He thought he was a badass, until he got on my bird feeder.
May is here, which means it’s cold and windy. But the garden still goes in in two weeks. My current squirrel lived through basic training and now stays off the tree. He can hang out for a bit.
They are the most intelligent species on the planet.
If they include airfare, I’m cool with it.
Just a reminder that this is still the best time to be alive on the planet.
An obligatory post on the current thing.
I just…there are no words. Then again, it’s California. One more post on the current thing.
Okay, that’s it for now. Enjoy your day. I won’t leave you with a squirrel song, that would be cruel.
Who knew Chuck Mangione had a period where he didn’t suck?
“Did you get the new cancer vaccine?”
“Yes. Now I have twice the cancer I had before, plus there’s spiders crawling around in my blood vessels.”
Yup. Thanks medical community — this sort of thing is my first gut reaction to any vaccine now, but especially a mRNA vaccine. “What did they screw up and how badly will it backfire inside of a few years?” Cancer particularly… let’s take a disease that’s a combination of cell reproduction and the immune system going haywire and screw around with the RNA! No chance of that going horribly wrong!
Yeah my instinctive reaction when I saw “ A NEW mRNA cancer vaccine” was “Fuck, no.” I suppose if I had cancer I might give it a go as a treatment (whcih seems to be what it really is), but as a preventive? Fuck, no.
The concept makes perfect sense (generate proteins that would otherwise be destroyed when introduced into the body) but there seem to be serious unpredicted (unpredictable?) nth order effects in practice.
Yeah, as an experimental treatment I’ve got no problem with it. Selling it as protection against cancer strikes me as some snake oil bullshit.
“ A NEW mRNA cancer vaccine”
I have heard it is very effective, but you have to get another shot every six months. Actually, if it works, that’s good, but with the track record of mRNA vaccines, I doubt if it will do much of anything long term. The big money now is messing with peoples DNA.
Well, gathering DNA is the oldest profession…
So, no link to the story that the Libertarian Party asked former President Trump to address the assembly, plus “the Don Collection” t-shirts?
The comments say it all.
Holy Fuckaroni, do they ever.
Interesting for a site that wants open and free press to disable Window’s copy function on their website.
“I hear you all have a tradition of finding a leppo at these conventions — well let me tell you, I have the best leppo… what a leppo it is!”
Leppo my eggo.
I have to check every article to see if it’s the Bee.
The Bee’s life got easier, just copy the news headlines.
Still too cold to plant here, Spud, and lots of rain. I’ll wait ’til after the May full moon anyway.
The Bee writes the headlines, then reality reshapes itself to conform.
Even the Bee wouldn’t have had the audacity to write a headline of CNN touting the credibility of the publisher of National Enquirer.
The victim, identified by the broadcaster as Kenneth, was taken to hospital having sustained a large cut to his face and missing an eye and an ear.
Matthew 18:9 (KJV)
“And if thine eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast [it] from thee: it is better for thee to enter into life with one eye, rather than having two eyes to be cast into hell fire.”
Reminds me to make an appointment with the eye clinic and replace batteries in hearing aids.
What’s the frequency, Kenneth?
Yowza. That was my one of my first proper band’s songs we played. (Cover band, yes, but live in Korea.) Burnt into my brain forever in good ways.
Now I want to rewatch King of the Hill.
“I’m not a chick, I’m a dude!”
People always say I’m so negative, but it’s silly. I’m the most chipper person I know. It amazing still *IS* the best time to be alive. (Until the next collapse.)– A NEW mRNA cancer vaccine can reprogram the immune system to attack tumours within 48 hours, a study shows.The first-ever human clinical trial of four adult patients showed the jab helps fight against the type of aggressive and deadly brain tumour that killed Tom Parker.”
* Small steps begin w one! That is quite interesting news. (QI, w Stephen Fry only, the best ‘game show’ of all time. (The best REAL gameshow is obv The Price is Right. Genius on all levels.
* COVID led to more drinking?! SHOCKER! I could only do MY fair share for a few.
* I’m quite enjoying the predictable, retarded overlap between Team Blue and BLM+ idiots ‘rallying’ ’round whatever to get them ‘out’ of class. Fuckin’ wankers. I had a GREAT time at IU. Hard work got me in 3 hours shy of being a sophomore. Did 12 credits/semester instead of graduating early. I also worked 15-20hr a week at a few gigs. I truly did have a blessed time there, save my stupidly self-striking out on Ms. Lore (Middle name). She legit coulda changed my life’s direction. Instead of realizing that, a three years later I graduated and moved to Korea. *shrug*
Three local breweries were doing home delivery of beer (at no cost) during the lockdowns. My sister joked that I kept at least one of the breweries in business through the lockdowns. The lockdowns also blew up my diet and exercise routine, which still isn’t entirely back on track.
Luckily my local gym owner was very cool and quietly stayed open (with a big “Closed” sign on the door).
That was the gym Mrs. TOK went to, which we eventually bought out. People parked in the back and kept the shades down. The cops looked the other way because that’s where they worked out. Then one day the cops told them they had to stop. I guess someone higher up got wind of it.
A NEW mRNA cancer vaccine can reprogram the immune system
It can’t prevent a covid infection though.
Daily Ray of Sunshine
“There are some good people in this world”
Thanks, Jimbo, sometimes we tend to forget.
The best time to be alive – I think I’ve seen this movie.
Finally, fedgov and science have something in common. Kulaks and wreckers failing to comply with their experiments.
So the mice are a bunch of Pinkys?
CARB is just f’ing out of control. Given the PPP’s love of “things CA has already screwed up we must take nationally!” I expect they’ll try to ram a waiver through before the election.
Oh… and I’m sure that “state run escrow account” won’t be redirected into the General Fund… nosireeebob!
I thought the new hotness was eliminating CARBs? Oh wait, it’s seed oils now.
Reality will of course intrude. Sorry, California – your fantasy is just that.
Great, now we will be going back to steam. Powered by coal.
Dumb fucks.
Not coal, wood.
Trains are already battery powered. They run as series hybrids, a diesel generator charges the batteries and the batteries move the trains. You could always use another power source to charge the batteries. Like maybe a small nuclear reactor. That should make CA happy.
Probably doable with a molten salt reactor since those can be scaled down, but the greenies have been conditioned to fear and hate anything nuclear by decades of alarmist propaganda.
Jane Fonda, Jack Lemmon, & Michael Douglas taught me that there is no difference between a nuclear reactor and a nuclear weapon.
Mr. McCleery: I just like to know what my boys are up to. You aren’t one of those agitators, are you?
Benjamin: What?
Mr. McCleery: I hate ’em. I won’t stand for it.
“Successful” negotiation means giving the other side what they want.
Granted, the administrators wanted it too, and this gave them the fig leaf to do it.
Yeah, I didn’t see much at all in the way of concessions by the demonstrators there other than pinky-swearing to abide by the rules they already agree to abide by when they signed up for college.
“No outside organizers” – OK, sure, they’ll comply with/enforce that.
This story would have been apropos for yesterday’s discussions about remote work.
1. I care less about the fact that some over paid state drone manager is working remotely than I do about the fact that we seem to have more six figure managers working for the state than we have Somali NGO’s (and that is a LOT).
2. At its core this seems to be a kerfuffle mostly because a lot of women supervisors had a cat fight. Doesn’t seem to be much Sisterhood in evidence in the various state departments of whatever.
You should not have any Somali NGOs. Kill them with fire.
” Doesn’t seem to be much Sisterhood in evidence in the various state departments of whatever.”
Coming soon to the city councils of both Mpls and STP, unless quid pro quo becomes the norm
I can see requiring government employees to maintain permanent residence in the jurisdiction in which they are employed.
I thought that was standard, because even corrupt NY enforces it (at a certain level which I have reached)
Tell me your whole presidential campaign is a grift with out saying it is a grift.
As soon as that fucker reached out to Biden with a non-compete clause, you knew it was bullshit to try and draw votes from Trump. Fuck that guy.
I don’t think anyone wants to listen to that voice for four years.
The divide between the pro-Israel and pro-Hamas protestors is not unbridgeable:
FJB is the modern day kumbaya-it just brings people together.
“I’d like to teach the world to sing: Fuck Joe Biiiiiiden.”
Makes it tougher for Hunter and Dr Jill to decide
They are clearly saying “Let’s go, Brandon.”
Interestingly as I dug around, I found Neville Roy Singham is the bankroll for the protests, or at least many of them. Pushes Chinese talking points and is fomenting this bullshit on the campuses by paying for protesters.
Funny that. My wife’s university just got its “encampment” going, after years of solidary among a certain group of students and faculty.
Would you prefer it in robodog or drone format?
Embrace the power of AND.
So, just curious:
How hard would it be to synthesize the active ingredient in skunk stank?
Nuthin to it. Stick a sulfur onto an alcohol.
That stink that is put into natural gas so that people can detect a leak? Same stuff. We make lots of it all the time for that purpose.
I seem to recall that the most potent stench was a chemical compound that’s known as the smell of death.
Unless your protestors are of the South Asian variety, that is.
At my age, I have had many friends and family members pass away (die). I don’t know about anybody else, but when I am in a room where somebody recently died, I can smell “the smell of death”.
How many degrees of separation between him and Soros?
They are pretty much one in the same. Marxist through and through.
1/6 of a Kevin Bacon.
Also, those professional signs are from a UK organization.
How can you tell?
The website address on them
Bold move?
I’ve seen quite a few signs from those commies at ANSWER. Still around after all these years, still grifting.
So Carlos & The Chicken morning show calls to politicians are now illegal?
I keep hearing politicians “concerned” about antisemitism. Those same politicians are doing the things that will ensure antisemitism grows even faster.
Bomb the world and then let them in. It’s the (retarded) American way.
When you don’t have a consistent set of values this is what you get.
I’d bet some creative prosecutor with novel legal theories could make a RICO case against the professional protesting orgs.
That fat bastard Bill Barr could have done it easily 4 years ago.
I played https://squaredle.com/xp 05/02:
*23/23 words (+6 bonus words)
📖 In the top 9% by bonus words
I played https://squaredle.com 05/02:
*51/51 words (+17 bonus words)
📖 In the top 14% by bonus words
🔥 Solve streak: 291
I played https://squaredle.com/xp 05/02:
*23/23 words
🎯 In the top 10% by accuracy
I played https://squaredle.com 05/02:
51/51 words (+17 bonus words)
📖 In the top 15% by bonus words
🔥 Solve streak: 355
The Elon comments really make it.
Endless, clueless lefty comments.
Generally, if you’re planning to sell a division of your company, you don’t completely gut it before putting it on the market. So if Elon is planning to sell the Supercharger network, that’s a weird way to go about it. I remain baffled by this move.
This. I also remain confused why he did this in this way.
If it’s mature and low growth and he wants out this is not the way to do it.
If it’s mature and low growth, why does he need the headcount anymore? Cut down to a skeleton team for support and some minimal amount of innovation, and spend resources elsewhere.
It would appear the woman that ran it did a good job. If I bought it I’d likely want her.
He fired the entire team. No skeleton crew no nothing. Right now you have vendors in mid construction with Tesla who have yet to figure out a way to communicate with the company.
This wasn’t a targeted decision. It was Musk lashing out because the woman leading the division wasn’t cutting costs with his expectations. Rather than canning her he canned her and the team and “solved” the problem.
And the next day his HR head resigned too.
That’s someone you don’t replace.
He fired the entire team. No skeleton crew no nothing.
Ah, that’s the piece I was missing. I thought I had read it was an 80% cut.
My all time favorite was the multi-million dollar study that showed women prefer big dicks. The jokes just write themselves, dont they?
“Who is experimenting on who?”
Watching a bunch of grad students doing experiments once on dolphins it was pretty clear to me who was fuckin’ with who. Isn’t there a song about that?
Include airfare…yeah, that would be great but any way we can get rid of those turds is fine by me.
All of politics is a dog and pony show. Everything you see is a performance, including Graham’s complaint. Does it really matter if it was the actual despicable creature or someone else pretending to be him?
Ok, I am not gonna joke about that one. Evil and insanity go hand in hand.
Destroying one’s own credibility has a heavy cost. Gene therapy is not a vaccine. Given what happened with the cootie bugs I am very apprehensive about anything having to do with that. On the other hand if you have an aggressive brain tumor what do you have to lose. Yes, it is the best time to be alive but tread very carefully.
An advisory committee on studying giving in to lunacy and evil? Something compromising between good and evil something something.
I am not sure what to make of that one. “Once they are demoralized you cannot fix them. You are stuck with them. No matter how much information they have they cannot draw a sensible conclusion. ” Truer words never spoken.
Horrific threats
Trump’s warning was just the latest example this week of extreme rhetoric that suggests his threats to American democracy are undimmed.
On a sun-soaked airfield in Michigan on Wednesday, with his improbably long red tie appearing to levitate on the breeze, he conjured a strongman’s vision of a future America that would cause the country’s founders to shudder.
“When I return to the White House, we will stop the plunder, rape, slaughter, and destruction of the American suburbs, cities and towns,” Trump vowed, pledging mass deportations of undocumented migrants, crackdowns on the bureaucracy and higher education and on what he called the “communists and criminals” in the Democratic Party. Earlier in Wisconsin, he updated his sketch of an “American carnage” national hellscape, warning that the nation was under siege from “radical extremists and far-left agitators who are terrorizing college campuses.”
He’ll make Sherman’s march to the sea look like a garden party for little old ladies.
They’re hitting that narrative pretty hard aren’t they?
They had to after Biden sent out their marching orders at the Nerd Prom.
Case in point, from the article…
I mean, at least its all out in the open.
Endless, clueless lefty comments.
It’s clueless lefty Autopian; what did you expect?
“But the garden still goes in in two weeks.”
Sounds about right for mine too.
Another Boeing whistleblower dies.
Kinda weird innit?
“The pro-Palestine encampment at UCLA sent out demands for vegan and gluten-free food as they rebuild their barricades after a night of violent clashes with counter-protesters and authorities.
The list of requested items, first reported by Fox News, included ‘urgent’ demands for ‘wood for barrier’, ‘knee and elbow pads’ and ‘gas masks.’
Under a list of food requirements to be delivered to the camp the protesters requested ‘vegan food’, ‘gluten free food’ and ‘hot food for lunch’.
A list of banned foods include anything packaged, coffee, bagels, bananas and nuts.
The protesters also cautioned that all donations must be ‘BDS compliant’.”
No bagels.
Oy vey
Lay siege to the place. Nothing goes in, anyone coming out gets arrested.
You mean Jewish donuts?
“No nuts”
The jokes just write themselves.
I’m officially done with the “pro-Palestinian” euphemism. They are pro-Hamas, which means they are Jew-haters. I will refer to them as such going forward/
I think most ‘right-wing’ sites have started using Hamas Youth. Fitting given their current stances on Israel and her peoples.
Some are and some aren’t and these kinds of rhetorical condemnations will just be used against us and people like us in the future. You do realize that don’t you? Many of the people are Jews for Christ’s sake.
I mean, those kind of rhetorical condemnations are being used against people like us, right this minute.
Well of course but that doesn’t make it right though and engaging in it smacks of hypocrisy.
Shut up you fascist nazi!
The ones who may not realize they are are “useful idiots”. I am running out of patience for making the distinction. If you’re wearing a hipster swastika, waving a Hamas flag, or chanting f”from the river to the sea”, you are pro-Ha,as by any definition, as that is all Hamas symbology. If you are pearling about Palestinian genocide, you are propagating Hamas propaganda, which makes you a Hamas propagandist. Very few of the campers don’t fall into one, if not all, of those buckets.
And if you are Hamas aligned, you are a Jew-hater. You may be a stupid Jew-hater, but you are one nonetheless.
Bah. Stupid phone.
Bush Derangement Syndrome compliant?
Che is turning over in his grave…
Lefty encampments: what music would you play to drive the cockroaches away?
Personally, I think I’d try Aaron Copeland. That guy’s music is intolerable.
I hear Slayer works well.
I would probably alternate between DNC (Do Not Comply) or Nazi Punks Fuck Off.
Damn it! I forgot one really good one… The Brews
Imagine where the transcriber could go in this world if he could spell.
Nazi Punks Fuck Off is age-restricted, but Too Drunk To Fuck isn’t. My head is spinning here.
“Never gonna give you up” in an endless loop? Of course that would drive everyone away, create the audio equivalent of a nuclear radiation dead-zone.
I like it – just rick-roll them 24/7.
I get the feeling it would be their anthem though as they are that far gone from reality.
Still, we would have the problem of no one being able to go back in and turn it off. Like I said, a dead zone.
Wait, this is Columbia, right? So dead zone is a feature. Cool.
Go with the classics -a loop of “America the Beautiful” and “The Star-Spangled Banner”, perhaps.
I’d go with a song that I like and have long campaigned to be our national anthem, James Brown’s “Living in America”. It would be best done while projecting the video as well. A black dude nonstop singing a highly pro America anthem would be a nice contrast to their idiotic protests.
Good for an anthem, bad for anathema (to clear the camps.) For the latter, it’s gotta be “God Bless the USA.”
That was “Panama” by Van Halen, and before that, “Panama” by Van Halen. Coming up next, “Panama” by Van Halen.
/old Drew Cary show bit
Mimi trying to drive Drew out of his house by making him sonically crazy, no?
Lorde, Primus, “Little Boxes”, “What’s Up?”…
Or maybe these irritate only me.
The Darkness – I Believe In A Thing Called Love
Here would be my choice:
Kuntz by the Butt Hole Surfers:
What about just putting the Muslim call to prayer thing on a loop? 24/7. Through a loudspeaker, as Allah apparently intended.
Maybe Dave Brubeck.
—“Maybe Dave Brubeck.”—
Question regarding Dave Brubeck. Jazz Legend or One Hit Wonder?
I can name two songs right away (Take Five & Unsquare Dance), so not the latter.
These are odd times. I like it.
Wednesday was the first time an ex-president and potential future one used a midweek break in his own criminal trial to dash through swing states that could send him back to the White House. His raucous reception before a large crowd in Michigan was a reminder that days of potentially damaging testimony have done nothing to dent his appeal to supporters.
Makes ya think, don’t it?
I predict a “raucous reception” if Trump shows up at the LP Convention to which he is rumored to have been invited.
Barbara Streisand’s Greatest Hits.
See, I first read that as….well, you know.
“When a girl’s incidentals are no bigger than two lentils…”
“Biden Calls U.S. Ally Japan ‘Xenophobic’ For Not Wanting Mass Immigration, Says It Hurts Their Economy”
The Japs have too high of an IQ to fall for that shit I hope. A very unique culture and I hope they maintain it.
If it’s mature and low growth, why does he need the headcount anymore? Cut down to a skeleton team for support and some minimal amount of innovation, and spend resources elsewhere.
This makes sense to me. It appears they have reached the point of working from a template. Why wouldn’t they shift into more of a straight production mode?
See my comment above. You still need staff that is >= to 1 and not 0.
His strength shows that millions of Americans support policies that, if implemented, would buckle many of the safeguards on presidential power and that are likely to test the rule of law. So, Trump’s success in this election so far is not just a tale of an idiosyncratic political force, it’s a commentary on the sentiments of millions of people in the most important democracy on Earth at a tense political moment.
The pathological lack of self-awareness is breathtaking.
it’s a commentary on the sentiments of millions of people in the most important democracy on Earth
Look at meeeeeeee! I’m doing important thiiiiiiiings!
He might issue a bunch of unconstitutional executive orders and ignore Supreme Court rulings.
The subtext is important here – “When we’re done with Trump, we’re coming for Trump supporters next.”
I’m not sure who first came up with this ‘politics as war to the knife’ concept, but if I ever find out I’m gonna go back in time and convince their mother that the pregnancy needs to be terminated…
See my comment above. You still need staff that is >= to 1 and not 0.
I saw it. I haven’t been paying attention. Completely shutting down a viable enterprise is not a good idea.
Maybe it’s a ploy to get his stock grants reinstated.
One of his C-Suite inherited it with the mandate – “fix this and you can’t have any additional staff”. No idea who got it or plans.
Random thought from yesterday:
I want to see one of the “reputable” car magazines do a long term (five year) test on a Nissan with the monkey-motion (variable compression) engine mated to a CVT. I’d be fascinated to see if they can keep it running for 50,000 miles.
The powertrain warranty is 5 years 60k. So better extend that the 75k miles.
say what?
Pretty sure Brooksie just racismed.
Also when you’re going to hit somebody – hit the person that was an idiot and not the poor bystander.
I saw where Johnson & Johnson just made a $6.5 billion hush money payment to settle claims that its baby powder caused cancer in hoohahs. J&J denied its product did any such thing but paid the money to shut up the class action lawyers and plaintiffs. Look for a power-hungry d.a. to eventually charge them with a crime for reporting the hush money as a “legal expense” instead of a novel way to pay a dividend to stockholders to keep their share value from eroding further due to embarrassment.
The powertrain warranty is 5 years 60k. So better extend that the 75k miles.
A failure under warranty is still a failure.
Kinnath: watch the “I Do Cars” teardown, if you haven’t already. It’s a nightmare of needless complication.
That was a particularly great video. Very much recommend.
I’ve watched teardowns on CVTs. Very frightening.
What is this all about?? Trump prosecutor pleading the 5th when asked if he violated any laws in investigating Trump…..
I would assume standard responses from a prosecutor under deposition?
Pretty damning if you can’t answer “did you violate the defendants 4th amendment rights?” With at least “I don’t believe so”.
I don’t know what it is actually about though. It just popped up on X.
Appears to be pre-trial deposition and again, assume normal for defense attorneys to ask these questions so in the course of their investigation, if they do find those potential violations they can impeach him or have a solid appeal.
So if that guy were to say “I don’t believe so” and Trump’s team finds even scant evidence, it would destroy it. Whereas pleading the 5th, they will have to go through the whole rigmarole with motions and such.
I am not sure I like the idea of the government have 5th amendment rights. As a government actor, all actions should be public information.
Prep for battle
A Defense Department internal memo obtained by NPR concluded that outsourcing didn’t actually save money but did hurt readiness. The so-called “stabilization memo” directs the Pentagon to reverse course, to bring more medical care back to its hospitals on base and increase medical staff, both to keep America’s standing army fit for duty and to make sure enough military doctors and nurses are trained up for a possible future war.
tl;dr- Moar munny.
The subtext is important here – “When we’re done with Trump, we’re coming for Trump supporters next.”
Look for a revival of the House Un-American Activities Committee if the Democrats contrive to hang on to power.
You mean a committee to promote un-American activities? Isn’t that the entire House of Reps?
It just cannot get any stupid can it?
It’s only Thursday!
I suspect that Elon firing the supercharger team was to send a message. He had been pressing executives to identify non-essential people. Apparently he was not pleased with their efforts.
So I presume he made a show of cutting an entire division- breaking a few eggs to make an omelet.
When I was at a post- startup moment the chairman and primary shareholder got ahold of Jack Smith’s book and wanted everyone to cut the bottom 10% of every team every year.
Well, I had no fat. I reluctantly hire, and only hire excellence. I rarely needed to get rid of anyone at that point, and everyone was way more valuable than their position indicated.
So I wasn’t able to comply and gave pushback.
Meanwhile, sales routinely hired 10 to get one keeper.
And accounting had horrible procedures and their chart of accounts was a mess, so they were horribly bloated.
They also gave pushback.
I could see a guy like Elon just whacking an entire unit to motivate everyone else to get with the program.
Fuck that book. I think you mean Welch. Anyways, when he took over GE, you had a bloated company with whole departments that nobody knew what they did. He didn’t have time to vet every employee, so he got out a machete. Probably the right tool in that instance.
However, if you have a decently functioning organization, you don’t need the machete, you need the scalpel or at least a steak knife. But every MBA of a certain age read that book and decided a machete was the way to go.
Until they read Good to Great or Outliers or Tipping Point or whatever flavor of the month book was next for the MBA book club.
Yeah welch. Posting from toilet on phone can do that to you.
Gave all us executives a copy of book. Did not read. Too busy working 80 hour weeks.
Sounds like an opportunity for a rival company to potentially pick up some good workers.
Stand by for an important message
President Joe Biden will speak about student protests over the war in Gaza on Thursday, according to a White House official, breaking days of silence as police crack down on campus encampments.
The official declined to be identified ahead of Biden’s remarks.
Republicans have tried to turn scenes of unrest into a campaign cudgel against Democrats.
The White House, which has been peppered with questions by reporters, has gone only slightly further than the president. On Wednesday, press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said Biden is “monitoring the situation closely,” and she said some demonstrations had stepped over a line that separated free speech from unlawful behavior.
“Forcibly taking over a building,” such as what happened at Columbia University in New York, “is not peaceful,” she said. “It’s just not.”
Biden has never been much for protesting. His career in elected office began as a county official when he was only 28 years old, and he’s always espoused the political importance of compromise over zealousness.
Joe will set the nation straight. He will bring us together.
Oh yes, the blood red lighting Marines in the background aggressive Dark Brandon speech was very unifying. It’s his MO (whatta sweet guy).
The weeks of silence were to focus group the speech in ways he will split hairs and the media will proclaim it isn’t ‘good people on both sides’.
Joe was arrested multiple times during the civil rights era. After he helped MLK write the I have a Dream speech, he drank from a firehose in Selma.
You mean he found the marble in the oatmeal?
NASA is testing a solar Sail in a few weeks. Neat concept that has been a Sci fi fixture since the 60’s.
“Next, the CubeSat will undergo a one- to two-month commissioning phase to prepare for the solar sail deployment and maneuvering test. At this time, the sail remains within the body of the CubeSat. The mission operations team will set a date to unfurl the sail after all commissioning tasks have been completed. Once ready, the spacecraft will unroll it solar sail via four booms that span the diagonals of the square and unspool to reach 23 feet (about 7 meters) in length.”
Suicides, infections, but no mention if he knew the Clintons.
Whistleblower Josh Dean of Boeing supplier Spirit AeroSystems has died
I think it was the rectal drugs. 😉
That guy has died more times than I did during the great net neutrality die off.
“‘Hamas and supporters not welcome on Native land’: Native Americans stand up for Israel at UCLA
The group played indigenous music over loudspeakers and held up signs in support of Jewish students.”
I’m going to need more string.
Isn’t there some deranged white nationalist theory floating around, basically saying that Amerindians are the lost tribes of Israel?
Rings a bell. I think that has been around for a long time but I dont remember the details. Something Mormony? I cant remember.
Wasn’t that a Rev. Gene Scott staple?
Unlike many Jews, looks like the Indians recall what it’s like to be on the short end of ethnic cleansing as a persecuted minority.
Of course the Palis and their supporters are attempting to paint themselves as such. Something about the rape, murder and calls for geocoding the jews seems to be undermining their credibility in the eyes of non-evil people.
Is this standing up FOR Israel?
I get a real suspicious feeling that the dock we are going to build in Gaza will be used to put a million or so Palestinians on ships and dump them here. In which case, not welcoming Hamas and supporters would be anti-israel.
Isn’t there some deranged white nationalist theory floating around, basically saying that Amerindians are the lost tribes of Israel?
I learned about it in “Cat Ballou”.