This is Your Brain on Reddit

by | May 11, 2024 | Beer, Cocktails, Food & Drink, Not So Easy Pieces, Science | 61 comments

The internet is often a fascinating demonstration of humanity’s tendency to prey upon the most gullible people among us. I clearly find myself in the latter.

This is my review of “The Gonster”:

An example where one might find the ideas on the internet worthy of being open minded enough to try something new might be Arnold Schwarzenegger’s tequila cigar trick.  Arnold in another universe never ran for governor, so somebody like me can appreciate his body of work as the quintessential bodybuilder turned star of dozens of mindless movies in the 80’s.  Somebody like this might drive me to try this trick.  Too bad he did run for governor and now I hate whatever caricature of himself he’s trying to turn himself back into.

Yet, it turns out its pretty good.  I had some Scotch on hand and tried it out on a Dominican Romeo and Julieta I was pretty familiar with.  Part of the reason I think it works is the alcohol burns of and you’re left with something rather sweet, with the wood and smokiness disappearing behind the cigar.  I might do it again, but only if someone else brings it up.

An example where this goes terribly wrong is the Gonster.  Who cooked this up?  Where else? This is something that came out of the lowest depths of Hell Reddit.  A simple layering of Monster Nitro, followed by Guinness.

The top foam layer is a perfect reticulation of the Monster Nitro foam and the Guinness foam. Creamy yet sweet with a distant tartness. The next layer preserves the classical taste of Guinness. As you approach the monster layer, the sweet/dry notes of the Monster Nitro crescendo until you are left with the fervid and unrelenting intensity of pure Monster Nitro. The Monster website describes their nitro products as having a dryness similar to a fine Champaign and I could not agree more.

10/10 would recommend

I clearly did this wrong, as I used the traditional version of the green flavor Monster, rather than the Nitro.

My mistake.  Given what I subjected myself to, I will not be attempting this with the Nitro.  Do me a favor, do not do this unless you are Tres Cool.  Tres can handle this.


About The Author

mexican sharpshooter

mexican sharpshooter

WARNING: contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm.


  1. LCDR_Fish

    Sounds like trash. Now that I’m up in Newport, RI. I’ve got a short list of local breweries to check out. Several definitely within easy walking distance of base – we did have a nice after hours social with my class at a nice place down on the waterfront. Some good options there – although I may need to go as far as Providence to get more of one of those sours.

    Also, submitted a new article for review.

    As I noted last night – if anyone has recommendations for HP Lovecraft walking tour locations in Providence, I’m definitely hoping to try something at least once while I’m up here for another 4 weeks.

    • DEG

      I haven’t been in RI since before the Lil Rona Panic.

      I have not taken the Lovecraft tour, and I don’t know the locations, so I can’t help you out there.

      There is a Waterfire lighting tonight in Providence.

      • LCDR_Fish

        Thanks for the link. May try the June 1st one.

  2. robc

    OT, late to morning links:

    EPL relegation update:

    Burnley lost this morning and is relegated. Luton Town lost and has a mostly impossible task left. Nottingham Forest is about to kickoff and can clinch safety and Luton’s demise with a pt.

    What Luton needs to survive: Forest loses to Chelsea today and Burnley next weekend. Luton beats Fulham next week. Oh, and also Luton needs to overcome a 13 goal differential. So they need Forest to get thumped twice and they need to thump Fulham.

    Really thumped. Three 4-0 games wont be quite enough.

    • Raven Nation

      At the top, Spurs have pretty much nailed down their Europa League spot.

  3. Ted S.

    The Monster website describes their nitro products as having a dryness similar to a fine Champaign and I could not agree more.

    I think it’s more a fine Urbana.

    • Ted S.

      Everybody knows this is fine Champaign.

    • Nephilium

      I think that may be the first time I’ve seen an overly sweetened drink referred to as “dry”. Is it like literal now?

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        See: brut versus extra dry?

    • mexican sharpshooter

      I think it’s more a fine Urbana.

      👏 Golf 👏 Clap 👏

  4. Nephilium

    So the Mountain Dew wine is coming up as a review?

    • Yusef drives a Kia

      Simply Limeade, spiked,

      • Nephilium

        Stopped at one of the local liquor stores to restock today, it’s one I don’t go in on a regular basis. I’ll need to change that, they had creme de violette, Maraschino liquor, and velvet falernum. I already had two of the ingredients in stock, so I picked up the falernum. I’m still not sure what the first drink I make with it will be.

      • Shpip

        If it’s not going to be tiki, how ’bout one of Brooklyn’s Finest?

    • mexican sharpshooter

      You first

      • Nephilium

        Well… I’ve got the equipment, I could probably do a one gallon batch.

      • R C Dean

        DOO EET!

        But only if mexi agrees to do a review.

      • Nephilium

        Pretty sure the last thing I gave Mexi to drink was a best of show lambic I had brewed, I’m not sure I want to follow that up with Mt. Dew wine.

    • Chafed

      Oh, please no.

  5. Gustave Lytton

    Too local news: police chief of small town dept steals drugs for personal use or resale, gets less than two weeks in jail for misconduct charges.

    The whole thing reads like a clown show of absurdity. The strong current throughout is “what would have happened if the principal didn’t have a badge?”. The chief just admitted to crimes directly to you, LT. Why did you not immediately take him into custody and ask for assistance from either the sheriffs office or the state police? Instead he was sent home on paid admin leave and no warrants were obtained to conduct searches. But we already know the reason why.

    • Chafed


  6. Gustave Lytton

    I’m off to take the dog to the self serve wash and pickup more whiskey. And see what kind of damage the extreme geomagnetic storm caused.

      • R C Dean

        Love the way she then went on washing the car.

    • Fourscore

      So your dog finally caught a car? Good job but he/she could have got a clean one.

      Hope you had your dark glasses on when the storm hit. Careful with the damage, there may some residual geomagnetism left unabated.

  7. Gender Traitor

    Neighborhood farmers’ market opened for the season today, so I picked up some flowers for my stump.

    • DEG


  8. Chafed

    I’m starting to worry about you MS. Drinking bad beer is one thing. This is some sort of ritual self-abuse.

    • mexican sharpshooter

      I’m mostly Catholic

      • juris imprudent

        Catholic like the albino monk in The Da Vinci Code?

      • mexican sharpshooter

        Maybe not that Catholic

  9. Sensei

    That selfish bastard.

    Instead of working deep into what should be his retirement years, Kurt could sell the family home, collect his capital gains and move somewhere smaller (and with a more manageable tax bill) — but the house holds too much sentimental value for him to consider that.

    Montana man, 68, begs for moratorium on property taxes after bill reaches $8K just ‘to live in our own house’

    Meanwhile in NJ my property taxes on a shitbox home on a 50 x 100 lot in a desirable town are almost $20k with 6.625% sales tax.

    • Fourscore

      Goodness! Minnesoda is bad but I pay about 1/2 of a % on assessed value. State income tax plus nearly 8% sales tax.

    • Nephilium


      I’m annoyed at $4k a year on a quarter acre.

    • Sean

      Holy shit!

    • creech

      Jerseyites must be happy with it. They keep re-electing the responsible politicians.

      • Sensei

        We are always just one tax increase away from prosperity!

    • Suthenboy

      This sounds suspiciously like a ‘not-a-desirable town’
      I am out under 5K per year that includes 11 acre home lot w/ woods and waterfront + 1000+ acres timberland.
      Where in hell do you live? Why are your pols not hanging in gibbets?

      • Suthenboy

        And insane insurance rates….

        I wish someone would add up all of the mandatory by law expenditures used ostensibly to spread costs and how much of one’s income is left for themselves?
        State by state…I dont want to see any cherry picked bullshit…add all of them up state and federal. I want to see how much we are being bilked for state by state.

    • juris imprudent

      NJ exists to keep us PA property owners from complaining.

  10. DEG

    Yet, it turns out its pretty good. I had some Scotch on hand and tried it out on a Dominican Romeo and Julieta I was pretty familiar with. Part of the reason I think it works is the alcohol burns of and you’re left with something rather sweet, with the wood and smokiness disappearing behind the cigar. I might do it again, but only if someone else brings it up.

    Sounds yummy.

    This is something that came out of the lowest depths of Hell Reddit.

    There is good porn on reddit. I recommend (both NSFW) r/fitgirls and r/stacked.

    Do me a favor, do not do this unless you are Tres Cool.


  11. DEG

    A Call of Cthulhu kickstarter

    The Sassoon Files, Second Edition, is a set of scenarios and campaign resources for Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition tabletop role-playing game set in historical 1920s Shanghai; an international city of intrigue, style and violence.

    The Sassoon Files will include the history of Shanghai and some of the primary factions that competed for influence and power: the Communists and Nationalists who played a game of deadly cat and mouse; the Jewish tycoon who provided succor to refugees; the Triad societies who competed to provide vice for the city’s residents; the Japanese who were moving closer to invasion. The Sassoon Files will also explore the secret history of the Mythos, and the local factions who sought to exploit that which could not be fully comprehended.

    I backed it.

    • Trials and Trippelations

      My eldest is old enough to play some of the board games out of my collection. He liked cascadia a lot and we played an intro scenario out of memoir 44

      My 6 year old daughter will play kabuto sumo, but her go to when it’s just the two of us is candyland. Whew, her cheating is so heavy handed I am essentially along for the ride 😂

    • LCDR_Fish

      Interesting. I think the only edition of Call of Cthulhu I have is the reprinted anniversary version of the original – assume it’s “compatible” with this campaign even if it says it’s for 7E.

      • Nephilium

        I’ve got a Chaosism version, I think it’s second edition.

  12. KK, Plump & Unfiltered

    My back patio is set up (mostly). I struggled with getting the pop-up gazebo fully expanded until I figured out that turning it upside-down gave me the gravity assist I needed. Also got the dog fence put up. I need one more length of fence to complete the rectangle, but with the screened-in gazebo, it will do for now. Need to put up the shepherds hooks and lights and I’m done.

    • Trials and Trippelations


    • Trials and Trippelations

      Wow. I didn’t even know this happened last night until my wife mentioned it as I headed out the door to work

    • The Other Kevin

      I got outside about a half hour late. Still saw a lot, just wasn’t as bright. Our friends and neighbors took some amazing photos like yours. Supposed to be another show from 9-10 tonight.

    • The Other Kevin

      And unlike all the “super blood moon” hype the last few years, this was something.

    • Fourscore

      Talk about being a kid in a candy store! Wow! Fortunately, I could pass and go on to the candy store.

  13. Timeloose

    I’d give a Gongster a go.

    • mexican sharpshooter

      You’re gonna pee all that you can pee.

  14. robc

    Followup to upthread. Chelsea scored twice late to defeat Nottingham Forest. The relegation battle technically over. A Luton win and Forest loss brings it to goal differential, so Forest just has to protect their 12 goal lead.

  15. Shpip

    Just in case you thought that only youngsters are daft luddites.

    No fool like an old fool, I suppose.

    (TW: Grauniad)

  16. Tres Cool

    EARFquake FTW.

    12% ABV