1. Vida Hobo

    Columbia Students Take Over Hamilton Hall as Deadline to Disperse Passes

    Pssst, family of every other student enrolled not acting an ass, paying your way and rocking it virtual. Get together and sue the living shit out of Columbia and the students causing the disruption and their families.

      • rhywun

        Random Bruce Davison appearance always appreciated.

      • Ownbestenemy

        There is the PCU clip!

      • Nephilium

        TIL that PCU is no longer available on streaming, and DVD’s are going for over $30. Now, I wouldn’t necessarily know this, but there may be a copy on archive.org.

      • Timeloose

        Gutter is a Tool!!

      • slumbrew

        I totally forgot Jessica Walter was President Garcia-Thompson.

    • Chafed

      So much this.

  2. rhywun

    Sec of State Blinken Urges Hamas to Accept “Extraordinarily Generous” Ceasefire Deal

    It’s a trap!

    • Not Adahn

      I hope it’s the administration wanting these protests to go away by taking the leash off Israel.

      • rhywun

        If Darth Netanyahu isn’t the one to put an end to Hamas, it will never happen. This is apparently what Team Joe wants.

    • The Other Kevin

      The Biden admin is walking a thin line and not doing a great job of it. They have a very loud far left anti-Israel base they need to appease, but the military/industrial complex is 100% behind Israel. So good luck dealing with the monster you created.

  3. Not Adahn

    I have been assured that breaking a window means cops are allowed to put you down like the rabid dog you are.

    • Brawndo

      Rabid dogs putting down rabid dogs

    • EvilSheldon

      “…breaking a window means cops are allowed to put you down like the rabid dog you are panic and start blasting away without identifying their target.

      Fixed that for you.

  4. Shpip

    “Because of the unique circumstances and challenges surrounding this case, the Santa Cruz County Attorney’s Office has decided not to seek a retrial,” prosecutor Kim Hunley said during a status hearing in Santa Cruz County Superior Court, according to Tuscon.com.

    I’m sure if some enterprising reporter looked around, she could find an activist lamenting something to the effect of “OMG! It’ll be open season on invaders undocumented asylum seekers now!”

    It won’t be, but a man can dream.

    • B.P.

      Dude, they’re called “newcomers.”

      • Nephilium

        Ok Sam Francisco.

  5. Not Adahn

    It’s common knowledge that St. George is a racist symbol. Just ask anyone in the UK government.

    • Toxteth O'Grady

      Ah fot he wuz Turkish.

      • UnCivilServant

        None of the “Turkish” Saints were Turkish. They were Greeks on Asia Minor. The Turks didn’t overrun Byzantine defense until centuries later.

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        I didn’t know that until the other day.

        I think I was just hoping for some Snatch improv.

        Sorry about your clutter quandary. I understand. Quentin Crisp said that the dust never gets any worse after four years of not cleaning. While I don’t subscribe to that philosophy, I have a few sad corners that prove it to be true.

      • UnCivilServant

        My brain is too foggy to improv. I especially wouldn’t catch a reference to a movie I last saw… so long ago I couldn’t give you the year.

        I don’t believe there is a point where the dust will stop accumulating. Areas people move through might get cleared by regular activity, but any space not visited will accumulate more.

      • ron73440

        Ah fot he wuz Turkish.

        Is it zee Germans Tommy?

      • Toxteth O'Grady


  6. rhywun

    Columbia Students Take Over Hamilton Hall as Deadline to Disperse Passes

    Well, for some value of “Columbia students”.

  7. juris imprudent

    Speaking of US-Ukraine relations over a 10-year timespan.

    This account of U.S. interference in Ukraine, which can be traced to fateful decisions made by the Obama administration, including then-Vice President Biden and his top aides, is based on often overlooked public disclosures. It also relies on the personal testimony of Andrii Telizhenko, a former Ukrainian diplomat and Democratic Party-tied political consultant who worked closely with U.S. officials to promote regime change in Ukraine.

    Although he once welcomed Washington’s influence in Ukraine, Telizhenko now takes a different view. “I’m a Ukrainian who knew how Ukraine was 30 years ago, and what it became today,” he says. “For me, it’s a total failed state.” In his view, Ukraine has been “used directly by the United States to fight a [proxy] war with Russia” and “as a rag to make money for people like Biden and his family.”

    The State Department has accused Telizhenko being part of a “Russia-linked foreign influence network.” In Sept. 2020 it revoked his visa to travel to the United States.

    Revoking his visa makes me think of, what is that phrase… oh yes, prepping the battlespace. Nominally under the Trump administration. I’m sure Alex and others will jump all over Obama, but what should be clear is – it doesn’t really matter who is president. This shit happens where high-level direction and concomitant accountability no longer exists.

    • Not Adahn

      I don’t think it’s arguable that there were close and corrupt ties between the UKR government and the Bidens. What seems notable to me is how the Ukes stuck with the Dems during the impeachment. They were assured (somehow) that picking the D side was the correct one, that Trump wasn’t going to be able to turn on them. Does this suggest that the fix was in that early on? Maybe.

      • Certified Public Asshat

        It doesn’t matter who the president, except it is a lot easier when it isn’t that Trump guy.

    • rhywun

      it doesn’t really matter who is president

      With foreign policy, absolutely.

      I’m not convinced the president has any say in it.

    • Fatty Bolger

      it doesn’t really matter who is president

      Ah. That explains why there’s been so little resistance to the first, and now possibly another Trump presidency.

      • juris imprudent

        Team retards of course excepted.

      • Fatty Bolger

        Crossfire Hurricane ring a bell?

      • juris imprudent

        Are they not covered by my statement?

      • Fatty Bolger

        Only for a couple of the actors. Most, including the primary drivers, were not “team retards.”

    • Sensei

      That is spectacular.

    • rhywun


    • Fourscore

      “This cat gets it”

      Sammy Davis Jr

    • Not Adahn

      It’s important not to flinch when you’re dominating someone.

  8. Shpip

    Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said that the United States and Ukrainian governments are “working on a bilateral security agreement” that would effectively send aid to Ukraine over the next ten years fully fund Zelenky’s villa on Lake Constance for the remainder of his lifetime.


    • Sean

      They’re already running out of cannon fodder. 10 years? WTF?

      • rhywun

        The shamelessness is breathtaking. The blob is not even pretending anymore.

    • Drake

      If the Russians win and take over the Ukraine, do we have to send them the money?

      • R C Dean

        Why not? It’s not like we haven’t paid off the Russians before? Remember Hillary approving the sale of US uranium and funding of their “technology” park?

      • juris imprudent

        Russian reset 2, coming soon!

    • db

      I propose a Constitutional amendment requiring that a formal treaty be executed with each individual foreign state wishing to receive military aid from the USA. This is not the sort of thing to leave up to the Executive foreign policy establishment.

      If it’s so clearly important to embroil the US in foreign conflicts, it should be simple to get Senate approval for a formal treaty in each case.

  9. Evan from Evansville

    Day 7 of my new gig begins in a min. I can’t yet imagine how much faster my 8-hour remote day (in my Harry Potter closet-office in bedroom) is than 4.5 hours babysitting ~100 kids in a cafeteria/gym. (It should be easy to imagine.) First scheduled ‘office’ gig since my last ended March 1, 2022. Room and board provided by my parents.

    Big Steps begin w one. Here we again go!

    • Toxteth O'Grady

      Congrats, sir.

      I apologize for being rude to you the other day.

      • Evan from Evansville

        I don’t think you were rude! (I may not remember this specific interaction…)
        You seem eager to hear my exploits and you’ve inquired into my (sry, quite real) cuteness. It exists, and Silver Fox Ev is going to be a fucking masterpiece. Bro and I age remarkably well. He’s six years older, and we’re both at our high school powerlifting weights of ~114 and (me) ~132lb. He gives me insight into my genetic future.

        I give him insight and hope! If you take our nearly identical physicality/athleticism, I show him that you can shatter our corporeal forms and still bounce back. My Wolverine status was nascent in childhood, and my fevered healing abilities showcase them moving on. Musk and I should get together. I’d happily be his (non-sexual, unless he’s sharing) guinea pig.

    • The Other Kevin

      Being able to self-motivate is a big skill and will be a great addition to your resume. Keep moving forward Evan!

      • Evan from Evansville

        Self-motivation: Getting the fuck out of my Harry Potter existence would help, though my family is NOTHING but love and support. I’m fucking blessed.

        Biggest motivator? Having actual $$ would help. I was 25, up $20k and 0$ in debt. I’ve got Room/Board, but just adding pocket money this Fri will be a natural boost to morale.

  10. Tres Cool

    whaddup doh’

    /waves to Neph from Parma

    • Nephilium

      Just down the road from you in the Heights. I would recommend hitting up Das Schnitzel Haus (or their brewery across the street – Schnitz Ale brewing) if you like German food and beer.

    • Not Adahn

      I hear the chicken is good there.

  11. Sensei

    Funny how CNN buries this at almost the bottom of the article.

    Among all voters, Biden remains at a bit of a disadvantage relative to Trump in terms of the share of voters who have ruled out voting for him: 52% say there’s no chance they would support him, while 47% say there’s no chance they would back Trump, both numbers are similar to the level found in a fall CNN survey.

    There are actually more “never Biden” voters than there are “never Trump” voters.


    • Sean

      Doesn’t matter.

      -Mail in ballots

      • Sensei

        +1 PA Supreme Court

    • R C Dean

      I remember when the margin of fraud was maybe one or two percent.

      I was listening to the Hardcore History series on the fall of the Roman republic. Tribunes were elected, and as soon as they acquired real power, the ballot boxes started being stuffed.

      Just remember – nobody counts votes, only ballots.

      • ron73440

        I was listening to the Hardcore History series on the fall of the Roman republic.

        That is one of my favorites.

        It is loooong though.

  12. Sensei

    I’m sure that mucking around in the single family residential real estate market will have zero unintended consequences.

    Wall Street Has Spent Billions Buying Homes. A Crackdown Is Looming.
    Lawmakers say investors that scooped up hundreds of thousands of houses to rent out are driving up home prices


    • Homple

      There are consequences already.

      • R C Dean

        A lot of that happened while interest rates were artificially low and in highly leveraged portfolios. I wonder how those portfolios look now.

      • juris imprudent

        I guess no one remembers the REIT years.

    • DrOtto

      I noticed no one in the article suggested easing regulations to make building new homes cheaper/easier so that this type of investment would lose it’s luster. Just regulate harder on both sides of the fence and kill it all is always their answer.

      • Fourscore

        What? And let people do what they want?

      • Fatty Bolger

        Also nobody wondering why you have to own so many homes in order to compete as a landlord. Note this:

        Critics of regulation note that many of the largest investors have bought very few or no homes in the past year.

        Smaller investors that own between 10 and 99 homes have stepped up their share of home buying this year, Burns said. Some of the proposed legislation would also target these smaller investors.

        Looks like there’s a pretty big floor in order to be viable. Couldn’t be that anti-landlord legislation and regulation has made it too hard for individual, family, and small holding landlords to compete, could it? Nah, couldn’t be. It’s just those evil corporations being evil and trying to make money. How dare they.

  13. R C Dean

    “Leader of an anti-St George campaign group, M.E. Cormier”

    Looks pretty much like I expected.

    • rhywun

      Some clever journalismist is dying to whip out “white flight!1!”

      As if it couldn’t be more seventies again.

      • Shpip

        “We’re not fleeing anything. We’re just not going to be the tax cattle for your inept, corrupt local government.”

        This has been a trend for a while. Sandy Springs, GA was able to incorporate before Atlanta could annex them. Buckhead wasn’t so lucky, as attempts to secede from Atlanta and form their own municipality were shot down by… Republican governor Kemp and Republicans in the state legislature. There’s been a similar movement in my area to form Springs County, separating from Big College and the more vibrant parts of the community. It, too, is going nowhere in the legislature.

        Brings up this uncomfortable piece of truth that I stumbled upon recently.

      • rhywun


      • dbleagle

        Ouch, but I can’t argue with it.

  14. The Late P Brooks

    Democrats in the U.S. Senate and House have sponsored legislation that would force large owners of single-family homes to sell houses to family buyers. A Republican’s bill in the Ohio state legislature aims to drive out institutional owners through heavy taxation.

    Lawmakers in Nebraska, California, New York, Minnesota and North Carolina are among those proposing similar laws.

    While homeowner associations for years have sought to stop investors from buying and renting out houses in their neighborhoods, the legislative proposals represent a new effort by elected officials to regulate Wall Street’s appetite for single-family homes.

    If the government owned all those houses, the market would be frictionless.

    • R C Dean

      Technically correct, since a market where nothing changes hands has no movement, and thus has no friction.

  15. Drake

    From yesterday afternoon’s links: Humza Yousaf complaining that there are too many Scots in the Scottish government.

    Imagine showing up in Korea and complaining that only Koreans are in charge. Or going to Saudi Arabia and bitching about the Arabs. Why are only Europeans expected to put up with this shit instead of running him out of town and back to wherever he came from?

    • rhywun


      • cyto

        I cannot reconcile this from my limited knowledge of Scottish culture.

        Anecdote from a buddy travelling in Scotland: he was drinking with the locals one night and asked if they had Foosball (his favorite pastime)

        After some confusion the locals laughed… “No… we just got two things here. We got drink. And we got fight.”

        Hard to imagine those guys putting up with this.

        Same goes for Australia. I can’t imagine the country of crocodile Dundee going the route of no guns, no free speech, no cash transactions and vaccination interment camps. Yet here we are.

      • Drake

        I believe that is part of the reason Yousaf resigned – he annoyed too many people.

      • The Other Kevin

        He went head to head with JK Rowling and lost.

      • R C Dean

        Nah. He crossed the Greens is wot dun ‘im in.

      • Not Adahn

        Trainspotting tells me that the Scots are also into soccer, heroin, and shit.

      • juris imprudent

        Doesn’t everyone remember who was the last king of Scotland?

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        Scotland could use an Idi Amin, he might be able to whip those fookin wankers back into shape.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        I’m starting to think that that poofter he chucked out the window managed to escape north and he screwed up their gene pool.

    • Toxteth O'Grady

      Palest country (so to speak) I’ve ever been in.

    • Gustave Lytton

      Imagine showing up in Korea and complaining that only Koreans are in charge. Or going to Saudi Arabia and bitching about the Arabs.

      Let me introduce you to the expats on r/Japan…

      • Sensei

        I’m impressed you can actually read that subreddit.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Hatesurfing is real.

        I do have to quit after hitting my forehead enough.

    • B.P.

      I guess only some indigenous peoples are important.

  16. Shpip

    So the usual suspects, UCLA version, decided to play copycat and start a “liberated zone” on campus. One of the attendees apparently has a banana allergy (not the “in the tailpipe” kind), so they put up flyers declaring the area a no-banana camp.

    Normies caught word of this, and hilarity ensued.

    No word on whether the campus radicals had a collective chimpout.

    • Dr. Fronkensteen

      Gives new meaning to the term banana clip.

    • Sean


    • Fatty Bolger

      Saw that in a hyperventilating tweet about how terrible it was that (((they))) would endanger banana allergy sufferers like that.

  17. The Late P Brooks

    “Because of the unique circumstances and challenges surrounding this case, the Santa Cruz County Attorney’s Office has decided not to seek a retrial,” Deputy County Attorney Kimberly Hunley told Fink Monday.

    Maybe Letitia James can extradite him to New York and try him for 100 counts of first degree murder.

    • cyto

      I am still kind of stunned that the right hasn’t reacted in kind. I thought this would happen as far back as DeLay in 2005.

      • Q Continuum

        They’re still looking for their testicles. Maybe one of these days, they’ll find them…

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      And to think they loved him just to death right up to the point that they found out he’s open-minded and pro free speech.

      • Fatty Bolger

        It’s telling.

      • The Other Kevin

        Politics trumps everything, and it poisons everything. Our country could be the prototypical society of the future if it weren’t for that.

  18. Sean

    I played https://squaredle.com/xp 04/30:
    *20/20 words (+8 bonus words)
    📖 In the top 7% by bonus words

    I played https://squaredle.com 04/30:
    *28/28 words (+7 bonus words)
    📖 In the top 3% by bonus words
    🔥 Solve streak: 286

    • rhywun

      I played https://squaredle.com/xp 04/30:
      *20/20 words (+8 bonus words)
      📖 In the top 7% by bonus words

      I played https://squaredle.com 04/30:
      *28/28 words (+9 bonus words)
      📖 In the top 1% by bonus words
      🔥 Solve streak: 244

      I played https://squaredle.com 04/29 (Weekly Subscriber Puzzle):
      96/96 words (+21 bonus words)
      📖 In the top 32% by bonus words

    • rhywun

      Ugh bit by auto links – curses, WP.

    • SDF-7

      I played https://squaredle.com/xp 04/30:
      *20/20 words (+4 bonus words)
      🎯 Perfect accuracy

      I played https://squaredle.com 04/30:
      *28/28 words
      🎯 In the top 5% by accuracy
      🔥 Solve streak: 352

  19. db

    California court rules state laws cannot broadly override local government


    That’s madness, or not, depending on the flavor of the day.

    Here in PA, a firearms law preemption law fixed a ton of issues with each municipality having its own gun laws. (Well, except for Philadephia, because FYTW).

    • cyto

      That is an odd ruling, since the concept is a foundation of how laws and the hierarchy of jurisdictions works. There must be more to it than that, because it would either overturn the majority of California law or allow local governments to contrivene the majority of California law.

      • R C Dean

        + 1 city-state

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Devolution to the lowest level of government would be a good thing for most of the country, Cali very much included.

      • The Other Kevin

        The biggest problem we have is accountability. It’s much easier to hold people accountable at a local level. So yes.

    • Nephilium

      There’s been an ongoing back and forth between the big blue cities in Ohio and the red legislature. Blue cities pass gun bans, plastic bag bans, flavored “tobacco” (really nicotine) bans, etc. The state then goes and passes a statewide law that overrides the local ones. There’s been quite a few cases about it, nearly all going to the legislature over the cities. The cities are claiming the state is infringing on their freedom to ban things.

      • juris imprudent

        is infringing on their freedom to ban things.

        That should cause an aneurysm in the person making that argument.

      • Nephilium

        You would think, but they’re dreadfully earnest about how they need this freedom to ban things for safety.

  20. The Late P Brooks

    This seems like a novel tactic

    The family of the Black teenager who was shot in the head after ringing the doorbell of the wrong home in Kansas City, Missouri, last year, filed a lawsuit Monday on his behalf against the White man who shot him and the residential homeowners association where the house is located.

    The seven-page lawsuit, filed by Ralph’s mother Cleopatra Nagbe in the circuit court of Clay County, Missouri, accuses Andrew Lester, the shooter, and the Highland Acres Homes Association, Inc. of “careless and negligent conduct.”

    “At all times relevant, Plaintiff (Ralph Yarl) never posed or issued a threat to Defendant, Andrew Lester,” the lawsuit states, adding the Highland Acres Homes Association “was aware of or should have been aware of Defendant, Andrew Lester’s, propensity for violence, access to dangerous weapons and racial animus.”

    Will all homeowners now be subject to a mind probe by a telepath, in addition to a requirement to abdicate their Constitutional rights?

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      What happened there was fucked but this is just a money grab.

    • R C Dean

      Exactly what was the HOA supposed to do, one wonders?

      A functioning justice system would immediately dismiss that claim and sanction the attorneys who brought it. Ours has actually has the power to do so, but judges never use it, on account of they are mostly gutless.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        He’s been $hot!

      • Sensei

        Sue everybody sort it out in discovery.

        The ABA way!

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        Wait, whom are we billing?

        Much like the FL school thug defense.

      • EvilSheldon

        Ban residents from owning guns.

        Hey, you asked, slick!

  21. The Late P Brooks

    The racial dynamics of the incident raised scrutiny of whether anti-Black racism played a role in the shooting. Further, the shooting was among a spate of cases involving young people shot or killed after mistakenly going to the wrong house, the wrong driveway or the wrong car.

    Thousands of people shot every day just for ringing the wrong doorbell or pulling into the wrong driveway.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      But I want to return #17, too many tats. Let me speak to your supervisor.

    • PieInTheSky

      fuckin lol

    • Ownbestenemy

      Did yesterday but definitely worth reposting.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      There’s a YouTube guy, Actual Justice Warrior, who’s been following this case and it’s something else. She’s a classic flimflammer although more brazen than most.

      • The Other Kevin

        You should hear the interviews with her. It’s nuts.

  22. The Late P Brooks

    Here to help

    The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission on Monday said employers refusing to use transgender workers’ preferred pronouns and barring them from using bathrooms that match their gender identity amounts to unlawful workplace harassment under federal anti-discrimination law.
    The EEOC updated its enforcement guidance, opens new tab on workplace harassment for the first time in 25 years, including to reflect a landmark U.S. Supreme Court ruling that anti-bias laws cover LGBTQ workers, after an earlier attempt stalled during the Trump administration.


    EEOC Chair Charlotte Burrows in an interview said the guidance reflects decades of court rulings that have expanded workers’ rights to be free from workplace harassment, and that updating it was necessary to ensure that employers are aware of their legal obligations.
    “We felt we really needed to lay out the contours of the law and where it stands,” said Burrows, an appointee of Democratic President Joe Biden.

    What a fucking clown show.

    • The Other Kevin

      If I had a business with employees every bathroom would be single, all-gender. The expense would be worth avoiding all this bullshit.

    • rhywun

      It might be worth voting for Trump for this reason alone.

      This shit is so fucking evil I can’t even. Compelled speech is the NOT harassment thing.

    • Not Adahn

      Alternate title: don’t love your food that much.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        Cows are surprisingly friendly if you raise them like a pet. My grandfather had a bull that’d follow him around like a dog when he went out in the pasture.

    • ZWAK will kindle all of the dreams it took a lifetime to destroy

      Only in Jersey.

  23. Pope Jimbo

    Local proggie site has a story about the future of using ShotSpotter technology by the Minneapolis cops. I’m open to a discussion about the technology. Does it work? Is it worth the money? You know what is a really dumb reason to question the technology? RACISM!!!!

    Research conducted by Alexander Lindenfelser of the University of Minnesota Law School and Legal Rights Center found that the use of ShotSpotter disproportionately impacts Black and Native residents across Minneapolis. By analyzing all ShotSpotter activations between 2020 and 2023 and comparing that to U.S. Census data, Lindenfelser found that Black and Native residents were more than three times likely to live in an area with a ShotSpotter sensor installed.

    Lindenfelser said the higher amounts of activations in those neighborhoods could further harm the police department’s relationship with the community, citing a report from the Chicago Office of the Inspector General that found officers perceived neighborhoods blanketed with ShotSpotter sensors as more dangerous.

    “ShotSpotter sensors detect a gunshot that is instead a firework, a backfiring car, construction noise or another loud impulsive sound, and police respond to an incident that they think is dangerous and treat bystanders accordingly,” he said in an interview. “This has a lot of potential for police interactions to escalate out of fear in a way that can damage community trust.”

    Rad said the fear opponents of ShotSpotter have is that it facilitates over-policing in areas that have historically experienced fraught relations with law enforcement. Police departments could point to the data provided by the technology to justify aggressive police response in those neighborhoods, he said.

    “This is the concern with a lot of policing technologies, that it will legitimize the sort of racist practices that police departments use in order to respond to social problems,” he said. “This is a further way of just basically making it seem like this is a neutral or objective way of sending in more police.”

    Anyone want to bet that the actual residents of these neighborhoods wish they had more sensors and faster cop reaction times? That it is only the white proggies who live in safe neighborhoods that think this shit is racist?

    • cyto

      Doesn’t shot spotter know the difference between a gunshot and a firework or backfire? I could have sworn it was way more sophisticated than that a couple of decades ago.

      • Fatty Bolger

        I think it can still pick up false positives. But regardless, it’s a dumb argument that it leads to “overpolicing” certain neighborhoods. It’s no coincidence that those are the neighborhoods setting it off more often, and it’s not due to their love of fireworks.

    • rhywun

      False claims of “racism” are the go-to strategy for radical pro-crime leftists to get what they want. Why stop now.

      officers perceived neighborhoods blanketed with ShotSpotter sensors as more dangerous

      It is a mystery.

  24. The Other Kevin

    In case any of you missed it over the weekend, we had some excitement in the TOK household. On Friday my youngest (19) told us she was getting married and was moving with her boyfriend to Seattle where he’ll be stationed in the Navy. Last night we had the ceremony at the court house and a little dinner at our house. Today they’re at the base changing his orders and getting everything planned. It was quite the shock, we’re all still processing things and just hoping everything works out for them. We do have some in-laws in Washington so there is at least someone around in case she needs help with anything. And she can finish her school online, so there’s that.

    • db

      Best wishes to your daughter and her husband. I hope all works out well for them and for you!

    • Fatty Bolger

      Congratulations and best wishes to them.

    • ron73440

      Do you know him well?

      Hope it works out.

      I got married at 22 and drug my wife all over the place and she’s still here.

      Military life makes family relations difficult sometimes.

      • Sensei

        Plus a huge cultural adjustment for your wife.

        Not easy for either of you.

      • The Other Kevin

        Yes, he’s a nice kid and puts up with a lot of crap from her. 🙂

    • Drake

      Wishing them a long and happy marriage.

      Pretty much all you can do.

      • Sensei

        + 1 Here!

    • Gustave Lytton

      Congratulations to the TOK household!

      It could be the BAH, but that she got married instead of just shacking up with her BF speaks well to her and her parents.

      • The Other Kevin

        That’s one of the thoughts I have. They could easily have just shown up one day married. But even with short notice, they told us first and invited us.

      • The Other Kevin

        And yes, it was more strategic than anything. They weren’t at all excited about any festivities. As my wife said, they want to be together and this is their way to do it. Being married they get BAH, moving is paid for, she gets benefits, etc.

    • The Other Kevin

      Thanks everyone. I’m still not sure what to think about this. They are really young and have little idea of what life is like. But they’re pretty smart, and he has a great career ahead of him. Hopefully she does too. I told her this is an adventure, she’s moving to a beautiful part of the country and I hope she takes full advantage of that.

      • R C Dean

        19 isn’t that young, you know.

      • The Other Kevin

        Sure feels like it when you’re a dad! But you’re right, he’s old enough to be in the Navy, she’s been fairly independent dealing with school and her own doctors appointments and things.

      • Fourscore

        Congrats to all the Other Kevins.

        My oldest grand daughter, 33, is getting married Sat for the first time. Her husband to be seems nice, responsible, respectable.

        Their wedding plan reads like a first time sleep over for young teenagers. Fortunately I’m not able to attend and anyway, I’ll be busy picking up bees and getting them installed into their new home. Priorities.

        The Fourscore wedding gift fit neatly into the congratulatory card, easy to carry.

      • trshmnstr


        They are really young and have little idea of what life is like.

        To give a different perspective, what they did was fairly standard from ancient times up until about 75 years ago. If anything, they’d be considered prime marrying age. “Young” marriages have their challenges, but no more so that those who are getting married a decade later.

        The coolest part will be, if/when they start having kids, you’re going to have plenty of energy left in the tank to teach the grandkids how to play hockey.

        Congrats again, TOK!

      • The Other Kevin

        See this is why I like this place, you are all very encouraging and I hear different perspectives.

    • Common Tater

      Best Wishes 🙂

  25. Common Tater

    “NFL commissioner Roger Goodell ‘is considering moving the Super Bowl to Presidents’ Day weekend’ – finally giving fans the day after off work

    ‘I think we’re good at 17 [games] now,’ Goodell said. ‘But, listen, we’re looking at how we continue. I’m not a fan of the preseason. The reality is, I’d rather replace a preseason game with a regular-season game any day. That’s just picking quality.’

    ‘If we get to 18 and 2, that’s not an unreasonable thing,’ he added. ‘The other thing it does, (Super Bowl Sunday) ends on up Presidents’ Day weekend, which is a three-day weekend, which makes it Sunday night and then you have Monday off.'”


    Maybe I haven’t had enough cofeve, but that doesn’t sound completely stupid.

    • db

      Oh, okay, I guess that works for people who get that day off as a holiday.

    • Certified Public Asshat

      But 16 games and a 12 team playoff was better.

    • Nephilium

      Burrow (I believe) was the first to say that if they’re going to an 18 game season, they need to go with 2 bye weeks… which seems perfectly reasonable to me.

    • Mojeaux

      I like it.

  26. Certified Public Asshat

    Drew Barrymore gets gushy with ‘Momala’ Harris

    “I keep thinking in my head that we all need a mom,” Barrymore said, sitting practically knee-to-knee with the vice president. “I’ve been thinking that we really all need a tremendous hug in the world right now. But in our country, we need you to be Momala of the country.”

    “As a woman who respects so much and wants to share and wants to be confident and has no ounce of meek, that has competitiveness — when we lift each other up, we all rise,” she continued. “We need a great protector.”

    Evil step moms are not good moms.

    • db

      Drew Barrymore gets gushy

      I think I saw that video

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Momala? Jesus, it’s been a steady downhill ever since ET hasn’t it?

      • db

        I love the implication that her association with Kamala Harris is downhill from her pornstar days.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        She has a porno out there? When did that happen?

      • Nephilium

        I never knew you owned a boat db.

      • db

        I’m stumped as to this reference

    • Fatty Bolger

      Drew, I’m sorry you didn’t have a mother who protected you when you were little. But the rest of us don’t need a politician mommy. That’s gross.

  27. The Late P Brooks

    Walmart is getting out of the health care business. No link due to server error.

  28. The Late P Brooks

    Nanny don’t sleep

    The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration unveiled the final version of the new regulation on Monday and called it the most significant safety rule in the past two decades. It’s designed to prevent many rear-end and pedestrian collisions and reduce the roughly 40,000 traffic deaths that happen each year.

    “We’re living through a crisis in roadway deaths,” Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg said in an interview. “So we need to do something about it.”


    “Part of how I think we’re going to turn the corner on the unacceptable level of roadway deaths that we just lived with for my entire lifetime is through these kinds of technologies,” said Buttigieg, who is 42. “We need to make sure we set high performance standards.”

    The regulation, which will require additional engineering to bolster software and possibly add hardware such as radar, won’t go into effect for more than five years. That will give automakers time to bolster their systems during the normal model update cycle, NHTSA said.

    It also will drive up prices, which NHTSA estimates at $354 million per year in 2020 dollars, or $82 per vehicle. But Buttigieg said it will save 362 lives per year, prevent about 24,000 injuries and save billions in property damage.

    If it saves one life…

    • Drake

      I still plan to drive a manual transmission. That should be interesting.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        I had a Mazda3 with a manual a few years ago that had the automatic collision braking stuff so it’s nothing new. It never kicked in with me but I guess it just stalls the car out when it happens.

      • Drake

        That what I was wondering. Stall or some way of throwing it out of gear.

    • Gustave Lytton

      I turned the AEB off in my work truck. Too many stories of the current model years stopping unexpectedly or difficulty navigating simple things like drive throughs.

      If Buttglug wants to reduce rear end accidents, get rid of those fucking pulse high mount brake lights, tail lists that are high intensity/low surface area, taillights that are lines or single light or anything other than a distinct tail light, and turn signals down in the bumpers.

      • Sensei

        On the Tesla it will phantom brake at overpasses on the highway.

      • Grummun

        I discovered that my Forester doesn’t like to back into tall grass. Sudden hard stop.

      • Sensei

        It’s what makes a Subaru a Subaru!

      • Gustave Lytton

        I did almost run over a pedestrian recently. Car in front stopped abruptly while turning, then continued and my attention was on that side. Pedestrian bumbles straight into the intersection from the other side and I missed him due to the mirror and absurd A pillar block line of sight. Didn’t hit him.

        Should have looked again to that side but good lord, stop teaching these idiots they have the right of way. Look both directions, make sure it’s clear for crossing the street. Make eye contact with drivers* and don’t assume they see you.

        *anyone who tints their windows well beyond factory tint to where other drivers or pedestrians cannot see them is a fucking menace.

      • Drake

        Yes – teaching people to properly cross a street would probably save more lives.

        My wife just got her windows tinted before another SC summer. She wanted the lightest tint possible with the most sunblocking. Not sure it works that way – you might be able to see her if the light is right…

      • Certified Public Asshat

        Buttglug wants to reduce rear end accidents

        Rear end collisions are kind of his thing.

      • Sean

        Both of my vehicles have it. No complaints.

        The SUV actually has 3 setting levels, and I just leave it in the middle.

      • kinnath

        The Rogue has AEB. It has erroneously slammed on the brakes a couple of times. Fortunately, it has not slammed on the brakes during icy conditions which would be very detrimental.

        It has never operated when it is supposed to, because neither of us has needed it to work.

        The business case for NHTSA is most likely horseshit because it probably ignores cases of erroneous system behavior that results in an accident.

      • trshmnstr

        I found the setting for AEB in the software menus of the van the other day. I turned it to the least sensitive. It can’t reliably tell the difference between somebody on their brakes in my lane and somebody on their brakes in an adjacent lane.

        It’s more sensitive when cruise control is on, which sucks.

    • Shpip

      Although about 90% of new vehicles have the automatic braking standard now under a voluntary agreement with automakers, at present there are no performance requirements, so some systems are may not be that effective. The new regulations set standards for vehicles to automatically stop and avoid hitting other vehicles or pedestrians, even at night.

      I’m sure some clever intern at NHTSA can spreadsheet out all the rear-end collisions in the country over the last, say, five years and see how many were with automatic-braking cars vs. older models, then see how many were fatalities, and see if the mandates will be in any way effective.

      Ha ha… I keed. I’ll show myself out.

    • R C Dean

      Glad we are unlikely to ever need to buy another car.

      • R C Dean

        Clicked too soon. When I saw that story, I told Mrs. Dean “They should just put a tail hook under the car. When the sensor goes off, it drops the tail hook into the pavement. You won’t get a faster stop than that.”

    • trshmnstr

      “We’re living through a crisis in roadway deaths,”


  29. The Late P Brooks

    Critics say the standards should have come sooner, and that they don’t appear to require that the systems spot people on bicycles, scooters or other vulnerable people.

    Of course they do.

  30. Nephilium

    So the girlfriend is finally realizes that there may be some collusion going on among the media. She’s been watching X-Men ’97 and agrees that it’s just fucking terrible. So when articles like this come out, she’s the one yelling at the writers instead of me.

    It’s been entertaining for me… so far.

    • PieInTheSky

      I remember liking the xmen cartoon when I was a young

    • The Other Kevin

      There are a few selections on Rotten Tomatoes that should open her eyes. Can’t remember any specific titles, but they had rave reviews from critics and regular people hated it.

      • Nephilium

        She’s already aware of the big gap between critic/fan scores (me being a horror and sci-fi movie fan opened her eyes about that quite a while back). But I think this is one of the first times that she’s on the complete outside of a cultural thing. I agree that it’s garbage, as does another one of her friends, she and him are confused about all the rave reviews it’s getting. I’m just accepting it as people who never watched the original, but had an idea of what it was that’s very different than the nostalgia filters that we have.

        The original X-Men cartoon was good. It wasn’t great, it never reached the levels of the DCAU (DC Animated Universe) and had some really bad/overly long plot arcs. Nearly no one cares about the Savage Lands or the Shi’ar empire (I’m sure there’s some super fan of each out there, but I’ve never met them). And I would say X-Men 2 was probably the best X-Men adaptation of all times.

    • Gustave Lytton

      to talk about how years of treatment of the American gay community post-9/11 informed his writing on the episode


      • Beau Knott


      • Nephilium

        Yeah. I don’t recall there being a bunch of anti-gay rhetoric after 9/11, but what would I know?

      • R C Dean

        Not here, no. In certain overseas regions, though?

    • cyto

      Tried to watch it. Ignoring everything else, the editing style is like a 3 year old with ADHD. Everything is speed-run.

      Which oddly made it insufferably boring.

      Watched maybe 1.5 episodes and had it on while doing housework for another couple. Never caught my attention and didn’t go back.

    • Suthenboy

      Some collusion….
      Relative of mine this morning told me that no pro-pali protesters are calling for the death of Jews or destruction of Israel.
      She exclusively watches lefty news sources.

  31. Gustave Lytton

    Columbia Students Take Over Hamilton Hall as Deadline to Disperse Passes

    Dispersing hall passes?

    • Sensei

      It’s top 10 for me.

      Bonus Bio from one of the commenters.

      Jennifer 麻衣子 Bradshaw she/her/彼女🔰
      I’m a pansexual, feminist, renter, data analyst, cosplayer, pro-public transit, pro-housing activist of
      . Day job is game dev 🎮

      • Sensei

        Would appear so.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        Whoops, missed “cosplayer.” Generally they look pretty decent even though the number of identifiers is usually inversely related to attractiveness.

    • rhywun


  32. The Late P Brooks

    Nanny don’t sleep, pt 2

    The US Environmental Protection Agency finalized a rule Tuesday that will end many uses of the highly toxic, cancer-causing solvent methylene chloride. The chemical will still be available for certain purposes, but with new guidelines meant to keep workers safe.

    Activists have been pushing for such regulations for decades, and it is one of several dangerous chemicals the Biden administration has banned or restricted just this year.

    Methylene chloride, which is also called dichloromethane, is a volatile industrial solvent that is most often used in commercial paint strippers. It is also used in metal degreasers, aerosols, adhesives, paint and coating products, and in the manufacturing of some pharmaceuticals, according to the EPA.

    There are risks for anyone who handles methylene chloride. The chemical is dangerous to humans when they breathe in its fumes, or when it comes into contact with the skin. Even a tablespoon of methylene chloride can kill, one study said.

    Don’t do shots of paint stripper. Got it.

    • R C Dean

      $100MM fine incoming. . . .

    • R C Dean

      Random thought:

      Trump should just start showing up in court in an orange jumpsuit.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        Ha! You forgot about the implications of the Proximal AntiConspiracy to pay off Goldigging Hos Laws, made up of course but they’ll think of something to keep going with the trial.

    • The Last American Hero

      Love the notion that someone believes a g wagon has ever been or ever will go off road.

  33. The Late P Brooks

    Trump should just start showing up in court in an orange jumpsuit.

    Go old school