“All orphans must wear their assigned potato sack from childhood until released from service. Should said potato sack cease to fit, it can be worn upon the head.” From the Glib Guide to Living, Illustration 76-A.
I took a break from all the B.S. this week and organized the List of Posted Films. It was getting difficult to remember all 130 films I’ve showed.
It did point out that I was behind on showing newer films, and that I needed to drop a few post-2010 films so you all don’t lose your faith in humanity (any faster than you already are).
So here we are, watching Housebound! Idiot girl and idiot boyfriend try to rob ATMs. The girl gets house arrest. She stays at her mom’s house, discovers things that go “bump” in the night and hilarity ensues! This is a film written and directed by New Zealander Gerard Johnstone, a man I must say has a fantastic head of hair. He recently directed M3GAN, a movie that was making the rounds in 2022. That might be more familiar to this group than Housebound.
How good is Housebound? This is almost a 7/10 on IMDB, and was once shown by Joe Bobb Briggs (removes hat). I am glad to bring you something special like this tonight! This film has some murder mystery, supernatural spooks, comedy, and perhaps a libertarian undertone. What’s that? Libertarian undertones? In New Zealand? Yes! One of the greatest freedoms a person can have is the freedom to be left the Hell alone. Think about that as you watch this film tonight.
So watch! Or don’t! Everything is voluntary until you get put under house arrest with a ghost! See you next week with another film!
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No account or sign-in is required to use Tubi. The only advantage to signing in is you can maintain a queue and save your place in movies you are watching. If you have any issues getting around the sign in, our skilled Glib technicians are standing by to assist you. BY ASSIST MEAN….
Stupid caps lock.
Just for tonight. The cat looked amazing in that picture. He can’t quite grip a martini glass with those little paws. I will have to make him a prosthetic thumb.
Idiot girl and idiot boyfriend must be antifa
“He recently directed M3GAN, a movie that was making the rounds in 2022. ”
It wasn’t bad, but a bit silly and predictable.
Quiet here tonight.
Isn’t it? I just got back from an on-site so I am not hitting the comments as heavy as I usually do.
Eight months home detention?
Interesting breakdown of the FSK bridge (no conspiracies or kooky shit) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wPoM_9IWLLU
That was good. I watched one (I need to find it) by a master mariner who has transited the area many many times. The chef’s kiss to the video was he was wearing an aloha shirt with a map of Hawaii on it.
Idiot girl is insufferable. I want the poltergeist/ghost to win.
I need another beer.
Grab two. Save a trip.
Looks like he did.
How in the hell am I out of chicken broth?
A fox on a liquid diet?
Good Lord man, do you not have bouillon cubes? What kind of savage are you?
I generally had “better than bouillon” paste, but Im out of that too
This is a crises situation. You must restock or lose your first-world status.
It’s getting freaky…
Rick James had sex with everyone in that video. Twice. Before lunch.
I’ve always had the hugest crush on that girl with the long hair.
*shakes Fist at Rick James*
Heh. Short haired blonde for me. Which is rare, I normally like brunettes.
Asian girl with long hair for me (also fits the song better), brunette in the black dress second.
for those in need of comic relief
And now a cartooooooooooon!
P Brooks posted that a few weeks ago. Great minds think alike. I drank a 750 ml bottle of wine for brunch. Time for more sake? Maybe. At least I’m not chugging it out of the bottle.
A wee pinch of bourbon here. Been an action filled week. No vacay tomorrow, either. Poop. I need to find a good movie about eclipses for next week.
I suggest Pitch Black. It’s a cult classic about shipwrecked people trying to escape man-eating aliens that emerge on desert planet during an eclipse.
Probably not on Tubi though.
It is currently behind a paywall.
I use JustWatch to determine where I might be able to find any movie. It’s a really useful tool.
Heh. “The Dark Shadows Movie.”
How about “Yawalapititi: Spirits of the Eclipse”
Tres would love the girls, at least.
The Eclipse, or the Courtship of the Sun and Moon – a French silent film available on YouTube
King Solomon’s Mines (1937) Paul Robeson, Cedric Hardwicke, Anna Lee | Full Movie, subtitles
The British adventure film features in its climax one of the protagonists predicting a solar eclipse to their advantage.
I could just say screw it, and play something from Full Moon. Maybe the third Barbie and Kendra movie, or Moon Maidens…
Pitch Black was great, then Vin Diesel movies went down from there.
Also, Radha Mitchell was hot.
Second the Pitch Black recommendation.
We would all have to pay $3.99 rental to see it. No Bueno.
hilarity and zany hijinks have ensued.
As promised!
I had to drop off for a minute. Back now. I need to freshen this bourbon a little before I sit down.
Huh, Biden said dumb things about Israel even before he went senile.
“…before he went senile…”
How can you tell?
Biden, so tough on drugs…
I swear he looked like Peter Boyle in Young Frankenstein back then.
Huh, Bush actually put the fish quote in a real campaign ad.
“The Great White Hope”
Stupid F*cker. Wrecked the party for a generation.
For sure
That was an explosive denouement.
A fine choice, RJ.
Glad you liked it! Onwards an upwards now…
I was not working tonight, and I didn’t pass out. That’s a win.
I was wondering about that. You normally start late.
yeah, Thurs is usually a work night. Off by ten, and then fire up the movie about ten thirty. Almost always have to finish it the next morning because I fall asleep. We old wrinkly people needz the shut eye.
Brussel sprout-headed space freaks never sleep. Sometimes I hold still and have a staring contest with the cat for an hour or two, but then back to work.
She’s gotta hot Winona/Natalie Portman look goin’ on.
I strongly approve. I have many types. That is a prominent one.
This is a really good film. I like it better the second time through. I hope this guy gets another chance at a film he both writes and directs.
Is the Exorcist being remade? Kind of looks like it. I just saw the trailer on TUBI.
Sorry, it’s the Omen that looks to be remade. Tired and distracted. Here is the trailer:
Bush was a wreck. I’m not a Trump fan, but the one thing he did by dicing things up was to split the Clinton/Bush dynasty.
Before 2016, there was a Clinton or a Bush on every ballot.
Yes. For all his flaws, Trump deserves praise for keeping Hilary and Jeb out of the Oval Office.
No doubt he scared the establishment (deep state). When a former NY (d) flips to (R) and has enough money and support, that person can wreck their little DC playhouse.
I think Bezos could do it if he had the right PR people. Bill Gates could pull it off easily as a (D) if he picked the right VP. Musk may be able to grab the center that Trump has.
Trump really is Thorton Mellon.
I wish he was that funny.
Musk can’t be President though.
True. Not native born.
It’s a laugh to me that the voters will gladly push the button for any candidate that has the right team letter after their name no matter how much foreign money they’ve taken throughout their careers, but a guy who was born on the fringes of our empire can’t be on the ballot.
Keeping Herself off the Throne was his biggest victory. That alone was worth the ticket price.
Only since *checks math* I was a minor.
Dammit, that was supposed to be a response to Tres re: Bush/Clinton.
I figured it out.
I’m trying to think of a Rick James song. I thought it was Super Freak, but it’s not in any of the lyrics I’ve found. It’s about a girl, “down in Chinatown”, but I can’t seem to find what I think I’m remembering. Anyone have any idea?
This was a Rick James song.
For house arrest movies, I think I’ll rewatch Disturbia.
Not ‘The Ref’?
Doesn’t have Sarah Roemer. But I’ll allow it.
She-A-La-Boof negates any other merits a movie may have. and also, that lame ass song called ‘Disturbia’ means you’re now a cuck I think.
I find anything with Shia LeBeouf unwatchable. Worse than that Johnny Depp creature and that is saying a lot.
I cast thee as a Heretic for defaming Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas in such a way!
Yeeeeahhh….not a big fan.
If being orthodox requires praising that dull film, I’ll remain an infidel of whatever faith you’ve adopted.
Johnny Brasco was solid and FaLiLV if you like that kind of thing but looks like you don’t. As for the rest of his career, it’s filled with borderline bad acting and getting by on the looks he no longer has.
I watched the whole thing and can’t recall if there was a plot beyond “The narrator and his Samoan lawyer are stoned off their gourds”
The wannabe intellectual’s Cheech & Chong-Up in Smoke did it better.
Was it Cheech or Chong who played the Samoan Lawyer in that one?
Shia-adjacent, and eminently watchable:
I had forgotten about that stuff. Poor guy went off the deep end didn’t he?
Holy shit. There may not be any honor in besting a fool but there sure is comedy gold in it. I remember all of that. It is as funny now as it was then.
Its one of those things I could watch daily.
The hive mind at work.
For some ‘unknown reason’, youtube has started serving me The Hat Historian, and I actually am enjoying it. Too bad no one enjoys my videos.
Morning, Glibs.
How goes?
Things are good. You?
I woke up early enough for a leasurly morning routine and have made it to the office unscathed.
Happy Good Friday.
🎶🎶 on point.
Good morning all.
Back to the salt mines for me today.
A decade ago the Mrs., angel that she is, got a hot tub for me because of….a reason. Biggest, fanciest one made. We loved it, it was just what we got it for. Sadly a pack rat made a home in the housing unbeknownst to us and the thing is now ruined. It would cost more to fix than to buy a new one. Subsequent to installing the thing we put in a fence. Now it cannot be removed without also removing a section of fence. So…last three days I have been disassembling the thing (breaks my heart) and removing it one piece at a time. I have all of the plumbing and electrical out, only the tub and frame remains. Oh, did I mention that the tub portion of it is 5/16″ fiberglass? That turns out to be quite difficult to cut into pieces. Even using a good reciprocating saw it is taking quite a bit of time and effort.
Oh well…one bite at a time.
Good morning, Suthen (sorry about your hot tub, 😞) Sean, and U!
My nose is still drippy this morning, so the next hour or so will determine whether I decide to go to work today. Few gotta-do’s – probably nothing I can’t either delegate to Reliable Co-worker or do on Monday. We’ll see.
Hey there. What’s for breakfast?
Salad with egg, chicken, and cheese, with a side of cheese curds and grapes.
Perfect! I’ll probably be trying something new today. I’ve had all my usual mixed berry Greek yogurt from the last shopping trip, so I’m going to have the same brand in Key Lime. (Darn! There’s no lime emoji!)
Hrmm… 🤔, maybe if we mash together the approximates… 🟢🍋🍐🍈
That appears to be…some sort of fruit salad. (That’s not an avocado in there, is it?)
Green circle, lemon, pear, melon
Thank you and good morning GT.
Sorry about the nose. There is something going around in these parts too. Everyone that has small children seems to have caught it.
Also, allergy season.
Thanks, Suthen. I’ve been twixt and tween about whether it’s allergies or a cold. Leaning toward a cold or variant thereof – it’s mild but a tad persistent.
Yeah…I’m not going to work today. 🤧
That is a terrible thermometer image.
Don’t feel feverish at all – just very stuffy and drippy. Took a Claritin at about 6:30, so we’ll see if it makes a dent.
My go-to for congestion is acetaminophen, which results in an hour of awfulness as everything drains, a few hours of relative peace, then it starts to wear off and things clog back up again.
Mostly because I have it on-hand anyway.
I avoid acetaminophen except to reduce a fever. This may sound weird, but in my experience it leaves me feeling clammy. Wouldn’t have thought to use it as a decongestant or antihistamine.
I started using the regular painkiller pills for the purpose when I noticed that the active ingredient in DayQuil is just acetominophen. It’s primarily an anti-inflammatory, so I don’t know if it does anything for allergies.
I don’t have any side effects of note, so we may just react to it differently.
Im going to Kroger in a bit. Let me know if you need anything.
I’m good, but thanks.
Not as daunting but Ill be breaking down the above ground pool back in Vegas. Teens were supposed to do it, they didn’t, and it has to be done. I think some rent raising is in order for not following through on such a simple task. Sorry for the loss of such a luxury item for you and the Mrs.
above ground poolpool
reminds me of a line from Dave Attell’s latest routine
Mornin. Ready for our trip back to Vegas. Purposefully found a flight not on a Boeing. I still trust air travel but they really have had some of their obvious shortcomings thrust into the limelight. Not that Airbus is without its own issues too but the best thing they had happen in terms of confidence in their airframes was Sully landing in the Hudson.
Didn’t tell the kids we were coming, so no knock spot inspection incoming.
Good morning, OBE, and safe travels! Hope you find no unpleasant surprises!
no knock spot inspection incoming.
*readies popcorn*
Which spots do you typically inspect?
Your clean room might be the only place to pass muster.
Our clean room is garbage — ISO5. Nobody has pride in cleanliness ever since pods and MENVs took over.
*Ties synthetic quartz onion to polyester/carbon fiber belt*
THE spot.
At least from CVG you get a direct.
And its a reasonably short flight.
suh’ fam
yo whats goody
Good morning, homey!
See above re: Kroger
Or anything in our area if you need something.