My childhood growing up in Arizona often meant a lot of summer afternoons when it was probably too warm outside to play. Board games were a convenient indoor activity. For related reasons, we don’t play Monopoly anymore.
This is my review of New Holland Brewing Dragon’s Milk:
Since Monopoly turned into a combat sport, we play Scrabble quite a bit. So it should come as no surprise this news mad me sad (TW: CNN):
“Scrabble has truly stood the test of time as one of the most popular board games in history, and we want to ensure the game continues to be inclusive for all players,” he said. “For anyone who’s ever thought, ‘word games aren’t for me’, or felt a little intimidated by the Classic game, Scrabble Together Mode is an ideal option.”
Mattel said it conducted research among British board-gamers that shows that competitiveness is perceived as declining in younger generations. Of the 2,000 people surveyed, 35% believed baby boomers are the most competitive, followed by millennials on 31% and Gen-Z on 29%.

In case you still don’t understand what is a Midwit
While I will concede Scrabble can be an intimidating game if English is not your primary language, sucking at it is largely a Midwit problem. One one hand, I have to question how much of this is a British decline thing rather than a blanket Gen Z thing. On the other hand, I also found this response to criticism of “Woke Scrabble”:
All this negativity could have been avoided if Mattel had put a little thought into how it described its new game. Did the company really need to tell the world that Gen-Z needs its games to be less intimidating? And is that even true? Mattel’s survey only measured perceptions about different generations, not reality. I’m not Gen-Z, but some of my family members are, and they’re among the most competitive and least easily intimidated people I know.
Nope, its definitely a Gen Z thing.
I wanted to save this for a gaming related story, so this was sitting on my picture files for quite some time. Finally! I can get rid of it. Ales, tonics, elixirs throughout antiquity were often referred to as “Dragons Milk”—I know that because New Holland says so. Would they lie? Depends if they need help with 3 letter words. In which case zax is in fact a playable word. Heavy coffee, chocolate, complimented by vanilla and oak made for heavy drinking back in December. Do they mention who’s barrels they use? Not that I am aware. New Holland Brewing Dragon’s Milk: 4.1/5
“Heavy coffee, chocolate, complimented by vanilla and oak made”
That sounds OK.
It’s a very good stout. I’m glad MS got to drink some good beer this week.
I’ve had it. It is, indeed, good.
That sounds OK
Are you okay? Did the Cylons capture you?
Did the Cylons capture you?
I’d be up for that.
slumbrew gets it.
Are you Firsting, Sharpshooter? I’m Firsting. I’m Firsting hard.
Once again I will explain this in as plain as the other times we discussed the subject: I am not a homosexual.
Did the company really need to tell the world that Gen-Z needs its games to be less intimidating?
Would Gen Z know a perfectly cromulent word to play in Scrabble?
Good beer choice. One of my faves, if for nothing more than its nap-inducing qualities.
Oh yeah, I was sleepy that day.
I think the entire movie Civil War is a sloppy attempt to remain apolitical. So they create an obviously fictional alliance so people feel it’s set in a fantasy world. They were trying to lean into the horrors of war aspect, but then the movie didn’t have the balls to really lean into the horror part.
The problem is the politics and values of the creators still shine through.
They needed the audience to pick sides. They needed to lean into the politics of modern day and actually try to present both sides has having a point. They just aren’t capable of that. Any right leaning side was going to end up a caricature because Hollywood lacks the talent and self-awareness necessary to pull it off.
The marketing is trying to sell this as some great action flick…which is just odd.
The consensus from the chattering class seems to be that the actual movie is “meh to poor,” But they are super-duper upset that it doesn’t club you over the head with an OMB narrative hard enough.
I’ve seen some cite his disbanding of the FBI as proof of his totalitarianism. The fictional president in the movie, that is. Wrap your head around that one for a moment.
If only the Soviets had never disbanded the KGB, their democracy would have thrived!
KGBNKVDThat was the start.
Cheka asks, “Hey, what about me?”
What are you talking about? Civil War was great, I mean they changed the reason for the accords from the books, but I could roll with it.
“Any right leaning side was going to end up a caricature…”
Of course it was. It’s all they know. (‘It’s all that’s shown to’ (many of) them.’) The Texas+Cali ‘truce’ is a good, broad split of Red/Blue. I highly doubt the producers had enough “Legit Good Ideas” from the ‘Right.’ The Left ‘wins,’ as a First-2nd? Wave of Feminism was a distinct win for Individual Liberty (soon overtaken). No one really cares anymore about gay-etc marriage, though the State+Marriage? is never asked.
I’m worried “We” don’t have enough Lefty culture to NOT make fun of. It’s important because it’s affecting pop culture, Edu, Health, Housing, Hiring, and near everything else. (That’s a ‘Triple H’ s we could all see less interference in!) Trouble is, the Social World is owned and operated by Leftists. Other than Matt Taibbi/ Glenn Greenwald (who else?), who on the Left is honestly critiquing them?
I know we can exist in our own bubble as well. Primarily further isolation out of fear/protection/ and hopes of Dyin’ Before the Crash.
@OBJ: Of course the ‘main critique’ is “These Idjits need to be BLUDGEONED to *UNDERSTAND THE DAMN MESSAGING!* Such m̵e̵a̵n̵d̵e̵r̵i̵n̵g̵ simple ̵t̵r̵o̵g̵l̵o̵d̵y̵t̵e̵s̵ , uneducated rubes! They must listen more! WE’LL MAKE ‘EM! That’ll LEARN ’em!!” Silly rabbits. Tricks are for Dems.
In other beer news
University of Cincinnati president Neville Pinto — also in traditional graduation garb — presented the brothers with their diplomas, the Cincinnati Enquirer reported. Their parents, Donna and Ed Kelce, and UC athletic director John Cunningham joined them on stage for the mini ceremony.
After hugging Pinto but before grabbing his diploma, Travis Kelce downed an entire beer as “Fight For Your Right” by The Beastie Boys blared over the arena’s speakers.
Was it a Bud Light?
Coming soon, Monopoly reconfigured as being set in a commune.
The only upside is the game will end quicker than the original version.
You guys are a bit late to be ragging on Monopoly for Millenials:
I weep for my generation. Not just because they’re often sniveling little fucksticks, but that they’re bringing Me down w ’em. At least my reputation. I hate being my age, and I especially hatED (*GLEEE!*) being their spawn’s glorified babysitter at school so the parents can keep Peter-Panning their lives.
At least I got my oats out with a generation of exploring and teaching through the world. (Yo, Derp! Two horses in harness, you and I. (Different wagons.)) I watched it shift at home from afar, then come back into it under abnormal circumstances. Certainly been interesting. Big financial+life shift in 2-Minus 9 Days.
Point 1: Learn to win and learn to lose. Social primate 101 after you grasp concepts beyond “ME! MINE!” Gracious and never sore. Defeat is a necessary step for improvement. Every paper cut ain’t a femoral slice. Suck it up. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Can’t in this field? There’s a niche for everyone if you’ll work. Not just Rule 34.
I hate being my age<
Always and forever being 1 Evan, never growing older. 🤷♂️
I did not know it existed. That’s hilarious.
I had to search for the exact name for a bit. It was a laughing stock among the gaming communities when it came out. They also released a “Gamer” edition around the same time, which had some people saying it was a much better game than the base game.
The irony is someone at Parker Bros probably had the idea and sold a bunch of them.
Never forget that Monopoly started out as a criticism of capitalism. But then again, most people don’t want to play a dry economic game with no randomness that helps to illustrate subjective value (it’s a style of game I’m a fan of, I could have gone with a half dozen games in that realm that I own).
One of my favorite stouts, I found it in MI back when.
Gunslinger lives near the brewery IIRC
You are correct sir. They have a restaurant/bar right downtown and I believe the brewing is done near downtown as well.
In other Holland news, I stumbled across this story. Kinda cool.
This is one of the few times I’m familiar with the beer being reviewed. I do like Dragon’s Milk. It’s on they pricey side and not always available so a friend of mine and I consider it a treat to have on special occasions.
My favorite beer is also a dark beer, Xingu Black Beer from Brazil. Very dark but very smooth and not bitter. If you can find it I suggest that for a review.
I remember a while back you posted a tournament schedule with one in the Spring being in PA. When is that and are you going to be there?
It’s next week, Thursday through Sunday. I’m playing in Tier 3, we also have a Tier 1 team. My team’s schedule is currently:
Tier 3
Fri, Apr 19, 2024
@ 1:55 PM Chicago Blackhawks—GLASA Falcons Rink 3
@ 7:30 PM Chicago Blackhawks – Mighty Penguins Black Rink 3
Sat, Apr 20, 2024 @ 1:45 PM Hammerheads — Chicago Blackhawks Rink 4
Sun, Apr 21, 2024 @ 8:45 AM Adult T3 CHAMPIONSHIP Rink 4
RINK: Ice Line Arena 700 Lawrence Dr. West Chester, PA 19380
I’ll be down that weekend for a dance on Saturday night. I won’t be down for very long, but if it’s possible, I’d like to stop by and see you. An e-mail to get a hold of me is thorby455 AT proton DOT me.
If you like Xingu, keep an eye out for beers labeled as Schwarzbier, it’s the same style. Rare outside of areas without German influenced breweries, there are other variants as well (one for each of the Eastern European countries that I’m aware of), those either get sold with the specific style name or a generic (Czech-style dark lager).
I enjoy Schwarzbier and have two in my fridge waiting for the right meal.
Yet again, Gen X doesn’t exist
Yeah, that omission stood out to me as well.
I don’t even notice anymore.
My favorite meme for that was a screenshot from a news report that had breakdowns by ages, and just left out the ages that would have been Gen X.
Shut up, boomer.
I’m not saying that commercial real estate in America’s big city downtowns is collapsing, but there may be signs…
Real estate is free for the taking in Britain.
WSJ had a great article on it. Basically, St. Louis is in a doom loop. Some city centers are in a similar one while others are not. There appears to be wide variation city by city.
I’m terrible at word games. There, I admit it.
Do you commit Word Crimes?
So words don’t come easy to you?
Heavy coffee, chocolate, complimented by vanilla and oak made for heavy drinking back in December.
Yum. Except I’d drink it at any time of the year.
It’s getting too warm for stouts. I just choked down a Guinness.
Concur. I’m having probably my last nut brown ale for awhile.
Huh, I’ve never had an issue with a nut brown during the summer. Most that I’ve seen are in the session realm (~5% ABV) and medium bodied.
This one is the Alesmith version. Borderline porter.
Besides, this is Tucson. It’s already pushing 90 degrees Americanheit.
More dark beers year round for me.
I’ve had much fun playing w my parents. Dad continuously refers to himself as a “980 Guy,” while mom is a 1410 and me a 1360 (SATs). He is much more competitive than she, but she quite handily wins. He takes it well, oddly contentedly for him.
Huh. He’s archiving his 40+ years as a ‘metro columnist,’ pretty much publishing 5/week for the Evansville Courier, the Courier+Press after the evening-paper merge. He might enjoy putting them up for y’all, though he’s not yet heard of this site. He (had someone make) a video made with him and Norris McElmurry, a shockingly simple, elderly man in rural KY who could spell any phrase, sentence or paragraph backwards. That’s online, remarkably. Hrm. I’ll certainly ask. What’s etiquette on that as I’d kinda be Doxxing myself.
My favorite is, of course, about the Evansville Otter, Terry Beyna. (Frontier League pro baseball team) He pitched batting practice for us my Little League team one day. He started by soft-tossing. I soon smoked a drive into his face, busting his nose. The team medic legit had to do a house call to sort him out. He didn’t throw as soft after that. My dad repaid him by publishing the story about two weeks later as Dad was on the road with the team that summer. I bet that went over well. Don’t have a vid of that one, but sheeeeeit. That was 27 years ago and I remember it.
I played 04/13:
54/54 words (+13 bonus words)
🎯 In the top 6% by accuracy*
*I, for one, am incensed that “derp” was not accepted as a legitimate and perfectly cromulent word.
You and me both!
DERP Definition & Meaning |
[ durp ]
Also derp derp, herp derp [hurp durp] /ˈhɜrp ˈdɜrp/. (used as an inarticulate response to a foolish or awkward comment, action, person, etc.)
a person or thing considered to be foolish or awkward.
foolishness; stupidity.
And here I thought herp derp was a Glibs invention. 🙁
Here is the Ur of derp (Urderp):
Heh I didn’t catch that one (yet). I’m stuck around 50% at the moment.
I played 04/13:
54/54 words (+24 bonus words)
📖 In the top 2% by bonus words
Hmm, “derp” is not in the latest edition of the official Scrabble players dictionary.
The first time I drank Dragon’s Milk, I couldn’t finish the bottle. I like it OK now. Innis & Gunn was similar. The first time I had that, I thought it tasted like a combo of Jack Daniel’s and pool water.
My interview yesterday went well as did the job fair today. I got a lot of promising leads and will probably start substitute teaching next week. I expect to be teaching full time when school restarts in August. I celebrated with a meal at a Nigerian food truck. I had egusi soup with goat and fufu. The later reminded me of the ugali I often ate in Tanzania.
Anyone who plays Scrabble with a non-native speaker (who hasn’t become Fluent-Fluent) did not think nor ask their way through. Even strategy board games don’t have the same ‘Universal IQ’ factor that people seemingly, and happily, conflate with language that doesn’t seemingly apply to other skills. (“Good with words? You MUST be hella smart!”) The ability to convey thought is easily bandied about only cuz words are designed to be bandied.
You can be a genius with numbers and (often rightly) considered an idiot everywhere else. Good w words and the assumption flows through you. Sucks that worthless people (Who sound good!) get so much attention. Those who seek it often get it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
The champion of French Scrabble is a New Zealander who doesn’t speak French.
Right, its why I said its a Midwit problem. You can win with a 4th grade vocabulary if you know how to use the bonus spaces.
It took me until college to understand that just because he or she speaks somewhat broken English as a second language it by no means suggests he or she is dumb.
I had a calculus professor from Colombia. I couldn’t understand him, or the material, but he apparently teaches calculus in two languages.
I was sitting in a Waids diner eating alone one night, down the street from a high school. I was right in front of the kitchen door, which was mostly open.
In the kitchen was a middle-aged Hispanic man in chef whites in front of a white board with a marker, surrounded by a gaggle of teenage girls. He had a book in his hand he was copying from. The girls were watching the board and taking notes. His accent was pretty thick, but I realized he was teaching algebra.
I spun up a whole bunch of stories in my head about that, so I don’t remember what was the real backstory and what was not. I don’t even remember if I asked the waitress what was going on. I think I did, but maybe I didn’t.
But I do remember what I actually saw.
Classic overqualified immigrant trope.
I know what I saw. I just don’t know the backstory.
+1 geopolitical analyst/cabdriver
Probably more appropriate for the morning links, but I missed them, soo…
FreedomToons reveals why the pride flag design changes so often. You really have to slow the video down to enjoy all the designed Seamus comes up with.
Holy shit. Politico must have 2,000 words plus on why it’s pissed at FedGov being unable to steal your retirement savings. Naturally it took 50% of the article to actually figure out what the new outrage was about.
Those monsters thinking they should get to keep their money.
“how your 401k ate the federal budget”
That’s like stealing from the government!
…About half my 401K was earned by me stealing from the federal government.
If you watch even 1 second of PBS without pledging, you’re nothing but a thief! A common thief!
I have a feeling that we have a better than even chance of seeing a 20-30% drop in the stock market before November. It would be another wild card in a weird election, and I don’t think it would help Biden.
I wonder if she’s available.
I Have The World’s Loudest Burp! – Guinness World Records
Since we’re talking games, I’ve taken up chess again. I’m practicing against computer player on After about 2 weeks i’m able to beat players listed at 1200 or so. It’s interesting that the weaknesses I have at chess are the same ones I have at hockey. I tend to overlook details, and I focus on what I’m doing at the expense of ignoring what my opponent’s doing.
RobC and I are there
I love the short, timed games
If only we could go back to the confiscatory tax rates of the ’50s, this nation and her people would prosper.
It’s strange that the US has given so much aid to Ukraine even though the consensus was defeat would be quick and inevitable. My mom asked me what I thought when it started, and I predicted Russia would conquer Ukraine in 3 months. I was wrong, fortunately, but perhaps only about the timespan.
As the drumbeat of war grew louder in the months before February 24, 2022, Western intelligence officers, military analysts, and political scientists struggled to divine Russian President Vladimir Putin’s intentions. They also looked hard at what was known about Russia’s modernized, reformed, and well-financed armed forces — not to mention the ragtag, underequipped state of Ukraine’s military.
Many believed Russia would not invade. Wrong.
And many believed that if it did, Ukraine’s military would be routed, Kyiv would be captured in a matter of days, and the government would fall. Wrong again.
One year on, as the war rages with no end in sight, analysts are still trying to piece together how most of the Western world got so much so wrong.
With upwards of 175,000 troops deployed in regions along the Ukrainian border, and naval dominance in the Black Sea, Russia’s forces were expected to steamroll into Ukraine, taking Kyiv in a few days and toppling President Volodymyr Zelenskiy’s government.
2 years ago…
Retired Lt. Gen. Ben Hodges, the Pershing chair in strategic studies at CEPA, said that based on his experience and the reports of Russian ammunition and manpower shortages, the war may culminate in the next week.
[head desk]
When have Western Intelligence [sic] Communities gotten any overseas conflict right?
I’m wondering the same thing.
Spanish American War?
At the outset of the Spanish-American War, Colonel Arthur L. Wagner was head of the Military Information Division (the War Department’s embryonic intelligence organization). Driven by public sentiment, President McKinley and Secretary of War Russell A. Alger were determined to attack Spanish forces in Cuba not later than summer 1898. Wagner at once prepared a careful assessment of the Spanish forces, terrain, climate and environmental conditions in Cuba—the basic intelligence needed for operational planning. Wagner’s assessment also identified recurring outbreaks of yellow fever in Cuba during the summer months as a crucial planning consideration. At a White House meeting, Wagner recommended postponement of any invasion until the winter months in order to reduce what would otherwise be heavy American losses from the disease. President McKinley reluctantly endorsed his view. As they left the meeting, Secretary of War Alger was furious with Colonel Wagner. “You have made it impossible for my plan of campaign to be carried out,” he told Wagner. “I will see to it that you do not receive any promotions in the Army in the future.”
The Secretary of War made good on his promise, for although Colonel Wagner was promoted years later to brigadier general, the notice of his appointment reached him on his death bed. Furthermore, Alger influenced McKinley to reauthorize a summer invasion of Cuba. Fortunately United States forces won a quick victory, but as Wagner predicted, the effects of disease soon devastated the force. The ravages of yellow fever, typhoid, malaria and dysentery accounted for more than 85 percent of total casualties and were so severe that by August 1898 less than one quarter of the invasion force remained fit for service. According to his peers, Wagner deliberately jeopardized his career in order to satisfy a sense of duty, rather than bow to political pressure. Information that American lives could be saved by avoiding the worst time of the year for yellow fever was more important to him than currying favor with the Secretary of War.
The above is the only interesting thing I ever read in an Army manual (Joint Publication 2-0).
I’ve never thought Russia would be defeated, and it sucks that Ukraine is being bled white, but I’m glad the invading army is taking a beating. Invasions are bad, mmkay?
Same, but in terms of long-term strategy, I don’t see the logic. We have to weaken Russia’s military with a war…in order to avoid war with Russia? It would have been better to do nothing, save our money, and give the Europeans an incentive to rebuild their militaries.
Russia’s conventional military is not a threat to the US or any country the US has an obligation by treaty to defend.
Alternative take:
I’d have been fine with ignoring the whole thing, but why get involved at all if it’s just enough to prolong the agony?
“A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to the majority of the people. Only a small “inside” group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few, at the expense of the very many. Out of war a few people make huge fortunes. ”
― Smedley D. Butler, War Is A Racket
“War is the health of the state.”
-Randolph Bourne
Me too. That’s why I’m in favor of arming Ukraine with anything short of nukes. Decimating the Russian military is good for western civilization.
And even better for the US military-industrial complex…$
Mr. Blowback waves hi from the far corner of the room.
Why would decimating the Russian military be good for Western civilization? Western civilization is busy destroying itself with no help from Russia.
After these changes, assets in IRAs and defined contribution plans accelerated sharply, growing by 72 percent in just six years. But Federal Reserve data was showing that the bottom quintile of earners was getting close to nothing of the action.
Wasn’t Social Security originally sold as a means to help the poorest of the poor?
Means test the recipients. And for those who protest that they have “paid in” I say, just look at that money like the rest of the taxes you paid: wasted.
Im sure this has been posted here before. But….
Archie Bunker on Democrats
I have finished the Fallout series, and the main takeaway is to say… “Fuck Bethesda”.
If you were a fan of Fallout 1, 2 and New Vegas, it’s all meaningless in the canon now.
Canon means little to me, mostly because I don’t know/follow it. My only concern is, is it a good show on its own terms?
I am the wrong source for an answer to that, it’s a series I’ve been following for nearly 30 years, so I’m somewhat invested in the stuff they nuked. The first episode is strangely structured, but the first two should give you an idea as to if you should continue.
Oof. Disappointing.
I admit, I have avoided watching Stardust because I thought Neil Gaiman’s book was just wonderful, and I heard the movie took certain liberties (that even the presence of Michelle Pfeiffer couldn’t overcome for me), so I get it.
Which book are you referring to? The original graphic novel, or the later novelization? 🙂
The movie does a broad strokes of the book, and Gaiman was involved. I’m a huge fan of it (as well as MirrorMask if you want a Gaiman-esque movie without the risk of spoiling a favored memory).
The novel. I can’t recall what I read that made me say “eh, don’t want to ruin it for myself”. I should probably give it a go one of these days. The memory of the book is distant now (although I do want to re-read it). Stardust and Neverwhere are just wonderful, IMO, and easily my favorite Gaiman novels.
I am watching the Sandman series now off and on (I’ve never read the graphic novels, so I am unburdened by that canon). Enjoyable.
Just a touch of snark there (most people read the novel, same with Neverwhere). If you were not aware, Neverwhere started as a BBC special (6 episodes). Not available for free streaming, but can be purchased on DVD/streaming.
MirrorMask was Gaiman and Dave McKean telling a story about a girl who wants to run away from the circus. They collaborated quite a bit. If you can get past the stop motion animation (and that it’s geared more towards children), Coraline is also a good read/watch. The spinoff from Sandman is hitting Netflix later this month as well (Dead Boy Detectives).
I enjoyed Coraline the movie. I gots no problem with stop motion animation or shows geared towards children.
I’ll have to give MirrorMask a go.
Well, it’s on. Iran has just directly attacked Israel.
Oooo…. next world war!
I don’t see the ME being the flashpoint for that. More likely, after the Russians roll up the Ukrainians, they will share a border with Poland. I just don’t see that ending well. Or maybe the ChiComs will decide a quick victorious war is just the distraction they need from their imploding demographics and economy, and go after Taiwan. But the ME? Everybody has had plenty of practice fighting their proxy wars there without shit getting out of hand.
I am interested to see if Iran times a wave of ballistic missiles to arrive when the drones do. That will show they are serious. As will be the Huthis and the Iranian backed militia groups in Iraq adding “dozens” more.
Launching “dozens” of drones w/ 20kg warheads that take hours seems to be a small potatoes strike to they can say “they did something” without triggering a regional response.
Israel is in a pissy mood right now. Even a pro forma attack from Iran could catch a serious response. If I was Israel and I thought Iran needed a serious ass-whipping, I’d go after their oil refineries. All of them.
That will neatly fuck up oil markets ahead of the election.
I don’t think Joe will be very generous after that.
Israeli combat aircraft barely have enough range without aerial refueling for the strike on Iran, which would require overflight permission from Iraq. The Iraqis are not going to give them that permission.
But but but Biden told them “Don’t.”
Fightin’ Joe Biden is not a man to be trifled with. He runs when others walk!
From Forbes, 2 hours ago
U.S. officials for days have been signaling that an Iranian attack could be imminent—with President Joe Biden saying Friday he expects an attack “sooner than later,” and multiple reports have cited U.S. officials who believe an attack could be imminent, potentially as soon as this weekend.
From the same Forbes article:
Some reports have suggested Iran is aiming to curb any wider conflict. Reuters reported Friday that Iranian sources said Tehran has signaled to Washington it hopes to avoid escalating the conflict. Axios reported Thursday Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian told a German official Iran is planning an “appropriate” but limited strike in hopes of avoiding escalation. One U.S. official told Axios Iran’s message to the U.S. has been “don’t f–k with us and we won’t f–k with you.” The U.S. has denied any involvement in the strike on the Iranian embassy.
Leaving people alone? What an inscrutable oriental concept! Oh yeah, and the US definitely shares intel with the Israelis which is used for airstrikes.
What the Axios article actually said:
Iran sent a message to the Biden administration through several Arab countries earlier this week: if the U.S. gets involved in the fighting between Israel and Iran, U.S. forces in the region will be attacked, three U.S. officials told Axios.
Nothing says “we’re not escalating” like an attack.
So does Biden make our Iran alliance official or does he continue pretending we’re just friends?
“Well, Groat, the stupid cunt needs votes in Dearborn, so we’re now allied with the Iran-Russia axis against Israel while opposing Russia in Ukraine.”
Amazing. And we’ve put up Trump again to contest this dumb motherfucker. We really do deserve Biden.
Biden pressers look like a literal SNL sketch. My God.
When the nukes fall, I hope I love long enough to see that dumb motherfucker annihilated first.
Live, love, long for the nuclear annihilation of my enemies.
Sorry, my friends, I’m angry and pissing drunk.
Dave Smith, In whom I now realize I should not have invested any time, because he is a mid comedian and not an incisive political commentator, has turned out to be a very mid comedian and not at all incisive in his political commentary.
I’m now rooting for LOS to replace Dave with literally any of their guests.
Just to take a name out of the hat out of nowhere, Jordan Jenson should be the third seat on LOS. She’s funny. she’s weird, she’s really, really weird, and she’s funny.
Bloody hell..
From the same Forbes article:
Some reports have suggested Iran is aiming to curb any wider conflict. Reuters reported Friday that Iranian sources said Tehran has signaled to Washington it hopes to avoid escalating the conflict. Axios reported Thursday Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian told a German official Iran is planning an “appropriate” but limited strike in hopes of avoiding escalation. One U.S. official told Axios Iran’s message to the U.S. has been “don’t f–k with us and we won’t f–k with you.” The U.S. has denied any involvement in the strike on the Iranian embassy.
Leaving people alone? What an inscrutable oriental concept! Oh yeah, and the US definitely shares intel with the Israelis which is used for airstrikes.
What the Axios article actually said:
Iran sent a message to the Biden administration through several Arab countries earlier this week: if the U.S. gets involved in the fighting between Israel and Iran, U.S. forces in the region will be attacked, three U.S. officials told Axios.
I can’t Believe the Navy Missed THIS!!
RE: World’s oldest conjoined twins Lori and George Schappell dead at 62
Not unique enough being Siamese twins, just had to throw the transgender in there?
Of any condition to result in legit gender (or any variety of body) dysmorphia, I’d put conjoined-male/female-twins high up on the list.
…and hillbillies want to be called Son of the Soil, but that’s not gonna happen
Coincidence that both died on the same day…
So, Murder-Suicide, *touches finger to nose*
So with this review of this particular beer we can say that MS is… chasing the Dragon?