Saturday Morning I’m Rather Fucked Links

by | May 11, 2024 | Daily Links | 121 comments

Well, sorta. My student evaluations came in and they were expectedly brutal. I am a very mean and unfair person. My test problems are different than homework. And I expect them to know math. Also I’m racist and misogynist. That last comment was a from a white soyboy who wishes he were a knight. Well, onward and upward, continuous improvement.

The world is often but not always improved by births, and on today’s date, born were a couple of guys who went double or nothing; the guy who founded Acme Coyote Supplies, just to popularize JATO skates; the guy who wrote every song you’ve ever heard of; a guy you didn’t want to loan your watch to; a guy who only had one character but it was a good one; my personal hero, whose books are treated nearly biblically at my house; a guy who’s trying to outlive his soulmate, Jimmy Carter; and a guy with a fabulously rocky and unfocused career, but real animal magnetism.

And thus, Links.


So this is totally informational, absolutely not part of the campaign to normalize Jew hate.


Profound thought: shitty movies don’t get popular.




Anything that brings disrepute to the “justice” system is, on balance, a positive.


Trump would never do this… oh, wait. I do like that this is presented as totally not a massive tax on US consumers.


Look, when you’ve got the munchies, you’ve got the munchies.


I like to use King Crimson for Old Guy Music because Spud dislikes it so much. Fuck him, he lives on a diet of paint chips and lead fishing sinkers. Here’s the band live in it’s Discipline era, soon to be recreated by Beat…

About The Author

Old Man With Candy

Old Man With Candy

Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me. Wait, wrong book, I'll find something else.


  1. slumbrew

    Need you be concerned about the reviews or are your supervisors used to kids complaining about having to do work?

    • rhywun

      I’d imagine the “racist” thing is probably the bigger blow.

      • Drake

        Don’t the universities train kids to throw those accusations around randomly? They get what they pay for.

      • slumbrew

        I assume a single outlier is ignored, even at Oberlin East

      • Old Man With Candy

        Don’t assume that. My department chairman is HIGHLY concerned, especially after the Emoji Incident.

      • Gender Traitor


  2. Gender Traitor

    the guy who wrote every song you’ve ever heard of

    Happy Birthday to Izzy the Bum!*

    *Allegedly so called, according to TT’s late best friend’s grandfather, another (much less successful and famous) old Jewish Tin Pan Alley songwriter. Supposedly, Izzy had certain…chronic cravings for chemistry…

    But hey! G*d Bless America, bitchezz!

  3. Ted S.

    born were a couple of guys who went double or nothing;

    Happy birthday Kurt Maloo!

  4. Ted S.

    the guy who wrote every song you’ve ever heard of;

    Happy birthday Johnny Mercer!

    • Gender Traitor
      • Ted S.

        I was thinking this, since it has music by Victor Schertzinger.

      • Gender Traitor

        Huh! Never knew this was a Mercer!

        What does it say about me that I’ve always liked this version? 😕

  5. Gender Traitor

    a white soyboy who wishes he were a knight

    Meh. A soyboy wouldn’t be able to hack it as a squire, much less a knight. His career path would top out at page. 🙄

    • juris imprudent

      And if he can’t do the math, he has no hope of being a count.

  6. Ted S.

    Damn site is giving me errors trying to post a comment about the popularity of Jaws.

    • Suthenboy

      You mean about the greatest ‘Man against nature’ movie ever made? Impossible.

    • Gender Traitor

      We’re gonna need a bigger server.

      • Trigger Hippie

        [golf clap]

    • The Gunslinger

      – “Biden strikes deal where Hamas gets to keep American hostages in exchange for fifteen votes in Michigan”.


    • hayeksplosives

      “After turning 35, men must make a decision; to either get really into World War 2 history, or really into
      smoking various meats”

      • Nephilium

        There’s also craft beer, homebrewing, and cocktails. 🙂

      • Gender Traitor

        And women must either get into competitive baking or scrapbooking.

  7. R C Dean

    “an industry still reeling from the ripple effects of the coronavirus pandemic and labor issues”

    OK, the pandemic definitely hurt the movie theaters, but I have to wonder if maybe this article isn’t overlooking some other issues?

    • Aloysious

      Unpossible. Fan baiting is a winning strategy, to be sure.

  8. Vida Hobo

    My student evaluations came in and they were expectedly brutal.

    Yep, sound like mine. Gotta love those anonymous surveys. Funny I can always tell from the text responses who said what even without a name. Funny the A students that do their work don’t seem to be the ones that complain.

    • Old Man With Candy

      Mostly, that was true. But the soyboy IS an A student. And the best student in my other class complained that the pace was far too slow, though most of the complaints were that I went far too quickly.

      • Fourscore

        “most of the complaints were that I went far too quickly.”

        Had the same problem but not from the students.

      • Nephilium

        Smart Privilege!

  9. The Late P Brooks

    Have you been fitted for a dunce cap? Assigned a row to hoe in the People’s Garden?

  10. The Late P Brooks

    If Trump is elected he will supercharge inflation by raising tariffs. We cannot allow that to happen.

  11. The Late P Brooks

    I guess Trump’s attorneys got Stormy to admit, on the stand, she despises Trump and owes him money for defaming him. Maybe they’ll be able to get Cohen to leap out of the witness box and try to choke him. That should guarantee a conviction.

  12. Drake

    People were actually going to buy Chinese-made electric cars? It says “vehicles” so maybe we are about to get some serious golf cart inflation.

  13. The Late P Brooks

    My sister, who lives in Indiana, sent a couple of very impressive northern lights shots. I looked before I went to bed, but didn’t see anything.

    • hayeksplosives

      They got really good around 11PM here north of Seattle. Glad for a rare cloudless night.

    • R C Dean

      Apparently, they were pretty clearly visible and colorful all the way down to Tucson. After my bedtime, unfortunately, last night. That’s some end times shit, though.

  14. R C Dean

    “Look, when you’ve got the munchies, you’ve got the munchies.”

    In Florida, of course.

  15. Suthenboy

    “That last comment was a from a white soyboy who wishes he were a knight. ”
    He is well on his way, what with the courage to engage in ad-hominem SOP talking points. Everyone wants to slay a dragon but real dragons are scary as hell and dangerous as fuck. Better to stick to imaginary dragons.
    I was in Wal-mart yesterday. I saw a number of young men….holy shit, is there some kind of epidemic of low T going on?

    Never again huh? Yet here we go again.
    A Jewish friend of mine in grade school came over for a weekend once. He camped out with my brothers and myself. We swam in the creek. Slept in the woods. Told spooky stories. I taught him to shoot with a Remington Field Master .22, (he had never touched a gun before). We had all of the fun 12 y/o boys are supposed to have. When his parents showed up on Sunday afternoon to retrieve him his father was quite pissed that I had taught the boy to shoot. WTF?
    If someone had done to me what was done to his people, and his father saw it in real time when and where it happened, I would never spend a minute of my life unarmed. Jews….supposed to be smart are they? Clearly not a universal trait.

    Has any profession before done so much so quickly to piss away the only thing that legitimizes them? Three conditions for civil society: Must have laws and people must know what those laws are. Laws must be agreed to and obeyed. When laws are broken they must be enforced. In a nutshell, the legal system must have credibility.

    A porn star? A lunatic lawyer? Gag order. There are so many double entendres waiting to be born.

    A tax on stupidity? I cant really disagree with that.

    On grizzly bear on that mix of drugs? I would approach that situation gun-in-hand thinking….”Shit, I am gonna have to shoot this dude.”

    • slumbrew

      “is there some kind of epidemic of low T going on?”

      Yes. Down about 25% over the last half century, IIRC.

      • R C Dean

        And I don’t think anyone has a clue why it’s happening.

      • The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

        Seed oils.

        But seriously it’s a combination of being too sedentary, not enough sunlight and poor diet.

      • The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

        Oh, and endocrine disrupters. Like various oil derivatives.

  16. CPRM

    The administration could raise tariffs on electric vehicles from China to 100 percent in an attempt to protect American auto manufacturers.

    Does Biden fear it would be a bloodbath if he didn’t do the tariff?

    • Suthenboy

      I am all for it. Put a tariff on domestic EV’s as well. Call it ‘stupidity tax’.

  17. The Late P Brooks

    Empty posturing

    The latest measure by President Joe Biden’s administration to tackle the U.S.’s outdated asylum system would have minimal impacts on the high number of unauthorized crossings at the Southern border, analysts, immigrant rights organizations and anti-illegal migration advocates said.

    On Thursday, the Department of Homeland Security announced a new rule intended to speed up the removal of some migrants ineligible for asylum.

    Under the new rule, immigration officials at the Southern border could quickly reject an asylum claim if that person’s criminal history is deemed to pose a threat to national security. In that case, the person would be subject to deportation.


    Immigration policy analysts say the rule would hardly put a dent on the number of migrants crossing illegally, or the underlying factors for mass migration.


    Raha Wala, the vice president for strategic partnerships and advocacy at the National Immigration Law Center, said the rule is part of long standing efforts to “further curtail the due process rights of asylum seekers.”

    “There’s almost no evidence under the current system that any terrorists or criminals are getting in on any sort of systematic basis through the asylum system,” Wala said.

    Criminals don’t fly in to a major airport and present themselves at Customs and Immigration formally requesting asylum?

    • R C Dean

      Since the current asylum system appears to be:

      (1) Person says “Yo soy un refugee. Dame asylum.”

      (2) Border Patrol hands person bus/plane ticket and polite request to show up in court in 8 years.

      I can see why there’s no evidence of criminals or terrorists getting in by claiming asylum. Who would know?

      • UnCivilServant

        The process should be “This is not a port of entry” *blam*

      • Ted S.

        Don’t forget that they’re not looking for evidence and actively playing the race card against anyone who might notice.

      • Grummun

        You’re not going to find evidence when you are explicitly avoiding looking for it. See also, vote fraud.

    • rhywun

      outdated asylum system

      I guess “outdated” now means “deliberately ignoring the rules set up therefor, and for political purposes”.

    • Ted S.


      Nice stolen base there.

    • Gustave Lytton

      “There’s almost no evidence under the current system that any terrorists or criminals are getting in on any sort of systematic basis through the asylum system,”

      1) “Almost no”, so there is some.

      2) there’s almost no evidence because no one is looking for it or able to find it because the invasion is overwhelming

      3) if there are terrorist or criminals, it’s not on a systemic basis. Maybe a drop in the bucket. How many did it take to pull off 9/11? Or the Bali bombings? Or the Indian parliament attack? Must have been 50,00-100,000 people, right? And all of them were know criminals or terrorists beforehand.

  18. Suthenboy

    Again with the student evals: Hypothetical response from ‘goes too fast’ student.

    ” The essence of teaching is to take a concept the students understand and make an analogy to the new concept the students do not understand. By presenting the new concept nakedly you are greatly overestimating the competence of your peers.”

    Every prof I have ever had complained about this going back to the late ’70s. I guess the system as it is has this problem baked right in. There is an awful lot of ‘kick the can down the road’ going on in a formal education system. The Greek informal method is superior and not just by a little bit.
    But enough about my ideal world.

    • CPRM

      Now Biden is going to invade wherever they are, because they ate his uncle.

  19. The Late P Brooks

    Maybe they should declare war on Russia

    “We already know that the benefit amounts that are available to people receiving SSI are incredibly low,” said Lydia Brown, director of public policy at the National Disability Institute.

    “They’re not as high as perhaps they could be to fully account for the needs that people have,” Brown said.

    Everything for everybody all the time.

    • Gender Traitor

      “Fulton County used improper procedures during the recount of the presidential contest in 2020.”

      Despite this, the board refused to approve further investigation.

      “What difference, at this point…”

    • Trials and Trippelations

      Bookmarking for the people that ask the reason I don’t vote

  20. Common Tater

    “A California homeowner who was ordered to hide his boat from view of this wealthy neighbors has hilariously trolled city officials with an act of malicious compliance.

    Seaside resident Etienne Constable was told he needed to erect a cover to obscure the vessel or he would face an $100 fine back in July 2023.

    Municipal codes state that, ‘boats and large pickup campers, motor homes, recreation vehicles, utility trailers, and vacation trailers’ can only be parked on driveways if, ‘screened on the side and front by a six-foot-high fence’.

    The homeowner acquiesced, but put his own tongue-in-cheek spin on it by painting a photo realistic mural of the boat on the front of the screen.”


    • CPRM

      He should have added some bikini babes. Nonetheless, I applaud the effort.

    • Ted S.

      He should have painted drugs falling out of his ass.

    • Fourscore

      Sometimes you get lucky. Why is it always someone else?

    • Gustave Lytton

      But turning right across two lanes always worked before!

  21. The Late P Brooks

    For shame

    A collective effort on TikTok and other social media platforms to push celebrities to speak publicly about the conflict in Gaza went into overdrive this week after The Met Gala.

    Creators on TikTok have earned millions of views for videos they’ve made linked to hashtags like #celebrityblocklist, #letthemeatcake and #blockout.

    Many of these posts list the names of actors, musicians and other high-profile figures whom the video creators say had not yet spoken out against Israel’s attacks on the region — or hadn’t spoken out sufficiently — and therefore should be blocked.

    And there’s been a special push in recent days to name those who attended the opulent, star-studded annual Met Gala on Monday.

    Have you signed the loyalty oath? Have you performed your public rites of obedience and contrition?

    • Ted S.

      Why are we supposed to give a shit about the Met Gala anyway?

      • Gender Traitor

        To see which “B” list celebrity chick wears the most revealing “dress”?

    • rhywun

      Never change, totalitarians.

      • Nephilium

        I ‘member when loyalty pledges and McCarthyism was bad.

    • Common Tater

      I think Seinfeld covered this around 20 years ago.

    • Toxteth O'Grady

      Let the meat cake?

  22. Pope Jimbo

    My favorite professor would write “arrogant” on the blackboard before handing out the evaluation forms. He’d to tell us that there were two R’s in it and it was tiresome seeing it misspelled so much.

    • UnCivilServant

      I don’t understand – why would someone like that be your favorite?

      • Fourscore

        Well, you’ve met Jimbo. Self-explanatory

    • rhywun


  23. The Late P Brooks

    “I made a Google Doc of every celebrity that attended the Met Gala, and now I’m going through and writing if they’ve been silent, or if they’ve been using their platform to speak up about the genocide in Gaza,” said one TikTok user in a video displaying a long list of celebrity names against a black background with the word “SILENT” in red next to to some, including Zendaya, Nicki Minaj, Keith Urban and Andrew Scott. “Some of these celebrities have not been completely silent,” the Tiktoker continued. “Zendaya did make a post back in October on her story supporting Palestine, but has been silent since. So I went ahead and put ‘silent.'”

    He knows if you’ve been bad or good so be good for goodness sake.

  24. The Late P Brooks

    The rationale behind the calls on social media to block celebrities, thereby negatively impacting their advertising revenue, is to put pressure on them to use their massive influence to try to stop the violence in Gaza.

    *guffaws, slaps knee*

  25. Lord Humungus

    >>I am a very mean and unfair person. My test problems are different than homework. And I expect them to know math.

    And surprise, surprise – those are the teachers who taught me the most. And to be fair, got me out of the EE program into the easy arms of computer science.

    • Gender Traitor

      Lord Hum! Long time no see! How are you and yours?

      • Lord Humungus

        EF is busy busy with law and, because she never has enough time, also taking guitar lessons.

        The world of antique/art sales is going very slow right now – I blame inflation and springtime, which is notoriously bad for sales. The estate sales I go to for some of my inventory, however, have been really busy. Shoppers are looking for deals right now; or spending money on flowers / landscaping.

        Nothing major going on in our lives – which is nice. I did have to pay $5k for a tooth removal, bone graft and implant! – I would rather have spent that dough on some new loudspeakers but such is the fate of my bad teeth.

      • Gender Traitor

        because she never has enough time, also taking guitar lessons.

        😃👍 Get her a ’59 Les Paul and the biggest Kustom Tuck-n-Roll you can find! (Preferably with the metal-flake vinyl!)

      • Mojeaux

        I’ve been meaning to visit some flea markets for midcentury modern Christmas stuff/Bakelite and vintage Pyrex. Are these popular things?

      • Lord Humungus

        Vintage pyrex certainly is popular and usually sells for – I’m not an expert in this – more than I think they should. I still them at thrift stores (and estates) so I don’t quite understand the pricing given how common they seem to be. It’s not something I sell because when I have tried it takes quite a while to move.

      • Mojeaux

        New Pyrex is a different formula and therefore, very destructible. Vintage Pyrex is indestructible.

      • Common Tater

        Also, the new Pyrex measuring cups are too big. The one cup almost holds two cups.

        So I bought Anchor Hocking after the lines wore off my old Pyrex.

  26. Mojeaux

    Transcriptioning this morning. Patient is an 18yo girl to see her pediatrician! with her mother!

    Firstly, my kids’ pediatricians kicked them out of the practice on their 18th birthday. Secondly, I trained my kids to be able to go to the doctor and the pharmacy on their own once they turned 18.

    Now, XX is still living at home because she’s still hoping for a full-time position at FedEx. I don’t know if she’ll ever leave home because she’s not uncomfortable enough here. XY moved out last week (although he still has to clean his spaces and collect the straggling bits of his stuff). But they still are responsible for their life’s housekeeping tasks.

    I cannot imagine taking my 18yo to the doctor (other than as transportation) and sitting in with the visit.

    • CPRM

      I don’t think we ever went to a dedicated pediatrician, just a regular doctor. Same guy delivered me and was the family doctor, including adult relatives.

      • Mojeaux

        We have specialists for almost everything. Delivery, woman stuff over age 18, OB/GYN. Kid stuff, pediatrician. Knee/shoulder stuff, orthopedist. Stomach issues, GI. We go to the family doc if we’ve got something that requires antibiotics, physicals, preop clearance, or recommended lab work.

    • Lord Humungus

      after 18: The only time I had my parents bring me to the doctor was because I was too damn sick with a flu to safely drive. My dad waited in the car though.

      • Mojeaux

        I was kicked off my parents’ insurance as soon as I wasn’t a college student anymore (20), and I had zero instruction about what to do because I had grown up in an HMO and by the time I was 20, was no longer a thing, so I had to wing it and pay out of pocket.

        Kids are able to be on our insurance till they’re 26, which I honestly don’t think is a bad thing.

      • Nephilium

        After 18, I don’t think I went to a doctor until I was in my 30’s and the work health care plan required an annual checkup.

    • Gustave Lytton

      I started going to the doctor and dentist on my own in high school. I can’t remember how the billing worked. They must have called in a card or the office mailed the bill. I dont remember paying it myself then.

  27. Lord Humungus

    Reading a thread of Facebook – I know, I know – about Libertarians really made me disgusted with the left wing folks. The amount of ignorance about the philosophy is disturbing. Libertarians are certainly the boogeymen in their fevered imagination. And the lack of historical knowledge about their own political philosophy is disturbing. But idiots are going to be idiots.

    Just so you know:

    ….”Extreme Left Wing: “I think everyone who works full time should be able to have affordable housing, a good education, safe food, and clean water and air.”
    Extreme Right wing: “I think we should eliminate entire sections of the population because I don’t believe they’re really human.”
    Libertarian: “I literally can’t tell you two apart!””

    … “Ahh yes, Medicare for all, or a God king dictator. These ideas are the same.”

    … “Libertarians: I don’t want to pay for anything, but I expect it to be there when things don’t go my way.
    Libertarians: Don’t tell me I’m not allowed to fleece others; the market will self-regulate.
    Libertarians: My trust fund or found wealth means I don’t want to pay my share for a market system that fostered my largess.
    Libertarians: My theoretical beliefs work in a fantasy world where I pleasure myself to images of Ayn Rand in my parent’s basement.”

    … “Except, there are no far left political figures currently if office. Rather the far right has extreme, the middle is squarely in the right.
    This has been a slow journey since the 80’s, and after 911 it excellerated.”

    • Nephilium

      Extreme Right wing: “I think we should eliminate entire sections of the population because I don’t believe they’re really human.”

      Huh. I wouldn’t have considered the pro-Hamas college protestors extreme Right wing. The things you can learn on Facebook.

    • UnCivilServant

      So, what reality is this person posting from?

    • Old Man With Candy

      Tomb Raider was so full of weird indoctrinated shit like that, no idea of what libertarianism was really about; I bought her a copy of Charles Murray’s “What Is A Libertarian?” so she could actually have a clue.

      “But he’s a white supremacist!”

      Le sigh.

      • Fourscore

        A lot of that going around, OM

    • Raven Nation

      See also my post on Thursday. Apparently all libertarians are lone wolves.

    • Toxteth O'Grady



  28. The Late P Brooks

    Toxic patriarchy at the FDIC

    If Gruenberg leaves, the White House won’t get to choose an acting chair. Instead, that role would automatically go to Travis Hill, the vice chairman of the FDIC board and a Republican.

    His departure would change the balance of power between the three banking regulators — the FDIC, the OCC and the Fed — and imperil any interagency rulemaking.


    Top Democrats on finance committees, including Sen. Sherrod Brown (Ohio), Sen. Elizabeth Warren (Mass.) and Rep. Maxine Waters (California) are all backing Gruenberg, Punchbowl News reported on Wednesday.

    He may be a pussy-grabber, but he’s our pussy-grabber.

    • Ted S.

      Can’t we agree that they’re both assholes?

  29. Aloysious

    Also I’m racist and misogynist. That last comment was a from a white soyboy who wishes he were a knight.

    Tell that little bastard of a genetic dead end that his patriarchal white privilege makes the opinion he shit out of his cock holster irrelevant.

    Or would that kind of response be unprofessional?

  30. Common Tater

    “San Francisco is giving taxpayer-funded shots of vodka to homeless alcoholics in $5m program organizers claim ‘improves participants’ health’

    The program has doubled in size since it began in 2020. While at first there were 10 beds available for those suffering from alcoholism, there are now 20 beds available on the premises of a disused hotel in the Tenderloin District.

    But it comes at a cost, with the city pouring money into the program to the tune of $5 million a year as nurses serve shots of vodka and beer several times a day, based on ‘patients’ specific healthcare plans.”

    That must be some expensive vodka.

    • Gustave Lytton

      I hope it’s locally sourced craft made.

    • The Gunslinger

      Next city program:

      Handjobs for sex addicts.

    • Gender Traitor

      Common Tater on May 11, 2024 at 10:00 AM [EDT]


      • hayeksplosives

        Oh, good grief. I guess I’ll sit down with breakfast and read ALL the comments.

      • Ted S.

        To be fair, Tater wasn’t the first. It was posted at least once yesterday.

  31. The Late P Brooks

    Fools and their money

    Some college students work in the school cafeteria or at the local coffee shop, but Alex Eisler, a sophomore at Brown University in Rhode Island, sells dinner reservations at some of New York City’s hottest restaurants.

    He does it through an app called Appointment Trader, where people can pay for a seat at the table at some of the city’s buzziest spots, like 4 Charles, Don Angie or Carbone, a practice that has earned the scorn of some top restaurants and earned Eisler $100,000 over the past 19 months.

    For everyday New Yorkers and tourists, getting such sought-after seats is nearly impossible, making platforms like Resy — a popular and free site — a major hub for securing reservations. It works with more than 16,000 restaurants around the world, but for New York’s hottest restaurants, reservations disappear seconds after they go live.

    You gotta love the entrepreneurial spirit. I do, anyway.

  32. Common Tater

    “NYC teacher fired after texting student 28K times, sex allegations is now teaching at different school: ‘Can’t f–king touch me’

    A defiant French teacher is still in the classroom after being fired by the Department of Education — crowing that the city “can’t touch me” despite the sexually-charged accusations that got her sacked, including making nearly 30,000 late-night texts to a schoolgirl.

    Dulaina Almonte, 33, lost her job at Harry S. Truman High School in The Bronx in 2020 after the Special Commissioner of Investigation substantiated claims of her creepy behavior with teens.

    “I can’t be guilty if I’m still a teacher,” Almonte — who now teaches at a Bronx charter school — boasted to The Post this week.”

    She sounds completely insane.

    • Gustave Lytton

      So does the education system. The only reason for conducting a year long investigation, rather than immediately turning it over to the cops, is to protect the organization.

      • creech

        +1 Jerry Sandusky