IFLA: The “Unusually Good” Edition of the Horoscope for the Week of May 19

by | May 19, 2024 | IFLA | 169 comments

Another leftover video.

A lot of planetary rearrangements going on this week. Intere4stigly enough, the ones that are typically inauspicious are all offset by being adjuncts to a higher-precedent fortunate reading, and the straight-up lucky ones are undiminished.

The big thing (literally) locking down the luck this week is Jupiter — king of the gods and etymological root of the word “jovial.” It starts off the week in line with the Earth, spends Thursday not being relevant, but returns to dominance on Friday, when it links up with the sun (life/growth/power) and Venus (love/sex/peace/mitigation of malign influences). With that going on, the little bit of disruption that is going on with the moon, Mercury and Mars early in the week (today and tomorrow) won’t amount to anything serious.

Beyond that, Gemini is going to have a good time. The one day this week is generally uninteresting (Thursday) is also when Venus moves into that sign, and Venus being active is always a good thing. Even more so for the Twins, Jupiter joins the Zodiac party on Saturday, so all sorts of goodness is in store for you two this month.

Taurus: 6 of Wands – Great news, hope, triumph, etc. Something brag-worthy either realized or anticipated.

Gemini: The Magician – This is an ambiguous card relating to high skill/knowledge jobs. It can imply that you have the skills/knowledge reference or that you need them (such as falling ill and needing a doctor).

Cancer: 8 of Cups – The card shows someone leaving a pile of treasure behind. So it can mean the typer of person/mindset/morality who can do that resulting in joy, mildness, timidity, honor, modesty etc. Or it can be interpreted that that treasure pile wasn’t really worth all that much anyway which is where you get the readings of the decline of a matter, or that a matter which has been thought to be important is really of slight consequence.

Leo: Temperance – Sometimes virtue can be boring.

Virgo: Queen of Coins reversed – Bougie bitch, emphasis on bitch.

Libra: 10 of Cups reversed – Repose of the false heart, indignation, violence.

Scorpio: 7 of Coins – Money, business, barter, investment.

Sagittarius: The Sun reversed – A general purpose indicator of good thing. Not great, but nice.

Capricorn: Justice – Pretty self-explanatory.

Aquarius: 2 of Coins – Fun times, recreation, news and messages in writing, obstacles, agitation, trouble, embroilment.

Pisces: 8 of Wands – Jealousy, internal dispute, stingings of conscience, quarrels.

Aries: Page of Cups – Study, news, message, application, reflection, meditation; also these things directed to business.

About The Author

Not Adahn

Not Adahn

Despite all my rage, I am still just an impeccably dressed rat.


  1. Mojeaux

    Taurus: 6 of Wands – Great news, hope, triumph, etc. Something brag-worthy either realized or anticipated.

    I stumbled into a promotion and significant pay raise Friday, so … FINALLY this gig is starting to pay off.

    • Fourscore

      Good on you, Moj. More money is way better than less money.

      I’m in the garden, overcast and it’s Minnesoda Mosquito time. Not too warm. I ‘ll get some done today and tomorrow, then looks like rain for a few days. Perfect for those things already in the ground. Hopefully no frost on the horizon, I’ve been wrong before.

    • Beau Knott

      Woo Hoo!

    • slumbrew

      Mazel tov!

    • Gender Traitor


    • Tonio

      W00t! Congrats.

    • DEG


    • hayeksplosives



    • KK, Plump & Unfiltered


    • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

      Mo’ money, Mo’ jeaux!

    • Aloysious


      So… you’re buying?

    • Grosspatzer, Superstar

      I love it! Good news is in short supply, glad to hear about this.

  2. The Late P Brooks

    Sagittarius: The Sun reversed – A general purpose indicator of good thing. Not great, but nice.

    Better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick.

    *one of my dad’s sayings

    • hayeksplosives

      I use that phrase once in a while myself.

      Friday I responded to β€œHow are you?” With β€œI’m fine as a frog hair split three ways.”

      My boss was perplexed.

      • Mojeaux

        My husband says, “Better than some, worse than others.”

  3. The Late P Brooks

    I stumbled into a promotion and significant pay raise Friday, so … FINALLY this gig is starting to pay off.

    *toots horn, throws confetti*

  4. slumbrew

    Gemini: The Magician – This is an ambiguous card relating to high skill/knowledge jobs. It can imply that you have the skills/knowledge reference or that you need them (such as falling ill and needing a doctor).

    Let’s hope it’s the former. I have some technical deliverables due before I head to the DR in a couple of weeks.

    • Ted S.

      Better than the DRC.

      (Warning: some NSFW pictures.)

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        Those were not the images I was looking for…

  5. LCDR_Fish

    Still mid-50s here in RI. With the breeze off the water, definitely hoodie weather. Great for walks to/from local dining[drinking] establishments.

    Although at my age (given my dad’s experiences) I’ve started applying sunscreen to my ears even when it’s cloudy.

    • R.J.

      91 and super sunny today. My plants are starting to burn in some pots, I need to rearrange. I’ll have to put on my trucker hat before I go outside.

      • LCDR_Fish

        It’s not bad but I wouldn’t be wearing a hoodie at all other than temp/wind. If I was at home in VA walking to the brewery I’d put some sunscreen on but be fine with short sleeves.

      • R C Dean

        If I didn’t live somewhere where the skin strip the skin right off you in a matter of minutes, I probably wouldn’t have picked them up. But at this point, anything that requires sunscreen (other than on my nose/face) gets the hoodie.

      • R.J.

        Boy I like that. I may buy one. TX and FL are prime areas for long sleeves and occasionally a hoodie.

      • R C Dean

        I actually picked it up at my Tavor class. Ron, the instructor, had one on, and I thought β€œDamn, that looks like just the thing.’ Give it a go, RJ.

      • slumbrew

        When I was in Hawaii one of the deckhands on the cruise pointed out that all the locals wore long sleeve sunshirts/rashguards for a reason.

        The sun is unforgiving there.

        I had already learned half-learned the lesson a few days before, snorkeling without a shirt. My poor back…

      • Not Adahn

        They gave sun hoodies to us at Carry Optics Nats. They were a very pleasant surprise.

    • westernsloper

      Some say, quit eating shit fried in seed oils and the sun won’t bother you. I don’t say that, some do.

      • Gender Traitor

        I don’t think there’s any mere dietary change that will keep the sun from bothering me./pasty white redhead

  6. Gender Traitor

    Speaking of stars, this star lily thing on the edge of Tranq Base is finally in virtually full bloom. (There are a couple of florets that haven’t quite gotten with the program.)

    • The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

      Weird plant. Looks like it’s mostly flower. Nice bang for your buck.

      • Gender Traitor

        Especially since it came with the house! πŸ˜„

    • dbleagle

      Countdown to blaming Israel. 3, 2, 1 “It’s because of (((THEM)))!!!

  7. Gustave Lytton

    8L (by container, not contents or final volume) of umeshu done. Did 4L of shochu, 2L of cane sugar vodka, 2L of cane sugar vodka with partially crushed/chopped ume. Wish I could get this.

    Notes for future/next year
    – try parboiling ume and purΓ©ing like tomato sauce
    – buy more rock sugar off season. Totally cleaned out before ume season starts
    – make third batch with neutral grain spirits or skip shochu depending on how that turns out. Not a fan usually of sake base umeshu
    – try aging. Still have a good amount from last year with NGS that I could fill maybe one barrel. Toasted or sherry? Hmmm… Figure one year to impart enough ume flavor into the syrup, then transfer minus the fruit. Looking at these guys.
    – take pictures

    • Nephilium

      buy more rock sugar off season. Totally cleaned out before ume season starts

      Ignorant question perhaps, but why specifically rock sugar instead of table? And any considerations for things such as jaggery (which can be ordered on Amazon)?

      • Gustave Lytton

        The larger chunks take longer to dissolve in the alcohol, which extracts more flavor and color (allegedly).

        Jaggery is an interesting thought. I see it all the time in other Asian markets so easily available. I know black sugar is sometimes used for a different flavor. And Choya uses honey for some of their products.

      • Nephilium

        Well, it would take a larger chunk longer to dissolve, but there’s nothing that it would be extracting. I would also think demerara sugar would be a solid substitute.

  8. Rebel Scum

    Fun times, recreation, news and messages in writing, obstacles, agitation, trouble, embroilment.

    So I am going to find a new female romantic interest.

    • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

      Female what, though?

    • Aloysious


    • EvilSheldon

      Interesting. Pretty standard modern take on rifle priorities – upright head position, ambidextrous controls, etc., all adapted to a bullpup with a handguard the size of a brick course…

      • R C Dean

        The cutlass hand guard is IDF standard for bashing people with in close quarters. Ron recommends swapping for a standard pistol grip (like he has on his rifle).

      • EvilSheldon

        I actually meant the front handguard. Not the AUG-like thingy on the pistol grip.

  9. DEG

    Nice dog videos.

    Sometimes virtue can be boring.

    This doesn’t sound sufficiently shitty.

  10. Grummun

    Scorpio: 7 of Coins – Money, business, barter, investment.

    Does this mean the PO for my new compute hardware will finally go out this week?

  11. hayeksplosives

    Oh! Looks like the website changes have taken effect.

    Looks very different on iPhone Safari. The text is confined to a very narrow column of text

    I’ll keep checking for changes.

    • Nephilium

      From the update post:

      Sunday, 19 May @ 15:46ET: Now live! Working to make less ugly.

      Sunday, 19 May @ 15:32ET: Sending new site live. It will be ugly for a little bit.

      Sunday, 19 May @ 13:21ET: Updating plugins.

    • DEG

      I like how avatars are bigger and easier to see.

      • R.J.

        Yes. My face is beautiful now! For all to behold.
        I am about to check on editing options and see how the latest GlibFlick held up.

    • rhywun



    • Rebel Scum

      I don’t like change.

      • Mojeaux

        Lately I have come to the conclusion that I shall embrace change with intention because it’s inevitable. Might as well use it to my advantage.

      • R.J.

        That’s the spirit!

      • Mojeaux

        Boldly go, etc etc etc

      • R.J.

        Testing a comment 6 layers deep…

      • Gustave Lytton

        Nooo! Eff change!

        *flings Who Moved My Martini? against wall*

      • Fourscore

        Then use your credit card

    • Fourscore

      Now I have to learn something new. Damnit! Oh, well 21st Century and all

    • UnCivilServant

      I’ll wait and see what fixes are coming. The “Looks like a mobile site” issue is the big one I hope is on the list to correct.

  12. Yusef drives a Kia

    Is this thing on?
    Mic check, testing 1,2,3,

    • Tres Cool

      HEY YUFUS!

  13. Yusef drives a Kia

    The back end looks the same writing purposes

    • R C Dean

      Pssht. Like anyone writes posts.

      Seriously, you bums. Put up some content already. (Not you, Yu. You carry your weight around here.)

      • Nephilium

        /looks around guiltily

        I’ve got something sitting there, and a couple of other ones simmering.

      • Yusef drives a Kia

        /tips tophat

  14. The Late P Brooks

    What the?

  15. Vida Hobo

    Pisces: 8 of Wands – Jealousy, internal dispute, stingings of conscience, quarrels.

    What’s a conscience?

    • Rebel Scum

      An old, English ship?

  16. KK, Plump & Unfiltered

    Hello new website! Thank you Webdom!!!

  17. dbleagle

    Mahalo WebDom!

  18. kinnath

    Is monocle broken in the new format? Or is my side not working?

    I see the tool for creating comments.

    But I do not see the tool bar that lets me advance to the next new message.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Trashy I believe said it wouldn’t work once they upgraded but I still have HTML tools like bold/italics/etc available so might be native now. However the grey/grey comment text box is a bit hard to deal with.

      With that, I know Webdom and the team are hard at work and appreciate them!

      • Ownbestenemy

        “REPLY” button eats up text too. Again, not sure if my side or what.

    • Gender Traitor

      See Slumbrew’s comments on the Website Changes post.

    • Sensei


      And that’s not a complaint about the site or tool.

      Tool wasn’t designed for the new site. It’s interesting that it partially works.

    • kinnath

      Thanks everyone.

      The HTLM editing tools are nice to have.

      I can live with scrolling to find new content. I now have to do that during the weeks, so I’m used to it again. πŸ˜‰

  19. ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

    So, this is nice.

  20. Gender Traitor

    Scorpio: 7 of Coins – Money, business, barter, investment.

    So…just another week working at a financial institution. (Not really any chance of another raise – just more work now that my boss is The Big Boss.)

    • R.J.

      I can confirm that more work happens when your boss becomes the big boss.

    • dbleagle

      That is incredibly interesting. Thanks for linking it. Long live the Colorado River!

      • westernsloper

        I had no idea that flow happened until a few weeks ago. Those are some 30+ foot boat eating waves.

    • westernsloper

      Notice everybody is wearing the proper length shorts.

  21. Suthenboy

    Perusing the links from last night.
    I am caught off guard every year when y’all start talking about your spring planting, putting out hummingbird feeders etc.

    We are already one clutch into hummingbird season and I have two ripe tomatoes on the vine.

    • Yusef drives a Kia

      I got 50+ cheery tomatoes and a dozen big boys already. My first round of cucumbers and strawberries are done, waiting for the next crop, sound about right?
      / my herb garden never quits

      • Yusef drives a Kia

        My garden is an 4’x8′ patio,cheers!

    • R C Dean

      Mrs. Dean wants to start doing some raised bed container gardening. I think that’s already a β€œnext year” thing here in Tucson. I’m fine with it (I have no illusions about the, err, division of labor). Step one will be putting in some kind of shade netting over where the beds will be, though.

      We’ve started looking at vacant land in Oracle, AZ, which is about 1,000 feet higher and 10 degrees (Americanheit) cooler than Tucson, to build on. Oracle is on the other (north) side of the Catalinas, the mountains north of Tucson, about halfway between Tucson and Phoenix. The Casa Dean is about 1,000 square feet more than we β€œneed”, and kinda high maintenance. It sets a damn high bar, though.

      I dread the construction process, but it’s probably a smart play for the (remaining) long term. It’s all about the lot, though. Priority one is no neighbors annoyingly close, so we’re talking acres, not square feet.

      • dbleagle

        I worked several years at the Oracle State Park. It is a very pretty little town with some amazing views down into the San Pedro and the “backside” of the Catalinas. When I worked there it was still small enough to have all the AZ species. Both mule deer at bit to the north and coues Whitetail in the oaks. There was one smart ass mountain lion that liked to nap on the roof of my rice rocket and leave big muddy footprints on my windshield in the winter. I never did understand why she liked my car over my co-workers.

  22. Yusef drives a Kia

    Some really sketchy weather right now, ssw wind and heavy mammatus clouds, very tornadic

    • R.J.

      Still going on. Batten down the hatches.

  23. Tres Cool

    whaddup doh’

    After a 3-hour drive…..TALL (216) CANS!

    • Ted S.

      Take one down, pass it around,
      215 tall cans of beer on the wall.

    • Yusef drives a Kia

      216? Why aren’t you sharing you heathen?
      TALL CANS!

    • Nephilium

      Are you sure you aren’t in the 330 or 440? Hell, you might even be in the new 436.

  24. westernsloper

    pizza crust experiment #???????

    This flour is good. The stretch is a bit touchy. Easy to tear a hole in the pie but the pinch paste repair worked well and I was able to get a nice thin crispy crust with adequate foldability. This was all for experimental purposes. I am heading back to paleo next week. After I eat this pizza and the next one since the recipe made two pizza crusts.

    • R C Dean

      Write it up as a post, already. Geez. This ain’t rocket surgery, people.

  25. cyto

    Your tax dollars at work.

    Presented to me several times in context of posts about biden speaking at HBCU


    I read that as “We don’t have enough reports of hate crimes and need to get the numbers up for the election”

    • Gustave Lytton

      Saw a similar from the state on the side of a bus. Apparently the only crime they care about is hate and bias crime. And not dial just 911.

  26. Yusef drives a Kia

    Why don’t you take your social regulation and shove em
    /Jello Biafra

  27. Gustave Lytton

    Raisi: accident or whacked?

    • Ted S.

      One of the tweets I saw said that the weather was terrible, so that should shut down all of the conspiracy theories… except for the one that (((they))) control the weather.

    • The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical


      Lots of world leaders getting into trouble lately.

    • juris imprudent

      I retired Navy officer told me helicopters don’t actually fly, it is the earth that is repelled by them. I’ll go with accident.

  28. Beau Knott

    Good morning all!

    Today, Peter Schilling brings alien hope.

    Zone 804

    Share and enjoy!

    • rhywun

      It is properly titled β€žRegion 804β€œ.

  29. The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

    Hey, the website is still here. Looks pretty on my laptop.

    • Gender Traitor

      Good morning, TAFKAL, Sean, Ted’S., U, and Beau!

      • The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

        ‘Morning Miss.

        A good day in store, I hope?

      • Gender Traitor

        Well, it’s a payroll processing day, plus we have a new employee starting, but nothing I can’t handle. How about you?

      • UnCivilServant

        Made it to the office, first time since I fell ill I’ve been in this chair.

        Store was out of most of my usual commuting breakfast staples, including my cheese 😨

      • Gender Traitor

        Oh no! Were you able to find tolerable substitutes? And most importantly, did they have your Dew??

      • UnCivilServant

        The fruit I got has more sugar than I would have liked, and the diet dew had its annoying enough plastic rings replaced with an even more annoying cardboard sheet about the necks of the bottles that felt flimsier and like it was going to tear before I got to the registers yet somehow refused to give up my bottle to drink when it came time. I hate it.

      • Gender Traitor

        The Watermelons have gotten to your local beverage bottling company, I’m afraid. πŸ˜’ (Haven’t noticed this in Ohio, but I usually only buy 12-can cases for the work break room.)

        What kind of fruit?

      • UnCivilServant

        My usual fruit is a cup of grapes, but I ended up with straberry pineapple and honeydew. Total volume was still reasonable enough that I’m not going to freak out, but I do recognize on a pound for pound basis, pineapple is very sugary.

      • UnCivilServant

        As for the soda packaging, this is literally the first I’ve seen it And it was only on the diet dew, so it may still be in the rollout stage.

      • Gender Traitor

        New packaging on just one brand/variety, and it just happens to be yours? Hard not to take that personally.

      • Gender Traitor

        Most important, though, I hope your cough is gone or at least much diminished.

      • UnCivilServant

        My cough is now diminished to “Lingering”. Which is why I decided to go into the office as normally scheduled for a pay week monday.

        There are very few multinational corporations who will go out of their way to spite a specific shareholder who has only one share…

      • Gender Traitor

        Ooh! If you’re a shareholder, you can go to the annual shareholders’ meeting and lodge a formal protest! That’ll take care of that nonsense! πŸ˜ƒ

      • UnCivilServant

        I don’t even know where they hold it. I vote by proxy form.

      • Not Adahn

        There are very few multinational corporations who will go out of their way to spite a specific shareholder who has only one share…

        Speaking of, did you see that Projekt Red won a DEI award for their menstrual leave program?

      • Gender Traitor

        ::ponders whether “Proxy” would be a catchy name for a soft drink:: πŸ€”

      • UnCivilServant

        Projekt Red won a DEI award


        My shares are never going back to their December 2020 value, are they?

      • Not Adahn

        Well, inflation is working in your favor…

  30. Tres Cool

    suh’ fam
    whats goody

    • Gender Traitor

      Good morning, homey! How are things in the wrong corner of OH?

      • Tres Cool

        So far so good. Making my way to the office.

    • Donny Three-Fingers

      Morning all (or you and GT at least)!

      • Gender Traitor

        Good morning, Donny! How are you today? (Cute pooch, by the way!)

      • Donny Three-Fingers

        Strange, no reply button on your comment. Recovering. Was drilling holes in a pool filter housing for the wife to make a planter. Drill bit caught, spun the edge into the top of my foot, gashed all the way through the skinsuit for about 3 inches, just missed the tendon on my big toe. I am now banned from unsupervised power tool use. She got me to say yes to that, I blame the morphine hangover for me agreeing.

      • UnCivilServant

        The reply depth has been shrunk for some reason.

        Anyway, why was that filter not in a vice?

      • Donny Three-Fingers

        And thank you! Bluey is now much bigger. 55lbs. ALL energy. She is a good dog.

      • Gender Traitor

        Comment threading doesn’t go as deep as before, thus the lack of a “Reply” button fewer layers in.

        Yeah…I think power tool use isn’t necessarily your strong suit. I would also urge you not to clean gutters without a “spotter.” 😳

      • Donny Three-Fingers

        UnCiv, it was, big 20+ inch filter housing. Handle clamp weld (in the vise) failed.

      • UnCivilServant

        What kind of drill do you own then?

      • Grosspatzer, Superstar

        Mornin’, good to see you haven’t changed your handle to Donny Four Toes. Yikes.

      • Donny Three-Fingers

        Dewalt 20vmax handheld. Wouldn’t fit my bench top drill press. HSS metal 1/2 bit. Did this kind of stuff for 45 years before the 2 incidents.

  31. Not Adahn

    I notice that there is now a convenient “skip TFA” button.

    • UnCivilServant

      I notice that the links to a comment now go directly to the comment.

      Now I’m confused, I got accustomed to them just going to the top of the article.

    • Gender Traitor

      Gee, when you put it that way… πŸ˜•

      Good morning, NA! Thanks for the relatively positive weekly outlook!

  32. Grosspatzer, Superstar

    Mornin’ from beautiful downtown Scranton. Youngest Patzer received his Masters in Software Engineering yesterday, we have a spiffy new website here thanks to WebDom, Mojeaux hit the jackpot… All this good news when I go away for a few weeks… OK, I can take a hint.

    • Donny Three-Fingers


    • UnCivilServant

      Mojeaux hit the jackpot

      Wait, what? I missed something.

      • Not Adahn

        She got a raise.

      • Grosspatzer, Superstar

        Hey, U!

        See first comment on this post. Promotion, more $$$…

      • Gender Traitor

        See first comment above.

      • UnCivilServant

        Oh, okay.

        the phrasing had me thinking something different.

    • Gender Traitor

      ‘patzie!!! πŸ˜ƒ Congrats on Jungpatzer’s accomplishment and welcome back! We’ve missed you!

  33. Stinky Wizzleteats

    I promise I am not a Russian bot.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      It worked!

  34. Fourscore

    Good to see some old commenter faces again. Gonna be a good day/week/month/forever!