Monday Morning Links

by | Apr 15, 2024 | Daily Links | 200 comments

King of the golf world

Scottie Scheffler tore it up at Augusta and rolled to another green jacket.  Couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy. Don’t look now, bur the Astros have won two straight and are threatening to drag themselves out of the cellar the AL West. Who says athletes are all dumb? And across the pond, Liverpool couldn’t find the back of the net and Arsenal forgot they had a match, which let Man City jump into the pole position in the EPL. And that’s it for sports.

I think they put the cart before the horse. We need to get to the real trial. You know, the one for the guy who actually killed somebody.

I remember when something like this would be the lead story on the news. Oh yeah, but this is (D)ifferent somehow.

The good guy

Mark one for the good guys! I’m surprised this was unanimous. Pleasantly surprised, I must say.

No good deed goes unpunished. If you’re gonna draw down in this situation, you better mag dump and then get the hell out of the way and to a protected location if that fails.  Poor guy just wanted to help.  I hope they fry that piece of shit who murdered him.

Best Coke in the world

Finally, scientists are doing research that matters. Chalk up another W for the Golden Arches.

“Shady,” lol. OK, jackass. These people are just following their state laws. You might want to have researched them prior to scheduling your convention rather than screeching that they’re doing something nefarious. Especially after your attempts to undermine ballot access.

Vaccines aren’t the only thing with a shifting definition, I guess. I guess they thought it’d be easier to rewrite the definition than accept even partial responsibility for what they caused by shoveling more cash into the economy.

At least they’re going after the serious criminals. Thank God the Feds are on top of real crime.

This ought to get your blood pumping. If to doesn’t, then hopefully this one will. If neither do, seek medical care. Enjoy them both.

And enjoy this lovely Monday, dear friends.

About The Author




  1. UnCivilServant

    Mark one for the good guys!

    Baby steps in the right direction.

  2. SDF-7

    Mark one for the good guys! I’m surprised this was unanimous. Pleasantly surprised, I must say.


    El Dorado County Deputy Chief Administrative Officer Carla Hass said the local government was “pleased” with the decision, noting that it “answers only a narrow question on which the parties already agreed.”

    That very much reads to me like they’re going to treat it like New York treats gun decisions that go against them… slightly change the wording and say “Whatcha gonna do about it?”

    Morning all….

    I know it is early — but this was just too funny not to share. I swear one of y’all works for the Bee.

    • sloopyinca

      My guess is they’ll change the way they calculate “impact” and keep fucking people over. But still, it was a good ruling.

      It’s a shame the SC doesn’t have the ability to hold government officials in contempt when they evade rulings by changing a word or two and then continuing unconstitutional actions since few people are able to afford the process of challenging them.

      • SDF-7

        I agree with your thoughts and wish to subscribe to your website…. oh, wait….

    • DrOtto

      That county administrator sounds like she’s trying to give birth to a Killdozer in her community.

  3. cavalier973

    There is only one vaccine, and that is to give someone straight up cow pox so that he has immunity to small pox.

    • Not Adahn

      I thought that was called variolation, not vaccination..

      • SDF-7

        Until Osondrea passed and then it was variol-son-ation, anyway.

      • cavalier973

        I’ve heard it both ways.

      • R.J.

        Oh, all right.
        *Clears throat


      • cavalier973


  4. SDF-7

    Finally, scientists are doing research that matters. Chalk up another W for the Golden Arches.

    Interesting… so besides the “Mexican” soda variants they sell for a premium (actual sugar instead of HFCS) maybe they could actually filter the water at the bottling plants apparently and sell it as “McDonalds Coke”? Not going to be entirely the same (the pre-chill and steel instead of plastic for the syrup leap to mind, but I could see the marketing trying it anyway.

    • UnCivilServant

      The math is simple. McDonalds calibrates the syrup content of the machines to include the ice after it has melted as part of the water content of the finalized drink.

      Since no one waits for the ice to melt, their sodas are more concentrated than specified by the vendor.

  5. Not Adahn

    McD’s Coca Cola is excellent.

    Even better? Waffle House Coke.

  6. AlexinCT

    I dated that chick on the post!

    • SDF-7

      Can’t help but think this, honestly.

      • AlexinCT

        These batshit crazy women always have a reason to make it sound logical instead of just bioogical.

  7. AlexinCT

    Who says athletes are all dumb?

    I think the determinant here is that he is not a product of American public education….

  8. cavalier973

    A couple of days ago, I posted about Iran, and someone challenged me to provide a citation for the claim at Iranians were holding candlelight vigils after the 9/11 attacks.

    I first heard about this in a speech by Mike Huckabee; the one where he said something along the lines of, “if we are going to put boots on the ground in Iran, we’d better have some wingtips there, first.”

    In any case, here is Wikipedia:

    And here is a site that links to an Iranian website with photos:

    • Brochettaward

      There’s a reason there is a lolbertarian meme out there and subjects like foreign policy are at the top of the list.

      In most contexts, that same person who challenged about the vigils would be fine telling you that Iran is justified in hating us because of our interference in their country. When it stops being convenient to their argument, like pointing out that they celebrated the deaths of 3,000 citizens from a terrorist attack that fundamentally changed our country, they will attempt to deny the hatred. Note, I have no idea who you were arguing with but I could take a guess.

      • Brochettaward


      • AlexinCT

        Me two…

      • Fourscore

        I went to school with some Iranian women. They all do not look like that.

      • AlexinCT

        Oh, I concur. But that phenomenon doesn’t apply only to Iranians, sir Fourscore…

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        Duck lips…no thanks

      • DrOtto

        Where you see duck lips, I see DSL.

      • AlexinCT

        I saw the potential for a unibrow in old life, but no duck lips…

      • Certified Public Asshat

        I will never understand lip injections.

      • B.P.


  9. SDF-7

    Vaccines aren’t the only thing with a shifting definition, I guess.

    File this under the “I weep for future generations” category, I suppose…. but I can’t get my son at least to use the paper dictionary he has right beside him most days, in favor of or the like. And I fully believe they’re counting on that trend and controlling the sites (as we saw with the changing of vax as you noted). Right out of the Animal Farm barn… the official definitions will be changed in lockstep and to serve the current needs of the Party, Citizen Comrade.

    • Brochettaward

      I remain surprised that they haven’t completely bastardized the definition of racism that comes up when you Google search it to add nonsense about systemic power. They have only noted that institutions can be racist hinting at disparate outcome logic.

    • rhywun

      Yeah, we’ve seen a lot of recent examples of them playing funny business with definitions. I have a nice pre-woke hardcover American Heritage myself. That’s a keeper.

      • Common Tater

        Didn’t change the definition of “sexual preference” less than a day after Amy Coney Barrett said it?

      • Muzzled Woodchipper

        Yes. She said something “inflammatory” (I.e., something the entire world agreed upon for all of human history but is now unthinkable for some reason), and the definition was changed literally overnight. It’s a top 5 Orwellian moment for me.

        They changed the definitions of “man” and “woman” overnight too, to include fake men and women who were “assigned” a different gender at birth.

  10. Certified Public Asshat

    Baldwin, the lead actor and co-producer for “Rust,” was pointing a gun at Hutchins when the revolver went off, killing Hutchins and wounding director Joel Souza.

    He’s good and innocent.

    • sloopyinca

      “when the revolver went off”

      It must have had a mind of its own.

      • SDF-7

        It was related to the SUV in Wisconsin.

      • sloopyinca

        And every cop’s gun that ever put a round downrange.

      • Certified Public Asshat

        I read it several times before I finally said yes, that is what they wrote.

  11. AlexinCT

    I remember when something like this would be the lead story on the news. Oh yeah, but this is (D)ifferent somehow.

    Bill Ayers already explained this: The rules do not apply to those he wrote the book for (remember he prefaced his book with a callout to the first rebel – Satan), and are to be used against those they consider their enemies. Their game is power. How to use it and to prevent anyone else from having it. You know, totalitarianism…

    • Fourscore

      Joe gets to choose his own flavor of the day ice cream, whenever the good doctor is not around. Now that’s power.

  12. AlexinCT

    Finally, scientists are doing research that matters. Chalk up another W for the Golden Arches.

    When are they going to come out and admit that all these “sodas” are great at helping humans become sick as shit?

  13. cavalier973

    ”In sum, there is no basis for affording property rights less protection in the hands of legislators than administrators,” Justice Amy Coney Barrett wrote in her opinion. “The Takings Clause applies equally to both—which means that it prohibits legislatures and agencies alike from imposing unconstitutional conditions on land-use permits.”


    A Trump-appointed justice, as I recall.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      She’s a mixed bag but was good on this one, no doubt.

  14. Brochettaward

    But whether one likes or dislikes Truflation’s methodology, we should be encouraging independent thinking on how best to measure prices in the economy.

    This would only have value if you naively believed that the elites actually cared about reigning in inflation rather than simply putting lipstick on that pig. They’re going to continue the same inflationary policies that got us into this mess whether you or I like it or not.

    Inflation is a backdoor tax on the middle and lower classes. They know this. They are fine with this. It finances the shit they really value.

    • AlexinCT

      Inflation is a backdoor tax on the middle and lower classes.

      So much this…

      And it’s by design…

      You can’t get that globalist marxist movement to succeed as long as the American blue collar middle class wants nothing to do with that shit.

      • Drake

        With progressive tax rates not indexed for inflation.

    • prolefeed

      The article talked about how “academics and journalists” were “bedeviled” by their belief that the government’s REVISED inflation measures were “objective”. How up your ass do you have to be to believe that the inflation rate is only 3%, when prices for most things have doubled in a few years?

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        If someone wants to believe something badly enough it’s easy to sell them nonsense no matter what it is.

      • Zwak says the real is not governable, but self-governing.

        “It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it!”

        -Upton Sinclair

    • creech

      Don’t know that “they know it.”There’s lots who attribute inflation to greedy businessmen.

  15. AlexinCT

    At least they’re going after the serious criminals. Thank God the Feds are on top of real crime.

    Those monkeys must have posted online supporting the J6 terrorists!

  16. UnCivilServant


    Inflation has hit my insurance premiums. Add my semi-annual premiums to the car repairs, my eyeglasses, and the timing of paying the cover artist, and a big chunk is missing from my cash reserves.

    On the plus side, since I did pay the cover artist, Prince of the North Tower is now available in eBook, Paperback, and Hardcover editions.

    • Brochettaward

      It’s just corporate greed, bro. Your insurance company is making record profits.

      • UnCivilServant

        So what you’re saying is I should buy Allstate Stock?

      • Sean

        Shop that insurance rate. Get a better agent.

      • AlexinCT

        I want to remind people that if all you look for is a low rate, and you don’t make sure to do research to know if the insurance company actually is good at paying legit claims on time as well, you may save yourself some money meeting the obligation of having insurance, but will take it in the ass once you actually have a claim.

        And yes, having an agent rather than getting your own insurance coverage often makes a YUGE difference in both the rate you pay and the claims you can file.

        On another note, the big problem with property claims these days is that everything costs way more than it did 5, let alone 10, years ago, so yeah, those premiums will be going up to cover the massive amount of claims from people subsidized to live in places where property damages are now sky high (like places that tell you to just let the criminals steal your car or raid your home to avoid pushing them into killing/raping you too).

        Basically we are all paying for the idiocy of the people that are telling us all allowing crime to happen for some kind of social justice reason since everyone has insurance anyway..

        Unintended consequences…

    • cavalier973

      I’m reading the sample excerpt, now; I’m intrigued.

      • Sean

        I ordered a paperback.

      • Sean


    • R C Dean

      Got it. Looks like fun.

    • WTF

      Just bought the hard cover, looking forward to reading it.

  17. Not Adahn

    Excellent video, both in content and in photography:

    Ballistic High Speed does wonderful work. And this video was particularly good at addressing “common knowledge” about the gyrojet.

    Inaccurate? False
    Underpowered at close range? False
    Dangerous to the user? True
    Quality control like it was assembled by a cranky toddler? True

    • Drake

      Accurate if your $200 rocket bullet works right.

      • UnCivilServant

        The thing I remember most aboyt the Gyrojet was the video of someone firing one… and the corkscrew smoke trail it left behind. Somehow I don’t think that round flew straight.

      • Not Adahn

        To be fair, all of those rounds have been sitting around in various degrees of “adequate” storage for a half century. Had there been continuous production, I can imagine they’d perform better and not cost much more than say, .375 H&H or .950 JDJ.

      • UnCivilServant

        In the same video they had examined the back of the round where the rolled edge of the outer casing occluded part of the nozzles (and not in a balanced manner). It was definately part of the quality control issues. So that one wouldn’t have flown straight had it been fired on day one out of the factory.

        I’m sure had thye been able to spend a half century ironing out the issues in their processes, they’d be solidly reliable.

      • Grummun


        Typo or ordnance?

      • UnCivilServant

        the rifles weigh from 85 to 120 pounds

        So, not a highly mobile setup.

      • Not Adahn

        Mr. Jones is what you get when you get a guy who hasn’t lost his adolescent fascination with “bigger guns” but now has the resources to invent his own cartridges.

      • Common Tater

        I’ll wait for a derringer.

    • Drake

      Talk about overpenetration… It literally starts accelerating again after going through a human sized target.

      • Not Adahn

        Internal cauterization!

    • Not Adahn

      Ballistic High Speed’s channel has some great videos — like filming whether a bullet goes through a sheet of glass faster than the cracks propagate through it.

  18. Stinky Wizzleteats

    Coke tastes better at McD’s if the machines work right which is rarely and if the employees care enough to change it out on the regular which is almost never. Coke used to taste better there and theoretically it can now but good luck. Also, Coke tastes like ass so this is all relative anyway.

  19. Grumbletarian

    It would be one thing if Biden and the Democrats were missing a deadline through ineptitude or error. That does not appear to be the case here.

    Were these deadlines not a part of existing state law already? If so, how can holding your nominating convention after those dates not be ineptitude or error?

    • UnCivilServant

      These deadlines have not been changed in a long time. So yes, the issue is incompetence on the part of the planners of the convention.

      • AlexinCT


        Rules are for the other side..

        Not for the democrats, you silly fools.

    • Nephilium

      The deadlines already existed, but in previous years when there was a convention happening later than the deadline, the states allowed the parties to find another way to allow it. Basically, this is the states giving them a warning that they’ll need to do something to be on the ballot.

    • sloopyinca

      “Look, rules are for little people. You know who we’re going to nominate so just put him on the ballot otherwise you’re trying to undermine democracy.”

      The best part would be if something incapacitated Biden after those deadlines but before the convention and they had to nominate somebody else. I’d give my right arm to see that happen just to watch the screeching from Team Blue.

  20. DEG

    Two carry overs from the deadthread:

    Chafed: on Sununu and Senate and 2024: There is no US Senate race in NH for 2024. 2020 was Jeanne Shaheen’s reelection, and 2022 was Maggie Hassan’s reelection. Maggie Hassan is the easier of the two to beat. Shaheen had Republicans campaigning for her in 2020. Shaheen does constituent service very well and seems to be somewhat popular for it. Hassan does not and is not as popular. I suspect Sununu sat out the 2022 Senate race because he was worried about NH Republicans changing their calculations about whether or not to vote for him if he ran for Senate as opposed to governor. Remember, many NH Republicans only voted for him for governor because they hated his opponent more. That calculation would probably change if Sununu would challenge an incumbent Senator.

    RC Dean: on taxes, I owe a small amount for NH’s soon-to-go-away income tax. Though one year due to a screw up, I had a net positive after totally NH and Fed. I filed early that year, and… get your shocked face ready. The one that owed me money took a long time to issue a refund check.

  21. DEG

    Numerous commentators—especially those defending President Biden’s economic record—have puzzled over why Americans are sour about the state of the U.S. economy. Unemployment rates have returned to pre-pandemic lows, commentators correctly point out, and the official rate of inflation is declining. So why are Americans ignoring the view of many experts that the economy is doing well?

    huh. The government’s inflation rate is a lie and the government fucks with jobs numbers. What’s there not to trust?

  22. Mojeaux

    Welp. Today I start the first W2 job I’ve had in >20 years, and I’m nervous. I was excited about the salary until I ran it through an inflation calculator to see how it compared to what I was making in 1997. 🥴

    • AlexinCT

      Go kick ass and take names, Mojeuax..

      You got this.

    • bacon-magic

      Best of luck.

    • EvilSheldon

      One of the was I diverge from libertarian orthodoxy – driving junior to school should be strictly forbidden. They can either walk or take the bus.

      Why yes, I do live right next to a high school, why do you ask?

      • Drake

        My kids always took the bus when it was an option. I do not understand why people feel it necessary to ferry their kids to school.

      • kinnath

        because society has criminalized parents letting kids move freely about in the real world.

      • Zwak says the real is not governable, but self-governing.

        A friend of mine works/lives in Silicon Alley, and has to drive 1/2 mile to drop off or pick up his kids and they are in high school. San Jose’s west side isn’t exactly a hot bed of crime and child kidnappings, but it is a hot bed of social signaling, and what better way to do that then picking up your kids every day.

      • rhywun

        That’s ridiculous.

      • Gustave Lytton

        I started catching a ride with my pops during high school because it was straight shot, and biked home. If I missed his schedule, I had the choice of bus or riding my bike. Middle school was a bit closer and biked to/from every day.


        Often if you wish to have your kiddo go to a less terrible school that is outside of your geographic district, you have to tote your own booger eaters to and from. Most of this phenomenon is likely helicopter parents helicoptering, but still.

      • Gustave Lytton

        As long as there’s only one bus stop in the neighborhood, not the bus stops at every driveway, the kids wait in their parents car, and there must be an adult present at pick up and drop off.

    • Sean

      How many of those asshats believe in climate change?

  23. Common Tater

    If you can’t have fun with coke and a spider monkey, are you even trying?

    • UnCivilServant

      Are we talking the soft drink, the drug, or the old school mix of both?

  24. SDF-7

    I played 04/15:
    *19/19 words (+2 bonus words)
    🎯 Perfect accuracy

    I played 04/15:
    *28/28 words (+1 bonus word)
    🎯 In the top 6% by accuracy
    🔥 Solve streak: 327

    • Sean

      I played 04/15:
      *19/19 words (+8 bonus words)
      📖 In the top 5% by bonus words

      I played 04/15:
      *28/28 words (+10 bonus words)
      ⏱️ In the top 16% by speed
      🔥 Solve streak: 250

  25. EvilSheldon

    Good morning!

    USPSA this weekend was a blast. I pulled out my CZs for the first time in over a year, and man, I had forgotten how much fun it is to shoot a 56oz. gun with a 28oz. trigger.

    I also got a Strawberry Rhubarb crumb pie on the way home. If you’re in the area, Mom’s Apple Pie Company on Route 7 is legit.

    • ron73440

      I might have to stop by there on my next drive up to my mom’s house.

      Great pie is hard to find.

      • UnCivilServant

        Speaking of, has anyone seen our Romanian representative recently?

      • EvilSheldon

        I have to make sure that I only get pies that my Mom doesn’t make. If she finds out that I’m straying, I could get written out of the will…

    • Not Adahn

      Last weekend’s match showed me ranking much higher than the week before’s. It’s amazing what taking a sight picture can do for your hits!

      Tanked the classifier tho. It was a staggeringly muddy day and apparently I had not cleaned my mags sufficiently between stages.

      • EvilSheldon

        Yeah, I need to blow out my match magazines too. I had a failure to extract that cost me a really nice stage run.

    • Zwak says the real is not governable, but self-governing.

      28oz? Isn’t that on the heavy side? My BSA no. 12 is sitting right around 8oz, and that isn’t even competitive with modern competition .22s.

      • Not Adahn

        Can you run/jump without them ADing?

  26. Common Tater

    “Second mass ‘stabbing’ in Sydney within 48 hours rocks Australia and sparks riot as grinning attacker wounds bishop before being pinned down by worshippers just miles from mall bloodbath

    Bishop Emmanuel (pictured) gained notoriety during the pandemic when he slammed Sydney’s Covid lockdown as ‘mass slavery’ and claimed vaccines are futile because living ‘normally’ will boost immunity”

    • AlexinCT

      It must have been the fault of those intolerant Christians…

    • UnCivilServant

      Someone who conditions her hair with dinosaur poo.

    • R.J.

      The fake glow graphics injure my sensibilities.

    • Not Adahn

      Scalps bleed a lot. Owl’s talons are sharp.

    • Gustave Lytton

      Don’t you mean “Whoo whoo does that?”?

      • R.J.

        You’re a hoot!

    • Gustave Lytton

      Final rule will be 15, so it’s a “win”.

    • Not Adahn

      Motor or sail?

  27. Gustave Lytton

    Best Coke in the world

    Used to be better. The plastic cups suck donkey balls. There’s a different taste and they feel awful in your hand.

    Similarly, their milkshakes were better when served in a regular soda cup instead of those open air cups with mountains of whipped cream. That’s one thing that In n Out does get right. Fuck those pussies at CFA that got rid of styrofoam and use this paper abomination that doesn’t fit in a car holder, even for a lemonade or iced tea.

  28. Gustave Lytton

    You might want to have researched them prior to scheduling your convention

    Conventions have historically been in August and September, with the incumbent party going last. The 1968 DNC convention was at the end of August, for example.

    Why are there suddenly deadlines that would DQ presumptive candidates? Newly passed laws?

    • R C Dean

      I couldn’t say when various state deadlines were put in place, but I don’t think it has been a recent change.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Why I’m wondering this is suddenly an issue. Other than someone opened the can of ballot DQing. Live by the sword, die by the sword.

      • Raven Nation

        I skimmed through the article, and (assuming the reporter is accurate), it looks like this has come up in the past, and various states have been flexible (in different ways) on this. If that’s all correct, then the author is probably right that this is just a dick move, probably in retaliation. Now that the SC has struck down the Trump bans, these state AGs, should just make their point but then offer some kind of solution.

    • The Other Kevin

      Maybe some of those states are using Daylight Savings elections. Or maybe they observe Orthodox elections.

      • R C Dean

        With junk mail ballots needing to go out a month or more before the election, I can definitely see how they need an earlier deadline than back when they just needed the ballots done by Election Day itself.

      • UnCivilServant

        Just end Cheat by Mail and the deadline becomes no big deal.

  29. Common Tater

    “World’s first beauty pageant for AI women is announced: ‘Miss AI’ contest will see computer-generated ladies face off in tests of beauty, technology and social-media clout – with a $20,000 prize at stake

    The Fanvue Miss AI pageant will see AI-generated ladies go head-to-head in front of a panel of judges, including two AI influencers.

    These synthetic competitors will be judged on beauty, social media clout and their creator’s use of AI tools.

    Will Monanage, Fanvue Co-Founder, says he hopes that these events will ‘become the Oscars of the AI creator economy.'”

    Apparently having fake boobs isn’t enough, we need computer generated fake boobs.

    • Not Adahn

      CGI boobs don’t show the implants.

    • The Other Kevin

      So is it ok to treat AI women as objects? I’m confused.

      • SDF-7

        That’s probably the method if you have no class.

      • The Other Kevin

        What you did there was seen.

      • Drake

        Or does the fattest one win – like our real-life ‘beauty’ contests now?

  30. The Late P Brooks

    Common sense

    Colorado’s Democratic-controlled House on Sunday passed a bill that would ban the sale and transfer of semiautomatic firearms, a major step for the legislation after roughly the same bill was swiftly killed by Democrats last year.

    The bill, which passed on a 35-27 vote, is now on its way to the Democratic-led state Senate. If it passes there, it could bring Colorado in line with 10 other states — including California, New York and Illinois — that have prohibitions on semiautomatic guns.

    But even in a state plagued by some of the nation’s worst mass shootings, such legislation faces headwinds.

    Flintlocks only.

    • Raven Nation

      “Researchers are published by the sudden increase in day tourists in Goodland, KS; South Greely, WY; Raton, NM; and Agate, UT.”

    • Grumbletarian

      “In Aurora, when the shooter walked in that theater and opened fire,” Mabrey said, “and in less than 90 seconds shot up a room full of people. That cannot be done with a knife, that can’t be done with a knife.”

      I would figure a madman could stab quite a few people in a crowded movie theater in 90 seconds.

  31. Gustave Lytton

    Also, McD’s soda:

    Unbranded orange soda > Fanta

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      You’re a white guy, right? I’m going to defer to black folks when it comes to fruit flavored soda recommendations and they seem to really love Fanta.

      • R.J.

        Jarritos orange is really good. They use actual sugar too, I think.

      • ron73440

        I like their tamarind flavor.

      • R.J.

        I will have to try that one. I like lime and pineapple too.

        Stinky: How DARE you presume Gustave’s race! I declare a hate crime!

      • Gustave Lytton

        they seem to really love Fanta

        Nazis confirmed.

        Grape Fanta in Japan is excellent. Actually, Euro Fanta is good too.

    • kinnath

      The future is armored cars with tail gunners.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Lollapalooza and the heroin addicted look or get the fuck out.

  32. Gustave Lytton

    The state liquor agency publishes their inventory every day online. Yet the liquor stores still lie right to your face about what they have in stock. And there’s no recourse because the agency won’t enforce their own published rules on their agents (it’s a control state and all liquor stores are merely agents for selling what is state not store property).

    • R.J.

      Government = No Accountability, even if it is a liquor store.

      • Fourscore

        Liquor has it’s own accountability.

        /Remembers Sunday mornings

    • R C Dean

      Hw do you know who to believe? It’s entirely possible, of course, that the state agency’s inventory is wrong and the agents are lying about what they have in stock.

      • Brochettaward

        If private companies can’t get their websites to correctly state when something is in stock, I’m skeptical of state run liquor stores.

      • Gustave Lytton

        It’s not. Can see the numbers moving up and down as they take delivery and make actual sales.

        There’s a huge problem with state agents holding back high demand inventory for friends and family, making up their own rules on who to sell to, and diverting to the flipper market. This is after the state agency got caught using liquor to bribe state legislators and for personal purchase. No one was charged, of course.

  33. The Late P Brooks

    Let them eat cake

    South East Asia is “woefully off track” on green investments to reduce emissions and needs new policies and financial mechanisms to help bridge the gap, the global consultancy Bain & Company said on Monday.
    With energy consumption in the region expected to grow 40% this decade, climate-warming carbon dioxide emissions remain on the rise, with the region still dependent on fossil fuels, said an annual report compiled by Bain, green investment group GenZero, Standard Chartered Bank and Temasek.

    While green investment grew 20% last year, it is way short of the $1.5 trillion required this decade, and emissions in the 10 countries in the region could overshoot their 2030 pledges by 32% if they continue on their current trajectory, it warned.
    “We believe that an acceleration of effort by countries, corporates and investors is imperative as Southeast Asia remains woefully off-track,” said Kimberly Tan, GenZero’s managing director.


    The report said 60% of the region’s coal-fired power plants were relatively new, meaning that they are still tied into long-term purchasing agreements and investment return commitments, making them far harder to shut down.

    Why won’t they buy into our manufactured crisis? Why do they put their economic self interest ahead of our feelings?

    • Brochettaward

      These clowns don’t realize that their grift has no real power.

    • R C Dean

      “South East Asia is “woefully off track” on green investments”

      I would have said that if they were investing heavily in intermittent energy facilities.

  34. The Late P Brooks

    The report called for more policies and incentives, greater regional cooperation and a sustained focus on technologies that are already deployable.

    The answer is always more central planning.

  35. The Late P Brooks


    “Manufacturing activity continued to contract in New York State in April, and employment continued to decline. Optimism about the outlook for future business conditions remained subdued,” said Richard Deitz, Economic Research Advisor at the New York Fed.

    How could this be true? It must be misogyny and racism.

    • R C Dean

      Psst. It’s the Jews what done it.

    • Drake

      That article could have been written at any time in my life.

    • Grumbletarian

      Businesses are obviously moving to places where the minimum wage is higher. $35/hr NOW!

  36. The Late P Brooks

    Title of paywalled Bloomberg article:

    ESG Tops Operational Priorities for Leaders of Big Companies

    I can’t help presuming they consider this to be a good thing.

  37. R.J.

    Swiss: Some good news! “Mad Heidi” is now for rent for a mere $2.00 on Amazon or Apple. It should hit TUBI or some other free-streaming service soon.

  38. Certified Public Asshat

    I pay what I owe. Tomorrow I will wire transfer to the IRS $288,000,000.00 This country has done so much for me, I’m proud to pay my taxes every single year. Tag a former president that you know doesn’t— Mark Cuban (@mcuban) April 14, 2024

    Lol, the question was does Mark pay more than is required.

    • R.J.

      As a good businessman, wouldn’t Mark want to know that his money was being used wisely? He’s just dropping his money into a black hole and saluting.

      • prolefeed

        He seems to be virtue signaling plus making sure he doesn’t get the Trump lawfare experience.

      • slumbrew

        Mr. Radio On The Internet has never struck me as a great businessman. If Yahoo hadn’t hilariously overpaid for I’m quite certain we never would have heard of the guy.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      He’s proof that self make fucking retards actually do exist.

    • Certified Public Asshat


      Why would anyone expect another person to pay more than they owe!?I don’t understand this line of thinking. One rich person overpaying does not fix the system. The IRS would send it back anyways— Jake Cobb (@realjakecobb) April 14, 2024

    • Drake

      And boom – it’s gone already. Spent on what?

      With our level of borrowing, taxes and spending have become completely disconnected. Taxes now are just a form of punishment.

    • Gustave Lytton

      Why tomorrow? Taxes are due when income is received. $288M is a huge underpayment.

  39. The Late P Brooks

    Open the gates

    Are immigrants a boon to the U.S. economy or a drag on it?

    For urban centers that have experienced a surge of immigrants, the costs are staggering. For instance, the office of the mayor of New York predicted that the city will spend north of $12 billion through fiscal year 2025 to accommodate more than 100,000 migrants. But that’s a microcosm. The macro picture tells a different story.

    The United States is experiencing a labor shortage, according to Dhaval Joshi, chief strategist at BCA Research, an economic analysis firm. Blame the pandemic. It led many older workers to retire early. Plus, an estimated 1.7 million native-born workers ages 25 to 55 have dropped out of the workforce since the pandemic. The surge of people who have immigrated to the U.S. legally or illegally since 2022 has helped fill those job vacancies. That’s helped stave off a recession.


    Some Americans fear that an influx of unskilled laborers means lower wages for unskilled laborers. But Mr. Bier says that the increase in competition for those jobs incentivizes workers to jockey for position by becoming more skilled and educated. It has a positive effect on the long-term quality of jobs.

    “The story of the last 40 years is not declining living standards,” says the analyst. “It’s a shift toward a more skilled, more service-sector economy. Banning immigration would disrupt that change in a very significant way.”

    Elon Musk is an immigrant. Therefor, unrestricted immigration is good. Logick, we haz it.

    • UnCivilServant

      Nuance – how does it work?

    • The Other Kevin

      According to this author one city spending $12 billion is a “microcosm”. Yikes.

    • Gustave Lytton

      a more skilled, more service-sector economy


  40. Common Tater

    Does anyone know when the first nine-round revolver was available?

    Was it after 2013?

    • Sean

      H&R was late 1920s.

      • Common Tater

        Sorry, I meant commercially available, not some antique.

      • UnCivilServant

        You asked for the First available.

        That implied an interest in history.

  41. The Late P Brooks

    According to this author one city spending $12 billion is a “microcosm”. Yikes.

    It’s an investment!

  42. The Late P Brooks

    Some day, an immigrant stoop laborer will invent a machine for picking perfect unbruised strawberries, making America a better place for all of us.