My sister always wanted to be the top hat.
“Japanese Police Arrest 36-Year-Old Man on Suspicion of Tampering With Pokémon Violet Save Data”
“Elon Musk’s Worst Predictions and Broken Promises of the Past 15 Years”
My sister always wanted to be the top hat.
“Japanese Police Arrest 36-Year-Old Man on Suspicion of Tampering With Pokémon Violet Save Data”
“Elon Musk’s Worst Predictions and Broken Promises of the Past 15 Years”
I watched a documentary on the creation of Oregon Trail and found myself wondering when that will be made into a movie or TV show.
Also, found out the phrase ‘You have died of dysentery.” doesn’t actually appear in the game. I barely played it as a kid.
Other than Logo Writer, Oregon Trail was the only thing I’ve ever done on an Apple ][
That was “computer class” when I was a kid.
Heh. I taught ‘adult enrichment’ computer classes on those and TRS-80s.
Now I feel old :-\
You are old… 🙂
I know. My body keeps reminding me, and my mirror is in on it too. Sigh.
That may depend on the version. There were several that came out.
That was said about the 1985 version that most people think of, which I also found out was not the first one. The first version was made for teletype in 1971.
I played a teletype version on BeOS in the late 90s, early 00s.
I think it says “susan has dysentary” then maybe “susan has died”. The real question is, what do you want on your tombstone?
“All I ever wanted was to be left alone”
“It distresses us to return work that is not perfect”
(said by Peter O’Toole- a note from his dry cleaner)
They did.
Huh. I was expecting this one.
Coulda been this.
Here’s the movie trailer: https://youtu.be/CHps2SecuDk?si=b-MkjrlyLQbR6PNp
Loser? I have killer tickets to see Billy Joel and Sting tomorrow,
/See em before they die tour
Billy Idol is coming to our local casino. Same sentiment, though not on the same level.
Saw Elton John and Billy Joel together in the early 90s with my brother in Ames, Iowa (the midpoint between Kansas City and Minneapolis). I thought that was the see them before they’re dead tour, but no.
I’m not a huge fan of either but it’s still going be fun,
George Thorogood is coming to the historic Midland Theatre in Nerk Ahia.
I really don’t see the Midland as a Thorogood kind of venue.
RE: Bathing
An anime actress with nearly 1 million Twitter followers tweeted out a guide telling her fans to bathe before coming to her concert
So alcohol breath is OK?
Sorry, I don’t do hieroglyphics
RE: “Elon Musk’s Worst Predictions and Broken Promises of the Past 15 Years”
Tesla FSD Timeline
Amazon has had a shit ton of failed projects over the years. But they pivot, move on and keep innovating. So does Musk.
Government on the other hand….
Environmental activists on the other hand…
I always wanted the race car in Monopoly. What are the various Glib preferences?
Scottie Dog
Nothing says insufferably wealthy like putting clothes on a dog.
My dogs say Arf to that, they stay warm,
The Scottie dog!
Fond memories of marathon Monopoly games played with my sisters and a neighbor/friend during summer vacation. Pro tip: do not leave an active game in the middle of the living room floor overnight if you have cats.
I don’t know if that counts as a “pro tip”…
Scottie dog for me too.
Race car. But I hate that game. It just goes on and on and never ends. I have a sister and a wife who have both gotten so pissed they flipped the board.
The reason the game goes on and never ends is because most people don’t follow the rules as written. Big ones that people miss:
1) Free Parking does nothing. Stop infusing more money into a game where the point is to eliminate players who run out of money.
2) When you land on a property, if you chose not to purchase it, it goes up for auction and anyone can buy it at auction.
3) You must have all of the properties of the same color to build on them (and rent is doubles for unimproved monopolies)
Wait, what are people doing instead of those?
The opposite. Instead of paying the bank to get out of jail, etc., we put money in the middle and if you land on Free Parking you got all that money. We never auctioned off properties as described. But we did follow that third rule.
Looking back, that explains it. But nobody I knew read the rules, we all just picked them up from other people.
Yep. A mediocre game taught poorly, with misremembered rules that were taught to them. There’s only a handful of games that I’ll make the attempt to teach to non-seasoned board gamers (Isle of Skye, Carcassone, Splendor, Azul, Castles of Burgundy, Medici, and the like). For seasoned gamers, I’m much more open to trying to teach a wider range of games (especially if it has elements that they’re familiar with).
Sounds like the way we played, TOK. But games still definitely came to an end.
Of course, whoever was the banker generally won. Somehow.
“House rules”
It’s common to have fees/taxes/etc. placed in the center of the board as a pot and if you land on Free Parking, you get the pot. It’s also common to have people not auction off properties that aren’t purchased when someone lands on them (even though the auction will go for the top bid, even if it’s below the printed price). It’s also common for people to allow building houses (and sometimes hotels) on properties that they don’t have the full set of.
I’m not saying Monopoly is a great game, but it’s played more with house rules than the rules as written. It’s a common hate sink game for people to bitch about board games, and is often unfairly maligned. It would be like playing Risk using the combat rules from Diplomacy and then complaining that Risk was too simple.
Overtime the same person will be the consistent winner, because they have investment strategies that work.
We never let anyone put houses unless they had the full set of properties.
But, yeah, if you play by house rules, don’t bitch about the game design.
There was a period where I played Monopoly with two other dudes once twice a week and we went through the game quickly. The one time we added a fourth it suddenly dragged.
Anyone who doesn’t say Top Hat is no true Glib.
Race car. Fuck Mother Earth.
Although Top Hat is the correct Glib answer.
Top Hat
Older bro was always the car. Because it was the only other living thing, I always was the dog.
I still am, Monopoly and otherwise 🙂
Note: I always gathered HE was the driver. And presumably living.
Elon Musk has spent his entire career making predictions about the future.
Those are the hardest kind.
Most people seem unable to predict the past, so might as well try the future.
Many people don’t learn from history and rely on fortune tellers (the government) to predict the future. Even today people don’t understand the root causes of inflation.
P Brooks wins.
We are all interested in the future, for that is where you and I are going to spend the rest of our lives.
OK, Kamala.
No go, gizmodo slideshow.
Ask not what your country can do for you… oh, fuck it
But while many progressives like Frost and Sanders campaign for Biden, it’s unclear how many of the policy wins they tout have resonated with younger voters. Just 1 in 10 voters under 30 say Biden’s policies have helped them personally, according to a recent poll by The New York Times and Siena College.
The Party of Gimme-ism.
Here’s the trailer for the Monopoly Movie:
I always wanted to be the battleship.
Monopoly is the board game that I’ve lost more times than any other.
Go for the railroads and the orange properties, and you will start winning more than you lose. Be willing to make “crazy trades” to get those. The reds are the next best. The light blues and light purples are next.
“Go to Jail” and “advance to go” or “advance to nearest railroad” force people to the orange side of the board.
Even more fun (to my sisters & friends & me) than Monopoly was the card game Pit. Fast, loud, barely-controlled mayhem! 😃👍
Disc has a game called ript a player called me with a, no speaking for the entire hole, much hilarity ensued,
/Loudmouth me won
I have a very old copy of that.
I second the praise for pit.
I also loved Mingh but it was little known.
It’s funny. “Transactional” is a very popular derogatory term these days. Our political thought police are incessantly bleating about Trump’s “transactional” approach to politics. Meanwhile, Team Biden is engaged in an all out push to openly and unapologetically use the Presidency as a giant cash and favor dispensing apparatus for the express purpose of buying votes.
“express purpose of buying votes.”
Eh, the ultimate goal is looting the country and stuffing their pockets full of cash.
Gotta make sure Hunter has enough money for crack.
How childishly naive do you have to be to believe that there is such a thing as non-transactional politics?
Everything is transactional. We have always known that. Isn’t there an old joke about a man propositioning a woman by offering various sums of money and when he gets high enough she agrees? Punch line goes something like the old quote “We have already established what you are, we are just haggling over the price now.”
The thing that is so frustrating to me is that the elites have obviously lost control of the narrative that they do anything whatsoever that’s altruistic. A vanishingly small number of people are true believers that the government in its current form (if they were being honest it would be in any form) is actually there to help. There’s a few tiny pockets of true believers left that lap up The View or MSNBC, but they can’t even grab a million viewers in a country of 330M anymore. Everyone including most Democrat voters understand that its all a dirty game where you pick what you believe is the lesser of two evils.
Despite being jaw-droppingly obvious that such tactics don’t work, they still try and peddle the idea that there’s “one side who’s politics are transactional and one whose not.” I firmly believe that Trump’s increasing poll numbers are largely the direct result of people finally flipping the establishment the bird because they’re just not willing to entertain the constant gaslighting any more.
Trump made you drop the mask. We’ve all seen the hideous monsters underneath. Politics is an immoral game for sociopaths and we all know it. We all just want you to stop pretending.
As I have mentioned before the atmosphere feels like it did at the downfall of the European aristocracy. They became all at once so powerful, so corrupt, and absurdly incompetent that the people could no longer tolerate them. Everything i see today is so far beyond the pale of as little as 20 years ago that surely it cant continue much longer.
As a consultant, thats how I describe myself.
A consultant is someone you hire to tell you the time using your own watch.
Wish I could remember the source. I used that description with friends and family.
First I read that was in this book
The book was not as sexy as the show.
I can’t really figure out what the opposite of transactional is in this case. According to the Google: “The opposite of a transactional relationship is a transformational relationship, where one person does something or gives something to another without any desire for reward;” But is there any politician that gives something for nothing? There are plenty of politicians that give something for nothing of their own, e.g. taxpayer money, but they are still expecting something in return.
I just distinguish between “transactions” and “relationships”, as a kind of shorthand. Yeah, you have a “relationship” with the quick stop clerk when you buy rubbers and sixpack, I guess, but what they describe as a transactional relationship is likely just a series of transactions.
The number of young adults who chose tubal ligation and vasectomies as birth control jumped abruptly after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in 2022 and has continued to rise, new research shows.
The paper, published Friday in JAMA Health Forum, is the first to focus specifically on the contraception choices of women and men ages 18 to 30 after the Supreme Court’s decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization ended the constitutional right to abortion.
Studying this age group is important because they are “much more likely to have an abortion and … to experience sterilization regret relative to their older counterparts,” said co-author Jacqueline Ellison, an assistant professor at the University of Pittsburgh School of Public Health.
Am I supposed to be aghast at this presumably shocking revelation?
I’m more inclined to applaud, honestly.
I guess having a committed long-term relationship is just out of the question.
So people were using abortion as regular birth control rather than a last resort.
Shit, I am tired. Cut all of the grass, laid substantial part of a brick patio, worked on flower beds and one in particular…going for a rule of thirds kinda thing from the kitchen window. It is at the base of a white oak with a fallen down concrete bird bath partly buried to give it a ‘ruins’ kinda look and putting in some blue hyacinth. We will see how that turns out.
What is wrong with education today? What isn’t? Lets start with John Dewey and Woodrow Wilson.
Ruin traditional Barbie with wokety wokster shit, now Monopoly? If it flops they will claim ‘market failure’.
Elon Musk….and? Who cares?
Silent Cal: “Most people dont realize that 90% of the problems will disappear if they will just sit still.”
Yeah, that one makes me groan every time I hear it.
I believe I wrote an entire post on that very topic.
I will note that the AZ Supreme Court decision recognizing the territorial law outlawing abortion except to save the life of the mother is consistent with my view.
Err, my view of the correct jurisprudence. Me, policywise, I’m more of a viability guy.
I firmly believe that Trump’s increasing poll numbers are largely the direct result of people finally flipping the establishment the bird because they’re just not willing to entertain the constant gaslighting any more.
I think there are a lot of people who instinctively reject the notion of a bottomless supply of government money.
” In response, the woman clarified that there are some “stinky female duelists” but claimed the smelly men at card game events are often “in a class of their own.”
Seems fishy.
Smellovision for the win,