1. Not Adahn

    Good morning!

    • Nephilium

      I agree to the second part of the statement, but doubt the first part.

      • UnCivilServant

        I deny that it is morning.

      • SDF-7

        I expect Pie might have something to say on the topic at least….

      • Not Adahn

        He should apply to that job posting I shared yesterday.

      • Rat on a train

        I only deny the exclamation.

      • Not Adahn

        Can you retire yet? Maybe you should go for the Business Manager post.

      • UnCivilServant

        I can’t retire until 2039, assuming the pension fund isn’t looted.

      • Not Adahn

        That doesn’t give you much time to double-dip with another State job.

  2. Not Adahn

    Yes, OMB was impeached for what FJB is doing.

    However, since he was acquitted, wouldn’t that set the precedent that withholding funds for political purposes is NOT a removable offense?

    • SDF-7

      I don’t think the Senate / impeachments are really bound by precedent, not being a formal court. As folks have said (a lot) since OMB started them rolling hard and fast — impeachment is fundamentally a political procedure, not a judicial one.

      And I’d also expect it to be completely moot since Chucky has already established what he’ll do with any impeachment that somehow makes it to the Senate this year. “Table the motion without trial… move on” And the outrage against that didn’t even last a tweet cycle from what I can tell…. just the Senate punting on an explicit Constitutional duty… no biggie.

    • Nephilium

      Welcome to the Impeachment system, where precedent doesn’t matter, and the rules are flexible.

      • SDF-7

        Can we get Scenes from a Hat for an hour on the Senate floor then?

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        Helping Hands?

    • Banjos

      Nah, these bully cunts don’t learn unless you punch them in the face repeatedly. They have no principles and only respond to fear. When you don’t respond in kind, they learn to push the boundaries even further next time they hold the reins of power.

      • rhywun

        I wholeheartedly support using any and all of the same dirty tricks that the Dems have been using against the American people for decades. This “high road” shit ain’t working.

      • Not Adahn

        The fight is not about ideas. It’s about power. Use the correct tool for the job.

      • AlexinCT

        What Banjos said…

        This may be Kabuki shit, but it is necessary to force the team blue asshats that cheered this shit on when the deep state was going against the bad orange guy to say this is wrong, so going forward everybody will see team blue trying this shit again as basically evil.

  3. SDF-7

    House Republicans Push Citizenship Question for Census

    Never gets past the Senate, never survives veto — and if passed, I’m sure a district judge shopping trip would immediately occur.

    I appreciate the gesture on some level — but an election year gesture is unfortunately all it is.

    And also unfortunately — the 3/5ths Compromise makes a solid argument that non-citizens can be counted for Congressional representation on some level (because no, you can’t convince me that the Southern slaves were considered citizens unfortunately… though maybe there’s a “legal residents” argument although standing in front of a judge saying ‘They abducted these souls right and proper so they were legal residents at the time’ would be quite Clown World).

    This really should be an Amendment in the worst case — in the best case it just wouldn’t be an issue because we’d properly secure the border and deport illegal aliens before the census occurred in the first place.

    And morning, all…. morning, Banjos! Thanks for the links as always.

    • Banjos


    • Evan from Evansville

      I hadn’t thought about the 3/5ths in this way. That would be doubly hilarious if Kids These Days would understand how that was at the time, INDEED, quite a Compromise. The Cognitive Dissonance Rats in their brains will scuttle against the walls in a vain attempt to understand.

      • juris imprudent

        Not really, they have no concept of proportional taxation.

      • AlexinCT

        Them: Tax the rich!

        Me: Who are the rich?

        Them: The people that have more than I do…

        Me: So what happens when someone with less than you says to tax you?

        Them: …….

    • UnCivilServant

      The problem is the 14th started talking about citizens so the argument is again open that the counting of noncitizens got foreclosed with that change

    • R C Dean

      Perhaps the 3/5 Compromise should be resurrected – if you are a resident but not a citizen, you get counted as 3/5 for purposes of apportioning Representatives.

      • UnCivilServant

        Negative 3/5ths. Every five illegals reduces the count of cizitens by three.

    • AlexinCT

      Team blue plays to win. There are no principles or rules other than those that get you power and then allow you to wield them to get more power…

      But somehow they have convinced a slew of people they are the good guys…

      • The Other Kevin

        That’s how progressivism works. The most important thing is how things feel. We should protect the Earth, make things “fair” (aka equitable), etc., and anything that prevents those things is just stupid and needs to go.

      • AlexinCT

        I think the difference between people that fall for this shit and people like me is that when I hear these callouts for these monumental tasks, I ask them how they intend to achieve that immense goal. Indubitably when they tell you you find out they have neither a clue or have such a nefarious and evil agenda that you would be better off stoning the fuckers.

  4. juris imprudent

    Isn’t it amazing how many former Trump lawyers there are?

    • Nephilium

      It’s right up there with “second in command of %terrorist group%”.

    • SDF-7

      No, not really. I can easily imagine it being a very high stress environment over the last 6 years — and with lots and lots of pressure from the rest of the industry, their peer group and the Cathedral in general to not do the job, turnover is to be expected.

      How many of them are soulless scum sucking weasels versus the genpop of lawyers might be an interesting study, though. He seems to have more than his share on that front (maybe the only ones willing to take on the job?)

      • juris imprudent

        soulless scum sucking weasels versus the genpop of lawyers

        Hold on, isn’t that the much larger Venn overlap?

    • Banjos

      Nah, there’s a lot of specialty in law. You even need a different lawyer when appealing as there are lawyers who specialize in just that.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Be interesting to see against any other large corporation, but he swung into the top office so I would assume turnover went through the roof. Couple with you know, the government actually going after his lawyers for giving lawyerly advice.

      • trshmnstr

        In my current department, engaging a law firm is rare, so we dont exactly have a roster. In my past department we had access to 7 or 8 law firms. Each firm has at least 4 or 5 attorneys that we use. Many other departments have their own roster of OC that they use.

        As far as turnover goes, we were usually cutting 1 to 2 firms every 18 months, and there was a constant turnover of attorneys as the firms hired new people and some of the experienced people got priced out of our work.

    • AlexinCT

      Actually I am not surprised at all how many former lawyers there are. The criminal cabal has tried to go after this guy – making up crime after crime – for close to a decade now, so I am surprised there are not a lot more lawyers they found a way to disbar or lock up to scare others from getting in their way of Kangaroo courting their political enemy…

    • Fatty Bolger

      I mean, he’s a billionaire real estate developer from New York who got into show business before running for President and later having to fight a concerted lawfare campaign against him… so I’d say it’s not that amazing.

  5. Evan from Evansville

    Morning! Second weekly paycheck in a row! That’s an adjustment I’m keen to adjust to! Before I bounce to My Office on the other side of my nephew-sized bedroom, thought from the end of R.J’s fun Plaga Zombie from last night: Thanks R.J. for keeping this up. For many reasons, I intend on soon making a formal plan to write a Glib piece on a semi-regular basis starting soon. Big Talk w Older Bro tomorrow is actually part of my two-week ago bday. Should be an interesting one about many many things. A regular, craft-driven hobby is likely a profound ‘necessity’ for me to adapt to. Combining what I actively love, hangin’ w y’all, and something I’m professionally interested in and good at, writing, fits those bills.

    I’ve worked professionally with UCS. I edited a fantasy novel of his (don’t want to doxx him) in 2018, a year before The Incident. I’d like to talk to him about that. There are plenty of other writers here. It would be a good place for us to talk shop along with our other foibles.

    — Hope everyone kicks ass today. Part of my Chill Sesh w Older Bro will certainly be discussing my new change of pace. Two weeks in and after their-end deductions, if this ends up going a FULL 8-weeks and us finishing up early, it’ll be $5k for 8-weeks work. Being Rent (and most everything) Free at the moment certainly assists. I’m wondering how long to keep it up. Certainly another project after this one– they tend to last about two months each. See how easy next projects come, and this could get more curious. Remarkably positive things!

    Hope more has come y’all’s way recently and if not they soon will. (Jim Carrey’s “JUST WAIT LONGER!” will do nicely.)

    • UnCivilServant

      I’ve worked professionally with UCS. I edited a fantasy novel of his (don’t want to doxx him) in 201

      There aren’t too many from that time frame. It was Beyond the Edge of the Map.

      • Evan from Evansville

        I absolutely loved it and the experience. That was an interesting adventure in multiple ways. Sincere thanks.

        Of all people, you are the one I’d most listen to about many topics for myriad reasons. I hope you had (still have?) special “Evan-Sized Gloves” for little ol’ me. I’d elaborate, but back to my Harry Potter Closet Office!

  6. Brochettaward

    On the Houston police chief…

    It amazes me how often people in power think claiming ignorance is a valid defense. When did it become acceptable? With Obama’s “I-read-that-in-the-newspaper-like-you” bullshit?

    • Nephilium

      Look, it’s not their fault that their underlings have such a zeal for excellence that sometimes they take things a step too far without approval from their higher ups. It just shows how dedicated they are to the greater good.

    • juris imprudent

      You think the guy in charge can actually do anything to run the institution? He’s a placeholder and he better not rock the boat.

    • AlexinCT

      I have watched people that have clearly committed crimes or broken rules that should be reason for dismissal, including the top level people, consistently get away with claiming they were not engaging in criminal shit, just inept/stupid. And people shrug and let them off. Claiming stupidity or ineptitude now is an SOP defense on the left. And it works fine with their constituents, because after all, they are all “Didn’t Earn It” idiots…

      • juris imprudent

        This shit has been going on far longer than the current DEI stupidity. That’s just the latest icing.

      • AlexinCT

        Not sure when you think it started, but I never recall anyone involved in anything I have worked on ever being able to pull that shit off. I have seen the people that did real asshat shit get promoted upwards leaving the problem for others to content with in the past. But the amount of times recently I have personally seen inept DEI types in even the private industry say, “HEY, I was not engaged in criminal/evil shit, just being inept/stupid”, and get a pass…

      • juris imprudent

        It started with police unionization, in this particular case. Other factors in other areas.

      • Fatty Bolger

        Mistakes were made, lessons were learned, let’s move on. It’s a winning playbook, so of course they keep going back to it.

  7. Ownbestenemy

    How so little time and the actions that Milei has taken has unlocked the pent up and intentionally suppressed market forces of Argentina is amazing.

    They get to experience the Ron Paul revolution we did not.

    Finally, Milei has never stopped making the argument. He promotes freedom, liberalisation and a smaller state with a messianic zeal.

    • juris imprudent

      Then, earlier this week, the central bank, which Milei has not yet gotten around to abolishing as he pledged, cut interest rates for the third time in three weeks. While they are still at an eye-watering 50pc, that will start to feed through into the economy very soon. Investors have started to notice.

      The central bank as loan shark?

      • AlexinCT

        The central bank as loan shark?

        That would be a step up from how evil and corrupt they really are…

    • Certified Public Asshat

      The Ministry of Culture was axed, so was the anti-discrimination agency, and the state-owned news service. Only last month, he unveiled plans to fire another 70,000 state employees.

      Ooof, Ministry of Culture.

    • ZWAK will kindle all of the dreams it took a lifetime to destroy

      Argentina has had both sides of it: Socialism, and a military Junta. They are/were further along the garden path than we are, and I hope to god we never get that bad.

      • AlexinCT

        More like Snow White’s mom…

      • ZWAK will kindle all of the dreams it took a lifetime to destroy

        Don’t cry for me, Cankle-tina!


        The truth is the pantsuit never left you!


        Broadway gonna Broadway.

        Is there an entertainment medium that hasn’t disappeared up their own collective asses?

      • Nephilium


        Video games? Not saying there isn’t some woke garbage out there, but the big hits are still genuinely fun to play.

      • ron73440

        Hell, Cuomo got one.

        I still remember that my boss was legitimately confused when he got kicked out.

        “I thought he was going to be president, he looked so good on TV everyday”

        That’s a direct quote.


        Neph: I suppose so. And thus far the fan base has been more able to fend off the leftist’s intrusive thoughts creeping into games.

        My taste in games is probably pretty odd. I hate playing a movie. Sandbox games and strategy games are where it is at for me, so I am probably not the best judge of such things.

      • Nephilium


        I’m there with you. Start throwing in piles of Quick Time Events, and I’m going to get annoyed. Currently playing through Potioncraft on my Switch and just picked up the Lamplighter’s League to play on the Steam Deck (when I can pry it away from the girlfriend who finally started playing Midnight Suns).

      • Nephilium

        Finally not on a call so I can search for and link this.

    • Fatty Bolger

      The only thing that surprises me is how quickly it’s working. That would seem to show that a lot of the drag was artificial, not fundamental, and therefore a relatively easy fix.

      • The Other Kevin

        Me too. I had high hopes for him, and I was worried those opposed might tie his hands too much. But he’s gotten a lot of what he wants, and as you said it’s working quickly.

        I will stand by this: Milei is doing the world a huge favor. This is a very large and very risky experiment. but he’s proving it can be done and paving the way for the rest of us.

    • AlexinCT

      The real thing about what Milei is doing in Argentina for me is the lesson that proves again that collectivist systems need to control the winners and losers indubitably and inevitably are economy destroying engines, while freedom for people to do their own thing are economy boosting monsters. This is why western elites will label this guy a terrorist sooner than later. Systems that work and deny the elite the ability to pick who wins and who loses are simply unacceptable to them.

  8. SDF-7

    I’m truly sorry for linking early — but this one spiked my Rant-And-Rage-O-Meter past “Unbelievably Pissed” this morning.

    This sheer fucking unmitigated gall — I know I’m certainly not the only one who’s brain immediately leaped to “What about Afghanistan, you fucking cretins?”, setting aside the American hostages Hamas took that no one fucking talks about.

    This fucking shitlord administration has broken every promise it didn’t make to fucking Commies (which are obviously the only ones it cares about), has fucked over and left behind troops and allies repeatedly… but puts this out to fucking preen as if we’re children fresh out of daycare with no memory? (Well, I guess that says a lot about who they think their base is, doesn’t it?)

    And as long as I’m violating the 30 minute rule anyway (sorry again, Banjos… but just be glad y’all aren’t actually here at my house because you’d probably get a 2 hour rant on this with little structure, logic or listenability… at least here I can edit slightly)… shit like this really, really makes me wonder how long non-Cathedral Europeans will put up with this shit (this and London… and the Irish protests not long back, etc…). It has to be increasingly obvious to the Euro-on-the-street that they’ve been sold completely out of their countries… and sold out to an “immigrant class” that sees them as unbelievers fit primarily for rape and murder. Eventually that shit is going to boil over — I don’t believe they’ve sufficiently changed human nature that it won’t. And honestly, what I think is most likely going to happen if it does is that Europe goes on a rampage and kills their immigrant populations (oh, and the quisling politicians). I don’t want it to happen… it won’t be good — but seriously, how much more of this “Protect the rapists” shit do they think is going to be stomached? (And “We’ll shut down all your farms… and eat ze bugs…”). Maybe I’m wrong — maybe all the ones who would have stood up either left long ago or their bloodline was killed in the World Wars… but I seriously doubt it.

    Rant off (for now at least).

    • Ownbestenemy

      /rant approved

      • rhywun

        Would listen again.

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        Excellent spittlin’ there, Lou.

      • The Other Kevin

        * Subscribed

    • juris imprudent

      who they think their base is

      True of both parties and why we are the disaffected.

    • R C Dean

      “the American hostages Hamas took that no one fucking talks about”

      Indeed. I recall an earlier episode where a bunch of Americans got captured in that general area. I believe it ended with the Marines going in, as memorialized in the Marines’ Hymn.

      Me, I view taking Americans hostage in your fight with someone else, and refusing to immediately release them, as something that gets into the “act of war” zone. I would not have objected if the US had given Hamas, say, 48 hours to release every American, and if they didn’t, declared war on them (can you imagine the shitshow in Congress if those spineless cretins actually had to nut up and vote on going to war for the first time in 80 years), and invited the Marines to add another verse to their Hymn.

      • AlexinCT

        Every time I deal with one of these “Ceasefire NOW!” poison frogs, I immediately tell them they could get total support for what they wanted – immediately – by just having the mob that claims to be the Palestinian people turn in all the Hamas leadership that are still hiding under rocks amongst them and the hostages. I get called a zionist and evil. And they go back to screaming their idiotic demands..

      • SDF-7

        Unfortunately, all the Palestinians can’t get into Qatar to get to the Hamas leadership.

      • AlexinCT

        Convenient, right?

        This way they can both hide the fact the Palis would never turn over the Hamas leadership because they not only agree with what they are doing, but cheer murder, rape, and barbarity on and keep this Iranian proxy group from being exposed…

      • ZWAK will kindle all of the dreams it took a lifetime to destroy

        Indeed, counselor. We should have had Special Forces in Gaza within 24 hours pin pointing where the hostages were and working to get them out. That should have been followed with a Marine Expeditionary Force as quickly as we can get that strength down the Med. I wasn’t joking yesterday when I said you do this until they go belly up. Make the war fucking hurt.

      • Pine_Tree

        It needs to hurt in (at least) 2 places: The first is on the ground, killing all of the actual aggressors. The IDF is doing this to some degree. The second is the leadership and decision-making cadre in Qatar (and/or wherever else). Nobody’s even proposing this, amazingly. This is the crew that ought to be sweating in a brig on a warship out in the ocean somewhere.

      • B.P.

        I don’t know if anyone is doing anything about the Hamas folks camped out in other countries. I’ve always been under the impression that the Mossad-types in Israel can play a decent covert/long game (blowing up centrifuges, snatching Nazis in Argentina, etc.), and they don’t announce their plans to the world.

    • AlexinCT

      Did it also end with Ving Rhames calling in a couple of pipe-hitting n*ggas to work on em?

      • Not Adahn

        Apparently yes.

        His body was found at the scene under a pile of blankets a day later by police, who arrived at the property on an unrelated matter.

      • AlexinCT

        Dang… Life imitates art…

        I guess Tarantino is a seer and didn’t even know it..

    • UnCivilServant

      I am so glad I don’t understand what you’re saying.

      • Not Adahn

        Yes you are.

        I think Jesse might have been into boytaur. It’s been a long time since he was here.

    • AlexinCT

      She decided the fight was about stupid vs. idiotic and quits?

    • juris imprudent

      She was afraid of a change in the tides?

      • Not Adahn

        She didn’t want to get caught in the dragnet most likely.

      • juris imprudent

        She’s just one of a long line.

    • rhywun

      I’m hearing the trustees are sick of her shit.

      Hopefully the trash gets taken out – both student and instructor.

      • rhywun

        And useless administrators too, of course.

    • Not Adahn

      NPR has done numerous stories about Eurovision, and all of them mention Gaza. Zero of them mention any sort of sectarian conflicts having even happened in Malmo.

      Likewise, literally every story about the Raffah border crossing being closed starts off with “Israel closed the biggest aid crossing [for no reason whatsoever.] They even had a story about the poor Gazans not knowing what to do by saying “First Israel seized the border, then Hamas agreed to a cease-fire, then the Israelis started bombing.”

      • UnCivilServant

        Defund National Propaganda Radio.

      • Gender Traitor

        And P(rogressive)BS while we’re at it. Austin City Limits should do just fine on cable or streaming.

      • The Last American Hero

        It’s always a laugh when Rick fucking Steves is on the PBS telethon, saying that shows like his wouldn’t have a home without PBS. There is literally a Travel Channel on basic cable.

      • Not Adahn

        His radio show is ridonkulously woke.

      • Gender Traitor

        I will know I’m really old when the PBS Begathon Week music specials showcase ’80s music. 😞

        Please don’t tell me when it happens.

      • B.P.

        Well, like many other specialty cable networks, the Travel Channel was skin-suited into being the Paranormal Channel some time ago. But your point remains — There’s a lot of travel-related content across a bunch of networks not supported by government money.

      • Nephilium

        Notice that only Hamas agreed to a cease fire, not Israel.

      • AlexinCT

        Hamas agreed to a made up cease fire that Israel had not been privy to and would consider to be below subpar as an option. This stunt was done for two reasons. The first was to give the usual cabal of propagandists and marxist the the ability to yet again blame Israel for the barbarian horde’s actions. The second was because Hamas genuinely realizes they made a horrible mistake with their Oct 7 show of what the world was like when Islam spread itself, and the state of Israel finally decided no more.

      • R C Dean

        I think I saw that part of the Hamas deal was the release of a handful of hostages, dead or alive, at a time.

        Yeah, I can see Israel not signing up for that.

      • Not Adahn

        Israel may not have agreed to it, but the US did!

      • AlexinCT


        I always accept deals made by that neighbor that tells me he wants to fuck my woman, sell my children into indentured servitude, and kill my dog, but claims he means well, when the asshat accepts such deals for me…

    • SDF-7

      See above rant, large paragraph.

      • rhywun

        Yeah, this is one instance where I would really rather we (the US) not be “more like Europe”. JFC what a shitshow is going on over there and it ain’t just Sweden.

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      By the description it sounds like Hunter Biden is representing the UK in Eurovision.

  9. AlexinCT

    Percentage of US mortgages considered ‘seriously underwater’ rises

    The amount of calls I get from people offering me a new mortgage – so I can blow the money on frivolous shit practically always – has left me wondering. I would have to be insane to change from a low 2.xx% interest rate to the current 8.xx% rate and payments to begin with (especially sine the one benefit – tax deductibility – seems to be iffy with the new tax raising regime agenda), but to then get the money to just blow it…

    How many of these underwater mortgages are people that got these calls, said “Yeah, that sounds awesome”, and are now looking at them having to own nothing and be happy in the near future? I mean, I heard a bunch of the idiots whining about their student loan debt being onerous tell us they would blow the money team blue is stealing from the productive to coopt their votes, on partying and vacations, leaving both their debt problem and this broken system in place.

    Is this calamity just because people have become really stupid, or is this by design?

    • robc

      I am trying to figure out how mortgages can be underwater if prices are still rising?

      As soon as prices start coming down, yeah, lots of people are going to be in trouble, but not yet.

      • AlexinCT

        You can easily be underwater if you accepted one of these ballooning mortgages they call/send letters for and offer, especially when you take it so you could get cash to buy a new car/truck/EV/boat and/or go on a lavish vacation, leaving you with over 95-100% of your property’s value in debt, and at insane interest rates, requiring that you now make a monthly payment that simply is impossible for you to afford. And once you are there no bank will ever give you a mortgage to help fix the problem, because they got you where they want you.

      • creech

        Wait a bit, a sympathetic Joe will soon have a debt forgiveness e.o. for you.

      • AlexinCT

        How about fixing the problems by getting government, the reason we have practically every single one of these problems, out of this shit?

        – Reform mortgage lending to remove onerous government regs that do nothing but make it worse for lenders and loan seekers.
        – Get rid of the current student loan program that exists so the government can add more years of marxist indoctrination to your children than what the failing public school systems already do and then make you pay for (at least Stalin and Mao only charged the family of their victims for a cheap bullet).
        – Get rid of the mandatory public school system that exists to dumb down the little marxists it is designed to produce.
        -Etc, etc….

        Just a start to the list.

      • Nephilium

        Add in a second mortgage and a HELOC, and I can see it. If they’re talking about first mortgages, I don’t see it unless they bought right at the top of the last bubble. Hell, the estimated price of my house has doubled in the decade or so since I bought it, and while I’ve made some upgrades, nothing that would be a matter of public record or be part of that estimate.

  10. SDF-7

    I played https://squaredle.com/xp 05/10:
    *19/19 words (+2 bonus words)
    🎯 In the top 16% by accuracy

    I played https://squaredle.com 05/10:
    *54/54 words (+9 bonus words)
    🎯 In the top 8% by accuracy
    🔥 Solve streak: 364

    • Sean

      I played https://squaredle.com/xp 05/10:
      *19/19 words (+9 bonus words)
      📖 In the top 4% by bonus words

      I played https://squaredle.com 05/10:
      *54/54 words (+25 bonus words)
      📖 In the top 4% by bonus words
      🔥 Solve streak: 308

  11. PieInTheSky

    Tomorrow I have to go to a baptism and have no idea what to gift.

    • Gender Traitor

      Sprinkle or dunk?

      • PieInTheSky

        should be dunk as we are not heretics but in modern times you never know.

      • AlexinCT

        Kiddy pool, then?

      • Gender Traitor

        If dunk, a snorkel. If an infant, a very small snorkel.

      • SDF-7

        Opera Clap… that would be absolutely hilarious.

    • Rat on a train

      whiskey and firearms

      • PieInTheSky

        firearms? how barbaric

      • PieInTheSky

        yes because I am totally qualified

      • Not Adahn

        How are you not? It’s literally a PM job.

      • PieInTheSky

        I assume PM experience is required.

      • Ted S.

        I’ve never been a prime minister.

      • Not Adahn

        Look at all the empty buzzwords. Plus you can totally fake whatever resume you want to since the Board of Directors doesn’t speak Romanian. Just have the contact info lead to accounts you control. Plus plus, you won’t be any worse than the last person who had the job.

    • Certified Public Asshat

      I’m just an asshat, but IMO the parents, God parents, and/or grandparents should be responsible for any kind of religious gift (bible, cross, rosary, etc). You’re probably just expected to gift the baby some money.

      But since the baby won’t remember you even attended, a gift to the parents would be more memorable. A gift card for a nice meal, even just to a local pizza place, or a nice cut of meat.

      Again, asshat, so maybe my suggestions are crazy, but it is what I would value as a parent.

      • PieInTheSky

        You’re probably just expected to gift the baby some money. – yes, that is mostly the Romanian way but the website which tells you how much is down.

      • AlexinCT

        How much do you need to give so that when the kid turns 18, because of a investment return, they can afford a good hooker? Go with that?

      • Not Adahn

        The price of a hooker is remarkably constant over the centuries. Since the issue will be inflation, it would make sense to give gold of the current cash value of what class of service you’re interested in him experiencing.

      • PieInTheSky

        so 2 grams of gold

      • PieInTheSky

        well the kid is a girl and if vaguely attractive will not need said hooker.

      • AlexinCT

        She can use the gold to then tattoo her face and add nose rings so after the colors her hair pink she really stands out?

      • Not Adahn

        Ripped massuers with oversized dicks aren’t super-common.

      • PieInTheSky

        just like in the semiconductor business, size does not matter

    • R.J.

      I think only partial parody. I believe Indians would complain after an elephant was called by an African name. And that is more priceless stupidity on the BBC’s part, that is what they specialize in.

    • rhywun

      Perhaps she could retire to Kenya and speak not-English to her heart’s content.

      The Springwatch presenter added Latin names for animals served as a useful “anchor point” as “no matter where scientists are in the world, they know they are talking about the same species.”

      So Latin is acceptable but not English? Derp.

      • R C Dean

        Because so many more people speak Latin than English, duh.

      • cyto

        Latin was the language of science because the Catholics used a Latin bible and gave mass on Latin. They controlled most of the west at the time science was being invented, so every educated person in the scientific movement would have taken Latin classes for years, regardless of their home language. Latin was the common written language of the educated before science existed.

      • R C Dean

        Oh, I know that. Just pointing out that the statement that “let’s use Latin because everybody knows it and not everybody knows English” is bonecrushingly stupid.

      • cyto

        Yesterday I learned that the common tongue in Malaysia is english. Everyone speaks their ethnic tongue at home, the official language is Malay, but everyone speaks English in public.

        At least, that is what some random Malaysian YouTube guy taught me.

      • ZWAK will kindle all of the dreams it took a lifetime to destroy

        Same in India. It is the one constant spoken language, in a country that has, give or take, a couple hundred languages.

        Score one for the Raj.

      • Pine_Tree

        Dude have you ever looked at a map and seen how big Latin America is?

    • Rat on a train

      We should ask the animals what they want to be called.

      • SDF-7

        “Professor? They’re all trying to be called ‘Not-Lunch’ again!”

      • Nephilium

        The series Extraordinary has a recurring character who’s a veterinarian. The premise of the show is that everyone develops some kind of super power, usually around their 18th birthday. The vet’s power is that he can talk to and understand animals. The recurring joke is that all the animals he communicates with either hate him (and all people), want to mate/eat something, or are trying to die.

      • cyto

        Is it any good?

      • Nephilium

        British comedy, with a selfish main character, a selfish supporting character, and a good hearted by naive supporting character. One thing they do quite well is showing some instances where powers are used in day to to work (such as those who can fly working as an Uber/Lyft type thing and flying people around), people having powers that are at odds with their personality (the mom can control technology, but is a hopeless Luddite), and flat out embarrassing powers (one character has the power to make anyone who he touches orgasm).

        I enjoy it, but it doesn’t come close to some of the best stuff out there.

      • Not Adahn

        He should set up a hysteria-treatment booth.

      • Rat on a train

        Shaun Mason as Randall, a member of Kash’s team with a 3D printing arse.

    • rhywun

      16 years old. Probably raised from the cradle to hate.

      Anarchists on Monday night also vandalized the Civil War Gen. William Tecumseh Sherman monument in nearby Grand Army Plaza on 59th Street.

      OK then. 🙄

      • Not Adahn

        They’re upset he didn’t genocide Southerners hard enough.

      • trshmnstr

        He went from the wrong river to the wrong sea for their tastes.

      • Not Adahn

        Also, can you believe the cultural appropriation of a white guy stealing First Native Aboriginal Nation names?

      • Gustave Lytton

        Or named after outdoor power engine manufacturer.

      • Certified Public Asshat

        Michael Malice still has a lot of work to do.

    • cavalier973

      It’s because they would have to give away some of their mRNA shots.

      Britain is refusing to sign the World Health Organisation’s pandemic treaty while it insists the UK would have to give away a fifth of its jabs, The Telegraph understands…

      • Rat on a train

        It also has provisions allowing the WHO to impose domestic policies during a declared “emergency”. FOS

    • rhywun

      And yet every western country is happy to sign treaties that require handing over huge chunks of cash to third world kleptocrats to supposedly spend on “green” bullshit.

  12. cyto

    The Biden impeachment is ludicrous. The dude unequivocally is on the take. They have been caught red handed multiple times.

    He mishandled classified documents, the same thing his justice department is prosecuting Trump for. And his case is inarguably much worse.

    He is importing illegal aliens and shipping them all across the country…..


    He exercises his legal foreign policy powers, and that is what they go after him for?

    This is so stupid it has to be some sort of misdirection plot by the deep state cabal. Nobody is dumb enough to think this works. It is just plain goofy.

    Heck, impeaching him for violating his oath of office in the student loan payoffs is a better line to play.

    • Drake

      Imagine if these Republicans cared as much about Americans and our border security as they do Israel’s.

      • Not Adahn

        Chamber of Commerce donation checks are important!

    • rhywun

      Well, that line of impeachment worked a few years ago. Go with what works I guess.

      *Of course, it won’t work this time.

      • cyto

        Trump got impeached for *asking* a foreign head of state to look into allegations of corruption by his predecessors.

        Yes, that is even dumber than this Biden impeachment.

    • Drake

      That didn’t end well.

    • PieInTheSky

      I mean if you go wild go wild in a lambo. Though you should be able to handle it

    • Fourscore

      Gonna need a big sponge

  13. The Late P Brooks

    Disinformation and dirty tricks

    Zavala showed NPR emails, some of which included racist language, that said, “Don’t think for one moment that we are not watching,” and “kill yourself.”

    The vitriol started after a social media thread from one of the most influential conservative institutions in the U.S. went viral.

    “BREAKING – Flyers distributed at NGO in Mexico encouraging illegals to vote for President Biden,” read the first post in a 10-part thread on X, formerly known as Twitter, posted at 9:03 p.m. U.S. Central time by the Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project.


    At a time when U.S. border agencies have been overwhelmed by record-high numbers of asylum-seekers arriving at the U.S.-Mexico border, the current iteration of this narrative is that President Biden is allowing migrants to enter the U.S. so they will illegally vote for him.

    “If the ground is being seeded with claims like these,” said Jared Holt, a senior research analyst at the Institute for Strategic Dialogue, an international think tank focused on extremism around the world, “then that may very well be another possible avenue to try to delegitimize democratic processes in this country.”

    NPR dives deep into slanderous hoax perpetrated against noble woman who only wants to share the American Dream with honest hard working asylum seekers. Obviously, she and her organization would never openly encourage those people to vote for Joe Biden. That would be wrong.

  14. The Late P Brooks

    Whoever made the flyer relied heavily on RCM’s English-language website, which has dated posts that stop after 2021. Zavala said she has not had the time or resources to update it.

    The flyer lists a defunct phone number that Zavala said she hasn’t used in years but is still listed on the website.

    The first two sentences of the flyer appear to be an old description of the organization copied directly from the website and run through Google Translate into Spanish. It mentions that HIAS shares the office, an arrangement that ended in 2022, according to both groups.

    The next two sentences, which remind readers to vote for Biden when they get to the U.S., are written in a different style and are riddled with more errors than the previous ones. That section translates “United States” as “estados unidos,” without the usual capitalization, while the previous section uses the abbreviation “los EE. UU.”

    There are also inaccuracies in the X thread. The thread says the site where the video shows the flyers is a “Resource Center Matamoras (RCM) location.”

    It’s too bad NPR doesn’t expend a little energy examining the specifics of what this organization does and where its money comes from. But when you stipulate up front that this organization is a totally above board force for good that becomes unnecessary.

    • cyto

      The couple of investigative pieces I have seen about these sorts of organizations have uncovered significant funding from the US government via NGO intermediaries.

    • Not Adahn

      NPR just isn’t funded enough to do that kind of research! Just like when they were looking into SCOTUS conflicts of interests and ran out of money after they did Thomas.

  15. PieInTheSky

    Bumble founder Whitney Wolfe Herd says the future of dating is having your AI date other people’s AI and recommend the best matches for you to meet


    Arranged marriage with extra steps. Should be good for introverts. Can one program a chad AI?

    • R C Dean

      Chad AI program you!

    • Rat on a train
  16. The Late P Brooks

    Zavala said she will continue to focus on her mission to help asylum-seekers.

    “There’s people fleeing from extreme situations, extreme circumstances,” Zavala said. “And if I have the resources and the capability to help them, I will.”

    Just like Joan of Arc, she is.

    • rhywun

      For one and only one form of “help”.

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      “And if I have the resources and the capability to help them, I will.”

      Well I don’t really mean if I have the resources. More like if you give me the resources. Sure it’s at the expense of a lot of other people, but so what?

  17. The Other Kevin

    Based on nothing but a gut feeling: I think Biden is finally on his way out. The polls are bad enough, not just in swing states, but on every issue. Everyone knows the economy is shit no matter what he says. And people from both parties are even supporting mass deportations. The Trump court cases are backfiring, and are now unraveling. Biden has dementia and they can no longer hide it. But the final straw is Israel. Biden (or whoever is in charge) caters to the far left, and the uniparty was fine with most of it. But the uniparty and the intel agencies love Israel, and with the protests getting out of hand and Biden actually withholding weapons, it’s gone too far.

    My guess is they hold off on the fortification and let Trump win because he’s big on Israel and can probably be convinced on Ukraine. The deep state will play nice and hit pause on their censorship and spying schemes (or just proceed more quietly) until they can bring in a more amenable president next time.

    • AlexinCT

      So you saying they will replace him at the convention?

      • The Other Kevin

        I don’t see that happening. I think the people behind the scenes will make a deal with the devil and let him lose. They can let the press and the Dems pitch a fit and oppose Trump for four years, while quietly getting the big things they want.

    • Gustave Lytton

      Except, I don’t think anything Biden does or announces is his own action unless it’s pudding cups or poopy time. Someone in his handlers thought the Israel weapons thing would poll well and show Joe as in command*.

      *put Joe in the TC of a M1…

    • R C Dean

      Interesting. They’ve always had the ability to move Biden aside for someone else (who else has always been their biggest problem on that front). I wonder if it’s gotten to the point where nobody is returning their calls to be the next nominee?

      One of the problems if Trump wins will be the rioting. I doubt that the DemOps have the ability to control their street solders much (see – the pro-Hamas demos that are doing a fair amount of damage to the Left right now). It’s amazing how the anti-Trump riots when he was inaugurated have gone down the memory hole – it’s very difficult to find anything much on them now, especially photos/videos. The notion that the internet was forever has proven hopelessly naive – it can be, and is being, manipulated to change the historical record.

      • R C Dean

        Interesting. When I went looking for pix of the rioting, I had to go pages deep, and some I distinctly remembered I didn’t find at all.

      • The Other Kevin

        I think the rioting will be a feature. As I said above, it will keep Trump distracted while the people behind the scenes get their way on the big things.

        We’re getting to the point where fortification would be just too blatant. Even minorities are leaning toward Trump, and they won’t just accept an obviously rigged election. So I’m seeing signs (or imagining) that people are resigned to Trump winning, and are going to make the best of it.

      • Not Adahn

        It’s to their advantage to replace him as late as possible. The new guy will be a savior to people wanting a third choice and it will take some time for the FNGs foibles to leak though the wall-to-wall celebration of FNG’s FNGness.

        Ideally they’d do the Toricelli/Lautenberg thing but SCOTUS probably wouldn’t let them. So it’d have to be before ballots are printed.

      • Pine_Tree

        I’d been pushing my theory that they’d martyr Kamala and replace her with Lloyd Austin. His dumb stunt with his prostate exam, or whatever it was, may have taken the shine off of him, though.

      • ZWAK will kindle all of the dreams it took a lifetime to destroy

        They can control the street soldiers by pulling the support that plays out in the background. IE no insta-bail, no going directly after Patriot Front (or whatever it is called), no case sub-rosa, etc.

        As far as the internet being forever, this is a big reason Google when all wonky with its search. If you flood the zone with shitty sales fliers, repeat of the same links, and make it so someone needs to basically know the exact web address of the site in question, no one will see it, and no one can say it isn’t out there.

      • ZWAK will kindle all of the dreams it took a lifetime to destroy

        Cash, not case.

      • B.P.

        We’re going to get rioting from the left’s street soldiers no matter what. And they’re going to have a pretty heavy preseason schedule this summer. And, as you note, the Dems will have no control over them.

    • ron73440

      I think him and Dr. Jill will hold on to power with every bit of strength left in their wrinkly hands.

      • The Other Kevin

        That’s why they won’t replace him. They’re both insane egomaniacs and won’t give up.

      • ZWAK will kindle all of the dreams it took a lifetime to destroy

        I think that is half of what is driving this whole bus. That she, and it is she that loves being the queenwants him in place, wont give up power, and the chosen successor, Kamalamadingdong, is so hated across all fronts, means they don’t have a way out of this, not one that lets all of the powers that be play their little games. No matter who comes in on the left, they will consolidate the powers, which means some winners, and some losers.

        It is like a game of musical chairs, and right now they are going around while the music plays, knowing that as soon as either it or they stop, there might not be a place at the table. They can’t stop and focus on Trump, because then someone else might get a spot instead of them.

      • The Other Kevin

        I don’t think Kamala was an establishment pick. I think she was all Joe and Jill, because she wasn’t going to be a threat. This is exactly what they wanted.

      • rhywun

        Biden will win by hook or by crook and only then might he be replaced.

        There is no way in hell they will “let” Trump win.

    • B.P.

      I like the MSNBC analyst basically saying, “I don’t understand how people could think this way.” It’s your fucking job to figure that out.

    • PieInTheSky

      would not.

  18. The Late P Brooks

    It’s really awesome that some woman can take it upon herself to import foreign immigrants on her own initiative without bothering with a bunch of legal red tape. That’s the true essence of democracy.

  19. PieInTheSky

    The Muslim Vote
    Our congrats to the Israeli Eurovision finalist. Israel is the latest in a long line of racist European colonial projects.

    It speaks volumes that a country in the middle east sees itself as part of Europe.

    Eden Golan’s participation only highlights that. So thanks Eden.


    muslims only hate the Eurovision because it is gay

    • Not Adahn

      Ok Groomer.

    • Ted S.

      Israel are in a lot of European bodies because Asia’s Muslim states wont play nicely with them.

      Look up qualifying for the 1958 FIFA World Cup, when Israel was still in the Asian Confederation.

  20. The Late P Brooks

    Desperate attempt to save Argentina from destruction

    Argentina’s biggest trade unions mounted one of their fiercest challenges to the libertarian government of President Javier Milei, staging a mass general strike on Thursday that led to the cancellation of hundreds of flights and halted key bus, rail and subway lines.

    Main avenues and streets, as well as major transportation terminals were left eerily empty. Most teachers couldn’t make it to school and parents kept their children at home. Trash collectors walked off the job — as did health workers, except for those in emergency rooms.

    The 24-hour strike against Milei’s painful austerity measures and contentious deregulation push threatened to bring the nation of 46 million to a standstill as banks, businesses and state agencies also closed in protest.

    Thursday’s action marked the second nationwide union strike since Milei came to power last December, slashing spending, laying off government workers, and freezing all public works projects in a bid to rescue Argentina from its worst financial crisis in two decades.

    He’s destroying the Peronist Paradise.

    • PieInTheSky

      Can people not understand the gravy train stops when you are simply out of gravy? there is no more to be had.

      • Ownbestenemy

        No they cannot understand that because they have been told it is a limitless supply of gravy.

      • Not Adahn

        As long as there are fat cats, there is gravy to be made.

      • AlexinCT

        The big problem is that marxist are convinced the haves got what they have by stealing from those that never produced anything. But more importantly, they believe the pie they want to divide equally is finite and can only shrink, and thus, it matters little that in the attempt to divide things up equally there is less and less to divide. The concept that capitalism allows the pie to grow and thus allows even those that don’t contribute or are net negatives still get more is seen as heretic, because it violates the first rule which is that they get to pick winners & losers.

    • rhywun

      I hope Millei is targeting pubsec unions while he’s at it. They are as destructive as anything else that was ruining the country.

  21. The Late P Brooks

    The country’s largest union, known by its acronym CGT, said it was staging the strike alongside other labor syndicates “in defense of democracy, labor rights and a living wage.”

    Argentina’s powerful unions — backed by Argentina’s left-leaning Peronist parties that have dominated national politics for decades — have led the pushback to Milei’s policies on the streets and in the courts in recent months.

    “We are facing a government that promotes the elimination of labor and social rights,” the unions said, seeking to portray Thursday’s strike as an eruption of public outrage over Milei’s free-market policies that have disproportionately affected poor and middle classes.

    Doesn’t Argentina have oppressed minorities to be trotted out as hard hit victims?

    • PieInTheSky

      unfortunately they whiter than white too catholic to be super LGBTQXASSTRGBS.

  22. PieInTheSky

    Former Green Party leader Baroness Natalie Bennett warns Mike Graham about the ‘enormous terrible environmental effects’ of BBQs.

    “We don’t want to stop people on special occasions having fun, but we do need to think about all of the issues around barbecues.”

    Andy Mayer
    Who in Parliament will stand for the right of humanity to light fires and cook food?


    cooking fish on a plank of wood always seemed silly to me

    • Not Adahn

      Fire is a racist settler-colonialist technology and needs to be banned in favor of indigenous ways of food preparation, like chewing all day.

      • AlexinCT

        Actually the worst colonialist things are freedom and fun.

    • R.J.

      I want the Monty Python knight to appear and smash her in the face with a rubber chicken.

  23. The Late P Brooks


    Rep. Mike Lawler (R-N.Y.) called for Reps. Chip Roy (R-Texas) and Thomas Massie (R-Ky.) to be “immediately removed” from their powerful spots on the Rules Committee after they voted with Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) on Wednesday to advance her effort to oust Speaker Mike Johnson (R-Ga.) from his post.

    Greene’s effort to force a vote on the motion to vacate Wednesday ultimately failed when Republican Majority Leader Steve Scalise (La.) countered with a motion to table her resolution adopted by an overwhelming bipartisan majority, with a vote of 359-43.

    Only 11 Republicans, including Roy and Massie, supported Greene’s effort to move forward with the vote.

    Lawler now says they should face consequences.

    We need responsible statesmen who will allow the people’s work to proceed. Stop thwarting the will of Big Spend.

    • Rat on a train

      From my vantage point, as I’ve said repeatedly, people need to be held accountable.
      I agree Johnson should be held accountable.

    • Drake

      Yes – Please purge out the few Republicans who actually legislate in the interest of their constituents. They’d be the perfect core of a 3rd party.

      • Pine_Tree

        Second, you mean?

      • Drake

  24. The Late P Brooks

    America loves an underdog

    A CNN poll in April showed that Biden had a 34% rating on the economy — and 29% on inflation — as voters say economic concerns are more important to them when choosing a candidate than they were in each of the past two presidential elections. And voters who say the economy is very important to their vote backed Trump over Biden 62% to 30%.

    This deficit for the president comes despite three years of solid growth and job creation numbers. But inflation, a corrosive political force that can ruin political careers and that only voters who remember the early 1980s have experienced before, has bequeathed a period of high interest rates. This is proving punishing to home and car buyers, for instance. And many Americans still get a shock every time they go to the grocery store.

    In his interview with CNN’s Erin Burnett, the president pushed back on the notion that the economy is in poor shape while expressing some understanding for the pain caused by high prices. But he was still defensive on the issue — recalling some previous presidents who appeared irked that voters weren’t appreciating their efforts.

    Asked by Burnett when he would restore consumer confidence, Biden replied: “We have already turned it around,” then added, “The polling data has been wrong all along. You guys do a poll at CNN. How many folks you have to call to get one response? The idea that we’re in a situation where things are so bad … we have created more jobs. We have made – we’re in a situation where people have access to good-paying jobs.”

    He’s an excellent President. Those ignorant rubes out there in Flyoverstan are just too dumb and selfish to understand how good they’ve got it. And his asshole tastes just like strawberry ice cream.

    They’ll drag that wizened desiccated husk over the finish line if it’s the last thing they do.

    • R C Dean

      “This deficit for the president comes despite three years of solid growth and job creation numbers.”

      “Numbers” is carrying a lot of weight in that sentence.

  25. Sensei

    Quick, call up our cover running lackeys at the NYT.

    Biden Is Not the First U.S. President to Cut Off Weapons to Israel

    Ronald Reagan also used the power of American arms to influence Israeli war policy. The comparison underscores how much the politics of Israel have changed in the United States since the 1980s.

    They’ve been reduced to comparing him to the hated by the left and also senile in office Reagan.

    • R C Dean

      Hated by the left, senile in office. I’d say the comparison holds up.

    • R C Dean

      Probably the best thing they could do to provide a safe space would be to stop serving alcohol.

      And they couldn’t have been worried about their Muslim patrons getting upset, because they don’t have any on account of alcohol is verboten for Muslims, right?

      • Not Adahn

        “Le Bar Judenfrei”

      • Not Adahn

        Oh Lord, the Bar’s actual name is “Three Dollar Bill.”

        Of-fucking-course it’s a “Queers for Palestine” hangout.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Big difference between a congressional hearing saying they used cluster bombs we provided in population centers and ‘you are hurting my electoral chance’

      • Ownbestenemy

        Wrong location…

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      Imagine if after 9/11 these kinds of actions were taken against Muslims. All these people protesting would have been condemning Americans for racism or Islamophobia.

  26. The Late P Brooks


    There is something so ugly about crushing an acoustic guitar. Making it buckle, making the middle of it explode in splinters. That might be personal to me, as someone who grew up with a dad who was what you might call a campfire guitarist — not a performer, just a dad who used to entertain us with songs like “Dark as a Dungeon,” a little folk tune about the lethal dangers of coal mining. Maybe to you, it’s not the guitar. Maybe it’s the cameras or the vinyl records.

    A little more than halfway through the new ad for “the thinnest Apple product ever,” an enormous hydraulic press bears down on an acoustic guitar — and cameras, and records, and other things that hold reservoirs of emotion for people who make art. Paint, pencils, a dressmaker’s mannequin, books, a wooden model of a person, a not-yet-dry clay bust, a video game cabinet. Everything is flattened under its power. But the most spectacular crushings are of musical instruments — that guitar, a piano, a drum set, a trumpet standing on its end until it gives way.

    You know who else crushed art?

    • Not Adahn

      Paul Simon?

    • Nephilium

      The captain before every Browns home game? The guitar smash is one of the girlfriend’s favorite things to see.

    • Toxteth O'Grady

      Mark McCullough?

      • Toxteth O'Grady


    • kinnath

      It’s a metaphor people . . . .

      *some marketing flunky who thought the bud light ad was awesome

  27. The Late P Brooks

    You don’t own a piano to get from point A to point B in the most direct way you can. You own a piano for the reason we had one in my house: a person plays it. Someone sits down, as my mother did, and plays the “Maple Leaf Rag,” and you can hear the pedals lightly squeak, and you can watch hands skitter across keys, and of course you are listening to music — but also, those are your mother’s hands.

    OMG the queenly drama.

    • B.P.

      Ya know, hysterical person, all of the stuff used in that ad very well could’ve been stuff that was immediately destined for the dump anyway for being useless, irreparable, etc. I doubt anyone handed over a $10K guitar, expensive work of art, or first pressing of a Beatles album to be crushed in the commercial. Hell, they might’ve computerized the hell out of the images for all I know.