The Hat and The Hair Animated: Rerun: Ep 15

by | May 1, 2024 | Hat and Hair | 120 comments

Last Monday was Earth Day, and John Stossel tweeted about Climate Hysteria, leading me to quote tweet that it was a fitting time for a re-run of this episode. But I’m shitty at being timely, so instead you get it this week.  The title of episode 16, ‘Twelve Years to Enslave’ was a little play on the title of an Oscar winning movie everyone already forgot about, even BLM. In the way back year of 2019 the wonderful rack mind that is AOC said the world would end in twelve years if we didn’t address Climate Change, but not knowing Climate Change’s preferred pronoun no one dared address they/them/xe/xey/he/she/it, lest they offend.

About The Author



Organic troll farmer.


  1. ZWAK will kindle all of the dreams it took a lifetime to destroy

    Mmm… no audio.

    • ZWAK will kindle all of the dreams it took a lifetime to destroy

      Yay! Audio!

      • R.J.

        There is always audio for those prepared to listen….

      • Chafed

        And for those about to rock?

      • LCDR_Fish

        We salute you.

        Now get back to work.

      • Chafed


    • R C Dean

      Based on that source, I’m guessing the first punch was thrown by a Jew-hater.

      I’m intrigued by the reference in the story linked in the last post to a dueling zone established by the anti-Jew-haters.

    • ZWAK will kindle all of the dreams it took a lifetime to destroy

      “…based on LAT/student reporting…”

      ‘Cause that’s trustworthy, yessiree!

      • cyto

        For those who didn’t follow it…. the protesters harassed Jewish students for days, blocked them from moving across campus and then entrapped one guy who tried to defy them for over an hour (on video), finally culminating in knocking some Jewish girl out.

        That is when some hundred-odd mostly Jewish guys showed up to counter protest and then a battle royal ensued.

      • cyto

        Also note, the ask for battle supplies and their “combat training” was long before the clashes with the “counter protesters”

      • Fourscore

        Those in hell want ice water too, should have the same chance as the kiddo protestors .

      • rhywun

        lol the first one is the manufacturer of the computer I’m typing on.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Oh I assumed it was a new site…it is from 2006 apparently. Good on them I guess.

      • rhywun

        The BDS movement has been around for decades – of course the list has been around a long time.

      • J. Frank Parnell

        It would be terrible if someone snuck in there and hid some gefilte fish in their tents.

    • Chafed

      What happened to him?

  2. cyto

    Reporting on planning and funding of campus protests months ago….

    Interesting in light of Trump felony trial in NY:

    Funds for “encampments” are being routed through Venmo (mostly) and CashApp.

    Protesters are advised to avoid mentioning “Palestine, Gaza, [and] related emojis in the payment” due to potential “censorship.”

    • slumbrew

      Meh, it can be titled whatever you like.

      Show me the user info, show me the metadata. Maybe I’ll take it as proof of pre-planning.

      Not that I find that hard to believe, mind you, but some screen shot of a random Google doc isn’t exactly compelling evidence of anything.

      • R C Dean

        My working assumption is that there are networks and orgs behind this. I think Soros support has already been identified.

        The complete disinterest by the law enforcement/intel community in running down these networks is telling.

  3. DEG

    ‘Twelve Years to Enslave’

    AOC’s Bull needs to move faster than that.

    • ZWAK will kindle all of the dreams it took a lifetime to destroy

      Needs to move at least as fast as her bullshit.

  4. R C Dean


    I think I’m going to start spelling it that way.

    • Fourscore

      Hope he had his pneumonia shot plus all the boosters

    • Ownbestenemy

      He was intubated and developed pneumonia

      Gonna chalk this one up as the greatest bearer of death; doctors.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Jesus..reading his was like my dad’s.

  5. Fourscore

    Good show, CPRM

    Midwest, M’soda and ‘Sconcin have dried out nicely but of course there wasn’t a lot of water to dry out.

    We only have 7 years left but that’s enough. The fan will be covered over by then but not from the climate, except the political climate in DC.

  6. Evan from Evansville

    I seem rare here, thinking AOC’s hot. She’s not a glorious bombshell, but especially her in the Tax the Rich “donation?” Um. Ev wants that Hate Fuck. I’d earnestly ensure she’d love every moment of it. See also: Ilhan Omar. (I think more agree SHE’s hot.) I detest their Puppeteers along with their eager desire to please ’em.

    I also understand this is why they were selected from the hoarded hopper. Such good puppets, they are. Yep. This disturbance in my moral compass makes it hotter.

    • Fourscore

      I see all the protesters, my guess is there are a lot of Ed majors in the mix. Future school kids are going to be well educated.

      • Evan from Evansville

        I suspect you are correct about the Ed major mix. I hope that last bit is swamped in sarcasm.

        Kids will be given further inflated pieces of paper, yes. More stickers, buttons and clubs. My elem gig in Carmel, IN was revealing. “Balls” was considered inappropriate, or not-to-be-said by adults. A kid was told off for calling a deformed basketball “pregnant.” One was known to change her name a few times. That largely ended by the time I got there. I’m frightened for and on behalf of future generations.

    • Tres Cool

      You need to take about 10% off that little shooter

      • Evan from Evansville

        Legit noted. I thought it slightly odd, myself.

    • Chafed

      AOC is definitely pretty. Dumb as a post but pretty.

  7. LCDR_Fish

    Another good Carrier inspection this week – good lord that’s a lot of walking over 2 days. A destroyer is eas6 – even a small amphib isn’t too bad- but a CVN is a completely different animal. Managed to stay out of climbing trunks/ladders this time.

    Nothing like going down (and back up) a vertical ladder 6-10 stories high just to take an airflow measurement – much less multiple…

    • LCDR_Fish

      On my own, hit over 34 fan rooms (about 1/3), 1/3 of all the “heads” and another 20+ NAVOSH spaces – and let me tell you… they don’t stick most of those side by side. Didnt even set foot on the flight deck or in the “island” this trip.

  8. Derpetologist

    The Pentagon caught lying again. I’m shocked. Shocked I tell you.
    Watch US Marine’s GoPro footage that challenges Pentagon’s account of attack at Kabul airport

    Turns out that after the suicide bombing the Marines lit up the crowd and killed a bunch of civilians.

    At least CNN did some real journalism for once.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Yeah…it is war, it is chaos..why the fuck would the pentagon claim anything other than that?

      • Derpetologist

        Because it’s kind of a bad look for US troops to panic and kill unarmed people.

        Same thing happened with the first accounts of the My Lai massacre.

      • Ownbestenemy

        I get that…but the rush to claim otherwise is just silly. These troops accounts were not new, they were told nearly right after that the official reports are bunk. Gunfire was had and given that footage, Americans would have been okay with a WTF situation with the troops. We don’t have footage of those near by, which would account of possible return fire or panic firing as they were blown to bits.

      • Derpetologist

        He who behaves badly hates the light. The wicked flee when none pursue, as the good book says.

        There is a long and sad history in militaries throughout history of lying to cover up their misdeeds. It was even a plot point in Born on the Fourth of July. The main character, a real man named Ron Kovic, accidentally killed a fellow Marine in the heat of battle and was pressured to lie about it.

        During the battle of Hamburger Hill, US gunships opened fire on US troops.

        Yes, people in life-or-death situations often panic and fuck up. I can sympathize with that. What is not acceptable are the lies to cover it up.

      • Raven Nation

        Pat Tillman’s death.

      • Derpetologist

        The Secretary of the Army—Peter Geren:

        • put the main blame on retired Lieutenant General Philip Kensinger, Jr.the former Chief of Army Special Operations Command and the guy who spoke at Tillman’s funeral (See my article on the Tillman death for more details on Kensinger’s role)
        • accuse Kensinger only of “mistakes, misjudgments, and failure of leadership” and “deception” but not of any criminal offenses
        • absolve the Pentagon of any wrongdoing
        • give lesser reprimands to six other officers who were not named in the Associated Press story
        • reduce Kensinger’s retirement rank from three stars to two thereby reducing annual pension from $112,800 to $102,000
        • claim Tillman was entitled to keep his posthumous Silver Star (He’s not. It requires enemy action as may the Purple Heart they gave him. There was no enemy involvement that would support either medal. See my Tillman article for details on his medal awards.)
        • a “memoranda [sic] of concern” was placed in the file of Lt. Col. Jeff Bailey, the officer who explicitly threatened the local Rangers who knew what happened in the incident if they told anyone, specifically including Kevin Tillman, Pat’s brother who was in the same unit

        On August 10, 2007, Army four-star General William Wallace, West Point Class of 1969, reviewed the Army’s latest “final” investigation with the following:

        ‘Not an adverse action’
        He wrote three letters to three generals. The letters praise and mildly criticize the generals in question for their actions in the Tillman case. The letters say,

        You should not consider this an adverse action.

        How about putting three SAW bullets in Pat Tillman’s temple. Should Pat and or his family consider that an “adverse action? Should the Tillman family consider the Army’s lying about how Tillman got those bullets in his temple an “adverse action?”

        The letters will NOT be put into the military records of the three officers in question. So where do they put the letters? In the shredder?

        They will receive no other punishment for their roles in the Tillman cover-up. In other words, the U.S. Army has replaced the slap on the wrist with the feather on the wrist.

        I like what the Army tries to be, but not what it is.

  9. groat scotum

    Does anyone think of Arkansas as the promised land?

    I think I’m being dumb but man it’s so much greener, and the houses are so much cheaper, and I could find comparable work in Rogers…

    the comparable work is a major issue, but honestly, it’s minor relative to the housing situation. I can find a two bed one bath for substantially less than I can find here in Albuquerque. For some reason, our home prices have escalated to California runoff levels.

    My brother moved his wife and kid out to Arkansas a couple years ago. I’d be moving away from my elderly parents (who might need help in a couple years…) to live nearer my brother’s family.

    I’d be giving up a job that pays well with great benefits for something uncertain.

    But I’d get out of fucking New Mexico.

    • Derpetologist

      Southern living ain’t for everybody, but it’s worked out pretty well for me. It’s not as libertarian as Wyoming or Nevada, but it’s still pretty good.

      If teleportation existed, I’d live in Wyoming. It’s a good place if you want to be left alone.

      There are nice rural places in every state, even New Jersey. Get at least an hour away from the nearest big city and you’ll be alright.

      • groat scotum

        My dream is Jack Torrance’s job without the family. All the psychosis but not so much murdering Shelly Duval or the kid.

        Realize all I’m asking is whether I’d be happier being drunk in some new place. And the answer is yes, it doesn’t matter.

      • Derpetologist

        My advice is to find a cheap place to live somewhere that doesn’t drive you nuts. It’s a hard to put a price tag on peace of mind, but there are thousands and thousands of people paying $150/hour once a week to get it from a psychiatrist. And sometimes even that doesn’t help.

    • LCDR_Fish

      A number of jobs I’m looking at are remote/travel focused- ie. If you live 2 hrs from an airport you’re golden. (My goal job for getting some land in Wyoming) – but we’ll have to see how my short term goal of active military work overseas with the reserve pans out in the next couple of months.

    • groat scotum

      Land of Entrapment I tell you what.

    • Not Adahn

      I like AR. Forests, hills, not too hot.

    • rhywun

      Gosh, another commie outfit. I am shocked.

    • Chafed

      I’m delighted they chose Lincoln Center. Let them eat their own.

  10. UnCivilServant

    Why am I working?

    I missed what is probably a spam call and logged on to work to check on things (I’m the on-call person this fortnight), then just started into day job tasks that should have waited for morning.

    • slumbrew

      Stop that.

      Those tasks will still be there in the morning.

      • UnCivilServant

        I know.

        *disconnects from VDI*

    • Chafed

      Because your as dumb as I am.

  11. hayeksplosives

    I finally bought a “new” used car tonight.

    A blue Tesla. Hmm. Needs a name…

    • Chafed

      Congratulations and enjoy. What happened to your last car?

      • hayeksplosives

        It went off the road into a ditch, with me. I haven’t driven since Oct 7.

        But airbags deployed, I survived, just a few vertebrae fractures.

        My medical suspension is over, so I will be back in the saddle again. Heck, it felt good just to drive around the dealer lot!! It’s been a while.

    • R C Dean

      I guess Nicky (or Nikki) is a little obvious.

      • hayeksplosives

        Cute though!

        I’m afraid that as a fan of the show Psych, once “blueberry” entered my head, it stuck!

      • Yusef drives a Kia

        How about sigh, Ann??

      • Sean



    • Grumbletarian

      For awhile I drove a company truck called Captain because it was navy blue.

  12. creech

    There’s a rumor the current crowd running the national Libertarian Party has invited Trump to speak at its convention in Washington later this month. Didn’t they take control under the premise the LP wasn’t radical enough and too welcoming to Republicans and faux libertarians?

  13. Yusef drives a Kia

    I saw my Sister, remembered why I hate my brother and found my son again, all in a week. Family is hard….

    • The Hyperbole

      I’ll get out there but I’m not making any promises.

      I mean, dude your putting a lot of pressure on me.

      • Gender Traitor

        Gonna be a bit of a scorcher around here. If you’re working today, I hope it’s in A/C’ed comfort.

      • UnCivilServant

        Ugh. A forecast high of 77 here.

        I have my windows open and the (working) fans going. Hopefully it won’t get too bad. At least the area where the intake air comes from is shaded (between my house and the building next door.)

      • Gender Traitor

        We’re predicted to top out at 86 mid- to late afternoon. Will try to cool the air as it heads east.

      • Ownbestenemy

        I’d call that warm, not a scorcher 😉

      • UnCivilServant

        Warm is 65.

        Above 70 is a scorcher.

      • Gender Traitor

        Well, you would, now wouldn’t you? 😄

        But here in the OH River Valley, it’s a humid heat. 🥵

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      I’ll get out there but I’m not going to touch myself. I’ll save that for the weekend.

  14. Stinky Wizzleteats

    So I decided to grab a quick bite to eat in my non crazy minimum wage state and the Big Mac combo meal at McDonalds was 11 bucks when it was all said and done. Are you fucking kidding me!?! In 2020 before all this stupidity started it was six bucks and change.

    • Gender Traitor

      my non crazy minimum wage state

      I didn’t know we had any of those.

    • cavalier973

      You have to use the McD app. It’s fairly generous with the points for free food. Also, you can theoretically skip the line.

    • Gender Traitor

      Good morning, U, Stinky, Sean, and Grumble!

      • Gender Traitor

        I’m kinda sleepy. Took me too long to “unwind” after the baseball game last night, and I stayed up a little too late. How about you?

      • UnCivilServant

        I’m awake, but grumpy.

        I did find a fan made in the USA to replace the one that I failed to fix. It won’t arrive until friday though.

      • Gender Traitor

        Did you ever find out what was really wrong with it?

      • UnCivilServant

        I was going to crack open the housing to take a look inside, but found they used funky fasteners which I didn’t have the proper driver to open. At that point, I went “This is enough.”

      • Gender Traitor

        Yeah, non-standard fasteners like that say to me, “Here be dragons.” Or opening them voids the warranty and absolves the manufacturer of all liability or something.

      • UnCivilServant

        I’m pretty sure I’m well past the warranty period, even if there ever really was one for cheap chinese crap.

        I could have drilled them out, but I asked “Is it really worth the effort?” and decided, no, this fan was not.

      • Grumbletarian

        Good morning, all. TIL I could oversleep by almost an hour and still get to work on time. Unlike many of my direct reports. Then they’re incredulous when they don’t get big raises or promotions.

      • UnCivilServant


        I too can make it if I’m only an hour behind schedule. It’s not fun, since I’m under the gun and traffic is thickening, but it can be done.

      • Gender Traitor

        I could sleep a lot later than I do, but then I wouldn’t be able to spend as much time with you all! 😁

    • Gender Traitor

      I’m skeptical of their “we had no weapons” claim. 🤨

      • Not Adahn

        They only use tool of peace. Badthinkers use weapons.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Both groups, the ones sitting in where they shouldn’t be sitting in along with those who attacked those people en masse should be arrested and tossed out of school on their asses.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Agreed but we know that isn’t how this will shake down.

      • Not Adahn

        It will be interesting to see if they try IDing the masked Jews, since the standard response to antifa is “well, gawrsh, we just can’t tell who that feller was, he was wearing a mask!”

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        Which is why they’re (most of them anyway) wearing their “covid masks.”

      • Ownbestenemy

        The J6 ‘sedition hunters’ are probably salivating at the opportunity to start up another site to go after them too.

    • rhywun

      Looks like the cops are busy cleaning out the trash right now. Too little too late if you ask me.

      • Not Adahn

        Parent/donors will be showing up for commencement and landscaping takes time.

      • Ownbestenemy

        This is going the same path as the whole George Floyd insanity.

        I am all for you kids out there assembling, protesting, etc. Then you go and do stupid shit which take all that good will away (still will support you exercising your 1A rights). Then the counter protesters doing their stupid shit. Eventually if this carries on long enough, it start sucking in not just students but large amount of outsiders, in addition to the ones that have already latched on, and will be a powder keg that police will not be able to contain and we will get our Summer of Love – Part Deux

      • rhywun

        This is going the same path as the whole George Floyd insanity.

        It’s the same people for the same reason (nothing to do with the stated reason, BTW) so yeah.

      • rhywun

        The outsiders are the ones who organized this shit. The students who got sucked into it are useful idiots.

      • Beau Knott

        Just in time for the election campaigns

  15. Ownbestenemy

    Compare and contrast

    In case you don’t want to click through to twitter:

    Babylon Bee

    TRAGEDY: AOC Announces She Was Killed During NYPD Raid At Columbia And Is Dead Again

    The Onion

    ‘These Kids Should Be In School Instead Of Protesting,’ Say People So Tantalizingly Close To Getting The Point