Website Changeling – Comment with your bugs!

by | May 19, 2024 | Admin | 72 comments

Sunday, 19 May @ 18:47ET: Signing off for the night as I work all day tomorrow. Will resume updates during downtime at the cafe. Thanks for your patience everyone. Please leave comments below with the issues you run into.

Sunday, 19 May @ 18:42ET: Increased width of comment section on desktop.

Sunday, 19 May @ 18:32ET: Shrunk reply button.

Sunday, 19 May @ 18:26ET: Brought back the Jump to Comments button which was apparently consumed by website gremlins.

Sunday, 19 May @ 18:22ET: Playing whack-a-mole with bots. Anyone whose username is complete gibberish with no comment history will be assumed to be a bot.

Sunday, 19 May @ 18:13ET: Linked logo to homepage.

Sunday, 19 May @ 17:06ET: Troubleshooting mobile 404.

Sunday, 19 May @ 17:01ET: Working on nesting comment truncation.

Sunday, 19 May @ 16:57ET: Created Jump to Comments button per l0b0t’s notation.

Sunday, 19 May @ 16:56ET: Custom 404 page with search interface complete.

Sunday, 19 May @ 16:48ET: Back to mobile interface.

Sunday, 19 May @ 16:42ET: Removing hackable plugins.

Sunday, 19 May @ 16:34ET: Working on comment submission fields.

Sunday, 19 May @ 16:27ET: Tidying up article whitespace.

Sunday, 19 May @ 16:23ET: Working on the mobile interface.

Sunday, 19 May @ 15:46ET: Now live! Working to make less ugly.

Sunday, 19 May @ 15:32ET: Sending new site live. It will be ugly for a little bit.

Sunday, 19 May @ 13:21ET: Updating plugins.

The website and server will be updated later today. Not because I want to, but because it can no longer be avoided. The update (which should resolve a lot of the issues we have) means changing the theme. I’ll do my best to keep it as similar to this current one as possible, but it won’t be an exact copy.

I appreciate your patience as I am also running a restaurant basically alone for the summer.

This post will function as a changelog. If you come across problems, please leave a comment on this post.

Comments on this post that DO NOT relate to the website will be removed.

About The Author



WebDom grows Peyote buttons in the vast desert of her mind.


  1. juris imprudent

    You appreciate our patience? Hell, we appreciate EVERYTHING you are doing here.

    • Fourscore

      You said it!

    • WebDom

      Thank you. I feel like I don’t do enough for y’all.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Any debt is on this side of the screen, truly. I am very grateful for all that you and TPTB do to keep this place going.

      • Suthenboy

        Hear, hear. I haven’t commented much lately for reasons not related to this site but still check in fairly regularly.
        I appreciate this site very much.

      • Gender Traitor

        You do the greatest of plenty for us! It would be lovely if you could just come hang out with us more often! (Maybe if things quiet down over the summer…?)

    • Fatty Bolger


      • Grosspatzer, Superstar

        Haven’t been around for a while for no particular reasons. Two things:

        – Mucha gracias, WebDom – I have a fair idea of what it takes to manage a website, and you’re doing this AND running a restaurant??? Damn.

        – Thanks to the rest of you reprobates for helping to keep me relatively sane (I think, although Mrs. Patzer has her doubts).

        – I’ll keep an eye out for bugs and such, so far looks pretty good.

        Oops, that was 3 things. Math is hard.

      • UnCivilServant

        It was two things – just count from Zero like a computer.

    • Animal


    • R C Dean

      What the curmudgeon said.

  2. Nephilium

    Better documented than some of the enterprise changes I’ve worked on. 🙂

  3. DEG

    Thanks WebDom.

  4. Gender Traitor

    Thank you!

    Is it too soon for me to try to get Monocle working on the site again, or might it no longer work at all until tweaked by smarter folks than I?

    • Tonio

      Boldly go, GT. I don’t use the plugins but it would be nice to hear the experiences of those who do.

    • slumbrew

      Looks like it’s half-working – you get the formatting & preview buttons when writing a comment but the sidebar bit is missing.

      Trashy and I will start pointing fingers at each other to get that working at some point, I’m sure.

      • slumbrew

        Actually, it’ll be prudent to wait until WebDom is done with her post-upgrading tweeking before diving into Monocle changes.

      • Gender Traitor

        Thanks! I’m seeing the formatting buttons but not the Preview button, and like you, not the left side functions (on Firefox.) Not a huge deal, but I’ll be grateful if you and/or Trashy are able to update it once the dust settles.

      • rhywun

        Yeah, I have some custom CSS I’ll wait on.

        Much appreciated if you get the left digits working again!! Crucial to my workflow 🙂

  5. Ted S.

    It kept me logged in, too. 🙂


    • Spudalicious

      We’ll get that fixed.

  6. Tonio

    Is the massive amount of whitespace before the comments start due to the sidebar?

    • Tonio

      Why, yes, it is. Nevermind.

      • WebDom

        That was padding around the author bio, not sidebar. It should be resolved in the next refresh of changes.

  7. slumbrew

    Alright, alright, alright!

    Great job, WebDom!

  8. slumbrew


    I’ve got multiple browsers on IPadOS, Android and MacOS if you are in need of any cross-platform sanity-checks. I’m sure there are plenty of Windows users here too.

    • WebDom

      Yes, happy to take as many eyes on this as possible! Thanks!

  9. R.J.

    It is actually working so that is the biggest positive.
    I noticed on the editors I no longer have options to hide the sidebar and header image. The sidebar and header image do not show on preview also so perhaps that is now hard-coded. Yay! One less set of clicks to make when writing.
    I so far have tested on Windows, will test IOS mobile and Linux shortly and report back.
    Thank you for all you do!!!

    • WebDom

      On articles the sidebar is currently the login and donate buttons.

      The featured image doesn’t show up at all by default in the articles anymore. If you want to use the same image that you set for the home feed, feel free to add it to the body of the article.

      The Classic editor is about to go away though as it’s depreciated and a source of hacking.

      • R.J.

        Understood. Time for me to learn the block editor.

      • R C Dean

        *deep sigh*

  10. Gender Traitor

    Sunday, 19 May @ 16:34ET: Working on comment submission fields.

    😁👍 You’re awesomely awesome!

  11. R.J.

    Comments on IOS mobile are oddly pinched into a thin column down the middle of the screen. It’s workable but looks like more than two levels of replies will be squeezed to a couple of characters per line.

    • WebDom

      I’m working on a solution for that, but it may not be resolved tonight.

    • l0b0t

      On Android, quite the opposite. I previously had to always pinch the comments down to fit my phone screen. Now, it appears to adjust dynamically.

  12. R.J.

    Works on Linux, seems identical to Windows. I am testing exclusively on Brave for IOS, Windows and Linux so far.
    I did notice articles have no left margin and nobody has said anything yet. So I am reporting it. It’s just flat up against the side of the screen with no whitespace. This is on Windows and Linux in Brave.

    • WebDom

      Thank you! That is interesting. I saw that on iPhone, but not on Safari, Brave, or Opera on iOS.

      • R.J.

        I am seeing the same on FireFox, tied to Windows 11.

      • WebDom

        Fuck Bill Gates. That’s my takeaway from this.

      • Gender Traitor

        Fuck Bill Gates.

        That sentiment applies in so very many contexts…

  13. Gender Traitor

    Just noticed – before, when using my laptop, the timestamps on comments were shown in my local time (Eastern US,) while on my phone, they were server time (Central US.) Now it appears timestamps are in server time on both platforms. Not a problem, just an interesting (to me) change.

    • WebDom

      That is interesting…on my end it’s always been server time. What is your laptop, and what is your phone?

      • Gender Traitor

        HP laptop using Firefox (Windows,) LG Android phone using Firefox mobile.

    • WebDom

      HP laptop using Firefox (Windows,) LG Android phone using Firefox mobile.

      Ok, I’ll look into that. Firefox Windows is doing some weird stuff and I’m not sure why.

  14. KK, Plump & Unfiltered

    Thank you so so much!!!!

    When adding a new post, there’s no “submit” button – the button says “Publish”. I saved my draft, but don’t want to hit publish. Guessing a user account level thingie.

    Thank you again!

    • WebDom

      …that’s wild. I didn’t touch that setting… I’ll look into it.

  15. ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

    I, for one, welcome our new internet masters.

    • WebDom


  16. R.J.

    Testing more editor functions. I can confirm the submit button is missing, as mentioned above. Also when using the block editor and selecting images for the article, you can not search the media library by type (such as picture or movie) or “mine.”

    • UnCivilServant

      That’s bad. Searching for “Mine” saves a lot of time finding assets I know I uploaded.

      • R.J.

        It’s back this morning, which is a relief. Also I figured out how to get to the featured image and search selection. Click the three dots and select “settings” and it comes up.

  17. hayeksplosives

    Thanks for your dedication, WebDom!

  18. hayeksplosives

    On iPhone Safari, the “Glibertarian” top banner and menu three line symbol take up a full third of the screen up top.

  19. UnCivilServant

    Sunday, 19 May @ 18:13ET: Linked logo to homepage.

    For me, this only works with a regular single click which follows the link in the current tab. Middle click does nothing (where it’s supposed to open a link in a new tab) and right-click gives a menu regarding the image with no link-related options.

    Firefox 122 on Windows 10 Desktop.

  20. UnCivilServant

    Is it just me or is the nesting limit for replies smaller than it used to be?

    • DEG

      It’s not just you. It’s smaller. Brave on Linux for my browser.

      Thank you WebDom!

      • R.J.

        It is. Looks like 4 nested replies, I counted from the Sunday post. But you can still reply from the bottom comment, it just won’t nest further. That is… minor I think.

      • UnCivilServant

        I only get two. There is no reply button for RJ’s comment for me. My asking about the nesting was a top level comment.

  21. The Late P Brooks

    I’m mildly surprised I can still even log in, what with my antiquated linux OS and browser setup. So I’m good.

    Text which was blue looks green(ish).


  22. The Late P Brooks

    ps- thanks, oh great and wonderful wizards, for all the work you do.

  23. cyto

    We are blessed to have you

  24. Ownbestenemy

    Nuke/Mute is still there, just hidden by the location of the reply button. Thanks again for the update!

    • Gender Traitor

      Interesting! How could you tell it was there?

  25. Certified Public Asshat

    I was not labeled a bot, therefore Webdom is good and righteous and all of the updates are wonderful.

    • UnCivilServant

      I was not labelled a bot therefore there is something wrong with the botfinding algorithms.

  26. Fourscore

    Today is our first opportunity of having a full day of Glibs. and it’s going to be great!

    Tomorrow we’re promised a full day of serious rain, which will be greater ’cause I’ll have an excuse
    to stay inside and see what my friends are doing.

    Good Morning to all, and thanks, WEBDOM

  27. The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

    I find posting replies difficult, when using my phone. Between the amount of white space and the keyboard I could either type or see what I was typing. Original comments seem easier.

    Using pixel 4a on Chrome browser.

  28. Mojeaux

    Could you make the “## comments” text under the post title to be linked to jump to the comments in that post? Likeaso:


  29. LCDR_Fish

    The view on my edge desktop browser looks pretty good.

    On my android phone duck duck go browser, the thread title on the main page is smaller than the name of the poster/contributor.

  30. Mojeaux

    Also might want to make this post sticky.