Joemala: Episode 216

by | May 15, 2024 | Joemala | 99 comments


“Electric cars are an abomination,” Hunter said morosely.

“Are you talking about that video of the Italian guy?” Finnegan asked, rediscovering disgust after so long.

“What video?” Hunter asked.

“The one on the internet? At the gas station?”

“Oh, yeah, that was hilarious! I showed the video to Daddy.”

“Gas station?” Joe asked.

“The Italian guy? With the gas nozzle?” Hunter prompted.

“Oh, Italians do that all the t-t-time,” Joe said.

“Grandpa!’ Finnegan said. Hunter laughed and laughed.

“It’s true,” Joe said. “When I was stationed there after the war, we-we-we had to… what where I saying was?”

“After the war in Italy,” Hunter said, struggling to control himself.

“Oh, yeah. We had to, you know, guard the gas pumps, with, you know, like rifles and such to keep them out of there.”

“You were three years old when World War II ended, Grandpa,” Finnegan said gently.

“Everyone fights, nobody quits, Rico,” Joe said in a snarl.

Hunter laughed even harder at the movie quote, letting himself slide off the settee and on to the floor.

“Maybe it was the Korean War,” Joe said, back to confused.

“Stop, Daddy, stop,” Hunter gasped. “You’re literally killing me.”

“Italians weren’t even, you know, like, White until the 1960s,” Joe continued. “We had to keep them away from gas pumps in ‘Nam, too.”

Finnegan thought about kicking her father while he was on the floor, her chunky dyke boots catching him in the floating ribs.

She whispered to him, “This isn’t funny! I think he’s having a significant brain event.”

“You can’t ever just enjoy things, daughter,” Hunter said as Joe mumbled something about President Nixon trying to combat Italian gas station perversions with expanded EPA emissions control and hand sanitizer. “Anhedonia,” Hunter diagnosed.

Finnegan sputtered, getting red in the face, trying to work out a response that wasn’t outright physical violence. This made Hunter hold his sides laughing. Instead, she slapped the medical alert button set into the desk.

“Oh, you’re no fun,” Hunter said.

“That’s why we had to take lead out of gasoline!” Joe yelled suddenly. “Italians were getting all retarded in their ass!”

“That’s a no-no word!” Finnegan said, picking up the spray-bottle and squirting water right into his face as the medical response team crowded into the Oval Office.

About The Author



Your Resident Narcissistic Misogynist Rape-Culture Apologist


  1. Not Adahn

    “Italians weren’t even, you know, like, White until the 1960s,” Joe continued. “We had to keep them away from gas pumps in ‘Nam, too.”


    • juris imprudent

      It’s true, real white people – WASPs – didn’t accept those swarthy types! It took ultra-white people to do that.

      • hayeksplosives

        When the ex Mr Splosives (1/4 Italian) met my mother, they were making small talk in the kitchen and my mom let slip a comment about the “Italian race”.

        I was mortified and amused in equal measure.

  2. Not Adahn

    Poor Finnie doesn’t have the stamina to make it in DC.

    • Fourscore

      Because she has a degree of sanity left.

  3. Drake

    I only know of the perverted incident being referred to because Anthony Cumio did a segment on it a couple of days ago. I’ll let other glibsters discover it on their own.

    • The Gunslinger

      I’m clueless. Do I dare search?

      • Not Adahn

        “That’s why we had to take lead out of gasoline!” Joe yelled suddenly. “Italians were getting all retarded in their ass!”

        Uncle Joe spells it out for you.

    • Not Adahn

      It would not surprise me if the hydrocarbon absorption would get you high as fuck.

      • EvilSheldon

        I knew that butt-chugging was a real thing! All that time spent reading OANN, vindicated at last!

    • EvilSheldon

      So I know that we’re supposed to be In Favor of Self-Immolation now, but this seems to be going a bit far…

      • Not Adahn

        Shot my first B classifiers last weekend! Woot! But everyone else is getting better faster, so I’m dropping in the match rankings.

      • EvilSheldon

        Also, the classifiers are going up. It’s objectively harder to be a GM than it was ten years ago.

        An aside – where are you on the proposed 15-round limit in CO? Yes? No? Fuck you, I live in New York?

      • Not Adahn

        You mean Prod? I voted to leave it at 10, but if they were going to change it I’d rather they go with “must fit in the box with a mag inserted” rather than a specific round limit. If they wanted to be devious/jerks, change the weighing procedure to be “with a fully-loaded mag installed.” And then watch the sales of aluminum-cased ammo soar.

        Having said all of that I can understand wanting to harmonize with IPSC.

        I am still hoping that SCOTUS is going to nuke mag capacity limits.

      • Dr Mossy Lawn

        I suspect that it won’t get to SCOTUS unless there is a circuit split. Currently most of the cases seem to be leaning toward Bruen, but that stays are being issued.. so the district courts are hedging their bets.

      • EvilSheldon

        Nope, I meant CO. It’s being floated, being as how the rest of the world now has two divisions with zero difference…

      • Not Adahn

        Where was this? The last surveys I saw were about reducing the number of GMs needed to use a match score as a classifier.

        If I could reorganize things, it’d be

        1. Gun, iron sights, MSRP$1999, iron sights
        4. As 3, but with an optic.
        5. Revolvers. No optic, because if you’re gonna go obsolete, go completely obsolete.
        6. Single Stack, ’cause TWO WORLD WARS! And also Rob Latham needs to keep winning Nats in some division

      • Not Adahn

        Also, I can’t help but notice that at A8 (RM’d by Dan Click) Leigh Ooseterwhatever and YML have decided to join the Super Squad. This could be dramatic.

  4. Swiss Servator

    “Everyone fights, nobody quits, Rico,” Joe said in a snarl.


    • juris imprudent

      Hold on – doesn’t Rico put him out of his misery?

      • Not Adahn

        “You know what you have to do. Do it!”

    • Fatty Bolger


  5. The Late P Brooks

    Is that why there’s no self service gasoline in New Jersey? Because of Italians?

    • Sean



      Still doesn’t explain Oregon (until very recently). Does this correlate with wearing hemp ponchos?

    • EvilSheldon

      I feel like asking my friend C about this (Italian, from New Jersey) but he’s such a nice guy that I’m uncharacteristically worried about hurting his feelings…

  6. Timeloose


    There is too much for me to comment on this week. From start to finish this is great.

    Hunter have fun with the old man and dying laughing.

    Somehow getting a Starship Troopers reference in there.

    I don’t even need to know the Italian gas station reference.

    • Drake

      Hunter does have the right reaction to Joe. Getting mad at the craziness is bad for you.

    • juris imprudent

      From start to finish this is great.

      Another of those I can’t pick out a favorite line.

      • WTF

        Concur. This was fantastic.

  7. The Gunslinger

    Speaking of EVs.

      • R.J.

        Unbelievable. Where are the stockholders on this issue? Lucid’s performance was underwhelming, and they constantly flirt with bankruptcy. So yes, hire that financial officer to run Ford. Goodbye, Ford. You can join Stellantis in total failure soon.

      • The Last American Hero

        So bailed out by taxpayers once again?

      • Bobarian LMD

        Ford opted to not get bailed out and destroy the value held by investors ala Government Motors.

        But their decisions on cars and electrics have been extremely stupid in the meantime.

    • The Gunslinger

      – “House was CFO at California-based Lucid between May 2021 and last December. In that time, the company, which warned this week that its liquidity can only cover investments through the second quarter of 2025, went public, started producing and delivering its luxury EVs and opened manufacturing plants in the United States and Saudi Arabia.”

      • Brochettaward

        I mean, is the guy a political crony?

      • Sensei

        Outside of financial services, public companies don’t usually finance their way to success.

        You need to sell a product profitably.

        I’d argue if you are able to obtain financing for a company hemorrhaging cash with questionable products and placate Wall St. you might be exactly what Ford needs.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Outside of financial services, public companies don’t usually finance their way to success.

        This is the auto industry… although Ford Motor Credit was never as sprawling as GMAC.

  8. Aloysious

    Finnegan thought about kicking her father while he was on the floor, her chunky dyke boots catching him in the floating ribs.

    In all seriousness, I wonder how close to reality this is. You know that family hurts each other. On purpose.

    • Fatty Bolger

      Hurt people hurt people?

  9. The Late P Brooks

    More senile rambling

    “That other guy, that loser. I think he’s having trouble,” Biden said, without referring to Trump by name.

    The insult was met with laughter in the ballroom for an event honoring Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander Heritage Month.

    Biden also knocked Trump on his handling of the Covid pandemic when he was in office four years ago.

    “Look, I’ll never forget him lying about the pandemic, telling Americans to inject bleach into their skin,” Biden said Tuesday. “I wonder if he did it. It might explain something.”

    Much lofty statesman.

    • The Other Kevin

      Wow he’s still pushing that injecting bleach hoax, and the fine people hoax. Both easily debunked, but still red meat for the brainwashed I suppose.

      That scrunched up face looks more like Walter the ventriloquist dummy every day.

    • Fatty Bolger

      He’ll never forget a lot of things that never happened.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      The bleach thing: Even the people that “believe” that don’t really believe that pants on fire full of shit you’d have to be a fool to believe it lie.

      • Certified Public Asshat

        When this UV blood treatment eventually comes out, just remember Trump said drink bleach.

  10. The Late P Brooks

    I guess Joe and his “people” think he should run on his performance during the Great Plague. I’m not 100% sure that’s a winning move.

  11. DEG

    “That’s why we had to take lead out of gasoline!” Joe yelled suddenly. “Italians were getting all retarded in their ass!”

    I laughed.

  12. creech

    Poor Joe, can’t even remember that he grew up in an Italian ghetto in Scranton, eating pasta and gravy every day and singing on corners with his goombas.

    • Nephilium

      But at least he went to a Historically Dago College or University, right?

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Sure, when he wasn’t hanging at the local public pool and whipping Corn Pop with a chain.

  13. ron73440

    Whole thing was hilarious, this one got me and I felt like Hunter dying laughing:

    “That’s why we had to take lead out of gasoline!” Joe yelled suddenly. “Italians were getting all retarded in their ass!”

  14. The Late P Brooks

    You need to sell a product profitably.

    It helps if it’s something people want or need.

    Also- in that article, it says the current CFO is getting kicked upstairs to be some sort of superlobbyist. That says a lot about the business Ford is in. Much as I hate Ford and the rest of the current auto industry, they are only nominally in control of their future.

    • Sensei

      You will drive and EV and you will like it.

      Also you can not have inexpensive cars or trucks from other parts of the world.

      Both are for your own good.

    • mikey

      Wonder if their weekly emails to anyone who bought a new ford in the last ten years are helping..

      • Sensei

        They need to keep you informed about the recalls.

        My 2014 Explorer had its rear suspension recall recalled a second time for the same issue. And at least two other different campaigns.

        Their amount of warranty and recall work is industry bottom quartile.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Still haven’t replaced a minor piece that was missing (back ordered) from delivery in January.

    • R.J.

      Wrong one. Put him back.

  15. mikey

    “Anhedonia”. My Glib Word of the Day. My life is much better for this joint.

    • Gender Traitor

      Wasn’t there a Marx Brothers movie set there?

      • B.P.

        Ha. Excellent.

  16. The Late P Brooks

    Wasn’t there a Marx Brothers movie set there?

    “You’re a brave man. Go and break through the lines. And remember, while you’re out there risking your life and limb through shot and shell, we’ll be in be in here thinking what a sucker you are.”

    • R.J.

      Did it finally succumb and close? I am expecting the whole of the DFW restaurant industry to collapse soon. This place lives on dining out and nobody can afford it.

      • Not Adahn

        The article makes it seem like it’s barely hanging on, ut I haven’t eaten there since…2006, so I used the past tense.

  17. The Late P Brooks

    Speaking of cars stuff- watchJRgo was blabbering about “right to repair” recently; some new thing about the NHTSA eviscerating some law or other. Among the many things he neglected to mention is the right to repair implies an ability to modify, and the NHTSA and EPA are doing their best to slam that door shut.

  18. R.J.

    Wonderful entry in the canon. Thank you SugarFree!

  19. The Late P Brooks

    Where have all the free traders gone?

    The move, which Biden and his aides had telegraphed in remarks earlier this spring, was promptly condemned by leading trade groups, including those representing the U.S. tech industry and large importing corporations.

    But they barely elicited a peep from free traders in Congress, a dwindling population in recent years. Grassley, a 90-year-old with few reelection concerns, was one of the only lawmakers to slam Biden on tariffs, saying he was making an “election year-decision that risks serious retaliation against American producers — especially agriculture, as we’ve seen before.”


    Other Democrats argued that Biden is being more selective with his tariffs than Trump.

    “Biden’s tariff approach is not out of personal anger, it’s about a thoughtful way to support the development of domestic industry,” said Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.). “There’s a coherence to what President Biden is trying to do that just wasn’t there in the Trump years.”

    Too many people in Washington define “free” trade as trade “managed according to OUR preferences”. Like Grassley, they stick up for their preferred constituents.

    • Sensei

      “Biden’s tariff approach is not out of personal anger, it’s about a thoughtful way to support the development of domestic industry,” said Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.).

      That’s spectacular.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Whatever will help buy votes at this point.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        Old Lizzie really is a sack of shit.

    • Drake

      Chuck Grassley is still alive?

  20. The Late P Brooks

    When will serious journalists from the legitimate media label Warren as a being a Biden-worshipping sycophant who robotically echoes his talking points?

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      When pigs fly over a frozen Hell.

  21. The Late P Brooks

    Whatever will help buy votes at this point.

    That Politico article does a pretty impressive job of tippytoeing around the pandering-to-the-unions thing.

  22. kinnath


    MegaCorp is now blocking all the tools that make the Glibs easy to use.

    • R.J.

      Use your own PC or a phone. MegaCorp will spy on you, forever.

      • Nephilium

        MegaCorp will spy on me on their equipment, not mine.

      • R.J.

        What he said.

      • Gender Traitor

        Indeed. I have to use my phone at work, and I can’t even use the company WiFi. For that matter, I’ve never been able to get Monocle/Eyepiece to work on my phone. 😞

      • slumbrew

        *reminds self to write-up How To Use Monocle on iOS/iPadOS*

      • Gender Traitor

        And Android? 😃

      • slumbrew

        Can do – I have it working on my Pixel with Firefox Nightly + Tampermonkey – that was comparatively easy compared to iOS.

      • Sean

        I control the internet at my work.


      • kinnath

        tampermonkey is blocked.

      • slumbrew

        Yes, because blocking tampermonkey means your user agent is now fully trustworthy :-/

      • Nephilium

        That tied to the Third Party Partitioning change they rolled out a while back? The experimental flag that they flipped to enabled by default?

      • slumbrew

        I haven’t dug into the details but Tampermonkey has been warning about this upcoming change for a bit.