“Why yes, my refrigerator is running…”
A very, very busy few weeks personally and business-wise have left me reeling and falling back on my heels. I have one more social event this season, the eclipse. After that it should slow down a bit and I can at least get a schedule together in advance.
Tonight, I present one film I have kept in my back pocket for emergencies. This film was lovingly restored by The Cohen Media Group (Charles Cohen), much to the world’s delight. It is part adventure film, part comedy, all fun. I really hope you all like it. I would also say that the restoration of this film is incredible. My hat is off to Mr. Cohen and his team.
From IMDB, stolen shamelessly due to time limitations:
“Farce, spy spoof, and adventure. Swarthy thieves ignore jewels to steal an Amazon figurine from the Museum of Man in Paris’ Trocadero Palace and kidnap the world’s authority on the lost Maltec civilization. Cut to Agnes, the daughter of a murdered man who possessed one of two other such figurines. Moments after her sweetheart, Adrien, an Army private with a week’s leave, arrives in Paris to see her, Agnes too is kidnapped, drugged, and loaded on a plane to Rio.”
There you go. That Man from Rio gets raves on IMDB and even Rotten Tomatoes. This is a great film. Enjoy, and I will see you all next week. So watch! Or don’t! Everything is voluntary until some frogs steal your girlfriend!
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No account or sign-in is required to use Tubi. The only advantage to signing in is you can maintain a queue and save your place in movies you are watching. If you have any issues getting around the sign in, our skilled Glib technicians are standing by to assist you. BY ASSIST MEAN….
*hits play*
*Hits Old Fashioned*
*hits bacardi and grapefruit*
Opens another Tall Cans™ !
I have an emergency Perfect Manhattan premixed drink in my backpack. I think I need it.
They are going to speak French the whole movie aren’t they?
I don’t mind subtitles for asian movies. I prefer them to dubs.
Yes. Turn on subtitles. There is a little kid named Winston later one who speaks some English, but only for a moment. It’s frogs all the way down.
Oh well. I don’t mind Italian as I can understand most of it. French is just close enough to Spanish be annoying.
Anyway, I found out about The Thing With Two Heads (1972) from Adam Corolla. They graft the head of a white racist guy on Rosey Grier’s body. The trailer and the entire movie are on YouTube. Doesn’t look like it’s on Tubi.
Oh that is a priceless film. I bet it’s on Internet Archive. I should do that one. I told Swiss I would do Logan’s Run, seems perfect with all the “voluntary euthanasia” going on. That’s coming up next.
Logan’s Run is good.
That was in heavy rotation on the Saturday movie show when I was a kid. RIP Superhost, wherever you are.
The Joemala graphic is a nod to that piece of art.
The Venture Bros also include an homage.
Dragoon’s head was sewn on to Red Mantle. IIRC, there is an episode with Dragoon in blackface.
“smell this cheese”
“Its frumunda!”
In that black and white poster he looks like Michael Caine.
Two weeks in a row, it seems too quiet here. Should I be dismayed we seem to have fewer and fewer comments on this site?
I hope not.
Past month or so I have been up to my eyeballs in work. I dont seem to get free days anymore where I can just be a font of wisdom.
I hit it pretty hard today since sunup. I feel like a wet bag of cement that is starting to set up. I might be getting too old for this ass-busting nonsense.
I am going to slink away to my bed now….
Same. It is getting hard to even keep up Thursdays. Work is a horrible slog and I seem to get less out of it each month. There is little enjoyment of life.
“There is little enjoyment of life.”
Oh, come on!
There is a lot if one’s expectations are low. Like a cat with some catnip, it doesn’t take a lot to amuse me. I’m not a movie guy, I don’t have time anymore. Everything I do takes a lot more time than it used to, what with all the coffee breaks and checking the computer just in case someone somewhere might email me. (Rare).
Thanks for giving me a cheap, tawdry excuse (the finest kind!) to post a link to this silly but fun song written and performed by a dear friend. 😸
(You DID just say it doesn’t take a lot to amuse you! 😜)
A quote for the ages. I am stealing/adding to that.
“There is a lot of enjoyment to be had if one’s expectations are low enough.”
The movie posts are the best night time posts. In my humble First.
We definitely have fewer comments and fewer commenters.
Although, if you are still tree farming, I totally understand. Not that I know anything about tree farming besides what you wrote here….
I’m tree farming, with 13 apple trees started inside the house. They are about 6 inches tall now and at about a foot or so I’ll give them away to friends. I do have some to move in the garden but the frost is still in the ground so they can’t be dug and moved.
Up to my eyeballs with work as well.
Yes but it seems like some of the regulars are super busy. I’m one of them. I didn’t get home from work until 8:15.
Welp, I got a regular 40-hour-a-week job and I’m keeping my MT job, so if I post, it’ll be on Chafed’s schedule.
What’s the new job?
Still doing my job plus covering for my supervisor. Two more weeks to go.
I commented more when I was working full-time. It was easy to pop over to Glibs for a few minutes during the endless churn of work on my computer. I basically had 10 hours a day blocked off for tippy-tapping on my computer. Now that I’m semi-retired, not so much.
People drift off for a thousand different reasons. The trick is to figure out how to get people to drift in. I have not a single clue on that front.
Okay, I’ve figured out why nothing was lighting up. I figured out why half the display wasn’t lighting up. Now I’ve got this odd flicker that only appears when the : is Not lit, and all the digits are garbled… And checking my breadboard, whose jumpts are still in place, I screwed up copying over to the schematic from which I designed the circuit board, so the shift register outputs are no longer going to the same pins on the display – I can fix the output in code, so that’s not a catastrophe.
If only I could figure out this flicker.
Again, check the grounds and power. Check for bad solder joints. You have a scope? Look for AC on the power pins. Flicker is almost always a power problem.
It’s running off a battery pack, and if it were power I’d expect it to not stop just because one of the lights went on.
I checked the solder joints repeatedly when I was lookign at why it wasn’t showing anything.
flicker weith a four digit, seven segment display can easily be code because of how it refreshes.
and the debouncing code no longer works, so it’s impossible to set the time since each button press sends the number wildly out of whack.
These were solved in the prototype.
You could put a cap each switch.
That’s not what it means. Humans never press a button cleanly, so the signal is “bouncy” and each time it passes in and out of logical high or logical low voltage, it has the potential to trigger another interrupt unless it’s ‘debounced’ in some manner.
I used different buttons and different wiring in the breadboard prototype, so I have to revisit my code for cleaning that up.
Oh, you meant capacitor.
If I were redrawing the circuit board, I’d think about it.
I want to find all the problems with this one before I order an updated design. I don’t have the capacity to make them at home.
Reactance exists.
I want to appologise for the tone and confrontational stance I’ve been taking.
I haven’t eaten since 7 this morning mostly because I’ve been headbutting my way through a brick wall or another and forgot.
I have thoroughly picked over my solder jobs, the power supply does have two filter capacitors on the voltage regulator, and there’s no sign that it is anything but stable.
I decided to put off the flicker for the moment by just having the colon always on so I can poke at some of the other issues.
I’m tired.
Since nobody asked in the Joemala thread, I assume you all must know…
What is a “Jeffy-wander”?
Family Circus reference
I like FC.
I greatly enjoyed the Dysfunctional Family Circus parody
OMG nice find. I remember hanging some of those (or earlier versions thereof) in my cubicle back in a different century.
I was always partial to this parody version.
Keep clicking, keep getting philosophy.
Not that I’m a super active commenter, but the last week or so, I’ve been struggling to keep up with the content due to work/family obligations. Probably most of my comments as of late have been corpse fucking a dead post on top of it.
I went through and looked at my average comment count for Glibflicks:
2021: 210
2022: 184
2023: 147
2024: 124
So yes, at least this post is dropping off, year by year. That is not anecdotal.
For what it’s worth, it’s still very good much appreciated.
Thanks. I just wish there was a way to grow the site. Maybe there really is only 100 Glibs in the world.
Bro counts for 2.
102 is a hell of a run.
I would like to go outside but not be left there.
Awesome flick. I picked up the Cohen blu-ray double feature of this combined with “Up to His Ears”. Highly recommended.
UCS…what do you think about this as a stylized Gadsden image? I’d have to get it transparent background instead of yellow since it’d be over yellow paint, but the black looks pretty solid.
It’s not bad, but I don’t think it works for me.
It certainly conveys the image without being a direct copy. It should work.
It’s that very specific shade of yellow that will turn anything into a Gasden variant
I guess we know who’s running the White House.
Thursday is the post work race series. I do appreciate the films and watch many at a different time.
Tonight was wild winds, two boats blew up sails and one did some damage to itself by breaking a spinnaker pole. No injuries. We survived the wild ride for a first place finish.
Happy Friday!
*wild Muppet applaus*
The song you need today:
Err…silly typo. 😕
Up and at them.
At first I thought you spelled “OMD” wrong. 🫤
Good morning, Sean, rhy, CPRM, and U!
How’s it going so far today?
Well, I’m still sluggish and got on the road ten minutes behind schedule. I did make it to the office safely, but one of my tires is making an intermittant tapping noise when at highway speeds.
Other than that I’m mentally drafting the failure analysis article outlining the mistakes I made both in designing and troubleshooting the clock’s circuit board. Might be interesting.
Hmmm…not sure what that tire noise could be, but it might be worth checking out, maybe if you’re due for routine maintenance any time soon. Alignment?/utterly ignorant about automotive stuff
If I’d ever written up something about the futon cushion covers I made some months back, it definitely would have had a lot of “what NOT to do,” even though they finally turned out OK. 😄
One needs to be able to make mistakes in order to learn. Hearing about the mistakes of others also helps people learn. Knowing what not to do is as important as knowing what to do.
Indeed. If the instructions are strictly, “do this, get this correct result,” but you do it and DON’T get that result, you’re left just wondering, “NOW what??”
-Gropey Joe
I’m might break my tv this election cycle. 😵
“You can pry my abortions from my fetus’ cold blue hands!”
The power of Christ compels you!
Or something…
I’m still tired…
But I have to go to work so I can afford these hobbies – like living.
I’m going to title part 8 of the series on this clock project “Autopsy of Failure” where I just go through and outline all of the mistakes I made in this stage alone. Hoo boy, were there a lot.
I had an idea on how to clean up my debouncing code. maybe then I can sort out that flicker and make part 9 a redemption arc.
And again, Common Tater, I am sorry about my attitude, I do appreciate the help, I was just very off kilter and no longer thinking clearly at that time.
1. Did you turn it off an turn it back on?
2. Did you check the thermostat?
1. Yes
2. That feature isn’t scheduled to be included until the project after next.
Huh, looks like American credit card companies and payment processors have begun denying Japanese anime and manga websites services:
No attractive women or remotely controversial storylines welcome apparently.
For folks with insatiable Links appetites, I give you Laura’s Links, a weekly Thursday special on Mark Steyn’s website.
Good morning, hayek (and Stinky!) Are you up late or early?
I have been thinking how to convey my anger at how one cannot even have a rational conversation about this stuff – especially in the United States.
And then a story came along and did it for me.
That is a not a rational argument. That is the oinking of non-comprehending meat, and it’s everywhere today.
Here’s the thing:
The pro-trans side gets extremely offended if you posit that anyone will take advantage of the self-identity loophole for sexual or other gratification.
But loopholes, by definition attract those who will abuse them. Abusers and cheaters seek out those things that enable them.
This could be solvable if the pro-trans side didn’t ALSO take it as an article of faith that any questions of the motivations or sincerity of those using the loophole are inherently racist/sexist/homophobic/islamaphobic/whichever “ism” is at the top of the badness chart this month.
So if a disproportionate number of sexual assaults in women’s prisons are committed by trans people it’s just that trans people are inherently more inclined to engage in sexual assault, right? It’s certainly not due to heterosexual male prisoners taking advantage of the fear of people being labelled as anti-trans by not accepting their claimed gender identity at face value, right?
The ‘correct’ leftist answer is, of course, REEEEEE!!!
OMG that rogue’s gallery of murderers and rapists that JK Rowling linked to… each one more ridiculously unbelievable than the last. A perfect example of “you are supposed to pretend to believe this or else”.
Manipulating fear of being associated with an outgroup, it is Manhattan after all, is a time honored tradition. Of course it’s not a rational argument but it works. On a side note, it’s just mindboggling how far the leftist blob is willing to go to protect 0.1 percent of the population from criticism-it’s like they’re mind-controlled which, in a sense, they are.
It’s way less than 0.1 percent, especially if you weed out the hangers-on.
Anyway the numbers don’t matter. What matters are things like “smash the system” and “a boot stamping on your face forever.” It’s all fucking power-play and the perpetrators do not give the slightest flying fuck about facts or reason.
What’s the saying? “The issue is never the issue. The issue is always the revolution.”
This is an application of the Two Questions, really.
Who wants me to believe this? A crypto/neo/Marxist or leftist or progressive (which are all the same unless you want to split the hairs of angels dancing on the head of a pin; which label they choose merely shows their level of self-awareness and their place on the useful idiot stack).
Why do they want me to believe this? To demoralize me and undermine the foundations of society in service to their revolution.