Wow, the Astros won a game! That’s a pleasant surprise. Either way, I’m just happy to see baseball. The Red Bulls dominated the Japanese Grand Prix. Liverpool gave away too many chances and dropped valuable points with their draw against Man United. And it’s Masters Week! Now on to…the links!
“Hey, where’s all the tunnels and weapons stashes?” Anyway, that’s what war is like. It’s not all lobbing bombs across a border at the other guy and then clamoring for peace. Sometimes it comes home.
What a crazy story. Undone for being a bit of a dumbass behind the wheel. It’s the tale of many a criminal.
This guy is rapidly becoming a populist. I assume he will be a presidential contender in 2028.
How can the state “rip itself apart” over a suggestion as stupid as this? Anybody with sense would realize there are no reparations to pay since there’s literally nobody alive who was ever enslaved in this country.
Damn, that would have freaked me out. But at least the door didn’t fall off.
I’m sooooo glad they’re going after the serious crime. I wonder why they haven’t found the pipe bombers or gallows builders yet, by the way. You’d almost think it was deliberate with the all but unlimited resources the feds have.
Pure unadulterated propaganda. In a civilized country, the writer of this piece would be thrown in a gulag.
Ugh, I don’t know whether to be happy or not about this. But it’s not my business so I got no right to complain when it happens.
BONUS LATE LINK: The left is gonna turn on the woke Pope in about two minutes.
Here’s a catchy little tune. Man, these guys were great. Almost every one of their songs is just great. Enjoy them.
And enjoy this lovely eclipse Monday, dear friends.
SCIENCE! says that generational truama is real, therefore generational liability must be too. Do you even epigenetic methylation bro? It’s like you don’t even light you Fauci candles.
And only some generational trauma is recognized. I think Norway, England, well….the whole northern European continent should pony up reparations for the pains inflicted upon my genetic line.
Certainly the “generational trauma” of those who fought for the Union (including a lot of those from TN, mind you) doesn’t seem to be relevant.
Like NATO, we’ll get stuck with that tab too.
What’s sad is that there’s people holding the purse strings who actually believe this claptrap.
Ain’t their money, so why should they worry?
Crooked marxists demand people that never have had slaves pay people that never were slaves for a slight they have purposely exaggerated (as if slavery is an uniquely American thing). That makes a ton of sense…
And if you expect giving in to their demands would ever make them shut up about slavery forever since the issue had been resolved, you’re in for an unpleasant surprise.
There is no compromise with these people. It doesn’t surprise me that they support the Palestinian cause precisely because of that. They want something unattainable and evil, and they will never stop. Their is no compromise.
Any time the subject comes up I think of the woman in CA who was demanding 200 million dollars to each black person in CA, a state that never had slaves since injun times.
The aggrieved are about money. It is always the money.
Don’t forget “power”.
By their logic, all descendants of slaves should be responsible financially for all crime costs that have arisen from their tribe since 1865?
To be fair, there maybe a few Indoneseians that were effectively indentured servants in the Gulf States located in Tennessee… but I am guessing that is not what they are talking about.
I’d accept that use of term if politicians were actually swinging from it during the riot.
They would need to be extremely small, extremely light to not collapse the “gallows” that were present that day. Heck, I don’t think a half-sized effigy could have been swung from them.
At least I got a good nap. When the commentators have to try to spin up the excitement over who’s going to finish 7th, 8th and 9th… you know the race is dull.
Morning, Sloopy! Morning the rest of ya reprobates and impeccably dressed rodents!
I know it produces (short term) misery… but I remain an acolyte of the Sherman school of war. It should be so terrible that no one wants it, not little dinky “police actions” and “missile events” like we’ve mostly had (and why it keeps remaining a low level constant state of crap across the world… which just so happens to keep the arms manufacturers busy… hmmmm…..)
And as such — I really and truly wish the Palestinian people would realize that Israel is not going anywhere and their policy is only going to get them misery in the short term and likely death in the long term for them and their children.
Given the history of the Middle East, I’m not holding out hope for that wish.
“but I remain an acolyte of the Sherman school of war. It should be so terrible that no one wants it,”
We absolutely have a lot more war now simply because it has become sanitized. It’s also why we never win any wars anymore.
Given the history of the Middle East
Right down to the good book – kill every Canaanite, man, woman and child.
Re: Pali war reporting,
NPR’s story this morning was about how awful and abused the Palis are because there are only TWO functioning ATM machines in Gaza! Seriously, they spent 3 minutes about this:
‘Cause now gazans can’t get the cash they need to buy stuff! Forget about that whole “total blockade, no food or water left reporting we’ve been pushing for months now.” And of course, “men” (nationality/religion/political affiliation unspecified) are extorting/requiring bribes of those poor victims of settler colonization needing access to those two ATMs.
Asshole commies inventing luxury problems to help them defend the evil fucking barbarians they think are the good guys because oppressed vs. oppression marxism is their frame of mind. And it irks me to no end that the oppressor vs. oppressed idiots are not aware that no system has produced more oppression than the marxism they worship..
It is almost as if they are completely mendacious.
I think I’ve said it before (if not, I know I thought it) — but if this is what the guy is truly like and how he acted pre-stroke, I can now understand (beyond not wanting to elect a carpetbagging quack) why PA went for him. It did not seem wise during the stroke… but over the last few months he’s definitely seemed much more in the classic Blue Dog mode that a) isn’t insane and b) can be worked with / compromised to get some stuff done.
Of course… I don’t recall him actually giving no votes out of the monolithic Dem block that they seem so good at (maybe he has and I don’t remember it… but outside of Manchin and Sienna, my impression was that Chucko the Clown had his troops well locked in), so while his words are promising, his actions don’t measure up yet.
I’d welcome him running at least to try to drag power away from the Death to America caucus…. that’d be nice.
Yeah, the current version of him seems like it would be preferable to the parade of crazier-than-the-last one whackjobs running the state to the north of him. He’s like a prehistoric throwback.
That statement rhywun is one that packs a real wallop. Think about it. Some guy with serious issues because of a stroke clearly seems to have a better working brain and more sanity than the rest of the team blue people….
I think – based on his current actions – that he is probably a more principled Senator that Dr. Oz would have been.
I’d rather deal with him (sane Dem) than a RHINO quack like Oz.
People like to talk shit about Fetterman because of the stroke and the white trash demeanor, but he is a remarkably smart and capable politician. I worry about him.
You think they will “Kennedy” him?
Ugh that one smarts. I had the feeling I was watching them Liverpool lose the league in real time.
It felt like the Gerard backpass fiasco from 2014 all over again. But this time the backpass happened over and over and over again for 90 minutes.
I’m still bitching about the point (or three) that was stolen by the VAR fiasco in the September game against Spurs. I have a bad feeling that’s what will end up really costing them the league. Well, that and the endless string of injuries they’ve suffered this season.
Also, I think it’s time they sell Mo Salah and get decent money they can spend elsewhere. He’s just not nearly the player he was a couple years ago and the drop off in fitness and quality has gotten to the point it needs to be addressed.
I thought he already had one foot out the door. Heard he was moving to Egypt or something. But then I’ve paid very little attention this year. Am somewhat surprised he is still there is all.
Do these hypothetical 3 points still include 2 red cards and an own goal?
I certainly would have been in the “Um, can we not take off and get this looked at?” camp, yeah.
The difference between the sensationalist headline “Engine RIPPED APART!!!” vs. what actually happened “Cover sheet of aluminum wasn’t secured or broke screws and broke off as plane accelerated” (my money is on the first.. someone didn’t tighten things down properly and that needs to be figured out) is quite different. From the headline I was expecting a bird strike or metal fatigue in the turbine blades, which does tend to make a jet engine barf out pieces of itself… this is a relative nothing burger.
The bad part was it damaged parts of the flaps but yea, engine cowling loss isn’t as huge a deal except for what I can assume is systemic issues in airline maintenence programs nationwide.
It seems that there is a huge Anti_boeing sentiment as opposed to failures in maintenance.
For sure…Airbus has relatively the same failures just aren’t getting reported in the same volume. People flying know they will get their 15 minutes of internet fame for a clip of some issue on a Boeing plane so everyone has cameras out
I just assume there are as many if not more such incidents from other manufacturers that just are not being reported on the mainline propaganda outlets.
How we got to, being anti-criminal is “populism” is an exercise for the reader.
Because damn near a third of the country is fueled by envy and believes they’re entitled to the fruits of someone else’s labor. And the people who represent them are by and large in lockstep with them.
I often feel bad blaming the people that believe they are due free shit from others by the virtue they were not aborted, then I remember it is our own public school system that gave them this mind set and I no longer feel sorry. Self inflicted stupidity should have consequences.
I put equal if not greater blame on the parents.
The fact so many of them simply checked out and put faith in the system does baffle me, but I get that some people are so busy trying to make a living they could make the assumption this needed no monitoring….
That being said, shame on them.
“I often feel bad blaming the people that believe they are due free shit from others”
Huh. I never do.
In a sane world, a change of venue away from a jury pool where all them are working directly or indirectly for the organization you were protesting would only be logical.
Really wish we had never started treating DC as a pseudo-state / city instead of the Federal Campus it should only have been. All the day-to-day running should be MD or VA depending on location.
Team blue brilliantly set up D.C. to be where they could trump everything legal through ideology. Not only are all the bureaucracies captured and weaponized, but so is the legal system. Just remember one of their biggest pet peeves is that they were not allowed to do that to the SCOTUS….
Meanwhile TMITE is just aghast that RFK Jr. might for one second entertain the idea that the dogged pursuit and conviction for as many crimes as possible of anyone who was within spitting distance of the Capitol building on Jan 6 might be political in nature.
The only people that can and should be allowed to assault government without consequences are the marxist leftards. The other side is never allowed to do anything. Alinsky thought them that tactic.
Yeah, it’s a deliberate choice. The “ripping apart” is the whole point for the left. Smash the system.
You are causing discord by resisting our extremism!
Poor guy has to write about something beyond dodging the homeless trying to look at art in the Bay Area, I suppose.
Best pizza in California is Round Table…or at least used to be back in the 80s for kids coming home from the ball fields and soccer fields.
Ah, tabletop Ms. Pacman…
Good sauce. Kinda spensive.
Many a fun weekend were had there. Huge sponsors of youth sports too.
I remember this ad so well:
So bad yet so good
I remember that and these
The last location around here just closed not too long ago. It’s been on a decline for a long time.
You do realize that “back in the ‘80s” was 40 years ago, right?
Kinda says it all about the claim from that article then doesn’t?
I mentioned once that I had watched Nixon resign live on TV. Many were shocked at my senescence. That is when I realized…I was too.
I was at Camp Drum, NY mentoring the NG, we had lots of time between assignments, we were glued/mesmerized by the proceedings. It truly was an historical moment.
Nostalgia never tastes as good as you remember it.
Oh, I dunno. Mexicoke and cheddar Ruffles (which don’t seem to have changed). 😋
The best pizza is in California. It’s Woodstock’s, with locations in Chico, Davis, SLO, Isla Vista, and San Diego.
I have had NY pizza, not impressed with ketchup on a saltine, and Chicago? That casserole? Not pizza.
Heck, will have to try that.
Hold on – locations catering to drunken/high college students? Were YOU sober when you ate there?
It isn’t great for the employees — but businesses close offices in locations. It isn’t all that surprising. They’re at least getting a relocation stipend if they choose to move unlike other companies Return To Office (when said office is several states away because the employees were explicitly hired as remote) policies I’ve heard of.
So, a pretty standard severance package. Except you have the option of keeping your job. The horror.
Yeah, business needs and all that. This happens all the time, and sometimes you come out ahead, and sometimes you come out behind.
“Pope surprisingly says something consistent with Catholic teaching. News at 11.”
If he’d gone the way the Left wants, it would have absolutely reinforced the opinion of him for most Catholics that he was way out of bounds. So rather refreshing and surprising to me that he didn’t, honestly.
The left has just been continuing to ignore commie-pope teaching/preaching on abortion.
Tough shit. I have zero sympathy for the Palestinians. Zero. They have an evil culture that needs to be stamped out. I dont want to hear about teary doe-eyed babies.
Thieves really, really piss me off but I will hand it to the guy…nobody got hurt. Not hurting people goes a long way with me.
The vast majority of whiney-babies no matter their complaint can be translated to “Give me money”.
We have more slaves in the country today than any time since pre-columbian history.
Since rights are inherent and not given by governments and squatters are thieves – squatters have no rights. Government is simply facilitating theft.
I remember when the anti-DEI people were saying ‘planes will fall out of the sky!’ and they were ignored. Soon we will be finding out the effects of the war on competence with the medical profession.
Any story that starts with ‘DC jury…’ is not going to be a good one.
Pizza: yeah, thems fightin’ words.
If you live In Texas, dont be happy about it.
I am confused. I thought the commie pope was all in on the wokester agenda.
“Tough shit. I have zero sympathy for the Palestinians. Zero. They have an evil culture that needs to be stamped out. I dont want to hear about teary doe-eyed babies.”
Any empathy I had towards their cause evaporated when I saw Clinton give Arafat a peace deal that was far, far more than they deserved, only to have Arafat tell Clinton he couldn’t take it because the barbarians would never accept it and he would be killed. At that time I realized their cause was vile and genocide. When you are willing to torture and even murder your own children to kill other people, you are not the good guy.
Yes, collective punishment and ceding the moral upper hand will win Israel the conflict in the end, at least until the American public gets fed up which is actually happening. The way the war is being undertaken might shore up Israel’s position short term but in the long term they’re killing themselves.
I disagree. I think Israel has decided that enough is enough. And I agree with them. personally I think they should have carpet bombed these monsters and then told the world to move the survivors into a nation in their own backyard. Anyone that would treat their children as expendable weapons should not be allowed to pollute the already weak human gene pool.
It is a war. In wars people (combatants, civilians, men, women, children) get killed. The war ends when one side gives up and sues for peace (or is entirely wiped out).
If you want to accuse Israel of collective punishment, then the US engaged in collective punishment of Germans and Japanese in WWII.
I’m not going to blame the Israelis for deciding that enough is enough and to declare war on Gaza. However, I am not down with sending them arms and munitions. If they want to buy them, OK, but we shouldn’t be sending them free stuff and then siding with them.
We shouldn’t be spending US tax payer money on that conflict for sure. But remember that we sold the UK and even Russia lots of war material in WW2 as well.
This. This so much.
Agreed. Applies everywhere.
we shouldn’t be sending them free stuff
and then siding with themand telling them to not use it!
Well, Israel was wearing a short skirt, and the
Palestiniansthieves just wanted the car keys when they broke in, and you cannot turn the power or water off to squatters, as they just need a place to live…Do you see any similarities there?
Yep – all expressed by people that have not been violated. So much privilege.
Relevant music title for today.
NASA is planning three launches from Wallops during the eclipse. I don’t know if it will be dark enough to see from my house.
So they’re trying to shoot down their own rockets?
Also relevant.
Anybody else on Twitter see a serious uptick in anti-car extremism there lately? Perhaps I’ve toyed with the zealots too much for my own good, because my “for you” is basically clogged with them nonstop.
I am not on social media for a reason, but what the hell is anti-car? You mean anti-combustion engine? Or basically any kind of private vehicle ownership 9and thus the freedom that gives you).
There is a contingent of mouth breathers that claim manufacturers of trucks are purposefully designing them in ways to kill children.
Da fuq?
I am going to guess their concerns are all irrelevant made up shit too?
Any vehicle is only as safe as its and the other drivers on the road (and often more the later).
Well, that one SUV was reported to steer into that Christmas parade all by its lonesome a bit back in Wisconsin and all….
Not sure if that is what Sloopy is seeing, just I have seen that argument to claim no one should own a truck and only delivery folks should be allowed or some nonesense
I am going to guess their concerns are all irrelevant made up shit too?
Would you rather be hit by a Toyota Corolla or a Toyota Tundra? Both going the same speed of course.
If I can ever organize my thoughts into some coherent pattern, I may finally write my debut article on cars and roadz.
I would rather not be hit at all, but that’s just me….
You did not outsmart the question.
It’s not unreasonable to buy the biggest vehicle you can because mass wins. It’s also not unreasonable to realize you are more likely to be fucked if driving a smaller car or trying to walk on a street.
Their concerns are not made up. It’s just their solution (buy only the cars I approve) is not going to win over a guy with truck nuts.
Oh, I am well aware of the mechanics of inelastic collisions. It’s why I own the vehicle I own. If I could drive a aircraft 100K ton empty weight carrier, I would…
My truck doesn’t have truck nuts. 😞
I should hope it doesn’t; I’d pop my monocle at such unrefinedness in a Glib.
I’m reminded of the meme that has kids sitting in a row in front of a truck saying only the child on the end is visible to the driver. I guess smaller vehicles are safer in areas where children regularly sit in the street.
Do children magically appear in streets indie of blind spots? You’re going to see them in the street before they sneak that close. If they dart out at the last second – they can do that to any car and really deserve the impact.
They are ridiculously oversized these days.
Yeah, I agree. But that’s what people seem to want, so, none of my business, really.
What? It isn’t your mission in life to tell everyone how they should live?
The people who are literally against the use of cars and demand people use mass transit and bikes/walking to get everywhere. Oh, and by “everywhere,” they mean in the dense cities they think everybody should be forced to live in because suburbs are hell and the people who prefer living there are cretins too stupid to determine their own wants, so they shouldn’t have the right to live anywhere but a dense urban environment.
They also claim to care about the environment and children even though most of them are childless singles living in massive urban areas
Yeah, ignore that shit, Sloop. It’s propaganda to make depressed people living in urban areas that are under siege – because of bad government – that their options (or lack of options) are the better ones.
“…any kind of private vehicle ownership and thus the freedom that gives you.”
That is really what all of it is about. Electric cars my ass. Global warming my ass.
The end goal is to have restricted movement a la China, internal passports, papiere bitte, ‘Do you have a good reason to be out of your home?’….that kind of shit, i.e. slavery.
Oh, you sir hit the nail on the head…
They can’t just go to this shit they want to, because people would then no longer be able to ignore or defend the direction they have opted to take humanity into, but by doing it incrementally they expect people will be too late to stop them from doing it when it is no longer disputable.
Top down globalist control needs the serfs tied to the land their feudal lords want them tied to.
Damn. Why didn’t I just say that…’serfs tied to the land’. Perfect.
Wouldn’t our movement be restricted in a world where the government did not overbuild and then not maintain the network of roads?
Someone had to do it!
Somewhere around here I have a collection of Samuel Clemens writings….
He wrote several essays on his travels in Europe. He described Europe as essentially a medieval place where movement was very restricted by
little fiefdoms with border guards demanding passage money and bribes at every turn. Thus, only wealthy people could travel. It shocked his sensibilities because of his experience growing up in the United States, a huge land where people had great freedom of movement….to gambol about the hills and dales if you will. At that time there were precious few government roads.
People go where they want unless someone stops them.
Prog agenda: 1. eliminate efficient means of travel. 2. Eliminate all means of travel. 3. Institute a system of actively restricting movement.
As Alex said – serfs tied to the land.
Prog agenda: 1. eliminate efficient means of travel. 2. Eliminate all means of travel. 3. Institute a system of actively restricting movement.
You like the current system, which is still not a free market.
The U.S. issued them but didn’t require them for foreign travel (and returning to the U.S.) until 1915. Yes, another Progressive win!
And from wiki, this was more what I thought – contra Clemens…
“Pure unadulterated propaganda. In a civilized country, the writer of this piece would be thrown in a gulag.”
Someone should nuke these fuckers from orbit for that evil.
Only way to be sure.
So I drove up to Franklin NC yesterday to check out my upcoming new campsite. I was…chagrined. The site was occupied by a smaller rig than mine, yet his front end was sticking out and he had about 12″ of jack under his front left side to level it. Not good. The campground itself was perfectly cromulent, just that site was janky.
Anyhoo I emailed the campground this morning requesting another site. They called me immediately and told me the guy currently in that site wasn’t even close to all the way in, and there was another 12′ behind. But they offered me a longer site anyway, so that’s what I’m gonna do.
Panic averted!
Good for you. A bad campsite would ruin the experience.
Is the “12 inch jack” a euphemism? Can never tell on this site.
There is pizza, and there is not-pizza. Some time-tested variants are acceptable – deep-dish, Detroit, etc. etc. – but this idea you can just throw any shit together and call it “pizza” is so California, and therefore wrong.
Where might I subscribe to your newsletter, good sir?
Deep dish pizza is not pizza but a casserole-a delicious and tasty casserole but a casserole nonethless.
Fair enough – I was trying to be charitable.
But we can all agree that figs and gorgonzola with microgreens on a flatbread is definitively not pizza
That doesn’t even sound edible.
I find it quite tasty with a glass of Mendoza or Chianti.
Let’s keep this civil. It isn’t like this is a debater over guacamole.
Keep that baby poop away from food and we’ll be fine.
I had this pizza last night and it was delicious and pizza. Everyone can go pound dough.
Pesto sauce, Feta, Roasted Red Peppers, Kalamata Olive, topped with Fresh Arugula and Shaved Parmesan Cheese
Music link isn’t Bonnie Tyler? Huh.
Wtf is the comment up here?
Goulash, Chop Suey, Pot luck, Gumbo….Pizza. There are others I cant think of just now.
Back in olden times one did not throw away food. At the end of the day all of the leftovers were thrown together and consumed. Every culture has a name for that.
Over time they developed ‘official’ recipes for such dishes. The only one I distinctly remember is chop suey. Some California gringo showed up at a Chinese restaurant after closing time and begged for food. The chinaman offered him what he himself was eating…leftovers all stirred together. The gringo thought it was fantastically delicious and when he returned during open hours asked for it again. Word got around. In short order everyone was asking for it so the chinaman developed a fixed recipe resembling that one evening’s leftovers. Now we have chop suey. The same is true for all of the others.
So what you are saying is that Pizza is finally coming around full circle back to…leftovers.
The evolution of food…interesting.
Uffda. My wife and kids have no imagination when it comes to combining leftovers into a meal. I’ll cut Mrs. Holiness some slack because she not only didn’t grow up with any exposure to classic US leftover recipes, she didn’t grow up with leftovers. My kids – who are all good cooks – have never had to make sure that ever part of the leftover was eaten.
So it is for me to come up with various meals where we eat whatever is in the fridge. The kids always LOVE the meals. They think it is a wonderful break from the normal stuff. I don’t hate them, but I don’t think I enjoy it as much because I have a lifetime of eating leftovers.
Hotdish is always a favorite. But stuff like turkey ala king or whatchagot stew are big hits too.
There is some other person living hidden in my house. I know this for a fact. That person gets the fresh meals, I have leftovers, every meal except breakfast, where I make microwave oatmeal fresh. I have tried to catch that person, by staying up late, getting up early but to no avail. Mrs F is far too clever but some day, someday…
There’s Almost Pizza:
Greetings to all Texas & non-Texas Glibs. I am sitting in Ft. Worth (from Cali) waiting for the eclipse. Looks likemostly a shut-out, but I am lookingfor analternative viewing site. It was supposed to be Waco, but that is not going to happen. Thunderstorms, hail and tornados possible in that area. Oh well, at least I get a chance to visit my brother and his family.
Everybody have a good day, whatever your plans.
Alternative site, but go ahead and have your fun.
The fact your phone autocorrected to it…makes you the glibest glib to ever gliber
I figured you were channeling Sean Connery.
You’re truly one of us now
That’s the difference between going blind when you didn’t wish to and wishing you would go blind when you won’t.
I wouldn’t advise anyone visist New York Ever, but we appear to have a clear day.
I’mma try going to Plattsburgh with the gf. If we don’t m,ake it there, we might still make it to totality.
“Thunderstorms, hail and tornados possible in that area.”
Which, if you think about it, really fits the apoceclipse vide.
Sunny in Dayton, Ohio at the moment, partly cloudy predicted for show time. Think you can get here?
Just getting ready to head downtown to see how it’s looking. Perfectly clear and nice where I live.
I’m heading for The Dalles too, to see the ‘clise. Tx boy returning home. I’m in NoDak now, should make it.
Still night here. We will have almost 10% at dawn, and receding.
Fetterman/Bobert 2028
Fuck It, Why Not?
Lumps & bumps!
Then we can see nothing happen for 4 years out of the Executive branch
That really would be the Pennsyltucky ticket.
“This Time, Why Not the Worst?”
Also related to my trip yesterday…I’m going to make it a priority to try to find property in or around Highlands NC. Oy issue is it’s the opposite of an impoverished Appalachian village. But maybe I can find something nearby that’s at a similar elevation that is for normies and not jillionaires.
For a Monday, I sucked.
I played 04/08:
*24/24 words (+4 bonus words)
🎯 In the top 9% by accuracy
I played 04/08:
*31/31 words (+4 bonus words)
⏱️ In the top 5% by speed
🔥 Solve streak: 318
I played 04/08:
*24/24 words (+9 bonus words)
📖 In the top 3% by bonus words
I played 04/08:
*31/31 words (+6 bonus words)
⏱️ In the top 6% by speed
🔥 Solve streak: 229
I played 04/08:
*31/31 words (+12 bonus words)
📖 In the top 8% by bonus words
I played 04/08:
*31/31 words (+14 bonus words)
📖 In the top 4% by bonus words
Play streak: 224
I played 04/08:
*24/24 words (+8 bonus words)
📖 In the top 6% by bonus words
I played 04/08:
*31/31 words (+7 bonus words)
📖 In the top 38% by bonus words
““Hey, where’s all the tunnels and weapons stashes?” Anyway, that’s what war is like. It’s not all lobbing bombs across a border at the other guy and then clamoring for peace. Sometimes it comes home.”
At first I wondered if the barbarian cultists were just stupid or actually wanted Israel to bring down the hammer on them for the Oct 7 display of pure evil intent, but as of late, I am really of the opinion they thought the international community would force Israel to not retaliate at all. They thought they would shiv the Jews, then cry uncle and flinch as soon as Israel pulled their fist back to knock out their teeth, and the prison guards would then protect them, only to have that not happen.
Biden is trying to shiv Israel to mollify the Democrat’s Hamas wing, but so far the Israelis aren’t having it.
It has been pleasant watching Team Blue tear itself to shreds over trying to support Hamas without being too antisemitic about it.
By which you mean continue to control the government the schools the corporations and vote lockstep on everything.
Shreds. Funny.
I guess emotionally, I mean. The lefties screaming about Genocide Joe (who, of course, will turn around and vote for him in November anyway.)
I’m looking for a wireless Android Auto adapter for my gf. Must be compatible with Android 10. Most I see on Amazon require 11+.
The one I got her would not work properly with 10. Any suggestions?
Do what the dealers want: spend money on a newer phone with more hardware capabilities that makes it easier for “them” to track you..
It’s literally a brand new phone, but an older model. Motorola something. I dunno.
This is the one everyone seems to be quite keen on. No idea if it will work with 10 or not.
She has a Motorola.
Daily Ray of Sunshine
I can not begin to fathom the enormity of the pain inflicted on a people when a country is broken like this… Especially for those trapped on the side that has no problem treating its people like disposable serfs and doesn’t have to pretend it cares about its people.
Anybody know if the 2003 911 motor was the one with the IMS bearing issues?
Damn… I’m only getting close to 500k on my ’03 (Chevy, granted). The downside to working from home instead of a 2 hour each way daily commute… I’m slacking off.
I got me a chubby. This times 100 in the US, please.
Meanwhile Biden is issuing orders to make that harder to do here.
You think that is just a coincidence? The deep state is trying its best to be prepared for not being able to steal the election and having to hunker down and prevent the people’s candidate from disabling the deep state’s ability to keep doing the usual evil.
Definitely not a coincidence. The deep state is calling all the important shots.
Hope everyone is having better luck with this eclipse than I am. I was unable to find a remote village with a tribe I could convince that I’m their god. I was also unable to set up a $50 million heist for today. 🙁
Stuck on the edge at home for contractors instead of Austin’s clouded-in planned location. Had everything ready (telescope, mount, cameras). At least the new gate will be done.
I’m working today. Mrs. TOK was thinking of going somewhere to see the total eclipse, but the sign company is finally putting up the sign on our gym today so she wants to be around for that.
Cute pupper!
“The left is gonna turn on the woke Pope in about two minutes.”
I’m pretty shocked by this. He’s been a real squish when it comes to anything except climate change. This is very consistent with past church teachings so maybe he’s finally reading the room.
The American branch must be furious with this.
Those of us who aren’t domestic terrorist Traditionalists, at least.
Eh, not really surprising. This should be one of the easier topics to talk about from a Catholic perspective. Hard to flub even for him.
Kmele has commented many times on how this one issue prevents him from being a hero to the left in spite of being on board with everything else.
Just saw the NCAA Vulva Owner Championship score was 87-7. I thought that was a typo at first. Such serious sport.
That IS a typo.
Gamecocks were always going to dominate this championship.
Women’s sports will be dominated by cocks unless the respectability politics changes.
It can’t be, it was a news headline, unless you’re one of those MEGA MAGAs who doesn’t believe the news!
Gee, Dawn Staley must have already recruited those man-girls for her team.
Here in Dayton we currently have clear skies, but clouds are expected this afternoon. Hopefully we’ll still have a good view of the eclipse. Mrs. Nomad and I will be watching from our back deck.
This will be our second eclipse within 6 months. We were in Utah last October for the “ring of fire” eclipse, which was purely a coincidence it happened during our trip.
Any Purdue fans? I’m on the bandwagon, but my family (especially my brother) are going nuts over this.
I have no faith in Purdue. I think their “other” players are all suspect and don’t think they can step up if that big goon of their’s is stopped.
But I hate UConn, so I’ll be rooting for Purdue.
I’m a Purdue graduate and will be rooting for my Boilers tonight. I know they’re the underdog, but they’ve stepped up against top teams all season.
I see the game won’t start until almost 9:30. No chance of breaking my decades-long basketball boycott tonight.
California should leave pizzas be and stick to doing things it knows well. Like amusement parks!
“Texas grandfather, 105, who has witnessed TWELVE solar eclipses reveals why lucky number 13 could be best one yet ”
The internet and social media in one story.
They should stick all those sticks where the sun don’t shine…
Linked from that page:
The John Wayne Bobbitt memorial ?
Mornin’ all. Anybody have a reco for a good “learn conversational Mexican while driving to work” app? I’ve heard of Babbel and Duolingo, but don’t know anybody who’s used them irl.
Pick up someone from Home Depot and pay them to ride along with you?
They’d probably enjoy teaching how to conjugate “chingar” for a change.
Las noticias podcasts?
Pinchar if they are from Mexico. Follar from Colombia/Equador.
I’ve used Duolingo before their gaming and revant soured me. It’s more interactive and not a while you drive to work sort of thing. Otherwise, and besides my sour grapes, it was pretty good for refreshing two decade gone by español.
Oh Goody!
My work computer is getting “upgraded” to Win11 next week!
I am so sorry.
I am assuming this means I will not have to work for a few days.
From Windows 95?
Bah. Win98 was a legitimate upgrade, since it added USB support.
They are talking about at my work. Nobody can tell us what’s better about it.
More invasive data collection for Microsoft.
Everton get another 2 pt deduction, which is good, I was expecting 4 more, to make up for the appeal.
So, we have 4 decisions this season, the original 10 pt deduction, the appeal decision, the Forest 4 pt deduction, and this 2 pt deduction. All 4 documents contradict the others on how the calculation is to be done.
Someone said they are rolling a D12 to determine results.
And this decision today has the best line of them all. Despite it being older and longer running, the stated reason why Man City hasn’t been dealt with is that it is complicated and their isn’t agreement on categorization of spending, so they can’t make a decision yet. In this decision, they mention that the Everton situation is complicated, their isn’t agreement on categorization of spending, so here is a 2 pt penalty and we will figure out that other part later, after the season or next year. Ummm….what?
And, of course, they are also discussing getting rid of the point deduction for PSR violations, JUST in time for the Chelsea and Man City rulings, if they ever get around to them.
As bad as US sports are, the corruption level in European sports is amazing. And the EPL is nothing compared to the F group (FIFA, F1, FIDE, IOC*)
*yeah, it doesn’t begin with an F, sue me.
Irony – the NFL is more concerned with the health of all the teams than the EPL (or any other big Euro league).
In some ways its fine, with relegation/promotion, if a team is poorly run it deserves to be replaced by a better run team. But, yeah, within the league, they could do a lot to even payments out in a way that makes the league more competitive and healthy.
Or, if you think of the NCAA tournament as the Champions League of college basketball, NC St isnt getting a windfall payday for their final 4 run. They will be splitting that money evenly with Wake Forest and etc but NC St has been living off UNC and Duke in most years, so it balances out. And makes the league competitive.
They have an advantage over every other league in Europe and they want to throw it away by restricting spending. It’s silly.
If they insist, points deductions seem to be the worst way to do it. They should instead restrict purchases to outgoing sales for a period of time.
EPL relegation update, there were 2 rounds of games this week, plus the Everton point deduction, and very little changed. 6/7 games to go (8 if you are Chelsea).
Mathematically safe: Arsenal, Liverpool, Manchester City, Tottenham Hotspur, Aston Villa, Manchester United, West Ham United, Newcastle United, Chelsea
Reasonably safe: Brighton & Hove Albion, Wolverhampton, AFC Bournemouth, Fulham
Safe for now: NONE
Danger Zone: Crystal Palace, Brentford, Everton, Nottingham Forest, Luton Town, Burnley
Toast: Sheffield United
Officially relegated: none
Chelsea clinched, Crystal Palace fell from “safe for now” into the danger zone. Everton leapfrogged Brentford with a win this weekend, but falls back behind them with the new 2 pt deduction.
Games that matter this weekend:
Nottingham Forest @ Wolverhampton
Luton Town @ Manchester City
Brighton @ Burnley
Sheffield United @ Brentford
Crystal Palace @ Liverpool
Everton @ Chelsea
“The left is gonna turn on the woke Pope in about two minutes.”
Just as long as sloth and envy are still okay.
Today is a rest day in the Chess Candidates Tournaments.
Standings thru 4 rounds (of 14):
Ian Nepomniachtchi 3 pts
Gukesh and Caruana 2.5 pts
Pragg 2 pts
Nakamura, Abasov, Firouzja, Vidit 1.5 pts
Nepo has won the last 2 Candidates tournaments. Someone joked that he needs to win the World Championship this time, so that someone else has a shot at the Candidates in 2 years.
And on the Womens side:
Tan Zhongyi 3 pts
Goryachkina 2.5 pts
Lagno, Vaishali, Salimova 2 pts
Koneru, Lei Tingjie, Muzychuk 1.5 pts
Vaishali is Pragg’s sister, they are both on 2 of 4. I said Salimova is the only IM in the tournament, but technically Vaishali is too. She has her 3 GM norms, and has a peak rating of 2502, and she applied for the GM title (the India federation submitted in on Jan 31), but FIDE hasn’t approved it yet. I would have thought they would have got to it in March, but whatever, everyone knows she is a GM now.
Abasov has 3 draws with white. I think he knows he cannot win so is playing for money. The prizes include 3500 Euro per 1/2 pt, so he is already sitting on over 10k. Not a bad payday for someone not ranked in the top 100. His 4th place in the World Cup paid him $50k, which I am sure is his biggest chess payday. And probably goes a long way in Azerbaijan.
Mark of pride
The American Library Association, a nonprofit organization that tracks efforts to ban books nationwide, released a list Monday detailing the 10 most challenged titles of 2023 — seven of which deal with LGBTQ themes, according to the group.
Maia Kobabe’s “Gender Queer,” a graphic memoir that chronicles the author coming out as nonbinary, topped the list for the third year in a row. The other LGBTQ-themed titles on the list include George M. Johnson’s “All Boys Aren’t Blue,” Juno Dawson’s “This Book Is Gay” and Mike Curato’s “Flamer.”
Meanwhile, the American conservative movement has increasingly coalesced around initiatives to curb lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer visibility, including Florida’s restrictions on LGBTQ education in public schools and wider efforts to prevent trans athletes from competing in school sports.
You’re nobody ’til somebody hates you.
You either endorse them or oppress them, bigot.
They keep using that word.
“In looking at the titles of the most challenged books from last year, it’s obvious that the pressure groups are targeting books about LGBTQIA+ people and people of color,” American Library Association President Emily Drabinski said in a statement accompanying the list.
“We are fighting for the freedom to choose what you want to read,” Drabinski added. “Shining a light on the harmful workings of these pressure groups is one of the actions we must take to protect our right to read.”
Sure, Emily. “Banning” those books from public school libraries is the same as Hitler breaking into homes to inspect the contents of your personal book shelves.
Yes; the librarians are choosing what the students will want to read
Relevant to Fetterman and evolving positions…
Trump disappoints pro-lifers. Guess what people, your extreme position isn’t going to win elections.
Given the last Supreme Court ruling that overturned Roe v. Wade, a federal ban would be easily knocked down on the same federalist reasoning. Why waste the time and energy?
It’s different if Congress passes a law.
it’s part of interstate commerce
“Trump says abortion should be left to the states in highly-anticipated announcement: Ex-president says there should be exceptions for rape and incest but does NOT specify a week limit
Speaking last month on radio show Sid & Friends in the Morning Trump confirmed some reports that he was considering proposing policies that would implement a federal ban that would allow abortion through the first trimester.
‘The number of weeks, now, people are agreeing on 15, and I’m thinking in terms of that, and it’ll come out to something that’s very reasonable,’ Trump said in the interview.
‘But people are really — even hard-liners are agreeing, seems to be 15 weeks, seems to be a number that people are agreeing at. But I’ll make that announcement at the appropriate time.’
Now, Trump dodged by throwing the issue to the states.”
Exceptions for rape and incest will lead to false accusations of rape and incest.
If an abortion ‘ban’ begins at, say, 8 weeks, why should someone who was sexually assaulted or engaged in incest be allowed to take longer to make up their minds?
Common sense baby murdering can continue!
Can you believe rich people are actually allowed to contribute to political campaigns?
A short time after the January 6 attack, Chuck Collins, director of the Project on Inequality and the Common Good at the Institute for Policy Studies, was unstinting in his criticism of Trump’s uber-wealthy backers. “They enabled Donald Trump. They bankrolled his campaigns,” he told the progressive news site Common Dreams. “And they cheered as Trump cut their taxes, swept away regulations that pinched their profits, and packed the courts with judges eager to wink at their transgressions.”
Liz Cheney — the conservative former US Representative from Wyoming and onetime Republican member of the House GOP leadership — warned Americans recently that with Trump’s second rise to power we are “sleepwalking into dictatorship.” If he in fact regains power, we can blame, among others, these short-sighted, wealthy enablers who helped underwrite Trump’s campaign. They undoubtedly know better, but appear to care more about helping their bottom line than protecting our democracy.
It’s shameful. A blot on democracy. How dare they not give their money generously to Joe Biden and the Democratic Party?
Doesn’t Trump know to funnel money from the rich through small, cash donations.
“Elon Musk has become caught up in an investigation into the dissemination of fake news in Brazil after the billionaire said he would defy a judge’s order to block some accounts on his X platform.
Crusading Brazilian Justice Alexandre de Moraes said that Musk began waging a public ‘disinformation campaign’ on Saturday regarding the top court’s actions.
The judge said he tech boss continued the following day – most notably with comments that X would cease to comply with the court’s orders to block certain accounts – and opened a separate investigation late Sunday into Musk for alleged obstruction.
‘The flagrant conduct of obstruction of Brazilian justice, incitement of crime, the public threat of disobedience of court orders and future lack of cooperation from the platform are facts that disrespect the sovereignty of Brazil,’ de Moraes wrote.
Musk will be investigated for alleged intentional criminal instrumentalization of X as part of an investigation into a network of people known as digital militias who allegedly spread defamatory fake news and threats against Supreme Court justices, according to the judge’s decision.”
Not censoring is dissemination.
Lefties: Opinions I don’t like or that show my mentality is one of serious disorder, are misinformation/disinformation!
A great Rockford Files retrospective, somehow threaded with a Jim Harbaugh story. It really looks like someone had a great story on the TV show and was told to make it about Jim.
I can still hear the song.
Rockford had the crapiest base-model Firebird ever. And he got beat up by somebody every episode.
That’s all I remember about the show.