¿Martes por la tarde? Pues sí. ¡Enlaces mexicanos!

by | May 14, 2024 | Daily Links | 190 comments

Just remember.  The markets will remain completely retarded longer than you can stay solvent.



Earthquake strikes the Mexico-Guatemala border.  No casualty number in the article, likely because local officials are not sure if to count adults under 40” tall as an entire person.

This is the most Boomercon trigger bait headline Fox has published in a long time.

*Dons tinfoil hat*  Flooding in Brazil provides the perfect pretext for Elon Musk to further spread misinformation throughout Brazil, in light of the attacks on TwiX from the left-wing Brazilian government. *Doffs tinfoil hat*

A nice puff piece on Milei. (TW: PJ Media)

LOL.  COPE and/or SEETHE commies.


You know what? I’ll say something controversial:  maybe this is better than Metallica.

About The Author

mexican sharpshooter

mexican sharpshooter

WARNING: Glibertarians.com contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm. https://youtu.be/qiAyX9q4GIQ?t=2m22s


  1. UnCivilServant

    Sorry about missing the conversation for the lunchtime article. I’ve been seriously under the weather since last week.

    • Rat on a train


      • UnCivilServant

        I’ve had a brutal cough with some congestion. It kept waking me up as the meds wore off so I was sleep deprived. It finally started to clear and I slept for… I honestly lost track of how many hours I’ve been under, 16? It was an unhealthy amount anyway.

      • Necron 99

        I have the same symptoms. Thought it was a cold, then thought it was allergies. Now I believe it was a cold cranked up to 11 due to allergies. I went back to work after a week off, but still feel horrible. I’ve never woken up after 4 hours on Nyquil just to take more Nyquil before.

      • Ted S.

        It’s Covid. Or maybe lupus.

      • R.J.

        BIRD FLU!

      • Aloysious

        Sounds more like Dutch Elm Disease.

      • Bobarian LMD

        We had something (one person positive Covid) go thru the office here lately and while I never tested, I had the same experience. Fell asleep on the couch Monday morning and didn’t really wake up until Tuesday afternoon.

        Felt like allergies at first.

      • Necron 99

        I did a test for Covfifee, negative. Lupus, Bird Flu, and Dutch Elm Disease are still in the mix.

      • slumbrew

        Sounds like Cordyceps

      • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

        It’s hantavirus

      • Homple

        Turbocharged Bird Flu.

      • rhywun

        16 hours of sleep? Glorious.

        I would love to get more than 3 or 4 consecutive hours anymore.

    • Ted S.

      Florida Man is frivolously under the weather.

  2. UnCivilServant

    maybe this is better than Metallica.

    I was expeccting something on mining and smelting.

    • Nephilium

      I was expecting this. Especially since they just announced they’re releasing a volume 2 this year.

      I grew concerned when I saw the track list and saw St. Anger listed there.

      • Ted S.

        I was expecting this. No worse than Metallica.

      • rhywun


      • mexican sharpshooter

        I refuse to acknowledge St. Anger

      • Nephilium

        I haven’t bought a Metallica album after the black album came out.

        Not trying to be cool, just didn’t care for their newer direction.

      • Chafed

        You aren’t alone. It’s saying something to note it’s better than Lulu.

      • ron73440

        When I first heard Enter Sandman on the radio, I thought it sounds like Metallica, but that’s not Metallica.

        After I found out that it was them, I wasn’t going top buy the Black album, but my friend talked me into it.

        I just checked, there are 7 songs I like on it, a couple middling ones and the rest are a warning that they are about to suck.

        The one after that, a friend bought, didn’t like it and he gave it to me.

        I listened to it once and gave it back.

        Haven’t heard anything really good from them since.

      • ron73440

        If I’m generous I say 5 good songs, not 7.

        Holier Than Thou
        Through the Never
        The God That Failed
        Of Wolf and Man
        My Friend of Misery

      • Ted S.

        Metallica, or your friend?


        I enjoyed the album, but it was a severe departure from their prior speed/thrash metal formula. Legend has it, that the lead singer of Slayer through his stereo down a stairwell the first time he heard it.

    • Pope Jimbo

      You should no better. You can’t have mining AND smelting at the same time. This is clearly and either ore situation.

      • Ted S.

        He should yes better.

      • UnCivilServant

        I’ve heard assertions in that vein, but I still contend it’s possible

      • The Other Kevin

        I really dig your jokes.

      • Ted S.

        Those jokes are mine. He’s also steeling my smelting jokes.

      • Fourscore

        The smelt season is over, you missed it by a couple months

      • Bobarian LMD

        He who smelt it, dealt it.

      • ron73440

        That’s gold Jerry!

      • Fourscore

        You guys are a real blast!

      • Shpip

        Swiss is going to come after you for this schist.

        And he’s a member of the bar, so no quartz will convict him.

      • The Other Kevin

        Swiss is going to give us all the shaft.

      • Ted S.

        I thought it was STEVE SMITH who gave us the shaft.

      • R C Dean

        SWISS SMITH?


    • Homple

      Somebody gets it.

  3. Shpip

    The US has just approved a new war budget to leverage its simultaneous confrontation against Russia, Iran and China. Germany, Japan and the other powers that fought the Second World War are rebuilding their war machines. This insane movement is accompanied by the countries that have emerged as global forces in recent decades.

    Never before has humanity been so threatened with nuclear annihilation.

    They must be growing some good stuff down in the rainforest. I want some of what he’s smoking.

  4. Gender Traitor

    …local officials are not sure if to count adults under 40” tall as an entire person.

    Do they have a wooden cutout of a popular cartoon character with a sign that says (in Spanish, of course) “You must be taller than [character] to be counted as a casualty”?

    • Rat on a train

      Do they count them as three-fifths of a person?

  5. PutridMeat

    better than Metallica

    That’s just way to broad to be controversial. As someone for whom Metallica fell off the map around the black album, better than pre-black album? Maybe not. Better than post? Absolutely. And some bits and pieces of stuff pre? Sure. A statement with no resolution. Pure engagement-bait. Very devious. You looking for a job with Fox News headline writers?

    • rhywun

      My thoughts exactly.

      Depends which album.

    • Sensei

      That was right when Metallica adopted louder is better dynamic compression.

      Same turning point album for me. Different reason.

      • mexican sharpshooter

        ☝🏽 What he said

      • DEG

        Oh yeah.

        I remember that.

        I guess I should have read the comments before commenting.

    • mexican sharpshooter

      You looking for a job with Fox News headline writers?

      I can certainly use the money,

      • Chafed

        Make sure to require everyone to give you their email address.

  6. The Late P Brooks

    Today I learned about ALICEs: asset limited income constrained employed (childless is lurking in there somewhere, too) people, who fall through the gaping holes of the safety net because they earn too much money.

    Formerly known, I believe, as the “working poor”. I will spare you the Business Insider link.

    Of course, they pull their typical bait and switch, providing as their tear-jerking anecdotal example a chronically ill underemployed couple who subsist on supplemental social security (which kind of skewers the whole not qualified for the safety net angle) and some sort of freelance work arrangement. Blah blah blah.

    The point of this in depth investigatory journalisming, apparently, is to prove anybody making less than fifty grand should have free and full access to the social welfare buffet. Of course, that would only result in anecdotal sob stories about people who make just over 50k being cruelly deprived.

    • Ted S.

      The only good thing about Business Insider is that as a print medium, there’s no music bed trying to manipulate you emotionally.

    • Sensei

      Read the same crap article.

    • Fourscore

      ” freelance work arrangement”

      Locally known a “Off the Books”.

      As soon as my unemployment insurance runs out I’ll look for work. Right now you have to pay in cash but yeah, I can do that for you.

      • R C Dean

        “Locally known a “Off the Books”.”

        Also, “tax-free income”.

  7. Shpip

    A strong earthquake shook the border of Mexico and Guatemala early Sunday, driving frightened residents into the streets.

    The temblor struck just before 6 a.m. near the Mexican border town of Suchiate, where a river by the same name divides the two countries. The epicenter was just off the Pacific coast, 10 miles (16 kilometers) west-southwest of Brisas Barra de Suchiate where the river empties into the sea.

    The earthquake had a preliminary magnitude of 6.4, according to the U.S. Geological Survey and a depth of 47 miles.

    “Small Earthquake in Chile, Not Many Dead”

    Since I’m a Florida Man and have zero experience with things seismic, is 6.4 strong, or nah? I know it’s a logarithmic scale and 8 would ruin your whole day, but 6.x?

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      6.4 is pretty strong and could cause some damage depending on how well buildings are constructed. In CA it probably wouldn’t do much of anything. In Mexico and Guatemala it might.

      • Gender Traitor

        In Haiti it could cause significant improvements.*

        *Totally stolen, almost certainly from the Bee.

      • Rat on a train

        A distant 5 will shut down DC.

      • ZWAK will kindle all of the dreams it took a lifetime to destroy

        Everyone knows a DC 5 is an English 6.

  8. EvilSheldon

    Almost anything is better than Metallica.

    Kill your heros. Especially if your heros are in the music biz.

    • Nephilium

      I’ll stick to fictional heroes. At least I can headcannon out their bad decisions.

      • EvilSheldon

        Yeah, imaginary heroes are usually better.

  9. rhywun

    Israel’s genocidal war in Gaza

    *taps out, takes shower*

    • Ted S.

      Not a Zyklon B shower, I hope.

    • Rat on a train

      They’re not very good at genocide.

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        Allegedly 36,000 dead out of a population of 2.2 million. So about 1.6% if the casualty count is accurate. They really need to up their game.

      • R C Dean

        The UN (the UN!) just dropped their body count of women and children in Gaza by half.

        Also, in numbers fuckery, they count 19 and 20 year olds as children, so they are including fighting age men in that body count.

        We don’t know how many Palis have died, how many have been killed by the Israelis, how many have been killed by Hamas, how many have died due to the siege conditions, or how many have died because of Hamas fuckery with aid deliveries. But we know the body count bandied around in the press is well above reality.

      • Homple

        “But we know the body count bandied around in the press is well above reality.”

        Same with Ukraine, on both sides.

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        From what I’ve been reading (TW: NBC) the decrease is because the lower count includes only those that have been identified, but the overall count is unchanged. It also looks like children are only those under 18. So allegedly the proportions are something like 10K men, 10K women and 16K children. Those proportions pretty much mirrors the age distribution in Gaza. So either Israel is bombing randomly which would make the toll mirror demographics, or the Gaza Health Ministry is making up numbers to match the demographics.

      • R C Dean

        So, from what I can tell, the overall count is from Hamas, so it’s high. So I guess the UN shifted some numbers from “women and children” to “unknown”? Which would mean they are still taking the Hamas numbers at face value, even though Hamas was over counting women and children. Doesn’t make sense to me.

        I find it extraordinarily difficult to reconcile the idea that the IDF is killing (a) Hamas fighters, (b) men, (c) women, and (d) children, but the demographic distribution mirrors the population. Unless the Hamas fighters are made up of the same proportions of men, women, and children as the genpop, which seems highly unlikely.

        That said, I would expect deaths in the genpop from the siege conditions to be mainly women and children, on account of Hamas (mostly if not entirely men, AFAIK) is skimming off the aid and generally fucking with it to run up the body count under their strategy of strategically ablating the genpop for PR points.

      • Brochettaward

        The whole aid for Palestine thing has always annoyed me. But during a war they started? It shows just what an unserious people we’ve become.

        What the fuck is a point of a siege if you are providing aid to your enemies population? Even if we didn’t know that Hamas is taking it to support their war effort it would be moronic.

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        “the overall count is from Hamas, so it’s high.” Probably.

        “the UN shifted some numbers from “women and children” to “unknown”? ” Unknown, or casualties to be named later. They are claiming that the proportions haven’t really changed.

        “I find it extraordinarily difficult to reconcile the idea that the IDF is killing (a) Hamas fighters, (b) men, (c) women, and (d) children, but the demographic distribution mirrors the population.” If the distribution truly mirrors the population, then it would support the argument that Israel is not being careful about who they bomb. If they are bombing randomly, then the casualties will mirror the population.

        Do the casualties truly mirror the population or is that more Hamas BS? I’d bet mostly on the latter, but the UN appears to claim the former. Of course the UN is still largely relying on Hamas numbers.

      • R C Dean


        I’d say absolutely. Hamas has been caught multiple times grossly exaggerating casualties, and lying about who caused them.

      • Dr. Fronkensteen

        1.6%!!!! That’s higher than the death rate from Covid!!

    • Chafed

      You will never get a job at Slate with that attitude.

  10. Pope Jimbo

    Obviously the earthquake was to cover up this scandal! It wasn’t like we didn’t warn them.

    In my interview with the Secretary General of Guatemala, we exposed:

    • That they’re investigating child trafficking at the US border and how the Biden Admin may be tied to it.

    • US taxpayers paying $125,000 for shamans, nearly $500,000 to support gender ideology in Guatemala + $500M in grants.

    • He tells me the US is harboring murderers and child rapists on the run from justice.

    • He tells me someone threatened him with a message from the US Embassy that he was “playing with fire” by doing this interview.

    • Biden’s Secretary of State then came to Guatemala 2 days after we filmed this to meet with Guatemala’s President and days later the President announced a plot to have the Attorney General and Secretary General removed from their positions.

    No idea if this guy is a loon or not. Sad we live in a time, where that isn’t my default position.

    • The Other Kevin

      The sad thing is the part about the Biden admin trying to have him removed is the most credible part.

      • Pope Jimbo

        Is that because you find this: US taxpayers paying $125,000 for shamans, nearly $500,000 to support gender ideology in Guatemala + $500M in grants. not as credible because the numbers are way too low?

      • The Other Kevin

        That is a close second, but Biden has a history of getting people in other countries fired and then bragging about it.

      • The Other Kevin

        To be clear, none of it seems at all far-fetched.

    • rhywun

      All of that sounds entirely believable in current year.

    • R.J.


  11. The Late P Brooks


    Corporate price gouging has not been a primary driver of U.S. inflation, according to research published on Monday by economists at the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco.
    While markups for motor vehicles and petroleum products did rise sharply during the 2021-2022 inflation surge, markups across the entire spectrum of U.S. goods and services have been relatively flat during the post-pandemic recovery, the bank’s latest Economic Letter showed.

    “As such, rising markups have not been a main driver of the recent surge and subsequent decline in inflation during the current recovery,” wrote the bank’s research chief Sylvain Leduc and colleagues Huiyu Li and Zheng Liu.


    U.S. President Joe Biden has blamed corporate greed for still-elevated prices, accusing companies of boosting profits by shrinking portion sizes but leaving the selling price unchanged, and by failing to pass on falling costs to consumers.
    Fed policymakers, and many economists, say the inflation surge can be better explained by the combined effect of supply chain disruptions and a drop in labor supply during the post-pandemic recovery that occurred just as consumer demand rose.

    Just don’t mention the spending.

    • rhywun

      Corporate price gouging has not been a primary driver of U.S. inflation

      No shit.

      You know something is off when Reuters has to truth-splain some bullshit Biden is jawing about.

      • Chafed

        I think they are noticing the loss of Joementum.

    • Suthenboy

      As I recall the definition of ‘inflation’ is to increase or to inflate the money supply, i.e. print more money. Deflation is to reduce or deflate the money supply.
      All of the gibberish we are hearing from economists and pols about inflation is just that, gibberish. It is a deliberate attempt to muddy the waters and confuse people. It is not complicated or confusing. Price increases or decreases are symptoms, not phenomena in their own right. Rising prices are due to increased demand, reduced supply or increases in the number of dollars in circulation.
      In this case the rising prices are directly due to this government floating socialist policies on increasing the money supply: inflation.


      • Fourscore

        Why is 2% inflation the right amount? Why is any inflation the right amount? Why not 2% deflation. The Fed treats the interest rate like a yo-yo.

        If 2 % inflation is right then 4% would be twice as right, right?

      • R C Dean

        They desire a certain rate of inflation, and hates them some deflation, because of a theory that inflation makes people spend more money, and deflation makes them save more money, and ‘tis better to spend than to save.

        Capital formation? We don’t need no steenkin’ capital formation! What are we, capitalists?

      • juris imprudent

        Ironically – that is precisely Schumpeter’s contention, that we are not.

      • Suthenboy

        You caught the bit about floating socialist policies, yes?
        With inflation they can borrow X value today and pay back X-10 tomorrow. They can borrow and borrow and borrow value that doesnt exist and give it away for votes. It is not a game one can play infinitely.

      • Cunctator

        —“Why is 2% inflation the right amount?”—

        When I took Econ 1, the explanation was that the money supply needed to increase in line with an increase in production. If the plan (I know, what plan) is that the economy will grow 2%, you will need 2% more cash circulating. If the economy grows production at 5%, 5% inflation is not unreasonable.

        Money is always a placeholder for production. Increasing the money supply beyond the growth rate of the economy is a recipe for inflation, and ultimately, disaster.

      • R C Dean

        Of course, when the money supply grows at the same rate as the economy, prices don’t go up (except due to shifts in supply and demand), because you have the same amount of money chasing each unit of goods and services. The theory I mentioned is based on price inflation incentivizing people to spend their money before its worth less/buys less. I think when the Fed talks about inflation and their inflation targets, they are talking about general increases in prices (price inflation).

      • Cunctator

        —“I think when the Fed talks about inflation and their inflation targets, they are talking about general increases in prices (price inflation).”—

        I agree

    • Homple

      I mentioned the spending once or twice but I think I got by with it.

  12. Suthenboy

    Grocery store this morning: I round a corner onto an aisle with only one person on it. A woman and she is jabbering to no one. She turns around, sees me and is slightly startled. “Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t know you were there. I was just talking to myself.”

    Me: “I do that all of the time but it never gets me anywhere.”

    She started cackling. “Aint it the truth!”

    • creech

      Was she hot? A friend of mine claims he’s picked up more women in grocery stores than in bars.

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        When I lived in San Francisco my local Safeway was allegedly a legendary pickup spot. It never worked for me, but that probably says more about me than anything else.

      • Fourscore

        Don’t buy the generic store brand. It marks you.

        Fill up the cart with the good stuff, take a walking tour of the store. If no luck either restock or leave the basket and go ahead with the coupons/generic and try again another day.

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        I could have used wisdom like that back then.

      • Chafed

        Does he have a newsletter?

      • Suthenboy

        She was a 70yo bull dyke with a buzz cut. I know, I know, everybody’s got their thing but I dont kink shame you, do I?

    • hayeksplosives

      The first time I saw someone on the cell phone with pretty much invisible earbuds it was in Stockholm.

      Young clean shaven guy in a business suit pacing and gesturing and talking.

      I thought I was watching a tragic mental breakdown or drug problem.

      Nope; he was just on the phone and really into it.

      • Pope Jimbo

        A couple jobs ago, my employer forbid anyone from using cameras on zoom calls. So it was always just talking on the phone and I would often walk around the back yard when in a meeting.

        As that job became more and more frustrating, my wife would laugh at me because I would be hopping in rage, dancing about and making obscene gestures at the clouds in the sky.

        I’m sure a few neighbors were concerned.

    • R C Dean

      “That bastard never listens to me anyway!”

      • Pope Jimbo

        “The only reason I even listen to him is because he is so handsome”

  13. The Late P Brooks

    Good news, everyone!

    Price growth in many key consumer categories has slowed considerably or ceased altogether — but that has done little to dent consumer worries as the costs of housing and other services have continued to climb.

    Among the broadest categories tracked by the consumer price index, or CPI, two of the ones most acutely felt by consumers — food and energy prices — hit 2.2% and 2.1% on a 12-month basis in March, respectively.

    That’s essentially in line with the Federal Reserve’s 2% goal.

    Within those categories, food at home — essentially, groceries — climbed just 1.2%, while gasoline prices climbed 1.3%.

    “Food is a notable bright spot,” said Neil Dutta, head of economic research at Renaissance Macro Research.

    Vote for Joe.

    • The Other Kevin

      Apparel: 0.4%
      Cheese: -3%
      Milk: -1.6%
      Fish and seafood: -2.6%
      Household furnishings and supplies: -2.7%
      Smartphones: -9%

      This totally offsets 30% price increases, and with the price of groceries and gas increasing at a slower rate, happy days are here again!

    • R C Dean

      Cherries were picked. Pressure was applied.

    • Suthenboy

      I was paying $1.85 per gallon for gasoline the last year of Trump’s presidency. Until energy prices come down these cocksuckers can eat shit.
      They deliberately wrecked the economy with malice. How any sane person could vote commie is beyond me.
      On top of the economy Joe is a ringer for the people int he streets screaming for murdering the Jews.
      We have seen this movie before…are people really incapable of learning?

      “The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has limits.” – Einstein

    • Shpip

      It gets worse.

      Lots of people like to laugh at the comically stupid criminal foibles of Florida Man. No one’s laughing at this.

      • Sensei

        Ow, my balls.

  14. The Other Kevin

    Having a rough week in the TOK house. Our youngest is leaving tomorrow to drive to Seattle to be with her new husband. They are young and impatient and against all advice, she’s leaving before all the moving paperwork was completed. I miss her already.

    Meanwhile, the oldest surprised us yesterday to say goodbye to her sister. She’s still living in that cult house, and I found out they take all her paycheck and leave her with enough for one tank of gas a week. She has to ask if she wants money for anything else. Uncharacteristically I blew up at her. She’s got some cognitive issues and they are fully taking advantage of her. Hopefully we gave her something to think about.

    And also meanwhile, the middle kid still isn’t talking to us and has no idea any of this is happening.

    But the future is yet unwritten, so we’ll see how this all shakes out.

    • Chafed

      That’s a tough situation TOK. I’m sorry you are dealing with it.

    • Sensei


    • ron73440

      Sorry to hear that, sometimes all you can do is wait for them to grow up.

      Hope the one moving to Seattle chose wisely.

      • Fourscore

        Growing up is tough, tough on the parents too. We’d all like to think we didn’t cause our parents any problems but alas, probably not true. A friend called my wife one time, I answered and she talked (and talked) about the difficulty with her daughter. Dropping/failing out of college, moving in with her unemployed boyfriend. I listened patiently, having been there, and asked if her daughter was pregnant. She said no, I told her not too worry about her then.

        Her daughter decided later that it wasn’t a good plan, went to cosmetology school and became a beautician. Mom and daughter both got through the difficulties.

    • DEG


    • The Other Kevin

      Thanks everyone. Sorry to unload, but I do appreciate you all.

      • slumbrew

        Nothing to apologize for.

        I’m sorry to hear of your troubles. While she is young, hopefully the Seattle move is the right one for her.

        There’s still time for the other two to come around as well.

      • Pope Jimbo

        Dude, one of the best things about this place is being able to vent a bit. It is surprising how much it has helped me in the past. Even knowing that my misery probably caused much merriment amongst you black hearted souls.

        Hope everything works out for all your kids TOK.

      • The Other Kevin

        Thanks. Hopefully I’ll see you at Super Rink.

    • ZWAK will kindle all of the dreams it took a lifetime to destroy

      I hope everything gets better, TOK.

    • R C Dean

      The oldest is a heartbreaker. I would be seriously contemplating violence.

      The youngest, eh, she’ll be fine (at least as far as the moving paperwork goes). I doubt she will miss any meals or sleep on the ground because of it.

    • Mojeaux

      I’m sorry, TOK.

      Kids. I swear.

      • The Other Kevin

        Amen. And it never stops. I’m still giving my mom high blood pressure.

      • Mojeaux

        XX just got passed over for full-time AGAIN in favor of a dude she trained. This is like, time #5 or #6 in 2-1/2 years, and she will neither advocate for herself nor change jobs. I told her if she wanted to quit her job and find something else, I’d waive next month’s rent and she was all “No, I’m good, thanks.”

        I never knew I had an inner Helicopter Karen, but DAMN, I’m pissed off and don’t know if it’s more at FedEx or XX.

      • Brochettaward

        Has she ever asked directly what it is she has to do to get the position? From what you said, I doubt it. But at least make them articulate what it is that she supposedly isn’t doing.

      • Mojeaux

        That’s what we keep telling her to do, but I suspect she’s a bit timid and doesn’t really want to make waves.

  15. The Late P Brooks

    In spite of the positive trends, progress in reducing overall CPI has stalled. Economists generally agree it’s mostly because the cost of rent has remained elevated, but there remains disagreement about how soon slowing rent growth will start to appear in the CPI.

    Even as the Fed and other economists have preached patience, the upshot has been a CPI that has remained stuck between 3% and 4%, above the Fed’s 2% target, for more than a year.

    Obviously corporate greed is the reason.

    • R C Dean

      “CPI that has remained stuck between 3% and 4%”

      *guffaws, slaps knee*

      See, that’s how you steal a base.

  16. Chafed

    When is that GIF going to be made into a movie?

    • kinnath

      the 60-second movie already exists

      • Chafed

        I’ll accept a two hour documentary or a ninety minute fictionalized version a la Barbie.

      • kinnath

        There are youtube videos of ass-slapping contests already out there.

    • Ted S.

      I didn’t know you’re into giffing.

      • Chafed

        No kink shaming!

    • Nephilium

      I saw that episode of Fargo.

  17. DEG

    President Javier Milei entered office like Jack Nicholson breaking his way into the bathroom in “The Shining” — with an axe. Armed with emergency powers granted by the Argentine Congress, he balanced the country’s out-of-control budget in one month, fired government workers by the thousands, eliminated more than 200,000 “corrupt” social welfare programs, and even cozied up to NATO.

    Cozying up to NATO is a bad idea.

    maybe this is better than Metallica.

    Better than Metallica is a low bar. I used to like Metallica, but no more.

    “Locomotive Breath” is a good song.

    • Bobarian LMD

      Butt this was the song/album that won.

      I liked it, but not exactly what should have won the inaugural award.

  18. hayeksplosives

    I have been having increasing pain in my left leg. Thought it was shin splints. But that doesn’t fit. The tibia just aches at times. Maybe ankle arthritis getting reflected up?

    Last night I had to take one of my few precious Vicodin just to sleep. I can ignore it until I am lying down to sleep.

    Maybe I should find an orthopedic doc to see if my gait is bad or something. Bone pain sucks.

    • Urthona

      I’m not a doctor but it sounds like you have scurvy.

      • slumbrew

        Hysteria. Get the boy in, stat.

    • Tundra

      Whenever I get any pain there, the first thing I do are these stretches:


      It says it’s for plantar, but tight calves can wreak havoc.

      As far as the docs, try to find a good foot and ankle specialist (sports related is best). I was having all kinds of issues and tried a bunch of different places, one surgeon wanted to replace a toe joint, ffs! Finally went to see the doc for the TC Marathon who diagnosed a fucked up gait, had some orthotics made and boom! No more problems.

      Good luck. Foot and leg pain sucks.

  19. The Late P Brooks

    Antisocial behavior

    A sailing yacht sunk in the Strait of Gibraltar on Sunday after an unknown number of orcas slammed into the vessel with two people on board and caused a water leak, officials said. Both crew members were rescued by a passing oil tanker, said Spain’s maritime rescue service, marking the latest killer whale attack on a boat in what has become a pattern in recent years.

    The incident happened at around 9 a.m. local time in the narrow strait between Spain and Morocco that has become a notorious site of human interactions with pods of killer whales that, for reasons still not fully understood, ram into boats and at times even sink them. In this case, crew members on board the SV Alboran Cognac yacht put out an emergency call for an evacuation after they encountered orcas roughly 14 miles off the coast of Cape Spartel.

    The crew members reported feeling blows to the hull of the vessel and rudder, which was damaged by the whales, the rescue service said. The agency’s coordination center in Tarifa, on the Spanish side of the Strait of Gibraltar, helped arrange for their evacuation via the tanker MT Lascaux. The tanker was able to collect the crew members from the sinking yacht within the hour, and they disembarked in Gibraltar before 10:30 a.m. They abandoned the SV Alboran Cognac, which proceeded to completely disappear into the ocean.

    I thought we were friends.

  20. Tundra

    I knew it was the gif to end all gifs. Happy Tuesday, y’all!

    • slumbrew

      Glad to see you back, bee-tee-dubs. I hope the offline time was calming.

      • Tundra

        Thanks, Slum. Off all social and only using a few news sites has been perfect. Turns out I don’t need to know every little thing going on in the culture wars.

        You groovy?

      • slumbrew

        Good to hear.

        Busy AF at work, so not here as much. But good otherwise.

        Free Peloton being delivered tomorrow that we’ll fit… somewhere. It’ll be nice to give my elbows a break – I should be able to alternate with the rowing and keep it under 300 lbs

        For reals, I’ve been slacking but was pleasantly surprised to see I’m “only” a bit past 190 (I’m one of the compact Glibs, so that’s a bit too much).

      • Fourscore

        Jimbo can’t make this year, he nominated you as his replacement for HH

      • Tundra

        I’ll be back in Minne for a wedding. It would be great if they coincided!

  21. Evan from Evansville

    One day, I will get used to how easy and sweeeet this gig is. (For now. It ain’t the end-all. Shh.)

    I’m in the middle of the looking glass here, folks. (All in positive ways, no sarc or nuttin’.)

  22. The Late P Brooks

    Pre-selling the Presidency

    Outlets, including The Hill, reported that at the dinner, Trump asked the industry to raise $1 billion to support his presidential campaign.

    The Washington Post, which shared the story first, reported that getting him the funds would be a “deal,” because of all the money the industry would save in avoided taxes and regulations under his presidency

    A source told The Hill that the discussion was not framed as any sort of tit-for-tat agreement.

    But, in his letters to the energy executives, Raskin — the top Democrat on the House Oversight Committee — described the incident as an “unvarnished quid pro quo offer.”

    In light of a separate Politico report that said the oil industry was writing executive orders for the former president to sign, Raskin also wrote that companies “may have already accepted or facilitated Mr. Trump’s explicit corrupt bargain.”

    If Raskin says it, you know it’s true.

    • slumbrew

      Now do the Clinton Global Initiative

    • R C Dean

      “I’ll lower taxes and cut regulations, and it will be good for business” isn’t exactly a quid pro quo.

      And, OMG, businesses drafting proposals for regulations and whatnot? Unprecedented!

      • juris imprudent

        Pharma lobbyist delivers campaign contributions to Raskin and the DNC: “your winnings sir”.

      • Suthenboy

        I remember Jeffery Imelt (sp?) and Obama secretly giving each other blowjobs for 6 weeks. Subsequently the prices of appliances more than doubled.

        Also, Washington Post.

    • Homple

      All politicians are bought. Now and then I agree with the buyers, as in this case.

  23. KK, Plump & Unfiltered

    Neighbors put out a suet feeder. Guess what happened 24 hours later?

    • Gender Traitor

      Skwurrulz!! 🐿️🐿️🐿️

      • Fourscore

        I take the feeders down when I think hibernation is over, sometimes I’m too late

      • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

        Tundra wins

      • Tundra


        How’s Cujo?

      • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

        He’s good. Missing his old friends but making new ones

      • Tundra

        Updated pic?

        Or you can just send it to me lol.

      • Tundra


        Thats better than Blue Steel! What a handsome boy!

      • slumbrew


      • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

        Neighbor’s poles didn’t survive

    • Ted S.

      Suet was fed? 😉

  24. Brochettaward

    Do you have a moment to talk about our Lord and Firster The Great Firster?

    • R.J.

      Do I get a free book? Or maybe some cartoon pamphlets?


        Yeah, but the only ones we have left are Jack Chick.

    • mock-star

      Firsting is so 2014. Thirding is straight rizz now. No cap, fr fr.