Nothin’ but love.
Yep, the Sloopjos are taking a little time off. I’m setting the bar low for the rest of the gang. It’s what I do.
I can accept this verdict. She was the armorer and she loaded the gun. But Baldwin needs his just desserts as well.
Can I just throw this out there for discussion? If you Google Alec Baldwin holding a hand gun, every single picture shows his finger on the trigger. This was an antique, single action revolver. If he had enough pressure on the trigger that the hammer didn’t lock when he pulled it back, he can very well say he didn’t pull the trigger. It actually makes him even more of a dumbass.
Would being molested by a robot make it any better?
*use the reader version*
“Don’t.” Turns out that wasn’t a very bold strategy, Cotton.
Okey doke. The table is set for Tonio. Have a great day, Glibs!
Oh geez, man… why did you have to remind me of the New 52 launch? Ugh.
Morning anyway all you happy people.
While I can’t say the New 52 was that good, It was my entry point and led me to read the stuff from Before that event. So I don’t have the same perspective on it.
That’s reasonable. For me, it was one big stupid mess (What counted in Batman’s canon, for example? Did he somehow go through 3 Robins in 2 years? Just how old was Barbara now? Was Tim still adopted? Why was the Green Lantern canon still there… and how did that make any sense given Blackest Night?), yet another way Geoff Johns kept screwing up the multiverse / universe (seriously, the editors should have just told him “Fucking no.” when it came to Flashpoint — everything after that was just more fuckery… and really ditched a universe that was able to cater to both the younger fan and the middle aged guys who’d been going to comics shops for years (Wally West being a married man with kids now, Clark and Lois able to settle down — but clear generations of heros to take up the mantle if need be plus you could come up with new ones, etc…)
Of course — I’m one of those nutty people that never really had a problem with pre-Crisis DC multiverse and thought trying to shoehorn the JSA into Earth-1’s continuity was a mess anyway.
But the New 52’s other problem for me was most of the writing was, to put it mildly… pretty bad. Superman, Flash and Wonder Woman in particular (yet they were critically fawned over… poor Firestorm was bad and critically panned until they brought Jurgens in (I think it was Jurgens) after the initial really sucky storyline).
Yeah, I’m not going to argue with any of those points. Part of the reason I went to the older stuff and began dropping new was the poor writing.
Besides, they cancelled the ones I was actually reading.
At least it wasn’t a clone saga.
At least everyone wasn’t a frakking toaster.
My main disagreement is that 18 months seems short for lethal negligence.
I disagree. She’s not going to make this mistake again and sending her to jail does nothing for anyone here, because her career as an armourer is done. This is a type of case that the verdict is correct and the less time in prison, the better so she can move on with her life and pay for what will likely be a large civil fine to the familes of the victims. This is a case where a civil court action should be the real punishment.
Not good enough.
Wergild was never sufficient punishment.
What’s the purpose of the punishment? Retribution, restitution, reformation, or a mix of the three?
I can get behind reformation and restitution as valid reasons for government punishment, but I strongly dislike the idea of retribution being an official government policy.
Reformation is a joke, and you can’t make restitution for a life, so retribution is the only purpose of punishment.
And if this law was applied equally to people not part of the Right Thinkers Guild(tm), I may be more open to the idea.
Oh, Haiti… thank God… I though Cankles was forging a new superdelegate set to get the DNC out of PPP issues at first.
Or they decided “Hey… even Chelsea looks good in comparison!” (which granted, would take some doing…. I mean, she isn’t Hunter, true… but she’s a shining example of class and nepotism in the modern era, after all…)
Well at least there were some things HAL wouldn’t do. Hopefully they won’t let ChatGPT in its God-mode-personality run the things.
Hell, for a certain demographic being molested by a robot could be an expensive add on to the ticket price.
With this line you missed this musical accompaniment?
It didn’t fit the theme.
Yeah, DC ruined Slam Bradley, as well.
If he had enough pressure on the trigger that the hammer didn’t lock when he pulled it back, he can very well say he didn’t pull the trigger.
This is known as “going off at half-cock”, and is the basis for the expression.
Maybe? Is it one of those robots that looks like Grace Park?
Frakking toasters! 😉
Maybe if you stopped frakking the toasters, this wouldn’t happen.
Throw in a Lucy Lawless and I am all in.
Which line for the Grace Park / Tricia Helfer combo?
A state representative will introduce a bill before the Louisiana Legislature that could establish gold and silver as the state’s currency.
I bet he doesn’t do anything about fractional reserve banking, though, so even if this goes into effect, the money system will fail and “the gold standard” will be blamed.
Banks never held full reserves in the history of this country, so the issue isn’t fractional reserve, it’s that the federal govt is too damn big.
Gold/silver plus no fractional reserve means banks are just safe deposit boxes. Moneylending would be entirely firewalled from storing people’s money for them. Which might or might not be a good thing. I only note that societies where that has been the case have typically been mired in pre-industrial poverty (as far as I know).
If all you do is store money, then you can’t pay interest on that storage. How does that not occur to people?
Without the ability to lend deposits, operations will need to be funded on fees for storing money. So, you end up with further shrinkage of deposits. Most current services become unviable offerings.
We’ve had the “boom-bust cycle” throughout the history of the country, as well.
The issue is totally fractional reserve banking. That fuels the “boom-bust” cycle.
The governments always allow the banks to get away with stealing people’s property. That creates moral hazard.
The government declaring that only specie is actual money doesn’t do anything to correct the malinvestment that come from fractional reserve banking.
Uh huh, and with your ideal banking, we’d have just a slow, steady economy – no booms or busts. Is that right?
The issue isn’t fractional reserve banking so much as how much or how little the banking regulators require in reserve. For all practical purposes the current reserve requirement is 0% which is stretching the definition of “fraction”.
The reason that government is so big is that it facilitates crises, then steps in with “solutions” to the crises that it helped cause.
Lending would still be possible with 100% deposit banks, because the bank is acting as an agent for the true lenders, and collects a fee for the service of finding good risk borrowers.
Lenders would not have access to the money for the term of the loan, though, the same as if you lent your neighbor $100 for groceries. You don’t lend your neighbor $100, then go out and spend the same $100 on something on for you. Fractional reserve banks give the illusion that you can.
Oh? Who are the true lenders? What capital is it that they have made available?
I’ve no interest in providing answers that you already know, and presumably have shored your intellectual defenses against.
I will not engage in a long, boring discussion that ends in “You’re wrong!” “No, *you’re* wrong!”
As RC Dean noted above – his only examples come from times when the economy was mired in poverty. You may give me one example of a prosperous economy with 100% reserve banking and I’ll accept that.
Otherwise, if you no data and only feelings, you’re right, this isn’t a productive discussion.
Just pointing out the typical dumbass journalist doesn;t understand the difference between currency and specie. Also, the typical dumbass legislator probably doesn’t.
Again, the progressives believe proper framing can get the president out of a jam.
Just like libertarianism can be sold to the people with the right messaging and messenger! This is exactly why I snarked Bro about that. It is fucking delusional.
Seems unlikely that a tax increase is going to pass this year.
—“ensuring billionaires pay their fair share”—
Again, nobody says what a fair share is, only that the rich should pay more. Perfect strategy, since no matter what the rich pay, it will never be “enough”.
Even when the wealthy are whittled down to nothing it won’t be enough, but at that point, who will care?
Are they still rich?
If so, it wasn’t their “fair share.”
Social security benefits should be cut. Sorry retirees, it’s not the kids’ fault.
I think it is absurd that we don’t means-test benefits. A retired multi-millionaire shouldn’t be collecting.
So I’ve been paying roughly 15% of my check into SS under duress for decades and never made over $100k in a year in my life but currently, due to outside investments, am going to likely retire with over $3 mil, so I get nothing back on what they’ve been stealing from me for decades? If I had the option to opt out of SS, I can promise you I would have done even better with what they took. The only reason I’m where I am financially is because I didn’t buy the boat, jet ski, snowmobile or board the horse that friends in similar income brackets decided to do. So now I don’t deserve a SS check either which will be a pennies on the dollar return for my ‘investment’. What’s the chump effect again?
Welcome to being a taxpayer.
Yeah, what exactly is the return/benefit on all of your other taxes?
You are basically accepting the lie about SocSec – that it was an “investment”. It’s never been that. It has always been a transfer of income from workers to retirees. That’s what YOUR money did, and for you to accept benefits is taking the money from those working now.
So you’re saying he should just accept getting his income raped and get nothing in return so that somebody else doesn’t get their income raped?
That’s the very definition of being played for a chump.
It is what happens with ALL of YOUR TAXES. Stop treating the lie of SocSec as though it was the truth.
Someone else, who didn’t save and invest for retirement, doesn’t etc.
Note: I may have a conflict of interests on this one, since I am nearing SocSec age.
I did see a proposal that would exempt SocSec benefits (not sure if it’s just retirement, or also disability) from taxation. I always thought it was bizarre that the government would write you a check, and then demand part of it back.
I never treated the lie of SS as if it were the truth, now, did I? Because it’s entirely beside the point of having a huge chunk of income confiscated over the course of your life based on the premise that you will in return get a pay out (not nearly what it would be if you had invested it yourself) when you retire, and then being told you get nothing so that someone else doesn’t have to do it too.
Accepting that is accepting being played for a chump.
SocSec “benefits” weren’t taxed as income originally, that was a Reagan-era change which was basically a means-testing scheme.
Can it not just be the right thing to acknowledge that this lie has to end at some point?
The Bumper Hornberger approach that even the LP knows the voters will never accept.
Events in Argentina hint that libertarianism can become popular when the government fucks up massively over a very long time, so that the majority of people are mired in poverty.
Not exactly a precursor to the Libertarian Momemt TM I’m eager to experience.
Yeah, exactly – a move born out of desperation, not cool, rational theory. That’s the part that stings – what humans are really like.
Today in weird youtube recommends
Exploring Wealthy Alabama
Is wealthy Alabama with more or less incest?
Fairhope is a city in Baldwin County, Alabama, United States, located on the eastern shoreline of Mobile Bay. The population was 22,477 at the 2020 census.[4] Fairhope is a principal city of the Daphne-Fairhope-Foley metropolitan area, which includes all of Baldwin County.
Fairhope was founded on November 15, 1894, on the site of the former Alabama City as a Georgist “Single-Tax” colony by the Fairhope Industrial Association, a group of 28 followers of economist Henry George who had incorporated earlier that year in Des Moines, Iowa.[7] Their corporate constitution explained their purpose in founding a new colony:
to establish and conduct a model community or colony, free from all forms of private monopoly, and to secure to its members therein equality of opportunity, the full reward of individual efforts, and the benefits of co-operation in matters of general concern.[8]
To questions: is the single tax thing what makes it wealthy. And can one swim/fish in Mobile Bay or is the whole area too polluted for that (as one would expect in the Gulf of Mexico region)
Obvious answer to the first question is no.
embrace Henry George
The estuary holds your usual inshore suspects (spotted seatrout, redfish, flounder). I’ll be heading up for the sheepshead spawn at the end of the month, so I’ll let you know.
More or less incest? Dunno, ask Ohio, NY, Maine, Utah….
I believe you’re confusing Ohio with West Virginia and Kentucky there good sir.
/cedes that everything south of Columbus is Kentucky
Hey, HEY! I was only BORN in West Virginia. (Older bro, too.) To a Virginian father and mom from Chicago.
When I was 6mo… my family MOVED to Eville, which only BORDERS Kentucky… I coulda got down w my hot, adopted sis if she existed.
I-70 is the “hick line”
::looks out south window at I-70::
“So…they’re cool with gas powered vehicles, or do they want to go to bicycles and skate boards? I don’t get it. Are candles cool for light?”
I imagine they think they are some kind of Tyler Durden that will spawn a return to the earth. The only problem (that they don’t see or care about) is that billions will have to die.
That cocksucker is still collecting his salary no doubt, and we’ll be paying his pension too. Burn it to the ground if there is no other means to hold them to account.
Remarkable chart from the FT showing that the British economy basically never recovered from the Great Financial Crisis. In the words of @MartinWolf_
: “In all, this is a disaster.”
I blame Parliment and Sadiq.
So that happened ten years prior to Brexit, and the economy stayed in total stagnation. Brexit was a clear blip and recovery to “new normal.”
They really need to lose the commie politicians and move on to a better life.
I had said before brexit if they do everything the eurobureacrats do and worse, brexit will not help.
If the U.S. is unlikely to escape it’s own bureaucrat straightjacket, the U.K. has even less hope.
It was quite apparent watching Clarkson’s Farm that the government is doing everything it can to crush farmers in England by throttling them with regulations.
They have clearly forgotten the line “Englishmen will never ever be slaves.”
Spent 2 hours this morning with Claude 3, and it’s the most intensely I’ve been shocked yet.
The Claude 3 Opus understanding of complex scientific topics is far ahead of GPT-4 on my self-made qualitative evals. I’d guess mid to advanced PhD level understanding of the topics I’ve tried. Will post some more detailed examples soon if time…
Ok here is one example set. Microencapsulation of adhesive materials (e.g., cyanoacrylate and epoxy curing agent). Starting with a general question of how to encapsulate cyanoacrylate, Claude first identifies 3 of the main encapsulation techniques interfacial, in situ, coacervation.
OTOH: https://www.econlib.org/a-chat-with-claude-3/
economics is dismal anyways
“So…they’re cool with gas powered vehicles, or do they want to go to bicycles and skate boards? I don’t get it. Are candles cool for light?”
Nobody knows what they’re thinking or saying anymore. It’s an inverted reality shit show out there.
I gotta pack for the Keys. I’m nowhere near ready for the drive down.
But you WILL be working down there, right???
I have to process payroll during one of those days! I Probably when I’m in West Palm Beach watching a Grapefruit League game.
Let me know when you’re passing through!
If I remember will do!
I played https://squaredle.com/xp 03/07:
*21/21 words (+3 bonus words)
🎯 Perfect accuracy
I played https://squaredle.com 03/07:
*51/51 words (+10 bonus words)
🎯 In the top 8% by accuracy
🔥 Solve streak: 274
I played https://squaredle.com/xp 03/07:
*21/21 words (+10 bonus words)
📖 In the top 5% by bonus words
I played https://squaredle.com 03/07:
*51/51 words (+26 bonus words)
📖 In the top 1% by bonus words
🔥 Solve streak: 165
“flyers are comparing it to self-checkout at grocery stores.”
OFFS. My grocery check out is actually quite nice. Try harder.
I hate the damn things.
Especially the ones that tell all and sundry what I’m spending. Actually, any talking from the damn machine is intolerable.
Just beep.
I haven’t run into a talker. Mine are all beepers.
Yeah, mine talk too but overall I greatly prefer it to the human.
Glib status CONFIRMED
*computerized voice*
“Dr. Loo’s medicated ass cream, two dollars, fifty-nine cents”
“Cucumber, seventy-nine cents”
“Rubber gloves, four dollars, ninety-nine cents”
“Light bulb, two dollars, ninety-nine cents”
“Whole watermelon, eight dollars twenty-five cents”
“Serrated knife, six dollars, seventy-three cents”
“Air freshener, nine dollars, eighty-one cents”
Ahhh! Beat me to it. Y
Ahhh! Beat me to it. Y
How many World War II artillerymen and naval bombardment personnel were diagnosed with brain damage in the years after the war? Seems like a big enough sample size. Also left unstated: of the “thousands of grenade blasts” that Card withstood, at what range (same room? thirty yards away?) and what personal protective equipment was he wearing?
That aint the only boogeyman in this case. Obviously, as you point out, there are lots of people exposed to the same conditions who do not shoot up random people.
Dude was nuts before the trauma.
Send in the Clintons!
I was raised on guns. The person holding the gun is responsible. The person who gave them the gun has some responsibility, yes.
I was an armorer on a set a couple of times. I was a super pain in the ass about safety with people that knew jack shit about guns. Pain in the ass? I didn’t care.
Cuss me all you want, my job was to make sure everyone went home alive and unhurt.
I am trying to figure out how this armorer, if she did load the gun, mistakened a live round for a blank. She either did not do her job or she did it on purpose.
What if your culture’s contributions to human existence were some of the worst, pain in the ass, awful shit ever? How would you feel about that?
Thank you very much Palestinians and various islamic extremists. What real, positive contributions have you made, you know, in the last 100 years?
It should be easy enough to identify these fuckers, they are the ones running away from fires wearing one wooden shoe.
I…I dont really know what to say about Kerry. It is like a 5 y.o. trying to rationalize why they should have what they want with an endless string of non-sequiturs.
Well, the news isn’t all bad for the Hailey crowd.
As it turns out all mass shooters have serious emotional/psychological/physiological conditions. In more technical terms they are batshit crazy.
I was raised on guns. – whoa you eat guns in Louisiana?
A good source of iron and vital minerals.
Once a day for breakfast and twice on Sunday.
is it sandwiched between two bibles?
They grow on trees in the South. Have to keep raking them up in the Fall.
Hoo boy, now you’ve done it. The KJV v. NIV debate (and which condiments go with which) will be interminable.
My understanding is that the dummy rounds used for revolvers have fake bullets since the bullet can be visible during filming. So it would easier to mistake a live round for a blank.
Her cardinal sin, in my mind, was allowing the crew to take her guns off set for live fire shooting. I’m sure there were other failures, too, but that one really set the table.
One other – apparently Baldwin ignored the safety training. She shouldn’t have let him touch a gun until he put the damn phone down, focused, and demonstrated proficiency.
Yeah, not easy to do with a prima donna actor – worse when he is also the boss (producer).
“So…they’re cool with gas powered vehicles, or do they want to go to bicycles and skate boards? I don’t get it. Are candles cool for light?”
It’s the Underpants Gnome School of Ecology.
Disruptive pupils reduce the life outcomes of classmates and make teacher’s lives a misery. Why should schools have to teach them? https://
because you cannot abandon the poor childrunz?
Locally, the left is upset that the school voucher program may start supporting non-chartered private schools!
Then there’s the headlines like these:
Private Schools, Public Money: School Leaders Are Pushing Parents to Exploit Voucher Programs
Let’s do the same thing for all the other public benefits, shall we?
I went to Signature School High School in Evansville. Up through my Freshman year it was only half-day. Soph-on it was full-time and was my high school. It was Indiana’s first full-time charter! (It was also the charter school for ‘The Gifted.’ Hrm!) It’s consistently ranked as one of the best HS’ in the country using AP classes/ college credits. Me and two others took five our senior year alone.
I went into IU 3 credits shy of a sophomore. Coulda graduated early, but chilled with 12hrs/semester after freshman year. Dutifully paid off my $20k within ~6 years. That will forever irk me: fostering and subsidizing irresponsibility. Sadly, is baffling and/or shrugged away by everyone I know IRL.
There are signs popping up around here that say “Public money belongs on public schools.” Fortunately more people in our state seem to disagree with that than agree.
Personally, I’m on the side of full backpack funding, but see vouchers as a step towards that.
It also helps that several of the suburbs around Cleveland have been in the news for accounting… irregularities… in their school district budgets. When I first came of voting age, school levies and the like were nearly always passed by 80%+, now there’s quite a few that are just barely getting across the line or (even better) getting voted down.
We might then start asking if school is always the right place for every one under 18.
Or you could just press them into service as a national police force/mandatory national service/brownshirts. That is the end goal of public education today, isn’t it?
They just gotta sell people on supporting having their own faces stomped by ignorant thugs part.
#Delhi painter gets hands back as organ donation meets surgical excellence.
Sometimes when you feel the world has gone to shit, you are reminded that life has been going on, and people have been working hard at making things better this whole time. That’s amazing.
Also, there is a masturbation joke in there somewhere.
I wonder what the going rate is for a liver?
It’s all well and good until the donated hands try to strangle him in his sleep.
“No! Lower! Go lower!”
“Too low!”
Everyone knows transplanted hands throw knives.
Daily Ray of Sunshine
How can Haiti “fall”? Aren’t they already at rock-bottom?
Maybe the Clinton’s won’t be able to launder money through there any longer.
you dont want the big gang being replaced by several small gangs I suppose if the big gang keeps the peace
Don’t know why this guy is worried, we all know the political machinery is rigged – right? Dems can’t lose.
He’s likely just concerned that the required margin of fraud is getting too big to gaslight away after the Dems glorious victory in November.
You are correct, but the stat that caught my attention the other day was Biden vs Trump for non-college educated black voters. In 2016 Biden won that group by some gigantic margin, and is now winning 53/47 in the polls.
The only question in my mind is whether the fortification efforts can paper over the gaps in the key swing states. I think they will, and handily lest the next 4 years bring Bush v Gore levels of chaos.
Expect weeks to get final vote tallies in swing states – probably won’t be announced until Thanksgiving.
I hear Reason may require a subscription to comment.
All things must pass.
Remember the good old days at Reason with Ralph Malph, Richie, Potsie…..
I do not.
—“Remember the good old days at Reason”—
I remember. The handles that people used were either blue (e-mail address showed) or black (no e-mail displayed). There was some back and forth commenting, and Tony (remember Tony) accused everybody of hiding their location behind handles. Sloopy was on at the time and pointed out that many people did not hide, using his “sloopyinca” to show that he was Sloopy in California. Someone, maybe ProL, said:
‘Is that what your handle means? I always thought it meant you were an Inca, only sloopier.
Now that I’ve written it out, it doesn’t seem as funny as it did then, but what the hell, I’ll post it anyway.
I believe it was ProL who posted that, but I will admit I thought the same. I blame a lack of camel case.
I am pretty sure I made that comment too. I always thought of him as that Inca guy.
Wait, he’s not peruvian?
I remember when you didn’t even need an account. You could change your name at will. There were some really funny comments posted by “Barack Obama”, that sort of thing. But that’s why I’m The Other Kevin, there were two of us posting as Kevin at the same time so I adopted this handle.
And for a while, some asshole, would comment as other regular commenters. Someone posted as robc something pretty vile and I had to convince someone on staff that it wasn’t me.
Yes, it may drive a few commenters in our direction.
I, for one, hope the cat butt supply is adequate to shut down some of the nonsense that goes on in that commentariat.
A good friend (white fellow, stand up guy) who works in plant biotechnology absolutely loathes this woman. And rather provocatively calls her Pol Pot with a big dot.
i don’t like these sort of nicknames but that is kinda clever.
I for one have come around to organic.
“A grandfather who allegedly drugged his wife so that 83 strangers he met online could rape her over a ten-year period will be tried in a converted exhibition centre because of the sheer number of men accused of raping her.
Septuagenarian Dominique P. and another 50 men all face a maximum of 20 years behind bars if they are found guilty their trial in the Parc des Expositions in Avignon, southern France, next September.
Dominique P. is accused of orchestrating the sick rape ring, using an online forum called ‘Without Her Knowing’ to invite the men, aged between 25 and 72, round to his home in Mazan, near Avignon, and film them attacking his wife while she was drugged between 2011 and 2020. ”
Keep reading and it gets worse…
Nope, that much was plenty bad enough for me.
Jesus Christ
ehm what the fuck
Why do they need an exhibition center because there are so many witnesses? I thought witnesses weren’t suppose to hear each other’s testimony, so they shouldn’t all be in the courtroom at the same time.
“U.S. fears Haiti could fall ‘at any time’ as doubts grow over Biden’s backup Kenya plan”
Awesome, another opportunity for the Biden admin to fuck something else up. If people’s lives weren’t at stake this would be funny.
Where is it written that the U.S. must save Haiti, from itself.
Really. Not our problem.
Monroe doctrine?
That was to keep the Europeans out – while supposedly we respected the self-determination of our neighboring countries.
Maybe we can send in some American medical students to get kidnapped. That would light an urgent fury under those joint chiefs asses.
Let’s send in some French plantation managers.
Okay… bye
I’ve always heard people say Florida is a beautiful place to live, and I loved visiting the beach as a kid. I was born and raised in Pittsburgh, and the cold winters started getting on my nerves, so when I was 23, I decided to move to Florida.
I picked Tampa because it seemed affordable and had beaches nearby. My research also suggested Tampa was a good place for millennials. The city has many events and nightlife, and it’s only a few hours from Miami and Orlando.
The city became unbearable, and the overcrowding is now the worst part of living here.
The traffic is intense, and the beaches are so crowded that you can’t find parking or a place to sit on the sand. I went to the beach often when I first moved, but now I hardly go.
She says she’s moving to the Carolinas. Something tells me she’ll have complaints about that region, too.
“Everywhere I go, it’s always the same. I wonder what the problem is?”
I expected you to toss in that piece on Cleveland.
I did check to see if it was written by the same person. If it was, I would have linked it.
Oh it was obvious to me it couldn’t be the same person – this one said she was born and raised in Pittsburgh. It would be impossible to love Cleveland if you were born and raised in Pittsburgh.
The girl who wrote the Cleveland article moved here from Pittsburgh as well (from memory she was moving down to Texas to save them). I think this just shows that most Yinzers are terrible where ever they go.
*lights signal for Q*
“She says she’s moving to the Carolinas.”
We have enough fucking Yinzers.
If only someone would invent an app that could tell you what traffic was like between different places at different times of day.
“If only people could be exposed to the fundamentals of libertarianism, the scales would fall from their eyes, and they would be converted.”
Who isn’t familiar, on some level, with the Golden Rule? That’s the last thing they want.
“Would being molested by a robot make it any better?”
If it’s like self check out, I can do that myself in like three minutes.
TSA Agent on Screen: “Now rub your hands down the back of your wheelchair, then along your groin and buttocks using the back of your hand.”
I watched an old movie a few nights ago in which somebody put live rounds in a prop gun in an attempt to get the star killed. The plot failed because the actor pulling the trigger was a lousy shot, and missed him. What are the odds Baldwin could have hit that person on purpose?
Baldwin was two feet away from her.
And even on film sets, you’re never supposed to point the gun directly at anybody. Even another actor who you are “shooting” for the scene.
“‘Out of control’ Five Guys prices ignite social media furor after $24 receipt for just burger, fries, small drink goes viral ”
We used to have a country.
I wonder how Five Guys stays in business with these out of control prices.
The article didn’t say what city though, it’s like $15 for the same thing here. And it’s a lot of food, I mean the small fry is basically enough for several people and the regular sized burger is a double.
Oh for sure, my point just being that Five Guys might only be charging prices that people are apparently willing to pay.
Yes, now I see.
Correct. It is maybe $4 more expensive than trying to get the same thing at McDonald’s now. The quality is worth it to a lot of people.
I have just taken to eating at home as much as possible. That is cheaper.
Yep, made that meal just the other day…maybe $3 bucks total in grocery costs?
Yeah, my wife and I would split a small fry, and get the “little” burgers, and it was still a lot of food.
I thought everyone knew that Five Guys was on the expensive side? I wish the “entire article made from shit I found on social media” thing would die.
Identity politics
South Asian voters watched Nikki Haley exit the presidential race on Wednesday without much fanfare. Many said they felt uninspired by Haley, who they said had a flimsy connection to the Indian American community.
Indian Americans specifically, 68% of whom lean Democratic, said they struggled with her presence on the campaign trail: A member of their community made it so far on a national stage, but they felt she didn’t represent them.
The GOP primary campaign has been a road of mixed feelings for the community after Haley and biotech entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy captured headlines and much of the spotlight on debate stages.
These are not the droids white liberals are looking for.
Head of the Chicago Teacher’s Union after proposing they be awarded a $50 Billion contract (more than all of Illinois brings in a year in all taxes)
she right no one like cheap ass people
I’m pretty sure the people with the scientific calculators are not going to say “But, ain’t nobody gonna pay for it.”
We might then start asking if school is always the right place for every one under 18.
Back in Ye Imaginary Olden Days, the disruptive kid who couldn’t sit still could be farmed out to the blacksmith as an apprentice.
In the not quite so old days, he went to vocational school and learned a trade.
Experts say Haley’s policies veered far from the priorities of Indian American voters. Though she presented herself as a more moderate alternative to former President Donald Trump, she fell short for South Asians on issues like guns, the climate and reproductive rights, said Varun Nikore, the executive director of the nonprofit AAPI Victory Alliance.
Inauthentic, she is. Not a credit to her race. I’ll bet she doesn’t even approve of honorable Indian cultural traditions like gang raping teenage girls and random tourists.
Where is it written that the U.S. must save Haiti, from itself.
Check the Monroe Doctrine. If we don’t meddle in Caribbean domestic politics, the Tsar will gain a valuable foothold on our doorstep.
“REVEALED: CCTV Video Shows Kamala Harris Exiting US Capitol at 11:21 AM on Jan. 6 – DOJ Later Lied and Said She was in the Building During Riot and Used this Lie to Persecute Hundreds of Trump Supporters”
I’m sure CNN will get right on this.
I thought the buffalo guy had her bent over a desk next to AOC. These narratives get so confusing.
Harita Iswara, a 23-year-old from Washington, D.C., said Haley never touched on her identity in a meaningful way that supported communities of color, saying she used it more often to perpetuate the model minority myth.
Instead, Haley and Ramaswamy scrambled to win over a base of white Christians, she said, and ultimately, it didn’t pay off. Because of what she said are racist views in the Republican Party, she thinks neither of them stood a chance.
“I’m hoping it’ll make people realize that pandering to these extreme Christian nationalist talking points and white supremacist ideologies are not going to fly,” she said. “At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter how conservative your views are. The Republican Party is so extreme now that you are just another brown person to them.”
That girl should send that to MSNBC as an audition tape. They need insightful brown bodies to speak their political truth.
Yes, pandering to the microscopic Indian-American voting bloc is the path to electoral victory.
Is it microscopic? Surely there are more of them than there are Hmong. Or Palestinian-Americans.
Well, we know at least 3,5000 potentially in the voting-bloc as that is how many 7-11 and Dunkin Donuts there are and I know this because Ol’ Joe told me you can’t go into one without having to hear a slight Indian accent.
A fair number of immigrants. Don’t know how many citizens.
Yeah, probably more than Hmong or Palis, but I don’t see anyone saying pandering the Hmong is the path to electoral victory. Although the Dems seem to have convinced themselves that Palis are a crucial voting bloc. I suspect they are wrong about that.
Although Muslim enclaves could be important in a close race, I suppose. If the net number of votes you get for pandering Muslims exceeds the number you lose, of course.
For a kids show, The Tuttle Twins is going hard as fuck:
Should we do an episode on the Military Industrial Complex?
If everyone was American enough to simply opt out at the TSA checkpoint and make the TSA goons have to work their asses off, this would all stop.
I’m pre-check, so I get to walk through the TSA checkpoint like it was pre-9/11. Anytime the precheck line is closed and they want to do the Rape Scan, I ask for the opt out. The heavy sighs from the TSA fucks are my reward. They hate doing it.
The Greenville airport had some thing where you get to skip the line if you let them scan your face with some machine. We chose the line (which I think they were purposely slowing down). Eventually they had to start pulling people like us out of the line and pick up the pace or everyone was going to miss flights.
I always opt out – I figure it’s better that this all be out in the open; none of this “but that’s not what I meant!” – no, you did mean that. This is exactly how you want the state to treat citizens, but you’d prefer it be all sanitized. Of course, I haven’t flown in going on 4 years now. I figured with the self-induced covid psychosis, they would have eliminated the opt out option. The still let you do that?
Just like the economy, people are too stupid to know how good they’ve got it
These Democrat-led policy changes mark a stark reversal from 2020, when the growing influence of progressives fueled a national effort to curb police powers and scale back law enforcement budgets following the murder of George Floyd.
Now the left is in retreat on criminal justice.
“I don’t believe it’s progressive to allow people to get assaulted on the streets at night. I don’t believe it’s progressive to allow people to sleep in tents,” Mark Farrell, a moderate Democrat challenging San Francisco Mayor London Breed, said on Tuesday. “This is not the city I grew up in. It’s not a city I recognize right now.”
Blue cities are pushing these harsher policies even as crime has ticked down significantly nationwide, following big spikes during the pandemic — although that trendline has been slower to emerge in some major cities like Washington and San Francisco. It’s the perception of increased crime that is driving many of these changes as Republicans continue to pillory Democrats as weak on law enforcement in the run-up to the presidential election.
You only think you’re living in a shithole, you MAGA dupes.
More gaslighting. But it’s not working. They’re getting seriously mocked, and the polls are showing fewer and fewer are buying their bullshit.
Magatards sure are “perceiving” a lot of false things lately. My goodness what should we do with them; they’re useless.
All I know is I worked downtown for a decade and never once saw people defecating on the street. Now I see it about 1 in 4 trips downtown.
I also see the bodega down the street from my office has a chronic shoplifting problem and since the cops can’t/won’t do anything about it, they have taken to public shaming by posting pics of the shoplifters on the front door. The city would probably come after them fro racism but the owners are African immigrants.
Now, shoplifting has been a thing since there have been bodegas and homeless guys shitting in public has been around since 2020. But the frequency is up since the consequences for getting caught have been removed.
“But the frequency is up since the consequences for getting caught have been removed.”
Why, you mean, you get less of what you punish?
*astonished expostulation*
They are at a point where their narrative spinning isn’t working, and they don’t realize it. It was easier to gaslight when things were “over there” and they could control who sees what. Just don’t show videos of the border, and the border seems secure. Selectively show J6 footage and it looks like an insurrection. Selectively report on Ukraine and it looks like we’re winning a holy war against Russia.
But now people are seeing things with their own eyes like you are. Crime, people shitting in the street, migrant camps in their neighborhood, high prices at the grocery store, Biden looking more ancient and out of it every day. The harder they try the more ridiculous they look.
Why they are so angry about being unable to censor Twitter. Everyone else got in line, but…
Selectively show J6 footage
And you can lie with impunity about where Kamala Harris was.
Or lie outright about what building you were in and have the ever faithful propagandist carry it on for you.
“…even as crime has ticked down significantly nationwide…”
What nation is this of which you speak?
“It’s the perception of increased crime…”
True, seeing is a form of perceiving.
Where do these people come from? They are completely amoral, shameless liars. I know there have always been such people but my God, this many? This brazen?
I guess they call it demoralization for a reason.
Liars gonna lie and any news report that relies on additional information and doesn’t provide a link to that information is probably lying about what is in it.
Prosecutions may been down, but I certainly don’t believe crime is.
I can believe reported crimes are down. If you already know the cops won’t do anything, why bother calling them for a petty theft?
According to stats from the government, crime has massively dropped.
According to victim surveys, it’s stayed about the same.
Fun fact, the UK’s murder rate is defined by the number of Convictions not the number of dead people.
Statistics always lie.
Violent crime has gone up significantly since the Summer of Floyd across the country. We were on a downward trend (aside from an uptick during the first BLM during the Obama years) since the early 90’s. 2020 was the biggest violent crime increase in American history. So, yes, we technically may have ticked downward slightly for 2023, I haven’t looked up those numbers. SF is one of the safest cities in the country, violent crime wise. That has much more to do with demographics than policy though, as we are among the worst for property crimes.
The world has marked yet another consecutive month of record-breaking heat. New data from Copernicus, the European Union’s climate change monitoring service, shows that last month was the hottest February on record globally, with “exceptionally high” temperatures in both the air and sea.
The record heat comes as the U.S. continues to battle weather extremes. In recent weeks, communities across the nation have seen spring- and summer-like temperatures, extreme rain and flooding, massive snowfall, and fire weather conditions that drove Texas’ largest-ever wildfire that quickly became one of the biggest in U.S. history. Those kinds of extremes are a byproduct of the climate change-fueled rise in global temperatures, and are only expected to become more frequent and intense as warming continues.
The highest February temperatures, deemed “exceptionally high,” were seen within the first two weeks of the month, Copernicus found. Scientists with the group said that the daily global average temperature during that time reached 2 degrees Celsius above the pre-industrial average on four consecutive days, from Feb. 8 to 11.
More completely nonspecific aggregate numbers. Don’t ask questions. We’re all going to DIE!
| But Baldwin needs his just desserts as well
Absolutely, and I think the sentence given to her in this case was just. I’d bet heavily against Baldwin doing any time at all for this. He deserves at least what she got if not more. If he was just a random actor, no, but he was as responsible for that set as anyone.
“If he was just a random actor, no”
H e basically blew off safety training and pointed the gun directly at someone, in violation of the protocol on film sets. Those deserve punishment, even if you give him a pass on the live round in the gun and being the producer. .
Yeah, I forgot about the safety training detail. He was reckless and as such should probably get a couple years and a huge civil fine to go to the family. Trying to pin it all on this chick sucks. Seems to me like she is going to be the only one to take the fall for this.
“Florida’s GOP chair Christian Ziegler will not be prosecuted after “false allegations” of rape and criminality.
Back in January, after Ziegler was ousted from his position, police in Sarasota declined to pursue a rape case against him saying that video on his cellphone concluded a sexual encounter he had with a woman was “likely consensual,” according to a memo obtained by the New York Post….
The woman who made the allegations claimed to have known Ziegler and his wife for about two decades and that the alleged crimes took place in her house.
Christian Ziegler’s wife, Bridget, who is also a co-founder of Mom’s for Liberty, faced calls to resign from Sarasota School Board but refused to.
Byrd said that the former GOP chair will not pursue a lawsuit against the woman who accused him of the crime and just wants to move on from the incident.”
Silly woman, you are supposed to accuse him of something decades ago.
My shocked face is broken
South Park called it – get a release form.
Tell me you are a neighborhood annoyance without telling me your are an annoying person.
Having you car stolen 5 times isn’t a coincidence. She has obviously scolded some yutes in her hip urban neighborhood and they are targeting her. I’d wager a small bit of money that she also has annoyed the cops with her “inch-thick file” that even if they saw the thieves stealing her car the sixth time they wouldn’t do a thing.
Of course, Brother Keith the AG is investigating Kia because it is their fault that cars are being stolen.
If he was just a random actor, no, but he was as responsible for that set as anyone.
Isn’t Baldwin one of the producers?
It is only a matter of time before Israel crumbles and sues for peace. No way they can survive a cease fire resolution from the ALL FEMALE St. Paul City Council!
Axios format bugs the shit out of me.
“St. Paul’s vote is the latest sign of discontent on the left with the Biden Administration’s policy toward the Israel-Hamas war.”
But they’ll still vote for him anyway.
Discontent on the left? Ya’ dont say.
Discontent fueled by envy is the principle driver of the left. They will never be satisfied, even with total power. After they run out of people to plant in mass graves they will still need another ‘other’ to stamp out. Where will they turn then? Eradicate species formerly used as stock for their guilt in supporting capitalism patriarchy whiteyism?
They are sick fucks, that is for certain.
Tony Shaffer talks to the Duran guys about a variety of stuff – foreign policy, Intel failures, and politics. The obsession on messaging/ propaganda over reality is a theme.
Why should we care what Simon Le Bon thinks?
“extreme Christian nationalist talking points and white supremacist ideologies”
Such as? Bombing brown people in other countries is the most bipartisan thing.
Climate scientists have long warned of several climate thresholds that put the world at further risk of weather extremes that threaten people worldwide, primarily those who live along coasts and on islands. Those thresholds include reaching several years of global temperatures 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels, or an even more dire 2 degrees of warming. January marked the first time on record that global average temperatures reached the 1.5 degree warming threshold over a 12-month period.
February surpassing those milestones does not mean the world as a whole has surpassed the threshold, but it does indicate that human activities are continuing on a path of doing so.
*throws flag, blows whistle*
Illegal forward pass.
An article to piss a bunch of you off: https://www.betonit.ai/p/immigration-in-an-nth-best-world
I know caplan sufficiently that I am not pissed of in any way. a lot of non sequitur till he gets to the point, and the point is wrong. I addressed most of it in my immigration adjacent posts.
He as always underestimates the sheer numbers of unpeaceful people that would cross open borders.
“Even under open orders, the burdensome immigrant would be the exception, not the rule…. Most immigrants pull their own weight — and then some.” – this is wrong, at least in Europe, depending on teh source of immigrants. Korea. Nepal and Pakistan and Somalia are not the same.. And how about don;t let those people in in the first place.
” If a specific disruption occurs, law enforcement should be directed at actual disrupters, not at whole classes of people just because they might be disruptive.” – if the disruptersare too many this can place huge burden on law enforcement, just don;t let the disrupters in.
“Open borders are moral and desirable because prohibiting free movement necessarily aggresses against nonaggressors” – a non open border with clear conditions of entry does not agress against the people who meet the conditions.
This is Sheldon Richman’s guest post, not that Caplan would disagree.
Shit I did not notice. Even worse 🙂
” If a specific disruption occurs, law enforcement should be directed at actual disrupters, not at whole classes of people just because they might be disruptive.”
I think this is the problem being ignored by open-border weenies. Most are a disruption. There is no where for them to go. They were not invited by anyone and have no resources to offer in exchange except maybe labor. Where is the evidence that they are just trying to be free marketers?
Thanks, Edit Fairy!
Dirty, but you’ve got to respect investors that actually read the docs.
that is all gibeberish to me
This El Niño in particular was at least partially fueled by human activity, she said, as humans continue to burn fossil fuels, releasing greenhouse gases that essentially blanket the atmosphere, trapping in heat from the sun.
“El Niño is a naturally occurring event, but everything now, all El Niño events, all La Niña events, take place in the context of a climate which has been radically changed by human activities,” Nullis said. “We do expect above-normal temperatures in the coming months.”
These people cling desperately to their pathetic obsession that human beings are the most important things on the planet.
And that government can change the weather. Even when the biggest polluting country in the world is vastly increasing its burning of coal.
It looked good on the PowerPoint slide when we hired her.
She’s probably a breeder.
Google was so sad that she wasn’t a perfect diversity hire that they pushed her to the side.
What is the ruling on this situation: Black Woman identifies as Black Man. Does she lose a bit of diversity points? After all she is now guilty of the Male Gaze. Or is the trans thing a big enough bonus?
Vote for None of the Above
The third-party presidential movement No Labels is planning to move toward fielding a presidential candidate in the November election, even as high-profile contenders for the ticket have decided not to run, two people familiar with the matter said Wednesday.
After months of leaving open whether the group would offer a ticket, No Labels delegates are expected to vote Friday in favor of launching a presidential campaign for this fall’s election, according to the people familiar with the matter, who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss the group’s internal deliberations.
No Labels will not name its presidential and vice presidential picks on Friday, when roughly 800 delegates meet virtually in a private meeting. The group is instead expected to debut a formal selection process late next week for potential candidates who would be selected in the coming weeks, the people said.
Maybe the Cookie Monster is available.
The important thing is the NYC DOE managed to deflect the blame initially until IBM decided to push back.
IBM blames DOE contract when asked why NYC remote school system failed during snowstorm
It was obviously impossible for the DOE to understand the service level required when 900k students are required to sign on at roughly the same time.
So, undersized, untested, no pilot, and most likely overpriced.
Sounds like a government project to me.
When FedGov went full no show to work and telework during Lil Rona…it didn’t work for almost a week. It was quite funny.
I’m shocked that the DoE could spell Remote or Schooling.
I’m also shocked that they didn’t sign a Statement of Work where they paid the vendor but state employees were responsible for all of the deliverables. (Companies have tried to pull that one more than once.)
I worked as a repairman for IBM during college. It was a great gig.
There was a huge ice storm one day in Memphis where I worked. Glare ice everywhere. Everything shut down and broken powerlines all over. I got a call from the service dispatcher asking me if I could get down to a data center just across the border in Mississippi. I told him no way, no one can get there. Besides, why me? Dispatcher said that I was from Minnesoda and knew how to drive on ice.
I corrected him and said no one drives on ice. You can drive on snow. And I’d never done any training or repairs on the equipment they had at that site. Even if I could get there, what was I going to do. And the problem was obviously that the storm had snapped some phone line somewhere (they couldn’t connect the data center to the internet).
The dispatcher said that the way the service contract was written, if someone wasn’t onsite within 6 hours of an outage, IBM would pay some big penalties. But all the contract said was that someone had to be onsite. Nothing specified about how long it took to fix the problem. So they were desperate to get someone on site.
Wonder if this was a similar situation. IBM wrote a slick contract and NYC was dumb enough to sign it.