Monday Morning Links

by | May 13, 2024 | Daily Links | 232 comments

Florida is on the verge of knocking Boston out of the NHL playoffs. And that’s a good thing.  The other series have been a treat to watch, and they’re all tight. Arsenal kept the pressure on Man City. It’s still too early to push the panic button as an Astros fan, but they need to get to .500 pretty damn soon or that time will be upon us.  And that’s it for sports.

This is still a pipe dream. But I bet government contractors and politicians in distrusts where those companies are located are creaming in their pants.

This trial is gonna be crazy. And I bet it gets limited coverage with the Trump circus trial in New York.

Squatters aren’t just a problem in the US, it seems. Why doesn’t he just turn this guy out on the streets?

This couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy. Sadly, nothing will change.

I’m sorry, but this is funny. Also, they need to stop using pepper spray and start using water cannons.

This woman has had a rough couple of weeks. She might want to lay low and do her job instead of doing the talk show circuits.

“It’S NoT aBoUt JeWs. It’s AbOut Israel aNd ZioNisTs.” Sure it is, you anti-semitic retards.

Who knew actions had consequences? Certainly not these dumbasses.

Here’s a lovely tune. They had so many. Like this masterpiece. Enjoy them both.

And enjoy this lovely Monday, dear friends.

About The Author




  1. AlexinCT

    This is still a pipe dream. But I bet government contractors and politicians in distrusts where those companies are located are creaming in their pants.

    As long as humans share the road with any automation, there will be danger. The problem isn’t the automation, but the fact humans are fucking unpredictable and stupid in general.

    • SDF-7

      Ve must reduce the human interaction to only ze chauffeurs of ze elite, ja? All ze proles can be in the ze underground hamster tubes *cough* in “mass transportation”. Zen ze AI once perfected will replace ze chauffeurs and we can be properly fellated driving above ze proles!

    • juris imprudent

      Duh, that’s why you make the proles walk, and no further than they can get in 15 minutes.

      • AlexinCT

        Even walking proles will be a problem for automation. When they decide to cross the street where they shouldn’t and step in front of an automated vehicle then get killed, the usual response isn’t “what a fucking maroon”. but “Oh NOES, the automation failed”. That shit actually happened.

      • Not Adahn

        Easy fix! Pedestrian walkways will be on a separate level from vehicular traffic!

      • sloopyinca

        Even easier fix: brain implants that keep the proles on the sidewalk where they belong!

      • SDF-7

        What part of ze hamster tunnels vas unclear, Comrade?!?!

      • Grummun

        Once we get flying cars, this all gets much easier. East-West traffic at one altitude, North-South traffic at a different altitude, pedestrians on the ground.

        Central-planner-dream: think 1950’s era city-of-the-future poster, sleek aircars glinting in the sun
        Reality: think 5th Element

      • bacon-magic


  2. AlexinCT

    This trial is gonna be crazy. And I bet it gets limited coverage with the Trump circus trial in New York.

    Poll predictions now show the republicans guaranteed to win the congress, and even getting potentially as many as 5 or 7 seats. Team blue is about power. Losing the senate would be disastrous for them even if team red doesn’t get the supermajority or coalesces to fight them (because team red is crap). I suspect this trial will go nowhere, because they will absolutely decide to protect this seat for power.

    • sloopyinca

      His replacement is almost certainly going to be a Democrat. And it’s still a long way to Election Day, so I’m not so sure I’d believe those experts.

      My prediction of him blaming his wife, winning, and then him refusing to testify during his wife’s trial is a real possibility.

      • Not Adahn

        His last trial he was acquitted on “reasonable doubt” about the “pro” in quid pro quo.

        He admitted that his friend paid him money for a favor.
        He admitted that he took the money and did the favor.
        He said that he did the favor because he was such good friends with his good friend.

        The jury bought it.

    • Sean

      I swear I saw a clip of Fetterlump talking smack about him.

      • AlexinCT

        Fetterlump’s stroke seems to have counteracted most if not all the woke shit. and yes he has said Menendez is a scumbag and needs to go. However, team blue doesn’t care about scumbagery at all and only believes in power at any and all costs. Losing this guy’s seat, even if the odds are near zero, is a non-acceptable risk for them right now.

      • EvilSheldon

        Be very very careful with Fetterlump. His retard act is just that, an act – he’s is among the smartest and most savvy politicians on the team Blue roster.

      • Gustave Lytton

        President Camacho Red Bull Fetterlump 2028!

      • AlexinCT

        For him to have the chops to match Camacho Fetterlumps would have to do a stint both in wrestling and porn first, though….

      • R.J.

        Fetterlump might say “Hold my beer” soon.

    • SDF-7


      Red Wave.

      Polls are irrelevant — and the Stupid Wing of the Uniparty is really, really good at fucking themselves over (well, or staying right where they want to be… close enough to fund raise – far enough away to not be expected to do anything).

      I would certainly think the Jack Ass wing deserves one hell of a drubbing for the shit they’ve done over the last 3 years… but between the Vote Blue No Matter Who and the Wine-swilling Karens with Abortion as a single-issue vote, we’ll just see.

      • rhywun

        Yeah, with hindsight I am pretty certain that aBoRtIoN is the entire reason the red wave fizzled.

        The Dems will never admit it but that SCOTUS ruling was the best thing that ever happened to them.

      • juris imprudent

        They can win majorities but won’t be able to do anything because they didn’t win a super-majority. /future excuse

      • R C Dean

        Don’t forget, “so contribute to Republicans R Us so we can get the supermajority”.

      • SDF-7

        Yes, I remember the days of ObamaCare “repeal” as well.

      • ZWAK will kindle all of the dreams it took a lifetime to destroy

        2022 – Abortion sank the Red Wave.

        Was it worth it? Only time will tell.

    • The Last American Hero

      The polls are shit.

      Dems retain the Senate.

      House is a complete toss up, plus or minus 4 seats.

      Biden wins solidly on election night and resoundingly after fortification efforts are completed.

      • The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

        Sounds about right. Fortification? who knows.

  3. AlexinCT

    This woman has had a rough couple of weeks. She might want to lay low and do her job instead of doing the talk show circuits.

    She should claim she self immolated for some noble cause…

    • Fourscore

      We’re seeing Kristi ads on TV. “Moved to SoDak, we’re here with jobs, no income tax and guns” No exactly like that but you know what I mean. At first I thought she was positioning herself for VP but looks like that train has not only left the station but is out of sight.

      • Fourscore

        You know what I meant

      • AlexinCT

        So was she sabotaged by the ghost writers or was she really that stupid to think a story like that would earn her sympathy from emotional people whipped into a frenzy?

      • sloopyinca

        Didn’t she do the talking for the audiobook before the release? I believe I read that somewhere. Which would negate the whole “ghostwriter screwed me over” narrative.

      • AlexinCT

        So self inflicted?

      • sloopyinca

        Ok, I went and looked. The story about her already recording the audiobook was about the lie where she said she met Kim Jong Un. It didn’t say whether she’d recorded all of it or not. But I find it impossible to believe that she didn’t give the greenlight for the final product before publication.

        I’d say the likelihood this is self-inflicted is around 99%.

      • AlexinCT

        Whatever the reason, it is nice of her to make the selection easier by disqualifying herself.

      • Nephilium

        I saw several headlines saying that staffers warned her not to include the dog shooting story.

      • ZWAK will kindle all of the dreams it took a lifetime to destroy

        I am betting that she thought it would make her look like someone who can make tough decisions, when it really just made her look callous, and someone who doesn’t know what shouldn’t be talked about flippantly.

      • Fourscore

        There are things we don’t talk about

  4. AlexinCT

    “It’S NoT aBoUt JeWs. It’s AbOut Israel aNd ZioNisTs.” Sure it is, you anti-semitic retards.

    This goes far beyond the Jew hating topic. The people doing this have been indoctrinated to believe marxist anti-colonialism clap-trap that says the western world and western values are evil/failures. The usual marxist bullshit about how the “haves” stole from the “have nots”, even though when you are a “have not” it remains unclear to me how you are robbed of something you don’t have. The Soviet Union sat on one of the world’s largest, if not the world’s largest natural wealth, but amounted to shit because it’s priority was always moronically evil. Is it the fault of others that the Soviet Union’s evil leaders couldn’t make better of their bounty? An idiot would blame outsiders for that failure.

    The Jews are just the first group of successful people in the scopes of the marxist right now. They are the closest ones to these cuntes. But have no doubt that it is western culture and successful people themselves that are under attack by these people that will only guarantee us another dark age, and it is being done by appealing to bat shit crazy women. The sole consolation is that should the west lose these bat shit crazy women will be the ones to get it the hardest from the stupid and evil people they supported in the new dark order.

    • rhywun

      The Jews are just a hook to attract useful idiots with their fantasies about “peace” while the leaders are all about “smashing the system”. Same as it ever was.

      • R C Dean

        “The issues is never the the issue. The issue is always the revolution.”

  5. SDF-7

    Why doesn’t he just turn this guy out on the streets?

    Go old school — move him to Royal accommodations in a London Tower.

    • Rat on a train

      Make him part of the tour.

    • sloopyinca

      That would probably be just. But they’re gonna protect the brand. And since he and Giuffre settled out of court, he pretty much dodged any real consequences.

  6. SDF-7

    Sadly, nothing will change.

    That’s what happens when you devolve into a One Party State, lock in your majorities, tax only a minority while feeding money to a majority (so you can always get their votes and stay in power) and on a personal front — redirect Federal bailout money into a bribe for voters to survive a recall.

    The California Way! (Coming to a state near you given the diaspora most likely… yay…)

  7. AlexinCT

    Who knew actions had consequences? Certainly not these dumbasses.

    The year my kid was graduating high school the administration tried to bring in mandatory volunteering as a requirement to get a diploma. My kid was already volunteering – his choice – for both the Special Olympics and some local causes. I felt that mandatory volunteering was just more marxist indoctrination (and man did I have to work hard to unbrainwash my kid from some of the vile marxist shit they fed him in school even 10 years ago), and I rallied people to put a stop to that shit. The admin gave up that year, but made that crap mandatory a couple of years later.

    These kids are now actively being turned into dumbed down shock troops for the world’s vilest and evilest causes and people. From anti-western marxist movements that label success as “acting white” to the mental disorder of climate change, too many kids are recruited with lies to go destroy the very fabric of the society that has allowed them to become lazy and useless fucks.

    • juris imprudent

      Mandatory volunteering is as much conservative as it is leftie,though they have different causes. If you are unaware of the death of voluntary association this is excusable.

      • AlexinCT

        What mandatory volunteering do you consider conservative? Being voluntold in the military doesn’t count.

      • juris imprudent

        You see plenty of conservatives – whatever sub-brand you like – that are on board with “encouraged” volunteering. They are stupidly attempting to address a real problem but think that govt has some part to play. Volunteering is dying and has been for some time. The fashionable term is unraveling of the social fabric.

      • AlexinCT

        If you are comparing conservatives opining and whining about the death of individual volunteering and wanting to bring it back, but ignore the government factor, you can argue they too want to mandate volunteering, but you would be remiss. Pining for the days of individual volunteering and getting rid of government entities doing the problem solving, doesn’t come close to the left’s desire to use volunteering as a means to peddle dogma and marxism.

  8. SDF-7

    Was doing a bit of driving this weekend — so first time back to the site since Friday. Would just like to say thanks to the Glib Elites (and STEVE SMITH) for the Zelle option and for the reminder to thow my nuts at the squirrels help keep the site going.

    • Cunctator

      I can’t use Paypal because they won’t accept my PO Box as a home address, even if I use “continue as guest” as I don’t have Paypal. Is there a mailing address for the site that I can use?

      • Tonio

        I posed this question to the GlibFin ppl. I’ll reply back in the comments of whichever thread is live when I get an answer.

      • Cunctator

        Thank you

  9. SDF-7

    She might want to lay low and do her job instead of doing the talk show circuits.

    And here I thought that would be a Fani Willis story.

    Of course her definition of “her job” and ours differ in any event…

    • sloopyinca

      Almost every pol is angling for promotion or reelection at all times.
      Which is why I’m warming to Youngkin in Virginia. I know he can’t run for governor again, but he seems to be doing nothing but his actual job instead of pushing for a senate seat or positioning for the VP job.

  10. SDF-7

    Here’s a lovely tune.

    That’s very much one of the tunes that I love and have no real idea why — it is more than a little repetitive and odd… and yet it really works. Thanks for linking it!

    • sloopyinca

      They had so many oddball songs that just “worked” for some reason. What an amazingly diverse catalog of music.

  11. rhywun

    Sadly, nothing will change.

    Maybe people will notice that the whole point is to increase the number of homeless.

    • AlexinCT

      Destitute and desperate people are easier to control and deal with than people that are immune to your usual coercive manners is what the left has learned. Self sufficient and independent people are like cats. You can’t herd them. But make them homeless, drug addicted and addled, and destitute and desperate, and you can do whatever you want to them in a system where without money you have no legal recourse.

    • Fourscore

      Save a shopping cart or two for Prince Andrew. He has a lot of baggage

  12. rhywun

    “It’S NoT aBoUt JeWs. It’s AbOut Israel aNd ZioNisTs.” Sure it is, you anti-semitic retards.

    Huh, apparently Jerry IS a Zionist. Didn’t know or care.

    But really, there are better examples of pure Jew-hate at some of the camps that I’ve read of lately. Like the one Old Man posted yesterday morning where the thugs were targeting children.

    • Drake

      I cannot even guess at who spoke at my graduation. He just droned on for an hour and exacerbated my hangover. I wish I had somebody interesting like Seinfeld.

      • PieInTheSky

        you should not drink while i college, your brain is not fully developed.

      • Nephilium

        You’re not drinking while at college if you drop out of college.

        /taps head

      • Rat on a train

        I didn’t attend graduation. I heard none of the graduates from my small department attended. I hope they didn’t spend much on whoever spoke.

      • ZWAK will kindle all of the dreams it took a lifetime to destroy

        My son had the guy who invented(?) Cliff bars. God, that idiot dragged on, and on, and on,…

      • SDF-7

        Is that a place that dispenses alcohol but always has an insufferable know-it-all postman hanging around? Doesn’t seem like an invention I’d want to foster….

      • The Last American Hero

        I had Bill Clinton. In the wake of the OK City bombing, he came to talk smack to the Michigan Militia, while surrounded by enough armed men to take over a small country.

  13. PieInTheSky

    And that’s it for sports.

    Nooooo that is not it for sports, both the Nuggets and the Pacers came from2 games down to tie their respective series

    • sloopyinca

      ::inserts SpongeBob “nobody cares” meme::

      • Pope Jimbo

        Some of us do! Way too much, based on the tears I have shed this weekend watching the Woofs implode.

      • sloopyinca

        I just like busting his chops.

    • B.P.

      And nobody can win a home game in the Nuggets/Wolves series.

  14. ZWAK will kindle all of the dreams it took a lifetime to destroy

    Zionist is to Jew as Nigger is to Black people.

    • PieInTheSky

      are they taking it back?

    • Drake

      At least in the last century, Zionists were a specific subset of Jews (and some Christians) who wanted to reestablish Israel. There were also non-Zionist Jews who were indifferent to the idea.

      • ZWAK will kindle all of the dreams it took a lifetime to destroy

        Oh, I know. That doesn’t change the fact that it has become a slur and an excuse to not say Jew when spewing hate.

        (I have a famous anti-Zionist in my family, who, up until WWII pushed for a two state solution back in the twenties and thirties. )

    • The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

      Yeah, I don’t buy that.

      It’s no where near that offensive. Do some people use it instead of saying what they mean? Sure. That doesn’t make it a slur.

      • ZWAK will kindle all of the dreams it took a lifetime to destroy

        And black people use nigger all the time amongst themselves. In other words, it isn’t that offensive, otherwise it would be totally verboten.

  15. cavalier973

    I like “Burning Down the House” and “Once in a Lifetime”. I thought I liked “Wild, Wild Life”, but it gets stuck in my head for days on end.

    I like songs that don’t get stuck in my head for days on end.

    • Donny Three-Fingers

      Psycho Killer is awesome.

    • AlexinCT

      The greatest threat to western culture is the massive amount of elites that were indoctrinated by higher learning to hate themselves and the successful. Credentialed but stupid as fuck people.

    • rhywun

      I don’t know who that is but this strikes me as accurate:

      Let’s keep in mind at all times here, the goal is and has always been to undermine the US politically, socially, and economically.

      Diving in to the rest.

      • rhywun

        There is genuine outrage over what Israel has done in Gaza and what Netanyahu has yet to accomplish.

        Based entirely on Gaza propaganda numbers. For someone claiming to elucidate all the propaganda streams, he seems to be falling for at least one of them himself.

    • Not Adahn

      So, what the ACLU is actually saying is that it’s okay for some people to get money to speak on their issues under the Civil Rights Act and others have to just sit and take it.

      Wow, this would have been totes insightful in 1964.

      • The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

        Yeah, this has been happening for my whole lifetime.

        Wake me up when people start changing things.

  16. PieInTheSky

    Squatters aren’t just a problem in the US, it seems. Why doesn’t he just turn this guy out on the streets? – the the good old days Andy would get a nice room in the Tower of London.

    • Drake

      In the good old days, they would have arranged a marriage for him to some French or Dutch princess for political alliance purposes. If he wanted to cavort with some strumpet, he would be expected to do it quietly.

      • ZWAK will kindle all of the dreams it took a lifetime to destroy

        He would have been made the Royal Governor of The Falkland Islands, or maybe Pitcairn Island.

    • Pine_Tree

      “You’ve been named the new Royal Governor In Residence of His Majesty’s Dominions Consisting Of A Tiny Rock Close To Antarctica But Not Close Enough To Be That Nice”

  17. AlexinCT

    I would say that after this revelation one could still doubt, the Saudi, UAE, Omani, and Qatari nuclear programs just went into overdrive.

    • rhywun

      If this administration enthusiastically wanted Iran to get nukes, what would they have done any differently.

      • AlexinCT


        Obama pivoted away from keeping Iran contained to helping it have a shield to protect it from being a serious destabilizing force in the ME because of this insane belief by the Iranian mullahs that it is their job to bring forth the Madi and apocalypse.

    • SDF-7

      I still think MAD has done more for global peace than anything else — and smaller countries who can afford it and don’t go nuclear are just asking to be fucked with (Hi there, Ukraine!). So I can’t blame any of them.

      TL;DR: I still don’t see proliferation as a bad thing. Dirty bombs can be done cheaper and easier if you’re worried about terrorists, MAD is still applicable for state actors.

      • juris imprudent

        Bio weapons are even easier and cheaper.

      • The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

        But the blowback is hellacious.

        I’m sure China would take it back if they could.

      • slumbrew

        Have they really paid a price for their bioerror?

      • Common Tater

        The people who thought China were assho now think China is bigger assho?

      • The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

        I wrote a witty well sourced response and it disappeared.

        They may not have been openly affected on the diplomatic front, but exports are way down and they also ‘needed’ to shut down their economy. I didn’t think they’ve yet recovered fully from their mistakes related to the release of covid -19.

  18. Not Adahn

    But I bet government contractors and politicians in distrusts where those companies are located

    I approve of this typo. Did John get himself banned?

  19. slumbrew

    “Florida is on the verge of knocking Boston out of the NHL playoffs. And that’s a good thing.”


    Not going to win much when you’re being outshot 2-to-1.

    The refs allowing goals when a defender is cross-checked into his own goalie doesn’t help either.

    • sloopyinca

      They’re being outplayed all over the ice in every game of the series. I think Toronto pushing them to 7 took everything out of them. But yes, there’s have been some bad calls.

      • slumbrew

        Agree on your first part with the caveat “except in goal”.

        It’d be much, much uglier if Swayman weren’t so good.

      • Grummun

        I think the league must have sent a note to both teams after game 2, “you have to dial this back some.” Not nearly the volume of hits and fights in games 3 and 4. Although, some pretty damaging hits: I **really** dislike Marchand, but I don’t wish injury on him.

        The non-call for interference was pretty egregious.

      • ron73440

        Only thing I could figure for that was the guy was already skating that direction and Bennett’s cross check didn’t really change his trajectory or speed.

        Even as a confirmed Boston hater, I couldn’t believe they let that stand.

        I don’t think it matters in the long run, Florida is on a different level than Boston right now.

  20. Not Adahn

    And I bet it gets limited coverage with the Trump circus trial in New York.

    Lol, his last trial got ZERO coverage on NPR, but they had… maybe 10x the coverage of his acquittal as they did his indictment.

  21. Not Adahn

    “It’S NoT aBoUt JeWs. It’s AbOut Israel aNd ZioNisTs.” Sure it is, you anti-semitic retards.

    “You stupid Americans are so in love with Israel that you can’t deal with the mildest criticism of Netanyahu.”

    • ZWAK will kindle all of the dreams it took a lifetime to destroy

      Those darn Jews, sticking up for themselves. Don’t they know they should move back to the Shtetl, and stay in the Pale!

  22. AlexinCT

    When I read this idiocy, I thought it was a parody. A vaccination to stop cows from burping and farting? To stop climate change? And billions of dollars spent. Seriously? But then Axios….

    • rhywun

      The entire thing is a hoax. Recognizing that fact makes everything else make $en$e.

    • Fourscore

      There are days when I want to deny being part of the human race.

    • PieInTheSky

      must keep the scientists payed…

    • SDF-7

      Insert the Nick Cage “You don’t say!!!” meme picture.

      Can we Kirk/Nomad them by getting somewhere where the problem is Communism so they go into a paradox loop? (I know, I know… they have a not-so-hidden Exception case.. ‘That’s not real Communism!’ Damn NPC programmers who accounted for that…)

    • AlexinCT

      It’s not accidental that we have so many problems these days that these fuckers claim will be solved by communism, either…

      They were created by design (economic calamity) or imagined (climate change) because they all allow the people that want top down control of everything so they do not have to worry about people demanding accountability at some point for the destruction of the modern world they have foisted on us.

    • R C Dean

      “The issue is never the issue. The issue is always the revolution.”

      Hell, they say it themselves in the commie instruction manual.

  23. SDF-7

    I’m still wondering when Sloopy and Banjos made the trip over to Florida to share Brett L’s family photos on the main page like that.

  24. PieInTheSky

    Call me what you like, but I still had a Full English at my breakfast meeting in one of London’s best French restaurants – and it was excellent.

    My colleague’s salmon, omelette and avocado was very good too, apparently.

    Highly recommend Maison Francois, Duke Street.

    so glibs given a pick between those two things, what would you eat?

    • SDF-7

      The full English, certainly — though I’d probably leave the beans. Just never in a “beans for breakfast” mood. The rest is good.

    • Nephilium

      I went for Eggs Benny tacos yesterday, I’ll stick with that route.

      • EvilSheldon

        Ooooh, two of my favorite things combined. Describe these remarkable objects, please?

      • Nephilium

        eggs benny taco
        Heat Level 1
        Contains Dairy
        flour tortilla | chipotle hollandaise | prosciutto | poached egg | buttered english muffin croutons | green onions

        From a local taco chain. The one downside was that the “croutons” weren’t toasted enough. If those had been crunchy it would have been much better. The other option that may have worked better is if they did it as a double layer shell with the hollandaise between the two shells.

      • EvilSheldon

        I’m gonna try making those this weekend.

    • Not Adahn

      It depends, are they serving beer or champagne?

      • PieInTheSky

        both. But mixed, half and half.

      • ZWAK will kindle all of the dreams it took a lifetime to destroy

        Isn’t that a Churchill? Or is it a Waugh?

        Anyway, it is called a Black Velvet.

    • sloopyinca

      I’d have ordered the full English. But those beans need to be charro’d up to be of a decent enough quality to eat. And what’s with the half paddy of blood sausage? Is there a shortage going on or something?

    • slumbrew

      The omelette, because I love eggs and they’re overcooked on the full English. But I’d eat that too.

    • ZWAK will kindle all of the dreams it took a lifetime to destroy

      Pass, and wait until I could find a cheap dinner.

    • EvilSheldon

      Good question. Both look really good.
      I’d probably do the salmon omelette avocado, but I’d go back tomorrow for the full English.

    • Drake

      That whole concert was the most 80’s thing to ever happen.

      • Not Adahn

        To be fair, banging that many groupies does require mucho physical fitness

  25. PieInTheSky

    Alex Finn
    Why do people in 2024 still drink?

    It’s proven to destroy you mentally and physically.

    It’s proven to be a depressant

    It’s proven to be literal poison

    It’s proven to make you feel like shit

    Yet there’s still a massive drinking culture.

    Why are you still drinking in 2024?

    just to piss you off.

    • Not Adahn

      “You fail Theory of the Mind forever.”

    • Fourscore

      If a little is good then a lot must be better

    • The Last American Hero

      Why do people in 2024 still support communism?

      • AlexinCT

        So much ^^^THIS^^^

        People do stupid or counter productive shit.

        I drink because as vices come, it is one with low risk for me and for now. Pimp’n was not something I could risk despite the fact that my love is different than that of a square…

    • R.J.

      I keep drinking because there are insufferable asses like Alex Finn in the world.
      If all the insufferable people jumped in tree chippers tomorrow, I might seriously consider putting down the booze.

      • AlexinCT

        You win the interwebs today, man…

    • Toxteth O'Grady

      CNS depressant, not necessarily depressogenic.

    • EvilSheldon

      Funny, I don’t feel mentally destroyed…

      (Physically is another story. BJJ was rough this morning…)

    • Ted S.

      Nobody talks about the quality of life you get from being left the hell alone.

    • The Last American Hero

      Black Raven Trickster

    • Nephilium


    • EvilSheldon

      Natty Boh.

  26. SDF-7

    I played 05/13:
    *20/20 words (+3 bonus words)
    🎯 Perfect accuracy

    I played 05/13:
    *23/23 words (+4 bonus words)
    🎯 Perfect accuracy
    🔥 Solve streak: 367

    Huh… so for the record — apparently going back and doing the dailies of days you missed restores your streak (it showed 1 when I did today’s, then back to this after doing Sat and Sun). The More You Know ™….

    • Sean

      I played 05/13:
      *20/20 words (+1 bonus word)
      ⏱️ In the top 4% by speed

      I played 05/13:
      *23/23 words (+5 bonus words)
      ⏱️ In the top 22% by speed
      🔥 Solve streak: 313

    • rhywun

      Yeah, I found that out earlier this year. I was unable to keep up for a couple months for reasons but then I caught up.

      I played 05/13:
      *20/20 words (+2 bonus words)
      🎯 Perfect accuracy

      I played 05/13:
      *23/23 words (+3 bonus words)
      🎯 In the top 10% by accuracy
      🔥 Solve streak: 258

    • PieInTheSky

      is that hygienic?

      • R C Dean

        Puppy breath is a known antiviral/antimicrobial.

      • Not Adahn

        Maybe not, but dogs have a pretty good immune system.

      • slumbrew

        Hygiene Hypothesis FTW. That kid will have a healthy immune system.

    • rhywun

      cute overload

    • ron73440

      That dog’s name has to be Snoopy, right?

    • Fourscore

      A boy and his dog, growing up together. Thanks, Jimbo

    • kinnath

      I never understood the video camera in the delivery room thing. Guys are supposed to just wait it out in the smoke-filled waiting room.

      • The Other Kevin

        Yes. And then pass out cigars after the doctor comes out to deliver the news.

      • Fourscore

        “Congrats, you’re the father of a healthy boy”

        That was all I needed to hear

      • PieInTheSky

        the smoke-filled waiting room. – what is wrong with the bar across the street from the hospital?

      • Common Tater

        Put the bar in the hospital. Sell enough drinks to pay for the uninsured.

      • R.J.

        My wife’s delivery was not videotaped. That would have been weird. But I was sitting there, where I could see both sides of the curtain during delivery.

      • AlexinCT

        Scarred for life?

      • R.J.

        I will remember it. It was a caesarean too, so intestines were a’flapping out. I could have done with a little more magic and less gore.

      • sloopyinca

        I was in the room for all three of Banjos’ c-sections. I did not even think of looking over the curtain to the business end of the operation. I just sat there and held her hand and talked to her.

        I did hold my phone up and get a couple pics of Baby Justice a second or two after she came out. Those are pretty cool.

      • ron73440

        My wife didn’t want me watching down there.

        She had heard me tell stories of my having to help cows give birth, she didn’t want me to compare the two.

        I was OK with just letting her try to break my hand, really had no desire to see too much.

      • Pope Jimbo

        Yeah, I sat on the G-rated sign of the curtain for all of Mrs. Holiness’ c-sections.

        I had no desire to look and even if I had, my legs were wobbly enough that I just sat there holding her hand.

      • ZWAK will kindle all of the dreams it took a lifetime to destroy

        Right there with you, RJ. Got to see my ex-wife’s uterus and all.

      • Mojeaux

        First child, husband and mom in the delivery room. I did not care.

        Second child, husband, mom, and MIL in the delivery room. I did not care. As long as there was SOMEONE shoveling ice chips into my mouth while I was rocking the bed in utter pain and torture, I would’ve been okay with Joe Biden in the delivery room.

      • The Other Kevin

        I’m surprised Biden hasn’t already claimed that.

    • AlexinCT

      What a letdown… where is the happy ending?

      • PieInTheSky

        on some onlyfans I assume

    • AlexinCT

      You want to deny them their unicorns?

    • sloopyinca

      ой, мои яйца!

      • AlexinCT

        Think of the storied he will be able to tell whomever he whips it out for in the future!

    • R.J.

      *adds “Charred Penis” to list of potential band names

  27. sloopyinca

    “Princeton Gaza Solidarity Encampment Update: Due to health concerns of the 13 strikers who fasted for 9 days,” they wrote, “the first hunger strike wave ended, and the second wave has begun. In the tradition of rotary hunger strikes, Seven new strikers are indefinitely fasting for a free Palestine.”

    What the fuck are “rotary hunger strikes?” And is there a tradition of them? And if there is, then they’re not hunger strikes. They’re just intermittent fasting.

    • Not Adahn

      GAINZZZ for Palestine!

    • Nephilium

      I’m glad to see they have conviction in what they’re protesting for…

    • Grummun


      I don’t think they know what that word means.

      • sloopyinca

        Eh, it kind of does. They’re likely to quit at any time and they don’t know when that will be. Hell, some of them are only gonna last a day or two and some might go a full week before they tag somebody else in. Thats indefinite in my book.

      • The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

        Sure they do. They don’t know when they will stop, will it be at lunch, or at dinner? Indefinite.

    • AlexinCT

      I bet the heifers involved in this strike broke the deal within 20-30 mins to snack…

      • Sean

        Snacks don’t count!

      • AlexinCT

        That explains the extra 50 to 150 lbs….

    • The Other Kevin

      Great. Those dipshits are inadvertently extending their lifespan and preventing cancer.

      • The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

        ‘preventing cancer.’

        They already have brain cancer.

    • R.J.

      We should help the 13 brave strikers. Put them in jail and help them continue their fast.

    • Gustave Lytton

      Are they eating after sundown as well?

    • rhywun


  28. The Late P Brooks

    Hero worship

    Former President Trump referred to the notorious fictional serial killer Hannibal Lecter as a “wonderful man” during a weekend campaign speech in New Jersey.


    “We have people that have been released into our country that we don’t want in our country, and they’re coming in totally unchecked, totally unvetted. And we can’t let this happen. They’re destroying our country, and we’re sitting back,” Trump continued. “And we better damn well win this election, because if we don’t, our country is going to be doomed. It’s going to be doomed.”

    Trump, throughout his campaign, has compared migrants to Lecter. He has, in the past, praised Lecter as “legendary” and a nice fellow, The New York Times noted.




    • AlexinCT

      The lord has blessed that young lady….

  29. The Late P Brooks


    The Wisconsin Supreme Court is scheduled to hear arguments Monday in a case pushed by Democrats to overturn a ruling that all but eliminated the use of absentee ballot drop boxes in the swing state.


    President Joe Biden defeated Donald Trump in Wisconsin by just under 21,000 votes in 2020, four years after Trump narrowly took the state by a similar margin.

    Since his defeat, Trump had claimed without evidence that drop boxes led to voter fraud. Democrats, election officials and some Republicans argued the boxes are secure.

    “Absentee” ballots are for people who cannot physically be in their home town to vote, aren’t they?

    The boxes are secure, but are the ballots legitimate?

    • AlexinCT

      When you have people trying to make a system that is already unable to be effectively, audited by claiming that measures to increase auditability like voter ID, less opportunity for abuse, or mail in voting for anyone and everyone are racist, you can bet the objective is to make cheating easier.

      Without cheating, I wonder how many places would till be team blue strongholds.

      • Gustave Lytton

        “I would find it a little suspicious if every poll tape were exactly where it was supposed to be. That would be too good to be true.”


        A 2023 state review of Fulton County’s 2020 audit found errors and inconsistencies in the vote count, including some double counting of ballots. But the errors weren’t enough to alter the election results, the AP has reported.


      • Ted S.

        It’s amazing how “misinformation” only matches information that the Ruling Class doesn’t like.

      • AlexinCT

        So are “disinformation” and “hate speech”….

    • Ted S.

      Democrats have claimed without evidence that the boxes are secure.

      • ZWAK will kindle all of the dreams it took a lifetime to destroy

        It isn’t the boxes, per say, but how easy it is to get multiple ballots, get ballots from different jurisdictions, alter other peoples ballots, etc. In other words, people are looking at the wrong end of things, when the real issue is ballot control. The boxes just make it easy to bypass everything that should be illegal, or already is illegal.

    • AlexinCT

      Can you imagine fast zombies infected with the STEVE SMITH, erm… proclivity?

      • Dr. Fronkensteen

        Isn’t that effectively what the Reavers were in the Firefly universe?

      • slumbrew

        Sort of, but even higher functioning – they can fly spaceships

    • EvilSheldon

      Yet another sequel/reboot/remake. I’m just quivering with anticipation.

  30. AlexinCT

    Admitting there is an ulterior agenda/motive for the insanity of energy deficiency:

    “If I am brutally honest, the only realistic way I see emissions falling as fast as they need to, to avoid catastrophic #climate breakdown, is the culling of the human population by a pandemic with a very high fatality rate.”

    — Bill McGuire (@ProfBillMcGuire) May 11, 2024


    As I suspected, this has always been about killing off half or more of humanity….

  31. The Late P Brooks

    Expert analysis

    I think of inflation as a triangle: Each leg helps explain our overall price picture. The first leg is expectations — various surveys help gauge the degree to which inflation has become embedded in the minds of consumers and businesses. If these expectations start to creep up, that could be an indication that inflation is soon to follow. The second element is aggregate demand: If people suddenly have more to spend, that can push up spending and cause prices to rise along with it. One way to measure this is unemployment — if there is a sudden surge in Americans getting new jobs, demand is likely to jump as well. The final piece is supply shocks: How much have one-off disruptions helped raise prices on things like imported consumer goods or oil? Using this framework, it’s difficult to pinpoint why inflation has strengthened so much.

    Is there some other factor affecting prices? Like the amount of money sloshing around in the economy?

  32. Common Tater

    “CLASSY: Jennifer Lawrence Calls Mike Pence Gay at GLAAD Awards, Says He Has a Weird Penis

    “I love the gay community. In fact, I was in love with a homosexual. I tried to convert him for years, but now I know conversion therapy doesn’t work,” Lawrence explained.

    “Did you hear me, Mike Pence? I said conversion therapy isn’t real, even though I know you think it worked on you. He’s in New York tonight. He’s receiving a Kid’s Choice Award for weirdest dick.””

    Gay is an insult at the GLAAD Awards.

    • ron73440

      Maybe Pence was the guy she was trying to convert?

      The world’s first female action star keeps showing how smart and classy she is.

    • B.P.

      Was this supposed to be comedy? I’m sure the audience dutifully and politely pretended it was funny.

      • ZWAK will kindle all of the dreams it took a lifetime to destroy

        Only the truth is funny.

        Made up things to make fun of are propaganda.

    • Dr. Fronkensteen

      Conversion therapy isn’t real except for trans people. Because reasons.

    • ron73440

      If I saw someone looking at my daughter that way, we would not be staying around him.

      • R.J.

        Holy cow that is a creepy look.

  33. The Late P Brooks

    Bringing inflation down from multidecade highs was never going to be a simple or straightforward task — the start of the year has proved as much. Expecting inflation to continue its downward trend is not a matter of keeping the faith. It’s a clear reading of what the data is really telling us: Nirvana is still possible.

    How can you write a story about inflation without talking about enormous increases in government spending using freshly conjured money?

    • Common Tater

      Joe Biden is like Courtney Love.

    • ron73440

      How can you write a story about inflation without talking about enormous increases in government spending using freshly conjured money?

      The same way they write about CLIMATE CHANGE without talking about the sun’s output.