Sunday Morning Wreckage Links

by | Apr 21, 2024 | Daily Links | 189 comments

Well, Hot Dog Day was a resounding success, at least if you were a vendor of red plastic cups, aluminum cans, yellow police tape and New-York-State-approved cardboard junk food containers. I could hear music going and kids reveling at 3am, which is impressive to me. Looking around this morning, debris and puke seem to be our themes. There’s also discarded bras and panties. The kids really did have a good time and the frats will spend today cleaning the streets.

And we’ll spend the day celebrating birthdays including a guy who wanted to save art (or something); the Father of the FBI; another father who cursed us; a guy who was a true commoner; the guy who created my favorite British TV show; a pretty nice girl who didn’t have a lot to say; a guy who proved that Left and Right are pretty much the same thing, authoritarian Puritans; a better Stooge than Shemp; a politician whose career was accidentally ended; and the best football announcer until the network gagged him for being a spoiler.

And now let’s get spoiled by Links.


My students are proof that this isn’t true.


The State Department is totally not stuffed with Jew-haters. Or Ol’ Joe is worried about Michigan.




More piles of our money set on fire.


I’ll be shocked if it’s that many.


The effective way to throw a tantrum is to alienate people who already were on your side.


Semi Birds aren’t semi real.


My favorite Grieg piece arranged… unusually.

About The Author

Old Man With Candy

Old Man With Candy

Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me. Wait, wrong book, I'll find something else.


  1. Vida Hobo

    Longer gaming sessions are associated with improved cognitive functions and motor control

    Um, I have two Covid Kids that would beg to differ.

  2. Tres Cool

    whaddup doh’
    yo whats goody yo

    • Gender Traitor

      Good morning, homey! How are you feeling today? Fever gone?

  3. Sensei

    The State Department is totally not stuffed with Jew-haters. Or Ol’ Joe is worried about Michigan.

    Maybe the can be given a “reprimand”. I was set to be snarky as the three articles I read including the WSJ that’s usually pretty decent failed to mention Isareal DID refer the World Central Kitchen officers to military court. Pisses me off about our press. OTH, Israel can still bury it.

    • Drake

      I’m sure the reprimand delivered by Jew-hating Anthony Blinkin, along with the $billions Congress just gifted them, won’t be too harsh.

  4. hayeksplosives

    Morning glory and evening grace!

    Yesterday I treated a former fellow employee (and housemate of a current employee) to a lovely spa morning at (fill-in-the-Vietnamese name) Nails. Then we caught lunch and then she (friend) suggested we go to her place so I could “meet” Sven, her German Shepherd/ Alaskan huskie mix.

    I knew the dog was a rescue and that She had scrapped her Thanksgiving plans because he had threatened to bit esomeone. Well, she and her housemate (who works for me) decided it would be great if I offered him some food treats.

    Dog went from (what I saw as) visibly crazy to full on berserker mode in 2 seconds. He attacked me hard, and if I hadn’t had Aria and Nish there I would totally have shot that damned dog in self defense. Would’ve had to.

    As it is, I lie here in bed next to my cranky but loving ca who really can’t inflict damage, right hand bandaged up. There are numerous puncture wounds and rips on my right hand dog is big and had my entire hand in his mouth before any of us humans could even process what was happening. Blood everywhere . Hand is swollen and hot. Later today I will take off the bandages and decide whether to go to urgent care.

    I admire giving animals second chances but this doggie is, in my opinion, not compatible with normal pet / friend life. I think he needs to be put down. It’s a good thing for dog’s owners that I’m not litigious because that was not a good incident and they exposed themselves badly.

    • Beau Knott

      Ouch. I’m sorry to hear this.

    • hayeksplosives

      Shit . I realize now that the dog attack damaged my wrist ligaments. That means an urgent care visit for me.

      But aside from that, it also means the docs at urgent care are pretty much
      legally bound to check up on the dog and possibly have him put down as “vicious”.

      Ugh. Dithering on what to do.

      Shit shit shit. I really don’t want to stir up trouble but it is my right hand. Hell, maybe having the cops come get berserker dog wiould be a mercy to my friends /workers so they don’t have to make a difficult choice.

      Shit. Being a manager sucks.

      • Gender Traitor

        Your responsibility is to yourself and the various components thereof. Get thee to medical care and don’t lie about what happened! Someone else (heaven forbid, a child) might end up getting hurt even more seriously!

      • Beau Knott


      • Sensei

        They should just report the bite. Assuming it has all its shots what happens next should just be up to you.

      • Spudalicious

        You need to be on antibiotics now.

    • Sensei

      That sucks. I like dogs and have hunted with dogs, but I’m not a dog person.

      I’d put that dog down, but plenty of “dog people” will disagree and say the can be rehabilitated.

      Infection is a big concern. And I can you tell you from my wife getting bit taking a cat to the vet the urgent care in your state is likely required to report the bite. Which made us have to license our unlicensed indoor house cat with the fucking town. Only bright spot was telling the next year when they tried to ding us for the renewal is the cat was dead from the kidney disease that we were taking him to the vet for.

      • hayeksplosives

        Sorry about your kitty?

        My fatcat is lying next to me happily snoring away. She knows when I am sick, and I think she is gravely concerned about the hand.

        I guess I should just go to the doc and take care of myself let the chips fall as they may.

      • Sensei

        Yes as GT said, go to the doc.

      • Fourscore

        I was attacked by a tiny little dog at a grand daughter’s Christmas party. I told her is that had happened at my house the dog would be dead The bite was not serious, compared to what you just had, HE. Really sorry you had to put up with that.

      • prolefeed

        I suggest you go to urgent care already, and quit worrying about what happens to the vicious attack dog you would have shot if the kids weren’t there.

      • rhywun

        Sorry, HE.

        Yeah, I am not a dog person at all but, like children, sometimes I like other people’s dogs. My neighbor has a real cute fluffy one that I greet and pet in the elevator now and then.

      • The Last American Hero

        Who among us hasn’t lost a pet in a boating accident?

    • Old Man With Candy

      Not even a close call- the dog has to go. That’s extremely sad, but the alternative is sadder.

      • rhywun

        the dog has to go


      • Grumbletarian

        Yes. Sorry about the dog bite, but it cannot be allowed to happen again.

      • hayeksplosives

        Urgent care opens in 2 hours . I will be there and file the report.

        Yeah, easily could have been far worse if it had been a child or if I’d been alone. That many pounds of undisciplined canine nuttiness is inherently dangerous.

        Hey, friend! Neat time rescue a Pomeranian.

    • Contrarian P

      Not sure what you mean by ligament damage. If you’re having difficulty with movement of the fingers you’re probably going to need to see a hand surgeon in order to get things fixed. You need to be on antibiotics (Augmentin is standard) today. Bite wounds are nasty and a hand infection is really bad. The urgent care may or may not be able to take care of it.

      • hayeksplosives

        Thank you.

        Yeah, maybe I should just go to the ER? Urgent care doesn’t open until another hour.

        I’m not a doc, but where I see the punctures and where I feel the pain in the underlying connective tissue make me think it’s damaged.

        I told my friend I’m going to the doc and gave her the heads up that a dog bite report is likely necessary.

      • Contrarian P

        It’s mandatory in every state that I’m aware of. Animal control gets notified and investigates.

        If you’re able to move everything and you have sensation that’s reassuring. Urgent cares are all over the map as far as their capabilities so I don’t know if they’ll be able to help. They should tell you up front. Any ER will be able to treat you.

      • hayeksplosives

        Yeah the more time that has passed, the more clearly the damage has emerged. He got my left arm too. I hadn’t noticed in the split second attack.

        The dog needs to be put down. A child would have been toast. Hell, I’d have been toast had I not had 2 able bodied friends right next to me to intervene.

        And people think we shouldn’t be allowed to carry loaded guns.

    • Mojeaux

      Not being a bitch, but why dither with urgent care? Get thee to an emergency room, woman!

      • R C Dean

        The cost. If it just needs stitches, urgent care is fine and will cost hundreds of dollars less. Dog bites are largely crush wounds, so it may well be that she needs more than stitches.

      • Mojeaux

        I can appreciate that, from my days of having no health insurance, but you still have to pay the urgent care bill after they send you to the ER for an ER wound. Urgent cares aren’t cheap, either.

      • hayeksplosives

        I’m going dressed in comfy clothes for an ER day.

        My wrist aches because that dog clamped down hard on my wrist and tried to use it to jerk me down over thd “toddler gate” they have up,

      • Contrarian P

        Unless the wounds are on the face, it’s seldom a good idea to stitch puncture wounds from bites. You can create deep abscesses which are a real problem.

      • Contrarian P

        Also, if it happened yesterday the repair will probably fail. Typically you want to do your wound closure within 12 hours of the injury. The longer it goes the greater the risk of a poor outcome.

      • hayeksplosives

        There are no disfiguring wounds. I don’t need stitches after I stopped the bleeding.

        I am going 1) for the record and 2) for antibiotics and maybe some diagnostic scanning.

    • DrOtto

      Argh, sorry to hear that. Only time I was truly attacked by a dog it came out of the blue and he never even barked or raised his hackles. Just maneuvered through his owners legs and attacked me. Fortunately, it was one of the few days I was wearing jeans/long sleeves. Next time I saw the customer, they had told me they had to put that dog down. He apparently suffered from a brain tumor and his behavior was becoming more and more unpredictable by the day.

  5. rhywun

    There’s also discarded bras and panties.

    The kids are alright – almost brings a tear to my eye.

    • hayeksplosives


      Millions of years of natural selection run deep.

    • Ted S.

      I figured they were OMWC’s discarded bra and panties.

      • hayeksplosives



  6. Gender Traitor

    Looking around this morning, debris and puke seem to be our themes.

    So… Sunday morning in any college town (or neighborhood – UD Ghetto, I’m looking at you!) where the local institution of higher (heh!) learning isn’t associated with Baptists or LDS?

    • Fourscore

      Totally unlike the Glib table at HH,where all the well behaved participants discuss serious things like a pre-emptive war with Canada or global cooling

    • rhywun

      Ha, I’ll have to check out the student ghetto in my town for evidence. It’s always clean when I do pass through. 🙁

  7. rhywun


    Agree in principle… I can accept 21 for weed but not “like alcohol” – which should be no higher than 15 or so if there must be an age.

    But in my tyranny the crap stays indoors.

    • Sensei

      What do you have against the unhoused?

    • rhywun

      34 felonies related to paying hush money to a porn star

      I still don’t understand how this is happening. It’s such transparent bullshit I can’t even.

      I mean shit, I’m used to uniparty politics but this is on another level.

      • hayeksplosives

        It’s such transparent bullshit I can’t even.

        Their fever dream echo chamber has led them to believe America and freedom will be destroyed if Trump is reelected.

        Thus, all means are justified.

        I don’t even like Trump but you’re damned right I’m voting for him.

      • rhywun

        It fits my strategy of “anyone not Dem” but fuck… tiny brakes on the fall, but the Biden clique must be stopped in its tracks. It is a menace to the survival of this country.

      • robodruid

        Its just bizzare to think the political parties are going to survive this intact.
        Let it burn?

      • juris imprudent

        I think of how rotten the parties are, and what that reflects of the American people.

      • Suthenboy

        Yep. Gettin’ what they voted for and all of that.

      • Drake

        “Hush Money” = a standard NDA that lawyers execute daily.

      • R C Dean

        I think the argument is that because he paid it through his lawyer, it wasn’t properly reported on some campaign finance report, which could be a federal felony, which means making the payment at all was felonious under NY law (even though he was never charged or convicted of the federal felony.

        Or something. You know the judge is in the tank because he didn’t dismiss it outright.

      • Drake

        It has to be campaign funds! Where else would Donald Trump come up with a few grand?

      • juris imprudent

        [career politicians nod in agreement]

      • Suthenboy

        He executed a legal strategy through his lawyer? Stone him.
        I was under the impression that he paid that out of his own pocket. It furthered his campaign so he has to report it?
        Daniels admits they never had sex. She took the money. It seems the only crime here is blackmail and Daniels is the one who committed it.


      Yeah, he is probably going to lose, but ultimately it is not going to result in him being frog-marched to jail nor is it going to move him in the polls. Who is hinging their vote on if DJT paying some hooker to stay quiet is a campaign finance violation or not?

    • ZWAK will kindle all of the dreams it took a lifetime to destroy

      Why the hell hasn’t the GOP house hauled the judge and Bragg up before them? Seems a no brainer to me: “you don’t have the authority to to this, ergo, whycome you are violating his civil rights, which you proport to care so much about?”

      Don’t laugh! A ZWAK can dream!

      • Raven Nation

        You seem to be under the mistaken impression that the GOP wants there candidate to win.

  8. rhywun

    Just Stop Oil

    Just Stop Paying Attention to These Assholes and They Will Go Away

    • Suthenboy

      This. All of the leftists are like this.
      Stop paying attention to them and stop engaging with them on their terms.

      • rhywun

        Ah, a simpler time. I miss the 2010’s.

    • The Last American Hero

      They should be sentenced to living without petroleum or petroleum based products for life. That includes clothing made with textiles that used farm equipment.

  9. Suthenboy

    “…discarded bras and panties…”
    Pics or it didn’t happen.

    Video games: I haven’t seen evidence one way or the other.

    Sanctions: “Uh uh! You are!”
    That’s right. Hamas’ orgy of rape and murder is all the Jews own fault.

    The most sensible guy in DC has brain damage? Shocker.

    Fake wars to launder money. It’s not just that they are grifters and thieves, it’s goddamned entitlement that really puts the edge on my anger.

    At some point the fact that the hostages are lost and no longer a deterrent has to be faced.

    There seems to be a lot of that on the left.

    Now see, if your parents didn’t give you a real name I have trouble following the logic of anything said about you.

    • Fourscore

      “Fake wars to launder money. ”

      At this point it isn’t even borrowed money, since there is no intention of paying it back.

      Even Fox is caught up in the scheme, “Doesn’t the money that buys toys here add on to the GDP” or words to that affect.

      Sounds like an Algonquin J Calhoun explanation

  10. Gustave Lytton

    Rumpole is his second best creation.

  11. Drake

    Mike Johnson is rat-fink motherfucker.

    That’s all.

    • Gustave Lytton

      There seems to be a few genuine spines in some House republicans.

      • juris imprudent

        Which matches the lack of anything on top of the spines of the House democrats.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Tinglers run this country?

    • R.J.

      I really don’t understand it. How do repub leaders flip flop so completely once they lead the senate?

      • rhywun


      • The Last American Hero

        He was literally dragged into a SCIF, and came out with a new agenda. God knows what was in the manila folder they showed him. Maybe his web search results, maybe laptop cam of him jerking off to porn, maybe concocted bullshit about 1000 terror attacks stopped since 2020.

        But he came out towing the lion.

  12. Grummun

    Re: Old Man Music, I didn’t see anything like the flamboyant hair or spastic dancing I’ve come to expect in saxophone playing.

    Re: Just Stop Oil people, perhaps distribute the manifesto of the guy from the Trump trial in Florida.

    • juris imprudent

      Who doesn’t appreciate some good sax on a Sunday morning?

  13. The Late P Brooks

    34 felonies related to paying hush money to a porn star

    Mis-categorizing business expenses. That calls for hard time.

    • Suthenboy

      I am not clear on the details here. I dont see a crime.

    • juris imprudent

      Only because those payments were intended to influence an election – that had already taken place by the time the payments were made.

  14. Q Continuum

    “The State Department is totally not stuffed with Jew-haters. Or Ol’ Joe is worried about Michigan.”

    Embrace the power of “and”.

    • robc

      a or the?

      Because if the latter, that is impressive for another reason.

      • rhywun


      • rhywun

        Ohh right aren’t those trendy now for some reason I couldn’t possibly get?

      • Fourscore

        Well, if I were a carpenter…

      • Gender Traitor
    • rhywun

      To be honest, this doesn’t sound any worse than what goes on in big city schools every day. I don’t know that “tranny” has anything to do with it.

      • Common Tater

        A 13-year-old shouldn’t be trans.

      • rhywun

        Sure, but unless I’m missing something it has nothing to do with this story.

      • R C Dean

        Other than the underlying mental, err, condition that may have driven the violence.

      • Fourscore

        And to tell us, “That’s a boy, Baby”

      • Common Tater

        Thirteen is most likely the result of indoctrination. Gender dysphoria doesn’t make people violent.

      • The Last American Hero

        Mental illness can, and so can pumping kids full of hormones.

        Also, giving a pass to attackers because of gender identity is bullshit.

      • Common Tater

        “Mental illness can, and so can pumping kids full of hormones.”

        Estrogen doesn’t make people violent.

        “Also, giving a pass to attackers because of gender identity is bullshit.”

        No one is doing that.

        Anyway, it could just be some boy claiming to be trans.

  15. The Late P Brooks

    Mike Johnson is rat-fink motherfucker a politician.

  16. robc

    Penultimate Chess Candidates Tourney post.

    Today is the final day, standings going into today (for top 4):

    Gukesh 8.5 pts
    Nakamura, Caruana, Nepomniachtchi 8 pts

    Today, Nakamura plays Gukesh and Caruana plays Nepo. The two Americans* have the white pieces.

    Gukesh has the clear advantage, although he has the black pieces today. With a win he wins outright, with a draw he either makes a playoff or wins outright. With a loss he goes home.
    The others all are in a must win situation. Nakamura with a win guarantees himself at least a playoff, but could still win outright. For Caruana and Nepo, a win has a chance to get them into a playoff. If they draw, they both are eliminated. A win doesn’t help unless Gukesh loses or draws.

    *You know, the ones with traditional American names. Hikaru Nakamura was born in Japan, but to an American mother. His parents divorced when he was 2, and he grew up in US. Fabiano Caruana was born in Florida. He mostly grew up in NYC, but his parents moved to Spain when he was about 12 so he could focus on chess and play in Europe. He played for the Italian Federation until he switched back to the US as an adult.

  17. The Late P Brooks

    NYT headline:

    “Will a Mountain of Evidence Be Enough to Convict Trump?”

    Everybody knows he’s guilty as sin. That “presumption of innocence” stuff is for the birds.

  18. Common Tater

    “Horrifying moment caregiver, 26, smacks 93-year-old dementia patient with her 3lb soiled diaper repeatedly before trying to choke her out – as furious victim’s family reveal how they caught sick attack

    The attack was caught on nanny cam, which was placed in the victim’s room after her daughter noticed ‘handprint bruises’ on her mother as far back as December…

    Prosecutor Leyton said…Arrington has been charged with torture with intent to cause cruel or extreme physical or mental pain and suffering, which carries a sentence of serving up to life in prison.

    She is also accused of vulnerable adult abuse, which is punishable by up to 15 years in prison, and assault with intent to cause great bodily harm less than murder or by strangulation, with carries a maximum penalty of 10 years.”

    WTF is wrong with people?

    • juris imprudent

      If you were as ugly as that caregiver you’d be hostile too! No doubt underpaid as well.

    • Grumbletarian

      “How does a student with no disciplinary record suddenly get to a suspension less than 24 hours after a nonviolent protest? What merits asymmetric crackdowns on Palestinian human rights protests,” Ocasio-Cortez said, also sharing Hirsi’s post.

      Hm, let’s see…

      Columbia made multiple requests that students participating in the protest leave the lawn before “a number of Barnard Senior Staff also went to the lawn to ask students participating in the encampment to leave,” according to the statement.

      Senior staff members also advised students they would face sanctions if they did not leave, in addition to written warnings they would receive interim suspension if they did not leave by Wednesday night, according to the school.

      Oh, that’s how. Because the dipshits were told they’d be suspended if they didn’t leave and they didn’t leave.

      • Grumbletarian


      • rhywun

        They were blocking the main entrance to campus, FFS.

    • juris imprudent

      Three pics of that one young lady? Someone is playing favorites.

  19. The Late P Brooks

    Shocking political persecution

    Democratic Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (N.Y.) and Rashida Tlaib (Mich.) slammed the suspension of Rep. Ilhan Omar’s (D-Minn.) daughter from college after she participated in a pro-Palestinian protest on campus.

    “From UM to Vanderbilt to USC to Columbia, students across our country are being retaliated against for using their constitutional rights to protest genocide. It’s appalling,” Tlaib added while sharing Isra Hirsi’s post to social platform X.

    “i’m an organizer with CU Apartheid Divest @ColumbiaSJP, in my 3 years at @BarnardCollege i have never been reprimanded or received any disciplinary warnings,” Hirsi said in her post.

    “i just received notice that i am 1 of 3 students suspended for standing in solidarity with Palestinians facing a genocide,” Hirsi added.

    “Don’t you know who my mommy is?”

    • slumbrew

      “i just received notice that i am 1 of 3 students suspended for standing in solidarity with Palestinians facing a genocide,”

      That’s not why you were suspended.

      She’ll make a fine politician.

      • rhywun

        If only Columbia wasn’t such a hotbed of MAGA principles.

  20. Mojeaux

    I object. I was not on today’s birthday list. Whycomewasthat?

    • slumbrew

      Because you’re ageless?

      Happy birthday!

      • Fourscore

        Many more to go, Moj

        /Looks over shoulder, OMG, Moj is catching up, temporarily

        Enjoy your day, a candlelight dinner if you forget the electrical bill is due

    • The Gunslinger

      Happy 29th birthday Mojeaux!

    • Common Tater

      HBD 🙂

    • rhywun


    • juris imprudent

      Is this the first day for Gemini? You’re much too nice to be one of us Aries.

      • Mojeaux

        First day of Taurus. This place is lousy with Aries, tho.

      • rhywun

        You’re not one of us?? Aw.

      • Mojeaux

        I am not. I am the fat, lazy hedonist of the bunch.

      • juris imprudent

        HBD – your hubby is doing something to spoil you I hope.

      • Mojeaux

        Absolutely, but he pretty much spoils me all year long. He got me a couple small things I couldn’t justify buying for myself, and is taking me out later today.

    • ZWAK will kindle all of the dreams it took a lifetime to destroy

      /side eye.

      It’s Frau ZWAK’s b-day…

      • Gustave Lytton

        Dun dun dun!

        Happy birthday all!

      • Ted S.

        You’re married to Mojeaux? 😉

      • ZWAK will kindle all of the dreams it took a lifetime to destroy


      • Mojeaux

        I have many of those, because my looks are ubiquitous. I was a dead ringer for a young Melanie Griffith back in the day.

    • Old Man With Candy

      Now that I know… next year.

    • Sean

      Happy Birthday!!!

  21. Common Tater

    “Non-binary patient, 27, who underwent ‘Barbie doll’ op to remove all sexual organs reveals how they navigate life without genitals

    Adrian, 27, from Florida, is non-binary – meaning they do not conform to either male or female – and had the operation at a controversial gender clinic in Texas that has been dubbed ‘Frankenstein’s lab’.

    It is one of a handful hospitals in the country that offer genital nullification surgery – a procedure which involves removing all external genitalia to create a smooth transition down from the stomach to the groin.

    Adrian was born a woman, and began taking testosterone hormones aged 23 in August 2020.

    In 2021, they had top surgery and also completely removed their nipples. Having their nipples removed ‘also played a role in my desire for nullification,’ Adrian said.

    Adrian’s procedure involved having their vaginal canal completely removed, meaning the only opening is the urethra.”

    • slumbrew

      This is fine.

    • rhywun

      Not clicking, nope, no way.

    • juris imprudent

      Does the surgery come with its own Darwin award?

    • ZWAK will kindle all of the dreams it took a lifetime to destroy

      She, for that is what She is, needs to get extensive help, probably in some non-western country that hasn’t been infected with Woke, while the doctor needs to be locked up in Pelican Bay Ultramax.

      First do know harm, asshole.

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      First do no harm must mean something different to these people.

  22. The Late P Brooks

    Blinken is headed to China to give them a stern scolding for aiding and abetting the Russians. They should shave his head and put him on a donkey backwards for the trip back to his plane.

    • slumbrew

      JFC. Was that written by someone in her office?

      This is CNN.

      • juris imprudent

        I miss Kayleighburrow and friends.

      • slumbrew


        I know SurgarFree is just a conduit for whatever flows out of his pen but I’d love a check-in with the office of the Veep.

    • rhywun

      “Trump abortion bans.”

      Say what now?

      • juris imprudent

        No one pays attention to what Trump actually says – just what the right people say he said.

    • ZWAK will kindle all of the dreams it took a lifetime to destroy

      “more fired up than any poll would suggest”

      IE complete bullshit. And they know it.

    • The Gunslinger

      Do you know who didn’t like to inject sperm in a ladies vagina?

      • Ted S.


      • Yusef drives a Kia

        Sick burn,

      • Common Tater

        Troy McClure?

      • creech


    • Drake

      That should smell nice the next day.

      • juris imprudent

        After you eat that pussy you have an unquenchable desire to swim up the shower.

  23. Gustave Lytton

    “Drag a hundred dollar bill through any courtroom…”

    • R C Dean

      Odd that the usual mugshot of the (adult) perp seems to have been omitted.

      • RBS

        Grandma is probably in her thirties…

    • The Gunslinger

      Hey now! I’m married to a Michigan grandma, I’ll have you know.

    • EvilSheldon

      I see this many, many times among certain criminal subcultures. Next time granny will be handing her a gun.

  24. The Late P Brooks


    More and more, parents are opting America’s children out of public school.

    The share of children ages 5 to 17 enrolled in public schools fell by almost 4 percentage points from 2012 to 2022, an NBC News analysis of Census Bureau data found, even as the overall population grew.


    Policies that make private, charter and homeschooling options more available to families — dubbed “school choice” by advocates — have expanded rapidly since 2022. Such policies grant families public funds for alternative schooling in the form of vouchers, tax-credit scholarships, refundable tax credits and more. In 2023, at least 146 school choice bills were introduced across 43 states, according to FutureEd, an education-focused think tank at Georgetown University.


    At the same time that states are pushing school choice programs, public schools — already dealing with declining enrollment — have faced budget cuts, teacher shortages, and laws and fights over what is taught in the classroom.

    More than 20 states have considered bills since 2022 that would give parents more control over the curriculum in public schools, from granting parents access to course materials prior to classes, to banning instruction on sexual orientation and gender and allowing parents to opt their children out of any classes.

    Why would people want their children to be mired in ignorance and superstition?

    • juris imprudent

      “school choice”

      Scare quotes mandatory.

  25. The Late P Brooks

    Florida’s 5 to 17-year-old population has grown 9% since 2012, but NBC News’ analysis found that its public school enrollment fell 7% during that span.

    Andrew Spar, the president of the Florida Education Association, the state’s largest teachers union, said new laws have unclear directions and handcuff teachers’ ability to instruct without fear of retaliation for what’s discussed in class.

    “In Florida, there’s so much micromanaging of our public schools, so many bureaucratic rules and laws that get in the way, that it becomes increasingly difficult for us to do our jobs,” Spar said. “Teachers are vilified; they can’t do their jobs.”

    They care so much about the children.

    • rhywun

      This is the “don’t say gay” lie, isn’t it? Never change, NBC.

    • rhywun


      “Norm-defying” is certainly not anything the Dems have done lately.

  26. The Late P Brooks

    How about just doing the stuff you’re being paid to do?

    So much for bringing your whole self to work.

    Many workplace experts will tell you that sharing too much about your personal life on the job has never been a great idea. But in the years since the gauzy “whole self” notion became something of an HR cliché, the idea has frayed even further.

    That’s what some Googlers found out after the company fired more than two dozen of them recently for taking part in sit-ins at company offices in California and New York. It seems increasingly clear that now, in a year when nearly half of humanity is expected to vote in national elections, it might be extra risky to hoist your political stripes at your 9-to-5.

    “When managers and leaders say, ‘Bring your whole self to work,’ they’re leaving out the terms and conditions,” Megan Reitz, coauthor of the book “Speak Out, Listen Up,” told Business Insider.

    Do the work, get paid. Refuse to do the work, get fired. Is that really so complicated?

    • rhywun

      Maybe Business Insider will take this as a teaching moment.



      Google reaping what they sowed amuses me.

      *clears throat*

      –Nelson Muntz Laugh–

    • ZWAK will kindle all of the dreams it took a lifetime to destroy

      Hi, we are from the federal government, and we are here to help.

  27. KK, Plump & Unfiltered

    Look at all that trauma and violence inflicted on Mother Gaia by those racist transphobe students!

    • Common Tater

      “$17 billion in military for Israel

      $9 billion for Gaza and other war-torn regions”

      • rhywun



      Conservative political representation isn’t really a thing in the whole of the anglosphere. We have a choice between progressivism and progressivism but slightly slower.

      • creech

        GOP would have zero chance of ever winning the House if it ran only “real conservative” candidates. Neither party can afford to erect smaller tents.

      • Gustave Lytton

        They’d still be able to deliver amazing concession speeches even in that scenario.

  28. hayeksplosives

    Well, thanks to y’all’s gentle nagging, now I’m at ER for my dog bites.

    Hopefully they will just flush and apply antibiotics and take an animal report.

    • Sean

      Good luck!

      Sorry about the bite.

    • EvilSheldon

      Hope everything goes well.

      Good news is, dog bites usually don’t lead to bad infections. Dogs are fairly clean. Cat bites are much worse, and human bites are almost as venomous as rattlesnake bites. Don’t get bitten by humans…

      • Common Tater

        Damn furries.

      • hayeksplosives

        You laff but I have been bitten by a human. Severely.

        My now ex-husband had ICU psychosis and was tied down to the hospital bed. I leaned down to kiss him (at his request; he was fully planning to attack but I was naive) and he bit my lower lip clean through. He was trying to remove it from my face but my frantic arm-waving and muffled screams attracted 2 large male nurses who rescued me.

        ER doc happened to be a trauma plastic surgeon so he was the dude I needed! He did a great job reattaching everything.

    • Common Tater

      Yikes, sorry, hope it isn’t serious.

    • Gender Traitor


    • Tonio

      Glad you’re getting treated. Sorry this happened to you.

      Unfortunately, some dogs are just too broken to be allowed to live. That’s sad because it’s not the dogs’ fault.

  29. The Late P Brooks

    Well, thanks to y’all’s gentle nagging, now I’m at ER for my dog bites.

    Hopefully there is no long term damage. That dog needs to “go live on a farm”.

  30. The Late P Brooks

    Speaking of activism

    Dozens of climate change activists gathered on the tarmac of Hanscom Field Airport on Saturday to protest the expansion of private jet capacity.

    “We represent thousands of Massachusetts residents who have declared their opposition to the proposed expansion of private jet facilities here at Hanscom,” Extinction Rebellion organizer Alex Chatfield said.

    State Police said a small group was arrested after they breached security and gained access to the airfield, which temporarily closed the airport.

    Protestors blocked entrances and circled around the wheels of private jets, refusing to move and stopping planes from taking off.

    Too bad none of them were sucked into an engine or accidentally run over by a ground support vehicle.

  31. Common Tater

    “My year of casual sex: I set out to be ‘fearless’ in the bedroom — but what actually happened will horrify you

    Kitty Ruskin details her harrowing experiences in her newly-released tome, “Ten Men: A Year of Casual Sex,” which she hopes will serve as a wake-up call about the realities faced by young women in an age where many males are addicted to violent pornography.

    “Women are tired of shouldering all this fear and trauma,” Ruskin writes in the book, excerpted in the Daily Mail, revealing that she was raped by two different men while trying to be “liberated and fearless” in her sexual pursuits.”

    Sure she called the police, right?

    • Gustave Lytton

      realities faced by young women in an age where many males are addicted to violent pornography

      Happy birthday Dr Dobson!

  32. The Late P Brooks

    Conservative political representation isn’t really a thing in the whole of the anglosphere. We have a choice between progressivism and progressivism but slightly slower.

    “We” send them to Washington to Do Something about Things About Which Something Must Be Done.

    Doing nothing and spending less are not compatible with good governance.