m sorry, Ron. Thanks for taking the time. I’ll comment on it there.
I’ve got a personal article scheduled for April 4. It was equally difficult and therapeutic to write. It, as always, ends on a bouncy note, but I’d appreciate the same on-topic respect from Glibs.
It’s quiet in here today. I thought Sean and I were going to have to divide up the daily tasks, such as mentioning firsting, posting a link to women in bikinis, and putting up the Zoom link.
It’s one of those strange “kind of a holiday” days.
Is any Friday a bad Friday?
Yes. Any with an outage requiring me to be on a bridge past the end of my shift.
This is a sad thing.
Thankfully, today was not that day.
This is a good thing.
Nah, that’s just a bad job, not a bad Friday.
Hardly a crisis but I’ve been staring down the offer letter from GoliathInternationalEnviorCorp® all day.
Its signed and ready, I just haven’t hit send yet.
The money is great, but… stack-testing is a cruel mistress.
Sadly, I doubt I have a potential to rake in the cash on OnlyFans.
Rule 34 implies someone fetish is what you have to offer.
(As always, I am not that someone.)
Just remember these three words.
Sadly, I doubt I have a potential to rake in the cash on OnlyFans.
Climb the stacks nekkid.
Given the weather we work in sometimes, that could either be really comfortable or really cold.
It’s Viet Vet Day. A reminder of why we need to keep our collective noses out of other countries’ affairs.
Join us while we puff our diddy, daddy. Or is that a bridge too far?
The Missus and I celebrated our anniversary last night with a dinner out to Podunkville’s finest restaurant. Got an invite to Easter Dinner at a friend’s. Been friends for 72 years. Time passes.
So you got the truck to move!
Congratulations to you and the Mrs.
“If this truck’s rockin’ …..”?
Happy anniversary!!
Congrats, 4×20+.
That, plus you and Mrs., is a remarkable story.
You two have been best friends for twice as long as I’ve been alive. (I turn 37 in 34 days.) I rightfully have no way of comprehending such an accomplishment. All congrats, belong to you.
OT… I think its been posted here a couple times before but what was the name of the ubiquitous hickory or xxxnut tree that has almost been cut to extinction in the Appalachia region?
American chestnut?
That may be it. Need to do some research.
Chestnut died out from some disease. I think it’s extinct now.
Goldshaw Farm grows chestnuts.
He does vids on starting them and planting them.
Pretty sure there has been work on genetically modifying it to remedy that.
That’s my thought, but I thought that was from nonnative disease or insects.
Wiki has a stack of info about blight resistant developments etc but it’s listed as critical, especially in its traditional region.
Why are stores closing or reducing hours for Easter all of a sudden? The number and type smells fishy to me.
Because fuck you, that’s why.
Because everyone is short staffed and being open Sunday means overtime costs.
At least around me, it is not uncommon for places to be closed on Easter Sunday.
Uncle Big Brother is on the case
The Biden administration announced new guidance to federal agencies on how they can and cannot use artificial intelligence, in a memo released by the Office of Management and Budget.
It’s a significant step in trying to ensure safe use of AI, which private companies and other countries are also grappling with.
A draft of the guidance was released last fall, ahead of Vice President Harris’ trip to the first global AI summit, in the United Kingdom. The draft was then opened up for public comment before being released in its final form Thursday.
Harris said the guidance was “binding” and emphasized the need for guidelines to put public interest first on a global scale.
“President Biden and I intend that these domestic policies serve as a model for global action,” Harris said in a call with reporters Wednesday. “We will continue to call on all nations to follow our lead and put the public interest first when it comes to government’s use of AI.”
Pardon me while I assume the worst.
It also requires that each agency appoint a chief artificial intelligence officer, a senior role that will oversee implementation of AI. And it outlines how the government is trying to grow the workforce focused on AI, including by hiring at least 100 professionals in the field by this summer.
Gotta keep those employment numbers up.
Wtf is wrong with people? A milkshake served with a spoon and can’t be drinked is not a milkshake.
Mmmm. Guar gum snd carrageenan flavor.
Every politician needs to be treated this way 100% of the time.
Make politicians into unclean untouchables
Did she really just show up without asking?
If so that’s an astounding amount of hubris.
I know the sergeant’s union told her she was unwelcome, but no idea if the family was consulted and the article is silent on that.
She asked ahead of time. Fine.
What was the answer? Funny that the article doesn’t say. Looks like it was “We’d rather you kept your skank ass out of the wake,” and she showed up anyway on the theory that they wouldn’t dare turn her away in person.
*insert Nelson Muntz gif*
It’s the NYP. If they admitted they told her not to come the paper would have reported it for sure.
So I agree the phrasing, likely from the governor’s office, is interesting.
they should all have to wear a coat in public with GOV on the back like Mel Brooks in Blazing Saddles
astounding amount of hubris
Oh c’mon for any politician – let alone a Democrat?
Paging UCS (and other d
iorama queens)*Brother Keith is at it again. This time he’s joining a money grab from Glock.
I’m sure that the Ginsu Knife corporation is worried that he will figure out how easy it is to turn their knives into a product that can kill people.
Ah! Possible lawsuit. So, ante up and we can keep this out of court, right?
I know this will likely start as robust a discussion as deep-dish, or pineapple. But Im in the mood for a Bond movie. One post-Sean Connery.
From Roger Moore on- suggestions or favorite one(s)?
View to a Kill
Now look KK if Duran Duran had nothing to do with “view to a kill” would it rank as highly? 😉
Didnt View To A Kill have Remington Steele for Bond ?
My two Moore films would be “spy who loved me” and “for your eyes only”.
Casino Royale with David Niven.
The one with Myryam dAbo.
How about some post-Bond Connery? There are quite a few good ones:
The Anderson Tapes
The Man Who Would Be King
The Great Train Robbery
are a few that come to mind.
Hmm, you might think there is another post-Bond Connery flick that would come immediately to mind.
Watch The Long Good Friday instead. Bob Hoskins! And KSuelington’s cousin!
Heheh. Third cousin or something about that on my mom’s side. I don’t know if he’s too hip on the Brosnan fam as his dad ditched him when he was a kid.
And Pierce Brosnan’s debut.
The Spy Who Loved Me or For Your Eyes Only were the best Moore Bonds. Although I dig the whole voodoo thing (and young Jane Seymour) of Live and Let Die.
Toss on Kingsman.
Roger Moore sucks.
He is not my favorite Bond, but I stopped watching the franchise after his films. I think I’ve watched like two with Dalton and nothing after him.
My brother will watch all of them, so I have to be careful when visiting him. And I got sucked into watching a recent one, with a Day of the Dead scene? or something? Anyway, it was crap.
ffolkes is an enjoyable movie.
I did see that.
Terrível opinion. The Moore era Bonds were some of the most fun movies of the series.
Casino Royale with David Niven.
I started to watch a “fairly recent” Bond movie (Daniel Craig, probably- he was good in Layer Cake) a while back. The opening sequence was such a prolonged absurd chase/stuntfest I shut it off and watched something else.
Layer Cake is good.
Yup that’s a good movie (and opinion!).
The Bee has something just for Bro’!
They should cast Idris Elba as Bond. He could probably pull it off.
Elba is rangy as they come but he’s a little long in the tooth. Also, not even remotely androgynous enough for current casting standards.
Instead of Bond, watch The Long Good Friday.
See, I am not the only one!
I’m sorry this one is too close to the truth.
NYC Mayor Assures Migrants That If They Run Out Of Prepaid Debit Cards They Can Just Rob Americans Directly
Yeah. Kinda on the nose.
I watched Man of Tai Chi last night. Do not recommend.
Long hokey fight scenes.
I think Tres V 2.0 and I are going to see the new Ghostbusters tomorrow, since the weather wont have us shooting trap.
Will review sober.
My review: Worth seeing once. Medium entertainment value. Not worth purchasing on DVD.
The trailer caught my eye as “Likely not horrid” and worth the price of a matinee.
Only 57 kids on my (possibly) last day of work at the daycare. That’s good. Chill time in the gym for the last two hours? That’s great. In the middle? A bunch of lies and hearsay from elementary kids about who/if/how one one called another “the n-word,” with the accused, and honest kid, crying that he “[doesn’t] even KNOW THE WORD!!!”
I trust him and not the older, reputably dishonest–and brown– girl protecting her younger bro who HAS a history of simply a massive pussy who has not learned how to properly socialize, but is a good, smart kid underneath. (He’ll be fine.) That’s was thirty minutes of nonsense. Thankfully… I didn’t have to report to my boss at the end of it all, having been the first to radio it in. (We were specifically given this example just yesterday at our work meeting.)
I found that strange. I steadfastly approve. Ended up hanging with a couple cool kids as they got picked up. Now spring break+eclipse break. On Tues I meet up with BCforward, a ‘DRC’ (Data Recognition Center). Gotta iron out details/sign, but would be an 8-week project, full-time but remote grading school test essays. $18/hr, no bennies. Not a great idea, but for a two month gig, $5500 and pop out? Hrm. Many questions, I have for that appointment.
Intrigue, she wrote.
I get home before daylight I just might get some sleep tonight
Is this what you were after?
I think he was after this.
You get home before daylight you just might be able to link properly. :-p
I laid before my sweetheart https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0KsB50_vbRs
I don’t know what more to do. I love her so much, but honestly I’m not sure I love her much more than post-Waters Floyd is capable of doing.
I want to gift her all the saxaphonic love my heart can feel
I don’t think it’s enough
A real of a winner of a song for us all. <3
No. THIS is a real winner.
It gets worse it always gets worse
It gets worse I texted my ex lol
I told her I love her, which I do, I can’t help it
In fairness I was listening to Shine On and how can you not be relishing the sweet release of death
She, by the way, loves me not at all, and I will be killing myself forthwith as you might imagine, having received that news.
I’m not actually gonna kill myselof, althogh I really ought to, Jesus fucking Christ, I Really ought to have
Contrarty to the song I linked I’m not gonna nor should I
I realy do just want to brag about Beirut, one of the best bands you know nothing about.