Thursday Morning Links

by | May 23, 2024 | Daily Links | 215 comments

Florida blasted New York in the first game of the Wales Conference Finals. I hope that continues. The Campbell Conference Finals start tonight, and if Edmonton still has their legs under them, I think they’re gonna be a lot to handle. The NBA started their conference finals and since some people here are inexplicable interested, Dallas and Boston are off the 1-0 series leads. And Leverkusen’s dream run finally came to an end in the Europa League final. And that’s it for sports.

The last paragraph of this is very interesting. I guess political affiliation, she’s a Democrat even though the story inexplicably leaves out her party affiliation, does matter for venue selection after all. But that courtesy is not extended to people of higher offices.

Wait, they’re fining them for not selling enough junk food? I can’t wait for them to turn around and fine them in a couple years for knowingly making Eurotrash fat.

Know the rules, dumbass. It’s not as if they were put in place yesterday.

Her kids learned the wrong lesson. The lesson they should have learned is that the government is full of petty tyrants, not that it’s wring to pick up some clams they thought were seashells.

I’m no fan of antitrust lawsuits, but I’ll make an exception here. That company is fucked up and they have a stranglehold on concert tickets.

This might be peak MSNBC. It’s about as retarded as you can get.

This is gonna become a shitshow. Although anybody who hasn’t left the state at this point has nobody to blame but themselves.

Oh no! Don’t throw me in that briar patch! These idiots have no idea this appeals to a hell of a lot of people.

Here’s a nice wake-up song. They had a few lively tunes. And here’s another one. Enjoy them both.

And enjoy this lovely Thursday, dear friends.

About The Author




  1. Nephilium

    At some point, I just want the ticketing companies to be honest with the prices and fees. In what fucking way is it a “convenience” to need to use their shitty app as my ticket for an event that I should pay extra for? I hated it back when they started that shit by charging a fee to print out your tickets at home (but they would mail them to you for free).

    • sloopyinca

      I’ve been to some big events and I wish I had hard tickets to them. I don’t even have a World Series ticket from a couple years ago. Although they were still printing hard tickets when we watched Ohio State thump Oregon in the first CFP playoff final.

      Not like I was gonna frame it or anything, but still.

      • SDF-7

        Blockchain it and make it a NFT! (Or some bullshit… I think that trend has mercifully died…)

      • Nephilium

        Here it’s nearly a guarantee that if you haven’t saved the tickets locally to your device before getting to the Browns/Guardians game, you’re going to have a bad time as the cell network around them dies a horrible death from the huge demand spike. It’s also a lot faster to hand four paper tickets to someone for them to scan then to hold up a phone, get it scanned, swipe over to the next ticket, get it scanned, etc.

    • Chafed

      Amen Nephilium. Amen.

  2. rhywun

    And Leverkusen’s dream run finally came to an end in the Europa League final.

    That entire contest was stream-only so I was completely unaware of it.

    I just noticed the Champions League final is stream-only too. Oh well. Good luck, Bayern, I guess.

  3. SDF-7

    Although anybody who hasn’t left the state at this point has nobody to blame but themselves.

    I’m working on it, dammit! Not easy when your wife gets sick and can’t really travel for a f’ing year. Sigh.

    • SDF-7

      I do think with a huge budget deficit and no way to fund this shit, even if these pass these will be quietly set aside until inevitably challenged in court.

      This shit worries me more since it looks like they’re doing political purging of the judicial branch, which will free up more insanity in the future.


        Yeah that looks like a recipe for complete chaos.

        I have long postulated that Cali would be composed entirely of people to poor to leave and people too rich to care.

      • juris imprudent

        And the way to insure that prediction is to make more and more of the middle class into the poor!


        The purpose of a system is what it results in….

    • R.J.

      I am sorry. I do hope you make it out.
      There are at least three California lurkers that need to GTFO too.
      This is not the end of Newsom and the commies, it’s the beginning.

      • The Last American Hero

        Flee to where?

        Joe wins in November, doubtful he finishes a second term, but President Harris will rule the roost until 2032, at which point the Newsome/Whitmer or Whitmer/Newsome administration follows until 2056 (the VP on that ticket will just move to the Presidential spot after 8 years).

      • juris imprudent

        Sure, because the VP is always a certain bet to get elected President after a two-termer. Seriously?

    • juris imprudent

      Fortunately I got the wife on board well in advance of when we pulled the trigger on getting out.

  4. Not Adahn

    Sex Pistols: On a scale from 1 to The Beatles, how overrated are they?

    • Nephilium

      About a 5, as it’s one of the few bands that non-punk fans recognize as punk, but then they think it’s all like that.

    • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

      When I was a young punk, I thought they were the equivilent of the Backstreet Boys, but that is mostly because I am just a few years too young to have caught the first wave of the movement. But, as I get older, and I get past the Malcolm McClaren part of them, I see just how good Rotten, Jones and Cook were.

    • Chafed

      Hard disagree. I love that record.

    • ron73440

      Never did anything for me, but most of you don’t like the music I do.

  5. SDF-7

    Wait, they’re fining them for not selling enough junk food?

    I know it will never, ever happen — but a big part of me really would love to see us entirely leave all these hyper-regulatory markets like the EU and the CCP (yeah yeah… we’re getting there or are there at home… let me dream, okay?). Or at the very least only sell to middlemen who then have to deal with all the shit in their markets, have no actual presence in the market so you can flip them off.

    Never happen because then your executive suite class couldn’t go to the really cool parties without being worried about getting a warrant served on them… but the mental image of a big “Run your country / sorry excuse to bring back the Holy Roman Empire which is neither Roman nor Holy and sucks at being an Empire however you want, but we’re not going to follow your stupid rules” sure has an appeal.

    Then I think of interstate commerce and California pork / chicken / train / truck / emissions / other bullshit and sigh.

    • UnCivilServant

      Just once I do want to see that response.

      “New California regulation? We’re not going to sell there anymore. EU wants to make trouble, sorry Europe, no [Product] for you!”

      • Not Adahn

        I was wanting that to happen with O&G companies and states that banned fracking. Or states that set a deadline for banning ICEs.

    • juris imprudent

      I have zero sympathy for every business that sucked up to China, all because they believed “an untapped market of 1 billion”. There’s your corporate greed.

      • UnCivilServant

        Before you go into a market, make sure you can get your profits back out.

        They’re never going to see that money, so they should just burn down their plants and bolt.

      • dbleagle

        I am all in for the railroads to tell Cali to “Fuck right off. We aren’t playing your electric choo-choo games. You want to ban our functioning engines? Fine. Then live with your ports going bankrupt, your products not going to markets, and your economy crashing. “

      • juris imprudent

        Your newsletter sir, I wish to subscribe!

      • The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

        Usually they aren’t even the company’s plants. The CCP owns 51%.

      • UnCivilServant

        All the more reason for unexpected arson

  6. SDF-7

    It’s not as if they were put in place yesterday.

    But…. but…. rules aren’t supposed to apply to the jackasses!

  7. Evan from Evansville

    Speaking of sports, the Cubs got Perfect Gamed through 4 yesterday, though Justin Steele made a remarkable return from the DL. (Ain’t no fuckin’ IL, son o’ bitches.) Well he did for 3 innings w one mistake. Then things went from a legit pitcher’s duel to a fairly ridiculous beating from the Braves.

    I try to take the positive from things. It’s good to have Steele back, last year’s ace, and have him show that he’s still got it. And Shota Imanaga has been fucking otherworldly. Them together, healthy… *TEEHEE! as my fingers and eyes go a’twiddlin’…

    Best of luck today, folk. I was taken ‘aside’ at work yesterday. Pretty much, I gotta start trusting my gut more. I’m the most ‘Accurate’ on the team. As always, I got the bad habit of overthinkin’ myself into puddles. “Must go faster!”

    • The Gunslinger

      What if I don’t care about the basketball but I want to watch the young athletic girls in shorts and try to pick which girl has the nicest ass?

      What would I be in that completely hypothetical scenario?

      • slumbrew

        In that case you should be watching the re-runs of the LSU Gymnastics championship that keeps showing on one of my channels.

      • ron73440

        I want to watch the young athletic girls in shorts and try to pick which girl has the nicest ass?

        What would I be in that completely hypothetical scenario?

        You wouldn’t get that watching the WNBA.

        Basketball does not lend itself to having pretty players.

      • pistoffnick (370HSSV)

        That would be volleyball

      • SDF-7

        You’re just hoping someone will link the beach volleyball animated gif now since it would be topical… 😉

      • The Other Kevin

        Two words: Roller Derby.

      • Grummun

        That would be volleyball

        Amen. Beach volleyball sucks. Real volleyball is where it’s at.

      • Certified Public Asshat

        Two words: Roller Derby.

        For those looking to watch tattooed and pierced lebians.

      • The Other Kevin

        “For those looking to watch tattooed and pierced lebians.”

        There’s plenty of that, but around here there are plenty of young women who have kids.

      • PutridMeat

        For those looking to watch tattooed and pierced lebians.

        Where might one find documentary evidence of this? Asking for a friend.

      • slumbrew

        I believe their are a variety of sites hosting short documentaries of that as well as related subjects.

      • pistoffnick (370HSSV)

        What if I don’t care about the basketball but I want to watch the young athletic girls in shorts and try to pick which girl has the nicest ass?

        What would I be in that completely hypothetical scenario?

        A typical man?

      • Necron 99

        Bill Burr is a national treasure.

      • juris imprudent

        OMG – this is beyond priceless.

    • Certified Public Asshat

      Basketball was created by a white guy and popularized in Kansas. No one wants to talk about this cultural appropriation.

  8. R C Dean

    I’ll be mildly interested to see how Ohio makes sure Biden is on the ballot even after he misses the longstanding 90 day notice requirement.

    Of course, when I say “Biden”, I mean whoever the Dems nominate.

    • Nephilium

      The legislature has basically told the DNC to fuck off, so there’s at least a chance he won’t be on the ballot.

      • Grummun

        I’m sure the DNC can find a sympathetic state judge to ignore state law and force Sec State to put the Dem nominee on the ballot.

      • Chafed

        I will die laughing if it happens.

    • juris imprudent

      You mean he wouldn’t get even more write-in votes than if his name was printed?

    • SDF-7

      Looks like a story from a cub reporter who got boared and moved on.

    • juris imprudent

      C’mon cuz, I just came over to chill.

    • slumbrew

      Bears look so derpy I almost feel bad for them even when they’re up to no good.

  9. juris imprudent

    Not going to lie, I love watching neo-con filth squirming.

    Our fate as a country depends on getting the attention of voters who would rather not think about politics. Debates, as stupid and dismaying as they have become, may be the best vehicle to secure their eyeballs. Those inattentive voters are not necessarily bad people…

    • rhywun

      he is very much compos mentis

      I can’t imagine hating Trump so much you’d defend a contender for worst president in history but here we are.

      • R C Dean

        Is compos mentis Latin for “mental compost”?

      • SDF-7

        I can imagine Comey and his ilk supporting anyone-but-Trump but especially Biden because he’s a useful puppet and they don’t want to be called to account.

        Outside of that, support for Biden does puzzle me… but look at stuff like this. Maher is relatively informed… and even he believes a lot of the lies spun over the last 8 years or so.

      • Not Adahn

        Is compos mentis Latin for “mental compost”?

        It’s the pretentious euro-name for that candy you drop in diet coke.

      • ron73440

        Maher is relatively informed… and even he believes a lot of the lies spun over the last 8 years or so.

        He may be relatively informed, but he’s not curious enough to read further.

        “If you don’t read the newspaper, you’re uninformed. If you read the newspaper, you’re mis-informed.”
        ― Mark Twain

      • Certified Public Asshat

        I’ll watch Maher’s show to get a pulse on what normie leftists think. Sort of balances out my other content consumption, and his new rule segment for the last two years has been anti-woke.

        I’m very happy though to see his book tour going up in flames.

      • whiz

        Hey Ron, apparently there’s no evidence that the quote is actually due to Twain.

        Here’s an analysis of it. Sounds like the sentiment, if not the exact language, was espoused as far back as Jefferson.

      • ron73440

        apparently there’s no evidence that the quote is actually due to Twain.

        Here’s an analysis of it. Sounds like the sentiment, if not the exact language, was espoused as far back as Jefferson.

        I “learned” he said that a long time ago, don’t remember where.

        Regardless of who said it, if anybody important actually did, it’s accurate.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Trump and his allies have way oversold the Biden-is-senile message

      Uh-huh. Everyone living with or has taken care of someone slowly losing their mind can see it.

    • trshmnstr

      Those inattentive voters are not necessarily bad people…

      Yes, but they’re awful voters.

  10. SDF-7

    I played 05/23:
    *19/19 words
    🎯 In the top 13% by accuracy

    I played 05/23:
    *44/44 words (+2 bonus words)
    🎯 In the top 8% by accuracy
    🔥 Solve streak: 377

    • Sean

      I played 05/23:
      *19/19 words
      ⏱️ In the top 17% by speed

      I played 05/23:
      *44/44 words (+13 bonus words)
      📖 In the top 3% by bonus words
      🔥 Solve streak: 329

  11. SDF-7

    OT — but thinking about a summer trip back to GA (not a full move, but need to visit the parents while I can) and considering taking an extra day or two on the drive over to swing through states I’ve never gone through. Typically go I-80 to Utah then across Kansas/Nebraska/MI before swinging down through TN… but wondering if it would be feasible to swing up into the Dakotas, preferably get close enough to Rushmore to actually see it (maybe use a scenic overlook or something? Not going to camp there, but more than ‘drive by’ is probably a good idea).

    Haven’t been that way myself — but I know we have Glibs in the northern reaches… anyone have any experience around that zone? Doable? Crazy idea in the summer because everyone else will be trying it? (I’m thinking mid-June-ish) Looks like after I swing by that way, I can reconnect with I-90, then I-29 will take me back down to my more typical route… so I like the looks of it if it would be worth it.

    • trshmnstr

      It’s a really interesting story tying up so many different threads. I’ve never heard about this guy before, but it seems like there are a bunch of conflicting factors.

      The fact that the UMC has gone heretic looms large. The fact that Big NGO is throwing money around on the state and local level for muckraking looms large. The fact that he was a politician plays in.

      I walk away wondering what happens if this guy didn’t off himself. Does he get run out of his church position? Does he get run out of the mayor’s office? Clearly, the journalist found him to be beloved, but those small towns still believe old fashioned things like “don’t speak ill of the dead”. There’s a tension in the reporting between the assertions that “airing his dirty laundry killed him” and that “nobody cared what he did in his private life”.

      • trshmnstr

        Ugh, meant for JIs link below.

      • Mojeaux

        I’m baffled by “Don’t speak ill of the dead.” If he was a motherfucker in life and he dies, he doesn’t turn into a saint. He just turns into a motherfucker who happens to be dead.

      • Not Adahn

        I’m baffled by “Don’t speak ill of the dead.”

        Because they can’t respond. Same as beating up a cripple. Probably generalized anti-gossiping sentiment plays into it.

      • trshmnstr

        I get it and I don’t. On the one hand, there often isn’t anything to be gained by airing grievances against a dead person. On the other hand, there’s sometimes a mess to be cleaned up afterward, and the info needs to come out.

        Oh, and regarding my Mormon comment last night, you interpreted me correctly. It’s that “go along to get along” mentality that is going to wreak havoc on the Mormon church as well as a bunch of evangelical denominations. Being a people pleaser is not a good place to be in the Christian realm right now.

      • juris imprudent

        …he doesn’t turn into a saint.

        George Floyd casts a smile at you from beyond.

      • Mojeaux

        mess to clean up

        If the deceased left a trail of broken souls after him, and nobody spoke up while he was alive, you don’t get catharsis after he’s dead if you also don’t speak about it then.

        “No good can come of speaking ill of the dead” is wrong. There’s a lot of healing that can happen if you actually talk about the asshole as he was in life.

        I made the decision to let my Gma From Hell #1 have a funeral (as opposed to a graveside service 120 miles away) so people who loved her could say goodbye. It was what my cousin advocated for, and even my aunt didn’t want to give her a funeral, but I made the decision. Well, they loved Gma From Hell #1 because they didn’t know her, and I have never regretted a decision so much as I regret letting her have a funeral.

      • Mojeaux

        Oh, and regarding my Mormon comment last night, you interpreted me correctly. It’s that “go along to get along” mentality that is going to wreak havoc on the Mormon church as well as a bunch of evangelical denominations. Being a people pleaser is not a good place to be in the Christian realm right now.

        You are so right. It’s dismaying, but I realize also that a bunch of churches are having the same struggle we are, for the same reasons. “These are our rules. Follow them or don’t, but we aren’t changing” is difficult to maintain.

      • Not Adahn

        If the deceased left a trail of broken souls after him, and nobody spoke up while he was alive, you don’t get catharsis after he’s dead if you also don’t speak about it then.

        r/HermanCainAward is thataway ->

      • juris imprudent

        The Shakers had rules that precluded ever growing the faith. That is an example of where the rules can lead to the demise. The contra to that is that those churches that have held the line on tradition have been the most sustaining whereas the evolving churches are in terrible decline.

    • The Last American Hero

      In 2001 I was at Mt Rushmore a week before 4th of July. We pulled into the parking lot with no issues.


      • whiz

        Yes, we went to Rushmore on July 3rd in the 90’s, and you had to park more than a mile away from the action.

    • PutridMeat

      Spent some time in the Black Hills in late July 2021 (also very early 2022), partly looking for property, so I wandered around the area quite a bit. We had no problems driving by Rushmore on the main road, many low traffic pull outs, so no issues at all getting a good view. We drove by the Crazy Horse monument multiple times, but never stopped in, but you can get a good view from the main road. Would definitely go to Devil’s Tower as well. Very interesting geologically and there’s a loop trail around the base – easy walk and very scenic. It was somewhat busy when we were there, but nothing too ridiculous. I’ve been through the badlands and camped there – desolate, but very interesting scenery.

      Rapid City has some nice breweries, there’s lots of fun mountain roads for scenic drives. All in all, I say Black Hills would be a great 2-3 day destination with plenty to do and very memorable scenery without, at least in my experience, ridiculous crowds.

      • SDF-7

        Thanks — that’s good info. With a 15 year old son in the car and my lack of drinking, probably won’t worry about breweries — but I may have to plan a full day there for stuff like Devil’s Tower it sounds like. We’ll see… part of this may be a “scouting” mission to get an idea of what things are like so I can do a longer trip with the whole family when my wife is up for it (she expressed dismay that I want to do this when she can’t attend when I mentioned it to her this morning), so missing things isn’t a big deal this time around.

    • The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

      You can easily visit Rushmore without camping there. I would recommend it for a short trip. It isn’t as spectacular as most Western parks, but it is nice, and can be done relatively quickly.

    • SDF-7

      Hmm…. they’re glossing over a LOT with the “erotica” references if I remember that case at all. Wasn’t the “erotica” more like rape fantasies and taking over the identities of women in the community? The pastor had a lot more issues than just putting on a dress and a wig from time to time.

      That bit of bias rather makes me question their objectivity in the article in general, sorry.

      • Ownbestenemy

        I had my hair done in a salon owned by the woman whom Copeland had used as a model in several of his erotic stories, a woman he fictionally murdered in order to take over her identity and sleep with her husband.

        Writer could have expanded this to say that the person who was used as a model for the story was aware or unaware. However, its fictional and by all accounts didn’t have dead bodies in his box freezer.

      • juris imprudent

        Now do American Psycho. He must be some depraved individual, right? Writing ain’t doing.

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        Careful, JI. The left hates Ellis since he admitted that he didn’t think Trump was the worst human of all time.

      • SDF-7

        It would damned well weird me out if a local leader had stories about explicitly killing me and sleeping with my wife all the same.

        So yes — I do think he was a depraved individual. I also think Steven King is a depraved individual for his fixation on very early teen sex and torture fantasies that a lot of his work reflects. I’m allowed to have my opinion on other people’s writings, JI.

        And I’ve never seen or read American Psycho — but I suspect from your attempt at painting me as some sort of bigot I’d find it on that side of things as well, especially if the author used people he knew by name and all.

      • sloopyinca

        I’ve met Bret Easton Ellis a few times. He struck me as the kind of writer who did a ton of research but wasn’t writing about his fantasies.

      • juris imprudent

        Careful, JI…

        Bwahahahahaha. That’s a good one, me worrying about what THE LEFT might say.

      • juris imprudent

        Not trying to paint you as a bigot at all SDF. We appear to have a difference in opinion as to what separates fiction from reality. That’s all.

        We used to say in my family that you were only weird if you’re poor. If you’re rich, you’re eccentric. King is definitely eccentric.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Solid for sure. What a f’d up series of events.

    • Chafed

      She discussed this on Blocked and Reported. Very good episode.

  12. The Other Kevin

    “That company is fucked up and they have a stranglehold on concert tickets.”
    I can’t remember when this WASN’T the case. Ticketmaster, Live Nation, it’s always the same.

    “Comey says Trump is coming for DOJ, FBI: ‘That’s the danger for all Americans’”
    All Americans if your office maybe, but this would actually make me feel safer.

    Gas prices shot up .70 during the day yesterday. I’m not sure why, we were supposed to switch to some “summer blend” on May 1. Thank a Democrat!

    • kinnath

      Holiday weekend road trips. Spike in consumption equals spike in price.

      • SDF-7

        :furtive glance from side to side:

  13. The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

    “Comey says Trump is coming for DOJ, FBI: ‘That’s the danger for all Americans’ ”

    Stop, I can only get so hard.

    • Rat on a train

      Maybe after cleaning out the DOJ, they could finally hire some reasonable prosecutors.

      • juris imprudent

        You mean reasonable prosecutor isn’t just like military intelligence or honest politician?

  14. Brawndo

    “She said the whole experience taught her children and her valuable lessons about wildlife regulations”

    I’d say the lesson is more about how the government will fuck you over hard, but ok.

    • R C Dean

      If the lesson wasn’t “Don’t get caught”, they learned the wrong lesson.

  15. Nephilium

    Well all, hold down the fort. I’m off to PRB.

    • Rat on a train

      inflatable fort?

      • Ted S.

        Pabst Ribbon Blue.

  16. Brawndo

    “Bill Darden opened the first Red Lobster restaurant south of Orlando, Florida, in 1968 just a few weeks before Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated.”

    The fuck does that have to do with *anything*?

    • Ownbestenemy

      Everything. Its a terrible practice in journalism trying to mentally tie one to another in hopes people nod their heads

  17. Certified Public Asshat

    Only a true racist President would let Red Lobster file bankruptcy during his presidency.

    • The Other Kevin

      That’s a fun game, we should go with this line of thinking.

      • juris imprudent

        And bailing out a sinking shrimp boat just makes so much sense!

      • Certified Public Asshat

        Unlimited shrimp > student loan forgiveness

  18. ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

    The Red Lobster article wasn’t half bad. I learned a lot about why it is such a touchstone in the black community. The MLK connection goes to show how timing is everything to a business; a restaurant that broke the color line just before a hero of the civil rights movement was killed, I can see how that would solidify the association between the community and that establishment.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      It might make me a bad person but I prefer Captain D’s. It’s a great little seafood place.

      • SDF-7

        I like them both — but Captain D’s is more doable price wise. Unfortunately there’s not one near me — one of the other things I look forward to on Georgia trips (that and Zaxby’s).

      • trshmnstr

        Red Lobster is another casualty of “Fast Casual”.

        It was a cloth napkins, great food, and no kids kind of place in the 90s.

        I’ve gone a few times over the last 10 years and it was a seafood themed Applebee’s, but worse. We’d swear off it every time and then go back a year or two later because somebody wanted seafood.

      • R.J.

        I am with Trashy on this. It went downhill hard, even before the lockdowns. The bankruptcy was inevitable.

      • Not Adahn

        I miss LJS.

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        I don’t really have an opinion about RL, as I only ever ate there once. There wasn’t one in my hometown, and it never came up when I lived in places with one.

        Never even heard of Captain D’s.


      My reading is that the actual killer was the fact that they cashed out their real property holdings and leased them out. Made them more liquid but less resilient should interest rates not stay at comically low levels.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Two fucking African Americans just stole my truck. Can you fucking believe that shit?

      • Not Adahn

        She’s prejudiced against Italians. Can you believe that? In this day and age, a Jew broad who’s prejudiced against Italians?

    • Grummun

      Pesci won an Academy Award for that? Jeebus, he was the worst part of the movie for me.

      • rhywun

        Yer breakin my balls, Grumman.

  19. slumbrew

    Monocle/Eyepiece users:

    Trashy has merged my hack in; you should automatically get the update and start seeing the side-buttons but may want to refresh otherwise.

    • The Bearded Hobbit

      Is that the next unread comment by Alt-1? Still not working for me.

      • slumbrew

        No, just a hack to get the left sidebar buttons showing.

        The Alt-1 thing is from Rhywun and not (yet?) part of Eyepiece.

    • Gender Traitor

      Thought I’d take the opportunity to try to get Eyepiece working on my phone, but I can’t even figure out how to get Tampermonkey working on it. I downloaded it, and… nothing. 🙁 Maybe a Forum discussion is in order at some point. Thanks for working on it, though! Love having it back on my laptop! 🙂

      • Gender Traitor

        It’s working!!! 😃🥳🎉🎊💃👯‍♀️
        This is going to make my workday Glibbing SO much easier!

        Please don’t tell my boss! 😬

    • kinnath

      I read somewhere that dogs are just wolves frozen in adolescence.

      • slumbrew

        That’s my understanding – we selected for extended adolescence which is why adult dogs are still playful. Wolves, not so much.

    • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

      There is a guy at the dog park I go to that has a wolf hybrid. Only 38% wolf apparently, but, by god does it show. Tall and rangy looking, with a different look in her eyes than any other dog there.

  20. The Gunslinger

    I’m heading North for the holiday weekend so I’ll probably be off grid. Not to worry.

    Have a great Memorial Day!

    • Not Adahn

      Pull quote:

      “People think it’s feral because these are country kids in utes making noise, but people going to a doof doof festival and eating pills is socially acceptable. Everyone wants to be woke.”

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        Doof Doof?

        Anyway, Bogans is the term for them. And they will dish out Bogan justice if you aren’t careful.

      • Ted S.

        The German speakers know what a doof festival is.

    • EvilSheldon

      This looks like possibly the most fun you could have in Australia. I’m sure they’re planning to slap it with a negative social credit value.

  21. The Late P Brooks

    That Red Lobster article is the one I mentioned the other day. The things you learn.

    • SDF-7

      “Let’s be clear, I do not have the ick. I just can’t read him and I really, really want to go on a second date,” she wrote.

      Then maybe…. text him back instead of attempting to shame him with a screenshot spammed across the Internet?

      I know… communication on your handheld communication device. Perish the thought. (:eyeroll: So glad I never have to worry about dating ever again…. worried for my son though…)

      • kinnath

        She could have just responded “wanna fud?” and let nature take its course.

      • SDF-7

        “Wanna hide the wascaly wabbit?”

      • Aloysious

        I just can’t read him and I really, really want to go on a second date

        Putting that gentleman on BLAST on the internet is the best way to get ghosted that I can think of. No self respecting man of any age would go back after that. Kiddie games are for kids.

      • EvilSheldon

        “…I just can’t read him and I really, really want to go on a second date,…”

        It’s nice to see that some things never change.

      • juris imprudent

        Kiddie games are for kids.

        Start on social media in junior high and never outgrow junior high behavior?

    • Vida Hobo

      She certainly made the case for keeping any communications with her antiseptic if she’s going to be screen shooting them and using them for clicks.

      This sort of thing I use to reinforce to my teen that the internet is forever and be very careful what you send out into it.

    • Pope Jimbo

      The Bee nails it

      Tensions rose between a local couple today after a woman texted her husband to ask him to pick up a mobile Target order for her on his way home from work, to which he replied “Ok.” Reports indicated she was not at all happy with the tone of his “Ok” response.

      “What on earth is that supposed to mean?” said Monique Johnson who had put in an order for dishwashing soap and Reese’s Peanut Butter Easter Eggs and set the pickup time to coincide with her husband, Derek, getting off of work. “I thought I could make it easier for both of us. He could just stop by Target on his way home. That way, I wouldn’t have to get out of the house with the kids. And do you know what he did when I texted him to let him know? He said ‘Ok.’ Yeah. Just like that. ‘Ok.’ Can you believe that?!”

      That is almost another Bee prophecy come true, isn’t it?

    • juris imprudent

      State borders have been redrawn in the past — including the territory of Maine becoming a state independent of Massachusetts in 1820 — but never before has a large swath of land and citizens seceded to join another state.

      Nice way to elide West Virginia and the re-parceling of the Texas Republic.

    • Aloysious

      Greater Idaho would see more than half of Oregon’s territory leave the Beaver State and join Republican-run Idaho to the east.

      As an IdaHOan, I approve the increase in Beavers. Cute little things.

  22. The Late P Brooks

    The Supreme Court side with Republicans!

    *headline about some “voting map”

    They are cahooting with the white supremacists.

  23. The Late P Brooks


    “Donald Trump is broke. He needs money. He’s hosting a rally to try to con people and try to fleece them out of every dollar that they have to fund his own legal fees,” she told reporters.

    “And by the way, he’s doing it in the South Bronx, not to make a point, but because he’s got court and the man practically has the legal version of an ankle bracelet around him, and he can’t leave the five boroughs because he always has to be in court. And so it is truly an embarrassment to him.”

    Trump announced last week that he would hold a campaign rally in the South Bronx Thursday evening.

    She could be on Saturday Night Live, with a rapier wit like that.

    • slumbrew

      He’s hosting a rally to try to con people and try to fleece them out of every dollar that they have to fund his own legal fees,

      “Also, please donate to my re-election campaign”

  24. SDF-7

    Geez… I would have thought they would have given this up after the last stupid tweet. Keep reminding folks of Afghanistan.. that’s a great election strategy…. (Or they’re just expecting enough TikTok Short Attention Span Theater style voters to be bribed with student loan gimmes, I guess….)

  25. juris imprudent

    This is interesting.

    What Trump has is, functionally, an algirlrithm sifting through the algorithms that comprise our every day, with social-media companies feeding us what they believe will keep us on their platforms for the greatest length of time.

    • Vida Hobo

      trusting a 32-year-old with gatekeeping the information that the man currently polling to be president in 2025 sees is concerning if the gatekeeper’s judgment is suspect

      Now do 32-year-old Alphabet Agency true believers preparing your intelligence briefing. Or say 50 or so learned intelligence professionals signing a letter saying Hunter’s laptop was the Red Menace. Filtering what the president sees or hears is only okay when WE do it.

  26. juris imprudent

    Oh and Taibbi has a whole new tranche of content on the new censorship, and how they are attempting to rebound for the upcoming election. I’ve read a bit and I have to take a break, lest I go purchase a large quantity of ammunition.

  27. The Late P Brooks

    It’s freak flags, all the way down

    A second flag of a type carried by rioters during the attack on the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, was displayed outside a house owned by Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito, The New York Times reported Wednesday.

    An “Appeal to Heaven” flag was flown outside Alito’s beach vacation home last summer. An inverted American flag — another symbol carried by rioters — was seen at Alito’s home outside Washington less than two weeks after the violent attack on the Capitol.


    The white flag with a green pine tree was seen flying at the Alito beach home in New Jersey, according to three photographs obtained by the Times. The images were taken on different dates in July and September 2023, though it wasn’t clear how long it was flying overall or how much time Alito spent there.

    Alito clearly wants to overthrow the government. I bet if we look hard enough, we’ll find a photo of him vandalizing Pelosi’s office on January 6.

    • Rat on a train

      He’s not from Massachusetts

  28. The Late P Brooks

    This is interesting.

    If you consider prissy whining to be interesting.

    • slumbrew

      I mean, the original story is from The Bulwark. Prissy whining is their thing.

    • juris imprudent

      I’m just looking forward to how she fits in with The Hat and The Hair.

  29. Pope Jimbo

    Make room for the refugees PO’d Nick! Duluth is going to be a ‘climate refuge’ city according to an expert

    Keenan says there is no objective way to rank cities, but Duluth stood out for a variety of reasons.

    “There was a very active local population that spoke to the development of arts and culture, park systems, very solid school systems, and really a top healthcare system as well,” said Keenan. “All of these things were adding up to really speak to a wonderful place to live.”

    Another aspect that sets Duluth apart is the proximity to Lake Superior.

    “Freshwater was one of the highest things on the list,” said Keenan. “Water is the new oil, right? As the world becomes challenged with water scarcity, we have to rethink where we’re going to live. Places like Phoenix simply won’t be all that livable in the future. They’re going to run out of water. Being near one of the largest sources of freshwater on Earth is a huge, huge advantage for a place like Duluth.”

    I wonder what this guy thinks about people who buy mansions on Martha’s Vineyard? Those goofs are totes irresponsible, right?

    • Pope Jimbo

      Of course, Nick’s local govt is thinking only of his welfare….

      Another aspect is that with housing availability and affordability already an issue in Duluth, many question whether the city could handle an influx of people.

      “I think one big takeaway for me was how much equity and housing and income inequality will probably play a factor in climate migration in the future, especially because most of the people that are moving at this point are doing so in a very proactive way. They are probably wealthier. They can afford to move kind of anywhere throughout the country they like. They’re usually people that are thinking a lot about climate change and maybe have that as a concern. So they can afford to buy high priced desirable properties for cash, maybe tear down older properties and build new ones,” explained Haynes. “That really puts pressure on our community when it comes to housing prices, who can afford to live in certain neighborhoods, and who is then pushed out of those neighborhoods and forced to live in cheaper housing or less desirable areas.”

      Rich people who are willing to move to avoid Climate Change have to be a demographic that every huckster would love to have access to. Those are pigeons ripe for the plucking.

      Wonder if anyone in the audience asked the prof if climate change was so real, why most of the people moving are going to FL and TX? Those places seem like they’d be some of the worst places to move if we were all about to fry or be drowned.

  30. The Late P Brooks

    Alito, meanwhile, is taking part in two pending Supreme Court cases associated with Jan. 6: whether Trump has immunity from prosecution for his efforts to overturn the 2020 election results and whether a certain obstruction charge can be used against rioters. He also participated in the court’s unanimous ruling that states can’t bar Trump from the ballot using the “insurrection clause” that was added to the Constitution after the Civil War.

    The case for Alito recusing is a slam dunk. You remember when the justices who openly supported abortion recused themselves from any case involving abortion, don’t you?

    • Pope Jimbo

      What about Obamacare and Kagan?

      This is the perfect storm of events that should require Kagan’s recusal. Take away any one of these facts and perhaps the recusal issue would change.

      1) She served as the solicitor general of the United States during the time that the ACA was furiously debated in Congress, discussed in town halls across the country, and enacted;

      2) The ACA is the most important, controversial, and partisan piece of legislation put forward by the Obama administration while Kagan worked as the president’s top lawyer to the Supreme Court. If he didn’t consult with her about it, he should have;

      3) She was nominated to the Supreme Court by President Obama shortly after the ACA was passed, and the president is closely and personally identified with the law;

      4) She has to review the law just a few months before President Obama runs for re-election;

      5) His re-election might well be affected by how the Supreme Court rules; and

      6) We know she celebrated the passage of the law.

      She didn’t listen to the Slate writer and voted to uphold the ACA (several times)

    • Vida Hobo

      He also participated in the court’s unanimous ruling that states can’t bar Trump from the ballot using the “insurrection clause”

      So, if it was unanimous and the other justices aren’t displaying flags all nimbly bimbly then perhaps you’ve gutted your case already.

      Also, Texas v. Johnson would like a word.

      • Rat on a train

        8-0 rulings aren’t as powerful as 9-0!

  31. compgrokker

    I don’t post here often, but MythicalLibertarianWoman and DEG said to post this so…
    I just published my debut novel, it’s up for pre-order right now. It’s a sort of Heinlein-esque story about a space pirate who gets caught up in the Martian revolution.

    • UnCivilServant

      If you are willing to accept some constructive citicism, That blurb could use some doctoring. It doesn’t flow and doesn’t hook as well as it could.

      I am really bad at writing blurbs myself and had to revise the one for Prince of the North Tower four or five times.

      • compgrokker

        Yeah, this is blurb revision number… 4 or 5. It’s pretty much set as it is, my husband would have to completely redo the cover art to change it at this point, but in the future I’ll probably see about hiring a blurb writer. LOL I don’t love the blurb myself, but it’s much better than previous versions were.

    • juris imprudent

      You get no love if you don’t take your own fair share of abuse here!

      And congrats on the initial publication – to cheat the Bro’, the first is the hardest.

      • compgrokker


    • Mojeaux


      • compgrokker

        Awesome, thanks Moj! 😀

  32. Pope Jimbo

    Uffda. I can’t for the life of me figure out what happened to our $17B surplus.

    A new state office will soon be established to promote and support the film and television production industry in Minnesota.

    The new office, to be known as Explore Minnesota Film, will be created under the Minnesota Department of Economic Development’s Explore Minnesota tourism agency.

    Following years of advocacy from local industry professionals, the new office became official with the passage of the omnibus jobs bill in the Legislature.

    Testifying before a Minnesota House committee earlier this year, Bahan said Minnesota’s film and television production industry dwindled over the decades because the state lacked a competitive incentive program.

    The state’s new tax credit program, which now offers up to $25 million in credits annually, is helping to put Minnesota on the map again as a destination for filming.

    Not only are we throwing $25M down a rathole, we created an entire new bureaucracy to manage the tossing of the money.

    • ron73440

      The bureaucracy has to expand to meet the needs of an expanding bureaucracy.

    • Sean

      Tax loopholes!

  33. R.J.

    Major provisions in Milei’s reform bill were blocked in early February by the country’s Congress, which he has referred to as a “nest of rats,”

    Quoted from a crap article. I like the term Nest of Rats. Good band name, good description of Congress.

    Looks like I am not the only one confused by the “Publish” button on the new block quote editor. Good luck, my Stoic friend.

    • R.J.

      No wait, it’s only Thursday. Who owns that?

      • PutridMeat

        I think it’s supposed to be one of mine, if I recall. Oh well, ya’ll are probably better off not being subjected to that.

      • R.J.

        Is it entitled “Is That a Penis in your Speedo?”

      • PutridMeat

        “Penis in your Speedo” – Yes, that was it. See, better off not reading that!

  34. The Late P Brooks

    Crazy people

    More than half of Americans think the United States is in an economic recession, although gross domestic product has been increasing for the past several years.

    According to a new Guardian/Harris poll, 56% of respondents said they believe the U.S. is in a recession and 58% say that President Joe Biden is responsible for what they see as an economic downturn.

    A recession is an extended period of economic decline, usually designated when GDP has declined for two or more consecutive fiscal quarters.

    Maybe the aggregate numbers are bullshit.

    • ron73440

      Government spending is added to the GDP correct?

      Without that, what do the numbers look like?

      Or if that’s not it, I guess we should ignore the costs of things we see and focus on numbers that they tell us are really the economic story.

    • Sensei

      Well, Team Blue decided they didn’t like the generally accepted economic usage of the term “recession” when it happened in the begin of Biden’s term.

      Shockingly, now they are surprised when other people do the same thing.

    • Fourscore

      So putting stuff on a credit card increases my income, right? Do I have to declare it on a 1099? I can get another credit card to pay the interest. It’s my version of MMT.

  35. The Late P Brooks

    “America has the best economy in the world,” Biden told NBC’s “TODAY” in April.

    The Guardian/Harris poll is yet another example of an ongoing gap between economic data and economic feelings that has nagged the Biden administration in recent months.

    Curate the narrative harder!

    • Fourscore

      If Biden is correct the world is in a giant hurt. Tallest midget comes to mind

  36. R.J.

    TPTB: There may be an issue, there is an 11:00 scheduled to be out that did not launch.

    • Mojeaux


  37. The Late P Brooks

    there is an 11:00 scheduled to be out that did not launch.

    Is it from Boeing?