Monday Afternoon Links of Boredom

by | May 13, 2024 | Daily Links | 98 comments

Hmmm. Yes. Interesting point.

All done with Mother’s Day weekend…lots of work around, in, and outside the house completed. Time for a week of … nothing. I couldn’t be happier. Time to plod along at work, slip out and hit the gym mid-day, and sign off early.

But I am not slacking on the links!

  • Glorious. I wish I had this kind of imagination. I like the good sportsmanship showed as well.
  • I guess I won’t have to worry about writing about Catalonia anymore. Socialism, not separation.
  • Dude! You’re getting a Dell!
  • More Swiss Free Shit! Of course, this has no mechanisms or details in it.

Music – something upbeat.

The comment section is open and all yours.

About The Author

Swiss Servator

Swiss Servator

Currently serving at the pleasure of a Swiss multinational. Previously a Soldier, rugby player, lawyer, bouncer, bartender, substitute teacher, risk manager, and cubicle mushroom. Will work for raclette.


  1. Common Tater

    The news does seem slower lately.

      • Sean

        He’s singlehandedly stopped abortions in the US. There’s nothing he can’t do.

      • Bobarian LMD

        He’s singlehandedly stopped abortions locked women into bondage in the US. There’s nothing he can’t do.

        Modified for democratic voters.

  2. Common Tater

    “The U.S. tech company confirmed the breach to UPI, saying in an emailed statment that the Dell portal in question has access to a database containing “limited types of customer information” including name and physical address, as well as certain Dell hardware and order information.

    “It did not include financial or payment information, email address, telephone number or any highly sensitive customer data,” it said.”

    This is the same story every time. “There was a breach, but not any important information”.

  3. pistoffnick (370HSSV)

    Apparently, I should ask for permission from everybody in the whole fucking company before I do something.

    No, ma’am, I didn’t include you in the discussion, because my upgrade doesn’t affect anything in your domain. I am exhausting nothing but heat. Go stick your nose in somebody else’s business.

    • Ted S.

      Tell Karen you’ll take her concerns under advisement.

    • The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

      Welcome to permission hell.

      I may be soon thrown down that well.

    • Aloysious

      There’s an awful lot of profit in an NGO. Incentives seem to matter.

    • The Other Kevin

      “what is new under Biden is the amount of taxpayer money being awarded, the lack of accountability for performance, and the lack of interest in solving the problem,”

      Yes, this definitely raises my BP. The Biden admin in one sentence.

    • rhywun

      And nothing else happen$.

    • Suthenboy

      NGO’s, Non-profits, charities, etc. All confidence games. As soon as someone starts trying to pull my heartstrings…well, if I had any, I stop listening to anything else they have to say.
      1% or so of the human population makes all of the stuff we need. The other percentage are either running around in circles handing each other pieces of paper or running some kind of grift.

    • Social Justice is Neither

      You’re just pissed they’re doing better with their orphan mine than you are. You’re wasting time having them polish monacles while they’re using theirs to plunder the Treasury

  4. Shpip

    A pair of Illinois students pulled off a noisy senior prank when they hired a professional bagpiper to follow their high school principal around and play an assortment of tunes for an hour last week.

    A lot of high schools these days graduate kids who can’t read. Turns out, these youngsters can double-reed.

    • bacon-magic

      Swiss will have you kilt for that. Don’t pipe up again.

      • Gender Traitor

        These puns call for a drone strike.

      • Fourscore

        When did principals stop wearing coat/ties?
        In my high school daze the kids and the bagpiper would have been marched into the principal’s office, got detention, suspended and and delivered home by the local LEO.

        /Do Not Disrupt

      • Sean

        In my high school daze the kids and the bagpiper would have been marched into the principal’s office

        Hrm, I would have pictured that more of one of those 1 room schools…


      • Fourscore

        Junior-senior high were in the same building, 1 principal. No Dean of Women, No Dean of men, the only Vices were those that sneaked out at noon for a smoke.

    • Tonio

      There goes Shpip, droning on again.

      • Shpip

        Fun fact: bagpipers don’t have sex. They reproduce by sporran.

      • Gender Traitor

        Definition of perfect pitch: hurling bagpipes into a dumpster from 60 feet, 6 inches… and they land right on top of an accordion.

      • Fourscore

        Hides CDs of The Polka Kings from GT

      • Tonio

        Look, you’d be sexless, too, if you had to constantly blow into an elk bladder (the traditional “bag” part of the highland Scot great pipes; now replaced by some type of rubber).

      • Gustave Lytton

        That will definitely scotch those puns.

      • Shpip

        He’s really putting the squeeze on us.

      • trshmnstr

        Now Swiss wishes he had plaid us off.

      • mindyourbusiness

        Not really. These are the best puns that we skean dhu.

    • ZWAK will kindle all of the dreams it took a lifetime to destroy


    • Homple

      Looks like the sort of thing its creators would call Zoox.

  5. Tonio

    Doctor Jill Biden tells ASU grads that community college should be free.

    She’s wrong, but for all the right reasons. Too many HS grads go on to four-year college only to obtain worthless degrees and be saddled with onerous debt. There is nothing wrong with community college and I wish there were more industry partnerships with trade schools. An associates degree need not be a dead end.

    I attended a community college graduation a few years back. It was totes heartwarming as many of the graduates were the first in their family to get any education beyond HS (if that). These are the upwardly-mobile, productive people we need to encourage.

    • Tonio

      And by “she’s wrong,” mean her expectation that the taxpayers get soaked even more to expand the dysfunctional N-12 government school system.

      • Bobarian LMD

        More schools should partner with community colleges to support educating advanced HS students.

        My Grandson graduated last year with an associates degree in robotics from the local Community/Technical School.

    • Timeloose

      Community and Two year technology schools are usually the best bargain in higher ed. They cost significantly less than most 4 year colleges and you can quickly get skills and make very good money or figure out if you are capable or willing to take on more debt for additional schooling.

      I support a local 2 year school and work very closely with them. They pride themselves on industry partnerships, work studies, and hands on education. The students coming out of these schools are highly employable and can start making good money 2 years or less after HS.

    • Fourscore

      Vocational interests were available to many kids in high school as well. In junior high we had mandatory shop classes every semester. I learned a lot of practical things that I still use today.

      Example: I visited my son at his house, he had some outlets that didn’t work. I showed him where to start looking for a problem, it was a loose wire that controlled the other outlets in the circuit passed the first one. He was amazed at my 8th grade knowledge.

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      My local community college is $46 per credit. That’s pretty close to free. The student needs to have some skin in the game.

      • KSuellington

        Indeed. No surer way to devalue it than to make it free. It was $14 a unit when I was at the local CC back in the mid 90’s. It let me pay for my first couple years of college myself while working part time.

        That reminds me of a story my buddy told me a bit back of him putting out an old couch and hoping someone would take it. After it sat outside for a day his landlord called him up and told him he needed to take care of it. So he went back out and put a “for sale $50” sign on it. Within an hour someone had “stolen” it.

      • hayeksplosives

        Yeah making it “free” makes it beholden to the government and thus just an extension of shitty high schools.

        I took typing at the VoTech in evenings. Definitely a skill I use to this day.

    • Aloysious

      And of course, being Oxford, the Union voted for ‘populism bad’ – with 177 members voting for the motion, and 68 voting against.

      It’s not surprising, but words still fail to describe those people.

      • The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

        Isn’t that not how oxford style debates work?

        I thought they take a vote before and after and compare totals. Whoever shifts more votes wins.

    • Suthenboy

      Debating with people who use labels with broad, vague definitions is a waste of time.

    • Fourscore

      You can have my polyester leisure suits over my …

    • rhywun

      But first make the plaintiffs pay for wasting everybody’s time on bullshit frivolity.

      • Gustave Lytton

        And their parents/guardians as well. Personally responsible.

    • Suthenboy

      The whole ‘end oil’ movement is a grift, of. course. It is absurd and the people pushing it are making money off of it somehow, I am just not sure how.

      • Evan from Evansville

        Gaia is their Divine Spirit. It’s their religion. It occupies the same neuro-spots in the brain. Religion hasn’t died in the West, simply replaced with another Divine Being. There’s always catastrophe just ’round the bend!

        Same ol’ same ol’. What we got ain’t nuttin’ new.

    • Shpip

      Setting up the classic “My wife identifies as the owner, I just do all the work” scheme.

      • rhywun

        Yeah, NYC has been blatantly illegally doing this for decades. I’m sure everyone knows how to play the game by now.

    • Homple

      “New York is blocking white-owned businesses from bidding on the $2.3 billion renovation of JFK Airport.”

      A $2.3 Billion shitshow coming up.

  6. Aloysious

    Bored? What?

    I’ve heard of this thing.

    But seriously, peace is underappreciated, imo. I’m going to be planting snapdragons and some other vegetables here shortly. And I’m going to deploy Suthen’s bug killer. And then I’m going to drink me some Southern Comfort.

    • Mojeaux

      Yes, Suthen and I have conversed on the advantages of boredom.

      • Aloysious

        And I totally agree.

      • Suthenboy

        It is highly under-rated. Adventure? Drama? They equal tears and empty wallets.
        Ok, maybe I can make an exception for the bedroom….

    • Evan from Evansville

      Yep. ‘Boredom’ is a symptom of great prosperity. Organisms don’t come about those fickle moments often. Our brains aren’t adept at dealing with such time. Interesting things tend to occur when swamped in it.

      I have to focus in order to sit still and simply *enjoy* the moment. I’m greatly jealous of those who can. I kinda-sorta don’t ‘get it.’

  7. JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

    I thought the Swiss Healthcare Cost Brake was called euthanasia.

    • Drake

      That’s a Canadian Retirement Package.

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        I think I prefer the Dutch Sandwich and the Irish Reacharound, which is what our finance department called the various tricks they played for tax purposes.

  8. Aloysious

    Socialists in Spain. How did that turn out last time? I don’t quite recall. At least we aren’t the only people to repeat history.

    • juris imprudent

      In Catalonia, it’s actually an improvement.

    • rhywun

      Puppies, rainbows, and utopia? I mean what’s not to like, again.

    • Gustave Lytton

      They better watch out. Haven’t heard Chevy Chase affirm lately that Generalissimo Franco is still dead. He could be staging a comeback also.

  9. Shpip

    Shame and scandal

    Look at reported maternal mortality rates in the United States, and you’ll see an alarming rise since the early 2000s.

    This rise has been widely covered in the media. See a 2023 article on Scientific American: “Why Maternal Mortality Rates Are Getting Worse across the U.S.” Or a report on National Public Radio (NPR): “The number of people dying in the U.S. from pregnancy-related causes has more than doubled in the last 20 years.” It has, understandably, been a big concern among the public.

    But researchers have shown that this rise does not represent an actual increase in the number of women dying in childbirth. Rather, it is the result of a change in measurement that was gradually introduced in the US between 2003 and 2017.


    It’s actually worse once you dive into the article. Every death of a female between the ages of 10 and 54 was assumed to be pregnancy-related unless shown otherwise, leading to a massive overcounting of “maternal deaths.” Fortunately, that’s being worked on.

    • The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

      ‘Every death of a female between the ages of 10 and 54 was assumed to be pregnancy-related unless shown otherwise’

      ???? that is crazy. Is that why ‘black maternal deaths’ are so damn high?

    • rhywun

      Fortunately, that’s being worked on.

      Open your wallets, people.

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        I assume the reason they were counted that way was to open wallets.

    • Suthenboy

      To be fair, technically every death is pregnancy related.

      • Homple

        “Michael Shermer got his first clue that things were changing at Scientific American in late 2018.”

        Scientific American started sucking quite a while before that. Maybe Mr. Shermer just wrote for the magazine and never read the rest of it

      • The Last American Hero

        Schemer is a shitbag so called skeptic that of course never had an ounce of skepticism towards climate alarmism. Listening to that smug douchebag rag on young earthers one minute and turn around and read the latest apocalyptic prediction out of East anglia like it was Moses reading the Ten Commandments was pretty revealing about skepticism trading in one religion for another. And now he’s getting bent over by his former friends.

        He can fuck off.

      • rhywun

        Scientific American’s increasing engagement in politics drew national attention in late 2020, when the magazine, for the first time in its 175-year history, endorsed a presidential candidate.

        Wow. I can’t even with that.

        A new Pew Research poll finds that the percentage of Americans who say that they have a “great deal” of trust in scientists has fallen from 39 percent in 2020 to 23 percent today.

        Great job, Lou.

    • Brochettaward

      You don’t end up with methodology that fucked up unless it’s intentional.

      Every measure of American healthcare they can juice, they do so. Socialized healthcare is the ultimate prize for the left, and signal their complete victory in the quest for power.

  10. The Late P Brooks

    Grown up statesmnship

    Vice President Harris dropped an f-bomb as she gave advice to young Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander people Monday, prompting applause from her audience.

    “We have to know that sometimes people will open the door for you and leave it open. Sometimes they won’t, and then you need to kick that f‑‑‑ing door down,” Harris said at the annual Asian Pacific American Institute for Congressional Studies Legislative Leadership summit.

    “Excuse my language,” Harris added amid cheers.

    You really need to get the federal government to just bulldoze all of the doors out of the way.

    • rhywun

      AAPI gained a couple extra letters (I forget who’s being “helped” now) and some outfit is putting out commercials demanding “visibility” or some shit.

      Still 1955 with these people.

      • The Last American Hero

        Nh. Because native Hawaiians don’t want to be lumped in with the pi’s. Or maybe they do. It’s very confusing.

      • rhywun

        Yeah, that was it.

        I was all 🙄.


    Very nice trolling for that Seinor prank, not quite following obese individuals whilst playing the Sousaphone trolling, but very clever all the same.

  12. Suthenboy

    Bagpipes are like pineapple on pizza or zydeco music. You either love it or hate it, there is no in-between. I am assuming the principal hates bagpipes.

    Idiot herd animals. Europeans are a spry bunch…they sure are quick to bend at the knees. I have RA, my knees aren’t very good at that.

    I just assume every computer, data base, website I visit, etc. is compromised. Since I am the world’s most boring person I dont care much.

    Something something price controls something shortages.
    Every time the pinkos get started they say “We are going to show you this time!” It gets are tiresome as their whining and blame shifting when everything goes to shit.

  13. The Late P Brooks

    Step on up

    But instead of just de facto banning the competition from giving Americans access to affordable hot new EVs, the US should instead try making affordable hot new EVs itself.

    The global auto industry is in a time of flux.

    Cars are changing quickly, as is car manufacturing. The leaders of today, and of the last half-century, are not guaranteed to remain the leaders in the face of new entrants and new technology. And most of all, a new powertrain – electric – that will account for roughly 100% of cars on the road within a couple decades, which no serious person disputes.

    It’s a foregone conclusion.

  14. The Late P Brooks

    Further, as one of the most polluting sectors globally and the most polluting in rich countries, it is necessary that transportation clean up its act, and fast, in order to avoid the worst effects of climate change. The sooner this happens, the easier it will be for all of us.

    We can only talk about this if you accept my assertions as incontrovertible fact. Otherwise, you are not debating in good faith.

    • rhywun

      The science has spoken, duh.

  15. Evan from Evansville

    I hope y’all had a fantastic day. Having a salad and watching the Cubs. Shoto Imanaga is the real deal.

    Work went by shockingly fast. I’m not yet used to it. I also evaluated ~260 essays. That’s my highest yet, but I was actually prodded today to keep up with the others. Hilariously, they (and the data) said I was the “most accurate” in our team of 12. So I’m the best! But also the slowest. That ain’t no coinkydink, mekthink. Anyone in Missouri? We’ve got 70k 4th grade tests to get through.

  16. Brochettaward

    You can’t always First when you want

    You can’t always First when you want

    Unless you’re me

    Then you can First when you want

    • kinnath

      Nothing showing in the schedule

      • PutridMeat

        One hopes we can survive the long, cold, lonely, night unscathed.

  17. Raven Nation

    Well, that Rangers game went south in a hurry.

    • rhywun

      I flipped away in disappointment and every time I flipped back it got worse.

  18. Evan from Evansville

    I’d like to contribute more work. Question Time! You guys have heard some of my tales and thoughts. Can y’all remember any of my travels/experiences that you’d like to read/see/etc? Travel-wise, Istanbul and Cambodia/Laos come to mine. I also think my “Kids as Cogs” job is ripe for a dive into the goofiness of our edu system. Currently my team is grading ~75k essays of thousands of Missouri 4th graders. I am the 21st century white collar factory worker in control of the widgets’ dials.

    I obviously have plenty of medical shit I can go into. I’m an open book and enjoy the therapeutic aspect of it, but I don’t want to overwhelm. I do enjoy that I’m closer to Wolverine than just about anyone. There’s a good stand-up bit in that. I can make it a Tight Five.

    Please let me know. I like having projects to work on. My mind is too popcorny itself to focus on any one of them. Hrm.