Time to play.
I’ve been trying to get the garden ready to plant because I’m headed to the coast tomorrow. It’ll be ready to populate when I get home. I’m taking my dog, my sax, and a pile of wine.
But first, the Links!
Henry wasn’t about to let Bob get all that foreign bribery cash.
A crossover SUV that identifies as pickup/truck.
“I had no idea it would mean having sex every day.”
Okay. I guess someone would want it for posterity.
$1500 and you too can read all about Stanley Kubrick and “The Shining”.
Okay, time to finish packing. You folks enjoy the rest of your weekend.
This is timely.
The wife was a preggers machine. We didn’t even try.
Your wife kept getting hit by busses?
Man, those darn tractor seats.
You’re related to sloopy?
My husband says I had nuclear eggs.
Fun with numbers
Richest Americans Now Pay Less Tax Than Working Class in Historical First
America’s richest are paying less tax than working-class people in a historical first.
Data published by The New York Times shows that America’s top billionaires are now paying less taxes than they have for decades.
In the 1960s, the 400 richest Americans paid more than half of their income in taxes, according to the Times. By 2018, America’s wealthiest individuals paid just 23 percent of their income in taxes. Meanwhile, the bottom half of income earners paid 24 percent of their income in taxes.
Today, America’s richest people control a greater share of the country’s wealth than during the “Gilded Age of Carnegies and Rockefellers,” the paper said, referring to a period of unprecedented wealth concentration in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
This is partly due to significant decreases in taxes on the rich.
Parasites, leeching off the blood and tears of the proletariat.
Income versus capital gains.
Like no shit…
Unrealized capital gains.
It’s not fair that they make me work for a paycheck instead of just handing me cash to sit around and play video games all day.
The warned us that if Trump got elected the rich would pay less taxes. They were right.
They’ve been claiming the rich paid less in taxes than everyone else for years. I’m not even going to read that bullshit.
It relies on the NYT. So, there’s no reason too.
Economist Gabriel Zucman of the Paris School of Economics and the University of California, Berkeley, called for a “coordinated minimum tax on the superrich” in his opinion piece for the Times.
The article noted that in the past, higher tax rates for wealthy individuals helped mitigate inequality and helped fund social welfare programs such as Medicare, Medicaid and food stamps.
“The idea that billionaires should pay a minimum amount of income tax is not a radical idea. What is radical is continuing to allow the wealthiest people in the world to pay a smaller percentage in income tax than nearly everybody else,” Zucman wrote.
“In liberal democracies, a wave of political sentiment is building, focused on rooting out the inequality that corrodes societies. A coordinated minimum tax on the superrich will not fix capitalism. But it is a necessary first step,” he said.
It’s a good thing stoking the fires of envy and hate doesn’t contribute to divisiveness and political instability.
Good thing humans are so flammable. Especially economists.
Assumes facts not in evidence.
Taxation is theft. But if the prof might want a few tweaks: zero corp tax and tax dividends at regular rate, index cap gains and losses to cpi and with no limits to loss carry forwards.
What about unrealized gains? Are we just gonna leave those untouched? If we dont tax imaginary income women and minorities will all die. It will be even worse for the children.
And of course you can’t deduct unrealized losses. That would just be silly.
Envy….the motive for the majority of human behavior. The CC got a lot wrong but their list of the seven deadly sins is right on the money. So to speak.
Speaking of unrealized income….shouldnt every purchaser of lottery tickets be responsible for paying taxes on the jackpot?
Every losing ticket is a write off for realized losses though, right?
If this guy is an economist I am a flying reindeer.
OT: Continuing off Gender Traitor’s post, it is looking lovely back here. Looking forward to Zoom season. I just can’t Zoom inside.
That looks like a wonderful place to read a book and sip an adult beverage.
I will be doing so via Zoom in 15 minutes. Big brussel sprout head and all.
I will send you munny if you have a space ship prop somwhere in camera.
you had to show up to see. Someday…
Judkins said the algorithm should favor safety instead of a bag getting in the way. But even when Judkins put a bag in the way of closing the frunk, it still closed, which meant it didn’t quite respond to resistance the way it should have.
Maybe Tesla should administer intelligence tests to prospective customers.
Question 1. Do you make a living as an “influencer”?
Lovely music, Spud!
Thank you! I came across that looking for a theme song. I quite enjoyed it.
Do you want to see my shocked face?
Ain’t that America!
While you are enjoying the coast, say hi to STEVE SMITH. I’m sure he will be very happy to meat, I mean greet you.
I’m hiking in his homeland.
I confess I’m a little jelly. It’s beautiful.
In his opening statement, Trump’s attorney Todd Blanche tried mightily to convince the jury that there is nothing to see here. “There is nothing illegal,” Blanche said, about buying negative stories for the purpose of killing them or insisting on nondisclosure agreements. “I have a spoiler alert,” he told the jury. “There is nothing wrong with trying to influence an election. It’s called democracy.”
Here’s the real spoiler alert: None of this had anything to do with democracy.
Grow the fuck up.
If Republicans are allowed to campaign it’s a threat to our democracy.
Democracy: 3 wolves and a lamb deciding what’s for dinner.
1 wolf and 3 lambs produces the same results
I guess the Rs are the lambs.
I didn’t have a chance to read last night’s entree, I promise to catch up next Friday.
Election interference is one of the dumbest terms to come out of the 2016 narrative.
Election interference is electioneering. It is, in fact, how democracy is supposed to work. Even Twitter suppressing a negative story about Hunter Biden isn’t “election interference.” It’s wrong for a supposedly neutral platform to do it, but sure as shit not illegal.
Keep me company at my new place where I don’t know anyone yet?
Imma coming. 15 minutes to clean the kitchen first.
Enough with the euphemisms!
/deletes incoherent series of vulgarities.
So I go to make myself a cocktail, load the glass with ice to start it chilling, load the shaker, start getting the bottles together… only to find out I’m out of one of the ingredients. Benedictine, so it’s not even like I can substitute for it.
I pivoted to an Aviation.
/adds Benedictine to the shopping list for tomorrow.
Well, obviously!
I went lazy for the second drink, I have Fever Tree pink grapefruit soda on hand… Paloma it is.
I would have thought you’d pivot to Cluniac.
Damn. A deep cut I had to Google to understand.
As a student of medeival history, I couldn’t resist.
I don’t do cocktails. Just vodka on the rocks if I’m doing hard alcohol.
Some would call that an extra dry vodka martini on the rocks.
allegedly a professional agitator and limousine liberal
with a deep and abiding understanding of the true meaning of truth, justice, and liberty for all.
Money makes a person more of what they already are. This piece of shit was born into money so….that is what we get.
The actor who played Porkins also played Major Eaton in Raiders.
So the tweet makes sense, since Pritzker is one of Illinois’… well, you know.
Onions are in the ground.
Shallots are in the ground.
In between rain showers
Bees are in their humble abodes, tucked in comfy for the night. Monday they’ll be allowed to play outside.
I’m hoping to start getting the garden tilled tomorrow, finally no rain. Plants started inside are looking great, still have another 3 weeks to grow.
That’s a terrible haiku.
Satan-ku? The Anti-Ku?
Thinking about it, if OMWC ever learns how to use the internet, you just know he’s going to post this on Star Wars Day just to piss off the space opera fans.
Much better
Go ahead and take five, Shpip. You earned it.
I had a great day with the family at oldest nephew’s track meet. I’ve also had a day full of distressing emotional moments. Tomorrow will be our Mother’s Day celebration, which will also be glorious fun. I am gonna push for a moment to drum on my bro’s set before I fully help with the meal prep.
I have a serious urge to vent. I got a bit of it out to Dad when he needed his for telling me off when I alerted a predictive Epileptic Moment Red Flag. I should have a chat with the rest of the family to let them know where my brain’s at. I don’t know how to time that with the deserved celebration. I haven’t had a real Day Off. I feel I need a couple to absorb my adjustment into full-time work. I honestly know it will be just fine.
While writing, I knew Part II of my Always See Smiley Faces piece would be depressing: “Acceptance.” It’s my Mortal Sin. Huh, ev. Might not wanna share so much. Having had that thought, I’m not going to delete what I’ve written. With sincerity, I hope every Mother out there gets something special tomorrow.
I’m slightly tipsy, so I just wanted to say I love you, man.
Of course you do. I’m First.
You’re so beautiful.
[pictures Chafed shaking violently like Joe Cocker]
I’m watching Bert Gordon’s Village of the Giants off my DVR right now. God it’s a riot.
Apparently it’s currently free to stream on Pluto.
Johnny Crawford in Florida Man cut-off jorts. Ronny Howard insisting on being called “Genius” while not documenting his work well enough to reproduce it. Bad process photography. I’m sure it’s only going to get better.
Ack, I didn’t close the em tag properly.
If we become giants, our superpower is going to be frightening the squares by dancing like Sprockets.
‘Henry wasn’t about to let Bob get all that foreign bribery cash.’
And a Azerbaijan is total asshole too.
If true, I hope he rots.
“So this is concerning. It’s not flaring up and going away, it’s finding it’s way in to different species.”
‘We were just getting stay with that covid thing’ – Bio terror Labs
Happy rainy Sunday morning! ☔
We had our rain yesterday. Now a sunny day which means lawn mowing opportunity most likely
Good morning Sean, OBE, TAFKAL, and Ted’S!
This whole “look kids we are hip too!” 5/4 twitter posts are peak politics. With white toast Hayden slobbong Trudeau and whiney boomer Hamill gagging Biden…I am glad I watched Spaceballs instead.
God willing we’ll all meet again in Spaceballs II, The Search for More Money…it wasn’t meant to be but great movie regardless.
Ah, the Donald Trump took yer abortions away ads are back in rotation.
Gross. Lies. Propaganda.
I think they have a much better ad campaign with his ‘give cops full immunity’, especially on the heals of speaking to the LP
It’s interesting he’d take that attitude-who’s he think’ll be knocking on his door if one of these biased judges decides he needs to sit in jail for contempt or some other cooked up charge? He’s a dyed in the wool full fledged boomer no doubt and the last thing we need is cops with even less oversight than they have now.