Sunday Morning Mom Is Older Links

by | Apr 28, 2024 | Daily Links | 128 comments

Not actually Mom.

Tomb Raider and I are down in Baltimore for Mom’s 91st birthday. She has pretty severe Alzheimer’s, needs assistance to walk, and she’s STILL more coherent than Ol’ Joe. The assisted living facility is a very nice one, and she makes new friends every day (she thinks). Apparently, there’s a gang of biddies who discover one another daily, then plot raids on the kitchen to steal ice cream. She hasn’t found a new boyfriend yet, but there’s time.

It would only be fair if today were just Mom’s birthday and she didn’t have to share, but there are some others including a guy whose time felt pretty good; a yellow-faced fellow; a villain I rooted for; a guy whose future was a bit cloudy;  a guy who demanded proof and never got it; a guy who inspired a really crappy movie; a guy who showed that British cars weren’t the worst built; SP’s all-time favorite singer; an author who was the bane of generations of high school students; the guy who molded the State Department into what it’s become for better or for worse; a woman who sometimes spoke French;  two interesting birthday coincidences;  a woman who launched a thousand ginger fetishes; a cook with the highest ratio of pretense to results I’ve ever experienced; some guy people (e.g., Tomb Raider) like but leaves me scratching my head; a 1970s fantasy for me; the guy who brought mediocrity to late night TV; a kleptocrat whose legacy lives- and dies-  on; and a guy who’s the opposite of his wife (his tits are real and his smile is fake).

And before the festivities commence, Links will.


Oh sweet child, it’s not your laugh they’re mocking.


They’re right but for the wrong reason.


And they have learned well from their handlers.


That’s what SHE said.


This was the Chinese version of the car.


“We named the planet ‘Lizzo.'”


Not only an homage to the incomparable SP (who was a pretty spectacular singer herself), but something totally appropriate today.

About The Author

Old Man With Candy

Old Man With Candy

Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me. Wait, wrong book, I'll find something else.


  1. Tres Cool

    whaddup doh’

  2. Gender Traitor

    She hasn’t found a new boyfriend yet, but there’s time.

    Given usual life expectancies, she probably has a lot of competition. The Rev. GT’s widowed father got a lot of action in The Home.

    • Sean

      Obligatory “eeeeww”

      • rhywun

        Well, I just turned 55.

        *taps foot*

      • R.J.


      • Ted S.

        Wait until you get to be that age!

      • Sean

        I’m getting all my sexy fucking in now. When I’m old, I’ll turn the lights out.

      • Tres Cool

        She said “be careful- I have acute angina.”
        He said, “I hope so cause your tits look terrible.”

    • Fourscore

      There’s still time for her, OM. Like buses, the gents come and go.

      HB and many more to your Mom.

  3. I. B. McGinty

    Happy Birthday OMWC’s mom!

  4. PieInTheSky

    Would it not be easier to move her closer to where you are or is there close family in Baltimore? Did she get a sip of good wine?

    • Old Man With Candy

      My sister is here. And the weather is warmer.

  5. PieInTheSky

    The $20,000,000 Man Cave Mansion | Go Karts, $130,000 Golf Simulator, Secret Rooms & Spa Resort!

    this is ridiculous. it is either a clear indictment or clear endorsement of capitalism.

    • The Last American Hero

      Because lavish excess didn’t exist in imperial China or The court of the Sun King?

    • CPRM

      Roof access only through a window? That’s low class shit.

    • Seguin

      Looks like it was designed by the same guy who does Buccee’s.

      • Chafed


  6. Stinky Wizzleteats

    “obstructive sleep apnea is a serious sleep malady in which breathing stops for 10 seconds to two minutes many times per hour each night.”

    Two minutes many times per hour each night? Seems like you’d end up dead or at least dain bramaged pretty quick.

    • Sean

      Either way, you’d be voting Democrat.

    • R C Dean

      Sleep apnea causes brain damage, yes.

  7. R C Dean

    Seriously, OM? You don’t like Terry Pratchett?

    • Old Man With Candy

      Not even a little bit.

    • PieInTheSky

      I like a lot of terry pratchet quotes and some books, but most books I liked the first third, the setup, but got bored till the end. I think I have 5 I started and didn’t finish.

      • R C Dean

        Some of his early books are a little weaker, but once he hit his stride I really like them.

        De gustibus . . . .

    • rhywun

      Never read him myself. So I never knew what all the fuss was about.

  8. I. B. McGinty

    “the Waymo car seemingly trying to overtake the unicyclists — by taking over the entirety of the oncoming lane.”

    I dunno, seems like it worked as designed.

  9. ZWAK will kindle all of the dreams it took a lifetime to destroy

    Right there with you RE Pratchett, and it was at Alices (Waters) restaurant (Cheese Penis) that I had stupid food (seriously, who eats the the cheek from a pig?) along with the worst service in any joint I have been in (no tip? fuck that, I want servers who actually give a damn)

    But, happy birthday Old Woman Who Forgets Candy.

    • Fourscore

      Hog jowls are some folks’ delicacy. I like a head cheese sammich but it’s getting tough to find it anymore.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        Used to work with a guy who made his own and he’d bring it in because his family wouldn’t touch it. Didn’t look great but it sure tasted good.

    • Toxteth O'Grady

      I tried to go into the “cheaper, more casual” café and I was looked at like a Martian. So she can cram her pseudo-English accent.

  10. The Late P Brooks

    “Your cognition is deeply asleep, and you’re not with the program, but your body is activated,” Schenck said. “That’s dangerous because then you start walking and running and doing all sorts of things without your mind being awake.”

    Just like 95% of the people, 97% of the time.

    • Fourscore

      Otherwise politicians would be unemployed

  11. Sean

    I played 04/28:
    *20/20 words (+7 bonus words)
    📖 In the top 6% by bonus words

    I played 04/28:
    *74/74 words (+21 bonus words)
    ⏱️ In the top 16% by speed
    🔥 Solve streak: 284

    • SDF-7

      I played 04/28:
      *20/20 words (+3 bonus words)
      🎯 Perfect accuracy

      I played 04/28:
      *74/74 words (+8 bonus words)
      🎯 Perfect accuracy
      🔥 Solve streak: 350

    • rhywun

      I played 04/28:
      74/74 words (+13 bonus words)
      🎯 In the top 19% by accuracy
      🔥 Solve streak: 242

      I played 04/28:
      *20/20 words (+4 bonus words)
      🎯 Perfect accuracy

    • Ted S.

      I played 04/28:
      74/74 words (+35 bonus words)
      📖 In the top 2% by bonus words
      🔥 Solve streak: 1

  12. The Late P Brooks


    A Quinnipiac poll of registered voters released Wednesday shows support for Kennedy at 16 percent, with Trump and Biden deadlocked at 37 percent each and Green Party candidate Jill Stein and independent Cornel West both receiving 3 percent support. According to the poll, more Republican voters find RFK Jr. favorable than Democrats — 44 percent of Republican voters expressed a favorable opinion of Kennedy, compared to just 11 percent of Democrats.

    As November approaches, both candidates have sought to distance themselves from the renegade independent, with the Trump campaign decisively shutting down claims from RFK Jr. that the former president has approached him to join his presidential ticket.

    Both parties ought to be concerned. The “anybody but” vote is growing day by day.

    Of course, the likely outcome in November will be for people to hold their noses and vote for their “real” party of habit.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      A favorable attitude doesn’t necessarily mean you’re going to vote for the guy, it just means you don’t think he’s trash. The Reps tend to like him for his vax stance and he doesn’t seem to want them dead.

    • WTF

      According to the poll, more Republican voters find RFK Jr. favorable than Democrats
      I doubt that.

    • rhywun

      Democrats are getting their talking points from what’s left of Camelot, probably.

  13. Sean

    Speaking of eeewww, just saw a Dos Equis commercial where they salted the rim of a pint glass. WTF? Is that a thing now?

    • Riven

      That’s nasty. I’ve put a pinch of salt in this or that beer before, but that’s a bit much.

  14. The Late P Brooks

    No shit, Shirley?

    With yet another tranche of U.S. aid on its way to Ukraine, Kyiv can breathe a sigh of relief that its forces will receive new weapons supplies and equipment to keep fighting Russia’s advancing forces.

    But, with future aid uncertain, analysts question what “victory” Ukraine could realistically achieve against Russia — a country that has put its industries on a war footing and is able to mobilize hundreds of thousands more men to war.

    While additional aid allows Ukraine to keep on fighting Russian forces in the short stretch, a “victory” in the near-term is an unlikely prospect. What’s more, what “victory” looks like for Ukraine, or its allies, could be a source of friction.

    Anybody with half a brain has been wondering what a Ukrainian “victory” would look like for two years.

    But don’t let the meat grinder run out of bodies. We can’t end the war, there’s too much money in it. Lie back, and think of the Gross Domestic Product.

    • rhywun

      So many meat grinders to prop up – what is a country led by brain-damaged, psychopathic warmongers to do?

  15. Homple

    “guy who brought mediocrity to late night TV”

    Mediocrity would be an immense improvement these days.

    • rhywun

      I was never a fan of Leno but damn, he was light years better than any of the current lot. MSNBC already exists; I don’t know why all of them seem to think they’re auditioning for it.

      • hayeksplosives

        I liked Craig Ferguson.

      • Chafed

        Me too. And his successor was terrible.

      • Chafed

        Exactly right.

  16. The Late P Brooks

    “While renewed U.S. military support will likely avert a potential military defeat in 2024, the past several months have clearly demonstrated the perils of Kyiv’s (over)dependence on U.S. military aid,” Andrius Tursa, Central and Eastern Europe advisor at consultancy firm Teneo, said in emailed comments on Tuesday.

    “There is also a lack of common vision between Kyiv and its allies about what a Ukrainian ‘victory’ means and what steps and resources would be needed to achieve it,” he noted.

    Nukes. Give them nukes. Give everybody nukes, before it’s too late.

    • R C Dean

      I think not losing this year is optimistic. I think they crack before this fall if not before.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        I’d agree with that assessment. The Russians are starting to roll them up.

  17. Stinky Wizzleteats

    Late night TV peaked with Conan O’Brien in the late ‘90s and it’s been downhill ever since. I didn’t think at the time that the Masturbating Bear would be the peak of the genre but here we are.

    • rhywun

      Some days it seems like everything peaked in the late ‘90s and it’s been downhill ever since.

    • CPRM

      +1 Pimpbot

  18. The Late P Brooks

    According to the poll, more Republican voters find RFK Jr. favorable than Democrats
    I doubt that.

    I actually don’t. Democrat knee-jerk party loyalty is extremely powerful. That doesn’t mean Team Trump can’t (or won’t) shine a bright light on RFK’s lefty green radicalism and anti-gun orthodoxy.

    There’s plenty of time ’til November.

    • mindyourbusiness

      It’s a pity that there’s no box to check for ‘None of the Above (or alternatively, None of these Assholes)’ in this state.
      IMHO, none of the presidential candidates are worth a pinch of sour owl crud. And sadly, there don’t appear to be any reasonable alternatives on the political horizon for the forseeable future. Doesn’t exactly encourage one to vote, because no matter who you vote for, your vote is wasted.

  19. The Late P Brooks

    Yesterday, at Home Depot, there was actually somebody running a cash register. Probably just on weekends. She was a cute young thing. As I was leaving, I said, “I’m glad you were here to actually run this register. I hate those things” (referring to the self-checkout area). She leaned forward and said, “Me, too.”

    Also, prior to that, I asked a guy where something was, and he actually knew. Maybe I should rethink my aversion to Home Depot.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      As far as the big box home improvement stores go Home Depot is OK from what I’ve seen and the service is miles better than Lowes.

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        I remember when it was terrible. As in, the orange aprons avoiding eye contact. “Not my station.”

        Eff them. Ace any day.

    • rhywun

      I wonder why the cashier cares. Does she think the self-checkout is going to put her out of work?

      PS. I love self-checkout, at least at the grocery store. My current store does not try to weigh your shit unlike my previous grocery store, when I used to curse the fucking things.

      • Gender Traitor

        I usually use the self-checkout, but I try to get the one closest to a Trained Professional for quicker assistance with the inevitable glitch.

    • Drake

      Yesterday I went to Lowes for a new refrigerator water filter. Showed the old guys in appliances my current filter. Turns out they don’t have it in the store. Inside a minute, they found it on Amazon and suggested I order it there. Took their advice after buying a bunch of herb plants and topsoil.

    • rhywun

      I can’t imagine what they were thinking. The US is currently a joke on the world stage.

      • Fourscore

        Why doesn’t the US make bigger, better chips, flood the world market.? That would show those Chinese up.

        Just a sermon, not a thought

    • Homple

      The Chinese are building an alternative to US hegemony. The days of AINO dictating to them are fading, fast.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      That and they have a very benificial relationship with the Russians who can provide them with raw materials in a nonblockadable fashion for their industries from now until doomsday. The thought that we’d snatch one of their biggest internet companies, give Taiwan weapons, and then show up and make all kinds of demands must have Xi and the boys on the Politburo fit to be tied.

    • Drake

      Love it. Unassisted steering. A fun car to drive, not a rolling computer.

  20. R C Dean

    Alt history question:

    I wonder how things would have turned out if the Japanese had gone after Russia (and China, harder) in WWII rather than screwing with the US?

    • Homple

      Compared to Russia and China, Japan lacked resources and population, respectively. I doubt it would have gone well.

      • SDF-7

        Not to mention they needed the Dutch areas for the oil in the first place (because we were embargoing them due to China and all). Going harder wouldn’t have helped with that – and pushing against the Red Army from Manchuria would have just overextended them further.

        Not letting Army minor officers drag them into a quagmire in China in the first place would be much more interesting. Of course, not having the US delegation piss on them and piss them off in the Washington Naval Conference forcing the British/Japanese alliance apart in the early ’20s would have been nice. Thank you again Wilsonian diplomacy bullshit.

      • R C Dean

        China was a mess with its own civil war and all, but that wouldn’t have changed.

        I was wondering really about what if the Soviets had their own two-front war to worry about. Moving their eastern armies to fight the Nazis was a significant part of turning the war on that front. And if they hadn’t given Roosevelt the pretext he was looking for at Pearl Harbor, I wonder what the US would have done in the Pacific? If the Japanese had been able to concentrate on Asia proper rather than get chewed up in the Pacific, how would that have gone?

        As far as oil and natural resources go, there’s Siberia, although I don’t know how developed mining and oil was there in the 30s and 40s.

        I suspect both Russia and China were just too big, but a squeeze on the Soviets might have made things a closer run.

      • SDF-7

        Re: Siberia — pretty much “not at all” unless I’m misremembering. And Japan was never going to leave the Phillipines sitting right on their oil supply line if they took the Dutch East Indies. Between that and having to attack the British (there’s a reason FDR kept having a “patrol boat” stuck out in Phillipine waters with one Navy ensign and the rest Filipinos… that was his intended causus belli — it just didn’t work out), there’s no way the US wouldn’t have been sucked in if they went that way.

        Their only real option was to pull out of the China quagmire when given the chance, restoring relations with the US (and easing the sanctions) and stockpiling as much oil as they could. But they were never going to do that — the Army mid-rank would have viewed it as “losing face” and would have assassinated the politicians who tried. (That’s a big reason for the screwed up Japanese policies in the ’30s… the nuts were running the foreign policy by setting up “incidents” and assassinating anyone not suitably hard-line… so all the moderates went along rather than being killed or actually cracking down on the loons. And Hirohito happily just let this crap build up — I’m definitely in the camp that he had a lot more culpability than the Cold War softplaying him of a figurehead my generation grew up with….

      • Don escaped Texas

        I don’t have any expertise in this area, but some of these points might have mattered:
        * Japan kicked Russia’s ass at the turn of the century, so they were better at a recent point
        * in the ensuing decades, Russia squandered all its energy, resources, momentum, and continuity on civil war and neglected Siberia
        * meanwhile, Japan educated its managers, continued to improve its industry and military, and prepared a logistical strategy
        * Russia had to be propped up with Lend-Lease just to hold their own in a defensive war; their only tactical advantage was using 10,000,000 people as ablative shielding

        But eastern Asia was the proper target for Japan. If they had consolidated resource power a bit earlier and incurred western wrath later, maybe they could have made things much harder for the US.

      • SDF-7

        Except that they’d already slammed into Zhukov trying just that in 1938.

        They weren’t itching all that strongly for a rematch – even with the Soviets distracted by Hitler. And the tactics of the Eastern European front would have worked better in Siberia — harass / fall back… let the enemy over extend and hit the supply lines. They wouldn’t have needed too many troops just to pin the Japanese down even if they hadn’t attacked the Allies (they couldn’t pull out of China in this scenario after all… and they would have still been embargoed re: oil, steel and the like).

    • CPRM

      I was thinking of Alt History the other day, has anyone done one where the CSA won the civil war and teamed up with Hitler?

      • SDF-7

        I’m very sure there’s a Turtledove series along those lines — but I don’t recall if Hitler actually came into it.

        I know he’s got one where the CSA won, there was a repeat minor war in the 1880s or so (analogy to the Franco-Prussian War) where they extended/bought Mexican states to get their own Pacific Coast and that set up a WW1 where North America was a front (and the Union was allied with Germany because France/Britain recognizing the CSA was part of how the Civil War ended and they’d kept propping it up to keep the US weak, so that made sense).

        I swear that may have dragged on into WW2 as well — but given I think the Great War was like 8 books and felt like 80 (Turtledove really drug this one out), I’m neither going to go look nor care to re-read to check… Sorry.

      • creech

        Did one where CSA won but left off about 1915 with implication in 2013 that USA and CSA were separate but friendly nations.

    • juris imprudent

      The Germans and the Japanese were the oddest of allies – particularly with respect to the Soviet Union. Each left the other in the lurch at critical times, and of course the German declaration of war against the U.S. was even more inexplicable in that light. Imagine as alt history that the Germans didn’t do that, and we turned all of our war power on the Japanese.

  21. The Late P Brooks


    Middle Tennesseans voiced their frustration today in protest of Governor Bill Lee’s recent approval of legislation allowing teachers to carry concealed handguns in schools.

    Gathering in solidarity, individuals from various backgrounds expressed concerns over the new law by marching to the Governor’s mansion in protest of new legislation.

    Governor Lee officially signed the controversial bill into law on Friday, despite a lot of push back. These community members wanted to come out and march to share their frustrations.

    They believe that new law will do more harm than good putting school children in more danger.

    “It’s really terrifying to think that an adult in the building could have a gun and I not have any knowledge of it,” Tennessee mom Abby Whisenant said.

    Maybe you should set yourself on fire.

    • rhywun

      It’s amazing that Tennessee lets its governor sign bills totally against the will of the legislature and the people.

  22. The Late P Brooks

    IMHO, none of the presidential candidates are worth a pinch of sour owl crud. And sadly, there don’t appear to be any reasonable alternatives on the political horizon for the forseeable future. Doesn’t exactly encourage one to vote, because no matter who you vote for, your vote is wasted.

    Exactly. Biden croaks tomorrow. Who is going to replace him? Kamala? Corey Booker? Mayor Petey? No wonder Newsom looks like their last best hope.

    As for the Republicans, who is going to jump in front of the parade and steal the drum major’s baton from Trump? Chris Christie? Desantis? Nikki Haley? Trump swatted them down like flies.

  23. DrOtto

    It’s less about how she laughs and about when she laughs. Of course that point goes completely over her head because that’s what got her in the situation to start with.

  24. Gustave Lytton

    an author who was the bane of generations of high school students

    Happy birthday JD Salinger!

    • SDF-7

      I was tempted to reply with Chaucer, personally.

      • Trials and Trippelations

        Whole heartedly agree

      • rhywun


        +1 did not read; would not read again.

      • Toxteth O'Grady


  25. The Late P Brooks

    Praise Biden!

    Consumers can look forward to faster, safer and more reliable internet connections under the promises of newly reinstated government regulations.

    The Federal Communications Commission voted 3-2 on Thursday to reclassify broadband as a public utility, such as water and electricity — to regulate access to the internet. The move to expand government oversight of internet service providers comes after the COVID-19 pandemic exposed the magnitude of the digital divide, forcing consumers to rely on high-speed internet for school and work, as well as social and health support.

    Because the government deems internet access an essential service, the FCC is promising oversight as if broadband were a public utility. In doing so, the government aims to make providers more accountable for outages, require more robust network security, protect fast speeds, and require greater protections for consumer data.

    The decision effectively restores so-called net neutrality rules that were first introduced during the Obama administration in 2015 and repealed two years later under President Trump.

    Restoring your Constitutional right to reliable high resolution puppy videos and stepsister threeway porn.

    • rhywun

      Consumers can look forward to faster, safer and more reliable internet connections

      hahahahahahahahah OMG delusional

      • juris imprudent

        I hope it was an AI that wrote that and not an actual human.

    • Grumbletarian

      WTF is a ‘safer’ internet?

      • juris imprudent

        One cleansed of dissentmisinformation.

  26. Gustave Lytton

    I saw Leno at a corporate event several years ago. Super nice guy. Did a Q&A at the end with the audience too and answered pretty much everyone’s questions about cars, standup, whatever. This was shortly after the Conan dustup and he got a question about it. Can’t remember his answer now but recall that it left me impressed as he didn’t disparage Conan and didn’t come across as an entitled selfish jerk either. And I preferred Conan to Leno.

    • Toxteth O'Grady

      He sounds like a genuine guy. Didn’t even cash his paychecks, which must have annoyed NBC’s accountants.

  27. The Late P Brooks

    Without the net neutrality regulations in place, phone and internet companies have the power to block or favor some content over others.

    As we all know, that’s the government’s job.

  28. Gustave Lytton

    Re milk from ded thred. I was raised on nonfat (and margarine). My now wife opened my eyes to whole milk. And non refrigerated butter. And half & half for coffee. And whipping cream from a carton instead of aerosol whipits or Cool Whip. Occasionally, she’s tried different percentages or brands as milk seems “off” but we’ve come back to whole milk every time.

    • The Other Kevin

      Sounds like my house. It’s wonderful,

    • Gender Traitor

      And whipping cream from a carton instead of aerosol whipits

      Oh, well now that’s just crazy talk.

    • mindyourbusiness

      Life is too damned short to live on soy milk and oleo.

      • Gustave Lytton

        My grandma always called it oleomargarine never just margarine. She also had butter at her place.

      • mindyourbusiness

        Discerning lady.

  29. cavalier973

    Lionel Barrymore played opposite Jimmy Stewart in an earlier movie, “You Can’t Take It With You”. His character was considerably more likable, as an eccentric patriarch who didn’t pay taxes and allowed unconventional people to live in his rambling house. Jimmy Stewart plays a rich boy who falls in love with Barrymore’s daughter.

    “A villain I rooted for”. Meh; it’s been trendy for libertarian types to assert that Mr. Potter was the good guy. You know, the bitter old man who was a crony capitalist (“Tell the congressman to wait.”) and who stole another guy’s money and then tried to get that other guy arrested for the crime *he* committed.
    More perceptive people say that Sam Wainwright is the good guy.
    George Bailey is definitely not the good guy, though, all because people don’t understand what a “building and loan” was (it was not a bank), and jump to the conclusion that George Bailey was practicing fractional reserve banking, when even in the movie it’s made clear that he wasn’t practicing frb; he talks about agreements made when members “bought their shares”. Besides this, Potter buys out the bank, so he is the guy practicing fractional reserve banking.

    Or, perhaps some dislike the perceived sentimentality of the story.

    Gary North loved “It’s a Wonderful Life”, and often said that it should be mandatory for people wanting to become US citizens to watch it. He talks about the movie’s push for the thirty year mortgage (which he doesn’t like). He also talks about how George must give up his dreams so that Mary can have hers. Mary does get what she earlier stated she wants, but it’s not Mary who keeps George stuck in Bedford Falls; it’s Peter Bailey, George’s father. Determined to uphold his dad’s legacy is what drives George to keep the Bailey Building and Loan open. It’s interesting that libertarians who supposedly champion The Entrepreneur dislike this smart young man who is able to continually defeat the crony capitalist in the marketplace. He’s not getting rich, but he is doing what he purposes to do, and people in town are better off because of it.
    I read an article once that said that “Pottersville” was a better place to live than Bedford Falls, based on the fact that there was a lot of opportunities to engage in vice. The author doesn’t perceive that the people in Pottersville are miserable, and just as desperate to escape as George is to escape from Bedford Falls. The movie doesn’t explain why Pottersville is economically vibrant, but I suspect it’s because Potter, the crony capitalist, is able to get Federal monies dumped into the town.

    “Franklin”, the guy with whom the angel “Joseph” is speaking, is not Franklin Roosevelt, as one reviewer claimed, but rather Ben Franklin. The name isn’t mentioned in the movie, but it is in the script.

    I have a copy of the cookbook written by the actress who played Zuzu.

    • Toxteth O'Grady

      👏 👏


  30. The Late P Brooks

    Milk- I grew up on whole milk. I had a girlfriend who kept telling me how bad it was for me and that I should drink low fat milk. I told her I’d quit drinking milk completely before I’d switch to that watered down crap.

    • Fourscore

      I’m keeping the butter in the refrig, I don’t care. I’ve noticed that I don’t notice that it’s chunky on my toast. It’s all going to be mixed when it hits the final destination. It doesn’t have to be spread over the whole piece of toast.

      • CPRM

        No toast should go uncovered.

  31. Suthenboy

    “That’s what SHE said…”

    There was a craze for that for a time, or it seemed to me to be so. I was raising two boys at the time, both in Jr. HS.
    Jesus they drove me nuts with that. I had to put a stop to that nonsense.
    I baited them, both son and step son. “Wow, that was really good last night. I like lots of meat like that. (referring to the previous night’s meal) ”
    On cue each responded “That’s what she said!”

    “No son, that’s what your mother said…more than a few times.”

    “Gah! Dad, dont say that!” was the natural response.
    Me: “Well, stop giving me the opportunity. ”
    That shit was shut down instantly.

    • SDF-7

      As long as their mom didn’t ask you to pick up some more meat while you were out….

      • Mojeaux

        “Honey, can you bring back some black caulk?!”

  32. The Late P Brooks

    Sunday sermon

    I believe there are many people, like me, with a modest share of the collective prosperity who are willing to enjoy a smaller financial return for the sake of those trying to subsist on the minimum wage in economically depressed communities. We find it outrageous that multibillion dollar corporations begrudge their workers a living wage and are willing to take it out on their own disadvantaged customers.

    According to the National Conference of State Legislatures, 34 states, territories and districts have minimum wages above $7.25 an hour. Georgia and Wyoming have a minimum below that. Five states have not adopted a state minimum: Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina and Tennessee. The federal minimum wage governs those seven states.

    That economics professor of mine used to say that capitalism was human nature, that competing for resources and consolidating wealth were as natural as the flowers in spring.

    I thought he made sense then, but after 32 years teaching mostly underprivileged children, I am no longer so sure.

    I am paid for my work and am not shy about demanding compensation – though, like many teachers, I often do more than I am required. I don’t mind it because what I get from helping students overcome their circumstances is worth more to me than my hourly wage.

    Corporations are evil. So, too, is capitalism. Self righteous commie platitudes are where it’s at, man.

    • Toxteth O'Grady

      Gifts to the United States, PO Box some digits, yada etc.

    • rhywun

      I love the smell of farts in the morning.

  33. The Late P Brooks

    Gifts to the United States, PO Box some digits, yada etc.

    That’s crazy. Corporations should provide rewarding and fulfilling jobs at a (high-)living wage by providing quality goods and services to the community for free.

  34. Fourscore

    Hope he likes cigars